Intro today we're going to be fixing the UFC pound-for-pound list so as you guys know the UFC just dropped their pound-for-pound list and I'm going to be going through the real top 15 in the UFC today pound-for-pound I feel like the list is pretty different there's some similarities I'm going to get into it I'm kind of going to say before I make my picks I'm going to say what the UFC had and what I have for my picks and why I have it as my picks so let's get into the video coming in at the number 15 15 spot UFC had Charles Olivera but I feel like the rightful number 15 spot is Sean Strickland I feel like Shan stricken done enough in his career to make a pound-for-pound list um of course the highlight of his whole career is Izzy the Izzy win is such a big win everyone just looks at that but not he was 4 and seven in his last fights and like he lost to Jer kire you know that's that's not a bad person to lose to but it's just like eh and then he lost to Alice per which is a normal person to lose to and then of course DDP the champion only lost to like really like decent people aside from maybe Jerry kir some people might say he's not that great but um he had some good wins Izzy was his best win other than that like I guess you could say abose was a decent win like I don't know how people judge that win and then a wash Pao Costa I I just don't know but like he's beating some good people majority the reason he's on this list pretty much is cuz he beat Izzy you know what I'm saying without that he wouldn't be in the conversation for any pound-for-pound so yeah shout out Sean for getting the job done over Izzy so that's why I'm going to put him top 15 and yeah Charles oliv who was top 15 on the UFC's list he's not on my list at all I feel like Shan shooken is better than him and I feel like Shan Shen bumped in out this list so yeah top 15 number 15 spot Shan Shin coming in at the number 14 spot I went ahead and 14 picked Alain Sterling I feel like Alain Sterling is a very good fighter bro I SW people are don't understand how good Alo is and his last 11 fights he's won 10 his only lost coming to sha Ali and the UFC doesn't even have him on their pound-for-pound list I don't know if they just don't like aljo I think they don't like aljo cuz they rushed him into the uh tile defense against suar got him knocked out and they don't have him on the pound-for-pound list he W 10 fights in his last 11 I just feel like they just don't like Alo cuz why is he not on this list they had Charles on this list but not Alo it just I'm like what is going on but yeah so whatever maybe the UFC just doesn't like Alo but I'll would be crazy if I didn't put Alo in a top 15 pound-for-pound because he is and then he went up to a whole different weight class and pound-for-pound his skills they transfer very well yeah I feel like Alo has to be acknowledged in the top 15 and not even number 15 I think he's better than Shan stricken I know Shan stricken lost you know going four for seven in your last seven compared to going 10 for 11 in your last 11 I feel like the guy with the better percentage should be ahead of him in addition to the way he wins and the people he's beating I feel like Alo also has a better resume than Shan strien so I really don't see how Shan strien was even on a pound-for-pound list and Alo wasn't it just shows the UFC doesn't like Aldo but I like Aldo and I'm going to show him the love he deserves um he could even be higher on this list but I'm going to go ahead and settle for number 14 on this list so alamine Sterling number 14 coming in at the 13 number 13 spot me and the UFC are in the green here is isra adna I feel like isra adna is number 13 on the pound-for-pound list I feel like yes in his last couple fights it might look questionable if you like look at it on like paper but like beating Alex Pereira in 2023 was a really good win I feel like people understand how good of a win that was over Alex prer the way he knocked him out especially considering the fact that Alex per went on and started destroying everyone and Alex per is definitely top three in everyone's pound list so the fact that he did that to one of the best fighters ever is like not a bad thing at all yes he lost to Shan schen which is why he's not higher on this list but um he's he's going to fight DDP we'll see how that fight goes but yeah he's a great fighter dude like he had a great run in middleweight I feel like me and the UFC are agreen right here like they know out ofer should always be acknowledged on the pound front list 13 is kind of high but um you know like I said wait till he fights DDP before we can even make to jump to conclusions and stuff but after he beats DDP he's going to go up this list of fair amount so yeah for now I'm going to settle for Izzy number 13 because like recently activity all that like he took a little bit of a break you know what I'm saying and now he's ready for DDP so 13 for now but I I expect that number to go up coming in at the number 12 spot we got 12 drias zeses I feel like dricus the current middleweight champ I feel like out of every middleweight he has to be the highest middleweight on this list cuz he is the champion um great wins over Robert Whitaker and Sean Strickland you know like the way he went in there and beat Robert Whitaker especially was very impressive so I feel like DDP got to get his flowers like he has to be the highest ranked middleweight in the UFC and it's like it's hard to put him higher than this like number 12 pound-for-pound just because like he's not the most skilled Champion but like he gets it done and skill doesn't really matter if you get it done so who cares if you look horrible and you're getting it done he's getting it done so I got to give him respect so like yes DDP has to be top 12 um if he beats Izzy though he's going to go Sky rocking up this list I feel like I feel like if he actually gets it done against Izzy depending how he does it it's going to like he's going to he should be in the top five conversation no joke because Robert Whitaker Shan strook and Izzy three Champions back to back to back it's just that be impressive for me so yeah dricus has a lot like dricus could actually prove himself to be one of the best fighters ever honestly if he just happens to keep squeaking his ways out to these victories but yeah it's going to be a tough fight for Izzy but I feel like for now number 12 is a rightful spot for DDP cuz he's very his will to win is crazy and I just feel like he's a very impressive fighter so I feel like 12 for DDP is the perfect spot at the number 11 spot which is weird cuz the 11 UFC had these guys reverse is Pantoja they had DDP over Pantoja in the UT list I'm going have Penta over DDP on my list I don't know how they have DDP over Pantoja I feel like Pantoja beat the who who's already in his Division I feel like EG was a really good challenge for him he beat him Moreno really good challenge for him he beat him Ral really good challenge for him he beat him like I feel like pinja as the champion already had these title fights against the best of the best so like I just don't know how UFC has dcus ahead of Pantoja but it's just no no way I'm going to let that fly on my list so yeah I have panta number 11 it's the way Pantoja wins like he goes to decision like people want to paint the Nar oh these are all robberies but like he's going a decision five rounds against these guys and beating them like I think it's more impressive Going the Distance with someone and out classing them and showing you a better mixed martial artist over the course of 25 minutes than anything else like I feel like yeah if you get a knockout people oh that's a fluke knockout or that knockout is faulty or this that the third you know what I'm saying I feel like there's a lot of question marks when you do stuff like that but I feel like the way pantos is winning people could try say It's a Robbery but it's pretty clear to me I feel like people who just don't like Pantoja are always going to say it's a robberry but I feel like Pantoja at the number 11 spot just it makes sense it's fitting I mean he's definitely ahead of DDP I don't know how the hell the UFC I don't know what the UFC is doing like UFC's P front list is one of the worst honestly that's why I had to make this video so yeah Pantoja he has to be acknowledged top 11 he's definitely ahead of DDP UFC list is tripping okay 10 now we're in the top 10 Fighters pound-for-pound and to kick it off I have Max hollowly at the number 10 spot I know Max Hollow is not a champion but pound-for-pound he looks great like the way he went up to 155 and his skills still transferred and he brutally destroyed Justin gatei and this is after the fact that Justin gatei just knocked out Justin pores it looked like a prime gatei but he still went in there againsts gatei and just made him look like a fool like everything he was one step behind his boxing was tendous the only guy he really lost to was Veni which is kind of unfortunate but like other than that Max Hall is really him Max Hollow is like he's one of the most legit featherweights on the planet of course he's going to fight ilot Toria I don't see him getting the job done but if he does that's even like he might have to be like top two P for p cuz that would be crazy dude honestly but yeah dude like Max Hollow he's very talented uh I feel like he has to be top 10 on everyone's pound-for-pound list like if someone doesn't have Hall top 10 I feel like they're cheating themsel or like they just don't like Max Hollow which such a likable guy which doesn't make any sense so yeah Max Hollow top 10 dude like I feel like his striking is really good his defensive wrestling is pretty good hasn't been tested by like the best defensive wrestlers in featherweight but as what I've seen right now it's been really good just a very well-rounded fighter I feel like his skill does transfer into other weight classes pretty well so number 10 spot's only fitting in the number nine spot I have 9 Alexander banovski the UFC had Aspen on their number nine spot I'm I don't know what that is but anyways boganowski is my number nine spot I feel like um you know riding two back-to-back losses is never going to be good for like a pound-for-pound list like no one wants to see like someone who's very high on a pound-for-pound list getting knocked out back to back but the fact that vul has is not going to put him into like a top six top five scenario cuz he just got knocked out back to back but I will say the guys he's getting knocked out by are very impressive Ilia very impressive fighter Islam very impressive fighter but it's like you don't see anyone on like the pound-for-pound list at all getting knocked out back to back like V's the only one getting knocked out back to to back but why I put him so high I guess you could say number nine is just because what he's done dude like V is still a beast like he's just going against the best of the best unfortunately he's aging so I feel like his skill might not be as top tier as it used to be however I still feel like I'd be cheating myself and cheating vul if I didn't put him like a little bit ahead of Max Holloway just because bro like he you seen what he did to Max Holloway bro like I feel like you know like I just have to people that vote got knocked out by I feel like Max Hol would lose to as well maybe not get knocked out by because the chin difference but yeah dude I just feel like vul has to be ahead of Max I just feel like it's only fitting I know some people might be upset about that in the comments but yeah I have to put in that so yeah V kanowski number nine spot I feel like that's the right place to put him coming in at the number eight spot I have Leon 8 Rocky Edwards who's just got mauled and destroyed by Bal muhammd the UFC has vcan here which is interesting but yeah I have I have Leon here I feel like Leon Edwards is just like even though he got destroyed like even though he got manhandled I expected it to happen so I'm not really surprised but still looking at his resume he still has a pretty good resume you know Usman twice back to back is pretty good and Kobe COV pretty good even though there's like a little layoff of Kobe Covington like like him or not like I I noticed after the fight people started switching up on Leon saying oh he was never that good and I expected it just because I knew after they seen their like hero get mauled in a one-sided fashion they're going to try to switch up or try to make an excuse which is kind of an embarrassing thing to do but like that's what Leon fan like Leon fans were never real fans dude there's nothing real about Lon fans they all like pretended like they like Leon just cuz the headshot dead but once that like blew away and he got he lost I knew they're all going to dip and be like oh he was fake anyway so yeah P Leon having fake fans but yeah not a bad fight fighter I'm still going to give him his credit I know a lot of people don't want to give him his credit still but yeah I feel like top eight has to be the case he's definitely had a v you know you don't see Leon getting knocked out back to back you did see him get dominated over the course of like five rounds by Bal but bah is just a different Beast too so yeah Leon Edwards I'm not mad at the performance um you know I feel like he should still be in the top eight in a lot of people's top eight and if you don't have him in the top 10 you're just hating at that point be real so yeah number eight spot 100% Leon Edwards coming in at the number seven spot I got 7 suar Shan Ali the UFC has him high but I know the UFC has him higher on their cuz they're trying to pump him out as a superstar you know get his hype up so I get it um but yeah like his best win is alamain Sterling but other than that like Cheeto Vera as a win like I know people might look at Cheeto ver like Cheeto ver is so good can he's the Beast I don't see it and you're never going to convince me he's a good fighter so yes it's only TI defense being Cheeto he just has a lot to be desired so far the fact that I even have him number seven I feel like is doing too much like I feel like I'm doing too much for him but um I'm just going to hop on that fake whatever bandwagon what you want cuz he's good but I do think moral is going to take away a lot of that hype and I feel like people are going to switch up on sugar after Mora beats him but um yeah dude I feel like I'm just going to give sugar his flowers now Sugar's not quite at the level to put him anything above number seven feel like I'm doing him a Justice and I feel like anything above that I'm just glazing so yeah number seven I'm going to have to settle for sugar coming in at the number six 6 spot I have Jon Jones bro people are going to be upset about this bro but pound for pound is more than just like being the goat all time I don't care like yeah you can be the goat all time but I'm not going to put you number like one like if that's the case like I put Usman on this list and like number five like I don't care like I get it like I don't really care what youve done done in your legacy it matters in a goat list on a Pont list it's more like activity and um resume of as of lately not really all time so as of lately until he stops ducking I don't really know what to tell you guys like number six is where he's going like the USC has Bal muhamad number six it makes less sense because at least Bal muhamad is fighting for titles and whooping people while Jon Jones is just taking a break and hasn't fought the entire year like dude I don't care bro like people are going to get mad at this I don't care dude these ducks he doesn't do anything number six is where I'm going to put him I'm never I even have a thought I don't have a single thought of putting him anywhere higher than this that just be crazy everyone ahead of him is better than him right now and if he wants to prove me wrong he get in the ring with someone who's actually worthy to fight and not like an older steep AG just trying to stat pad a win or something so yeah Jon Jones number six bro I don't care I'm mad about it I'm passionate about it bro no one can stop me no one can tell me otherwise no one can debate me otherwise I'll cook anyone who disagrees with it cuz it's what you have been doing lately and what Jon Jones has been doing lately is absolutely nothing so number six just be grateful I put you on the pound for pound list top 15 just be happy for that cuz I don't I don't need to put you on this list so number six you're going to have to settle and get used to it I don't care coming in at the number five 5 spot the real heavyweight champion Tom ASO I think Tom ASO is the better heavyweight right now so I feel like therefore pound-for-pound should be a better fighter he's more active he's finishing fights better in better fashion he's actually been fighting people he hasn't been ducking anyone so that's the real heavyweight champion I feel like they need to swap championships maybe give Jon Jones the intrum belt and then give uh Tom Asal the Undisputed belt because Jon Jones doesn't deserve the belt over Tom ASO it doesn't make sense to me no way um but yeah like maybe one day Jones is going to grow a pair one day I don't know and stop ducking that's possibility like I don't don't doubt that's impossible to happen but until then like if Tom as's going to be the one defending he already defend his belt before Jones like Jones is not even the champion dude he's trying to defend it against an old man then retire I get it like I see what you're trying to do to avoiding fights but it's kind of cringe to me um your fans are always going to glaze you they always going to be like oh he deserves to duck but I don't really care what they say because they have no hairline but um yeah asau top five I feel like that makes the most sense I feel like if I did any if I put asau below Jones like the UFC rankings I'd be doing Aspen a disservice so there's no way I'm going to be doing that no way in hell and coming in at the number four for me 4 personally I got ilot Toria because bro he's been looking good he's been looking very talented you already seen his skill transfer weight classes we saw what he did to J Herbert you know great performance against uh Bryce Mitchell showing off some grappling great performance against Josh Emitt showing off arguably the best boxing and then great performance against vulcanos scoring out some crazy power in the hand so OT support is no joke bro like the fact that he did that to vog who's in my top within my top nine pound-for-pound I feel like he has to be acknowledged and give praise cuz he's like a talented fighter so I feel like top four me and the UFC in a green here we both have him in our top four so I feel like that makes a lot of sense the UFC even sees a superstar potential in him um so yeah that's the one thing UFC got to right there some things like some rankings that UFC are getting right ilot toor is one of them they are giving him a good like ranking I feel like top four is the only thing that makes any logical sense so I feel like yes ilot toor top four is the best thing to do and I feel like there's no other place to put him not higher or lower all right now we're in 3 the top three pound-for-pound and then coming in at the number three spot for me personally I got B muhamad bro he just beat Leon Edwards who was previously at the number four spot and the way he beat him like if it was a close fight that'd be one thing but it wasn't a close fight he went in there he mauled him bro he beat him 4-1 4946 pretty convincingly and that's going to make me put him top three I think he's ahead of Ilia I feel like uh Leon Edwards is a better win than most things that Ilia has done I know people might say the volovski wins great but that's volovski coming off a knockout loss compared to Leon Edwards coming off with three back-to-back wins against arguably the best welterweights on the planet at the time so I feel like when I look at Bal mohamed's performance it's just more impressive than anything OT has done therefore I'm going to put b muhamd top three pound-- for pound I feel like he deserves it I feel like he he earned it dude like everyone's going to hate on it because they still hate on balah but it doesn't change the fact that when he went in there against your boy Leon Edwards it wasn't a close fight it was just a decisive ass whooping just like entirely B's last five fights his last five fights he's an underdog what do he do against luk 49 46 against luk 3025 against Wonderboy second round TKO against Shawn Brady 5045 against gilber Burns 4946 against Leon Edwards so he's going get there against like the best ranked opponents and not close fights like I know you guys want them to be close fights so bad but he goes in there and mauls them or finishes them so like say what you want about Bala you could hit him whatever he's running 11 fight unbeaten streak like dude you're not touching bah like come on bro he's definitely top three pound for pound of course the UFC has Jones here cuz UFC has no common sense but yeah bah Muhammad way better like right now than Jon Jones pound-for-pound I know I know it's shocking to say but like bah is just that guy and no one's going to really beat bah like they can try to act like oh I'm going to go like now they're going to try to hop on Sha cot's bandwagon say shot's the guy to do it because sha cot beat a 41y old Wonderboy Thompson but when I look at Wonderboy Thompson I just don't think that like he's on the same level of belal just my opinion some people might disagree I don't really care if you disagree but what I do know for sure is that top three pound-for-pound has to be bow remember the name Muhammad and coming in at the number two spot I am in the 2 greens with the UFC I do think it's Alex poon Pereira I feel like lately he's been active and his active fights have been looking good I feel like he's been finishing people very fast in his last couple fights you saw what he did to Yi prashka on short notice we saw what he did to Jamal hill we saw what he did to yui again before that it's like he just has good performances in it like I feel like lately he's been giving me a lot so I feel like I have to acknowledge Him as top two pound-for-pound of course he can't be ahead of Islam cuz that would just make no sense but I feel like I still got knowledge him as top two he's not the most diverse fighter but he definitely is as of lately been showing me a lot so I feel like top two is worthy of something he can deserve to get I feel like if that makes sense I feel like top two makes sense for him so I feel like alpr is one of the best fighters pound-for-pound on the planet right now so anyone who even beats him or has a close fight with him they need to be acknowledged as one of the best as well but for now I'm going to say aler top two indefinitely and coming in at the number one spot this is no surprise 1 here everyone knows who it is is Islam maef I feel like Islam MF has done enough in his career to solidify himself as number one pound-for-pound the performances he had it's just Flawless he know someone's good when when he destroys someone five rounds to zero they try to say no I think Dustin got this one round or something just trying to like give someone one round that they didn't even earn it's when you're so good that people are fighting over no he didn't beat him 50 45 and submit him in the last round he lost one round or lost one second of that fight or he lost two minutes to that fight that's how you know he's really good and of course the knockout he had against vinoski was pound number one at the time Islam's just a different breed isn't it like it's just like one of those people you can't touch you can't mess with it like he goes in there against the best he beats them when Charles Al is riding the longest win streak and lightweight um him and Islam both the longest win streaks he went in there and destroyed Charles like he didn't even deserve to be there it's just the performances that Islam has it just shows him that he's levels ahead of all these other people so anyone who doesn't have Islam number one they either just don't like ROM have no hairline or have no family that loves them so yeah Islam number one indefinitely no one can change that that's always going to be the number one until he retires probably so yeah all Outro right guys that's it for me let me know what y'all think down below I feel like my top 15 is pretty accurate I feel like most people might be in agreeance for the most part but it's obiously going to be like some little Nicks and changes I feel like people might Implement in their list but let me know what you think about this list down below that's it for me though God bless 2 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