Starmer Speaks, the Problem with our Prisons, and Mad For It: Oasis Return

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:35:07 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] welcome to another edition of the reaction with me sine and the lovely Andrew Pierz who is fresh back from ratell in the south of France you noticed no Santa no because you're a responsible adult I don't want skin cancer I also didn't want sun to dry my skin out and look like an old prune and as you know I was with somebody who's a bit of AG yes so come on spill the tea I was uh stay stay at the Fantastic home called Destino of Dame Joan Collins who oh I've just a massive name has just dropped on my T Flor she is a good age as you know uh but we never discuss it but she of course looks remarkable and she says one of the the reasons she's kept her look so well never cook your face in the sun no Factor 50 hat even in the winter hats darling and I went for a long walk on the uh trip with um an old friend of yours I staying there um once was a potential Tory Mar candidate I was trying to persuade him he could perhaps think about it again cuz his time might have come he's bit older and wiser and um Factor 5050 on the sixmile walk in that heat I always wear Factor 50 I've always WN growing up in Italy everybody used to rush out and stand and lie in the sun they used to we used to have um mirrors like people used to put sort of sun shades upside down sunshades with mirrors to to magnify the effect to magnify the effect of and I always hated the sun I think it's cuz I've got very weak eyes so I just don't like being in the sun so I've never really fried my skin well and skin counter is a growing problem in this country and a great mate of ours Amanda Patel who writes for this paper great columnist she often has skin cancer because of course she grew up in Australia where they didn't know no they didn't in those days about the dangers of the ozone there no so um but was it glamorous yes and were there a lot of cocktails there was and cetes and did you go to any interesting restaurants I did there's a very famous glamorous restaurant called uh Sor sank yeah and it is um still in that restaurant of course who turned most heads yeah Dame Joe of course uh and um I've seen there before um uh Jeff Bezos yeah uh and you see what it's amazing because ramell is above santra so you can sort of put dip your toe in and out if you like of the madness of santree which is the way to do it because you see these extraordinary Yachts twinkling in the bay and um the great competition about whose yacht is I always just remember the traffic being awful it I mean I did spend quite when I was very when I was young when I was very young sort of my 20s late teens 20s I used to spend quite a lot of the Summers there the Trent you the traffic is terrible Sarah would have always alluded to misspent youth but never tells me how she misspent it I think we can work it out it was lovely down there in those days gorgeous and there was a wonderful lady there who I met who who I know quite well called eeve brickus whose husband Leslie was of course the great composer did um when he went to Oscars Goldfinger and he did talk with the animals in Dr do little and eeve was an actress very famous in her own way actually so it's all very jolly yes So Glamorous time was and refreshed and and back and now so you must be delighted to come back to state of the nation speech from the Prime Minister I have to say I've never I I can't remember such an unambitious oh I can't agree sort of wet blanket yeah such such a pors of of vision or anything exciting or inspiring basically just and it's like sort of he's like I didn't know reminds me of of of the people builders that you get around to fix an extension and they say oh this is a disaster whoever did this before did a really terrible job it's going to cost you a fortune to fix it basically that's what he's saying and he's like that Builder he is so negative he can't he can keep banging on about the conservatives broke broke the broke the train set but actually the day he was making that speech Sterling was at two high against the dollar edging up quite nice against the Euro that's quite good for Holiday makers and Export so but also we he keeps saying it's the worst economic Legacy any government's ever faced now hang on mate inflation is lower than when the tor's gone in in 2010 a lot lower unemployment is a lot lower and actually we've got the highest growth in the G7 currently I'm not saying the toys left the country in a great place they didn't no but he's got a there are no economies in the world that are in a good place the the landscape is very different actually I mean look at America America is in serious trouble finally and this could be a big problem for Camel Harris going up to run up to the election yes I mean there are there are much bigger factors going on than simply administrations you know it's not it's not as simple as that but but I what I hate is this kind can't never say this word but it's a good word pul pity that's it pamus which is that you know you you've won the election can you just not give us some Vision what's your vision other than other than oh this is going to be an awful budget and you're going to all have to pay more you have to compare it to look neither you are a great admir atony Blair but in 97 when he swept into Power with a similar Landslide orbit with a much larger share of the things can only get better things can only get better and it was a positive agenda and they did positive things and in the he me the most ridiculous things he said in seven weeks I've done more than the Tories did in seven years no you've done nothing except get your government into a really unpleasant SLE R yes in five minutes yes and give a lot of money to the unions their members and putting as as as our colleague on the mail on Sunday wrote in his very good column the other day Dan Hodes wot he's gone the other day he's put pickets before pensioners because because of the huge pay Rises for teachers and but particularly train drivers who then say two days later they're going on strike again yeah because that's just that's what they do but the point is that he's he's got this he's putting his hands in front of himself as the Italians say I don't think that's something you say in England is it not really but I know what you mean but you know which means you know you're sort of setting people up for a fall you know and that's what he's doing with this budget and so we're all now sitting there thinking well you know what's going to happen one of the things they're talking about is uh increasing National Insurance for employers yes having not said that in the runup to not said that in the runup because they did rule out National Insurance Rises now I mean most people will think oh well you know that just means that you know Google will have to pay more National Insurance it doesn't just mean that it means that if you're for example you know a working mother and you pay and you pay a child care pay for a child minder and you pay as you should as I did when I had to pay for child care you pay their tax and their insurance that means that out of by the way out of your taxed salary there's no tax relief so that so even though you just employ one person to look after your children so you can go to work you know you are the employer you are responsible for their tax and also by the way if they get pregnant you have to pay them maternity leave so you're treated exactly if you employ one person you're treated exactly the same as if you as as if you were employing 2,000 exactly and so and so all the rules that apply to Big corporations apply to and that's difficult for people who are you know will particularly I hit working mothers hugely and if you remember in the election campaign he got into terrible difficulty because he said um we won't be the there'll be no tax Rises for working people and then he got into terrible difficulty about clarifying what working people meant and then it was people who might not have access to checks and savings uh hang on um working people um oh have the bank account they do and here's the other thing um he didn't he's not ruled out um increasing the fuel duty is going to go up for sure there's talk it's going to go up 10 p a liter who does that hit working people the man in his white van or the woman in his white van by the way they're already paying the ult mission Zone if they have The Misfortune to work in London which is 1250 a day that's the whole of the the M25 area plus the congestion charge that's even more tax on a working man woman everybody most people have a car Sarah and most people have a car work that's working people being hit by this labor government I mean anyone who works you know it doesn't matter how how hard you work or how much you earn you're a working person the whole I mean that whole sort of those whole the semantic of is silly is it buses it puts up it puts up cost for everybody everybody but his speech as well Sarah he I just find it hard to believe he was this accomplished skillful lawyer who Rose the ranks to become director of public prosecution well it doesn't reflect very well on the rest of his profession it does not because it was Leen flat-footed uh no spark yeah it was boring I mean you just get the sense he's out of energy before he's even started I think he's out of his depth actually that's what I really begin to think I think he's out of his depth because there's no sign he's got a vision thing him uh and um the other thing the elephant in the room he talks about again the riots after Southpole of course doesn't mention what happened in Notting Hill where three people were nearly nearly lost their lives eight people stabbed and by the way that's stabbed That's not including slashings because they don't they don't count a slashing as a stabing 300 res he doesn't talk about those riers or those people lawbreaking but he goes on and on again about the far right but doesn't mention again immigration he didn't mention immigration once in that speech and yet it's becoming rapidly I think one of the most important issues and we talked about this on the podcast before after the disturbances in after Southport not everybody who was protesting was part of the far right some people are genuinely distressed about the impact of mass unex what he's trying to do and I think is he is very successfully doing it is he's trying to make it so that people are scared to raise any any questions about immigration at all yeah because they're just terrified that they're going to be branded racist well and that's what he's done and and and I've had this um shouted at me and and leveled at me a lot U because of other forums I may have talked about this and I'm not going to and I say you can shout about holler as much as you like I'm going to keep saying it is not racist to say the speed of some immigration in some of the impact of the speed of immigration in some of our communities has led to a disastrous breakdown in Social cohesion and community relations and and don't you always hear these police saying we've spoken to community leaders which Community leaders are they then are they the members of the white working class who feel Fed Up and push put out in place by this lab government because their opinion doesn't count no because they're not sufficient so but he's G he's gone off having delivered that c speech he's gone off to to bore them to tears standing next to an even more boring person if that's possible called German chanc Olaf Schultz and God he really is boring is boring I'm really glad I don't have to go to that to that dinner yeah um but um he's talking about uh what's he talking about when he had to talk about immigration because a question came from the floor about the impact of immigration because when Merkel was Chancellor the biggest mistake was saying come on in yeah so they've probably got as many Turks in Germany as they've got in is down B you know they're sort of a little bit ahead of us but but you know reflects I think it reflects the way a lot of people are feeling they're just feeling that they can't I mean it is an it is affecting Free Speech you know you can't say yeah and talking of free speech that he used that expression again he used it again it's not illegal immigration anymore to talk about what's happening across the channel irregular which you wrote about in your column on Sunday like a verb you like a verb and he used it at the press conference day and nobody challenged him no and a regular immigration is what uh you know human rights lawyers and all of those people used to like to say they don't like to say illegal so that means the human rights lob have now got their hands around the throat of this government their language now is pervading number he was human right law he's part of that he's part of that and it's appalling because what's happening across the channel is illegal and the people who are doing it are criminals well yeah well it's not legal for them to come to the UK you know that's the problem they are breaking the law I think a lot lot of people genuinely who didn't vote for brexit and who were upset remainers yeah voted who who were perhaps you know natural conservative voted for particularly in the blue wall voted for him because they they have a feeling that he's going to take us back into Europe and I have a feeling that he's going to take us back into well he wants to because we shouldn't forget he was the architect of the labor party's second referendum policy exactly that was his plan so I think that you know it's early days yet he's not going to quite sort of come out and say it but I think I think that's where we're heading he's got this plan to allow freedom of movement for under 30s well he's denied it today of course in Germany but let's see how long he denies that for right um and I think you know I think I think but I think a lot of people will I I actually think that will be popular yeah among particularly among his the younger among the younger generation but also among those blue wall voters who you know who remain and he talked about um there was an interesting uh aspect he said be closer cooperation on defense what he means by that Sarah is that German companies will get defense contracts which should be going to British companies now one of the reasons we left the EU so that we did not have to get involved in all this wretched EU procurement so we could just give the contracts to British companies and even if it costs perhaps a bit more it's value for money because it's jobs for British jobs for br F Gman Brown fam said British jobs for British workers but that's where we're going but that is a EU policy by the back door if Germany are going to start taking our defense contracts because if we are going to have a close relationship with them they want something back of course they do they're not going to do it for no reason at all I mean the thing is I think a lot of people feel even people who voted for bre brexit are annoyed particularly at this new Visa scheme that that the EU are bringing in yeah I think you know where where it's hit them hardest is is in terms of their personal freedom to go to you know to go to Europe and I think that a lot of I think but but I so I think if he pursues this I I actually think it it will be very I think it will be a very clever thing for him to do so I fully expect him to do it yeah I'm sure I don't think I think I think he's just he's he's going to manage it so he's ruled out this under 30 policy for now but we'll see how long that lasts uh and um and then of course he was flying off straight from Schultz to see missio macron so he seen the embattled German charts will be out of the job next year and then he sees mron whose political career is completely finished after his disastrous decision to call an early election what is it about leaders in early election Sarah what is it about them anyway and then it'll be of course at the opening of the um paralympic par Olympics I love the par Olympics I went in 2012 when the when we had the Olympics in London I went to see loads of Paro Olympic stuff because no one you because you could you could get us ticket you could get tickets I mean that sounds awful but you could get tickets well that's where Tanny gr Thompson they are amazing the Paralympics they kind of almost more amazing than the normal I shouldn't say normal Olympics the non Paro Olympic Olympics to to overcome not only their disabilities and then to also be a brilliant Sportsman I think it's incredible tny gay Thompson who's in a wheelchair has 11 gold medals I know it's unbelievable and she's in the house of the Lords and she's aor it's just such tenaciousness you see that you see in those in the I so I love the par but um going back to uh the other big topic of the moment which of course also feeds into K STA and his Chancellor uh Rachel Reeves is um Energy prices yeah well if you remember in the election campaign Ed millerand who is the uh person I think is most likely to bring this government tumbling around to its knees because of his obsession with Net Zero he told us by creating GB energy which will cost at least 8 and a half billion pounds to set up another will it be unionized of course of course uh he said our energy bills will come down £300 every year well they' he confirmed confirmed almost in parenthesis in that Rose Garden spech the Prime Minister that the winter fuel allowance is still going to be stolen from 10 million pensioners and then the fuel um uh cap has been lifted by 135 so that means going to be almost 500 more how does that equate to uh300 off your fuel pill it does it it just it was another line it's like labor maths they talk about girl maths on Tik Tok I think we're talking here about Labor maths yeah I mean it's extraordinary and um uh and GB energy would take forever to set up and if we have a really cold winter Sarah yeah what's going to happen I we saw auk spokesman for auk saying on the radio the other day it will mean pensioners choosing some pensioners choosing between Heating and eating who'd have thought that be a charge leveled at a labor government four weeks five weeks into office also what people that perhaps don't understand is that when you're old you feel the cold so much more uh you know you just do feel the cold really really badly so you do need to heat your house more to my mom's house when she was still with us and I say Mom if you got the heating on it's really cold and and it was Bing my father is always cold I mean even if it's 30 deges outside he's cold cuz he's you know of an age so you know I think pensioners do have higher heating bills disproportionately higher heating bills I mean I've always got the windows open because I'm a menopause woman maybe every pensioner should have a menopause woman living with them because we do generate our own heat heat yeah but of course some pensioners of course live in big old houses which they've lived in for 50 or 60 years which going to be even harder to heat of course yeah they or they just heat one room anyway I I I I but they're not backing down on the winter field RS and I haven't met anybody Sarah on the labor side privately who agrees with it who agrees with it getting rid of it they don't understand it at all and um they say to me this is Rachel Reed's our first woman Chan do we have to how many more times we have to hear that yours um this is her way of being tough but I pointed out in my column this week her hero shed his poster a post me on her bedroom in Oxford G Brown in his last speech as prime minister at the labor conference the first achievement he cited was bringing in the winter fuel allowance of pensioners and she's getting rid of it well I mean they were hysterical when the conservatives tried to yeah uh they didn't try to get rid of it they well they tried to do what they what she's done this is a Tory policy that she's implementing yeah yeah uh so um uh and um she's been out and about of course uh up in Scotland and um being the Iron Chancellor Scotland which of course where they're going to stop all that at North oil expiration s that's just insanity and yet he said in his speech yesterday that uh GB energy will mean we won't be relying on despots like Putin well don't stop no no we're going to be relying on more because you're going to stop allation in the north SE unbelievable it's just it's it's IDE it's just ideology pure and simple that's what it is my favorite story of last week before we go to the break my favorite story of the last week was the was the the junior cycling tour of Wales oh which had to re-root itself because they couldn't guarantee that the safety cars wouldn't exceed the 20 mph limit in trying to keep up with the bikes which all going 30 mil hour the labor government labor assembly yeah isn't that extra because of because of environment so yeah genius okay on prisons your favorite subject you have the best idea I have it's simple let's just reiterate in in we are down according to the government to the last 93 or 94 prison places that is partly because of the prime minister's rhetoric in telling the judges and the magistrates you've got to bang up the protesters after the Southport riots for a very long time including a 55y old woman Cara first-time offender who said something very stupid on social media but should in my view have been able meant to do community work with the Muslim Community rather than putting in prison well also bearing in mind that there was some there was some pedophile who was let off a sentence the other day in in Cardiff as it happens who who was you got cuz there wasn't a space exactly but I have a very simple solution the current population of foreign prisoners in our jails is 10 and a half thousand Deport them all now every one of them solved you have a whole new prison that irregular is the name they're irregular prisoners irregular prisoners because that will be the new land so that is the peer solution I put that on my Tik Tok feed has now been bred by 1.3 million people you've gone viral people agree with it well some people think I should be deported fine I ain't going anywhere by the way but I take you I hear you but I think the vast majority it does make sense and even if you couldn't Deport all of them for whatever technical reason you get rid quite a lot yeah you could get rid of quite a lot of them there's quite a few albanians I suspect we could Deport quite quickly and get them out and we've got we have a very good return agreement with Albania anyway out that simple but I mean they're talking the people they're talking about releasing are proper criminals they're not they're not people who haven't people haven't paid their TV license violent offenders violent offenders sexual violent weapon related crimes all that kind of stuff and I mean it does make any sense because it's the same we had the Home Secretary telling us IET Cooper we are going to get to grips with shoplifters we are going to take it seriously if you still even if you still under2 200 we're going to come and get but you're letting out your average scallywag now is just going to say oh I'm just going to do what I want cuz you know they're not going to send prison no because exactly prisons are full yeah but actually some of the prisons um the last justice secret Alex chalk had this plan where they meant to be refurbishing some jails stop the refurbishment that releases was going to create about 100 spaces a week just stop the refurbishment why do they have to live in splendor and luxury for just for a few months till this crisis is over just stop the refurbish and then you'll be creating 100 uh spaces that's 400 a month no time at all you're up to 3,000 no and I think like wearing a tag doesn't really work because that's just a badge of honor if you're kind of in in that in that space in that I I mean I do think the prisons I the pro the problem that you have with prisons is that nobody ever wants to spend money on prisons and nobody wants a prison in their constitu nobody wants a prison in their constituency and the you know all the prisons we have are old and largely Victorian or you know they're not fit for purpose they're not really fit for purpose that they're pretty horrible places I I visited quite a few actually when Michael wased was at was at Justice because I was quite interested in it and uh and they are by and large actually quite shocking places um and there but and but there are lots of Charities that work within prisons and do a lot of good work and you know there are there are opportunities for prisoners if they want to do if they want to rehabilitate and stuff and it's important that those opportunities are there but I still I I think there are a lot of people in prison who probably shouldn't be in prison but they're not you know for things you know personally I think that if you're a danger to other people then that's something that you should be in prisoned for but if you're sort of if you're in prison because you've I don't know not paid your TV bill or uh forgotten to renew you there are all sorts of what I would term I don't know white collor crimes that are not necessarily impairing Public Safety exactly yes you know I I I I I think that there needs to be a review generally of how more Community netw workk I mean you I always think about that Jeffrey Archer um he went to prison 20 OD years ago for perjury he lied in a court case a Lial case why send Archer to prison for well that's what I mean I'm so I'm not expressing myself very well but I mean things like that he was banged up for four years he did two years um now he did important work there because he helped teach young men in his prison to read because he was shocked by the lack of literacy uh but why was Jeffrey arter in prison he was thre to nobody what he should have done find him three million quid take his parage off that would have really wounded yeah that would have really upset him yes that would that would be a better so there are much more creative ways to much more creative ways but but we don't we never seem to be getting in and I read an extraordinary story in the mail today how this government is stopping funding for an organization that encourages graduates to go and work in the prison service 4 million a year because part of the prison problem is they can't keep prison staff because they're not because of motivational problems and P what so how shortsighted is that that you've got the prim are telling courts to bang up everybody fa with the riots and then they're taking money away from an organization that's getting graduates to go and work as prison Waters well I mean the thing about prison prisons is that is that what works is that sort of outside that sort of intervention I mean you know there there Brixton prison has a has a program uh for chefs for young chefs you know which is something that prisoners can train to be young chefs they can you know that and those sort of things work really really well because they they work on a very human level you know and and and that's that's what I think you need more of in prisons you need more human interaction with yeah you know volunteers and young people young people actually care about these things and and also the worry is some of the people they're going to release where were they where are they going to go well that's the thing if you know are they going to then automatically re you don't give them the tools to go back into life no money no job possibly no home because they kicked out by their partner or their parent what are they going to do they're going to re back inside it's a terrible cycle it's a it's a terrible cycle and the Justice secretary is a woman called Shaban mmud and where is she in all this crisis have you no I haven't no I've no I I no I've not heard a peep no not heard a peep the other person I've not heard a peep from is Angela Raina where's she gone have they locked her on a cupboard um well they'd like to K D would certainly like to um she did say something about the the big fire in the um block of Flaps in dager mines London she went on about the fact that the Tes didn't sort out the cladding this is a disgrace that's her trying to reunite that that is a disgrace because look GRL Tower was what five tweeted about this cladding has been around on some these been since their 70s and it's a local Authority job to sort this out it isn't a Tory government's job and um a certain Minister called Michael go was trying to sort this out but also yeah and also you've got to get the property developers who put the rec CL on the first but she was making a cheap political point so I don't think we want to hear much more from her do you think that's the problem that this government is going to have is that they don't really seem to do you know they don't seem to know how to do anything other than bash the Tories and the problem is is the Tories are no longer in power so that's a that's a diminishing asset every time there was a Tory row about sleeves and let's be honest there was quite a lot of them in the dying days of the months of the Tory government who was Unleashed Angela Raina she said absolutely nothing about the fact Wahid Ali Lord Ali who has given half a million pounds to labor one of the biggest personal suits and glasses for £20,000 uh the biggest personal kiss D she didn't have a single word to say about the fact he was given an an all access pass to number 10 down street unheard of in all the years I've been writing about lobbyists and fundraisers at number 10 and why didn't she say anything about it oh yes because wahed Ali gave Angela Raina thousands and thousands P including a couple of days free accommodation in his apartment in New York very nice by the way why can't secur starma pay for his own flipping suits as leader of the opposition he was earning £155,000 a year did he really need 20,000 or you know pay a nominal sum for them you know just say okay I'll give you did you notice any Improvement by the way did you notice 20,000 worth talking of clothes did make me laugh because one of the things Angela R has been doing a lot of is wearing a lot of me and M AB now me and M is a kind of I suppose I would describe a Yummy Mummy brand it's middle class well no but several of my friends who wear me andm they must stopped have stopped buying me andm because they're they're like I'm not I don't no because do you remember she W when she walked up down the street for the first time in those Alibaba green trousers that were billowing so I thought she was going to take off it was it would have looked could have I mean I don't know but the point is that is that there whole there are sort of whole sves of middle England with wardrobes full of Min andm that very soon are going to be in charity shops the key the key to are going to be locked I need to get a k can you tell why I think I do because isn't that connected to the brothers Grim no and Le because they were kls they made them rather famous always did uh uh you are course caught up in this extraordinary wave of euphoria about it's funny o it's really taken off that story I think it's really it's cheer people up people are upbeat about it um I've been asked on various radio and TV what's your favorite Oasis song and I say look you probably got the one person in Britain really isn't very moved by The Oasis phenomenon but if if you push me don't talk back in anger Look Back in Anger Look Back in Anger there we are I couldn't even remember their name back my God but but but they but look they're a great story they're the they are the brothers Grim I mean I mean there's talk that they're going to do the glass Festival next year they have fallen out by then of course they well I mean but you've already got a ticket so how have you blagged a ticket they're not even on sale I actually basically went on bended knee to the features desk and said that I would would could I please review the opening night so which is in Cardiff on the 4th of July 2025 well it's interesting isn't it because will they manag to keep their act together look it's clear to me they'll have to add extra dates because I'm sure the tour will sell out straight always going to have extra dat that's part of the pr strategy the the sort of the sort of the the story is uh that uh NOS run out of money because he had this very expensive divorce with the wife but the wife was the one who loathed the brother yes and was always seen as the block between the two brothers getting their app together or making it making their P I don't think those boys have any trouble having an argument no I don't I don't think it takes you I think you know everyone always tries to blame the wives but I think I think they they got fight anyway don't they but but I mean there some of I mean just looking back at those songs I hadn't realized or I'd forgotten just how many amazing numbers ones their music was absolutely brilliant they dominated I think for my generation they was sort of there are Rolling Stones there's always this big of blur Oasis Feud like there was a Beatles Rolling Stones yeah one by a mile and everybody you know all the kind of all the sort of Metropolitan intellectuals liked blur yeah Damon AB wasn't it yes Oran I used to call him it's not that's not his name or um and they were sort of very very fashionable amongst you know Urban intellectuals and then there were this there was this raw energy of ois who were just you know shouting a lot but but I think musically they're much much better you know some people call them Poor Man's Beatles but I think that's really poor no they're not they're not at all like the Beatles and but also uh and then they had the blur and then there was the dayon all Liam Gallagher brow that was always going on and and also I think it takes people back to the days where you know used to watch the Brits and you could guarantee that someone would have a fight someone would get drunk um you remember CH chumba wber throwing bucket of water over John Prescot prime minister people rock and roll was still still behaved badly and it was sort of you know so that you didn't have to yeah and it was it was but but musically the I have to say if you listen to blur and you listen to Oasis Oasis are the ones whose songs still resonate and they come on I mean BL song now I listen to a lot of radio too and they're always on radio and you whenever an song comes from Radio to it's it's it's that energy there is real energy about it and and I think the the pr Camp the campaign to be launch has been extraordinary brilliant I mean day it's now Wednesday and this is day five of this I me they they for me they fall into the same sort of category as Eminem who's just actually relaunched had done a new album which has been brilliant and and you know he's he's my age Eminem or a bit younger but you know he's not a young man uh uh Noel is 57 I think yeah he is his brother is 51 something you know it's so my age these and so I think for my generation it's like yes we've still got it and at that those not de yet those concerts there's going to be all these 50s something people with their late teenager kids saying watching their parents making fools of themselves there going to be so much Dad dancing there is so much Dad dancing I'm afraid there is I think probably should have a a a few extra uh St John ambulances in case there might be some hips that go yeah was some bad bag I know I know it's like do I remember seeing Tom Jones what performing and i' I've never seen so many walking sticks go flying across a dance floor it's quite extraordinary and uh but because he still had that but no I think it's great and even as one who was never tickly taken by o I've been really quite swept up in it because it fascinating so if you had a spare ticket we could even go together if you enjoyed that do get in touch uh you can contact us and if you didn't enjoy getting touch and tell us why exactly reaction is the email or you can leave a comment on Spotify or you could even send us a voice note on WhatsApp 07796 6575 one2 and if you could start your message with the word reaction that would be lovely thank you very much for listening goodbye [Music]

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Category: People & Blogs

Welcome to the ebc news three brothers were charged with stabbing a woman in front of a child at nodding hill carnival following a woman stabbing during nodding hill carnival in front of her little kid three brothers have been accused the metropolitan police claimed that shik yothu 20 has been charged... Read more

LIVE: Statement from Grenfell Inquiry Chair Sir Martin Moor-Bick thumbnail
LIVE: Statement from Grenfell Inquiry Chair Sir Martin Moor-Bick

Category: News & Politics

That to have significant consequences because studio e failed to recognize as a reasonably competent architect should have done that the insulation and rain screen chosen for the refurbishment were combustible and unsuitable for that purpose acm panels were chosen as the rain screen to keep down the... Read more

Family is massacred by their teenage son thumbnail
Family is massacred by their teenage son

Category: News & Politics

A 17-year-old massacred his family just hours after celebrating his father's 51st birthday an italian teen murdered his father mother and 12-year-old brother in a savage knife rampage before chillingly telling investigators there is no real reason why i killed them i felt like a foreign body in my family... Read more

Vladimir Putin DEMANDS anti-aging research thumbnail
Vladimir Putin DEMANDS anti-aging research

Category: News & Politics

Vladimir putin has demanded russian scientists hand over their latest research into anti-aging in an attempt to extend his life according to sources the 71-year-old leader has allegedly had a keen interest in anti-aging but there now appears to be a new urgency to seek active longevity the demands sent... Read more

MYSTERY sound on Boeing Starliner is IDENTIFIED thumbnail
MYSTERY sound on Boeing Starliner is IDENTIFIED

Category: News & Politics

The mysterious noise coming from the boeing starliner where two astronauts are currently stranded has been identified there's a strange noise coming through the speaker after being told they will not return to earth until 2025 nasa astronauts sunni williams and butch wilmore had another terrifying 24... Read more

Teenagers charged with murder of boy aged 13 thumbnail
Teenagers charged with murder of boy aged 13

Category: News & Politics

Two teenagers have been charged with the murder of a 13-year-old in birmingham josiah coke was discovered with fatal injuries in old bri tributes have been paid to the polite kind and family oriented young man the boys charged cannot be named because of their age they'll appear in court later today... Read more

Johnny Gaudreau's wife Meredith announces she is pregnant at his funeral thumbnail
Johnny Gaudreau's wife Meredith announces she is pregnant at his funeral

Category: News & Politics

We're actually a family of five i'm in my ninth week of pregnancy with our third baby a total surprise but again john was beaming and so excited to my babies daddy loves you all so much and you have the best daddy in the world Read more

Surgeon allegedly removes the WRONG organ 😳 thumbnail
Surgeon allegedly removes the WRONG organ 😳

Category: News & Politics

An alabama widow has revealed her heartbreak after her husband died on the operating table after a surgeon allegedly removed the wrong organ beverly bran says her husband of 33 years underwent an emergency operation for an issue that was traced to his spleen however the surgeon allegedly removed his... Read more

NYU students find out Barron Trump is their PEER thumbnail
NYU students find out Barron Trump is their PEER

Category: Entertainment

Oh on campus right now did you know baron trump is attending nyu this year i heard that but i don't think it's true until today baron's pick of schools has been top secret undisclosed from the public this is him arriving today let me stop he's going to nyu so if he's at all interested in girls he's... Read more

Suspected Georgia school shooter is named... thumbnail
Suspected Georgia school shooter is named...

Category: News & Politics

Of those that were have are deceased two were students and two were teachers here at the at the school the shooter is in custody his name is colt that's c t gray he is a 14-year-old student here at the school g a y he will be charged with murder and he will be tried as an adult Read more

Kim Jong Un executes dozens of officials over flood failures thumbnail
Kim Jong Un executes dozens of officials over flood failures

Category: News & Politics

North korea's kim jong-un allegedly ordered the deaths of dozens of north korean officials for their failures to prevent deaths during the devastating floods according to south korean outlet tv chosen a member of the north korean government said the 20 to 30 leaders were charged with corruption and... Read more