all right y'all we are back with another video before we start please put prayers for Donald Trump in the comment section we must protect president Trump at all times and it bring me to this video right here we all know that Tim wal's own family turned on him and is now supporting Donald Trump and it seemed like Camala Harris her own dad just turned on her as well cuz if y'all remember some at the DNC Cala haris never mentioned her dad name not one time she only talked about her mom for about 30 minutes and the rest of them the time that she had left she was just spewing lies on Donald Trump so you telling me now that Camala Harris's dad is supporting Trump and we already know that Tim Walt's family is supporting Trump cuz they was wearing the Walts for Trump t-shirts and had a flag in the background so we definitely going to die straight into this by Benny please hit that like button subscribe to the channel that way you can stay up to date with everything that's going on but they say Camala Harris is pissed off about this but at the same time at the DNC she never mentioned anything about her dad didn't say one thing about him and when y'all going to notice that uh in this video clip right here so without further Ado let's go ahead and dive straight into it y'all let's go what's up guys boy bny remember this this guy yeah this like human Walking Corpse was actually called the resident of the white house for a little while and it's so funny can you imagine look at how bad he was doing in the polls against Donald Trump this is Donald Trump's chance of winning the electoral college versus Joe Biden no one was riding with Biden look at how bad Biden's polls were doing wait a second my hold on my producer is telling me something oh these are K's polls now K isn't actually doing as bad as Joe Biden was doing running from them interviews oh no it's bad look that it's just as bad it's as bad as B we predicted that K Harris would eventually because the fundamentals of the race haven't changed at all because everything is terrible and shambles in this country and people are some people are dumb most people aren't so stupid that like their goldfish forget how to bre can't can't breathe uned kind of stupid and um they'll remember that KLA Harris ran with Joe Biden Joe Biden cile has dementia mental handicap and so therefore KLA Harris was kind of like responsible for all this right people are probably getting angry at that look at this Trump's chances of winning all the swing states are rocking Harris even saying it's We're The Underdogs he has the advantage to win the election good get used to it toer claims that the kamla Harris honeymoon period is officially over nobody I don't think anyone really had a honeymoon with kamla Harris uh if you know what I mean you know what I mean uh the kamla Harris honeymoon is officially over even when kamla Harris does cringe campaign videos that are so performative and fake um like so much of K's life they just come off just terrible to give you a bag of pretzels to take back give me a bag of pretzels to give be really upset if I did not bring him a so cuz I can tell you that he like secretly eats pretzels at night and he like and I'm like honey you got to slow down on pretzel he can feel it just only a few oh my god oh he's going to love this that's very I I will tell oh that's yum yeah thank you yum yum it's so secret it's such a secret that I have a microphone on and we're filming this that's how secret it is okay you know what's also very secet is exactly how KL Harris gets anyone to go to her rallies buses actually Harris is obsessed with school buses and busing and KL Harris has to bust people into around sometimes from over four and a half hours away like she did here in Savannah Georgia here is in Detroit also has to depend on massive buses to get people into no there's no no telling where those buses actually come from yeah but it's all authentic it's all real these are the reasons why you see the enthusiasm for Harris cratering through the center of the earth uh the honeymoon period officially over says Frank Lun as president Trump takes a seven-point lead there in the prediction markets along with the RAS how' I show you all this well because you know people who are supposed to be voting for Comm Harris are rejecting her yep and this has been it's kind of sad but kind of a um truth about K Harris's life she has had those closest to her reject her uh this is very very sad when it comes to the family perspective here uh is the top headline of the Daily Mail uh her radical Marxist dad lives a mile from the White House but has never visited he called her a travesty K's own father calls her a travesty here he is uh K Harris has never invited her Father Don here dad's named Donald Donald Donald another Donald will be invited his white house actually Donald Trump should invite this guy the two Donald's to the White House he called her a travesty embarrassed about her and the visitor logs show that he has never been invited to the White House Harris only ever talks about her mother and KLA Harris did that does that for a good reason uh because Harris's father abandoned her at a young age now I don't really understand I don't know the story behind all that but what I do know is obviously that's going to lead to some that's going to lead to some Strife um between the parties but can't you reconcile maybe I don't know wouldn't it me wouldn't you have the capacity to maybe like I don't know do something other than uh again like per performative speeches about your mom like everyone was done hearing about mom the DNC convention that's all she talked about we we didn't actually realize how far the rabbit hole goes scientist and her specialty was in fact breast cancer research my mother had two goals in her life to raise her two daughters to be productive and to end breast cancer and part of what my mother would do is she would take us to work with her on the weekend that without any burden without feeling any weight of thinking that we must blindly adhere to tradition and accept things knowing what can be unburdened by oh my god there it is that's a video that's a video from 2020 just to let you know how long she has been uh monopolizing that statement okay so K Harris has a strange relationship with her father she said that she was a tra he said that she was a travesty when she joked about smoking pot but um ended up locking up here a photo of them right uh 19 cancer research from India they married the following year had K in 1964 while living in Oakland um uh her father was born 1938 in Jamaica birth place of Bob Marley Donald oh Donald so uh Donald's a communist and uh taught as a professor at Stanford like many like many communist one of his published communist but that's what I'm talking about CU like I said before if y'all remember the DNC she only talked about her mom the entire time not one time did she mention anything about her dad and now we see why it call her a travesty because you you can joke about smoking and stuff like that but yet you lock people up for the same thing that you say you did and then now she got this three strike rule for users I'm not going to say the other word cuz I got to watch what I say on YouTube but users for where they get three strikes like if you uh you can't go to jail if you get caught with this in your pocket the second time you can't uh go to jail if you get caught but the third time then you'll go to jail she got some of the dumbest the dumbest statements and stuff that she makes I mean there's no way this woman should allow to be president she is running from interviews she's running from reporters now she she gets off she gets off for get out of her car or truck whatever you want to call it she act like she's on the phone now she's getting out of the car with headphones and stuff on just to avoid talking to the reporters now you see why them poll numbers are going down cuz people can see straight through it she everywhere she goes she stages everything she staged the phone call with Barack Obama she just had a little um I think something yesterday when she went to I think Pittsburgh went inside a store I think where like a ler lady was crying when she walked in all that was staged it's all staged to try to make Camala Harris look good that's the reason why she's busting people to all her rallies her rallies don't be full that's why she got to give people free trips so like I said it it's almost 15 buses that be on that road coming towards her rally so they them bus is probably picking people up all around the world of people that can't make it so she's busting people into the rally to make it seem like her rally is full cuz when she don't bust anybody KLA Harris don't have no more than 30 people at her rally we didn't seen it that's why when she can't get them buses and bus people in she start doing her rallies inside a high school gym where for where it ain't nothing more than about 30 to 40 people up in there she's not authentic she's still in Donald Trump's policy she have no policy go to her website now she still don't have any policies up right now nothing but donation buttons all she want is your [Applause] money that's all she want she just want your money she have no policy what is you voting for this woman for every single day Donald Trump tell you what he's going to do he tell you his policies he's going to bring inflation down he going to close the border uh all this what she's trying to do defund the police I mean she this stuff is just stupid man just stupid now her own father I don't know at the point don't want nothing to do with her but at the same time now we know the reason why she never mentioned him because he was upset with the things she did he don't he don't even agree with her but for her up been in the White House that long for the last four years and he haven't visited once that's bad was dedicated to his daughters well there you go but I guess not I guess I his com his work lives on through KLA Harris's action Harris is slammed by Jamaican follower over pot smoking joke she made a joke about smoking pot on breakfast on The Breakfast Club P legalizing weed that's not true I know and and look I joke about it have joking have my family's from Jamaica are you kidding me have you ever smoked I I have okay and and I inhale I did I did inhale it was a long time ago yeah all right got it it was a long time ago says KL Harris uh it's really not um that long ago was packing California prisons with pop pedlers at least 1500 people were set to state prison for marijuana related defenses this is what got her dad so irritated about this uh her father called this a a travesty the Elder Harris solicited statement uh to Jamaica Global online uh my dear departed gr grandmothers whose extraordinary Legacy had described recent website as well as my deceased parents must be turning over their graves now seeing their family name reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected in any way jokingly or not jokingly with a fraudulent stereotype of pot smoking Joy Seeker in the pursuit of identity politics speaking for myself and my immediate say identity Politics the thing with Kamala Harris is do she's trying to do everything she think black people do cuz she know a lot of black people smoke pot so she going to be like I used to do it you know what I'm saying it's like that's why she coming up this stuff uh I had so many greens one time that I had to wash them in a bathtub who the world going to eat greens out of bathtub we a I ain't never know any black person that I ain't never did that washing Greens in a bathtub I don't know where that right there came from but it say it seems like she's trying to say everything everything she thinks that connects to black people that's why when she depending on what crowd she in front of is who she's going to try to Pander to you know what I'm saying she does it all the time with the talking about the greens she grew up in the hood she lied about uh she used to work at McDonald's she did the fries she did the ice cream and now she was joking about smoking and stuff it it's like she's trying to connect herself to black people everything she think black people do she trying to connect herself to get people to vote for but we ain't falling for your [Applause] crap we ain't falling for it you can't fool me we wish should categorically disassociate ourselves from this travesty oh man go wow I did not realize the statement was so Savage it also Savage that Tom Harris can't keep any staff this is also like just a this is also just like a basic sign of can people stand you I run a business there's always gonna be staff turnover but not 90% if you lose 90% of your staff you know people graduate on they get out their job offers these are normal normal churn and burn and capitalist Society but like if you lose 90% of the people who work for you then that means you're horrible person General K has lost 90% of her staff uh she's a soul destroying workplace bully uh and she is not jovial and not full of joy she's she's a mean and nasty person according to people who work for her 92% staff turnover rate say critics uh it has more guarantee you her father is voting for Donald Trump I guarantee you he's voting for Donald Trump because obviously Cala Harris want nothing to do with her father she never talks about him uh I mean for you to for for you to have the floor for about 40 minutes at the DNC and not mention him not one time so you telling me it ain't one time he did something for you that you couldn't talk about I mean her entire time was about her mom and about she she she rather used majority of her time slandering Donald Trump than talking about her own father y'all realize that she spent majority of her time slandering and lying on Donald Trump than even saying anything good about her father and I can guarantee you the man is voting for Trump and that's the reason why she want nothing to do with him that why she don't want to talk about him that's why she ain't inviting him to the White House until this day she still ain't said nothing about him and I can guarantee you that's the reason why he know that she ain't she ain't good for this country Harris anybody else says the experts yeah they felt they weren't valued in a toxic workplace she forced to call her the general when she was the Attorney General in California um which she won that position actually under various very suspicious circumstances very suspicious indeed uh Tula gabber the most right person calling out KLA Harris for her fraudulence in her like doing whatever she needs to get power and elected my favorite moment in the debates we look forward to the Trump trump com debates hopefully we have a Moment Like This apparently tulsy gabard is helping coach Trump for this exact moment um dad's watching here we go I want to bring the conversation back to the broken criminal justice system that is disproportionately negatively impacting black and brown people all across this country today Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president but I'm deeply concerned about this record there are too many examples to site but she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana she blocked evidence she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from Death Row until the courts forced her to do so she kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the State of California and she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way thank you congresswoman Senator there you go right there Tessy gabber just absolutely destroyed her KLA Harris couldn't say nothing because she was exactly right Benny just played the clip when when they asked her about the pot smoking and stuff like that she started laughing and said yes I used to that was true but then you'll see Camala Harris shaking her head like no I didn't I didn't say that she's is a liar Camala Harris is a liar that's what she going to continue to do she going to keep trying to lie her way back in office she going to keep trying to pan the black people she's going to do it for the last few uh days that we got left she's going to keep on pandering because she think it's going to work but everybody see straight through it that she's a liar she simply said on CNN that her values haven't changed which mean leaving the Border open she still want to let out these criminals who did horrible things to people inflation still going to be high she pretty much saying her values haven't changed so right now she's just going to lie to you so she can get in office and once she get in office she going right back to the biomics signning policies same open borders cuz she ain't got to worry about it for the next four years cuz she'll be in power see that's exactly what she doing so please if you watching this video If you you a CALA Harris fan look I'm telling you now you should vote for Donald Trump whether you like the man or not his policies are better this woman is lying she been in office four and a half years and ain't done nothing and all of a sudden now she's flip-flopping why because she trying to get votes she trying she's stealing her first policy was no no tax on tips how you going to try to steal what Donald Trump said he was going to do you know what I'm saying it just don't make any sense so like I said thank you all for watching y'all let me know in the comment section what y'all think about this and I catch y'all in the next one

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