Irish Open 2024 - Semi-Final - Kyle Blakely vs Craig Burgess

Published: Sep 14, 2024 Duration: 00:27:09 Category: Sports

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welcome to the cup semifinal where I'll be covering Kyle Blakeley versus Craig Burgess they just started the first end so you haven't missed anything t at the moment think Carle might be holding shot Craig f with a black BS Carle with a navy blue that's one shot to Craig after the first end 12 ends to be played the other semi-final be commentated by Kyle which you can watch as well on the channel on our Facebook page so where we covering both semi-finals also the plate final and shield final being played at the moment Cole beating J Richardson in the previous round and Craig beating Andrew licky few loose Bowls in the early stages of his second end just creeped up for shot there by car looking to get around this or wles down and just going to fall down and does so let down toucher don't forget check out our YouTube channel And subscribe if you haven't subscribed we be uploading them as soon as these games are finished good effort from Carl there just pulled up short just looking to probably get around these or tippies outside one over doesn't just quite catch it enough to lay it down so car we looking to just remove Craig's B on the forehand oh some just bent away then caught the front pole two shots to Craig Craig takes a 3-0 lead after two ends for Craig just reaching through this going to try a Jack gets the touch of though and finish behind Craig's going to be arriving to this clear both balls and get the Jack back oh wow not quite sure Jack stayed on there but it did so Jack hanging on the edge Craig holding two shots at the moment what a ball and a touch as well and somehow the Jacks still hangs on the edge can have a look we getting close as well show you nearly half of that Jack is hanging off the edge Cole holding holding a shot it's going to go really hard at this trying probably trying to fin this out but you know make sure worst check goes off the side I get River first wow looking to get a jack back on the reverse or after ball at just got underneath it any uh to get there so I was going to pass ball on the third in didn't hasn't tried too hard I'm sure cuz he's happy with a shot so he's on the scoreboard car 31 to Craig after three ends 12 ends to be played we Ender the full fend also got the other semi-final which Carl's commentating on which is David pedin and Joe B Good Start From carette just reaching through that one just trickle through the Gap there so Craig's hold in the shot at the [Music] moment car's reaching through this one take the Jack back to his back balls man to get a good result taking Craig's B one of his balls off side and took the other one out so currently holding the shot there loads of room puts the ball back pretty much where it was before so Carl's going to go again [Music] well that's a very good last ball from Craig they rolls the ball back ball out for free so it's another three shots to Craig there 6 one up after four ends thanks Mike for watching from abis Swift call was in aggressive at this gets a jack stays on puts in a ditch so a shot at the moment don't think Craig got any touches of them first two so be Drawing the Line loads of room gets a shot back with that so that's a shot there not quite hidden from the front too so look to move it oh she got caught by that front Ball but managed to flick it away but that that ball's still holding so Craig's holding the shot at the moment looks like it's holding two to me oh that have fallen down it would have been interesting I think it's taken a one out so far so we're just one shot so Craigs now takes a 7-1 lead against Kyle blakley in the cup semi-final of the Irish open 2024 it's a very good start from Craig and a good reply from [Music] Carl he going to be looking to attack this oh B managed to hang on on the edge of the map it's very fortunately get for The Gap there I'll just finish him through back ball just in case Craig decides to go aggressive but it's deciding to back to the draw it's a very good reply to get the shot Kyle now attacking this doesn't quite catch it right but has a touch in a [Music] ditch gray carart currently holding a one that's one to crra so cra takes an 8-1 lead after six in halfway stage it's another good start by Craig toucher as well cars just struggled to settle into this match there still a long way to go a very good it by Kyle that open the head up and holding a shot a very good hit by K there so Jackson dit currently holding two does need to pick a few shots up to get back in this match Craig looking for his toucher and does what a b that is and in a Flash car goes from two up to one down does have his toucher at front here this his nearest CO's nearest Bow here try and push that in looking to draw the line I think just pulled up short there one to Craig takes a 91 lead after seven ends we also have the other semi-final being streamed by KL Hudson so if you want to watch that one as well or you can obviously stick with me it's currently 52 to day ping against Joe [Music] Bey 12 ends to be played Seven played Carl uh kraa with a good lead but still ends left to play for a chance for both these players to get to the Irish open Final go we a big it there just open it up does gives himself some room [Music] might have just flopped in front of that ball so K just confirmed definitely car's definitely one down tight on the second oh that's unfortunate I he get onto Craig's bow there try and punch it that and stay so he's conceded one so far's just going to get this one checked by the Umpire just certainly tight but I think distance is tricky to tell don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel please do subscribe if you can trying to reach Milestone and getting to a th000 followers and subscribers so we're we're close to that so any more subscribers would be great it's got all of the matches from all of our games over all of the seasons can watch them back we'll be uploading those these matches here straight after this so that was just the one so eight ends played Craig with a 10-1 lead over Kyle Blakeley and again very strong first bow from Craig there back toucher making it very difficult for Kyle on every bow that's a good reply good ball from car there made [Music] two response from Craig there just rattling car's front ball there Jet's gone back a bit still holding a one but he's got the the best back two bowls there gets one in sure Craig's going to be attacking this forces his way through there currently holding two [Applause] very good last ball from car I think he's taken a shot on the last on his last ball so keeps himself in it three ends to go currently Craig 10 two up so eight shot lead three ends to go it's a good start from Kyle good reply from Craig there dra the shot Carl attacking it again chipsy off the side so replay the end let to do two killed ends and then after then it's three shots away if you do on the third time and every time after that so it's first dead end of this match by car [Applause] d that's a very good second one by Kyle there Craig's attacking it it back just opens it up a little bit gives him a bit more room to draw in it's still two to Kyle very good ball there right through the Gap back toucher going to be tough from here to get a shot of his playing for it and they Carl brly shakes hands with Craig claims the Victory and books his place in his first snpt final so stay tuned for that check into Kyle's uh Kyle's covering the other semi-final match between Dave pedin and Joe Bey so tune in to that and also we'll have the um final coming up too so please do stay tuned check out YouTube subscribe like and stay tuned for all the rest of the action thank you

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