BREAKING: Harris Widens Lead Post-Debate, Trump FLAILS At ABC News, Internet ROASTS MAGA

[Music] who says debates don't matter hello everybody and welcome to a special LIVE edition of of Rebel HQ I'm David chuster good to have you join us the Republicans wishful thinking following Donald Trump's disastrous debate the other night has now run into a brick wall known as reality the latest polling shows at kamla Harris has widened her lead in the days after the debate we'll show you some of the numbers also Donald Trump's Whoppers are getting more intense and Crazier by the day Donald Trump's running mate JD Vance just stepped in it on the economy we'll show you what he said you're not going to believe it also we'll have the latest the Harris walls campaign our video of the week and our moment of the week plus we're going to take some of your comments let's get into them right now see what we got become a member here that's right before we get into the comments remember you can become a member of tyt and help us go to also be sure to subscribe to this YouTube channel um that way the videos are essentially sent to you when you go to the YouTube homepage and um if you want to become a member of tyt go to the tyt main p page but let's get back into our live stream and let's start by most accounts kamla Harris had the debate performance that she was hoping for and the principle of cause and effect is going her way according to the latest Reuters ipsos poll which was conducted for two days after the debate kamla Harris now leads Donald Trump nationally 4742 that is outside the margin of er of three the previous reuter zos Paul had Harris plus4 so she's picked up a point after the debate also the polling found that if people who were familiar with the debate who watched the debate 53% said that kamla Harris won that is very different from what Donald Trump claimed in a series of media appearances and interviews in the hours and days following the debate watch come to the spin rof I just felt I wanted to I was very happy with the result he had a 92% rating in one poll 80 to 20 I told that to Brett Bear and we sent him a lot of polls and we sent you a lot of polls this morning we had an 86% rating and another we had 77% 92 to 7 Mr President speak louder 88 to 11 86 to three I mean but every single poll last night had me winning like 90 to 10 71% to like 24 or 25% why don't you do a shout out poll who they thought won the debate last night it would be great calls are indicating that we got 90% 60% 72% 71% and 89% where are you getting these numbers from where is he getting those numbers from where is he getting those numbers from he is pulling them out of his ass seriously by all accounts at least According to some of the according to all of the reporting Donald Trump when he walked off the stage he was told by his staff oh great job boss you did a terrific job they were soothing ego but then those same Trump advisers went to the media and acknowledged that he had blown it that he was all over the map that he lied repeatedly that he didn't stay focused on K Harris's record that he he went for the bait that she laid and so essentially the debate was on her terms and again the instant polling found that Donald Trump had lost the debate and now several days after the debate there's a clear impact on the national polling we mentioned the Reuters ipsos poll that has KLA Harris ahead nationally Now by five here's some of the polling morning consult which was conducted the day after the debate Harris 50 Donald Trump 45 that's another fivepoint difference and that is outside the poll's margin of error of three the New York Post owned by the Murdoch family Republicans KL haris 50 Donald Trump 47 the margin of air and that is 2.7 so again outside the margin of air rasm reports which was a republican poll and this was done actually going into the debate had Harris 47 Donald Trump 49 9 but that was within the poll's margin of err of three that is the last poll to show Donald Trump winning nationally and again a lot of people disregard the rest missing reports poll because it is tended to be it's run by a republican organization and tends to be weighted towards Republican voters in the wake of the debate and again Democrats are thrilled Republicans if you'll get people from the Trump campaign away from the microphones and off the Record they'll tell you was a disaster so naturally kamla Harris is asking for a second presidential debate uh we'll play you that clip and also here is what Donald and at the end of that we'll play what Donald Trump is saying about that watch North Carolina two nights ago Donald Trump and I had our debate you watched it did you watch it and look I believe we owe it to have another de right we owe it to the voters so because we've done two debates and because they were successful there will be no third debate there will be no third debate and Donald Trump of course is counting the debate with Joe Biden and suggesting that he's had enough debates with Democrats um but like a lot of things Donald Trump says I would not take this threat not to have another debate I would not take that to the B back and there are a lot of reasons for it first of all generally when somebody is trailing in a political campaign it behooves them to actually have a debate to try to change the narrative uh and plus Donald Trump still has some opportunities if he does another debate to try to go after some of the things that he didn't go after KL Harris in this one and that is to try to go after things like her flipflops on policy and so what exactly are her particular policies and to try to paint this narrative that um that hasn't stuck to KLA Harris that she is somehow this San Francisco Ultra liberal fascist whatever Republicans want to come up with and again Donald Trump was not able to even sort of um scratch the surface in those efforts at this debate because he took the the bait from KL Harris and went after things that were sort of you know Donald Trump sort of lies and and she got under his skin and she Donald Trump got defensive about his crowds so for a number of reasons I think there will be another presidential debate even though Donald Trump is saying oh no not right now and he'll probably have some negotiations with whoever the next broadcaster might be and try to perhaps maybe have the microphones open so that he can interrupt um and there's another reason why I think there will also be more presidential debates and by the way there are there is a vice presidential debate that is confirmed that's coming up but there's the reason that these debates are sort of helpful also to both campaigns is because you can raise a lot of money in the hours and days after the debate KLA Harris for example in the 24 hours after this presidential debate she raised $46 million according to the campaign that's $46 million on top of of the $350 million that she raised in the month of August and that's money that can be spent on things like advertisements and get out the vote efforts and organization and establishing field offices so the money is important and debates are a crucial tool to raising money and again simply for strategy reasons if you are the person who's trailing it is in your anous to try to reset the narrative to have a breakthrough moment to be able to address your opponent face Toof face breakthrough Donald Trump can't do that if he does not have another debate now you may be thinking well why does k Harris then want to have another debate well she wants to have another debate and there's some divide here among political strategists about whether she should be asking for another debate or whether she should just take the Victory and go home essentially but the Harris campign is convinced that Donald Trump will have another awful performance if there's a second debate and that Kara simply outguns him on the debate stage that she's got more experience her prosecutor background she knows how to build the case and the Harris campaign also thinks that there's an even higher ceiling for KLA Harris in these debates that she was a little nervous at the top that there were a couple questions when she was asked about are you better off now than is are Americans better off now than they were four years ago and she essentially dodged the question because she wanted to focus on her talking points well she will only get better the haris campaign believes if there's a second debate and so they believe her ceiling is even higher and they think that again they can essentially destroy Donald Trump again bait Donald Trump get him off of his talking points and once again show the American people that the more Donald Trump talks the worse it is for most people who are undecided in this election so I would look for another presidential debate interesting strategy normally the per the person who's the front run will say no no we're not going to have any more debates we're done but in this case everything is sort of thrown out the window Donald Trump is a unique candidate um and the usual rules of politics do not apply let's get to some of your questions and comments we'll respond to them in real time someone should have asked him 17 by6 says Andrew not quite sure what that means this debate was not rigged your opponent is supposed to call out lies and the moderators only fact check some of the more dangerous lies I'm surprised they were ready for the cat eating hoax I'm not we're gonna get into that a moment um usually when you do debate prep as a as a moderator you try to imagine what are the 20 or 30 lies that we might hear and let's have a St let's let's make sure we we have our facts so if we need to correct either candidate we're ready to go it's easy when you're a debate moderator and I've I've you know been in these situations before it's easy to predict what a candidate is going to lie about it's also easy to predict what a candidate is going to tell the truth about so as a journalist moderating the debate I'm not surprised at all that um the ABC moderators had their information from Springfield Ohio ready to go Donnie was looking for his Nanny with the diaper bag and the chicken nugget okay uh I'd love to see it but I think he really is delusional about his performance and thinks he is holding the advantage I agree I would love to see another debate not as if Trump answers any question he has asked well that's another reason the comml Harris team wants another debate because they're convinced that American people see through these when they see Donald Trump evading questions and going to his narcissistic talking points it only hurts Donald Trump now let's go to another one Jorge she should bait the orange buffoon into a second debate I think she is and by the way by her saying I'm ready for a second debate she's showing confidence saying hey let's let's do another one Donald Trump was trying to use the analogy of a boxer that once you have one the winner doesn't want a rematch and so that's why Donald Trump is saying I was the winner because I don't want to rematch actually it doesn't quite work that way in politics um so again I think she is baiting him by saying oh are you chicken which is essentially what the Democrats are saying is Donald Trump chicken is he afraid so anyway interesting stuff all right let's get into a related topic to all of this Donald Trump and his campaign are infuriated at ABC News the moderators of the debate they believe that um ABC should have pushed back more at kamla Harris's what they are calling lies what other people are calling statements that are out of context and here's an example Kamara said there in debate that Donald Trump had called neo-nazis at Charlottesville very fine people well technically she had she had said there were very fine people on both sides of that but because Snopes which is one of these internet factchecking organizations had said that that's not technically correct Donald Trump then jumped on Snopes the Snopes claimed to suggest that kamla Harris had delivered a big lie at the debate watch this people that were hold up let's go let's let's check this she talked about knowing it was all false she talked about the Charlottesville hoax and these people did nothing about it which has been totally debunked as they say by Snopes and snoops and everybody else and go look it up go to snoops whatever the hell that is you actually can't go to snoops or Snopes or whatever the hell you want to call it it's not a website although they they post things and social media and whatnot it's basically sort of the internet factchecking to chase down conspiracy theories and determine whether something that's trending on the internet is true or false well what Snopes said is that Donald Trump never said neo-nazis are very fine people but that's a matter of sort of context because Donald Trump after the rally in Charlottesville by neo-nazis Donald Trump said there are very fine people on both sides one side was the neo-nazis The Other Side the counter protesters were protesting against the neo-nazis and I would argue that there were not fine people on the side of the neo-nazis and when Donald Trump said there are fine people he is essentially calling neo-nazis and the counter demonstrators very fine people well he shouldn't have done that he did a moral equivalence and oh by the way a lot of people who are online a lot of Republicans say well you know Donald Trump never said that snope said he never said that the problem for a lot of the Republicans who are out there who were on the Twitter verse and social media and saying oh KLA Harris delivered a Whopper she lied ABC should have corrected is because there's actually videotape from When Donald Trump was President saying there were very fine people on both sides here's Donald Trump being asked about the violence in Charlottesville Virginia and again a counter demonstrator was run over and killed there were people with TIY torches shouting anti-semitic slogans and racist slogans Neo-Nazi banners here's what Donald Trump had to say about it watch very fine people on both sides you had people in that group excuse me excuse me I saw the same pictures as you did you had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of to them a very very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert El Lee to another name so when Donald Trump says he never said neonazis are very fine people that's Donald Trump essentially trying to suspend reality he said there are very fine people on both sides and for that people are mad at ABC News because David me and Lindsey Davis didn't say oh K Harris no no no Donald Trump didn't say Nazis are very fine people he said they're very fine people on both sides well the ABC moderators probably thought that that would be splitting hairs that that context was irrelevant that when Donald Trump said there are very fine people on both sides he was essentially saying the neo-nazis are very fine people so ABC News decided not to correct Harris I wouldn't have corrected it either I don't know any broadcast journalist with any Integrity even at Fox News who would have corrected that but the Trump folks Maga world is infuriated at ABC news they should have corrected that this is magor in the Trump campaign again suspending reality living in their own fantasy world and by the way the suspension of reality was evident in huge ways from Donald Trump uh Donald Trump said at the debate that because of Democrats some states allow to execute babies postbirth as abortions no state allows that when you allow a baby to die or kill a baby or a fetus after it has been born that is murder it is illegal no state allows that but Donald Trump claimed it at the debate and so ABC News rightfully pushed back and said no it is illegal to do that no state allows that oh Republicans were angry that Donald Trump got corrected here's another one Donald Trump has repeatedly said and putting the side from the debate uh and we're going to get to the Donald Trump saying they're eating dogs in just a second but Donald Trump has repeatedly said in his speeches that transgender surgery can be performed at schools without parent consent watch this gender thing is incredible think of it your kid goes to school and comes home a few days later with an operation schol decides what's going to happen with your child and you know many of these Childs 15 years later say what the hell happened who did this to me they say who did this to me it's the biggest because can you imagine your child goes to school and they don't even call you and they change the sex of your child think of it think of it um yeah when you think about it if your child went to school and was able to get transgender surgery maybe say from the school nurse during a lunch hour and there's no parental consent yeah that would be terrible but that's false that doesn't happen that doesn't happen at all there is no school system in the country there's no state in the United States that enables the scenario Donald Trump is trying to come up with so when Donald Trump says oh yeah parents are losing control schools have all the control they can literally hack off the private parts of your kid and then 15 years later the kids's like oh my god what happened that doesn't happen it cannot happen but in Donald Trump's suspension of reality in the fantasy world he creates where he likes to be the hero and he creates the villains the schools that's what Donald Trump says it is an outright lie and when that gets said at a debate it should be corrected likewise in the news for several days leading up to the debate Republicans has been promoting this thing about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio and over the past several years you know tens of thousand I think 15,000 Haitian immigrants have been have moved to Springfield Ohio a town of about 60,000 and there have been complaints about infastructure and social services being overwhelmed well a few weeks ago Fox News ran a clip of a woman in Ohio not in Springfield but 200 miles away a black woman who apparently was on drugs who was arrested for killing and eating a cat and this video whipped around the internet and a lot of people in magar world said aha this is proof that there are Haitians in Ohio who are eating cats and killing cats as part of voodoo no this particular clip wasn't in Springfield it wasn't a Haitian woman it was a separate incident of a woman who was high on drugs but this rumor started to build and between some people in Haiti practicing Voodoo which involves animal sacrifice rumors started spreading in Springfield that there are people who are stealing dogs and cats and pets and eating them and that the Ducks are being cleaned away from the pond and there was Charlie Kirk on his podcast saying oh yes there are these stories about ducks and animals being eaten this took off and then Senator JD Vance issued a statement saying well it might be true we have to be careful here this is another reason that we shouldn't have IM imigrants really the local police weeks ago before the debate said they have not received any credible reports or evidence of anybody in the Immigrant Community illegally eating killing dogs cats household pets then the mayor has a statement saying there have been no credible reports credible evidence of what these people are claiming that somehow immigrants are stealing pets and eating dogs and cats then the governor of Ohio says there has been no the governor by the way is a republican there has been no evidence of people eating Pats of immigrants or whatnot and yet the Trump campaign doubles down on it and says oh no there's some video PE we've seen it on TV we've seen clips of people claiming that this is happening well sure there have been people who have gone to the city council meeting and who have spoken reporters and said yeah I've heard that those Haitians are eating pets and yeah I have a neighbor who says that her dog got lost maybe it got eaten maybe the dog did get lost did it get eaten nobody's corroborated that nobody's confirmed that and the fact that people are actually saying I've heard the rumors that doesn't make the rumors true so when Donald Trump at the debate and again you have your list as a moderator of all the possible lies and points of contention When Donald Trump went there and said these immigrants and we all knew that Donald Trump was going to talk about immigrants and you can List the 10 or 11 lies that Donald Trump might articulate about immigration and migration at any point if you're a journalist who has worth his salt this was one of the issues that I'm sure ABC thought okay maybe Donald Trump's going to use this Republican talking point about Haitians in Springfield Ohio we better be ready they called the city manager the city manager said there's no proof there's no evidence and so when Donald Trump went there during the debate ABC News rightfully corrected him and Donald Trump looked like a fool not because of the correction but because he said they're eating the cats they're eating the dogs which has turned into an internet sensation we'll get to that later this was a problem for Donald Trump and to blame ABC news for Donald Trump's ridiculous claims at the debate there's an old saying uh that in child that there's an old saying that that children are aware of it's something goes something like this winners Keepers losers weepers When You Weep about a sporting event or an outcome you don't like you have lost winners walk away and say yeah I'm fine with that I'm sure there were some things that KLA Harris wishes that ABC might have done a little bit differently but she's not complaining about it she's not saying I could have done even better so clearly the Trump campaign um is admitting by their complaints about ABC news that Donald Trump lost and right now Donald Trump and his campaign are appointing ABC News and suggesting we can't have another debate like this and you have a lot of people in the conservative media world is saying Donald Trump should never go on ABC News again and Trump is saying that ABC News should fire their anchors and their reporters good luck with that but it's another reason why you know the stakes are big in this campaign because if Donald Trump wins can you imagine the retribution that a trump presidency might have not just against ABC news but also against CNN and MSNBC and all Donald Trump's perceived enemies let's get back to some of your comments and we're going to bring those up right here just have to click let's see what do we got here people are focusing on the cat and dogs while Vance's assertions that the Haitians are bringing disease and killing children in car accidents goes uncounterable examples of yeah there have been car accidents involving Haitians there have been car accidents involving a lot of people in Springfield there are flu and diseases in small towns and there's probably some in the Haitian Community I agree that I think to generalize and for JD Vance to say oh this is another reason to hate migrants that's despicable and he's being racist but it's not as easy to push back against that as it is against something so demonstrably true as when you have the city manager saying people are not eating cats and dogs I saw this I think that guy might overwork them though l is H Laura lummer yeah you know there some people who credit Laura or are criticizing Laura lomer she's a 911 truther conspiracy n who's been with Donald Trump by his side for the last apparently several weeks and leading up to the debate and she was the one who was apparently telling Donald Trump oh yeah you know go for the jugular be really aggressive about the immigrants and everything else well that backfired most Americans didn't like that so Republicans including Margery Taylor green and others are slamming Laura lomer and trying to get Trump to ignore her God In Charge case you didn't know he always says he has a plan I don't think the plan is 2025 now no Trump was trying to show dominance during that handshake and kamla pulled back she did good you know I would have I I'm to that point I kind of wish that um when KL Harris walked across the stage to to give the handshake I wish you would have done one of these like that you know that you do when you're a kid just to make the other person look like an you know the old Larry Mo and curly three studos routine anyway all right Republican vice president cand start this again Republican Republican vice president you know what this is a sign that I need to take a few more comments before I move on the mayor of Springfield was on TV saying there's nothing like that going on in their town we knew that exactly Janice all right let's talk about the vice presidential candidates Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance keeps proving that he is a gaff machine and underscoring why some people in Trump World are not happy with him to say the least here here's what Vance just said about the economy watch if the path to Prosperity was flooding your nation with low-wage immigrants then Springfield Ohio would be the most prosperous country and the most prosperous city in the world America would be the most prosperous country in the world because kamla Harris has flooded the country with 25 million legal legal aliens earlier today I saw that JD Vance went on TV and and said that uh if immigration were uh part of uh how country become prosperous then quote America would be the most prosperous country in the world which makes me wonder uh what country does JD F Vance think is the most prosperous country in the world since he doesn't think it's America and also does he really think that immigration has nothing to do with American Prosperity uh most Americans uh disagree by the way most Americans also disagree with Donald Trump's decision to kill the bipartisan border bill that kamla Harris has pledged that she would sign if it came to her so rather than have us talking about that he wants us talking about people allegedly eating cats which is so a couple of things there first of all Pete budded is um like he's phenomenal on TV he's just sort of great and he's perhaps one of the best Advocates that the Harris walls campaign has secondly in any other campaign if the president or vice presidential candidate had said as JD Vance did that we do not have the largest the biggest the most successful economy in the world that would have been front page new for days and that candidate would have gotten hammered um and JD Vance is getting hammered now but the fact this isn't a bigger story underscores just how much of a problem Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket let's be clear the US economy Remains the biggest in the world the US economy has had the best growth since covid since the pandemic the United States in the first three and a half years of the Biden Harris Administration created more than 17 million new jobs by comparison Donald Trump in the first three years of his administration before the pandemic created 6.8 million the stock market has gone up under President Biden K Harris by 40% if you have a 401k or any in the market you are thrilled with the US economy the stock market has gone over 41,000 I mean it's you the markets are are terrific inflation has finally dropped gross domestic product is up unemployment remains low so by most measures with the exception of inflation the US economy is doing really well now for JD Vance to suggest that if immigration were the key to to the economy we'd be first of all one of the reasons that economists say that the United States is doing so well is because of all the labor that has entered the workforce over the last five to 10 years some people credit immigration the number of people who were coming in to do relative unskilled labor with a reason that the US economy is doing so well and that there are people to fill the jobs that are being created in agriculture and M and Manufacturing and also some of the jobs that a lot of Americans frankly don't want to do so immigration gets some of the credit it's why when you hear that the United States birth rate is declining economists fear that because you need a certain number of people in the population in order to sustain the economy and keep it growing well the US is adding to the population through immigration so you can say everything you want about immigrants and you can disparage them as Donald Trump and JD Vance do and yes they want to complain about the stress on infrastructure and JD Vance wants to complain that they're bringing you know unfounded he's saying they're bringing in drugs and disease and Donald Trump says crime that is racism a lot of it is not true and what is true is that the immigration to the United States is being credited by Economist across the Spectrum with helping to grow the US economy and the US economy is the most successful and the strongest in the world and for JD Vance not to know that is shocking this is just the latest GFF that JD Vance has had just in the past week JD Vance was asked about the Taylor Swift endorsement of KLA Harrison Tim Waltz and JD Vance responded by saying Americans are not going to listen to a billionaire celebrity who was out of touch with the interests and needs of the American people that sounds like he's talking about Donald Trump a billionaire celebrity who's out of touch who most Americans probably can't relate to for JD Vance to disparage I mean you can say hey I don't think Americans are going to listen to a musician or a pop star whatever but to Simply call her a billionaire celebrity that is out of touch JD Vance's under and undercutting Donald Trump there was JD Vance of course one on the cats and dogs when despite when it had been proven when the mayor and and City officials had said this is not true JD van said well it might be true the evidence might end up proving that um that it is true that reminds me of remember a Vice President Dick Cheney and the runup to the war in Iraq when there was you know allegations of weapons of mass destruction and there was no concrete evidence there was some indication some anecdotal and Dick Cheney said well we can't allow the proof to be in the form of a mushroom cloud and Dick Cheney cherry-picked intelligence and cherry-picked information to make the case that we needed to go to war with Iraq because Chene claimed they had weapons of mass destruction because Cheney suggested that they were tied into 911 so we went into war with Iraq there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq Iraq was not connected to 911 and yet 4,000 US soldiers were killed more than 30,000 US soldiers were injured in the war in Iraq and the United States had to spend $2 trillion because vice president Cheney Cherry Picked information that he wanted and refused to acknowledge the truth and here we have another vice presidential candidate who says well the information might be true put aside the Ridiculousness of people eating cats and dogs if that is your approach to an argument well the information might be true it might turn out to support our narrative that is dangerous that is how Americans get killed that is how America wastes trillions of dollars we cannot go down that path again there has to be some value to empirical truth and if you're a presidential candidate or a vice presidential candidate who ignores empirical truth who ignores reality and we want that in the White House no I don't think so as for the Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walls he took what happened at the Trump Harris debate and he leveraged it in brutal fashion in ridiculing Donald Trump watch this comma Harris was able to within a matter of a few seconds use this guy's inflated ego and narcissism to bait him into melting down on a national stage in front of 6 million you you don't think Vladimir Putin could do that you don't think xiuning could do that you don't think that folks who are looking to flatter this guy as he shakes down our allies like it's some type of ret operation rather than standing with our allies what's so interesting about that to say that Xi Jinping Vladimir Putin the world's dictators are going to play Donald Trump because K Harris was able to play him at the debate it goes in an interesting Democratic strategy and that is one of Donald Trump's strengths one of his advantages has been the perception that he is strong that he is sort of authoritarian that he's powerful some people really like that well part of the challenge in a campaign is to sometimes take a strength or a positive that the other side has and flip it against them and that's what Tim Walls is doing right there he's saying the problem with Donald Trump is that no he's not strong he's actually easily manipulated and he may project this image of being strong but if K Harris can manipulate him and bait him so easily at the debate and get Donald Trump to say nonsense well imagine what Vladimir Putin or xiin ping or some of the strong men and women of the world will be able to do to Donald Trump by flattering Donald Trump or by getting under his skin by manipulating Donald Trump and that's not a position the United States wants to be in it is a smart political strategy by Tim Walls to take this perceived advantage of Donald Trump on strength and point out that no it's actually a weakness and this is the sort of thing sometimes these arguments get lost in the broader political debate over the economy and women's rights and immigration and everything else that are the big issues but when you look at personal characteristics and you look at trying to sort of flip a perceived strength of one candidate or the other it can sometimes make a difference even in a minuscule fashion and in a minuscule fashion in Battleground States Ohio Pennsylvania Wisconsin Arizona Georgia even if just a few people say wait a second that's an interesting point maybe Donald Trump is maybe there's a disadvantage with Donald Trump maybe Donald Trump's emotions who a lot of people like are a weakness of him if some people are now second guessing Donald Trump's strength and they decide to maybe they were leaning Donald Trump but now they're undecided or maybe they're leaning to K Harris that's a win for the Democrats and it's smart political strategy by the Democrats to sort of go in that direction and again we've said it over and over keep in mind this race is going to be decided by tens of thousands of votes in the key Battleground States mostly independent undecided voters the polls show that about 15% of the US electorate right now is undecided what we've seen in the poll over the last several weeks is that the people who were leaning Donald Trump a significant of them significant number of them are moving to undecided a significant number of undecideds have been moving into lean kamla Harris you're not seeing people who were leaning kamla Harris shifting back towards undecided or towards Donald Trump and so when people talk about the polling window having changed yes there's still a lot of possibility of things going One Direction or the other but the number of people who were undecided independent voters voters who are only now paying attention that window keeps getting smaller and smaller by the day and the window essentially keeps Being Framed a little bit closer to the Democrats so every time they are able to take a trump supporter and peel them away from Donald Trump or take somebody who's leaning to Donald Trump because of his strength and you hear Tim wall say no he's not strong he's weak that matters and it is significant there are some well let's get to some of your questions again Michael don't know what you're thinking you really think that Trump will help you I guess there's a debate going on in our comment section about whether Donald Trump is gonna help people or not look at what things cost five years ago to today Paul gets to the key point I'd say the one vulnerability that Democrats have not one but I'd say the biggest one is that when people are asked about your buying power and how does your buying power now compared to your buying power four or five years years ago they say it has gotten worse even though so many aspects of the economy have gotten better even though more people are employed than ever and you're you're 401K your savings are higher most Americans and it's I would say largely a perception because I think if you actually compare your buying power in real economic terms to five years ago yes some Goods have cost more but Americans are also making more because of wages but it feels like to a lot of Americans their buying power has decreased and a majority of Americans feel that way whether the feelings are accurate or not the feelings are legitimate and that's a sensitivity that Democrats have to watch out for and that's one of the things Donald Trump was not able to bring up at the debate more lies spewing from you another debate over Muka I don't know who Muka is but he's probably he or she has invaded the comment section and there's a debate going on I read Trump's game plan is that fight fight fight never admit guilt always say you won no matter what why are we talking about this more he explains so much we were talking about a little bit at the beginning that um Donald Trump in response to the polls he created his own polls after the debate to say that he won and he always does that he says I'm always the winner and I always take care of the villains and the losers um for him there's never ever an admission that he could have done better or an admission that he failed that's just not part of his makeup and there is I suppose a PR strategy to that uh to always promoting and showing confidence Ence and giving people confidence in you I would just suggest that it's often nonsensical and irrational okay we move this there is a conspiracy theory going around about the debate the other night involving kamla Harris and her earrings or were they really earrings while listening to some Republicans in social media they are convinced that KL Harris had some sort of special earrings that also enabled her strategist to feed her information during the debate so she could do so well USA Today checked it out and here's their report watch Harris we audio earrings during the debate a recent Facebook post claims vice president kamla Harris was being coached during her debate with former president Donald Trump the post shows side by-side photos one of Harris's left ear and another of a pair of Nova H1 audio earrings which are earrings that double as Wireless communication devices using an earpiece to communicate with anyone during the debate would have been a flagrant violation of its rules which prohibit interactions with campaign step during commercial breaks but this claim is false there is no credible evidence that Harris's earrings contained audio transmitters the earrings Harris wore on the debate stage featured large pearls with two gold stocks that curve behind her earlobes in a j shape a journalists run website that tracks the vice president's clothing choices identifies them as a discontinued style from Tiffany and Company that Harris has worn for months those were earrings from Tiffany Tiffany's those were earrings from Tiffany's well upon that news some people in the right looked up and said oh well these were earrings that cost was it $8,000 $800 whatever it is it's more money than most people spend on earrings so now the argument from Maga world is Kamala Harris cannot relate and people should not be able to relate to her because look at her expensive taste and clothing and jewelry and we've heard this before she wore a you know $15,000 necklace at a previous event or at when she was doing her acceptance speech KLA Harris likes expensive jewelry she's not like you or I the problem that the Trump campaign has with this among others is that if you look at campaign expenditure reports the Trump campaign in this campaign has spent $371,000 on Melania Trump's styling the person who does the makeup and the hair and the clothing for melan Trump has been paid by the Trump campaign over $37,000 and yet day after day we see Donald Trump like when he was traveling to Arizona not traveling with Melania not taking advantage of her amazing hair and necklaces and earrings and jewelry and clothes and sense of fashion Donald Trump is traveling solo so if the Trump campaign wants to get into an argument about who's out of touch and who's in touch it's kind of like the old you know don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house you're gonna complain about kamla Harris's pricey earrings maybe you should put at least Melania Trump out there on the campaign to try to help Donald Trump or maybe you don't maybe you keep her hidden because then people are going to pay attention to how well dressed and and cured melan Trump is and why is the Trump campaign spending $370,000 on a personal stylist for somebody who is not campaigning for Donald Trump except for her appearance at the convention I wonder how many donors who have given five and $10 to the Trump campaign are happy to have their campaign money spent on somebody who doesn't show up that doesn't seem to make a lot of sense the Harris campaign is not spending their money on KL Harris's earrings or necklaces sure there's probably a stylist who's helping with wardrobe and makeup and hair and that's probably costing tens of thousands of dollars that's a normal expense reca Harris and for any candidate democrat or republican it's kind of abnormal to spend so much money on a stylist for somebody who is actually not seeming to be part of the campaign let's get to some of your comments I love the blue hearts and the yellow thumbs up because reminds me of maze in blue Hil to the victors that's crazy I assume you're talking about M Trump to inmate number is Trump gonna become an inmate that's an interesting question we should do a video on that as to what are the chances I mean everything's been pushed off until after the election which is too bad but Macy Spirit you're reminding me of Mary Spirit reminded me of Donald hitting on Rudy and drag I I you know in some ways I wish I wasn't doing the show live so that I can actually like separate myself and watch the arguments you guys are having in the YouTube comment section classic she will get drunk in vodka before entering the casino I don't know what that's about Harrison walls the most you'll see of Mia right now is in her book great Point new down all the more reason why theer should be out there on the campaign in front of the cameras at the very least it would help her promote her book Hearts okay one of my favorite stories of the week so many of you well how do I put this in Arkansas magga Republicans had a fist fight at a republican committee meeting how do I put this let me change this in Arkansas Republicans in Benton which is the Northwest part of the state had a fist fight at a senior center over a nose ring watch this do not threaten her do not threaten her a woman yells at the big guy look at me says the man in pink in Benton Arkansas the Seline County Republicans are about to throw down in a senior down goes Bigfoot down goes Bigfoot [Applause] so what started this according to the Arkansas times nose ring insult launches fist fight at Selen County Republicans meeting all right so apparently what happened is the guy who was in the overalls uh said something to a woman who was speaking from the floor didn't like what she was saying criticized her nose ring said go polish your nose ring and then the shorter guy in Pink by the way loves to weightlift he approached and tried to get attention from the guy from the big guy on the overalls the big guy on the overalls approaches and then the short guy reaches up and boom punches the guy in the face and knocks him out not doesn't knock him out but knocks him down uh this happened in a senior center now the County Republican committees they're embarrassed by this but the guy in the coveralls the overalls he apparently is part of the Republican committee so they issued a statement in support of him saying he was not an aggressor just because he's big and said some mean things that somebody didn't like doesn't mean that he deserved to get punched and he was not he didn't throw the first punch and then everybody else is looking at this is saying wait a second you can't just condemn somebody for having a nose ring and insult them and have F bombs and then somebody else steps up and says hey stop that and then you approach them um a lot of people have said this is proof that with the right kind of training even a short person can take out a big person anyway that's Arkansas by the way I worked in Arkansas in the mid-1 1990s as a reporter lck for KATV bet Arkansas is beautiful um Arkansas Republicans are perhaps a slightly different breed uh than you might think for Republicans or virtually anybody else uh a number of people commented on this video when we first posted it on Rebel HQ and said Arkansas Republicans that's all you need to know couple more comments let's see kinan did this to Republicans kinan makes Republicans fight with each other look I think qon gets people hyped up and when people are hyped up they're more likely to come to to fisticuffs well they say this bigger the the bigger they are the harder they fall wait a go indeed I heard that bunch is this Vibes Trump speeches remind me of some of the old guys that would get up in the dining room with the captive audience when I worked in the nursing home that is a great segue to what I want to end this live stream with and that is we have the internet we have the internet to thank for keeping all of us in good spirits and laughing heartily Donald Trump's speech at the Well's let's flip this Donald Trump's Donald Trump's comments at the debate that got the most attention about people eading dogs and cats in Springfield Ohio they are going viral all across the internet and here's perhaps one of the funniest clips that I have seen watch in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating the pets of the people that live there that is what's happening in this country and [Music] it's it's a [Laughter] shame you know what credit to the people who have creativity like this guy who was doing his dramatic reading in London I think and to everybody else who took the soundtrack of Donald Trump and put it to images of their dogs um it has inspired all of us to sort of come up with sort of jokes and memes and one of the funnier ones that I've seen is you know when you combine all of this and somebody who talked about you know this is an interesting day for me and my family because my kids are going to school and they want to get it seems like they're going to get transgender surgery from the school nurse during a lunch hour without any parental consent and they want to celebrate by going to Ohio where they can eat some fried cat so we're going to go and we're going to listen to Taylor Swift along the way and oh by the way the entire trip is being paid for by George Soros who is also funding all of those post birth abortions for people who give birth to a baby and decide I don't want this I want to execute it that's how absurd this has become but that's the logical next step for a lot of people if you want to take Donald Trump and JD Vance literally and thanks to the internet for pointing out the bizarre strangeness of so much of is in this political campaign um just you know we all talk about sometimes the internet being a cesspool and social media being garbage and people at their worst but it's also an opportunity for people to connect with their own creativity and the creativity of your fellow citizens who have an amazing ability to make us all laugh and that'll do it for this edition of Rebel HQ I want to try to end if I can with some I always try to do this there is some um music that we're allowed to play as we go out let's see what this is like oh that's kind of nice remember to subscribe on YouTube so the rebel HQ videos will go right to you when you go to the YouTube homepage and if you really want to help tyt become a member go to there's all kinds of great content that you can't get for free so and hit that subscribe button become a subscriber of Rebel HQ behalf of everybody at re HQ tyt and the entire Channel I'm David Shuster thanks for watching [Music]

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