Tarot Reading: Why Did Judge Mathis’s Wife File For Divorce?

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:23:22 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: judge mathis wife
what's up my beautiful soul family how's everybody today lately in the news we've all heard about Judge mat and his wife getting a divorce from what the media is saying she's the one who filed so I thought I would be a reading today to see why judge Matthis and his wife is getting divorced and see if we can get to the bottom of their um their marital issues and what's really going on with them just give me a second to shuffle the cards and ask the spirits Spirits can you please tell us why judge mats and his wife of 39 years are now heading for divorce why is Judge and his wife heading for a divorce Spirit can you please give us some insight on this situation okay we're almost ready all right almost ready come on spirit what do you have to say to us all right so okay I see right here this is a jumping tarot card this is we get the death revers which jumped out of the deck that means that I need to give it immediate attention and I'm getting the incline from what my intuition is telling me is that the death card revers is saying that there's some kind of resistance to change or transformation I'm getting the incline and like I said I want to before I uh go any further I want to give a disclaimer that this video is for entertainment purposes only uh this is just what my cards and my spirits are telling me so from my understanding I think the cards are saying that he refused to change about something I think she wanted him to change something and uh he he was resistant to it so that's that could be why she fought but let's go deeper into the reading to see what it also could be so the next card is the Two of Wands revers this is telling me that because his refusal to change just stagnated them so I guess they couldn't move forward as a couple or maybe this is how his wife felt that they could not she could not move forward with him if this Behavior or whatever he was doing did not change let's go to the next card to see what's going on the queen of Cups so I think from what the wife felt is that she felt like she was a good wife she felt like she was a good little I mean I don't know if the wife works please um in the comments if you know if the wife have a profession please write that in the comments but I'm just reading off of what my intuition is telling me within the cards she felt like she was a good wife she you know I mean she kept a good home she she did what she could for him uh you know what I mean almost like the perfect housewife or whatever I mean this is her perception or it could it could possibly be that she was this but at least I think this is more so her how she feels about this so she was also a great mother to his kids you know what I mean and I'm guessing from the previous cards she basically she gave him her best you know what I mean she did she was she tried to be the best wife and best mother she could and but he refused to change when she uh wanted when she propositioned him and wanted him to change about something so let's go to the next card the two of Swords I feel like if they was at a stalemate like nothing neither one of them wanted to give an inch about this uh the situation so I feel like he was setting his way she was setting hers and it was just basically like no kind of compromise or moving forward so she saw divorce as the only option the sun card now H I'm trying the sun C can mean different things usually it means like some kind of birth of a child or I mean don't don't I'm not I'm not trying to imply that he had a secret child somewhere or that he was cheating or nothing like that but the sun card it usually implies like either the birth of a child or happiness or moving forward some kind of way I'm going set this card over here and maybe the next card could give me more insight into what the sun card is trying to tell me okay so a impulsive um fire sign male immature okay okay so trying to elabor Le cards now I understand that judge matths is an Aries that's a zodiac sign and the page of Wands the wand suit it means the is for the fire signs which is Aries Sagittarius and Leo so the page a page is usually either a child or immature person or whatever so I'm I don't know I'm getting strong child in energy so I don't know if there's a secret child somewhere or if he's just he was just extremely childish about the situation and um Reckless and impulsive cuz that's also what the uh page of Swords I mean I'm sorry not the page of Swords the page of Wands talks about it talks about recklessness and impulsivity or whatever basically he made decisions that he didn't that wasn't probably the best for them but I don't know why I I'm I don't I'm getting a feeling of there's some kind of child somewhere I'm like I said I don't want to put out there that he got a secret child but I don't know I'm getting I'm getting that Vibe or whatever I'm want to turn over to the next card yep see and then Paige again he couldn't control his emotions now I know that this probably yep he was emotionally immature couldn't control his emotions or whatever uh probably when conflict and stuff came out or about this particular situation he was immature about couldn't control his emotions uh had tangum like a immature brat you get what I'm saying or whatever so that's what led to I mean that's what contributed to their divorce all right next the Knight of Pentacles maybe so I'm trying to see what the Pentacles is telling me because judge everybody knows judge MTH has had a good career usually the Pentacles come up when somebody is uh either wasting money or not using their resources right but we're talking about the relationship so I think that maybe he from what my intuition is telling me about this card is that maybe he was a little bit Reckless with the spend you know with their money or whatever or within the situation maybe it had to do with some of his immature behavior and Reckless spending maybe she couldn't put up with that anymore that's what I'm thinking so the next card okay okay he's also not good with taking constructive uh feedback this is the uh six of Wands but it's reversed usually upright this is a card of Victory but the uh reversed is a card where is uh shame coming before a fall so I think I think there was something he was behaving in a Shameless Manner and now that he was not um he was not receptive to constructive criticism he's more of the type that's my way or the highway so he was he refused to compromise okay so what's the next card Queen of Swords reversed so something about a critical personality or maybe he felt like she was being critical and stuff like that she was too critical of him and uh too cold to him this is probably what he felt like in in the situation which is probably why he wouldn't been at all the two of Cups this represents their marriage their relationship now I'm wondering something cuz I thought that but I didn't want to jump to that let's pull this card back the Queen of Swords the queen and then let's go back to the uh wand the six of Wands reversed remember I said this is some kind of Shame before a fall and it was some kind of like not being able to not being not receptive to uh negative feedback and criticism or something like that and then you got this Queen of Swords reversed I'm feeling like it's was some I feel like part of the reason why they divorced there was some kind of aair going on this is what my gut is telling me because earlier in the reading I got those that the sun card which is implies the birth of a child or at least the pregnancy now I'm getting this this uh Queen of Swords and this card is about either relationships or marriage so what I'm guessing I I think it was an extramarital affair going on and maybe the woman got pregnant or there was a birth of a child or a pregnancy scare something happened involving an affair this is what really I think led to them divorcing so let's pull the next card okay the four of Swords this is of some kind of like either rest or recuperation did they I wonder if they separated or took a time out maybe yeah maybe that's what led to them at least separating and taking this time out it also could or this could also literally mean some kind of hospital I really do think that there's some kind of maybe a child Scandal is going to come out or at least in an extra Affair I haven't done much research on Judge matth and his wife I just know that they are divorcing after 39 years so I'm walking into this reading completely blind to their situation I don't know what happened and there we go again another page remember I told you Pages represent children this one is the page of Pentacles or whatever L talking about laziness lethargic uh some kind of a student I was this woman that he was messing around with much younger than him I don't know my gut is saying early like in her 20s or something I'm I'm getting the sense that he had some kind of extramarital affair with a much younger woman and okay okay I'm starting to see some things all right okay the Five of Swords reversed the wife wasn't willing to fight for this no more once all that happened it was she probably thought it was best to just walk away she saw that this marriage was no longer worth fighting for after after uh this scandal after this affair she was like I'm done I can't I'm done get I'm out let's pull the next card The High Priestess reversed she didn't listen to her in intuition I think the wife probably suspected all along something was going on but she did not listen to her in intuition and she's probably regretting that now cuz the Queen the uh The High Priestess re um The High Priestess upright is about listening to intuition it's about uh femininity you know what I mean it's you know so reversed it's about ignoring your intuition she had a gut feeling that something was going on to begin with but she ignored it oh no I trust my husband I don't think he would do that I'm pretty sure it's nothing you know he's he's judge Mattis he's famous so of course you know women are going to be after him but I think now she's eating she's eating and regretting the fact that you know I didn't listen to my intuition okay next card the world reversed something came and turned this this this turned her world upside down she didn't listen to In inition and as a result her world was turned upside down by this this this this affair I mean I'm going to call it what it is is I'm trying to be fair but from what I feel like spirit is telling me is that there was an aair there was another woman involved and why she's leaving him next card up now this is the six of Cups reversed or whatever I'm take he was taking care of a much younger person that's what I'm saying This Woman This he had an affair with a much younger woman he was probably taking care of it that's what the uh the money card was probably about he was taking care of this person whoever this woman was that he was messing with he was taking care of them he was probably taking their money using it on her and the wife found out about all of this next card Ace of Swords he loved this woman he had some love for her there was some emotion there like we need to ask Spirit more questions Spirit was judge having an affair on his wife Spirit was Judge matth having an affair on his wife was there was there another woman Spirit was there another woman spirit is was Judge Matthews having an affair on his wife was there another woman okay the world reversed came up usually the world upright is a yes card rever jumped out so I'm guessing that it's saying no I'm going to pull another card just to be sure that it's giving me the uh answer note so just give me a minute to finish or at least uh maybe it wasn't a full-fledged ailure Affair but maybe something was happening all right what happened between judge master and his wife let put the word c back what happened between judge M and his wife was it an affair was it an affair of why she's divorcing him was it in affair all right we're almost ready was it an affair was UN Affair Spirit Page of Cups reversed it had a lot to do with him not being able to control his emotions it was a lot of that had to do with emotions there were some emotions involved hard work okay unquit love I think this is what the wife was feeling she felt like he couldn't control his emotions she worked hard to uh love him but she didn't get that same the same love back that she gave that's the reason why they're breaking up Queen of Wands yep she felt like she tried be a good wife she tried tried to build this happy family nothing was ever enough for him she felt like clear this side more the death reversed change transformation this is the card of end all of that had to end because M stay with home because of of a young young girl some kind of student or somebody young just starting out some kind of sexual problem I don't think it's sexual impotency maybe they wasn't having sex that's what I'm thinking that's what I'm seeing here with the Ace of Wands she decided to go at she decided to go at it alone they had you know it wasn't I think that what the spirit is saying is that it wasn't just an affair it was they they had marital problems to begin with you know what I mean now maybe there was an affair going on also but it was it was a lot of things but it mostly was is how she felt unappreciated you know what I mean she felt like she gave this man she tried to be the the best wife she could to this man and it just wasn't enough like he was just too childish too too uh impulsive too he you know what I mean like she just couldn't deal with his behavior sometimes that's what I'm getting from this is what I'm feeling like his behavior sometime he's so he was he seemed like the type that probably uh loses temper like when he's the one in the wrong but he'll still lose his temper like it was no talking to him sometime too rash sometime see yep bunch of problems was exposed and let me see what the last card said yep the death card and then the problems was exposed she went through some kind of change of life and after that that that's when she really saw their problems for what it was okay yeah see how I said he's too impulsive the Knight of Swords reversed this you see how this card is rushing into battle he's too damn argu excuse me I don't even say damn he's too argumentative he's too he he he jumps to conclusions he's he's just she she can't deal with that you know what I mean like she put up with that for like 39 years 38 years however long they were married she can't deal with that in her older years yeah she yeah yeah this is it's just too much for her now see that all he cares about is winning when it comes to like arguments or anything he got to be the one right he got to be the one that wins it's about you know what he wants a lot of times yep there we go again with that page of Wands Reckless impulsive a br childish he do the most childish stuff just to win she feels like and it's like she yeah yeah yeah it it's not just an affair I mean like I said there could have been an affair going on it could have not been an affair going on but his attitude a lot of times is what led to it she canot she just can't take it anymore she's just done she's just done I'm done see the world card complete I'm done it's over I'm finished I can't take this anymore the hangman I think that she took us she took time to really think this through before she walked away she didn't just walk away this wasn't an impulsive decision on her part I get the energy from her that she's not really the impulsive type she's more the laidback type like plot not I don't mean to say plot like more so just like think comprehends our next move whereas he's the opposite he's too he's he's too hasty sometime and it's like that's that's just too much for her see of course she feels sad you know she spent almost four decades with this man you know what I mean she sad she is mourning the marriage that's lost to her but she can't take his immature impulsive behavior any D on more she's just it's just enough as enough you know what I mean he's just he's a dictator and she cannot deal with that I like to put him in order of how I um turned them over so let's pull the next card she did not get what she wanted out of this marriage a lot of times she didn't get what she wanted it was always about what he wanted he was very domineering she wanted to be taken care of she wanted that you know love like how she was I'm guessing her she probably had a good relationship with her father and she was looking for the to be taken care of like like like her father did and stuff like that like I'm not sitting up here saying it was MoneyWise more emotionally she wasn't taking care of emotionally she didn't get what she want emotionally out this marriage it more so drained her emotionally yeah yeah always felt like it was opposition and losing it might have been several other women over the years she feels released from this situation in some way she felt abused now don't please don't misunderstand what I'm saying I'm not saying he physically abused his wife but there's different forms of abuse and you see the devil reversed is a release from an abusive relationship so I think she feels at least emotionally abused in this relationship you know what I mean by him yep see the impulsivity the Knight of Wands wands is about fire it's about action he's just too aggressive sometime and I'm not saying he beat he beat her or no crap like that I'm saying that I mean heck you could be aggressive with maybe how you're too quick to argue you know what I mean and I think it's more of that he's just too quick to jump to conclusions too too quick to just make a a situation that don't need to be about conflict uh more than what it needs to be and she prefers a more passive kind of easygoing atmosphere I mean we could go on and on but I think you guys get the idea so to sum it all up the reason spirit is telling me that judge Mattis and his wife is uh divorcing after almost 40 years of marriage is because the wife just the wife feels like she can't take it anymore she feels she didn't feel like she was treated right she feels like you know what I mean it's always about what he wants he's he's too impulsive he's too quick to argue he's too combative you know what I mean it's always too much conflict with him she she just especially I think with the uh chain you know when the death card came up and talked about change and transformation either she wanted him to change that behavior and he refused to or she went through the change of life and decided I can no longer put up with this all right so there you have it hope I was able to answer some questions today um I love you Soul family see you next time

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