#NRL | Matty Johns, Joel & Fletch on Finals Footy gameplans, Josh Addo-Carr & Monkeys in Mexico

Jarrod Crokers tips Morning Glory host Matty John's all thanks to eljan where charcoal chicken just tastes better and this show just gets better when this man comes on on a Tuesday and a Thursday the great Matthew John's good afternoon you really are a sweet talker sugar thank you FLIR just have a look at this race number n man angle y $1.75 on oh 280 on the toad at the moment yeah it'll be fav they're shorties what are you really gambling with yeah yeah yeah M put him in a multi put him in a multi together yeah good call now do you know um Raygun knocking around with Richard Branson you know what's an unusual sort of Duo that I've noticed Ray gun's been knocking around Richard Branson have you seen that really so he has taken a liking to him bit of a shiny they're eating together on the Virgin Tour on the Virgin Cruise yeah so he has stood up for her and I think well done Sir Richard well well done to you sir Richard and uh the fact that she's knocking around with billionaires someone suggests that her her plan has been Vindicated to get out there and knocking with gold medal I just make myself a world worldwide personality and she's done it oh you think that was part of the plan just to get out there I got a funny Richard Branson story for you um Matty’s Richard Branson London Broncos story now do remember like Richard Branson when the Super League War happened he watched he watched rby league and he heard that Ruben Murdoch had bought the bought the English rubby League of course he turned into the Super League it just happened naturally over there well he bought the London Broncos he said I'm in he he he loved it he'd go to the games uh Tony Ray was the coach at the at the time anyway he had a nightclub right down in Kensington right and he said to uh all the all the London Broncos boys look anytime you want to come to the nightclub I'm going to leave all your names on the door well you imagine some of the Scully Wags that were there all all young all young Aussies like Russell B and Evan Cochran up said oh mate and apparently they were in there like they were in there you know Friday Saturday Su whenever they want play just there the whole time but in this nightclub it had like flamingos walking around in the nightclub anyway um what legit like real flamingos legit yeah Pink Flamingos walking around and um all the boys are sitting there looking at these flamingos and Evan Cochran goes mate how much would give me if I Ronny Gibbs one so he come charging across the dance Flor and just did the Ronnie the Ronnie gives Flamingo and got B for Life how the Flaming cuz Flamingo Flo's okay he he couldn't Cannonball them cuz they got they haven't got their spindly legs downstairs that's what that's what he did he he did the the dive of the legs you can't hit that's what he did and I said you're joking I said M honestly Fletch’s Monkey Nightclub Story that and he said no was fine he said it just folded like a deck of cards and got up and K down that reminds me of a trip we went to we went to Cancun and the great Luke ricketson and I were in night and this was coming around with a monkey and you know you you pay the monkey to um take photos with it and stuff any the monkey has reacted to Rico Roo so it was on a leash it was on a leash and the mon monkey was sitting on Rico's shoulder and it was just sort of PL but all of a sudden just latched onto his bugle Rico's freaked out grabbed the and he swung this monkey cuz he freaked out B monkey the monkey flew across this nightclub it was sweet land on a lounge landed on a lounge and took off but nightclubs and animals night clubs and waterhouses unbelievable Robbie Robbie love that one he's a fun loving guy he's a big listener salt the earth now um Matthew you're up and about uh what have you done what have you done today oh I made a the the stuff on Fox Jesus disappointing he not going to play Josh Addo-Carr situation this week cuz um uh I mean Fletch there's been like this natural suspicion going around all the time but false positives are nothing new in fact our man um josy Reynolds yeah he tolds the story of a false positive I remember when this was out in the media that Josh Reynolds has been caught on a ro roide drug test as a positive to cocaine everyone's like oh dear and he said he was coping a really hard time and anyway when they went and got the uh I it wasn't there was nonon inconclusive when they did the the other test second test but when they sent it away to come back it was a false positive right well this is what's happened with with the news is are you across the Michael chamus article this afternoon no So what had happened was the police the arresting officer not arresting the officers that did the first test uh got a call while they're talking to Josh Shadow car and said there was a home invasion we've got to go Josh you've got to go get in your car and drive off they have the other they they still have his sample that can be sent away yeah but they haven't done the second test correct so it's void but but what if the first test comes back positive but but then the whole idea of the process is to have the second so for me on the balance of that but it appears that six to go set restart right well the thing about it is too Bo in the in back in the day when you did the uh the drug tests with assada that would come over for performance ancing drugs mate the the process that you actually go through as far as giving samples and everything is quite long and laborious like you know getting you know tickets and is this one okay and put this here and anything like that so if they weren't able to do that and they had to rush off then it's done yeah no I know it's it's a bit confusing process if you don't complete the process n void see you later it has to be n void on the information that we've heard so I've been told it's not official but he's done a a second drug test for the club my understanding was he said to the Bulldogs well right I'll test me and that came back negative so MADD what I said to Brian earlier was if he's truly innocent well then he'd be disappointed he can't get the second one to prove his innocence right but if he's truly guilty you've been kissed on the tush by rain haven't you like it's one of the two and and like standing himself down this week and I I understand it because every handle stress completely different and he could you know he he might just say mate I'm not in the right frame of mind to do this you know I don't want the circus all around me and the team going into the game I'm not sure but it's it is a shame yeah well let's move on to Friday night's game and the prince of penth back Nathan clear is back is that enough Matthew I know you've been very bullish on penth anyway yeah this year um can you see the chooks upsetting them um Fletch not what if they continue Panthers vs Roosters to play the same way I've said it often that they at norum they they are one from 25 Against The Storm and The penth any side that we put this away at the moment they can't beat the Benchmark sides right know the Benchmark sides that really get into that physical aggressive arm wrestle and everything they do that the roosters can't handle it so in my mind if if the roosters are going to beat them they they got to they got to Fight Fire with Fire I I would I I think for the roosters they've got to give up trying to set up for these big flarey set sequences that they try to do and then resetting mate they've got to play fast and they got to drill holes in the middle of the penis side if there's one vulnerability I see around penth it is they look like the the petrol tank is you know it's it's how they've played in the last four weeks either they've been just treading water and waiting for the finals are coming or the petrol tank is getting pretty low and so you know if you can drill through the middle and you can make those middle forwards who who who basically Drive the team if you can make them do plenty of tackles in that first half and start to make them Miss through the middle then you give yourself a chance I would you know although he won't start with Manu I would M move Manu into six into the middle of the field at some point of the game uh when the game starts to loosen up and just let tadesco and Manu just one the other just go at the uh the big penth fors through the middle uh the Temptation will be for Trent Robinson to design sets around getting to Nathan I think that's a mistake often times in a game when you say right we're just going to Target this guy what can eventually happen is you find yourself tying yourself in knots the Melbourne storm said that in 2018 when cooperon you know basically couldn't tackle they went away from all of their strengths all they were doing was playing Cronk ball trying to find Cooper and they could never get to him in hindsight they've admitted that that was a mistake and I think the same thing with uh with the roosters if you do all the things right if you get forward if you complete high if you play the ball quickly you will find Nathan at some point or another you don't need to go searching for him all the time you know what all things being even right so pen still have the number one defense in the comp and part of my role Matty every Monday I've got to dedicate most of the day going through every single game all the tapes Etc now you look at pen and you go okay the last four weeks they've been a bit sloppy 14 tries unlike penth but I went through those 14 tries the last month and you go through those 14 tries there's actually only four of those 14 that are actually true defensive errors so you've got ones where loose ball KH Pereira runs 90 you've got Tyron Monroe there's been fluky kicks where they've knocked the ball back bounced away they've been Tyron Monroe plucking a 90minut intercept there's been 10 of those 14 tries have been Loosey Goosey fluky they just might be the loser of this game by the way it's a death sentence because not only do you probably have to play Melbourne in Melbourne you then got to come and play the other team we got to play sharks don't you no no the loser of this will eventually have to go and play Melbourne in Melbourne and then come back to probably play the other team in the Grand Final but this penth team the more I think about it Matty fully fit they might just be frank warl look the they are still my competition favorites prob probably on on level pegging with the Melbourne storm right um but I I'll say this Jo I I I absolutely understand what you're saying about loose balls and Camp PR picks up and run but those loose balls on the ground and those past decisions that were poor often times that's fatigue as well you know fatigue fatigue sort of it manifests itself in a lot of different ways and a lot of it can be carelessness with the football and what's been interesting watching penrith in the back half of this season is is watching them really struggled to get their true attack game on it's like they stay in the grind for a long time they just can't quite get their attack Mitch Kenny on the Panthers scoring going uh I don't know whether that is a technique problem or um something about the sequence they putting together or it is fatigue yeah it probably is too like they've been up for not just the three premierships the fourth year as well but Brian just imagine this right so maybe their heartbeat the whole time throughout this has been James fiser Harris you know what he did for New Zealand 30 Block versus Str can you just imagine when the finals are here and he's just holding Court it's a bit of a Last Dance feel about it mdy were you there were you in the conversation we had Mitch Mitch Kenny we were up so we were off air and I was just having a Yar to to Mitch about the roosters game and he said yeah we're a little bit different to The Roosters if we get a two-point lead we just sort of forget about attack and we focus on kicking long and getting with the defense he said where roosters go uh and he made a good point he says you know if we scored 30 The Roosters might want to score 32 that's their that's the difference in mentality it was just interesting listening to listening to Mitch Kenny talk about if we get to a lead we sort of forget about attack flet and I think that's caught up with them a little bit Yeah fled I think that's one of the thing like that um that that makes perfect sense cuz watching their football you know like you know the inside balls the inside balls the in inside balls you know the kicking and you're going right okay they're doing a job on them we are they going to break out when are they going to break out come on when are they going to break out and and in the last month they really struggled to break out to really get their attack going off that they start great they arm wrestle great all those things are great but their inability to break out and really get their attack on has given lesser teams an opportunity to pip them at the post like we saw with with the Raiders when the Raiders got them anyway Tom will tell I think I'm I'm very bullish on the chooks anyway oh yeah areed yep bullish on the winner of that game is massively in the Box suit like hugely in the Box it's a saloon Big month upcoming for the officiating passage all the way through to the Grand Final hey what about these this call around the refs and it's a tricky they're going to have this big sort of um uh go through all the analysis and what went right what didn't through 2024 but there substruction stuff this this field goal sort of set up blockers it's a big month coming up with the NL in it yeah it is it is Joel Honestly the the referees I do like there's been some there's been some how is not I do feel for the referees I think to myself there are so many rules coming in all the time and changes of interpretation when they're under under fatigue in a game at vital times and under a bit of stress and pressure geez it must be hard it must it must be so hard for him um but yeah it is for Jesus is going to be uh you know the things sug like the uh you know the block system and um like you said mate the the interference like on the week and the one with Trey Fuller like that geez mate they uh we locked in there in Newcastle oh that was such a such a tough call well just a try is it well Wayne was and Wayne made a good point he said well if if that's the rule we're going to go in no one will score the tries he said we we'll be having games where it's going to be no tries because that was anyway but did you see Wayne Bennett on the bunker actually they played some of the some Wayne on the uh uh his press conference last night on 360 and the way he spoke was very unlike Wayne he went uh they asked him about that and he said I will traful went through and the try it's been a try for for a hundred years but we've got this thing called the bunker oh he's been a bit sarcastic yeah have a mate it's laughing yeah go back have a look at 360 from last night we've got this thing called the bunker thought it was uh it was very unlike Wayne oh just thinking about Wayne's career right so he's he's and you're talking about rookie the ear Fletch and Max PL and what what a young player he is but he would have coached Johnny PL correct how many coaches would have done that I reckon there's a chance he'll he'll coach a grand grandson someone I re what a p what a pest he was Johnny PL man he's young Blake doesn't seem like that though yeah his young Blake seems quite levelheaded no he's a good he's a good and I Reon I reckon there's a yeah there's a little bit of in him I reckon fles you reckon yeah I reckon hope so there's a little bit sh everyone isn't it yeah a little bit um some of us hided a little bit more uh what about um what I mean one of the big stories going to next year is going to be Christian wolf you there's only been one coach who Kristian Wolff taking over Dolphins from Wayne Bennett has ever succeeded Wayne who's taken the side onto bigger and better things and that was Tim shes Tim shes takes over the Raiders in 1988 granted he had uh he had who com in he had Ricky Stu come the side Lori dily come to the side lzo Bradley Clyde once generation or players came in which helped him but that is the only that is the only time someone has has succeeded Wayne and actually improve the team everybody else has gone completely off a cliff that was Wayne's that was 87 was his first co- coach was it it was co- coach with Donnie ferer okay he's got to be he's got to be Wayne one of the great share Traders so he knows a roster he knows when to buy a sell he has to doesn't he yeah and I think he works at out by their their character don't don't you think like he you can see bles who and as we know the bles struggle sometimes off the field that's what Paul bun said yeah yeah what he say what bu men say well they all character like they're guys who just but Wayne's the best fix rerer yes isn't he yeah well bunny bunny bunny goes and meets the parents that's what he does as well he'll go and meet the parents yeah if it's a very solid um household parents are nice parents actually parent the kid don't let them do what they want they'll sign him but if it's it's I interrupt you there how did Cooper sign them for Melbourne yeah I refuse to move with them now I tell you why don't tell use Joey I've got yeah I've got some serious dirt on bunny over the years so yeah oh you're sweet hey M I'll tell you a story really quickly before you go on that same thing right um Ryan Hoffman had won a uh SG ball comp with western suburbs and he was coming through the western suburbs ranks came through all that and he was destined to play first grade at at West tigers and Jay Hoffman his dad who played at CRA he turns up the training and I won't name names but he's looking around at training and in his eyes he thought at the time he goes this is a bloody Zoo yeah he said my son would not play here found his contacts which probably Craig through through Melbourne his contact they would play together and him turning up to a training session at lart oal to watch the West Tigers he said not we're out of here goes to the Melbourne storm rest his history rest his history Matthew but just before you go that powder that you put underneath your orchestras you know the spicy one game changer I tell change tell me about it I love it it's honestly it's like an esimo just blowing C Wi on your it's awesome speak shout out to you rich as well charcoal we got to go Morning Glory host John

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