Nashville SC fan reacts to Austin FC match 🤬 (Match 26) 8/24/24

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:26:00 Category: Sports

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all right Nashville see I'm going to say this once and one time only you better thank your stars that football is next week because that is the only thing that's giving me happiness at this point in my life thank them [Music] apologies in advance for The Emptiness in the background here I'm doing some decorating this is our backline this year see how scattered that it is it's great but what's up everybody TN fanatic here hope you all are having a fantastic day and welcome to another post game reaction it has been a while it it has been some time since I've Dove to my mind dove into my heart art and gave you all a postgame reaction I believe the last one that I did was the revs match in the leaks cup where we lost again and I believe that match was I think like a few weeks ago so yeah it has been a while since I've sat in this seat and talked about my boys in Gold but even though that it has been a few weeks since my last reaction that did not stop all of you from subscribing fans I have to thank all of you for over 350 subscribers thank you once again I do not take this for granted at all I realize that as The Fanatic Army is growing every single day it is my responsibility to make sure that I give the best reactions that I can and post the best videos that I can which also reminds me fans episode 15 of grid iron chat is out right now so in this episode Stephen and I we gave our predictions to some matches at WWE bash in Berlin we ranked NFL teams for the upcoming season and so much more live Morgan and dirty oh yeah do you want to talk about that first yeah fine I wanted to let's get your frustrations out of the way no you know what no no like like like I'm happy that this is happening cuz living D you you going to get your D you be running around every time mommy's music plays they run for the hills I like that made me did was Bob oh yeah coming after yes but but that's exactly how how it is they're scared little cowards and now they are going to get their due you can check out the episode here on YouTube on Spotify Spotify podcasters and player FM links are in the description all right enough delaying the evitable let's get it done Nashville SC loses to Austin FC 2 nil now coming into this match right here there was some big news here Osman bukari signed with Austin FC coming over from the Red Star Belgrade which you know what that right there that has to be the best name for a soccer team I have ever heard the Red Star Belgrade it sounds like an episode of Star Trek or something but with Austin FC bringing in Osman I think they were really hoping to boost some production in the final third which you know what for both them and us that is an area that both clubs could improve on both are near the bottom of the Barrel in goals this year now I don't know how much time that we have to improve that you know cuz like the season is winding down so you know like I'm not sure how much time that we have to um get better and score more goals but we might as well do something I mean neither Club came close to winning leags Cup this year so self-respect is all that we're playing for at this point Nashville let see three changes since that revs match and even though that gdoi is suspended for this match Walker Zimmerman returns from Olympic duty to help out in the backline Austin FC they are just as desperate as we are to turn their season around granted they are in a better position in terms of the standings I think coming into this match they were like 10th in the Western Conference but again they are going to be desperate they are going to attack and we saw that in this match so we have to match that we have to match their attack and I think that is a big key coming into this game right here that was a huge key is not just get our attack going but get one individual whose jersey I am wearing right now number 10 honey mkar get him going he's been long overdue for a goal five goals and seven assists this year he has been the life force of our offense this year and even that you know our offense has not been great hone is the only reason why no I don't want to say that but I will say he is the main reason why um we somehow still have a shot it might be like less than 1% but it's not over till it's over baby so you know what the least that we can do is give hanon some help here again he has long overdue for a goal however it will not be easy again Austin FC they want to get back into the postseason they're hoping to make the playoffs for the first time since 2022 now Austin FC talking about them now we know that they are very good in the Midfield they're very technical in maintaining possession they still have jissy but similar to MTAR he hasn't lived up to his standards either scoring five goals and two assists this year so if you can't tell already we got two clubs right here with similar stories you know a number of years ago when Nashville SC played Austin FC like that was a battle of two MVP candidates MVP that was the acronym surrounding those matches now the acronym I think is DNL do not lose so in this first half here is what I will say you know what this season has sucked overall it's been terrible we've only won won like six matches and I've had to sit here and talk about a lot of losses and a lot of them I think were because of the fact that we didn't have good starts it was tough for us to get going it was tough for us to get goals this right here was one of the best starts we could have had ever opening minutes schafberg he gets behind Defenders now he doesn't take a shot but he does get Tri by Hanson and on this break again I do think Jacob he should have shot this ball a little earlier but look if he's tripped the way that he was I mean that should be a PK the refs go to the V to see if it is a penalty and looking at the footage again hey he Dove across the line he initiated that contact I think that that is the right call so Hy he steps up Mr Clutch honey mkar steps up to the line he's been great in PKS this year and honey mkar he lines it up he takes the shot which actually before they were showing like um like this stat where like all of his PKS go and most of them like he shoots to the left so me and my Dad we are like almost screaming at at the TV Hony Shoot To the Left well he listened to us he did but it was saved by stuver which I hate to say it I'm gonna say his name a lot during this video he had a great game stuver makes the save and oh my gosh it's like it's right there there's our goal there's H's moment that's what we asked for that's what we wanted from him go you know what also sucks about this is that this is not the first time that this has happened this sequence of events right here because you know what there was a lot of time that the ref took to look at this V I want to say it was a good like seven minutes that they looked at this so all of that time and we don't even get a goal something similar happened in the revs match not the one in the leagues cup but the one from the regular season and I know that because I was at that game honey had a PK and I think the call was was made a lot sooner than than like this one was but all of the revs players were just arguing and complaining and like that was a good like five minutes seven minute chunk right there that was just burned off for no reason and honey took the shot and it did not go in and man you know what I get that I'm spending a lot of time on this but that's kind of you know what that is a basic way to sum up how this year has been for us it's been so close honey almost had it so close but yet so far we get so close to winning winning a game that it just slips out of our hands and again boys you are lucky vs football is next week because that's all I have to go on right now but you know what let's give this team credit let's give nashille let see credit because the fans on Instagram they don't I've seen the comments they do not give us credit at all like when they post like the final score there's always fans that are like oh my gosh they suck what is wrong with them granted we've lost like a ton of games but this first half this was you know what it was not bad in expected goals we had 1.52 we took 10 shots four were on target we had 58% of The Possession which in my opinion owning Austin FC in possession you know they are a very possession heavy Club I think that like that's huge that's a big momentum boost and even though at like this point around like the 30th minute you know we had that chance the shappy and even though we had other opportunities that did not go in we are still in it you know it's a nil nil game but around the 30th minute things get a little weird here ref's stop play for I assume was a hydration break but this one felt a little longer than like the last ones so upon further research um actually wait let's go back for one second so after I want to say a good five minutes Perez gets subbed in for yasbeck now I didn't see yasb get hurt or anything like that so upon further research um apparently there was an incident with yasbeck and I don't know how many Austin FC players specifically but there was an incident where uh some colorful vocabulary was being used which you know what that tells me that these refs they've never seen a hockey game in their entire life really that's how that's why we're stopping play for what felt like 10 minutes is because yasbeck said something I mean come on I don't know to me it just feels kind of petty again if you think that that was bad refs if you think that was bad by yasbeck yo go and watch a hockey game go to smashville go to Bridgetown Arena and just hear what those players are saying now I won't get into like the specifics of what was said um but you know what that's how frustrating it has been for us that's how frustrating it has been for these players and YB we just got him like this was like technically his debut because he was playing in the league Scot like this was his first regular season match and he's already getting frustrated and doing stuff like that I mean I don't condone that um there are better words in the English language that hopefully yasbeck will use but to stop play for that long especially when we have momentum it's just like I didn't like it at all and I swear 30 seconds after after this whole incident finally gets you know fixed Osman bukari he's into our box Bower tries to shake him off clear that ball down but bukari just slams Bower down which dang that had to hurt like if that was me I think I'd rather take a bft from La night yeah so Austin FC that was like a big chance for them that like that was the first big one honestly because at this point in this half like we playing good soccer even though that it's nil nil even though that you know we had a few missed opportunities it's still nil nil it almost looks like the second half of that revs match where we are playing strong we are getting players forward getting them into the front half which you know what that's what we got to do more in future matches again self-respect let's play for that because we got to play for something but okay here it is here it is we have a goal to talk about so let's get it over with 43rd minute ring has the ball in the Midfield AA tries to take it away but he cannot pass from ring gets the Gallagher who somehow was all by himself thanks a lot Shaq Gallagher shoots and he scores to give Austin FC the 1 nil lead this has been th this has been a reoccurring theme throughout this year is we're leaving guys on March but this one stings a lot more in my opinion because of all the people to do it why did it have to be Shak Moore why one of our better Defenders but not just that a voice for this team and he's the one that lets Gallagher go and like there was some talk about oh possibly more maybe he was tired look I don't want to hear that he was tired y'all had what what like a five minute hydration break how tired can you be which you know what that shouldn't even be an excuse anyway so Shaq clean that up please and you know what now that I think about it that whole thing in the 30th minute where play was stopped and like the refs they had to do what they had to do and just did all that talking like I think that's what took us out of our Funk because we were killing Austin FC obliterating them they I you're prior to this match I think they only had like one road win th this year so yeah even now the refs are working against us it's great it's fantastic so in the second half a few nitpicks here I think early on our passing could have been more crisp I mean that might have cost us some Corners it might have cost us opportunities and you know what on the corners that we did get and the set pieces that we got we had chances but it was just too many missed opportunities 55th minute we had that corner wear anunga he has the shot right in front he shoots but stver blocks it again see here is stuver here he is T you know what I would give stver a lot more praise for his performance in this game but the fact it was against us that's what's holding me back because I'm upset I'm sick of opposing goalkeepers having great games against us now it wasn't just that missed Opportunity by Ana that might have bit Us in the butt soon after that Perez gets a break he gets it to Han and again here is Hony MTAR he is all by himself it's him and stver there's like three Austin FC players right behind him and what does hany do he drifts off to the right sorry to the right it's frame yeah it's frame left but it but it'll look to the right like as I'm doing it right now hany goes to the right and then he passes to the middle honey who are you passing to Bro there's there was no one there I think surge he might have gotten there if you give him an extra maybe like five seconds but honey when you have that opportunity go just stay in the middle and shoot it why are you drifting off to the right again this way sorry but again who is he passing to honey here is some advice my friend and honey I love you bro I really do don't think that down I have your jersey I know that you could do better I know that you want to score and I know that you want to spread that love maybe that's what he was doing here honey if you want to shoot in the middle why don't you just stay there instead of just putting yourself in a worst spots why don't you just stay in the middle and just shoot there because we've been shooting like we shot outside a lot like on the edge of the we like a lot of our opportunities came from the edge of the 18 in this match I wanted us to take more shots in the middle and honey has a golden chance and and he drifts to the right look if Ser H if you can see Sam if he's not like a mile behind you then you can do it then I will allow it but when you're by yourself honey shoot sh doot it oh my gosh there's still more there's still more including another goal by Austin FC 84th minute bukari with a challenge on sadic he gets on a breakway and then Joe Willis Joe Joe Joe tries to make up some ground he I I guess he tried to maybe make it challenge here but he goes way outside of his Nets again he tries to make that play but that doesn't work so buari has pretty much an empty net and he shoots and scores for his first goal in MLS and that was actually you know what that was actually his final touch of this match and that was the final goal of this game and once again Nashville FC lose to Austin FC 2 nil okay so what did we learn here we covered a lot what did we learn here I learned a few things from this match one I learned that gasi zaris and solo seoa both share the same Barber but not just that it's the fact that yeah we're not making the playoffs I'm I'm sorry look I'm a fan and I will always be one for Nashville SC always but I'm a realist and in terms of this season BJ Alan hiring him that was the last like Harrah for me to possibly make the playoffs and yeah us not making the playoffs I know that's a real bombshell that's just newsworthy it's so shocking Nashville see not making the playoffs how how is it possible well what we have to think about the mindset that not just myself but other Nashville SC fans what we need to I guess accept is that yes BJ Callahan he is our guy he is the guy that we wanted and I do believe that he is capable of leading us to Greatness um but he's going to need time apparently more than two weeks that was proof here in this match he needs more time I do think that we have been seeing little Sparks of greatness again look statistically we've had way worse games than this overall in this match we had 18 shots seven were on target 56% of The Possession 87% passing accuracy expected goals 2.58 but here's the one that really kills me we had 10 Corners 10 but Austin FC give them credits um they played a great match they played a stronger second half and Stu he would just not be stopped so going back to what I said at the start of this video you know darn we're not making the playoffs like again like I'm just a realist I don't see it happening which you know what maybe that might be the best thing for us I know that you what that might not be like a popular thing to say I do understand that every team's goal should be to make the playoffs but you know what like we are not ready we are not ready how can we be ready for for the postseason look at not just this game but games passed so respect for ourselves for this city and for the fans that's what we're playing for it's very Noble I will say that right now I think that's a very Noble thing for us to do keep on playing hard for this city for the fans who F the largest soccer Pacific stadium in all of the United States and Canada every single week and you know if I may boys um just one little request you know I would love not just a win but just one more home win we have a good amount of home games left this year you know I I would just love a good home win it would just be good so please please do that because again um not just me but the other Nashville SC fans we need something here because we are just drained physically and mentally drained but you know that's the name of the game and I'm gon still be here cheering on my boys and gold but again boys just give me a win please but fans that is going to do it for this post game reaction thank you all so much for watching if you all like this video hit that subscribe button click that Bell and you can join our anah Sal to all of you as always and I hope that all of you have a fantastic day go boys and gold [Music]

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