#Unboxing #Batman #Batman89 #Review #HotToys #UnboxingToys #MichaelKeaton full

what's up nerds what hot toys figure did I get let's open it up and find out it's a full review this time stay [Music] tuned already out of the carton it is the 1989 Michael Keaton Batman figure from hot toys uh I think I pre-ordered this thing almost two years ago that's how long this thing has been in the works I think they even had it on their weight L not wait list but like they're coming soon even before that uh this figure I've been chomping at the bit for I already have the Christopher Reeves Superman and the galado uh Wonder Woman so whenever they announced that they were doing another Michael Keaton Batman I had to order it because they're my Trinity right there Christopher reev galado and Michael Keaton so uh yeah let's check the sucker out uh funny story The Box was on the front porch and my wife said I know those boxes those are the expensive boxes what did you do I'm like H honestly I forgot that I pre-ordered this thing so long ago so here we go this is taking forever there we go that is that's a tight squeeze right there but check him out he's all wrapped in plastic so it's kind of hard to tell right now exactly what he looks like uh let's go ahead and open them up and check out all the accessories got Vicky Veil Shoe Right There cool is that all right let's see what we've got okay we go all right so go ahead and take the instructions off well let's open it up first got you in my living room not enough room on the USS flag deck for a 12in review so let's set this aside okay okay get the instructions out of the way all right set that aside whenever I get this thing out I will actually do a video that shows you my Trinity Al together I think that'd be kind of fun all right let's move the extra mouth pieces that's so weird that is so very strange but you know that's what they do with hot toys all right so we've got the accessories out got some extra wrist pieces right there just in case his wrist breaks whenever you're swapping out hands remove the figure look at that all right set him aside for just a moment get the rest of everything out of here got this cool stand right here the bat symbol on it as you can see it says Batman right there very cool and it's got the crotch hook so it doesn't wrap around his waist and distort the figure it's just a nice nice crotch hook proba so let's unwrap everything here and take a closer look at Michael Keaton look at that face how cool is that I don't expect much neck articulation with him he does have a little bit of a twist right there that's cool I love the 1989 bat symbol that was always something that really resonated with me whenever I was growing up um came out when I was in ninth grade actually I remember waiting in line for the movie to start and they had actually painted a giant Batman mural on the wall of the movie theater it was very very cool uh the the excitement was really palpable in 88 89 whenever this was coming all right so he does have some paper that is between the belt and the bodysuit see if I can get it out of there they always do this and I always forget because they usually choose a color that's very similar to the color of the suit think I did that with either denjar or Boba Fett or somebody and I was did almost the whole review not realizing that there was paper block in the way is there a way to get the belt off why don't I look at the instructions first and find out instead of just chipping away at that instructions all right let's see does the belt come off I do not believe it does I'm not very good at reading Chinese so that's not gonna happen could be Japanese I don't know um talks about all his accessories I did not get the deluxe version with the backdrop because I don't have room for it so yeah doesn't talk about the belt coming off I believe so I just got to chip away at this thing fascinating and I'm back and we are now sans's paper so that is good um looks great it is a very rubbery feeling body suit so that's pretty cool I hope it doesn't crack I live in a very dry environment so I might have to put a humidifier in the room with this but uh yeah okay articulation wise he does have the knee articulation Great Bend of knee okay you can see the bodysuit bodysuit moves with it too it's very very nice get the cape out of the way it's funny I just did a review on a three and 3/4 inch Batman and he had a really tiny Cape this one does not have that problem uh the hips like a Barbie doll it's got the Click Click Clack in there very cool uh let's see the knees also twist very cool it does have some ankle articulation in there very rubbery cool that is pretty freaking awesome uh let's see what else we have um torso moves a little bit as you can see like so the neck also has to kind of turn the whole thing very neat uh what else have we got we've got shoulders lift the cape out of the way shoulders feels very very lifelike it's very strange these things sometimes great articulation in the elbow right there and of course the wrists uh again look at the face sculpt right there and the pain apps on the face looks just like Michael Keaton freaking me out man I love these things and again bat symbol so cool uh now the Cape is wired so it can actually do some poses it's got a couple of different wires in it according to the destructions right there uh actually let me get them I can show you the plans for the cape articul as you can see the instructions actually outline the areas where the uh where the wire is in the cape so you can make some pretty cool Cape poses uh that's awesome what else do we have here there's a lot to go over um all right let's see so the Caper yep there's the wire you can actually see it right there it's not very thick so I don't know how much of the posing I can actually do with it but it is right there you can see it bending right there neat okay other accessories what else do we have we have a beat up face right there you can see the scarring and the blood on his lip and his chin and his cheek right there very cool he's got a bit of a sadistic grin on his face we ever danc with the Devil by the bail Moonlight and then we have what looks like just pensive bucktooth Batman yes all right just sitting there with the you know he can't freaking breathe because his no his nostrils are covered up so it's got to be a mouth breather it's one thing I was glad they were able to do with Ben Affleck was actually give them nose holes very cool what else have we got I'm G to switch out some faces so you guys can see what that looks like like I just know it's gonna okay there we go all right so what do we got we've got ninja stars couple of those very very cool I'd like it if these actually attached to his belt we'll see we'll see how much of this actually uh attaches we also have his Grappler right here very cool I did see an image in the instructions here a way to make his eyes turn that's so freaking weird they do that with the SOA too the eyes you can make them pivot and turn it's really weird Okay so it looks like yeah part of it attaches oh it's a magnet the batter rang or not the batter rang but the grappling hook actually magnetically attaches to his belt that's cool okay what else have we got a bunch of stuff I don't have uh yeah all right let's see what we can do so what else have we got here we have Vicky Veil shoe right here which should come with the joker not Batman but that is okay uh we have got a batang with a line what are you I'm Batman so you can wrap a batarang around a villain's leg and reel it on in that's pretty cool uh it does have a hook on the end of the line right here I don't know what that attaches to just yet but that's interesting okay pop that back in there what else have we got I think this is his this might be his communit maybe talking up my butt because I don't know and the instructions are in a different language maybe it's this communit Shields you know that kind of thing uh put that aside what do we got here this is the tool you use to make his eyes shift so nothing really important there I'll go and take the shoe out of there take the banang out of there let's see what else have we got we've got I don't know what we've got there God I had a feeling this was going to happen bunch of accessories that I don't know what to do with just yet uh we do have some gas pellets gas grenade pellets that's pretty cool uh yep two ninja stars oh we've got the the uh crotch crotch hitter right there pops out of his hand so we can nail Joker's goons with right in the nuts that's cool all right what else we got um I don't remember what this is damn okay cool they need instructions and of course we have instructions I can read we have multiple hands we've got gripping hands outstretched hands uh what else we got hands for holding items like batter rangs it's definitely a batang holding hand right there what else have we got here another outstretched hand love the detailing on that that's really neat and what do we got here another holding hand yep there's another holding hand right there very very cool all right so let's gear this guy up I did forget to mention this thing the grappler that he uses to get Vicky out of the museum is pretty freaking cool there's a little spring in there um yeah I don't know the full capabilities of this guy but it is pretty cool looking so yeah that is pretty neat all right all right now let's gear them up oh what wait a minute what have we got here we've got a couple of sticks is this for battling goons what is this so insert the stick into the hole and the Cape is shown use indicated hands to hold the oh these are what allow the cape to make the PO the poses oh game on now game on okay we're gonna do some posing hold tight so what you do is you insert the stick right here into the cape like so I've done that on both sides and then you swap out his hand and you make sure it's one of the gripping hands because he actually holds on to the stick for dramatic effect it's actually very very funny uh let's see Bend his elbow a little bit put the stick in his hand like so straighten his hand out like that do the same on the other side and they are not kidding these things are super sharp as they should be because it's Batman all right I would not want to get into a fight with this guy in an alley he'll cut you with those things all right Bend his elbow put the stick in his hand like so we'll straighten it out oh didn't put his hand on oh my God that hurts good Lord and all the time I've had these things I've only broken a wrist once and I want to say it was with I think it was with black widow of all characters the uh just didn't was kind of dainty didn't last all right so sticks in his hands sticks her in his hands like so and then you just raise it up like that and you have a very dramatic looking Cape that's pretty cool I don't think I'm getting the desired effect here if I turn his hands down like so but his his shoulders only go so high before they stop moving so it's I can't quite figure out how to make it fullon expanded let's see insert the stick into the hole in the Cape is shown use the indicated hands to hold the stick that's it huh okay he's holding the stick if I rotate his arm up a little bit maybe I don't know I don't think the effect is quite there not quite achieving what I'm what I'm aiming for here okay hand is in the stick stick is in the cape stick is falling out of his hand stick is back in his hand and yeah it is just not quite there get the stick get in there damn it yeah it is not wanting to cooperate thinking maybe I've got the wrong hand but no that's the hand that was indicated it is just not quite see the fingers won't wrap around the stick all the way but again what we're aiming for here right so I'm not entirely sure that's getting the desired effect I want I mean I'm not going to have him on display with those up but still it's it's problematic see can twist his arm so far don't want to tear the rubber it's a little bit better pivot pivot like that if I could get him to if I could get him to hold on to the damn stick oh my God it's tearing my hand up riveting riveting I tell you all right maybe I've just got the wrong hands I don't know even then it's not quite going the way I want I got this clumsy stick going right here that's not quite sitting right hand popped off again yeah I'm gonna say this is a failed experiment I might have to mess with a little bit and do a follow-up video just to show how I figure it out because this ain't working so we're going to we're gonna call that quits with that experiment that's better okay so what else do we have we have got a let's see a magnetized battery or grael hook how does that go on how does it magnetize guys it's not sticking I tell you that well it all looks great on paper oh okay so it's the bottom part is magnetic and it goes on like supposedly goes on like oh it does go on like so okay so the magnet is right in there and attaches I think more to his more to his junk than his belt so it's more of a Cod piece thing I think it's not a very strong magnet but it does sit right there that's kind of cool and then you take this part right here the actual grael part and you attach it like so and there you go there's your weapon that's pretty cool and does the hook come out it does not so don't pull too hard on that kids all right crot shot let's change his face shall we all right so of course a it's like a goddamn train wreck okay how do we change out his face I think we have to pull his head off so Twisted yep I gotta pull his head off so that comes off like so okay that is one weird looking neck all right and then look in there does that just pop right off it does this is so weird all right so this just pops right off like that you kind of gotta put your finger in it right over here to pop it out and then you can swap out the face put in the damaged face like so suddenly that is really sick looking that is cool that might be how I display them there's a little bit of Interest right there so yeah you just oh probably use that little tool that comes with for the eyes yeah that probably be a little easier so see inside right there there's a little light spot that's actually the part of the face just use your tool pop that out and the face pops right off just like so you drop it and then you're good to go oh let's switch his eyes around too let's see take the tool like so and his eyes are in there I don't know if you're gonna be able to really tell because they're so dark uhuh so take his head take the tool stick the tool inside the neck cavity they should be able to oh yeah just shifted one eye that's just weird got I hope I can get those back that's just weird freaky can't even really tell on camera can you see move my light a little bit right here here we go now he just looks like he's crazy it looks like he's bad crazy oh my God what are you staring at I don't like that at all just use my finger stick my finger in his neck there you go rotate the eyes a little bit Ah make him crosseyed oh that's that's so dumb all right put his eyes straight forward there we go that's better okay I'll put on his uh where's his little other face here we go pop down like so not my favorite look yeah no don't like that don't like that at all so I'm gonna go with either use the tool pop that out I'm gonna go with either straight face which is the face that it came with that I originally showed you it looks really good that looks awesome or we're gonna go with tool use that pop that there figured I'd get this eventually do it enough and figure it out okay or we've got the injured face that is really cool looking I think I like this one the most all right so let's put it back on like so pop like so and all of a sudden you have injured Batman that is very very cool digging that quite a little bit put back on the crotch hook there we go it's got two little balls right there okay what else do you guys want to see let's see got the different hands we can go over Pop those off again let me mess up my hand one more time with these these things oh my God they are so sharp so sharp pop that back in and that is not the right hand boy I know my right for my left I swear am I missing a hand no do the open hand like so okay there we go so you've got an open hand right there and one of these hands is used for the crotch shot lot of crotch talk in this episode crotch talk goes or crotch talk crotch hand goes with the left with his uh yeah his left hand I swear I know I help right from my left let's pop that off drop the fist on the ground that's that's great love dropping expensive on the floor so there we go puts his hand out like so and then this guy little flat iron right there actually goes into the sleeve take them off of here goes it into the sleeve of his gauntlet I think let's see yep it just goes into the gauntlet all right so do that this is I swear this is riveting isn't it I put some Batman music in the back background here put some good old Danny El in there should have been wearing my Ole Boingo shirt today one of my many Ole Boingo shirts oh my God quick cut and we're back so yeah that pops out like so just slides right in there Into The Gauntlet and there you go now he's ready to punch a goon in the nuts interesting okay take that out after it took me forever to put it in there what else have we got folks what else do you want to see let's see what do we do what do we do got the gauntlet here I think that just pops around his think it pops around his arm break it as I screw around with it it is not in the directions of course it's not all right maybe it just pops around his wrist don't break don't break don't break like so I don't know doesn't feel very stable probably need a fist fist on there make sure it's the quick oh my God make sure it's the correct fist oh which reminds me I didn't pick the one up that fell on the floor thing is Doo expensive to just leave hands lying around I'm telling you I think this wraps around his elbow that would makes sense kind of oh wait what if I just twist his arm like so and then that would fit his fist like that bam like so it's pretty cool PE PE it would be really cool if you could actually Elevate his arm over his head and simulate that scene but you can't because you know rubber bodysuit that's not how it works what else have we got we got a batter Ring Pop That hand off I'm gend up breaking one of those wrist things already because I've used the hand so much got a camera between my arms really hard to maneuver like that they never talk about that in these videos do they get videos where you've got a camera right here and you can't do anything you lose your articulation as you describe other things articulation put the batter ring in his hand like so it's actually pretty cool everything on this figure is super sharp I mean like really fre freaking cut your hand open sharp does this attach to any part of his belt do not see of course any mention of that you're really left to up to your own devices with a lot of these figures they don't give you much by way of directions but I do not see a place on his body for a hook where that hook part of the batter rang would attach to very interesting I wonder if you attach it to his finger on the other hand seem like a quick way to break a finger and I drop it on the floor I am not meant to have these things this is where I can't have nice things I break it and then a cat runs away with it it's a thing batang hand hold the damn batang Batman holy damn batang Batman hang on to it all right B rang what else have we got went over that we went over the different hands we went over the sticks lots of fists we went over this guy these hands we went over the magnetic Grappler will it still stay no it will not stay attached to him I think that little bit of extra weight having the the hook attached just stops it from gripping yeah it does not want to hold on okay so that's a noo put that over there yeah I definitely think that's the remote control for the Batmobile Shields and the wrist pieces Vicky shoe for that's a that's a big shoe that is a really big shoe uh that foot is almost as big as Batman's foot wow okay another fist we went over the faces really cool I think I chose the correct one I think that is the best face out of all the faces so that's it that's Batman [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so here's my Trinity of characters we've got the Christopher Reeves Superman Michael Keaton Batman finally and galado Wonder Woman what a cool Trio right there that's it my DC Comics uh Trinity from hot toys uh I'm so happy about this even though he's kind of janky in some places doesn't quite work the way it's promised or I'm just really bad at it which is most likely the case so that's it everybody Michael Keaton Batman from hot toys looking awesome what a cool figure that's it thanks a lot for tuning in in and as always my friends keep it nerdy

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