Published: May 14, 2024 Duration: 00:12:31 Category: People & Blogs

Trending searches: jt realmuto
up the middle playing for a double play Y no go and here's semi in the second good throw and he is out JT RI Muto got him and one away here in the seventh inning and it'll bring JT to the plate there he goes and he stop it's a high fly ball out toward deep left center field the Phillies are going to have the lead a two run home home run for JT he crushed it and the Phillies lead it 4 to2 here in the bottom of the seventh inning that was one poetic swing right there yeah it was in a gap all right what a great swing by JT and Jonathan India is the batter with one out the runner goes he's boy he really shuffled his feet the throw on one hop is in time Jose barrero he was spitting his wheels over at first basee and and that gave JT the chance to one hop it and get him at second yeah look we know how quick JT is because JT you just can't run on him and the tag made by Bryson St he is going out a second base and plenty of oh no he got his hand in there according to the second base umpire ball arrives early it did like in the old days if the ball got there early you were pretty much out yeah Rob says look at it so they must have seen something after review the call on the field is overturned the number is out Philadelphia will retain their challenge yeah rder goes pitch High throw to second base right in the Baseline and Turner hangs on JT has caught his sixth man trying to steal this year that's one of the best throws he's had this season right in front of his hand at a line drive one H off the glove of long into center field castiano scores the game is tied at five and still nobody outs it's an RBI single for JT yeah that that grass is wet and you know that ball just saw it how it just shot past col Wong at second base look at look at the big man run everybody run out way JT and a lineer out toward left field Baro he this PL and it's over his head one run is in Cato's going to third he'll be held there the Phillies have tied it up here in the bottom of the ninth inning that was a laser off the bat of JT real M it's a one-1 game rder goes pitch outside throw to Second oh man that's a beauty it was almost like a pitch out for JT and he got that down there quickly two six on the put out and the side is retired no runs one hit nobody left and the number eight batter will lead off the third will head to the top of the third got to keep an eye on it oh he's trying too there he goes P outside they throw behind him and he is out at first base I guess he just spun his wheels two three on the put out he's unhappy about it we'll go to the bottom of the third two nothing phills little squiver up the first base line that's a fair ball underhanded by JT what a play WoW JT real mut had to underhand it he didn't have time to throw an overhands that is a phenomenal play by the reigning go glove catcher two outs you will not get a more athletic or a better play from a catcher ever this is just a spectacular play there's nobody who can do this in baseball I'm telling you there going to be some crooked numbers liner out to left field Garrett going back it is gone quickly a two-run home run on the first pitch to JT three nothing Phillies two home runs here in the first inning and now the 3-2 pitch to Gary Sanchez popped up stay in put near The Dugout out R Muto assessing oh what a play a basket catch as he bumps into the railing one out here in the seventh inning 18 good we talk about all the time how great an athlete JT is he had trouble the other day when his son was out trying to pick up a ball but he tracked that one the whole way gets rid of the Mask hits the rail here's JT this is a test for JT as to whether he can swing the bat it looks like he can from uh batting practice earlier today no he can he hits that one well out to right field Sanchez on the run out toward the track it is gone I guess the hand is okay and the Phillies have a two nothing lead he goes from being an emergency last night and launching an opposite field home run to give the Phils an early two nothing lead one away JT's coming up with the runner at first fly ball right center field Thomas going back he's looking up it is gone opposite field home run it's another two-run shot it's the third of the night for the Phillies 14 for JT yeah nothing better teammate gets hit by a pitch and and you come up and deliver a bomb a hit or after o and one goes the throw by real Muto oh what a play by Sosa did he hang on he did what a play by edmundo to make that catch as he's going toward the bag holy cow that is athleticism that Ball's hit well out to right center field go back is paven Smith back to the wall he is out of room it's gone a solo home run for JT it breaks an 0 for 10 and the Phillies tie it up at one well tmac he got his timing down on that pitch it was a fast ball Up and Away on him and he is such an important part of this offense especially being from the right side Alec bone just coming back he gets his foot down in time drives the ball to right field and this is a great sign for the Phillies he may have that one's lined out to left center field well hit and it's going to be off the 413 side it's in play two runs will score JT's on his way to Third and he'll be held there it's a two-run trip his fourth of the year and the Phillies lead it 3 to one now his first and bat he goes deep to right Central then this time he gets a little I believe it's a little off speed pitch and left in the middle of the plate and he crushes it to left Central and a liner out to left center field that'll be in for a base hit well he's three4 of the way of the cycle alls he need now at a double he's got a home run a triple and a single it's a two out base hit that one's out toward left center field going back on it is Carol it's over his head and it's off the top of the wall JT will pull in the second base he's got a cycle it's the first one for the Phillies since 2004 and for JT real Muto it's his first as well a little history here in the desert for the Phils wow that is amazing and he gets himself a little slider they and Miguel Castro leaves it out over the plate he does exactly what you're supposed to do with those hanging sliders and he crushes it to left center field Runner goes swinging a Miss did he hang on he did Super tag what a super tag from Trey Turner and a great release by JT for oh my good this is crushed to Center by real m gone way gone backto back home runs and the Phillies Take the Lead good Lord over the batter's Eye For Real Muto his second home run of the series talk about a bomb a laser to left and then real Muto crushes one to Center third time through the batting order for Wade Miley hasn't gone that well JT coming in today's ball game hitting 306 on the road ran and he is swinging a miss the throw down and and out at second is the call on varo reut made a great throw right there and a good tag by started second base and we told you that wheeler unloads in a hurry well I don't know if he's out watch where the tag is it's high on his leg and he might be in there they're going to look at it the Blue Jays are in the alcohol at second base he uses that straight leg slide and St swipes at him and does his foot hit the base before the tag is applied boy it's bang bang it's hard to tell right there after to review the call stands the runner is out Tonto will lose their [Applause] tallenge slams one deep LIF Philadelphia has the lead gave the Philadelphia Phillies an extra pattern that's a foring fast ball up JT knew it a three-run Homer from JT Ruto and with one swing the Phillies are on top they were waiting to ring the bell all evening long 20th home run of the season for JT real M as real M slams one deep LIF Philadelphia has the lead gave the Philadelphia Phillies an extra pattern that's a foring fast ball up JT knew it a three-run Homer from JT real Muto and with one swing the Phillies are on top they were waiting to ring the bell all evening long 20th home run of the season for JT real M real Muto doubled his first time up philli have doubled them you know we haven't seen the Homer but the double six of them between last night and tonight that ball is drilled and forget it a back drop by R Muto three nothing Philadelphia a no doubt about it shot double in a homer tonight for JT you get this guy going this is a dangerous team Phillies with five hits already and that Ball's hit hard into Right Center real Muto will watch it Fly JT real Muto a two-run blast real muto's Second Home Run of this postseason and I don't care how good of stuff you have if you fall behind in the counts like we seen here's a 20 slider and it's middle middle and a good hitter like JT real Muto just drive I mean this is exactly what you're supposed to do with that pitch Full Count two outs here he comes and a swing and a drive left center it's down to the wall it goes two runs will score and real M delivers again five to nothing Phillies and real Muto so strong even though we got him out front a little bit splits that Gap JT real m delivers in the clutch again he's had some huge hits his third double of the postseason now nine rbi's real M High Fly ball deep in the left field this is way back there and gone JT real Muto a two-run blast 6 to one Phillies as the allstar catcher delivers a big blow here in game five

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