PetSmart Charities National Adoption week is here with ‪@OfficialHillsPet‬! via ‪@EricandJoeym‬

Published: Mar 18, 2024 Duration: 00:00:38 Category: Pets & Animals

Trending searches: national dog day petsmart
come celebrate PetSmart Charity's 30th year anniversary with a pet potty we grabbed some balloons and of course some potty favors for all of our guests this is Ozark with the cutest little hat Chad couldn't hold his excitement in with his giant new tennis ball then we decided to surprise the guests with an animal friendly cake the ball pit was a huge hit especially when we hid some Hill streets on the inside now it's time for their party favors so we put some treats and some new toys in a gift bag and handed it to them and don't forget National adoption week is from March 18th to the 24th so be sure to check out your local petmart store and adopt a pet

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