Martin Shkreli: «Bro, Intel Is Going Bankrupt»

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:20:51 Category: People & Blogs

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okay wow uh so Intel's not really making much cash flow I thought they would have a big wow bro Intel's going to bankrupt the [ __ ] the [ __ ] is this bro I can't believe what I'm seeing this is a prank the [ __ ] so you got two billion in annualized cash flow that's two years in a row I don't know how Q4 looks though so it's 50 times earnings that's after this plunge but with the capex replacement replacement Theory you're talking about huge negative cash flow free cash flow man this is a [ __ ] show this is worse than a [ __ ] show even altero look at that look at the as6 performance what the [ __ ] is going on in Altera damn Tera used to be a great company everything goes to [ __ ] when it goes to Intel the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] there got to be a way out there's got to be a way out of this there I think there's only one way out for Intel unfortunately oh my [Music] God it's the only way out man [ __ ] German today I'm announcing a 100 billion doll bailout of Intel that is aha inner segment inner segment elimination s interesting you know sometimes you got to buy stocks when they look the worst you know that's what a value investor does when nobody else will touch it you say you know what I'm in that's my Triple H impersonation I'm in I'm all in for for I I guess they must have given guidance or something that's why the stock dropped so much that quarter wasn't that bad what the hell am I looking at here wrong thing 12 and a half to 13 and a half job losses is a good thing for them they need to [ __ ] do some job losses could be a buy starting to feel it no more divs who cares who cares a [ __ ] about a dividend this could be all right sometimes you got to buy the dog the ugliest dog it's a dog sometimes you buy the dog I'm just saying dividends never important modern Finance the div dividend has been extracted away you look at Burkshire halfway doesn't pay dividend so many other companies just doesn't make a difference you could have a synthetic dividend if you wanted you can create your own dividend it's all irrelevant and their dividend is not positive from taxation perspective anyway looking at Intel is a waste of time according to snowman who knows what he's talking about cuz he's a snowman shut the [ __ ] up the moas is coming Greeks are better than Ian [Applause] what nothing will make me rage more than that Greeks are better than albanians no if you don't know what I'm doing then this may not be the stream for you but what I'm doing is called Financial modeling so this is um financial statements analysis but if you're new to this [ __ ] watch and learn right and don't get rule number one about my stream don't get me pissed okay don't get me pissed I'm very sensitive wow okay so gross margin of 35% is maybe propped up company what are you talking about propped up by whom so it wasn't propped up yesterday shareholders wish it was propped [Music] up don't look that propped up to me IAM which part is the propped up listen I don't like it when retards come in my chat all right I just don't like that look at the look at the crazy Mark these are real marks by the way like a lot of companies we're going to give you the option to exclude them because they're pretty distracting but these are all real trades from live from the NASDAQ centralized feed is all about the game and how you play it this is godell it's uh on the bottom of the screen sign up now no all right we'll look at these uh right after thank you yeah I can't believe Bitcoins down so much man oh I knew no so I knew it was going to go down but I [ __ ] chickened out on my short all about the game and how you play it the government is not propping up Intel [ __ ] shut up seriously if if you were here right now in my chat in my room in my in my study I can't I get banned off these live streams I'm like banned off twitch right now for 30 days a lot of these live stream places are so sensitive I don't want to get I don't want to get banned it's a beautiful day here in New York City you can see the entire city from here I got to calm down these idiots come in my chat smack the fire out you in in prison I learned all these [ __ ] hilarious phrases smack the taste out of his mouth uh there there's just so many um I'm trying to think of my best [Music] one uh I'mma beat the brakes off you that's my favorite I'm G beat the brakes off you I can't vote I'm a felon and I'm in New York here anyway so I'm not sure my vote's gonna going to mean much okay so we have we caught up on our quarterly for Intel let's now put our thinking caps on that's the easy part hard part starts now the hard part is what the [ __ ] is going on here and this is where it helps to sort of have an understanding of the business which I got to admit to you I I am not a microchip expert I'm not a CPU guy not a and it spend my life studying processors I spent my life studying uh medicine software so it's a little little tricky for me I'll do my best I have looked at Intel for 25 years Mna down huge dog [ __ ] company okay something's going on here let me fix they said take the Mna I said okay okay I'll do what you ask I want to make the people happy but it was dog [ __ ] China the China flu the China virus they won't say it buty came from China why can't I call it the China flu if it came from China the Kamala black or white thing or black or Indian thing is kind of stupid I have to I have to say I think he's going to give that one up I got to place a phone call Donald listen it's big scrub you got to get rid of that get get rid of the race thing it makes you look stupid how do you know that you're telling me that for the first time that's my favorite um my favorite Trump thing I didn't know that I just you're telling me now for the first time I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence I don't think he knows what he said either I didn't know that I just for the first time yeah I love Shane Gillis he's uh he's cool all right so for Intel numbers can't tell you everything in fact oftentimes numbers can't tell you [Music] anything past performance doesn't predict future anything look at the last 20 20 years of Intel right I wonder if we want data on PC shipments or something they Lo they've definitely lost market share to AMD but notice they still have lot more Revenue than well maybe not a ton more Revenue than the video Let's see my Nvidia model appears to have disappeared that's not good I'll have to I'll have to fix that I'm just doing Intel because somebody asked me to customer ask me to okay I'm not emotionally attached to anything [ __ ] out of here

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