Category: Science & Technology
Bonjour nous sommes le mardi 10 septembre 2024 et le sujet est la keynote d'apple qui a eu lieu hier à 19h et qui a duré une centaine de minutes où ils ont présentés les tout nouveaux produits apple comme l'iphone 16 pro 16 apple watch série 10 anniversaire de 10e anniversaire airpod 4 les smartwatch... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
So apple has announced their latest product in the new event called glow time we have pretty exciting product launches so let's explore them all starting with the main core of the event the iphone 16 lineup this is the star of the show the iphone 16 16 plus 16 pro and 16 pro max these are the apple's... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Get out of my sandwich no Read more
Category: Science & Technology
(upbeat jazzy music) - [victoria] the apple watch series 10, we just got some hands on with it, and what i can say is this kind of feels like the ultrification of the regular apple watch. first off, there's a much bigger screen. it is technically the largest display of any apple watch ever, including... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
The apple watch 10 brings exciting new features to your wrist with a stunning always on display you'll never miss a beat health tracking gets a boost with advanced sleep monitoring capabilities the new fitness modes cater to every workout enthusiast out there now you can customize your watch face with... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro [music] welcome back to cet live coverage of the apple iphone 16 event the glow time event or now i guess we're in the afterglow um i am here with my co-host scott stein and abar alii and we have a lot to dive into so we're just going to go around the room and you know what let's sh our feeling... Read more
Category: Gaming
Let's start with the new iphone 16 lineup the first thing that stands out is the vibrant new colors ultramarine steel pink as well as classic white and black the updated display now reaches a peak brightness of 2,000 nights outdoors the iphone 16 features a customizable action button similar to last... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro [music] apple's next iphone reveal is on monday and this is going to be a controversial apple event of course there's always a little drama when we get a new iphone but this time apple's generative ai software push is making things extra spicy and unpredictable not everyone who buys an iphone... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Ja es geht in großen großen schritten richtung september und woran merke ich das nein nicht wenn ich zum fenster rausguck doch da merkt man es auch nein ich merk's wenn ich in meine agenda gucke unglaublich viele firmen haben jetzt produkte die dann fürs weihnachtsgeschäft noch auf den markt müssen... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
開場白 我相信大家在網上一定看到過這樣的說法: 不要買 ipad pro,買了會後悔 ipad air 就足夠了,等等等等 也許對於某些人來說 可能確實是這樣的 可是對於大多數人來說呢? 真的也是這樣嗎? 前兩天我看到一條新聞 說 ipad pro 實在是賣得太好了 甚至影響到了 ipad air 的銷售了 根據 cirp 的數據顯示 2024 年第二季度 ipad pro 佔 ipad 總銷售量的 43% 超過了去年的 38% 而 ipad air 的銷量只佔到了總銷售量的 12% 低於去年同期的 15% 也就是說,在 100 個人當中 有 43 個人都選擇了更貴的 ipad... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
All right it's time for another ios 18 video and today i'll be going over the new changes in ios 18 beta 8 that was just recently released so this update actually does not contain that many new features uh it's primarily a bug fix update uh because we're at very very close to the final relase release... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
Intro so der diesjährige iphone event ist gerade vorbei und er war wie immer nur als videostream verfügbar für uns ich habe das ganze dies malal auf der appleion pro geschaut und ich muss sagen es war eine ganz coole erfahrung also mal so ein bisschen immersiver noch dabei zu sein als vielleicht nur... Read more