Published: Sep 15, 2024
Duration: 00:04:20
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: ripple xrp
welcome to the jwk show we talk about crypto and we keep things short and concise a big thank you to our sponsor as well crypto exchange B next you guys can check them out by using the link in the description below we have a new tweet from Donald Trump and he says I hate Taylor Swift and a lot of people might think this is such a random tweet well we do have Taylor Swift showing support for the Democrats but why would Donald Trump even make this sort of tweets it is sort of you can say unprofessional but this suggests another cryptic tweet from Donald Trump as in gatria I hate Taylor Swift equals to 211 we have also Donald Trump as 211 the 49 Gates the tale of Mary meline order of the blue rose Christine lagard xrp sacred frequency of God stor Troopers December 25th twinflame Journey crimes against children and Destroy pyramids very interesting connections and we also have the world banking system which is called Swift so most likely Donald Trump means I hate Swift which is the world banking system and as SE the xrp Insiders we will see Trump adopting xrp and xrp replacing the Swift system or Swift using xrp so this is Major confirmation of trump that we will see Swift getting taken down or again guys Swift using xrp which will lead to a 1,000 plus dollar xrp as we have Swift facilitating trillions and trillions of dollars every single day around 29 trillion doll every single day so so through Swift we could see Swift sending xrp to a $29 trillion market cap now we have more coincidences or at this point guys connections with Swift and ripple and even bricks we have all of their events happening next month in October we have Swift cyos Ripple swell and the brick Summit so first off we have rippel swell happening in Miami from October 15 to the 16 then we have Swift seab boats happening from the 21st to the 24th and then we have the brick Summits happening from the 22nd to the 24th as well and we should see major announcements being revealed during the brick Summit such as the bricks payment system and the bricks currency as well most likely backed by gold and different Commodities and currencies and we will see exer bridging all of those currencies so with these events all happening in the same month this is very very interesting and at the end guys we will see both Swift and Bricks using xrp leading to the high xrp price point that we are all waiting for and also this month before the implementation of iso 2022 by fedwire we have the depository institution testing completed by October 31st of 2024 and then by March 10 of 2025 we have the switch over to ISO 2022 for fedwire fedwire fed Now using ISO tokens such as xrp and xlm it seems like we have Cala Harris lying during the debates against Trump on US forces we have Kamala claiming that no US forces were in active combat zones however we have the US Central Command saying that US forces were in operation in Western Iraq on August 29th so more proof that Kamal Harris cannot be trusted as she continues to lie over and over and over again and lastly from John eidon it is official despite being granted four debates when she was a challenger Elizabeth Warren has refused to accept the debate challenge I issued on the night of the primary we have Elizabeth Warren continuing to avoid Johnny Deon as she is scared of Johnny Deon and his influence his power and his plan to stop the SEC and Elizabeth Warren and her anti- crypto agenda so this is a clear sign that again Elizabeth Warren is afraid of Johnny Deon and this is big stuff as John Deon is pro xrp pro crypto and with John Deon in power we will see big positive changes happening in the crypto space that's it for the video hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys in the next one