Donald Trump Vs Kamala Harris Presidential Debate Decoded | Who Is Winning US Elections? | US News

him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smug or or a little irritated she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that is fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the CH in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here in Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very STK contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh different competitor she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just know get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moders I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think uh Prim face I think it's a good night for GMA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed it and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she could shim she come across as presentable one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in PS she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not goingon to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that U Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Pua and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well you govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the wars I think Trump wanted to Conor Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these wars so yes I think your your s is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fenor would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a Hox it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during Net's visit to the United States of America that felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions uh and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation stay on with me and I just want to uh also uh just let the viewer know that remember we were the only Channel we ensured that because there is a certain guideline that the full 90 minute in fact I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being wased worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking J 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it was the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh R UK the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oran and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a lighthearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this ad Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going AB road is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gathering never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on on India today but while we in just a short while put out the excerpts of those of that discussion the courts are already on your screen take a look this is what Trump said on different issues this is what Kamala Harris said they clearly came prepared but remember in a situation of debate it's as much about Expressions it's about the pauses as much as it is about full sentences that are spoken by these candidates remember they could decide not just the future of the United States of America but also possibly on global issues as well so now the first excerpt the first chunk so to say has come remember there are full guidelines and restrictions on it India today has ensured that for you for the viewer of our channel that we put out not only of course the full debate but as in when more and more excerpts are coming in will play out first on economy because this is remember one of the biggest issues for USA for the people in America it's about inflation economy where is it heading what the future looks like let's listen in now to that first excerpt let's talk about what Donald Trump left us Donald Trump left us the worst on employment since the Great Depression Donald Trump left us the worst Public Health epidemic in a century Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War and what we have done is clean up Donald Trump's mess look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential election C 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but you're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the exerts the chunks start to come in from that almost 2hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India today's in was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm president uh we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out part where did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rate to rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think and polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the har Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he is lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or or she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here in Philadelphia it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very St contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competit she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he he could just you know get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean I obviously multiple times like har so I think the prim face think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected do to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she can shim she can across is presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very good back the Brees from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primar on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here the anchors were biased what are you picking up about how Kamala Harris spoke what did Donald Trump say and really the conclusion of the discussion and the debate well first things first you know I was listening to your commentary with's commentary with L and you know it's just amazing how how you all have different perspective you know EV and what yes you know is is a very simple thing to do if if your candidate doesn't do well it kind of tells you that your candidate did not do well so what you do you go attack the moderator and you say this was biased and this and that I mean why didn't they attack the moderator last time around you know Trump had said the exact same things about those moderators before that debate in June the fact of the matter is I mean I think Trump is you know sort of underestimated uh Kamala Harris she did pretty well uh people over here that we've been talking to you know we I think everybody agrees that K haris had a great M uh yes you know she she wasn't uh you know as strong on some of things but look at the things that you know Trump said I mean he's like I will end the war but how how do you end the war I mean I'll just give a call to Putin and end the war I mean see these are all hypotheticals with no policy backing so it's not like he has a plan it's just that he has his words uh he did make a good point about KLA Harris towards the ending the closing statements when he said hey you know just go to Washington DC go to capital and get the things done know you don't need to get elected to do these things you already are in power I think that was a very to me I think you know that that was trying to tell her that you have fail so I want to bring you bring another question to you this is a huge news coming in one of the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she had been she had been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the SS are going to vot for k Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did twist some fact you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they out of our economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think according to your assessment and what other the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay she'd appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good debater in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before or you know I toss it back to uh was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I think one part where did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think polarized uniz and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenet who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he were and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smoke or or a little irritated she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that is fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where RIT Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stockk contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like har so I think uh Primal face I think it's a good night for G Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think KLA has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she shim she come across is presentable one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to a lot of people said this could be end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Linka good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his is votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standards to talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why are the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and aishes inwards I think Trump wanted to Conor Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself was a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a Hox it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within the two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were F checking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the question questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation go stay on with me and I just want to also uh just let the viewer know that remember we were the only Channel we ensured that because there is a certain guideline that the full 90 minute in fact I think gaita it was over 90 minute of the discuss discuss was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being washed worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so it unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor auan and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump or in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little un table with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped him America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today but while we in just a short while put out the excerpts of those of that discussion the qutes are already on your screen take a look this is what Trump said on different issues this is what Kamala Harris said they clearly came prepared but remember in a situation of debate it's as much about Expressions it's about the pauses as much as it is about full sentences that are spoken by these candidates remember they could decide not just the future of the United States of America but also possibly on Global issues as well so now the first excerpt the first chunk so to say has come remember there are full guidelines and restrictions on it India today has ensured that for you for the viewer of our channel that we put out not only of course the full debate but as in when more and more excerpts are coming in will play out first on economy because this is remember one of the biggest issues for USA for the people in America it's about inflation economy where is it heading what the future looks like let's listen in now to that first must accept let's talk about what Donald Trump left us Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression Donald Trump left us the worst Public Health epidemic in a century Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War and what we have done is clean up Donald Trump's mess look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history so ga what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of factchecking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I one part where she did come back where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because Kamala Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rorate saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized also polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression and Trump's expression was SM or or a little irritated she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as in America GA but like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here in Philadelphia it's more everybody know that we at I think you know very interesting debate very stock contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes HS with President uh president Trump s a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think BR was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple like Harris so I think Prim of face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingas you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think KLA has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she com she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hill Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on Kua very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very wcal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what ban told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to you in just a short while Lena I I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh were uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh Kam Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so GAA stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support basee in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during neto's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct Char because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab American and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation stay on with me and I just want to also uh just let the viewer know that remember we were the only Channel we ensured that because there is a certain guideline that the full 90minut in fact I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being wased worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive of restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris factchecking trump it was it was the the anchors were fact checking Trump on many counts you saw that there was certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they uh they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oran and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gatherings never ever so this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and GA I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today but while we in just a short while put out the excerts of those of that discussion the courts are already on your screen take a look this is what Trump said on different issues this is what Kamala Harris said they clearly came prepared but remember in a situation of debate it's as much about Expressions it's about the pauses as much as it is about full sentences that are spoken by these candidates remember they could decide not just the future of the United States of America but also possibly on global issues as well so now the first exert the first chunk so to say has come remember there are full guidelines and restrictions on it India today has ensured that for you for the viewer of our channel that we put out not only of course the full debate but as in when more and more excerpts are coming in will play out first on economy because this is remember one of the biggest issues for USA for the people in America it's about inflation economy where is it heading what the future looks like let's listen in now to that first except let's talk about what Donald Trump left us Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression Donald Trump left us the worst Public Health epidemic in a century Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War and what we have done is clean up Donald Trump's mess look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential C candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at play and I must say there smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency yes the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out at one part where she did come back where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rate to rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think that's polarized and polarized really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or or a little irritated she use that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say here that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very STK contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just you know get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like Harris so I think Prim of face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debat I think other other thing that lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she shim she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in HS she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know Trump does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that U Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example at attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard talking Style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the hungaryan Prime Minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas he's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably in the wars I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your s is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Conor uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fenet would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within the two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation stay on with me and I just want to also uh just let the viewer know that remember we were the only Channel we ensured that because there is a certain guideline that the full 90 minute in fact I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to any right now put out any edited so to say excerts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full Gita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being wased worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh it's in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we only allowed to show the debate or once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris factchecking trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might called dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gatherings never ever that's quite this the first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today but while we in just a short while put out the excerpts of those of that discussion the quotes are already on your screen take a look this is what Trump said on different issues this is what Kamala Harris said they clearly came prepared but remember in a situation of debate it's as much about Expressions it's about the pauses as much as it is about full sentences that are spoken by these candidates remember they could decide not just the future of the United States of America but also possibly on global issues as well so now the first exerp the first chunk so to say has come remember there are full guidelines and restrictions on it India today has ensured that for you for the viewer of our channel that we put out not only of course the full debate but as in when more and more excerpts are coming in will play out first on economy because this is remember one of the biggest issues for USA for the people in America it's about inflation econ economy where is it heading what the future looks like let's listen in now to that first except let's talk about what Donald Trump left us Donald Trump left us the worst unemployment since the Great Depression Donald Trump left us the worst Public Health epidemic in a century Donald Trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War and what we have done is clean up Donald Trump's mess look we've had a terrible economy because inflation has which is really known as a country Buster it breaks up countries we have inflation like very few people have ever seen before probably the worst in our nation's history so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect kamla Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate GA from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out at where she did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm President elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not Direct and polarized also polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have question the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take acced from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happen you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was smug littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that fact silent fact confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del more everybody know that we at Ground yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very STK contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and Jak hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think uh Primal face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debat I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know on home uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hill Clinton 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the KE Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we see a very very competitive race from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that um Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and via the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and iish in the wars I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from B's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to inj just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused toet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and palestin and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions uh and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation on with me and I just want to also uh just let the viewer know that remember we were the only Channel we ured that because there is a certain guideline that the full 90 minute in fact I think gaita it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they shoot uh they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh ruk the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oran and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quot you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we are seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official gather never ever this is the first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that trumps Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a pum given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the exerts the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excerpts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that kamla Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy andish in the wars I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to Injustice short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a nearly divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republic Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if fact correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walk over yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way Lo I because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency yes the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out one part where he did come back and where did where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down on the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer that it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm President elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot lot of uh Democrats uh and sensors who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not cor and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or or a she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also make well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit saw a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think Prim face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she can she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in Poles she was she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know Trump does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very compatitive R from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and GA and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs Cal not C and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita MOA a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorse Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and Endor uh by or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the rep and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual list in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more votes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superst stars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact gaita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she' been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger first time voters absolutely all the SS are going to vote for C sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal F okay well can I just come in of course very big deal RIT the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from tayor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop clure falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think the the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did just some fact you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think according to your assment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good sper in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and J vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uhuk the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we are seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official ga never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just the two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that trumps Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a p Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at and I must say they're smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the exerts the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excerts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflicts do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from from this debate do you think that U Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his vots coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and via the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what the policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Conner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars that he could probably end these so yes I think your your sess is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from bence policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on Hind side she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fenor would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct Char because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to votee for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions uh and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walk over yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the B Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way look localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made the distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate uh Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out one one part where he did come back and where did where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down on the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take o I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think polarized also and polarized and really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot lot of uh Democrats uh and sensors who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla haris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smoke or she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma our journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things firsta this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here Del it's more everybody know that we at Ground yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think face I think it's a good night for kamla Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she can she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hill Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we will see a very very competitive Brees from here Ona very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not Cs and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have Endor Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor sft will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody is waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more votes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop super stars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact gaita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she' been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger first time voters absolutely all the SS are going to vote for come haris she that Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam haris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done story stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh tayor Swift whether she's going to endorse not Endor then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night first day I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did just some fact you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring the immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay she appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good sper in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it with the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uhuk the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted notary constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quot you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did Tred to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gathering never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was was on a on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that trumps Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera work at play and I must say they're smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex servs the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excerts as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflicts do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that U Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his vs coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward um laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hid under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what policy is going to be uh and the other you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she's in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Conner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sess is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions uh and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made the distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when it when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I one one part of where he did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think polarized also and polarized and really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smug or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma our journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chat in America first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here inad Del it's more everybody know that we at Ground yeah I think you know very interesting debate very St contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump some off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and know he thought he he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think uh face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she could she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hill Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the key Battle Ground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on whoa very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not curos and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with taka Carson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that GA how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody is waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out in vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lifts in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more votes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop super superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact gaita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that tayor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger first time voters absolutely all the SFS are going to work for haris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam haris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think Gita made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes that people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think just set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good Bater in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was ble to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it with the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a lightharted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than and going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gatherings never ever so this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there is smart camera working at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex servs the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excerpts as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched standard talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why are the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Conner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fens would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a Hox it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within do two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to bid you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made the distin because that distinction was important everybody before the debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when it when I and President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out one one part where he did come back and where did where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down on the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm President elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think and polarized also and polarized and really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and sensors who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes of these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not cor and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smoke or or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma our journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the ch in America first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like Harris so I think uh Primal face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think KLA Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she can shim she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in Poles she was she was going down in of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to mean a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive R from her on Pua very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not cures and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorsed Trump anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor sft will come out and endorse Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody is waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for for kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out in vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual LIF in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more Wes it'll be interesting you watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pops superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact gaita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger first time voters absolutely all the SS are going to work for Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop clure falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believed and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being trumped you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring the immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good sper in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is a big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full Gita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide wide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it with the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a lighthearted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with ir he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of the official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so ga what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there a smart camera at play and I must say there smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the exerts the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excerts as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key take away from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Switched their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly asked for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why are the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the another one you know on on foreign foreign policy andish in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your s is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a Hox it's not it's a reality so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of Amer that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within do two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Don Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions uh and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course uh over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made the because that distinction was important everybody before the debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when it when President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out one part where he did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down on the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized also and polarized and really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from KLA Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma our journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the CH in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here in Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very St contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like har so I think uh Prim of face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she could sh she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clint in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in PS she was you she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not gonna me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here Ona very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swify army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not Cs and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwi tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she's really going to do and she made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also saids that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual list in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more votes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger first time voters absolutely all the SFS are going to work on for kamla Harris she Endor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass feeling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal J okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think Gita made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believed and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some of the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did TST some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring the immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you thinking your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats every everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good de in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minut of the discussion was St in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being wased World Wide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh Russia ukra the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any of Gatherings never ever so this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because uh I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there a smart camera at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those exerts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key take take away from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standards talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why other the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Conor Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably en these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back in just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she ref used to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing in this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course uh over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made the distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency yes the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when it when I'm president uh we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out what where he did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's rich than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized also and polarized really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have question the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or little she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the the chter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here in delare it's more let everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Jah Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was um very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and you know he thought he he could just know get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think Primal face I think it's a good night for G Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she because shim she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was you she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not gonna me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know Trump does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see a very very competitive race from here on hja very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember member and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that husa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not CES and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when Nance had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also saids that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more Wes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest top superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the SS are going to for Kam Harris she go Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal F okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop are falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believ and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some of the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring the immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you think to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good deat in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is a big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and J vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with correct yeah the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so in unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it was was it the the anchors were fact checking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh Russ UK the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oran and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now uh a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because uh I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there a smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excepts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key take away from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of Swit their standard talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why are the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probes in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again and you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balance ing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course uh over the course of next one hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when it when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out where he did come back and where did where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down on the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's than it was or the I the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm President elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think polarized also and polarized really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take from him to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's ly lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not cor and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here Del it's more let everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in Jude very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like Harris so I think Primal face I think it's a good night for Kam Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that because shim she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in PS she was she was going down in of the key Battle Ground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not goingon to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think we'll see very very competitive race from here on Pua very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swifty's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that HOSA has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not cures and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she at the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the L on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was forly announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual LT in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more wordss it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she' been she' been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the SS are work for Kam Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal J okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not Endor then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla har will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop clure falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good Vater in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is uh political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that we only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris factchecking trump it was it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Obama and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted not he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a War but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today so Gita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about stand ing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there smart work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex servs the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those exerts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your he take away from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting his off word uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been ort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and I probably she in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Conner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your s is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it come back to in just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have climate change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister nanahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balance ing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up sure but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course uh over the course of next one hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration bagage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out where he did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly reiterated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized also and polarized and has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have question the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was uh very different competitor she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like haris so I think uh the prim of face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that the Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she comim she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hillary Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not gonna me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and I think a very very competitive race from here on Pua very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swift's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that husa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not cures and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD van captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when Nance had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua cson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that stat makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing kamla Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was forly announced the uh Nomine for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also says that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lifts in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more words it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she' been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the SS are going to work for kamla Harris she Endor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla had will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop cluster falling in the US and look you know I think Gita made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think the the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talked about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good spater in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full Gita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watch worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking trump it it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Obama and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be War but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make our break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so gaita what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about stand standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate side of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there smart CA work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the RO Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the Chun start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excepts as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your hey takea away from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his wots coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this a award uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the Govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Corner D Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two so yes I think your your s is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it come back to in just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fenit would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of Balan Bing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up sure but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning gaita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to bid you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I one part where he did come back and where did where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take accused from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime is lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a marked difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del more everybody know that we at Ground yeah I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with president president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and she I think it came across that this she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and know he thought he he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderator I mean and obviously multiple times like Harris so I think uh Primal face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these onliners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hillary Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think a very very competitive race from here on whoa very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swift's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful state remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not cures and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig jdw captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with taka cson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that staff a makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing kamla Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Pua she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual list in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more Wes it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest gu pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she' been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the SF are going to work for kamla Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift uh stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how Kam Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think Gita made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad mind I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good sper in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tener for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor OB B and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we're seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided yeah we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end end that was on air on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate side of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the Chun start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about two to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excels as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflicts do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his vots coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this all award uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standards talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the Govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Conner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it but I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so for for as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Harris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up sure but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to bid you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out at I one part where he did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly reiterated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators that strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take accused from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime is lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not cor and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a SM or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very star contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with president president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for 5 days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate he just came and he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like Harris so I think uh the prim of face I think it's a good night for G Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she comes she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hillary Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not gonna me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and uh I think see a very very competitive race from here on H very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swifty's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful state statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that husa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not CES and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig jd1 captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when Nance had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with taka cson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that St AA makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 1819 year-old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that GA how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing kamla haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harrison not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for kamla Harris but she also saids that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more words it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate guest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the s not going to work for kamla Harris she Endor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how come Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even he believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night first day I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did TST some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to H those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again do you according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a gooder in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is a big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that we only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor B and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they fear would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unstable with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make or break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gathering never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well there camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those exerts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration econ economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this all awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standards talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why are the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involv do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the Govern has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Corner D Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your s is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Lena I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hind sight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself was a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for Herod is because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up sure but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden B you're speaking to kamla Harris here so made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I one part where he did come back and where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because aot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he were and they they accused from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they were mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mime he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smoke or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking about the chatter in America first things first this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very star contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like har so I think uh Prim of face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was you she was going down in of the KE Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not goingon to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know fromp does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think a very very competitive race from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and GA and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that husa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not CES and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that tacha makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 181 19yearold she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and endorse Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harrison not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was forly announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote vot for kamla Harris but she also says that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more words it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the s is not going to vot for Kam Harris she Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal F okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how come Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he'll he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some of the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talked about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to the Democrat everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she H she has been a good de in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie Van that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenner for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate Deb so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uhuk the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor on and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little unst with Iran he did all of that but none of the wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad it's certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gatherings never ever so this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on air on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 feet to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different well camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the Chun start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excepts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration e economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his vots coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting this awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standards talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with me because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates dates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your sment is correct on that but also I also think that KLA wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to in just a short while Linka I'll I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think climate change he also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a Hox it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for har is because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate uh Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of factchecking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I one part where did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has been come it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly reiterated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they did take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would m he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was a smoke or littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well uh within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first pja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that at I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Harris go and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like har so think uh the prime of face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Don Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks but the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there was one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clint in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was you she was going down in of the KE Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not goingon to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the election is sealed and uh I think will see a very very competitive race from here on hja very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swift's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that HOSA has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not chos and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that sta makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 181 19yearold she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joining on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and Endor was uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harrison not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh part uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also saids that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what is she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the forbs annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more WS it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she'd been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the are going to work for Kam Harris she Endor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal J okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how come Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop are falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some of the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to rats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay should appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good deat in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds down how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before uh you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discuss was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full Gita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so it unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uhuk the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named Victor Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him they would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we are seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little un table with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gathering never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from beginning to end that was on a on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 feet to 5.4 ft so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex servs the chunks start to come in from that almost 2H hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to 3 minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excels as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration it economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate Gita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard talk Talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these cand Ates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and why the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probes in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Corner Harris because you know as As Trump said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your Su is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to you in just a short while Linka I'll I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what uh kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think CL change she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America so that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for har is because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump uh debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this uh Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next one hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden B you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of factchecking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I think one part where did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the conflict I I like how he constantly reiterated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct do you think polarized also and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators and strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would mind he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was smug or or a little iritated she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also made well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mentioned I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very star contrast from what we saw in June very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and she I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like har so I think uh the prime of face I think it's a good night for KLA Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hillary Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to me a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well uh the the election is sealed and uh I think will see a very very competitive race from here on H very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a Swift's Army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that harisa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not cures and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 2021 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with taka cson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of the sta makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 18 19yearold she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on lacks of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joined we on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing kamla Harris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that you would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out in L uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was formally announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh part party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she is really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also says that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more WS it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she' been she'd been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the are going to vot for kamla Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop culture falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that when she believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong night to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night first day I mean he he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some other the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's he's amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay she appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good spater in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds now on how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is the big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and jie vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minute of the disc discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full gaita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and and is being watched worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris fact checking Trump it was it the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named VI Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenor that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we are seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little stable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have helped America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gathering never ever this is their first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from to end that was on a on India today so G what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about out standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small short because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size in fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 feet to 5.4 fet so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering uh the the presidential debate gaita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we're looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is B the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex serves the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those excels as in one that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let it letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and via the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably she in the Ws I think Trump wanted to Conor Harris because you know as as I'm sad there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to partner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your assessment is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to you in just a short while Linka I I'll take that question to you and also to Gita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put uh Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fencers would be listening to what kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have CL she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with us Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so she he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for is because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden and Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to bid you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of factchecking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out think one part where did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think polarized and polarized and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fenor who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictators strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he were and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would time he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not cor and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was smoke or or a littleit she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you men I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit Sharma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first Kuja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah and I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean J Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate when he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times haris so I think uh the Primal face I think it's a good night for k Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of talking points for this but I think kamla Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through the debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than Hill Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was she was going down in of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not going to a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well the the election is sealed and I think will see a very very competitive race from here on who just very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a power ful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that HOSA has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not CES and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear Jive at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 20121 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone of that sta makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 189 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on LS of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor joined we on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump in anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out and dors uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was forly announced the uh nomy for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and uh and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also said that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual list in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more VES it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita Mohan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact Gita just informed me about that it's big news remember because she had been she had been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing kamla Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all the are going to V for kamla Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal J okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood uh did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying I think I think they do Puja you know you'd be surprised the pop are falling in the US and look you know I think G made an excellent point here you know she was waiting you know she did not endorse Biden she was waiting and waiting and waiting and this kind of tells you that even She Believes and people around kamla Harris believe that she had a strong mind to come out and support her right after debate tells you that kamla Harris had a good night uh you know I was just talking to somebody in the spin room right now and I think the general mood is that look Trump was being Trump you know we are all surprised by how well Kamala Harris did but B sorry Trump did not have a bad night per se I mean he's he's always had these kinds of nights and he still gets away with that he he'll go on the campaign Trail and talk about some of the stuff he'll probably make up some more stuff but I think this the news is that kamla you know did really well and I think that's why we're all talking about kamla Harris right now but Trump did not have a bad night I mean he you know he did twist some facts you know he tried to bring immigration to most of the stuff that he was talking about they talked about January 6 and he brought in Immigration they talk about economy he bring in Immigration he was trying to hit those talking points given by his campaign which are pulling really well in those Battleground States so I think he did not have a that bad of a night but it just happens to be that kamla did well and again think according to your assessment and what are the journalists around you who have all gathered there in Philadelphia what are they saying is the reason that Kamala Harris appears to have also become the talking point what did she do well if Trump was as usual what is it that she surprised the audience with that Taylor Swift immediately endorsing her other possibly other celebrities could come forth too Rohit well look you know I think everybody I mean I think are kudos to Democrats everybody made made sure before the debate that you know she came across as Underdog we had a lot of you know campaign people tell us that you know Trump is so powerful he's his amazing debater and you know kamla is this that so I think they set the expectation bar so low that even if she was to do okay she'd appear as good and actually I think she did good so now everybody's raving about you know how she performed in this debate also the fact that you know she she has been a good sper in the past I mean some clips of you know her are doing grounds now how she was able to have a great debate against Pence she had cornered Joe Biden in 2019 primary debate so she had that quality but to be able to contain herself and delivered on big stage I think that is a big story tonight going back to Taylor Swift Rohit just before you know I toss it back to uh Puja the fact that the photo is telling it's it's telling because she is a political creature in many ways uh Rohit Taylor Swift is no not just any pop star she's political she has a mind she knows exactly what she's doing and she's absolutely powerful the photograph also powerful because she signs off as the childless cat lady now that's a real dick that's really laying it down for Donald Trump and J vans that you cannot make fun of a woman and get away with it so a massive political message not just in the endorsement but also in her sign off I think GA it was over 90 minutes of the discussion was played in full uh we do not intend to anyway right now put out any edited so to say excerpts but we'll constantly be analyzing it India today was completely from beginning to end was on that discussion so you have it in full Gita I just want to bring it in here that at this point the fact that even India is watching it discussing this discussion and debate because it is not just USA's presidential debate it is going to be about world issues why do you think that this debate has been crucial and is being wased worldwide well it is because at the end of the day the United States of America does set the tone and tenor for how the world looks like it is it shapes World policies not just foreign policy of particular country by dealing bilaterally with the United States of America and the debate right now is over but we will show clips of those important uh uh uh bits in in a while from now there are massive restrictions that we have worked uh with the fact that that that that we're only allowed to show the debate once and then we have to wait for the clips to come in so unlike how uh we've had in the past where there have been there has been space of using uh the clips from the inter uh from from the debate through uh the first 3 hours of uh of the debate getting over that's not the case this time around so be patient it'll come to you uh coming back to the question on why is the debate so important uh or why is a presidential election in the United States of America itself so important Pua look at the subjects that they covered apart from economy which uh and and domestic policies such as uh abortion immigration fracking Jan 6th there was a massive conversation on what uh happened uh on the 6th of January the Insurrection yes and uh and it was not kamla Harris factchecking Trump it was it was the the anchors were factchecking Trump on many counts you saw that there were certain areas where maybe Harris was not checked as many times as Trump was checked by the ABC anchors uh that certainly happened but look at the other areas and issues that were discussed they should uh they discussed the Israel Hamas War correct affects everyone particularly the region uh they discussed uh the the Russia Ukraine War uh where he actually named to Oban and uh spoke of how and why this war was actually not what I do like about Donald Trump in a light-hearted note he constantly claims that people around the world credit him and that people believe that the world is scared of him would not go to war they would not go to war because of Donald Trump but but do you think there's a certain the certain pattern that he's quoting that he believes because he constantly quoted Iran and he said when I had put sanctions look how weak Iran had become there was not not going to be a war but this Administration appears to have taken back the sanctions and look how rich Iran has become so do you think there is certain tenure that he's also quoting you know uh the the discussion over how America has failed in its economic War across the world is for another day but yes uh he did mention Iran and and there is a there is a pattern to what he's done during his presidency he did not take America to war it's a fact he did not he really did try to engage those who they might call dictators but what has what has how has it helped America in calling Putin a dictator or Kim Jong-un and not engaging and uh and and now we are seeing tensions in so many parts of the world that maybe could have been averted or avoided here we're not saying that you know what Trump does is right or wrong because he stepped out of the Paris agreement he stepped out of jcpa making the entire West Asia a little stable with Iran he did all of that but none of the uh Wars that America is right now a part of were his doing or his making so he does when he says that I don't take my country to war he does mean it and yes uh when it comes to the uh weapons that are being sent abroad the aid that is going abroad uh the economy over here according to him in a shambles and that could that all this money could have help America rather than going abroad is certainly are certainly areas that's that uh that Trump uh focused on I think I suppose in their preparation they were very clear what are the areas that they're going to focus on and how they're going to put it and and what they say on those issues can actually make a break the kind of audience that's watching it worldwide but also remember Puja this is the first time they're actually meeting in person they've never met Harris and Trump have never met in person before are you saying never met in any official Gathering never ever this is the first time that the two sides were meeting they must have prepped uh themselves for what the counter could look like but I do think that um Harris did land some very strong ones there when it comes to those punches where she said you're not talking to Biden you're talking to kamla Harris so on and so forth so uh and and gaita I just want to because I understand this was such an early morning discussion that we put out debate that was full from to end that was on a on India today so ga what is your assessment while I was listening to the debate I did think that Donald Trump at some point was surprised because maybe he did not expect Kamala Harris to come this prepared but do you think that she performed better than usual and without saying that I think she did perform better than Joe Biden oh of course she performed better than Joe Biden but uh over here I think she stood her ground and while we talking about standing uh a very um uh interesting snippet over here Puja if you look at the podiums and you will not be able to make out because there's just those two uh window frame right uh but uh zooming out and we'll get those visuals in as well you will see that Trump's Podium is way higher bigger than uh kamla Harris's Podium which is very small shot because uh in in a two window you would not want to show the disproportionate size of a Podium given the size difference between kamla Harris and Trump so they actually made a Podium to her size and fact uh fun trivia here uh this is the uh the biggest height difference so to say between two presidential candidates ever in the history of US presidential elections 6.4 ft to 5.4 fet so that's the difference and to manage that difference the podiums have been made uh were made different smart camera work at play and I must say there's smart camera work at play here as well we may be covering the the presidential debate Gita from uh from Delhi so to say but for the viewer we are fully in Washington DC right outside the White House and maybe you wouldn't have noticed if uh I wouldn't have told you because our extremely brilliant team have ensured that uh they they prepare this beautiful set for us as well but we looking at these visuals coming in where we are at is basically the Rose Garden in the white house and we are looking at these quotes constantly coming in and as in when the the ex servs the chunks start to come in from that almost 2 hour long debate remember as per guidelines it it's a very specific uh about 2 to three minutes uh there are those guidelines that will have to be followed and India Today is ensuring that for the viewer watching it anywhere across the world right now will have access to those exerts as in when that comes but the focus it started from immigration economy local domestic issues then I think the fireworks really flew into the debate gaita when it came to the regional conflict do you think that that's when both of them came into their own so these are some of the quotes that we are putting out and we'll constantly discuss what happened what is the chatter like and reactions on it as well remember the world was watching this debate Lena good morning Indian Standard Time Of course heading to midnight for you tell me this about how what what was your key takeaway from this debate do you think that Kamala Harris relied more on domestic issues while Donald Trump relied for his votes coming in primarily on the regional or the global conflict issues as as confidence would that be correct to say here good morning Puja and good morning everyone thank you for having me yes it was definitely a surprising debate to me personally uh Harris did better than expected you know I was expecting awkward uh laugh she's having every time she's speaking somewhere and she managed to keep it together almost until the end of this on the other hand Donald Trump he's usually very vocal he loves to attack people when they're against him sort of to you know correct them but he was very quiet he was sort of reserved waiting let letting her finish even though she was for example attacking him so both of them they sort of switch their standard St talking style and as you said uh Donald Trump felt very strong on the foreign policy because he truly had no war he truly met with all of the leaders and they publicly some of them publicly as for example the Hungarian prime minister Victor Orban they publicly admire him so he has a strong guard card on this note on the other hand Harris uh you know she has been sort of hidden under Biden so for her it's way easier to sort of shine because no one really knows what she was doing the past four years no one has any track record except that she was doing what Biden told her and what he was doing um also Linka stay on with you because I just want to go across to Rohit if he continues to be with us U Rohit do you also think that the the whole range of the issues where the confidence came from both of these candidates that for kamla Harris it was about on abortion issues specifically how the administration previously had taken a decision and via the court and on taxes while for Donald Trump it came on I will stop the War I will bring peace why should Americans be involved do you think that was a kind of kind of a distinguished uh rhetoric that they had chosen to speak about well the government has always spoken pretty well about abortion I think that's that's one of the areas she's very comfortable with she she knows what her policy is going to be uh and the other one you know on on foreign foreign policy and how probably she in the boards I think Trump wanted to Conner La Harris because you know as as I'm said there were no Wars when he was the president the war started only after he left the White House and he wanted to Corner them saying that America is involved indirectly in these two Wars and he could probably end these two Wars so yes I think your your assessment is correct on that but also I also think that K wanted to sort of distance herself from Biden's policy and she was not able to do it I'll come back to you in just a short while Lena I I'll take that question to you and also to gaita do you think where do you think kamla possibly scored a point and where do you think uh Donald Trump perhaps kept his confidence in this debate on on many counts I think that uh Harris did quite well uh he she did manage to Corner uh um Donald Trump when it comes to Performance and economy itself she had numbers to show for uh when it comes to abortion uh we know that you know it's a it's a really divided house and she tried to put Trump on the mat but it is when the IVF conversation that she brought in uh maybe uh on hindsight she could have done without because abortion itself was a big Reproductive Rights itself is a big big uh win for uh for the Democrats uh but the moment she brought that in he actually turned it around and in his uh in his rebuttal spoke of how he's been an advocate of IVF so on and so forth as well and that uh almost fact checked her immigration another very important area where uh where uh a strong point for Trump but I think kamla Harris also made her points quite uh clearly so in terms of what the policies are and uh the entire thing about gun control and taking guns off the shelves is not going to happen much to the dismay maybe of many people who are actually wanting that uh but uh but a clear policy decision there again you know Republicans and those fenor would be listening to what kamla Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate is saying um the race issue dictators uh Medicare and climate change all of them I think have ch she also said that you know he had earlier said it's it was a hoax it's not it's a reality yes so gaita stay on with you because Lena also continues to be with as Lena um it was very interesting when he tried to also pin her down with that blatant uh the the word that he used and if I'm correct he said she hates Israel and he realized what he was saying because that clearly has a certain support base in America or as a policy uh has been as history has been with regard to America's decision to support Israel that he said she doesn't want Israel to exist if they continue Israel will blow up in fact in fact if I could just add Lena she actually goes on he actually went on to say that in uh Harris did not attend the joint session of the Congress when Netanyahu was there and that she refused to meet Netanyahu so he was he was backing it with the with what happened during netanyahu's visit to the United States of America that I felt was a direct charge because that is one big polarizing issue in USA isn't it uh definitely it's a huge issue and I have friends who are Democrats and don't like Kamala Harris just because of this topic because of Gaza and Palestine and Israel they told me they don't want to vote for haris because they think she's not doing enough to achieve peace and that she's letting the people in Gaza to get massacred on the other hand uh Donald Trump uh he pointed out that of course she was not present at the speech of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu which is which is a big deal and he as you also said uh he predicted that Israel could disappear within two years if she would uh become the president so she's having tough time of of balancing this sort of position of first of all making happy the Arab Americans and also making happy the Jewish population which is quite large in the United States and she's sometimes not making happy any of those two groups because she's somewhere in the middle one time saying this another time saying that I would like also to mention that uh the ABC reporters uh they rather teamed up against Donald Trump they were factchecking him on the spot they were almost uh going back towards him with all the questions and some of the questions also felt like they were opinionated against him I personally didn't enjoy it I I I felt frustrated and it was painful to watch their moderation so it was not a walkover yeah okay for Trump that's that's that goes without saying uh the Biden Trump debate was an absolute disaster and if you look at that and you look at this Harris knew exactly what she was coming in with she had a plan uh the questions both sides must have prepared and prepped up but I do think that she landed a few good punches and she definitely I think compared to Biden came across as someone who could also challenge Trump a lot rather than like you said give a walk over like it did happen sort of previously between Biden Trump let's talk about issues and we'll of course over the course of next 1 hour constantly play out excerpts for you because I understand it was early morning India Today Was live earlier than usual this morning Gita and I constantly listening bit to bit but Gita what do you think perhaps was the highlight of this debate do you think it was immigration it was the global Regional conflicts Ukraine Russia Israel Hamas or do you think it was the local issues of America that Americans are listening and then taking a view on it I think everything was uh in a way localized because they were catering to the domestic audience and their voters so everything was how it impacts you and how it is going to look uh for you uh the the one of the key things that I saw where she actually made a huge difference in the Biden Harris Administration to Harris the vice presidential candidate was when she told him that this is you're not speaking to Biden B you're speaking to kamla Harris here so she made that distinction because that distinction was important everybody before the uh debate Puja was talking about how she's coming with an Administration baggage the anti-incumbency the fact that people are questioning and are tired but I think there were a few important takeaways when it comes to the economy that I think was very important because both sides needed to put uh what they think are they're going to do uh while she said that we have these plans he said I don't have an exact plan I can spell out right now but when when I'm President we will have that I do have ideas for what things should look like and how they should go there was a lot of fact checking also that was happening along the way uh when it comes to um uh jobs unemployment because Trump did hit out I think one part where did come back and where where he appeared to be more confident consistently was the war situation the regional conflict because kamla Harris was where Donald Trump tried to pin her down or the Biden Administration down saying look what Iran has become it's richer than it was or the I the the conflict I I like how he constantly rated saying if I'm president-elect even before I take oath I will ensure that the war is over now of course there's a certain confident rhetoric to it more than whether it can happen or not but do you think that's one of the planks because the regional Wars have bothered Americans that they are sort of part of a conflict which is not direct you think and polarized and poiz and it has really made a huge uh impact on how these elections are going to look like because a lot of a lot of uh Democrats uh and fencers who might not be very happy with the situation in Gaza have questioned the Harris Administration she really needed convincing them that uh that she will you know chart her own path when it comes to these wars but also talking about and putting him on the mat on how he's friends with uh with all these dictator strong men like strong men and dictators and that's why you know things were different when he were and they they take cues from him uh to which he actually said that it's actually not that they're scared of me is the reason why there were no Wars and the fact that you are incompetent one very important thing over here Puja was also the fact that they mute buttons but both of them were constantly on air you know with being seen so while there was no cross talk happening you saw a lot of expressions from kamla Harris every time Trump spoke she would shake her head say no he's lying and she would time he's lying all the time he's lying that's not true that's not correct and the usual Trump expression too and Trump's expression was smoke or little iritated she used that space that space of quiet on a window when he's speaking to shake her head or say it's it's a lie I think that also make well I I could say that fact silent fact this is confirmed that mute buttons are not only for Indian news channels but also as much in America gaita but uh like you mention I think it was as much about local issues but Regional issues that impact local views as well within America stay on with me let's go across now to Washington DC remember India Today is the only Indian news Channel right now that's been live since morning from the ground zero as well that's where Rohit sharmma a journalist is joining me right now Rohit so a mark difference like we have been discussing uh not many memes possibly this time over the debate but a lot of talk over the issues what is the sentiment on the ground what are you you picking up about the chatter in America well first things first pja this is not Washington DC where I'm standing right now is the debate Center here the Del it's more everybody know that we at yeah I think you know very interesting debate very stark contrast from what we saw in June uh very different opponent uh you know first things first I mean Harris goes and shakes hands with President uh president Trump s off a little bit he wasn't expecting that I don't think he was a very different competitor uh she was forceful she had prepared well she was in Pennsylvania for five days and I think it came across that she was very well prepared I think was trying to Wing some of his answers and he's always done that this was his seventh presidential debate where he just came and you know he thought he could just get away by saying things and he was corrected at least five times I counted at least five times by the moderators I mean and obviously multiple times like har so I think uh Prim of face I think it's a good night for G Harris you know the expectations were low she didn't have to you know nobody expected her to do as well as she did and nobody expected Donald Trump to lose this debate I think you know at the end of the day both the campaigns will have will take a lot of points for this but I think G Harris you know I mean we've seen her debate before uh and I think she was able to show her skills as a debater I think other other thing that a lot of people observed here and we were all talk talking and chatting during the commercial breaks was the fact that Donald Trump did not expect a lot of zingers you know these on liners from Kamala Harris and she delivered them with punch there's one Zinger that Trump trump also delivered that landed it was about you know don't disturb me while I'm talking and it you know kind of reminds you of or heard that before so I mean at the end of the day I think K has gone through this debate uh you know unharmed uh and then you know the the the campaign that person I was speaking with earlier today said that was the goal to make make sure that she she come across as presentable uh one journalist that I was speaking with noted that she did better than H Clinton in 2016 uh and this gives her campaign the Boost that they needed because she was her bump was Tattooing in polls she was you she was going down in some of the key Battleground States I think her campaign will use this and take it Forward I mean this is not gonna a lot of people said this could be the end of the of the election you know from does well and she does not do well uh the the election is sealed and uh and we see a very very competitive race from here on very interesting Rohit stay on with me because we're also joined by journalist Linka white and about the the discussion that's happening currently in the USA and gaita and I constantly analyzing on this Swift who has literally a swifties army of young admirers of the work of Taylor Swift were listening when she shared a social media post right after the debate concluded Taylor Swift announced that she endorses Kamala Harris this was a part powerful statement remember and it was a long post where Taylor Swift praised Kamala Harris as a leader who fights for the rights and causes that will make America better she also emphasized that husa has a calm demeanor that she has a steady leadership quality and that's what the country needs calm not Cs and then she also contrasted it with how there have been videos and misinformation about her that she allegedly surrounded and supported Trump that is not true so along with this remember when she shared the post she also featured herself with a cat it wasn't just a coincidental image it was a dig at Republican vice president Pig JD W captioning it the childless cat lady a clear J at the past comments made by the running mate of Donald Trump it was in 20121 when once had made a certain comment that there are these childless cat ladies during an interview with Tua Carlson so this remember is also now a question can this change the course because when Taylor Swift or someone that stature makes an endorsement about a politician ahead of Elections and especially hitting at first time voters young voters 1819 year old she's also mentioned that they need to register early land up early at the polling Booth can that change the cost specifically on LS of those younger audience that are huge fans of Taylor Swift when she recently held a concert it was fully packed there was also some controversy about it when it came to a worldwide tour with a possible terror attack Gita Mona a foreign affairs editor join joining me on the latest on that gaita how significant how big of a highlight do you think is Taylor Swift endorsing kamla haris well it is a massive massive endorsement it comes after a lot of uh speculation so to say not that she would have endorsed Trump anyway uh but the fact is that when Biden Trump uh uh presidential debate was to take place there was a lot of question as to whether Taylor Swift will come out in endorsed uh Biden or not of the democratic party and even after he stepped down and kamla Harris was nominated as the candidate again there were a lot of questions as to why is it that Taylor Swift is taking so long will she endorse kamla Harris or not and uh one thought that after the DNC it would have happened it did not happen after the Democratic National Convention where she was forly announced the uh nominee for the Democratic uh uh uh party uh and and right now after immediately after the first presidential debate between uh Harris and Trump we see her come out and endorse and not just endorse she is not just any Superstar she's not just any pop star uh Puja she is an influencer she's very influential in fact she's one of the most powerful women in the world not just in the United States of America uh with a massive following so everybody was waiting to see what she's really going to do and she's made a rather political statement look at the statement that has been put out it very specifically speaks of why she chose to why this time uh the AI generated uh video of hers and and Donald Trump using that uh on his uh handle which she has now put to rest saying that this is all false you can only beat uh lies with truth this is her truth her truth is that she's going to vote for uh kamla Harris but she also says that it is for you to choose make your choices do your research and you based on your research you should go ahead and vote she also then goes ahead and says for those who are voting appealing to voters to come out and vote so she's done it all and she signed off uh as uh the uh what did she call herself um the childless cat lady that childless cat lady the and and also if if there's any doubt about why politicians Bank on possibly an endorsement like this according to the Forbes annual lift in 2023 Taylor Swift was marked as the fifth most powerful woman in the world not just in the USA in the world and possibly that's why such an endorsement can it change the course of the elections and kamla Harris thereby could get more WS it'll be interesting to watch thank you very much for now Gita moan tracking all the latest on the US presidential debate the biggest pop superstars who has millions of especially young followers Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris in fact GA just informed me about that it's big news remember because she had been she' been so to say silent all this while uh Rohit a quick word from you on this that Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala Harris do you think something like this makes a huge difference possibly to the younger audience to the younger firsttime voters absolutely all SS are going to V for Kam Harris sheor Joe Biden in 2020 and look at the things Kam Harris talked about she talked about abortion uh you know females having Reproductive Rights she talked about you know how she has made it and her own story as a female and at the end of the day we've all talked about breaking that glass ceiling one day eventually so this is a very very big deal F okay well can I just come in of course very big deal Rohit uh the fact that Taylor Swift and I remember we were discussing this earlier as well and we've done stories on this and how Taylor Swift stood did not really endorse Biden and there was so much pressure on uh Taylor Swift whether she's going to endorse not endorse then the debate happened uh a singular disaster for the Democratic team and uh there was no endorsement there then kamla Harris was nominated presidential candidate no endorsement from Taylor Swift Rohit and finally I suppose she waited to see how how kamla Harris will do to really then endorse her is is is the reading right and and Rohit also tell us about the swifties army that she has do you think there are like literally thousands if not millions of swifties in her support who could listen to what Taylor Swift is saying work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution and in that solution there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and an equal measure for for the Palestinians but the one thing I will assure you always I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself in particular as it rates to as it relates to Iran and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel but we must have a two-state solution where we can rebuild Gaza where the Palestinians have security self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve if I were president it would have never started if I were president Russia would have never ever I know Putin very well he would have never and there was no threat of it either by the way for four years have gone into Ukraine and killed millions of people when you add it up far worse than people understand what's going on over there but when she mentions about Israel all of a sudden she hates Israel she wouldn't even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech she refused to be there because she was at a sorority party of hers she she want to go to the sari party she hates Israel if she's president I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now and I've been pretty good at predictions and I hope I'm wrong about that one she hates Israel at the same time in her own way she hates the Arab population because the whole place is going to get blown up Arabs Jewish people Israel Israel will be gone it would have never happened Iran was broke under Donald Trump now Iran has $300 billion because they took off all the sanctions that I had Iran had no money for Hamas or Hezbollah or any of the 28 different uh spheres of Terror and they are spheres of Terror horrible Terror they had no money it was a big story and you know it you covered it very well actually they had no money for Terror they were broke now they're a rich nation and now what they're doing is is spreading that money [Music] around that war should have never started she was the Emissary they sent her in to negotiate with zalinski and Putin and she did and the war started three days later yet again I said it at the beginning of this debate you're going to hear a bunch of Lies coming from this fellow and that is another one when I went to meet with President Zen I've now met with him over five times the reality is it has been about standing as America always should as a leader upholding International rules and Norms do you believe it's in the US best interest for Ukraine to win this war yes or no I think it's the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done negotiate a deal because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed I believe the reason that Donald Trump says that this war would be over Within 24 hours is because he would just give it up and that's not who we are as Americans let's understand what happened here um I actually met with zalinski a few days before Russia invaded tried through Force to change territorial boundaries to defy one of the most important International rules and Norms if Donald Trump were President Putin would be sitting in ke right now and understand what that would mean because Putin's agenda is not just about Ukraine understand why the European allies and our NATO allies are so thankful that you are no longer president and that we understand the importance of the greatest military Alliance the world has ever known which is NATO and what we have done to preserve the ability of zalinsky and the ukrainians to fight for their independence otherwise Putin would be sitting in keev with his eyes on the rest of Europe start starting with Poland and why don't you tell the 800,000 polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch so those were some of the highlights some of the biggest talking points from the debate and we pulled out the issues that were raised that also of course matter to the world but how did this debate go down essentially for Trump and for kamla Harris Let's tell you about snap polls that were conducted before the debate it was essentially going down to the wire between Donald Trump and kamla Harris boed at 50% for each of them as far as support goes it essentially with every week was pretty much 49 51% so down to the wire after the debate you look at the change here 63% for kamla Harris versus a 37% for Donald Trump this is based on polls conducted by CNN but it shows effectively and most of essentially the social media reactions and polls do in fact suggest that kamla Harris did manage to Trump her opponent in this particular round that she had solid points and managed to counter Trump now the US Stock Market is also very very closely tracking the statements being made by both the presidential candidates with today's debate volatility in the US Stock markets has already spiked Wall Street is prepared for more volatility till the election word remember that's on the 6th of November the economic agenda is the key Focus for both Trump and kamla and we saw that in the debate too but really who is better for the markets is it Donald Trump or is it kamla Harris we answer that in our next report we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country and together we will make America powerful again as president I will be laser focused on creating opportunities for the middle class that Advance their Economic Security stability and dignity together we will build what I call an opportunity economy both US presidential candidates making sweeping statements about the economic agenda 2 months from now one of them will be the next president- elect of the United States and the markets are closely tracking each statement they make well from now early September through the election I won't be surprised if we continue to see volatility we know that October is often a worrisome month and this year just will add to that because we're going right into the final days of the election this election continues to look like it's a very close election and so that just adds to Wall Street uncertainty volatility in the US US Stock markets is already spiked the VIX Index used as a barometer to measure the nervousness and the resulting volatility in the market has shot up 48% in the past 3 months the index is up 53% this year for the volatility in Wall Street in the end it really doesn't matter to Market sometimes who the next president is right after the election we tend to see investors quickly adjust to their expectations of the new leadership and markets move on however with there are some who feel the return of Donald Trump as the US president will auger better times for the stock markets the make America great again candidate has promised further Cuts in corporate tax with his Democrat counterpart promising her own major tax cuts for the middle class a reduction in the corporate tax rate from 21% to 15% solely for companies that make their product in America well instead of a trump tax hike we will pass a middle class tax cut that will benefit more than 100 million Americans both candidates have a laser focus on the tax agendas in their campaigns this is because major tax cuts put in place in 2018 are set to expire at the end of 2025 and even though the president doesn't control the economy he or she could influence changes to the US tax policy well Trump could be better for the economy for really two reasons first tax policy he's trying to cut corporate taxes which is very positive for earnings and stocks it's not going to increase the capital gains tax and he's likely to deregulate a lot of Industries so like energy and banking so at the margin he would be positive for stocks meanwhile what the markets agree on is that a divided government is better for stock markets we remain very bullish about the market we have a 6,000 Target for year ends we do think the elections likely to be ended up end up in divided government which is very bullish for stocks and coming out of a Fed cycle they're loosening that's almost always a good time to buy stocks Wall Street meanwhile is prepared for more volatility till the election verdict on the 6th of November SES are also set on the US Central Bank which could surprise the street with a rate cut decision in its meeting next week the US Federal Reserve has held interest rate static since 25 B Point hike in July last year Bureau report business today [Music] TV and that's all we have time for in this edition of 6 p.m. Prime we will of course continue getting you all the political action from America as we count down to November 6th thanks very much for tuning in coming up on the other side is 7 and 7 with py ch Motorola Razer 50 Ultra comes with Google Gemini India Today mind rocks youth Summit 2024 bangaluru get a chance to meet with the most celebrated icons Ana P shha shrina Boo and bum enjoy the life performance by Zakir Khan catch the ultimate Concert Experience by MC square and jonita at the Grand Finale India's biggest youth Summit India Today mind rocks September 14th bangaluru book your tickets now on PTM Insider and book my show or log on to mind- ro/ 2024 presented by presidency University Hospitality partner the lulled ashoke bangaluru Motorola Razer 50 Ultra comes with Google Gemini hi I am AI Anor saana bringing the top headlines for you presented by Motorola death sentence of four accused commuted to life term by high court in patna's Gandhi Medan serial Bomb Blast case protesters clash with police over illegal construction of mosque in Shimla police LTI charg to disperse protesters ahit sha responds to Rahul Gandhi's reservation remark in US calls him anti-national [Music] [Music] [Music] weather forecast now Delhi maximum 36 and minimum 26° Mumbai maximum 29 and minimum 25° cata maximum 33 and minimum 26° bangaluru maximum 29 and minimum 20° chenai maximum 34 and minimum 28° Hyderabad maximum 28 and minimum 21° [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the the problem is about participation of weaker sections of lower cast in particular dalits across the board right so I'll I'll shock You by saying that if you were to look at the top 200 corporates in India and you were to look at their management teams and you were to look at their uh CEOs you wouldn't find anybody from the lower cast right you'd find only people from the upper clast uh same with the Indian media if you look at media You' find that it's The Preserve of apas you look at the influencers on social media vea India's largest selling upvc [Music] window good evening you're watching 7 at 7 I'm pry CH these are the headlines [Music] massive controversy over Rahul gandi is uh sick comment in the United States BJP siik netas take to the streets in protest khalistani terrorist panu that'ss Rahul Gandhi statement Rahul Gandhi meets India beta and Pakistan sympathizer ilhan Omar during his US tour BJP HS anti National [Music] bar Bengal doctors versus Mamta government's stalemate continues Bengal government calls for meeting doctors say they will attend if MAA is present and a live broadcast is [Music] held Shimla protest against mosque turns ugly protesters clash with cops in the Hilltown suku government says will demolish mosque its Civic body de it [Music] illegal controversy over sidar raya's chief minister eight contenders queue up for sidar Raya seat amidst mounting scam allegations sidar Raya denies says will continue to be CM kamla Harris and Donald Trump's heated face off in their first presidential debate Trump calls his opponent a failure kamla reports with disgraceful taunt pop star Taylor s now bats kamla [Applause] [Music] Harris Bollywood actor Malika aura's father dies by suicide in Mumbai father anel Aura jumped off sixf Flor Terrace of their family home all right let's get you the latest Rahul Gandhi is in the United States but the storm is brewing back home in India and a political storm as that every common that he has made has been politically leveraged back home by the BJP the Congress hitting back saying that this is misconstruing what Rahul Gandhi has said and trying to portray it otherwise than what he actually has said on the other hand you have uh the Bara Jan party who has gone and stated that Rahul Gandhi on foreign soil is making anti-india comment uh number one of course BJP upping the ante against the leader of oppos opposition with the party's sick Nas taking to the streets in protest in the national capital meanwhile Rahul met with us lawmakers in the capital Washington DC but what triggered controversy was the presence of ilhan Omar known not only for her vocal anti-bjp government stand but also for being a Pakistan sympathizer Congress leader and leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi's trip to the US has sparked a firestorm back home for the third day in a row Rahul Gandhi met us lawmakers including ilhan Omar during his visit to Washington DC ilhan Omar a Somali American known for her anti-india St and remarks is the US Representative for Minnesota's Fifth District she's known for her frequent anti-india tirades and support of anti-india moves within the US political system ilhan Omar had slammed India for the abolition of article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and had visited Pakistan occupied Kashmir as well she also boycotted prime minister Narendra modi's speech to the US Congress ilhan Omar had backed the Canadian probe into allegations of the Indian government's alleged role in The Killing of khalistani separatist terrorist hardip Singh ner the bjp's big guns including home minister Amit sha have reigned fire on Rahul Gandhi for meeting ilhan Omar describing the leader of the opposition as anti-india it almost seems as if he goes abroad to criticize all Indians and his motherland I condemn the kind of statements and the people whom he is meeting during his foreign trips on the one hand he meets Miss Omar who is a known anti-india propagandist the Congress has hit back at the BJP calling its statement motivated earlier Rahul Gandhi had sparked controversy with his claim on the sik community struggles in India the fight is about whether he as a seek is going to be allowed to wear his stban in India or he has a s is going to be allowed to wear a K in India or he as a siik is going to be able to go to Gar that's what the fight is about now khalistani terrorist gur patwan Singh panu has supported rahul's statements calling them bold and factually grounded even seeks for justice a banned organization has issued a statement hailing Rahul Gandhi's words the BJP has warned that Rahul is setting a dangerous narrative's visit to the US has triggered controversy for multiple reasons including slamming the Modi government meeting Pac sympathizer ilhan Omar and now an endorsement by khalistani terrorist panu with Rahul goam in Delhi Bureau report in today well the Congress on the other hand has said that Rahul Gandhi's statements have been misconstrued number one of meeting ilhan Omar the Congress has also gone out and said that ilhan Omar has criticized the BJP government led by Prime Minister Modi and not criticized India and there needs to be a difference between criticizing India and the leadership of the country number two that the Congress has defended the stand on the sick comment by Rahul Gandhi is to state that Rahul Gandhi never said that six are not allowed to wear turbin or kadas in India but was saying that under the current circumstances um in terms of divisiveness India is moving towards a path where six will not be allowed to even wear caras or urbance but that has been what the Congress says but the fire is already lit by the bhara Jan party going to town attacking the congress party calling it anti-national and also saying that Rahul Gandhi is spreading misinformation on foreign soil uh peush Mishra is joining us live with the very latest uh peush uh the game plan of the BJP clearly to take on Rahul Gandhi's comments be it China be it the comment made on the siik community the Congress might say that he didn't mean to say it what he meant was that India is moving towards a path where divisiveness is going to creep in if action is not taken and the latest right now of his meeting with Miss Omar well absolutely pry and that's what the BJP is looking forward to do where they are going to continue to slam Rahul Gandhi for not only making the anti- remark anti religion remark but also meeting thean Omar there in uh United States of America what is more important here is that BJP has now formed a strategy we not only today but tomorrow also and in coming few days in this week we'll see from BJP coming out on the streets and protesting against Rahul Gandhi today we saw as to how a massive protest was taken by BJP backed sick group where they came out on the streets and demanded an apology from Rahul Gandhi they were protesting right in front of 10 janpath where Sonia which is officially the Sonia Gandhi's residence and that's the place where Rahul Gandhi lives one message which BJP wants to give is that six are very much safe they don't have to be fear they don't have to be concerned about anything and the Rahul Gandhi is just fiddling lies there on International soil and trying to join hands with divisive forces all right okay so that is what the BJP is hoping registers in the mind of the people the Congress on the other hand saying that Rahul Gandhi didn't say that at all what Rahul Gandhi said uh was very clearly that uh he did not say s are not allowed to wear turbin or caras but that there could be a situation in India that this could be possible in the future but having said that like I said politics already rif moreover the reservation storm has now been reignited and that's very interesting because uh during his speech which is Rahul Gandhi speech in Georgetown University Rahul Gandhi claimed that India is an unfair place for certain cast groups and if it was fair and if it was an egalitarian society in India then reservation could have been scrapped but it cannot be scrapped because India is unfair in terms of uh privileges do not trickle down to the lowest common denominator and most of them come from the backward casts but uh claiming uh he was misquoted by the BJP because the BJP of course took him on and said that Rahul Gandhi was trying on his own to suggest suest that he would do away with reservation Rahul Gandhi's us visit continues to be in the eye of the storm and it's his comments on reservation that triggered a massive political meltdown in India we will think of scrapping reservations when India is a fair place and India not a fair place now that that creates a problem because there are many people who come from the upper cast right who say look what have we done wrong day after this declaration in Virginia the leader of opposition in loksabha issued a clarification at another interaction in Washington DC I don't see it as a mundle versus cundle issue and what we're saying is uh different than and different than the the the idea of only reservations what we're saying is we want a comprehensive understanding first of what's going on and then we're going to apply a series of policies to correct it reservation being one of them somebody misquoted me yesterday saying that I'm against reservations I've been saying again and again and again we're going to increase reservations Beyond 50% and I'm not against reservations but political fireworks are are already exploding home minister Amit sha came out all guns blazing at the Congress MP saying that by speaking about abolishing reservations in the country Rahul Gandhi has once again brought the congress's anti-rv phase to the Forefront sha also declared that as long as BJP is there no one can abolish reservation in India GH Congress Dr Baba cast consensus and reservation have been one of the main political issues of the Congress and its allies since the runup to the 2024 elections India Partners have come out in Rahul Gandhi's support at home and abroad cast and Kota continue to be a ring debate Bureau report India today well that's the beauty of Indian politics or rather politics in any country even if a leader doesn't quite say something the other party takes it misconstrues it and projects like he actually said it and mind you it's not just what the bjp's done with Rahul Gandhi it happens the other way round as well on multiple occasions that is politics with that let's get you the very latest coming in from the state of Kolkata doctors versus mam government continues the doctors have rejected the Bengal government's Outreach to hold talks as they continued their protest defying an ultimatum by the Supreme Court the Bengal Chief secretary wrote to protesting doctors requesting a dialogue inviting a delegation of 10 to 15 protesting doctors the doctors have put five demands before the state demanding the sacking of Kolkata Police Commissioner top health officials in the state government and better security at hospitals the doctors have also countered Bengal government's claim that 23 people died and six lakhs were Deni treatment secet C is waiting to a meting [Music] but conference cont conference secetary secretary closed door communication defitely all right the latest news break coming in on the same the Bengal doctors mam government stalemate continues mam government reaches out to the doctors for talks but the doctors table their demands to Mamta Mamta must be present at the meeting and they want 30 represent pres atives at the meeting want meeting to be telecast live let's cut across to Surya agoy who's getting us more information on this sua AG the doctors right now of course in conflict of what the ultimatum was given by the Supreme Court that they get back to work have now put a series of Demands with Mam banerji and one of them that she attends in person number two 30 of them attend and the biggest of it all that it be telecast live well pry in the you know it's important to mention that the past 4 4 and 1 half hours has seen two males one from the state government to the doctors and the second one the reply to that it becomes extremely important to mention these because you know uh at one end we saw the state government reaching out to the doctors stating that you know a team of 15 doctors can be you know they are welcome and till 6 6: p.m. they will have a discussion at the highest level the doctors responded that that you know that figure has to go up to 30 because as for the doctors there are multiple you know stakeholders of the doctor's fraternity of medical colleges who needs to attend that particular meeting point number two the chief minister has to be present in this meeting so it's clear that the doctors want to speak to the Chief Minister now uh the discussion uh has to happen with the chief ministers and chief minister and the doctors over here and thirdly which is a very you know as for the doctors that you know it's an important point that they have made is that that meeting cannot be a closed door one it has to be live telecasted uh you know we spoke to some of them they are of the of the opinion that mam banerji has done administrative meetings and you know and it's shown live on broadcast then why can't this kind of a meeting be shown live on broadcast as well so that's the last mail that the doctors have sent to the uh you know state government it has to be seen what response comes and whether a breakthrough can happen or not now it's important as well to show viewers and everyone uh the current situation over here hundreds of doctors creepy and believe me when I tell you hundreds hundreds is you know it's it's you cannot count the numbers uh they are over here they are sitting down and uh uh you know they are not from one particular college but from various medical institutions medical colleges uh they are hling slogans they are constantly you know they they they want to keep the fight going their their demands are pretty clear what we'll do is we'll try and speak to some of them uh who are present over here um we uh excuse me sir if we could speak for a minute uh we saw two males you know one male one male coming from the government one reply going to you do you think a breakthrough will be done by tonight a communication will happen we hope so but let's see what happens West Bengal gdf will decide what will happen after discussion and they will also meet the representative from all over the colleges and they will decide let's see let's hope what do you think these males are uh you know a sign of a positive sign right now yeah obviously we hope so because um this situation can be handled with a mutual talk and everything so let's see what happens so you know um we spoke to one of the doctors over here what they say right now is that you know uh this situation can be solved through mutual dialogue and that is something that you know uh many well it would be interesting Su Ag and yeah it would be interesting because uh will the chief minister accept especially the third clause which is that it' be telecast live uh will she accept that uh with it let's quickly move on now for an India Today fact check now there have been some posts on social media that are going viral they are claiming a link between CGI chandra's wife with mam Ban's personal physician the post claimed that CGI his wife kalp is the niece of Dr ESP Das the personal physician of West Bengal chief minister mam banery the claims in this viral post have been denied by the West Bengal police the cops say exploiting freedom of speech to indulge in Wild falsehood that too Against The Honorable Apex court is illegal and punishable sternest possible legal action will be initiated against those trying to malign the Judiciary the Supreme Court registry has also clarified the claims are factually incorrect in an official offal statement the Supreme Court registry has said a malicious tweet has been circulated on X ahead of supreme court hearing on the Kolkata rape and murder case attempting to link a member of the family of the CGI with a medical Lobby in Bengal the Tweet is ill intended factually Incorrect and an attempt to malign the Judiciary a complaint has been registered in this regard with the Delhi police that was a fact check of the day with that let's uh get into a quick break to stay with me on the other side is to the [Music] point you took a not careful when you play On My Level for you Motorola Razer 50 Ultra flip the script hello moto India today conclave 20124 September 25th and 26th Mumbai [Music] book your seat now visit India today conclave tocom [Music] [Music] but just so you understand they sent her to negotiate peace before this war started 3 days later he went in and he started the war because everything they said was weak and stupid they said the wrong things that war should have never started she was the Emissary they sent her in to negotiate with zalinski and Putin and she did and the war started three days later and that's the kind of talent we have with her yet again I said it at the beginning of this debate you're going to hear a bunch of Lies coming from this fellow and that is another one when I went to meet with President Zen I've now met with him over five times the reality is it has been about standing as America always should as a leader upholding International rules and Norms that the alliances we have around the world are dependent on our ability to look out for our friends and not favor our enemies because you adore strong men instead of caring about democracy [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Rahul Gandhi's us visit continues to be in the eye of the storm and it's his comments on reservation that triggered a massive political meltdown in India we will think of scrapping reservations when India is a fair place and India not a fair place now that that creates a problem because there are many people who come from the upper cast right who say look what have we done wrong day after this declaration in Virginia the leader of opposition in loksabha issued a clarification at another interaction in Washington DC I don't see it as a mundle versus cundle issue and what we saying is uh different than and different than the the the idea of only reservations what we're saying is we want a comprehensive understanding first of what's going on and then we're going to apply a series of policies to correct it reservation being one of them somebody misquoted me yesterday saying that I'm against reservations I've been saying again and again and again we're going to increase reservations Beyond 50% and I'm not against reservations but political fireworks are are already exploding home minister Amit sha came out all guns blazing at the Congress MP saying that by speaking about abolishing reservations in the country Rahul Gandhi has once again brought the congress's anti-rv phas to the Forefront sha also declared that as long as BJP is there no one can abolish reservation in India cast consensus and reservation have been one of the main political issues of the Congress and its allies since the runup to the 2024 elections India Partners have come out in Rahul ghi support [Music] [Music] me make your media plan Smarter with India today live TV on your connected devices amplify your brand with 100 million Smart internet viewers to advertise mail us at sales [Music] good evening you're watching to the point I'm pry CH well the battle lines are drawn the pole bugle has been sounded and it's game on in both States be it the state of Jammu and Kashmir or harana the Gladiators have always also now taken to the pole Arena but one thing is very interesting viewers in all of this in harana even though tomorrow is the last nomination date the congress party yet to announce their second list about 40 names there on the other hand let's cut across now to the state of Jammu and Kashmir because that is aware both the Congress and the bhartia janata party in a race to announce populist promises Malik Arjun K made a populist picture today he was in Jammu and Kashmir promising now 3,000 rupees per month for women head of households 3,000 rupees per month 2.1 lakh vacancies to be filed 11 kg of rice per member per family 25 lakh rupees health insurance 5 lakh rupees interest free loans for women self-help groups many would call it the kutak cut way of Congress especially going into State elections where populist promises are made and then possibly struggling to make and meet those promises but the Congress is not the only one one viewers let's cut across right now to the promises made by the bhartia janata Party 3 days ago the home minister Amit sha uniled the BJP sankalp Patra promising 18,000 per year to the senior most women in every household free LPG surender every year uh in fact two free LPG surrenders every year create uh 5 lakh employment opportunities 3,000 early through DBT as travel allow to colle students tablets laptops to students studying in higher secondary classes triple now the old age Widow and Disability Pension from 1,000 rupees raising it all the way to 3,000 rupees reducing electricity tariffs lowered by up to 50% for agricultural activities and of course the cultural agenda of rebuilding Hindu temples both be at the Congress be at the bhartia Jan party in a fight where popul promises are concern you can call it yoga you can call it ravy you can call it the katakat scheme but ultimately it means the same thing elections becoming highly transactional that is what we're going to be debating but before we get on to that let's get you the latest that is coming in it is the eve before the final day of nomination for both Jammu and Kashmir as well as the state of harana and joining me for that is my colleague moshmi Singh because moshmi if if you look at the state of harana Tomorrow is the nomination day harana yet to come out with its second list with over 40 candidates why this massive delay is it an attempt to make sure that J vote cut those who haven't got tickets really don't have much Elbow Room to join any other party absolutely uh pretty I think that's one of the reasons that and the most important reason why the Congress has uh delayed the list it's almost approaching uh the Final Countdown as far as nominations are concerned and every day you know there are several ticket Seekers who are calling journalist frantically calling us to know whether it's today that uh the announcement or the list will come out and uh perhaps you know uh the Congress knows that many parties are being accused of being vote Cutters the Congress feels uh the smaller Regional parties or uh uh you know the parties like the am admy party uh would be looking to PCH uh those candidates uh those those Seekers who not made it to the list of the congress party and that's one reason that tonight is the night uh when probably the list would actually come out I'm told uh also importantly pry U I'm also told that there will be calls made to uh the ones who have been shortlisted uh to prepare because there's there's abs absolutely no time to prepare so they will be told to do it uh do all the homework in the night so that bang on the in the morning they can reach uh the the nomination Center and file their nominations and that will actually save uh the Congress feels a lot of embarrassment because there are almost seven probables in every seat which are who are strong probables they apparently have spent a lot of money and uh they they were hopeful that they will get the ticket and perhaps Congress saving a lot of pot breaking a lot of uh you know anger of these seers perhaps by I want to ask you a quick question because it's really it rarely has ever happened that on the eve of nomination final day uh you know the party holds back on on releasing their list but the question I want to ask you is moshmi what about the big wigs are we expecting Rand Singh surala to fight will or will a ticket be given to his son what of Kumari Shel ja Camp is she happy with the number of seats she's getting and uh on the other hand uh you know of course there's talk of even dinder uh hudha wanting to give up his Lok SAA seat in Rak and fight the state elections I know pry you're from harana and your sources are quite deep rooted in uh in harana politics but uh and I'm sure that you have an idea of what's going to happen uh but as I had said earlier almost all the harana MPS wanted to fight the assembly elections they all had put in a request to the party leadership including Kumari shelja and randip Singh surala the subcommittee sent in a note on those important seats saying that the senior leader is interested in fighting and my sources tell me that the leadership has decided against making any of these MPS contest so according to my sources none of the MPS sitting MPS of Raj SAA one Rand Singh of rajha and the other loka MC MPS are getting tickets so that's almost certain I feel and so there'll be probably the kid and K could actually get a chance and R singala son could actually feature from K all right m one quick question before we let you go what is the game plan now in terms of the campaign because a lot of leaders from harana are desperate that Rahul Gandhi comes back and the focus actually where the news flow is now shifts to the harana and Jammu Kashmir elections you know that's right actually P but Rahul Gandhi's timing is perfect as far as the harana leaders or harana assembly polls are concerned because the nominations end and Rahul Gandhi is there to kickart the campaign also I I would I think that uh the Rahul Gandhi has started uh the the camp campign on foreign soil itself because uh he's hogging all the headlines in terms of the policy paralysis accusations or drawing a parallel between the BJP and the congress's concerned so I think uh the congress party feels that the campaign for the assembly elections uh has already been started by Rahul Gandhi by making skaing attacks at the BJP on foreign soil all right MOSI I appreciate you joining us thank you they going to come back to you for more updates there uh uh now waiting for the congress's list because uh it's coming from all other camps practically there's maybe a few more names which are going to be expected from the arm admi party uh but mostly all done but all eyes on the congress's second list because that's the Lion Share 40 seats yet to be announced and tomorrow is the final day for nominations meanwhile let's uh cut across now to our political panelist especially when it comes down to announcements that have been made in the state of Jammu and Kashmir uh both by the Congress and the J party Sops Galore where the Congress going out on a limb promising 3,000 rupees per head to uh one woman per family 18,000 rupees a year countered by the BJP uh charu praga National spokesperson Bia janata party joins us as well as amitab du National spokesperson Congress amitab du today it was Mr K who made you know all these announcements but amitab dub the question once again comes which many ask you has this cut tat way of politics actually works because one of the states where you promise the moon uh and the Stars has now standing on the brink of bankruptcy unable to deliver where 20,000 crores of that money supposed to go in an old pension scheme in Himachal and they don't have any money similarly you haven't met all your promises in Karnataka or Telangana the uh Spate of promises that the congress party and some other parties have uh including the BJP one has to add have made that many people treat as populist that people in the media called populist is not happen a vacuum it is happening because there is a need uh we have a huge problem unemployment demand has contracted despite headline high growth rates for many years so there is real suffering going on particularly at the bottom of the pyramid and therefore we are responding to a need uh the kinds of promises perhaps 10 years ago we weren't making because the situation wasn't quite so dire now uh the BJP has made these promises and if you look at our announcements today the one that is potentially an expensive one would be the mahila saman scheme which is a direct cash payment to women the other policies whether it's the 25 um lack health insurance building of hospitals Primary Health Care of course the promise to have an OBC to defend OBC rights in in the state um and so on these are not things that are going to be what are conventionally expensive so I would say that we are aware that there is a danger of going too far with with populism and therefore we're being very careful and making selective promises that don't break the bank and yet they deal with the very serious problems underperformance the because many would suggest even giving 11 kilos of free Russian to every family member is also an exorbitant scheme which the up government is now getting to grips with see back in the day when we brought we as in the congress party like coition brought in the food Security Act everyone said this is populism this is ridiculous same arguments were being made when Mr Modi doubled down on it suddenly it became a quote unquote prop scheme that you know people are not criticizing there is a need there is a serious demand from people and that's what we're responding to well you know there is a need is what you say but is there money in the banks to meet that kind of need and that a classic example of that is the state of Himachal Pradesh where you might say you've inherited most of the debt but the debt that is still piling up primarily stems from a the old pension scheme which you have promised the people of Himachal and yet to deliver but charu praga you know very quick the BJP is to call the congress's way of functioning especially before an election kutak cut politics but you might call it yoga or you know you might call arind kajal's swaps as ravy congresses as katakat yours as yoa but it means the same thing aru praga let's look at the announcement that Amit sha made through your own s Patra in Jammu and Kashmir 18,000 rupees a year for you know where women are concerned tripling uh you know old uh uh the widows scheme and uh the other schemes as well good evening P the difference between Congress and BJP Manifesto promises is that Congress never manages to deliver on any of them and I can go through this list is starting with Himachal Pradesh you've already given the example of the old pension scheme they didn't have the money they knew they had no chances of getting the money yet when it's election time they make all these promises uh we can move to Rajasthan from there there were Promises of the lone waver but instead what did we see the land of over 20,000 Farmers was seized in Karnataka they promised free electricity what happened to that and um going one step further they also promised women 20,00 000 rupes and where did all those promises go the fact is that whatever they had going on whether it was the IND Cain scheme to supply the food the Congress is unable to pay off the loan it has mounted up to 650 crores today so I think when you come up with with these kind of schemes when you want to say that you want to give uh life insurance or health insurance cover to a family in Jammu and Kashmir to the tune of 25,000 25 lakhs please tell me this is isn't aayushman bhat pretty much the same thing each person is given a cover of 5 lakh rupees you multiply it by the family if the family is larger they actually get more so this is just a twisting and turning around of world and this is a situation where whether it is prises of jobs in ktic whether it is unable to pay allow me allow me to come in for a re bottle because you know what you say is that you guys deliver but the Congress doesn't quite deliver you gave the example of imal Pradesh which you are very correct but allow me to now give the example of this uh state of madhia Pradesh and I'm sure Maharashtra will follow the largely BNA scheme Chu praga has put the state of madhia Pradesh in a 4 lakh cor debt the state of madhia Pradesh is neck deep in debt and now if you look at the state of Maharashtra LLY BNA yoga becomes LLY bahin scheme and the state of Maharashtra which is again in debt the promise is quite the same Chu praga good for the goose good for the G means the same thing so pry there is a difference between counting debt on a state and that I can count for every single state in the country and the difference between actually delivering may I please ask how many women in Karnataka were actually given 2,000 Rupees may I please ask out of the promise how many farmers were given a loone waver in Rajasthan the action the result is zero it is a net zero and that is a fact in utar Pradesh we heard so much talk about this katakat katakat scheme 1 lakh rupees before elections trying to literally hoping to turn the elections around what is the result today there were women lining up outside Congress offices and Congress slammed their doors shut in their faces because according to them it was only merely a ploy and posturing before elections not something that Congress ever intended to deliver on see the fact is that today every single day congress makes its image worse and worse Rahul Gandhi who's the leader of opposition this time is in the United States of America giving one alarming statement after another every single day that continues to be a problem now this is also the sensitive state of jamu and Kashmir first elections after the abbreviation of article 370 their stand on that itself is not clear why would the people of the state of support a political party does not know which way it's headed all right you no no no Chu the fact is it's very easy to say that it is a fact that the Congress has not delivered U the fact is that both the BJP and the Cong now are in a race of populism now that how it gets funded is an entirely different question but you've raised other issues where Rahul Gandhi be in uh America or what is the stand of the congress party in Jammu and Kashmir those are entirely different Chu praga the point that I was trying to make is very clear what you're doing in those are important and Congress must answer that what but that's not the point the mood you know point of the debate all right go ahead amitab dub answer that though it's not the mood point of the debate but go ahead answer that no so this the the BJP is real expert their great skill is at pushing accountability Way for their actions by talking about the opposition so Jammu and Kashmir today uh has the highest unemployment in the country second highest unemployment in the country highest female unemployment in the country it has seen deindustrialization while the rest of the country has industrialized since 2019 it's very significant given what their claims are and they're busy attacking the government and talking about Karnataka here and there I'll give you an example they keep talking about article 370 our position is absolutely clear in the statement that we made in August 2019 we are asking for Statehood there is an unelected LG who is running the state of Jammu and Kashmir the only state in the history of this country which has gone from state to UT Most states go the other way around the rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir are being taken away so these are our concrete suggestions to deal with that and what we stand for is statehood the the question article 370 nowhere in the picture so let's be Absolut clear about that all right okay you know and Kashmir no that's a very confused stand Mr du Jammu and Kashmir was a state before the abrogation of 370 and for security reasons it had to be temporarily converted into a union territory you're well aware in no no no no the elections are around the corner you are aware everybody is aware the elections are around the corner but at the same time you stand on article 370 is still unclear you don't want to make any comments on that because you're Alliance Partners not the fact is this debate had nothing to do with article 370 and the Congress is stand for it but uh we were talking about something entirely different but you know that's the point because political parties love to deflect but having said that amitab du would you want to come and answer that question which question she asked the stand on article 370 which you're trying to deflect I I have just said very clearly at no point as a congress party asked for a return of article 370 our position is was made very clear in the CWC resolution and we stand by it what we are asking for today is statehood now when a government is formed with us and the National Conference there will be a common minimum program that common minimum program will be very clear what it stands for what it doesn't stand allow to speak I'll give you the that's very clear make your point sir yeah so I'm just saying that this is a total Canard I would like to also add that the BJP loves to cast aspersions on political parties when they are with opposition when they themselves Ally with the party suddenly they become reliable partners and I can guarantee you that that if there is a confused election result tomorrow they'll be running off the same I'll come back to the same point sh I'll come back to the same point you know if you take away the name of the parties and possibly you take away two points of each agenda uh where the Congress and the BJP is concerned it actually looks like you can swap your Manifesto or your s Patra because it's full of freebies so PR I will again come back to this and uh I would pointedly now like to ask the Congress spokesperson his response to what happened to the 200 rupees that were promised during Karnataka elections to the women of Karnataka you did win that election right what is the end result tell me the delivery of it tell me what is the end result on the delivery of the money that was promised in the old pension scheme to imel Pradesh your track record state after State Remains the Same if by a fluke you happen to win central government the central government dened the money no one minute that's a very Nolo so you're not 10 seconds to answer then I'm closing the show make your point sir quick I said that in Himachal Pradesh it was the Modi government that denied the funds to the state government and therefore it's sabotaged the proposal to bring back Ops I need to close because this is going to get into but the sure fact 55,000 CR is the budget for the state of Himachal Pradesh imagine out of that 20,000 cres has been deputed just for the old pension scheme how much is actually left uh you know for the upliftment of a state which is neck deep in debt but look at the state of madhia Pradesh which is run by the bhartia Jan Party 4 lakh CR debt because of the LLY bnaa what happens there because both be it the BJP be it the Congress are like I said it's poll promises Galore populism the political parties might not like it but that is what the word is the elections becoming highly transactional a quick break stay with us on the other side is D SA [Music] [Music] to say hello I'm you took careful when you play On My Level for you Motorola Razer 50 Ultra flip the script hello moto India today mind rocks youth Summit 2024 bangaluru get a chance to meet with the most 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turned into a protest Zone on Wednesday as hundreds turned up questioning the construction of a new mosque residents claim the structure has been built illegally it's Hindu groups and locals clashed with the police seeking demolition of the mosque protesters marched towards the mosque construction chanting Hanuman Chalisa and bhat mat k j slogans [Music] police resorted to L charge and water cannons to dispers the [Applause] crowd the sukinda suku government in the state says no decision can be taken till the Court gives a verdict the opposition BJP has slammed the Congress accusing the party of playing with the sentiments of people 163 BNS [Music] with the situation escalating in the Hilltown in Himel all eyes are on the municipal Corporation commissioner court with Aman baj in Shimla Himachal Pradesh Bureau report India [Applause] today weather forecast now Delhi maximum 36 and minimum 26° Mumbai maximum 29 and minimum 25° Kolkata maximum 33 and minimum 26° bangaluru maximum 29 and minimum 20° Chennai maximum 34 and minimum 28° Hyderabad maximum 28 and minimum 21° make your media PL smarter with India today live TV on your connected devices amplify your brand with 100 million smart internet viewers to advertise mail us at sales [Music] presented by RP sanjie Goa group growing legacies co-presented by Club Prime R co-presented by new SOS with Kia connect Tech is now badass go powered by the Bold look of cola leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi's meeting with us lawmakers including a rabid anti-india congresswoman ilhan Omar and his comments on the plight of siks in India has the ruling BJP on the war path the BJP has accused Rahul Gandhi of not acting childishly but danger ously the Congress of course has jumped to Rahul Gandhi's defense and that's a top Focus story on this special show Rahul triggers war from abroad if you get 95 97% you can go into any medical meets India hater Ilan omad spews India again seeks claim [Music] terrorist Buu endorses [Music] Rahul Mission disrupt or dangerous that is the big focus on news track ilhan Omar is rapidly anti-india us congresswoman she's been to Pakistan on a sponsored trip she went to Pakistan occupied Jammu and Kashmir and spewed Venom against India even in the hardip Singh Nar case in fact Rahul Gandhi is also in the line of fire for his comments on the plight of siks in India and his comments are being endorsed by gur patwan Singh panu a radical khalistan Terror backer in the United States we get you all sides of the story I'm G sth as always let's get started with the headlines big meltdown over Rahul Gandhi's sick biased remark at the United States of America bjp's sick leaders hit the streets and protest khalistan terrorist panu backs Rahul Gandhi [Music] statement Bengal doctors versus mam government's stalemate continues Bengal government calls for a meeting doctors say they will attend if mam banery is present and there is a live broadcast of that [Music] meeting Shimla protest against illegal mosque turns ugly protesters clash with the police in the Hilltown the suku government says it will demolish the mosque if Civic bodies deem it [Music] illegal fight for the chief Minister's chair resurfaces in Karnataka eight contenders queue up for Saraya seat amid's mounting scam allegation Saraya denies he's stepping down says he will continue to be chief minister of [Music] Karnataka kamla Harris versus Donald Trump heated face off in their first presidential debate Donald Trump calls his opponent a failure kamla Harris retorts with disgraceful tun pop star Taylor Swift backs kamla Harris [Music] leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi's comments in the United States of America and his meetings with a group of us lawmakers that included a rapidly anti-indian congresswoman inan Omar has sred a haet nest in India the BJP has come out all guns blazing attacking Rahul Gandhi for acting not childishly but dangerously BJP claims he's doing what anti-india elements would love with Rahul Gandhi's comments being echoed by khalistan Terror backers like gur patwan Singh panu the BJP accused the Congress of openly working with those against India a charge that the Congress has strongly denied jumping to Rahul Gandhi's defense take a look Congress leader and leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi's trip to the US has sparked a firestorm back home for the third day in a row Rahul Gandhi met us lawmakers including ilhan Omar during his visit to Washington DC ilhan Omar a Somali American known for her anti-india stance and remarks is the US Representative for Minnesota's Fifth District she's known for her frequent anti-india tirades and support of anti-india moves within the US political system ilhan Omar had slammed India for the abolition of article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and had visited Pakistan occupied Kashmir as well she also boycotted prime minister Narendra modi's speech to the US Congress ilhan Omar had backed the Canadian probe into allegations of the Indian government's alleged role in The Killing of khalistani separatist terrorist hardip Singh ner the bjp's big guns including home minister Amit sha have reigned fire on Rahul Gandhi for meeting ilhan Omar describing the leader of the opposition as anti-india it almost seems as if he goes abroad to criticize all Indians and his motherland I condemn the kind of statements and the people whom he is meeting during his foreign trips on the one hand he meets Miss Omar who is a known anti-india propagandist the Congress has hit back at the BJP calling its statement motivated earlier Rahul Gandhi had sparked controversy with his claim on the sik community struggles in India the fight is about whether he as a seek is going to be allowed to wear his turbon in India or he as a seik is going to be allowed to wear a K in India or he as a seik is going to be able to go to Gara that's what the fight is about now khalistani terrorist gur patwan Singh panu has supported rahul's statements calling them bold and factually grounded even seeks for justice a banned organization has issued a statement hailing Rahul Gandhi's words the BJP has warned that Rahul is setting a dangerous narrative gul's visit to the US has triggered controversy for multiple reasons including slamming the Modi government meeting Park sympathizer ilhan Omar and now an endorsement by khalistani terrorist panu with Rahul goam in Delhi Bureau report in today in fact leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi's comments on reservations in India has also led to an open slanging match between the ruling and the principal opposition party though after the fireworks Rahul Gandhi issued a clarification saying he was not talking about removal of reservation the BJP including Union home minister Amit sha attacked Rahul Gandhi's comments on the removal of reservation Amit Shah insisted as long as the BJP is there there is no question of anyone touching reservations we get you more in this report Rahul Gandhi's us visit continues to be in the eye of the storm and it's his comments on reservation that triggered a massive political meltdown in India we will think of scrapping reservations when India is a fair place and India not a fair place now that that creates a problem because there are many people who come from the upper cast right who say look what have we done wrong day after this declaration in Virginia the leader of opposition in Lok saaba issued a clarification at another interaction in Washington DC I don't see it as a mundle versus cundle issue and what we're saying is uh different than different than the the the idea of only reservations what we're saying is we want to comprehensive understanding first of what's going on and then we're going to apply a series of policies to correct it reservation being one of them somebody misquoted me yesterday saying that I'm against reservations I in saying again and again and again we're going to increase reservations Beyond 50% now I'm not a against reservations but political fireworks are already exploding home minister Amit sha came out all guns blazing at the Congress MP saying that by speaking about abolishing reservations in the country Rahul Gandhi has once again brought the congress's anti- reservation phase to the Forefront sha also declared that as as long as BJP is there no one can abolish reservation in India gandh GHI cast consensus and reservation have been one of the main political issues of the Congress and its allies since the runup to the 2024 elections India Partners have come out in Rahul Gandhi's support BJP at home and abroad cast and Kota continue to be a raging debate Bureau report India today in fact Union Minister giraj Singh has gone a step ahead accusing Rahul Gandhi of standing with anti-india forces both in India and when overseas the Congress has hit right back saying Ilan Omar was part of a delegation of lawmakers who came and met Rahul Gandhi at the rbor house it included other lawmakers like rajak Krishna morti or RNA but the question we're asking should details of that conversation with lawmakers and especially what ilhan Omar said or what Rahul Gandhi said to ilhan Omar should those conversations be made public join me on the show Sanju Verma National spokesperson of the bhia janata party Sanjay Jaa formerly with the Congress joins us as a political analyst and commentator kamu Chri joins us as a political analyst and abijit ay Mitra is a senior fellow at the ipcs but San J I want to begin by asking you sir the BJP says Rahul Gandhi is not acting childishly he's acting dangerously the conversation between leader of opposition of India and a Pakistan sponsored rapidly anti-india congresswoman like Ilan Omar should rul Gandhi and the congress not give details about what that conversation was uh God of thanks for inviting me for the program and if you give me uninterrupted time I'll expose the double standards of the hip Ry of the BJP and completely debunk what their propaganda Factory is trying to do let me start firstly this is the same political party it's a conservative right-wing party and it supports the Republicans in the United States in fact Mr Modi became the first prime minister of any country to campaign for another head of state when he went with upy bar Trump ccar which was such a political and a diplomatic embarrassment for the country let's talk talk about let's talk about Miss Omar here what she said if that was said by Kamala Harris would the BJP today apologize to Rahul Gandhi or would it break diplomatic relationship with America should kamla Harris tomorrow become the president of the United States God of let me give you three statements of kamla Harris who's a potential president of the United States of America on number one Kashmir on Kashmir Kamala haris is on record I've got it here in front of me people of Kashmir Are Not Alone we are watching we are aware of the human rights violations and America will consider an intervention if required Kamala Harris I want to ask the BJP spokesperson and Mr Modi and the entire BJP spokespersons who are making a fool of themselves today would you apologize then to Rahul Gandhi or are you telling the people of India that India will break off from United States if kamla Harris becomes president kamla Harris gorov is on record to say she's anti-caa so is the BJP going to break so you're equating kamla Harris and ilhan Omar you're saying ilhan Omar a rabidly anti-india often seen as a radical islamist who was sponsored by Pakistan government to go to pojk and spew Venom against India is the same as kamla Harris that's your point sir I'm I'm making a statement the BJP says that she is anti- India so I'm going to ask a question they have accused the Congress of being anti-national for questioning CAA that's what kamla Harris has done kamla Harris has spoken against article 370 kamla Harris has talked about human rights violations so is the BJP is Mr Modi is Mr J Shanker are they saying that India will break off diplomatic relationship with America should kamla Harris become president was Onan Omar but I gave you uninterrupted opening comment sir Sanju Congress says Congress says if if what ilhan Omar said and what kamla Harris said will the BJP break off ties with the United States of America you know gor let's first be very clear uh and of course uh Mr J spoke for about uh three and a half minutes I will need uh that amount of time uninterrupted as well G thank you for having me on your show first and foremost uh you know there's a famous in so the reason I'm reading out these few lines in Hindi is to tell Mr J who continues to be a suspended leader of the Congress he said that you know most BJP spokespersons are making a fool of themselves blah blah blah I don't want to make this debate about ja versus sanjua I simply have this to say to him Rahul Gandhi despite trying his level best for the third time in a row in loksabha elections 2024 the Congress was reduced to 100 seats so if there's anyone who's a national embarrassment anyone who's a global embarrassment anyone who's a sociopath who continues to lie and pedal gibberish at International foras without uh any iota of dignity it is Rahul Gandhi and his darbari and retainers like sanj J now let me come to the moot point yes but I will certainly address G yeah no personal ATT to with great respect great respect with great respect to both our gu no personal keep quiet please shut up only only only suu but my request to all our guests no personal attacks please go on ma'am thank you G I didn't want to go that line I didn't want to go that alley or that path but San always makes it a point to make it personal so he need needed to be shown the I will just say this to you gorov I'm saying as the leader of the opposition Rahul Gandhi has every right to criticize policies he has every right to say he dislikes the BJP or dislikes the RSS or you know dislikes Narendra Modi or Amit Shah that is well within the prerogative of what goes as freedom of speech or free expression but when Rahul Gandhi goes in March 2023 and at an event in k says I'm very concerned Why the European Union and us are quiet when a large chunk of democracy is coming undone in India that is an anti-national statement when Rahul Gandhi 48 hours back says democracy is under attack in India and had the elections been Fair the BJP would not have even mastered 200 seats thereby implying that the elections in India white 2024 were illegal unconstitutional they were not fair they were not free and he's basically casting as persons at the election commission and I will just tell you this go to bear with me for 20 seconds okay 20 seconds equal time to both go I just finish in 10 seconds in 2021 Rahul Gandhi a repeat and habitual offender has the audacity to say at an event in Brown University so what if Narendra Modi is winning elections even Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi used to win elections at one point and this is the same Rahul Gandhi who in 2022 at an event in London said Russia is doing something in Ukraine and guess what China is doing similar stuff in ladak so basically he is trying to insinuate that this man is Shameless this man rul Gandhi is desperate you you made your ini kamu ch kamu ch I want to come back to ilhan Omar for a moment because ilhan Omar went on a Pakistan government sponsored trip to Pakistan occupied jamu and Kashmir made certain comments about the situation article 370 and so on she's seen as someone who's rapidly anti- India she joined issues with Canada put to to put try and put India in the dog on the ner case is the meeting of our opposition of leader with such a lady be clarified what was the conversation all about yeah gorov as a news person you are within your right to call a congressman a congress woman who is a lawmaker of the us as a rabbit islamist that's up to your Liberty to call anybody what you like but then 60% of indias who do not believe in the in the way Narendra Modi is running the country equos the same thoughts that Ilan Omar has prescribed or rather written about India let me 60% of India agrees with ilhan Omar is what you're saying you how do you know that sir yeah let me just I was I was just reading a tweet by Ilan Omar you see what is the wrong in that from my thought process I was struck most of all by its religious pluralism and Democratic culture Hindus Muslims Christians siks Janes and Buddhist different people living together under one democracy the idea of Narendra Modi is not the idea I fell in love with that is Ilan Omar and I also feel the same thing the way the entire e system is conspiring in India against religious Tois intoler ISM in India right now we are all seeing this is happening within front of our eyes the way the government has brought in the Waka Bill the way the government has brought in the ca the way the farmers protest have been vilified in India the way the recently Assam laws are being enacted against a particular Community the way the ecosystem is talking about abolishing the basically you're saying you concur withan Omar and her thoughts even on and Kashmir and on N absolutely no because my question to you is very specific sir my question to you kabu Chri is very specific ilhan Omar on Kashmir you agree with her points of view ilhan Omar on panu and ner you agree with the points of view and does the congress party do the same sir wait India is a one Union and I'm proud of my indianess and our unity in diversity in India but what Ilan Omar thinks about Pakistan or what she thinks about Kashmir I do not subscribe to it you made an issue of Rahul Gandhi meeting Ilan Omar in the US that's why I made this comparison and my comparison was very specific to her views on Jammu and Kashmir and Nar and panu sir you must hear my question I am very clear in what I say but let me bring in abijit a Mitra sir there are several lawers take 20 seconds seconds okay okay go on go on go on Mr Chri now the basic point gorov out here is that I may not subscribe to all the views that Anan Omar has said out but how come you vilify Rahul Gandhi on television on front of the entire India that because he meet a group of Delegation from the US Congress that he is sub

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Uh mr president on january 6th you told your supporters to march to the capital you said you would be right there with them uh the country and the world saw what played out of the capital that day the officers coming under attack aids in the west wings say you watched it unfold on television off the... Read more

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The Immigration Cr1sis A Towns Sh@me Trump vs Harris LIVE | Donald Trump LIVE | Kamala Harris LIVE

Category: People & Blogs

And what what's going on here you're going to end up in world war iii just to go into another subject what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the united states and a lot of towns... Read more

America's Role on the World Stage from Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris thumbnail
America's Role on the World Stage from Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Category: People & Blogs

You did bring up something you said she went to negotiate with vladimir putin vice president harris have you ever met vladimir putin can you clarify tonight yet again i said at the beginning of this debate you're going to hear a bunch of lies coming from this fellow and that is another one when i went... Read more

You Won't Believe What Trump Said About Immigration in the Debate! Full  Donald Trump and Kamala thumbnail
You Won't Believe What Trump Said About Immigration in the Debate! Full Donald Trump and Kamala

Category: People & Blogs

Mr president thank you uh vice president harris you heard the president there tonight he said he didn't say that that he lost by whisper so he still uh believes he did not lose the election uh that was won by president biden uh and yourself but i do want to ask you about something that's come up in... Read more

Trump Biden's Policies from  2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia thumbnail
Trump Biden's Policies from 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris in Philadelphia

Category: People & Blogs

President trump your resp well first of all i wasn't given $400 million i wish i was my father was a brooklyn builder brooklyn queens and a great father and i learned a lot from them but i was given a fraction of that a tiny fraction and i built it into many many billions of dollars many many billions... Read more

Trump's Legacy: The Economy & Project 2025" from Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris thumbnail
Trump's Legacy: The Economy & Project 2025" from Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Category: People & Blogs

Well i would love to let's talk about what donald trump left us donald trump left us the worst unemployment since the great depression donald trump left us the worst public health epidemic in a century donald trump left us the worst attack on our democracy since the civil war and what we have done is... Read more

Economic Plan for the Middle Class from Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris thumbnail
Economic Plan for the Middle Class from Full 2nd Presidential Debate: Donald Trump and Kamala Harris

Category: People & Blogs

I want to begin tonight with the issue that voters repeatedly say is their number one issue and that is the economy and the cost of living in this country vice president harris you and president trump were elected four years ago and your opponent on the stage here tonight often asks his supporters are... Read more

Trump vs Harris: The Ultimate 2024 Debate Breakdown thumbnail
Trump vs Harris: The Ultimate 2024 Debate Breakdown

Category: Entertainment

Vice president kamla harris and former president donald trump faced off for the first time on the debate stage tuesday night marking their inaugural direct encounter in the 2024 presidential race the high stakes debate took place in philadelphia bringing together harris and trump in a pivotal moment... Read more