if you want to be able to buy the most expensive players and open the best packs in fc24 go to us7 by.com to buy your EA fc24 coins it's cheaper than buying FC points and just as reliable with they already amazing prices you can get an extra 6% using promo code Inception at checkout okay guys let's go ahead and uh talk about this new Evolution that came out let's go see what the Vibes are cuz apparently this evolution is like really crazy cuz I think it makes a lot of cards 99 it's hold on hold on hold on it's crazy but to an extent because play Styles is a thing nowadays remember they never used to drop stuff like this back in the day cuz if they did all of these cards would be crazy right but now that play Styles is the thing we have to see where it kind of uh makes the most sense for these cards I mean honestly it still makes a lot of these cards like significantly more usable because the stat improvements are really crazy but um let's see which one it is so is this one right here so Ro to e uh Ro to fc25 uh complete road to fc25 to earn an 81 plus time seven uh players pack and next year's Ultimate Team all rewards untradeable um it gives you a lot of like very significant stuff for like certain cards so plus 15 in Pace 25 in dribbling 25 in shooting 25 in passing first touch press proven plus TI taka Relentless three skill moves treel anticipates pain pass and trickster so if you take a look at the play style pluses that you're given this in my opinion really looks like a an actual Center mid card so if you're getting all four of those play styles on the cards right because of pinged pass or not even Center mid like if you're using them in the side positions too a very important thing you have to look at because it's not just the Midfield position it's whether or not they have base play styles for some other things right because if people will be looking at it from like an attacking perspective you're going to have cards that are going to be able to dribble really well right which is obviously a big deal because a very good example of this is you guys know that Neymar had an evolution at some point right and his Evolution had trickster plus and press proven um but remember Neymar still has the base mechanics of the card so he still had like a couple of um he still had like a couple of regular things to work with so if I were to go to this card right here and I go to his plays like he still had a couple of interesting stuff like tll he still had a quick step you know he still had a few things that worked with the stuff that was being added to the card now with this one there's a couple of very interesting cards like this one right where obviously he gets 99 stats in every single area right um with a card like this he does get the position change so it makes him more interesting uh so you have to look at some of the base play styles that he has so you can see that he does have an intercept right which is obviously a big deal um because it allows you to use a card like this honestly in a couple of different positions now uh I'm looking at it from like a fullback position I'm like oh you know what it doesn't have aerial even though he's probably like a taller player that has Obviously good base stats all around but this looks like mostly like an actual midfielder in a team like this cards like this I feel like if it's like stay back cover Center uh or just cover Center to be honest if you're playing like some sort of three Midfield setup um this card obviously uh very well formatted right because he has very good stats all around but the key thing here is the fact that he's a lengthy player while having those stats right his stats and defense is already very good he only lacks an aggression in that other area um I think for a card like this you can give him a finisher and the thing about him is that you can technically use him however way you want because even if you're going in a Sentimental Direction Where let's say someone is building some sort of Swiss team or uh you're a fan from Mains or main mines or I don't know to pronounce the name from the Bundesliga you have a card like this that can pretty much play in any of the positions right but you just have to be mindful that he doesn't really have uh the shooting stuff right no shooting play Styles right you can use them up there for fun for sure 100% but you just have to be mindful those things because the base card stats are improved now obviously we're not going to be looking at every single player because there's going to be a lot of them right but I'm just going to give you guys an idea of what you should be looking into right because the base play Styles is obviously a very very important thing this guy honestly he's trending for pretty obvious reasons he has sunglasses on his Dynamic picture I think he has um he has a condition in real life I think it's like a like a the the light or something like the lights too bright on his eyes or something like that I remember looking this up like I think a year or two ago honestly when he was like trending before um but yeah he's trending because obviously the dynamic image is interesting um he still has some pretty decent play Styles I don't mind Ping's pass as a fullback either I think for fullbacks it's also pretty nice to work with too uh base play style stuff Relentless tick taka pained pass he has a few things as well definitely looks like a box to box sort of sort of one or armag goair is going to be someone that people are going to be or are the goair excuse me it's going to be someone that people look at a lot just because he has all the stat increase and it's going to it's going to essentially be like that Namar card you know what I'm saying where it's like you can boost him to be at a certain point on a hunter Chemistry Style but he can now dribble and actually has ped pass so sure he might not have certain place I was like let's see his shooting ones he still hey he still has a regular finesse shot that's still good all the passing ones which is good uh dribbling ones he has pretty much all the important ones to be honest anticipate is actually pretty helpful if you use him in like um in like a if you use a formation where you have like one guy in the middle that's like an actual attacker it's also pretty useful there too he should be exin yeah because selections wise he makes sense like some of these other ones I I just feel like you you look at their base stats and it's like oh you know that's pretty cool but G I feel like could be really sick honestly five star five star with good dribbling capabilities like this this would be a Mii player to be honest right especially with the pinked pass um and some defensive stats too right so if you wanted to play him in the cam position you could you could do a nice little concept with uh with him in the same Squad as Bellingham or something you know in like a three Midfield setup whatever right like there's a lot you could do with there uh Andreas Pereira uh gets one as well again this is where it it becomes a little more interesting in my opinion because he has very good dribbling stats he has the dribbling play style so responsive wise everything should be there play Styles uh shooting he has only dead ball so no treea or no uh no finesse shot on the card um the rest of them I don't really care as much about honestly but yeah increases the usability of these cards like this this to to me is an attacking Center mid in a 4321 like 100% this is this has attacking Center mid written all over it right um so that's a pretty cool option too uh cataldi uh CDM let me see what he has here yeah a lot of these cards they're increasing their usability pretty much that's that's what they're doing a lot like for me a lot of these guys are attacking Center mids for the most part right like if you're going to be selecting certain players they're attacking Center mids I did see Jamie vardy trending here too yeah Jamie vardy is here too yes press proven trickster pings pass anticipate you know why this one's interesting cuz in the past Jamie vard's body type or body type excuse me I wasn't crazy about man personally I just wasn't crazy about it uh this potentially could be his first usable year not usable but like actual car that could play pretty decently in the If he if he has the base play Styles dang they didn't give him base play Styles bro Jamie part is a beast EA like this guy's a great Striker this guy could have transferred to Arsenal at the age of 30 and he could have still performed until the age of 36 like I'm not even kidding he's just he's just that guy bro great player IRL uh Deli Alli gets one look at that yeah see this looks interesting as well right attacking Center mge Pace boost is there defensive boost is there you give him the very obvious Shadow Chemistry Style a very good allround midfielder that hopefully has regular intercept he does not unfortunately but yeah attacking Center mid right 4 3 2 1 like I'm telling you I'm going to be saying it for most of these cards right I could I could either say attacking Center mid or honestly side position players in general so if you're playing like um you know 442 left mid right mid if you're playing even as one of the two Strikers would be fine too because it's always that ball roll into the pinged pass with a response responsiveness right with the dribbling being higher that is a big deal to work with too right um hatate uh hatate hatate I don't know how to say his name yeah they format these cards very interestingly eh cuz it's like this one is uh no this one's a shadow too I would say another Shadow as well um no defensive stuff other than anticipate as usual attacking Cent mid like I'm going to I'm going to be saying this a lot for this Evolution for sure like I said it's not it's not to say that the attackers would not be usable cuz like I said I used Neymar uh with that press proven and that trickster during that time period and those two play styles were a very big deal to work with to make him significantly more usable right Jackson as a more physical type attacker Chelsea fans will be super interested in this because um he's obviously not poorly formatted by any means right definitely a card that you give I would say an engine to you got to increase that um that dribbling of the car to make him really responsive with the Press proven plus and the trickster plus as much as possible while giving him a passing boost you could also go down the direction of giving him a physical boost too um you could go in the direction of giving him like a sentinel only because you know since he has anticipate plus you can maybe work with that a little bit more with small defensive boosts as well right um Jones another very good example of an attacking Center MCH usability wise it's there no defensive stuff but again you just give them those boosts to kind of work with that as well uh these ones left mid yeah see so I was about to say if it's a center back like I I'm not interested for center backs the center backs need defensive play styles to be honest right but uh with Rodriguez honestly the way I'm looking at him he looks pretty cool for the fullback position potentially yeah but you know fullback position is not bad hey cuz it would be a fullback that can dribble right which is obviously a big deal shadow on the card he's a lengthy so the pace is there as well hopefully he has intercept of course he doesn't of course he doesn't let's see what else we got here so Rodriguez xery gets one hey xerx that can dribble that's not bad a xerx that can dribble is not bad but again doesn't have certain shooting play Styles this one I think it was this one or the other one that has like a really good Evolution change uh chain at some point excuse me um Lorenzi right back c what does EBC have but you guys get the gist of uh of what you should be going for right like cuz it's uh it's um it's an evolution that has a lot of options right there's going to be like a crazy amount um there's obviously going to be like these ones that are you know uh chain devolutions too that you can kind of link up with certain players as well always check easy SBC for that too they're going to have pretty meta options here like look they have this left wing back so let's take a look at him right so left wing back um dribbling defensive stats is there is he a lengthy is that why they oh not a lengthy but you guys put him as a high rated why that's a little bit sussy is it because of the play Styles does he have all the play Styles I mean actually to be fair as a fullback like not a lengthy which is important if you guys use Theo you know what I'm talking about right but I like a player that has long ball pass in the fullback position to be honest I like a player that has that medium high oh yeah you format him a certain way as well yeah yeah that's not too bad actually um [Music] minina NEP is foaming at the mouth I don't know if he still does the Arsenal gr to Glory you guys know I don't watch Fifa YouTube um yeah again I mean it's an attacking Center mid right all of these cards are attacking Center mids like that's just what they are backbone yeah backbone's not bad yeah not bad attacking Cent mid yeah she looks pretty cool too she yo honestly female player that has press proven and trickster plus how tall is she oh dude she's going to be a pro club's character huh that's a pro club's character right there see all Pon lot of options lot of options kunich as well try to see if you could find midfielders that also have like can I search through is there like filters where I can search that they at least have an intercept cuz if they do that would be a big deal right I don't look through these filters enough to know 100% that they do but play Styles intercept wow that's the plus one can you search the regular ones okay I was about to say I'm like bruh there we go that's what we're talking about that is what we're talking about oh look Ruben Lima look Portuguese FC for me no long ball pass but looks decent are you uh not lengthy as well not lengthy as well but anchor gives him a good Pace boost good defensive boost good physical boost I think I still like the play Styles intercept and block on it as well tikit takaka it's not too bad not too shabby this one's definitely going to be worth going sentimental for if you if you can get certain players like this one you got like I feel like you got to go sentimental on this one for sure Ruben Lima is the most Thomas arjo Martin NES oh Portuguese sentimentals not as crazy intercepts definitely a good a good play saw to look into though Center back with um with this one let's see anchor nope so controlled on him gter so many gunters bro gter gter same thing as well uh let's see here again if you see midfielders Midfield is going to be used with a regular intercepts actually really helpful there was something I seen on Twitter where people were saying that you can get like super high rated cards who got transferred Billy Gil Gilmore wi too say word uh let's see if I seen it I seen it somewhere where people are like oh yeah you can get yeah like what is this 102 rated is that even possible and seeu or is that just Twitter being uh is that the Twitter guys just doing some some clickbait stuff how do you search the actual player oh and see you I guess not I think easy spbc would have shown if it was right yeah I don't know is that even possible they love giving out evils with play style pluses that don't make sense because they do it on purpose you guys should know this come on come on you should know this that's why the evolutions recently I like cuz I even said this in the delit review right they give people the illusion that like they're getting something crazy cuz the casuals will not look at play Styles as much they'll just look at cards and be like oh my goodness 99 stats in everything you know what I'm saying like and they know all right I'm not going to go down that rout know separate separate um but yeah that's pretty much it I mean honestly the evolution is crazy in the sense of giving you 99 stats for pretty much a lot of the cards it it makes them like if you if you can go sentimental it's definitely going to be very ideal because honestly like if there was attackers that I didn't see a single time this year and I wanted to use them then I would just go down this list right I would go filters go Portugal right oh look Andre horta there you go right that that'd be a pretty cool card to get Andre Hort look at that a very usable version of him like bro I could use this guy as a cam if I wanted to look technical dead ball Relentless talker first T Rella mostly attacking Center mid as well right but I think you guys get the point of what I'm saying like unfortunately these guys don't have intercept but like a lot of these cards like I said you wouldn't you would never get them to be improved by this much right like shingo get oh look shingo gets one I don't even think I've seen Shao one time so befa fans will be happy with that one oh look Fabio via that's what I'm talking about see so a PTO player this this this to me would be the most usable version of his card ever honestly cuz I would be able to move with him you know what I mean like with this card he's five star five star too yeah look at all those improvements bro high medium work rates as well you give him a passing play style anticipate like the usability is there you know what I'm saying I think with uh Fabio via uh am I stupid I just seen him Fabio via where is he still Arsenal I don't know if they added the portal card in cuz he just came back to us on loan oh by the way he's Arsenal fans let me explain something to you guys about Fabio V okay Fabio V is actually a good player but you guys play A system that is not going to consistently play him for him to utilize his strengths you know what I'm saying we're playing a 4231 recently and he's coming back to us and I feel like he's going to do a great job for us because that 4231 is going to cook for him cuz he plays really well in like the side positions in that formation the C the actual cam position he could play as one of the two cdms as long as like he has a good balance with the guy next to him um mostly the the main guy in the middle but yeah one of those things hey look FC portal player there you go Andre Franco right so the sentimental value would be there for a card like this as well so it be it'd be cool for that stuff right to go to go down the sentimental uh Value Route and enjoy cards that you otherwise would not have been able to enjoy right so country club we we'll search FC Porto here right can I search the actual FC Porto Andre Franco gets one Romario Barrow gets one uh let's see here let's see let's see yeah so it would mostly be Andre Andre Franco there you go right so just giving you an idea of the sentimental cards you can go through and also the meta ones because if you can get cards that have the intercept it would be very ideal to work with too but yeah hopefully you guys enjoy this video today I'll catch you guys for next one peace out dudes love you guys

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