US Elections | Kamla surpasses Trump ! | MaxMaharashtra | Kamala Harris | Donald Trump

[Music] hello and welcome to this special episode on American elections uh on Max Maharashtra program and uh you know name of the program is point black today uh we uh are going to discuss with our friend Ravi marate from us most awaited debate and uh which has taken place few hours back in America by ABC television and uh world over millions of people have watched this debate uh particularly in America most of the voters are very eager to understand the views The Stance uh the way these leaders put their thought their future policies uh that that makes a lot of difference on the shift of opinion or Paradigm Shift of the opinion and uh particularly uh it's important for the voters to understand uh what their uh leaders or those who are in Fray of the top slot of United States how they think and how they are going to work for America and common citizen at large so RI my first question would be as we have observed we all have observed watched this debate very carefully uh I thought that uh it was much much different than the earlier debate because in earlier debate Joe Biden was there against Trump yeah Biden was completely surpassed by Trump Biden was not confident rather he was criticized and then uh kamla Harris nomination was announced and she took over on so many parameters she was going ahead uh like funding and popularity and meeting and convincing the people and whatnot but today for the first time they came across in front of each other as candidates for the top slot that is president of United States of America and I thought we should start with this uh what is the current status after say few hours are over now after the debate took place in the United States and what is the current status as far as the popularity is concerned popularity of kamla Harris has it raised or it is there only on the same slot or same place and what about Trump has it decreased or has it increased uh you first elaborate on the status of the popularity after the debate right so Trump saman as you said this debate was exactly the role reversal role reversal compared to the Biden debate uh in this debate kamla Harris was attacking and she I mean let's put it in simple terms uh the most of the critics acknowledge that she won the debate now coming back to the impact of this let's understand what is the impact back now important part is will it have brought some additional voters who are on the F towards Trump the simple answer is no because the way Trump came across in this debate he was rattled he gave on uh you know he kept on talking about his own grievances all the time and kamla Harris actually gave him lots of baits and he took those baits so uh he you know so the simple conclusion is Trump has definitely not won any additional votes which could be on the fence before the debate so that's that's very clear now let's understand what is what's happening with kamla Harris now for many voters kamla Harris was still unknown thing before yesterday's debate uh but now she has become a sort of a known commodity if you want to call it that way and voters Now understand what what is kamla Harris now does it mean that she was very lucid or she was clear in terms of explaining her policies and things like that probably no uh but still what came across as a very confident very Suave and very a person who is who would be able to be president of United States so that has definitely created an impression amongst the voters who are probably on the fence that okay at least kamla Harris comes out as a very capable person as as a very confident person and if he could take on Trump in this debate and if she could win that debate then that means a lot for many voters because voters know yeah so that's that's RI uh one more Point uh I I watched it very carefully uh Trump always is uh somewhat confident and uh uh though he was today also he looked overconfident he's a bit of rash in putting his questions then his remarks uh then his facial expressions his body language is always dominant you know he never considers that other he never takes any cognizance of existence of any other person he thinks that whole attention of around world world is watching only him and nobody else is existing that is his St but today I think kamla Harris has shown his place to him because on each and every question she was pinpointed not only attacking in aggressive way but also telling that you are talking to me not to Biden so what Biden has done in his tenure please don't tell me or don't refer it in this debate now you are going to have candidate like me I the candidate so do you think so that this approach of overcoming Trump really help help kamla Harris definitely definitely that that's what I was saying it earlier it has created an image for kamla Harris that she would be a capable president capable candidate to be president of United States now she has created an image that she has the guts she has the Persona to to tackle people like say for example Putin so and he excuted that complete confidence the way way she provoked Trump and the way she attacked Trump was something which Trump had probably never expected in fact uh you can you know the simple parameter of understanding who won the debate was is Fox News now we know Fox News is always a pro Trump Channel prot Trump TV channel and Fox News concluded that Harris won the battle won the debate so that itself shows that who won the debate and that created a lot of positive feeling for kamla Harris for sure especially the way she provoked Trump and you know what happened uh Trump rather than talking about two of his plus points the one is the economy and second is immigration now kamla Harris very tactfully avoided these two topics and attacked Trump uh on on various other points you know let me put it this way she craftily exploited one weakness of trump and that weakness was not uh Trump's policies that weakness was not divisiveness that the weakness was his ego so she attacked she provoked him and he attacked his ego and as a result he he ended up saying lots of things which were not true in fact you may have seen the factchecking done by the moderators right uh another thing uh Ravi uh I think kamla has also proved that you cannot take any women for granted you know on um two three issues Trump always as usual he passed some fishy remarks some derogatory comment and like that on racism even on her color then her thoughts on abortion and then uh his expression was totally arrogant but kamla was smiling that time she laughed at him pitiably that look what is this man and in this completely male dominant attitude he is just treating any women that he doesn't have any decency to keep it equal now we are candidates so he has to keep that decency that maturity and uh what not so in a way she proved she showed she exposed Trump what this man can do so uh I think uh it was it was very well planned strategy of kamla Harris uh who in this debate just took a punch from anchor and she went ahead when even Trump was speaking she used to smile and discard whatever he was saying and once or twice Trump got irritated because of that and he even said that look I'm talking and you should allow me but she was not talking anything yeah to give the expression is a democratic right of any person in any debate we all are media people know that giving an expression is not a crime if you create obstacle in this sort of debates in fact most of the American reactions which I watched after the debate some of the Republican party uh supporters even said that the anchors were uh biased uh they were supporting kamla Harris but Democratic people denied this charge so what is your take what was the role of Anor and what what was exactly strategy of Kam yeah yeah so the main point where kamah har scored was the entire body language now for example when she entered she walked across to the podium of trump and shook hands with him now that that created the necessary opening for her because she she showed that she means Unity she's not generosity generosity and manners and all yes and she she said she showed that then uh the second thing was he always made eye contact with Trump now Trump avoided eye contact now when you are avoiding eye contact that gives a very wrong impression and people are wise enough to understand that it's imagine you uh talking to China president or Russian President Putin the eye contact is an important part of your communication so she made it a made it a point to have that direct eye contact and like you said she used different tools for example she us she used laughter she used pitiful glance you know and then she she used to keep her hand on her chin with as if uh you know when whenever Trump is talking something nonsense so you know it was an expression of amused Amusement so all these body language traits she exploited to the Tilt and that's exactly where probably she rattled Trump and she won the battle now coming back to coming back to your anchor thing uh probably you know you may have seen after debate Trump said I have won the debate and he said I have won why because it was three versus one he wanted to indicate that anchors were supporting Democratic party now let's be very honest uh both the parties acknowledge that none of the questions were shared with any of the candidates uh before before the debate uh not only that the anchors were straightforward in asking questions now there is a allegation or there is a sort of a complaint from Republican party that anchors were doing fact checking for Donald Trump and which they didn't do with kamla Harris but let's face the fact the fact checking comes into picture only when you are lying if you if you're if you're saying something which is not true then anchors are going to do fact checking whereas in case of kamla Harris she never said anything which was so blatantly blatant lie so there was no fact checking so in that sense probably people uh you know Republican party is saying uh the anchors were partisan to uh Harris but let's right yeah RI let us go uh Point by point which Trump has alleged on kamla Harris or her tenure or her tenure with Biden not as only as a vice president also and Biden as a president also so uh he he was attacking on the illegal immigrants policy and he said that these illegal immigrants voted against me then Biden and kamla allowed these millions of illegal immigrants to come in America and stay then Biden kamla destroyed our US economy that was one of his allegation then kamla if kamla wins he said if kamla wins then Israel will suffer like like anything and then he also claimed and he also insisted that he should come to power why because he will end up the war in between Russia and Ukraine and then most important point is the economy took shape worse shape in the history of America in the ten year of Biden and uh kamla Harris so considering these two three points which practically directly or indirectly kamla Harris uh avoided the question of economy but she spoke on uh the abortion issue she spoke on immigrants issue and she criticized heavily on Trump also for having friendship with China then with Russia and even she compared His Thoughts with Russian dictators or Russian parliamentarians like Putin and all that so these these things went on but what what common person was most connected with was the economy and what Trump was saying we had earlier discussed and you have also given us lot of examples in day-to-day life how this inflation and economy has gone to worst level in America so what Trump was saying it was a right in a way uh though she had avoided this could be a major important point in US elections what do you say on that yes I mean let's let's admit the fact that immigration and inflation are definitely to important issues especially inflation because inflation affects each and every household immigration may not affect each and every household uh but let's let's understand the way Harris provoked Trump in talking about other things she cleverly exploited his weakness and ensured that the topic of inflation the topic of economy doesn't get mileage in yesterday's debate now coming to your to your spefic specific point is it going to affect uh voters probably yes in the sense there will be some pens sitters or there will be some voters who are undecided who may get swayed by uh the economic problems economic pressure but we have to understand another thing uh kamla Harris has also promised many other economic policies for example lowcost housing or child tax credit and she has in fact even talked about ensuring that the cartels do not not uh impose do not uh increase prices exorbitantly so all those policies have been talked about by kamla Harris now honestly how far they will reach the voters that's another question but yes economy is going to be a definitely important factor but let's be very honest about it samiran yesterday kamla Harris managed to evade that part very successfully yeah let us say that it was kamla Harris day and what she what she alleged on Trump we have to go through some points she said that government should not decide on woman's body she was talking of course refering to the of abortion yeah let me say a few things about this now abortion is and she also said that I mean Trump was saying that this should be the issue of the states and she said this is not issue of government at all this is the person decision and as a woman you must respect her decision her thought and she she should have right to decide whatever to do with the abortions or not right now she provoked Trump in saying some um things which which are completely off the track for example she started talking about abortion and Trump responded by saying that you know uh that there are Democratic states which allow infants to be killed now this is completely untrue so these kind of statements were provoked by kamla Harris uh by making talking to Trump about his weaknesses now coming back to the specific issue of abortion yes it is a very sensitive issue for women and we all know that uh the three justices which were appointed by Trump during his first presidency uh those justices ensured that the abortion became became illegal now now the now Trump is trying to say that states should decide but kamla har what baed him by baed him by saying no you will bring a national ban on abortion so that that way Kamala Harris again won that point on abortion right uh she also made some statements on international relations and uh statesmanship of America uh she said that weap ization of justice department was endorsed by Trump then she also said that we must stop Iran threatening Israel and Trump sided with Russia in Ukraine war then Gaza needs rebuilding with dignity then Trump's foreign policy is wrong and weak that's what she said so whatever Trump had done in his tenure uh she went on criticizing that and in a way suggested that look this sort of foreign policy uh is going to put United States in trouble so um it's your choice you appealing to the people at large it's your choice whether you want this sort of leader or you want some planned humanitarian based strategy as far as the foreign policy of us is concerned so let me let me interrupt there it is not as simple as it looks and you know this is politics and undercurrents are always there now when uh Harris was criticizing Trump for his relationship with Putin and his stance on Ukraine and Russia War she made a statement that if Biden wouldn't have been there if perhaps today Ukraine would be under Russia control and he said Putin would be sitting in K now how does it matter because Ukraine is next to Poland so what she was trying to say that if Russia would have won Ukraine today Next Step for Putin would have been to to uh invade or attack Poland now why this point was brought up by kamla Harris because there is a reason in the swing state of Pennsylvania there is large po population of Polish immigrants so she wanted to touch their uh Hearts by saying look Biden is saving you and your country from Putin so these are these kind of you know uh subtle uh points are there when Harris attacked uh Trump about his foreign policies yes uh she also attacked on the cases going on against Trump openly uh as you said that she has openly exposed Trump and said that look who is picking who is criticizing me the person who is picking criminal charges who's pring Financial charges who is who has been held responsible to provoke the um violence in America uh the bigger violent incidents had taken place in his tenure rather he was behind it she suggested that so in a way Trump didn't have any answer to that because she was saying facts she was saying whatever is going on in court of law she even gave the date of November 8th or 5th of November she said he will be prosecuted and he will be punished and maybe she suggested not said but she suggested that he will be facing very severe consequences of this political suits against him or criminal suits against him so do you think that she had surpassed Trump in this way also uh to attack him or to expose him in a way this was expected because it's a fact that Trump has been already convicted in three cases and there are 34 proven felonies against him all that those are facts the reason why she brought up that in yesterday's debate was he wanted to again provoke Pro provoke Trump now now the way with the moment she talked about all these criminal cases and especially the 6th January riots at Capital Hill Trump uh you know actually got provoked and and actually he started talking about illegal immigration now we all know that illegal immigration has nothing to do with that 6 January riots but but she provoked him in saying something which was irrelevant and as a result what happened happened Trump went on saying that hian migrants in Ohio are eating dogs or eating PS of people now this kind of provocation see this was very well crafted I mean let me put it this way the lawyer in kamla Harris came out in with full swing you know he was completely well prepared in understanding how to provoke him how to make him uncomfortable and that's exactly what happened when she wanted to she accused him of all the criminal cases Etc he got provoked and started talking irrelevant things another Point RI she was constantly referring Chinese and Russian relationship with Trump and she categorically used the word that Trump admires dictator Putin yeah that shows that shows it has got a long history of relationship in between America and Russia you know from Kissinger's era to Putin's era it's a long history to that to the as a reference of this statement so she wanted to show that this man has relationship with the mentality of dictatorship so abolutely again another Point she raised very vitally important point for the common citizen of United States which they are facing as a major problem three points she rais one is about drugs second is about weapons and third is about human trafficking I think she herself was involved in drafting so many legal procedures she was member of so many committees against human trafficking in her advocate life or as a legal advisers position she had dealt with these issues so she raised that do you think so that will create some impact on the people at large no no the honestly San these last two three points which you mentioned they are important from uh from American society point of view but let's be very uh honest about it I don't think those points have any impact on the election or they they have any impact on the uh voters mindset about whom to vote but as far as the Israel point and this war going on in between Russia and Ukraine do you think so that that policy she had slightly changed earlier she had some different views on that and now she has gone into different view so that Trump also Trump but Trump also pointed out that she's changing her views she's telling the past but she's not explaining what she's going to do about that and that was the allegation of some some people also that she should have the people expected her to explain in detail which policies she's going to adopt do you think so that kamla lacked in that way uh in explaining her future plan or policies as far as us is concerned now let's let's have clarity about couple of things here uh yesterday's debate had two minute limit for each uh speaker so when you you have a two-minute limit there is a limit to which uh to extent to which you can explain your policies in detail number one number two uh when it comes to foreign policy uh I I you know probably I will not agree with you that or Trump I will not agree with Trump that kamla Harris has changed her policy as far as Ukraine and Russia war is concerned or Israel is concerned the Biden has been consistently pro- Ukraine in fact uh billions of dollars have beened in by America in Ukraine through uh cash through all the Weaponry arms so that policy has been crystal clear and I don't think kamla Harris has any way going to change in fact she said it openly that she's going to continue that policy as far as TV Watchers and those who have watched this debate their Tech is concern the figures which I'm getting in my hand you may have some different figures that Trump has got 37% and kamla has got 63% from TV Watchers who think that kamla can be better leader than Trump are 63% and 37% think that Trump can be a better leader so that shows that kamla has has got maximum weightage but do you think so that in near future some another debate or some more debates uh can take place after this because after the debate was over Trump met some few journalist and said Alish that this was completely one-sided debate and anchors were biased and uh I I I I won the debate and um they tried to do so many things against me but he used the word bogus he used the word Bogus the allegations were bogus against me that's what he shared with the journalist which I saw afterwards but do you think so some more debates will take place and that can also change the scenario all together or this trend will continue what's your take okay uh if I you know if you look at the Democratic party Machinery election advisers they would be probably not be ready interested in having another debate because now they have won this debate uh very clearly so they they don't they would not like to risk another debate and a probable uh you know probable situation where probably Trump wins okay wins that debate so if you ask me there will not be another debate Trump may be interested in having that because Trump knows in in the heart of his heart that he has lost it his advisers know that he completely lost the lost the battle yesterday he completely lost the plot to say and he got got provoked and made lots of unnecessary irrational and uh you know statements which do not have any factual basis so I don't think there will be another debate if from democratic party's point of view it's not it's not in their interest and the trend do you think so this trend will continue uh about liking kamla Harris as a leader like I said it's all Bo it all boils down to swing States now for example that the reason I said uh the comment about the Ukraine war it's it it may look like a sort of a comment about International policy but somewhere down deep down the idea was to attract those polish voters in swing state uh like Pennsylvania so what I'm trying to convey here is again the next 50 days are going to be you know people are going to concentrate on swing States and that will continue to happen right uh so we have discussed this today's debate in detail the points it's pros and cons and plus points and minus points strengths and weaknesses of kamla haris and Trump as well and it seems that Trump has uh lost or rather we may say kamla has overpassed surpassed Trump in this debate as far as the impression is concerned she covered lot of issues she showed she exposed she provoked whatever words you have used are absolutely factual and we all witnessed the whole world witnessed this debate which was long awaited debate and that shows that kamla Harris has proven herself as a very very eligible very very tough tough candidate to face as far as Trump is concerned and Trump will have to prepare a lot because kamla is gathering many funds much more fund than expected then her performance was beyond expectation of trump she was very well prepared her screenplay of her strategy was well drafted well written and Trump was victim in that he got stuck into that plan we will say to provoke him he got provoked made some nasty remarks and that people of America I think wouldn't like this sort of person as a leader again so let us wait and see what it happens and near future we'll meet again on American elections as you rightly said there are 55 to 58 days remaining for this American election and we will be meeting soon again every week we are meeting in last few days we will I think meet again and again to discuss the change changing scenario in the United States of America till then thanks and thanks to viewers also uh you watch this program and it's very informative from the point of view of Indian audience also and those who are staying uh abroad Indians staying abroad for them also this is very important program thanks for watching Ravi thanks for participating and sparing some time we'll meet again very soon thanks a lot thank you thank you [Music]

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