Category: Sports
[applause] jake schultz has checked into the game he's the fullback he's a decoy here as they throw it out presley with the catch reaches ahead tiptoes to the pylon touchdown oklahoma state point of emphasis early in this game to get brennan presley the ball and a great job on this route initially but... Read more
Category: Sports
See what offensive coordinator casey dun and oklahoma state dial up here they run a stunt forman coming after the throw over the middle what a catch held on by rashad owens despite the contact catches watch this right in the middle of the screen gets his hands away from the defender keeps the ballers... Read more
Category: Sports
See what offensive coordinator casey dun and oklahoma state dial up here they run a stunt forman coming after the throw over the middle what a catch held on by rashad owens despite the contact jake schultz has checked in of the game he's the fullback he's a decoy here as they throw it out presley with... Read more
Category: Sports
Second down putting some air on it deep downfield receiver in stride it's owens 58 yds to the house a nice throw again from alan bowman puts this up high lets his receiver run underneath it and look at the separation from rashad Read more
Category: Sports
Ford and mue two tied ends to the left they're going to be set up as blockers as they swing it to gordon running through on tacklers oy gordon stretches ahead touchdown number two today for gordon to the field designed for oi gordon all the way pretty good blocking on the perimeter watch this backto... Read more
Category: Sports
Cowboys go with a diamond set on first down they hand it off and this is gordon running his well touchdown oi gordon back in 24 you can't stop him you can only hope to contain him ford and mue two tied ends to the left they're going to be set up as blockers as they swing it to gordon running through... Read more
Category: Sports
16 carries we'll see if he gets some touches here inside the 15 pitch to gordon running left to the 10 gordon to the five into the end zone touchdown oklahoma state there he is oly gordon gives the cowboys the lead bowman to the air with time throws end zone caught for two points and it's al gordon... Read more
Category: Sports
Led the country in rushing a year ago another pass play bowman open receiver presley and there's a flag down as presley's into the end zone for a touchdown but might we have gordon gordon just shifting into the back field this play action bowman on the roll out to the end zone it's caught and the game... Read more
Category: Sports
Coming up green hit as he throws and it's picked off at the 30 yd line kale smith returning it inside the arkansas 30 and going to take it all the way a potential gamechanging pick six for oklahoma state against south dakota [applause] state and this one's good so the cowboys do get points and in his... Read more
Category: Sports
Some chunk yardage thanks okay they've already got one of those big plays the 64 yd touchdown pass have they got another one yes they do welcome back brt keithy touchdown utes 17 for keithy now in his seventh year in college football you watch that play it was 13 personnel three tight ends to the right... Read more
Category: Sports
Wildcats one for three on third down tonight here's maf plenty of time throwing and that's complete the tac t-mac a house call again it's his third this one's from 78 yds out they're all tied up at 24 all thanks to tedo mcmillan yeah he and faf know each other so well he took one look back realized... Read more
Category: Sports
By henderson soy on the play action going deep they've got henderson wide open into the end zone a 42 yd touchdown pass from sorbe to xavier henderson and cincinnati backto back touchdowns on their opening two drivve with his receiver henderson for the deep grab on that play excellent execution and... Read more