Bob Huggins Will NEVER Coach at WVU Again? | Could John Beilein Return?

the Hot Topic among West Virginia fans right now is who will be the next head coach for the West Virginia Mountaineer basketball team well one thing's for sure according to Hoppy kersal with WV metro news it is not going to be Bob Huggins but could it be John beline that's another Hot Topic today a lot of fans want John beine a lot of fans don't Paul and not are going to talk about and debate that topic and we're going to do that right after this word from our sponsor this episode of Hoops from the hills is brought to you by Dutch Miller Automotive where friends and family pricing me you get the best deal right up front on any new or pre-love vehicle in stock every time with Brands like Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Kia Hyundai Ford GMC Buick and Subaru the Dutch Miller Automotive family is always growing and ready to put you in the car or truck you've been searching for check out our inventory across West Virg Virginia at Dutch Miller or you can come in person today to the home of friends and family pricing only at a Dutch Miller automotive store near you what is up my name is kozz my name is mner Paul and we present to you another episode of poops from The Hills today again we're talking about the soon Tobe coaching vacancy more than likely at West Virginia University for the men's basketball program a couple old coaches their names have come up in the news and on social media in the last 24 to 48 hours thanks in part to Hoppy kval at least from the Bob Huggins perspective hoppy kval from WB Metro News put an article out today I'm going to share the article and read it real quick it's not very long it says Huggins has zero chance of returning as WVU's coach WVU athletic director Ren Becker will conduct a nationwide search for a permanent head basketball coach Baker indicated when he hired Josh Ard on an interim basis last year that he would wait until the end of the season however if Baker is doing his job he is already exploring the possibilities aler should be considered the longtime assistant took over under difficult circumstances and has had to adapt to One Challenge after another he has handled the position with professionalism and Grace although the winds have been in short supply one name that will not be on wb's radar is Bob Huggins the Fame coach and West Virginia sports legend was forced to resign last year after first dropping an anti-gay slur on a Cincinnati radio show and just weeks later getting arrested in Pittsburgh for drunk driving Huggins made matters worse by claiming he never really resigned and then threatening to sue the university those events and his obstinacy and I have no I may have butchered that word it's a word I've never heard of to be honest th those events and his obstinacy burned up much of the well- earned Goodwill he had built up at the University over the years the chatter continues that Huggins would like his old job back and the coach has his supporters in mountainer nation who would like to see him back on the bench as soon as possible but that simply is not going to happen according to my sources there is zero interest at the highest levels of the WV athletic department or Stewart hall for Huggins to return as coach or even be under consideration zero apparently that hardened position holds true for the Board of Governors as well I understand that maybe only one member of the 17 member board would be in support of Huggins yes there are donors Who Remain loyal to Huggins but the number that would be willing to push hard for his return has dwindled significantly since the events of last year there is not enough support among the money people to pressure Baker president Gordon G and a majority of the board to give in there simply is no Avenue for Huggins to return as coach An Elegant epilogue to this story would be if Huggins is one day welcome to the Coliseum for for a formal recognition of his historic accomplishments and contributions to the university but that will not happen until Huggin and those closest to him understand that he will never be the head coach again and that he must publicly take responsibility for his conduct Paul balls to you my man you know I mean it's no it's no uh secret that Kirk will doesn't like Bob Huggins um hasn't like Bob Huggins is all happened this feels like he's rubbing his nose in it a little bit in this article just my opinion uh I mean it is fact it is fact but you can tell he relishes and type in those very words just wanted to point that out um so that's what your life has come to Hoppy but anyway um personally you know I feel bad for hugs um I understand he put himself in this situation um but as somebody who's G been given a bunch of chances I can't help but feel extremely sorry for him and it seems like he's doing better he's lost all the weight U hopefully his fist pry goes well nobody interferes with that but um as far as John beline goes I think he you know he is one of the top choices no doubt about that but he's definitely not the Top Choice you know to me I think there there's other other guys you have to ask first uh even unrealistic guys like Jay Ry who's already said no uh before you get to John beine in my you know that's just my opinion uh is John beline probably the highest profile candidate that's the most realistic at this point yeah yeah he probably is but I would still probably lean towards a young uh proven guy that has is proven as John beon like will Wade I've said that all along uh listen you know will Wade in his 30s had had uh LSU which is not a great basketball program or it wasn't till he got there competing for you know Elite eights final fours 36s uh really did good such a good job and he's doing the same thing in right now I really do think he would be great uh want a show clause and that's like the big catch with him uh is over with but at the end of day I I would probably be happy with be line it's just he's in his 70s man I mean to me it's a no-brainer this guy's 70 something years old it just I can't get past that you know um and to be fair I would have to I would like to see him talk uh just to get uh to obser observe his faculties a little bit just be keeping it real uh because we saw Bob Huggin skate around in his legend for a couple years past right so I I just want to make sure you know just I have no Authority on it but just personally for me I would like to see how he acts and sounds and how sharp he seems not the 71 you're not in the grave or anything like that but coaching high level basketball is an extremely intense thing uh and 71 is very old to be doing it glad out to me so that's kind of where I'm at with it yeah well said man and I know you and I differ a little bit on this topic on the John beine topic topic and I'm not saying he would be my first call and and first off let me just lay the groundwork the reason this is coming up and I'm not going to go there's a list 247 Sports Mike Kaza created a list of coaches he thinks are in the hunt for the job basically he's not making any predictions or anything like that it's just a list of about 12 guys that he thinks are are potential candidates and John Vine he put on the list because he feels like at least the way I interpreted it and I'll leave we'll leave a link to that to this it is behind the pay wall so take that for what it's worth but the way I interpreted Mike's comments is that they're basically going to make John beine say no if he hasn't already and and maybe he has we don't know that that's the thing nobody knows that that or not whether that's true or not has he already said no you know or not I don't know that's just Mike's opinion like I said he's not predicting it he's not been told that I don't think directly he's basically reading the T Lees from what he's hearing from his various sources that are close to the situation but John beon was only one of 12 names on that list and as far as beline goes in my opinion even though he may not be first on my list I do think he's definitely one of the top candidates even despite his age and here's why to me number one he doesn't he does he seems younger than 71 when you consider his energy level um things like that I think he seems younger than 71 he's only been out of the game a couple of years so it's not like you know he's been out forever he did go to the NBA for about a year and he's been doing some Consulting work there since he since he left Cleveland I think it was Cleveland where he was a coach and he's done some work with the Detroit Pistons and whatnot and he has been out of the college game a few years but and I think he's I think John Bon's a very smart guy I think he knows enough about the college game still he stayed close enough to it understand the ins and outs I don't think nil will be a problem which is what one one worry people have and that here's why all he needs is to hire somebody on his staff or retain somebody on his staff like a j Co for example that could handle all that for him you know delegate that to somebody else and if he's willing to do that then I think he'd be okay I think his style of coaching would still work in today's college game I think he can I think he's awesome at getting the best out of guys and I think even though he's 71 I think he's a young 71 if that makes sense now is are you going to get 10 years out of John beine no but you might get five or six years out of him and to me that's okay especially considering where this program is today that's that's how I see it I think John beine would be at least number two if not at least number three if not two on my list number one on my list would probably be Chris Mack the former coach at Louisville actually think he would be an awesome hirer not sure how likely that is obviously McDermot would be high on my list but it looks like he's going to get an extension at kraton and and retire there but outside of those two I actually think beline might be my my top choice but so I mean that's where I stand on it what do you what are your thoughts on that um well Chris Mack I mean his L run was was you know yeah obviously had the one really good year but his really to me he's known more as an Xavier Xavier coach you know what they did several number one overall seeds and everything that they did at Xavier right you're talking about similar uh at least I would assume similar resources at Louisville and Xavier probably more Louisville you know for basketball because they're probably their basketball school but uh which I don't know they do good in both they here last year but uh not this year basketball but anyway um I I would love Chris ma the Chris Mack hire I would love a Thad B hire too you know if you want to talk about coaches that have had high level success like high level success it doesn't get much better than Thad ma who who has had as much success in his coaching Butler to another great season I've mentioned him several times he's only 55 years old you know he he had he's had Ohio state two national championship games I mean listen that's his I mean that's not an easy job I I I know people think it's Ohio State but tell me anybody that's won there uh besides him nobody that's fair and it's it's because it's such a football driven School everything they do is school football now it's better job now he left it a good job and Chris holton's kind of running into the ground a little bit uh which is a surprise another surprise and Holman may actually get considered for the West Virginia job if things went kind of South but uh at the end of the day I'm not saying you go wrong with beine but you're G to be have you're gonna be doing the same thing you're doing right now again in my opinion it' probably only be two to three years I don't think if you get up past he 71 and about to be 72 you get up past three years he's 75 come on man that's hold that's you know I mean you see you rarely see guys coaching coaching of that age anymore very rare sheski uh did it I think you see bisher do it at San Diego State um yeah but it doesn't have you don't see it like it used to be everywhere there was old guys everywhere it's really become a young man's game and you got to keep up with the young guys uh and you just can't convince me that uh a 41y old willway what he probably does in a day's work or whatever over the course of a week can a 71 to 75 year old guy duplicate that I don't know I I talk to me to it just worries me so I rather I'm just leaning I'm just leaning young for this hire and um you know you're in the same situation if a young guy doesn't work out you got to make another hire as you are if you hire beine in my opinion either way you're going to be turning it around than hiring somebody else in the next couple years but beine to be the safe Choice yeah and that's a fair AR the AG is definitely a fair argument and it's a fair argument to say you know he's not coached in college since nil in the transfer portal became a thing right yeah I don't worry about that too much because I think and I've also heard people on line say you know his style it takes a year for guys to get used to it again with the portal he can go out and recruit players in year one that can play his system so I don't think that's an issue either but I don't know I guess the big my thought is this if you get a young coach and he comes in here and and and just knocks it out of the park he may not stay that long anyway before he goes off to a blue blood school like a Kansas or a Kentucky or wherever you know that's my fear you can't you can't yeah I know but you can't hire people like that I I I agree I agree I'm not saying it should be your number one thing but I mean I'm just I guess that's my counterargument to your argument about him not being here long it's the big 12 I mean there's only so many of those jobs available uh and if your Mark keeps taking it in the direction he is a big 12 job is going to be exclusive in basketball as it is you know the SEC jobs aren't in football so I think you know one thing I'm kind of certain about is the future of West Virginia basketball do believe it's going to be in a good position you know like really good position heading forward uh now I don't know about the winds on the floor but as far as status and Conference and all that I I do feel really good about that so you know I think what it's going to be a you know look what Bob did for the school I mean we really rival anybody in facilities uh and then you know a guy that gets hired is the only thing we don't know is what the nil situation really is you know what can they really afford what what is the actual realistic BL brass tax numbers on the situation we just don't we're not privy to those numbers and people won't tell us yeah you know which I think is ridiculous you know but if everybody's cars around on the table you could use it negatively to recruit against people so yeah sucks right yeah I uh the one thing I haven't heard people talk about and this is one thing that does concern me a little bit is it's my understanding when he was at Cleveland with the Cleveland Cavaliers that he didn't he wasn't there some controversy over some remarks he made uh that offended some of the players or something do you recall that John beon yes yeah that did happen I think if I'm not mistaken and correct me if I'm wrong but he allegedly used the word thugs in with the you know in front of the team and I think some of the players took exception to that so what concerns me a little bit and I don't think he meant it I don't think he meant anything by it I've not heard anything bad about John Bean's character at all uh here it is right here I found it uh Detroit News it did the disconnect between beine and the Cavaliers players grew when he said his team was no longer playing like a bunch of thugs during a team meeting in January belon later apologized and explained he meant to say slugs but that only happened what uh a couple years ago right yeah right and how well it was 2020 to be exact February of 2020 is when when that was reported on so it's been four years a lot of those players a lot of the players he would recruit might remember that or know about that you know and I'm not sure would that be is that something that would be a deterrent for recruit or or a transfer portal player or something like that that's a little concerning to me maybe it's a oneoff I don't see that being a problem across no yeah uh I mean at the end of the day he was talking about that and one brand of basketball where Street kind of like Street kind of basketball where you're you know playing selfishly behind the back all the dribbling right um and and and really it's just it was just cancel culture it's just really at its peak in 2020 by the way I mean it's been has Peak since 2020 uh trying to to take an basically an older white guy and canel him and that's what had a lot to do with it now he did say the words but they weren't as harmful as people tried to make them sound either yeah yeah I think you're right I mean I think it's just cancel culture at that point I don't think it was as big a deal it was probably made out to be um were there a few players that didn't like it I'm sure but again had he been winning it wouldn't have been as big a deal I don't believe yeah but anyway so your your argument about his age is totally fair the arguments I've seen on social media about you know him coaching him him have him never coaching in in the environment that we have today with n and the transfer portal all that's fair I just I feel like he's good enough to overcome all that but you know I could be totally wrong and my gut feeling is he's not going to get the job anyway I think he'll end up going to another a younger coach you know from a mid a successful mid- major program whether it be a buyington at James Madison or you know sherzer from Indiana State or you know Pat Kelsey or the coach from uh you know some of these other Appalachian State some of these other smaller progr programs I think that's at the end of the day I think we'll end up Landing one of those guys probably which that's not just not good enough it's not good enough well I mean some of those guys are good enough I mean I was just listing off some examples I'd be okay with Pat Kelce I think he's a good coach but yeah but I'm with you on the other ones I wouldn't be happy with them either but my but KS or a lot of people a lot of people love niik Med I just don't know why I mean as far as is there something about him on the sidelines that people like like I mean he he's won at Colorado State but it's not like he's blown it out of the water there so people always say well this guy's a good coach at a hard spot to win you give the resources and it should add up but I I just know winners win no matter what the circumstances are usually that's usually truthfully how it is uh you look what beine had to do at West Virginia in the early 20 mid 2000s was a hard job to win at uh and not only did he do it he did it better than almost anybody could you know get to a final four is insanity really and Elite eight it's insane well Paul do you have anything else to say about this topic sure don't Budd love being ly just not my first choice I understand yeah I'm with you he's look he's not my first but he's definitely in my top three but guys let us know what you think in the comments what do you think about John beine as the candidate for the co coaching job at West vir would you like to see him back or do you agree with Paul and you think his age is a concern and also what do you think about Bob Huggins returning to West Virginia and what do you think about hoppy Kell's article that he wrote about it and what he's hearing about Huggins having zero chance to get that job not a big surprise but you know to have somebody like hoppy kful put it out there I think it holds a lot more weight so let us know what you think don't don't forget to like share comment subscribe on the video here thank you guys we we've exceeded 1400 sub Subs on the channel now so thank you for that we're on the road to 2000 help us get there by subscribing we thank you for tuning in to this episode and we're done

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