MY FIRST " Anime Adventures " Experience and i beat it! | Anime Vanguard

hello ladies and gentlemen welcome to another video on my Channel today we're doing something that we haven't done before in this channel I said in the past that I'm not a big fan of anime Tower Defense games or like Tower Defense games in general but I thought after all my friends who H to about this one let me try one and today we're playing anime Vanguard it released yesterday and yeah seems to be quite popular so I'm pretty sure that literally no one will watch this video but anyway I would like to try and give you um like give it a shot and yeah take you with me anyway we are starting in a quite nice designed lobby as you can see I have 4,000 gems because I already spent the night in the AFK chamber because it released last night and now I'm here having time to do this and I've been uh recommended that obita and song Jin Wu would be uh the best units to pull for so I waited till that Banner is there and then we start uh pulling and after we're done with that we going to after we're done with that we going to see how the game plays oh we can do that 100 times let's go okay let's see what we get here uh many people would probably compare this with enemy adventur but I haven't played it myself so I don't really know much about it for me that is basically I played a little bit I played like I think 2 hours of a ALS so um I'm I'm I'm actually enemy Last Stand I played about two hours of that but that's basically all my tower defense experience I have really and now mid with this game it might be that we're getting higher we'll see but so far we're not drawing the biggest stuff I also haven't checked like anything about it I haven't watched a single video or a tier list or anything oops that was just one that was a mistake uh who who okay let's keep going we have interesting PS here and the music is really loud but I mean that's apparently part of the game I guess okay you finished weekly summon okay what do I get from that oh Goku dark that's nice I like I like I like I like I think the best part about those is that you can maybe recognize the anime and uh like the anime characters and St ages Etc okay okay okay okay uh and we still can do that five more times okay let's go and we definitely have a lot of uh we have a lot of um we have a lot of gems to pull that's for sure I mean I could like buy a beginner's bundle and whatever but yeah I just wanted to get into it a little bit of AFK time and then uh start into the game because I don't know if you will gu if you guys will like that so not really going to invest much not going to lie but we can still have a lot of fun with it I'm sure at least if the game play is fun that's what it comes down to I didn't even watch my friends uh play Slash uh read what I said at the Discord um to see opinion not enough inventory space okay uh so what do we have we have Goku we have wiwo okay I think I will just going to feed some these items will be oh uh I think I need to fuse what do I do with the units I don't need oh I can I just sell them can I not fuse them in in each other oh okay I mean maybe I'm doing something wrong we will see later but for now I just want to um get this done basically when I can check something uh what is Kakashi doing to his oops to Ascent he must be will to sacrifice offer is that what we need to like get stronger at all yeah I get some gems oh no okay that's not what we need so I don't think we can sacrifice them but we have a we have a quest here what do I have to do okay collection oh nice we get more gems for collecting awesome it's nice so we can do one more p even okay but yeah let's let's keep going summon again I don't think we're going to get like a pretty po unit but hey not everyone is as lucky am I right and I don't have any Robux here so I can't really I can't really do that so we can keep hoping but we can't guarante it o Kila I'm now back getting back into anime as well like I watched a little bit of Hunter Hunter I started juu kaisen and I also finished solo leveling so at least I recognize a few more people now but I still don't have that much time getting into that unfortunately okay that is our po session we get some legendaries that's nothing I'm going to complain about I don't know if I have to equip them or anything equip team okay I probably okay equip can I equip the same character twice I can't even see uh equip okay only one of the same units so having dupes is not oh they come with different values okay wait unequip uh BB okay B then I guess I'm going to take this one uh one of him one of him I don't know if they're like crazy good but DD oh BB yeah let's go we take him okay and him you haven't unlocked the slot yet okay we only can take three units oh yeah I see it down here I see I see I see um did I collect more that I can maybe claim can we do another Pool no only 50 we have quests uh daily weekly oh weekly pull oh 400 diamonds nice that what I what I got okay I see uh special has nothing infinite has nothing okay we basically only did that clear five Challengers kill 25 bosses 10 Challengers 1,000 enemies in any mode spend 10,000 gems I mean I'm trying okay interesting yeah we're going to go of that we also have a pass a free pass that is wait how do I get that how do I how do I get pass points like how does that work points by killing enemies in game ah okay that is relatively easy achievement uh I guess all of these okay I mean we have a lot to claim spending a night in the AFK chamber was definitely worth it I think okay we have 700 gems we can do a Nev pull can still hope for something I we're not going to be able to to finish the pity of course uh because I don't have that much but I hope it doesn't reset with a banner that would be [Music] sad okay our inventory is probably almost full yeah time until next Banner is 12 minutes Mythic p is 400 oh boy yeah that's not going to work okay can we do anything here before like I already got that reward what do we have here trades here we can roll trades probably same as an eneme Champions that's something I played and obviously uh then we could do that select I don't think it's worth it though yeah I don't think it's worth it we we're going to we're going to wait I guess uh for like something mythical we have evolve and crafting what does evolve do uh more less the same I guess 15 gems nice we can't use anything nothing can be evolved and I can craft these things okay that's still a lot of stuff that is unknown to me as I'm not very familiar with um these kind of games we have rates we have play and we have challenges so I guess we're going into play stad reall that's also something I know from um from eneme Champions is that re will uh then we can use him and roll his special uh his speed is that special attack or speed okay I'm just going to use one normal can I use a normal stat ship no ah if I want oh okay I see I think I'm going to keep them as well I think I'm going to wait for something good then we have enemy index do we get uh stuff for do we get like uh diamonds for getting those 15 okay yeah I think we do hopefully we will see I mean we still have 10 minutes maybe we can play a stage and then come back and pull more oh we can actually pull once more already which is okay if it works okay Piccolo oh pain they called him Agony nice it's always fun to see that okay then we tried our best to get one of these but we didn't unfortunate I don't know how much how much would I need uh how much would I need to invest to get like if I go on the store how much would I need to invest um oh quite a lot oh boy okay okay then I'd say we're going to go and uh Play There we go Planet namic which is the default I guess we're fighting against Vegeta we're getting uh 80 gems and we can get some gems if we can manage to do five missions in that time then we would be able to pull more I should have maybe done that before but yeah okay we on planet dyamic vote start yes uh is there oh yeah there other options low detail disable disable disable uh units Auto skip waves that was important I think show max range on placement I really hope that this uh really oh I can't place any of them never mind I can now I'm confused um or probably because wave two triggered but yeah this is uh this is quite difficult to manage I guess I don't have the craziest units oh boy oops uh but I can play him then we do this then maybe it's strong enough yeah okay what uh one complaint I've seen on the Discord though is that it's too to slow and I'm not sure if this is already slow and if he can make it faster but I don't think does able camera Shake yeah that's a preciate it honestly oh maybe not maybe at the start it's cool okay and now this is like all the other Tower Defense games we're simply going to wait for it to happen I guess and now we going to put Goku black as well oh he looks cool and we place more of them yes we can nice I'm not sure if we need I don't know how many stages it has but yeah I'm I'm just going to let it happen Okay and something I would like to see is can we oh yeah we can upgrade them and also should probably how much money do we have oh quite a lot then I'd say we're going to upgrade here upgrade a bit here uh the thing is let dark Nova okay um the thing is that in ALS I think those waves were a lot faster or like shorter seems to be longer stages I mean it's good because I I need to kill a lot of units right for my battle pass but it's not good because the banner dies in in 5 minutes oh there he is boss is coming damn let's go Vegeta yeah I mean it's stage one what do we expect right nice and now only the last ones and boom we're done let's go damn okay return to Lobby oh well we even got 160 nice I don't know why but I appreciate uh the question I have okay I thought I'm going to get more but I think if the enemy index isn't giving us anything crazy oh yeah we get 30 each I mean it's not bad it's definitely not trash that's that's for sure okay uh yeah but we're not going to get the diamonds we need to to pull again okay so I would say we just going to keep going and see oh for ah okay so we get 80 but when you clear first we get another 80 okay that's nice too that's that's awesome okay then I'd say let's go and we start again and they're on level two now oh okay here we need to do something uh I take him because he has a higher range and I hope that will be enough actually cuz I have a little bit of doubts I think they're a little bit too strong I could do that I hope that helps and more Goku here okay it's definitely a a bit more difficult than uh ALS but maybe I just had good units there honestly can be too cuz I have only yeah I only have those legendaries which is not bad I mean they're legendaries right but I think a lot of other people have way better units okay only four of this unit so we can probably place four of each okay interesting so we can spam the field quite much with uh with unit but I think upgrading them is probably more effective unit passive numb enemies below 20% have a to be instantly executed on hit story mode only okay uh okay interesting that's cool quite nice ni unit okay what can you do light barage can I see what light barage is probably not right and the boss is there nice and I think he's oh no there he is Doria okay I thought he's already dead 2.7k I mean here we probably going to upgrade more again yeah doing here and doing this yeah not needed I guess that that's over let's go second stage beaten damn okay let's uh keep going V start oh you stay in here actually interesting transforming enemies some enemies mostly B are able to transform okay oh uh I forgot your name I see okay they have multiple I mean only one I guess they only have like they only have one transformation yeah oh and he's called Zin or zon Zin that that was his name okay then let's keep going they have just been notified that a huge threat is approaching I'm trying and never enemy tracks oh they can hit bag oh my God I hope they don't kill me uh I'm going another strategy now I'm just upgrading and hoping that it will be enough so who is it gju okay oh I hope just a few units are enough damn okay will gja actually strike back and what will happen oh goldo there too damn okay what happens oh he stuns them okay so he's probably not going to it's the whole gingu Squad oh no now I have a problem probably or do I no okay I overreacted I think the Goku is just so strong okay but that tells you that you shouldn't just upgrade one of them because it could be that they get stunned okay understandable understandable but pretty nice so far I like the game maybe it's super basic um but so far I like it okay oh and we can also um level up our units really quick is that worth it I mean I could do it with Goku because Goku is helping me a lot also nice logo I hope I get that from them or they have that somewhere I have oh damn I have a lot of unclaimed rewards and my game is dying okay there we go uh unclaimed daily waves claim yeah okay it takes a bit to claim them but I can do it there we go claim clim okay does daily I guess yeah weekly did I do weekly wave damn another 100 1,400 already that's three PS I mean we can check later I mean now it's 16 we can check later what the what do the you know we're still on level zero what do we get here 250 gems gems trade rewards okay we also get a few gems there if we can do enough um yeah but what I wanted to do use Seno Bean on Goku maybe I will maybe I regret it but I will just do it and hope that it helps me uh yeah I did nice okay now we use 11 back to play is that how we do that yeah okay then we going Act five against Frieza damn let's go so now I need to wait for wave two again to summon uh Goku black but he's not a lot stronger oh he's faster now I guess and I think I up oh no I didn't easy oh because they got executed that is nice of course he's losing a lot of stats right now because of the next wave but hey it's all right yeah I think I think that works really well I think his attack speed is maybe a bit slow maybe it could be better later um but yeah for the ones that he can't hit maybe this guy can oh God I'm really up my placement is horrible can I move you no right I can't move them anymore after okay but I can hit them nice nice nice nice okay that's good but of course we're also placing Grim wow at the start and hoping that this will be enough for the first couple waves until we can upgrade oh we can upgrade him already boom higher range let's go okay there is Frieza wave 15 now we can see if we can beat him uh I might play never upgraded Goku black here just in case but I think it's not needed unless he's transforming I mean it's Frieza he could technically have four stages that could be but I doubt that yeah freeza dead GG's okay more s beans nice next oh then we have Frieza in his final form damn then we should keep upgrading so oh stun are hitting oh Frieza full power you already transformed damn uh question is if we need more but I think those units do like if you're a little bit yeah yeah you actually only I think Goku black is doing a really good job for us honestly let's go are we still on namic oh we are what is Past frieza's final form him I wonder oh is that like oh is that oh it's stage one in infinite what do we get for infinite is infinite good I'm not sure I kind of think it's like useless if we want to farm some gems and progress yeah and I up as well I don't think that's actually that good I made a mistake I mean they have to walk a lot of time so we could probably stop him here can we can we stop him does it work no Goku stop him execute you did okay yeah but I think uh infinite is not what we want to do honestly can I get out of here teleport to Lobby yes you have uncleaned rewards always nice okay daily stage clear 75 and Prestige XP anything else okay uh then let's say we're going to go into the next chapter that's my assumption Sand Village let's go against the uh uh data data there we go oh where are we now why are we up here where's the start there damn nice movement and we don't have enough how surprising okay they're quite slow and they're 50 yeah that might not be too problematic at this point assuming that we can place units before they arrive at the corner that would be nice cuz then I could cover the entire thing there we go yeah and they that nice nice okay and here we have D ra oh yeah on his on his pigeon it's not pigeon I guess right is it a pigeon no whatever his bird paper bird wait can can he be attacked by Goku yeah he can okay okay I was worried for a second that he can oh he stuns everything oh that's awesome point to not Place everyone at the same stage like at the same place because they they can get stunned okay yeah but it's already done all right let's move on oh I forgot his name he's the shark guy from Naruto but who are you again I forgot he said he will play with me but I'm not sure how much he can play if my Goku Army is attacking him uh not too much as it seems oh okay he's making us slower but doesn't help he's oh we have an upgrade in the pass yay boom 250 gems and we have 2,400 oh what is that level my Stones nice 500 gems wait level five claim rewards 400 gems and on level 10 we get another 500 then 700 850 okay fair fair fair we're going to do that going to check the enemy index real quick and claim all damn number 120 ooo almost 3K diamonds that's that's or like rubies that's what we had when we started okay now we're going X fre against Itachi hey let's go oh there Tashi that screen turns red damn it will stay red I guess it's not exactly comfortable but red that's for sure okay there comes itashi question is if we need more damage for him oh but it doesn't seem so the bosses fortunately are pretty yeah squishy they they don't seem to be too strong so far damn we did it okay then I would say let's go out real quick and see we didn't check the banner yet what is in the curent banner summon oh oh okay that is that okay that is strong that is unexpectedly good nice let's go oh Auto Sell Rarity rare and and I guess epic or do we need epic I'm not sure let's say where okay and then let's pull more unit collector nice okay let's see what we got here nothing so far okay a lot of auto cells so far I mean I really don't know if we need the Epic ones but I know that our inventory will yeah fill up slower but not infinitely slow I also don't know what to do with the money yet maybe you guys can tell me interact keep summoning oh we got our first Mythic woo exactly not the one we want I got recommended the other two but yeah classic of course we're getting the one we don't need oh we we don't need I mean Vegeta will still be will still be good I guess like it's not like it's trash right right d oh a set okay let's keep going uh Goku all right a lot of trash at this point we keep going we make a lot of gold but that's not what we want we want more than gold I mean maybe we can pull a bit more even because we pulled a good unit how much do we have 300 30 yeah we could probably get more from The Collector there we go collection claim all damn another 125 achievements collector uh what okay here another 100 okay that's all that means we can do one more pull or one more 10 pull let's go okay okay yes yep yep nothing crazy thly uh unlucky okay but we're tried we technically have uh almost 10 minutes left I don't know if we could get more but are you strong I mean stronger it seems do we have a higher range 21 oh yeah higher than the artist definitely we're going to equip him boom and then we feed him as well at all and then he's level five okay and then we're going to oh Quest what can we do here exp spend up 400 nice let's go we do it again one more pull we keep all the bols or we take all the PS we get okay yes no I wonder if you get something cool if it's going to be in the first place uh always in the first place okay now we're out of it damn unlucky unlucky unlucky uh but I'd say now we can't get an another 400 I guess unfortunately Zori okay now let's go oh my God I just saw it Vegeta's damn 1,800 like it's Super Saiyan Vegeta of course but still damn okay let's get Vegeta out and see what he's doing oh okay interesting move oh he has a big cool down though I yeah that's going to be problematic probably but he's doing damage okay um speed minus 20% if the only Nuance in Rage include the name Vegeta oh okay then he gets uh slower okay I see okay that's good that's good that's good that's good okay then we going to place him as well just in case and then we wait for the boss I'd say there he is there he comes and we're not in close to 6,000 and the puppets are coming through and even the second Goku here will probably be problematic soon but I can upgrade him at least hoping think that he does enough but he should actually okay yeah now we only have the boss left that's actually way less problematic than I thought yeah there his shield goes boom and now he has another AK yeah he's basically dead he might reach the second Goku but even if he does nothing's going to happen and he doesn't even do yeah he doesn't even reach it GG's by the way I noticed something I don't know if it's herble over the music but the sound of this um like the sound when you finish the game is from Sonic Adventure I don't know if it's Sonic Adventure DX or Sonic Adventure um two but it's from there okay but I was hoping the last oh yeah it's it's over anyway there's a new Banner what is the current banner I mean he's still there we could still keep pulling but yeah yeah anyway I think we tried our best to to gain that damn level up Legend level 12 yeah he's he's really Legend crazy oh yeah can I uh can I evolve or anything with like Vegeta oh yeah I can let's go what would I need 80 censor be 35 gr okay that doesn't that doesn't do yet I'm going to makes him a little better a bit better we also should reall him I think I mean he's only uh our only unit we have right I don't know if it's worth it to to do that right now but hey maybe I mean minus 3% yeah reall okay plus three plus three and this is and we could try attack more C okay and the Still d Still d h unlucky yeah we up a little bit but hey I think he's a bit better now uh then I say I'm going to keep going for a little bit and then we're going to see us again okay we are now in the next dungeon the double or like the next stage the double dungeon and hey that one is something I definitely recognize and I also recognize that I don't have enough units as always classic yep yep yep yep at least you've made it this far wait what oh what oh okay okay okay okay but they're not dead they are just stunned oh my God oh God that's awesome that's awesome same as in the anime big spoiler from from episode one The Dungeon is um fighting against us multiple times oh that is nice I like but so far it's only attacking this one I wonder if there's a reason for that that only canaro is being attacked I like to watch that honestly maze statue oh has a big Shield 16 hits damn I don't know what to do against that oh now it's being stunned okay never mind then it's just a super low chance usually and this one time it was super high um yeah then I guess I need to do more of these because the Shi goes down that way it's hit counter figured out how to beat it boom big bang and I'm going to place the never Goku just in case yeah not needed okay oh what is that Crystal oh oh God I love this uh success sound okay X statue I think we're going to face all the St oh oh okay okay insta stun on everything uh yeah good question what to do now I guess we're going to upgrade another Goku and hope that we can bur him down how long does that stun last I mean we have high attack range so it shouldn't be that problematic but still damn okay and now he's not again L okay easy we did it and we're getting gold crystals where do we get 100 gold like that is oh wait what is gold Buy craft several items okay it's not oh yeah it is gold don't we have so much of that already all right sword statue boss number three which if it doesn't have a second phase is um weak the that that was surprisingly weak honestly okay let's go both start okay Shield statue I have no what to uh no idea what you're doing but I need to beat you however but you seem to be only like having a big tanky Shield is that really all you're doing I mean could be so that would be you know so far it doesn't seem like it's hitting back the stat is hitting but only the the trash mobs so we have more than enough time to beat it yeah 6K it shouldn't be that problematic I'm I'm quite interest like the balancing seems to be a little bit off sometimes but hey take it if game is easy we can get through it faster no problem with me okay and here we are with beare statue I couldn't even talk fast enough it's already already dead basically at least from the next hit yeah it's already dead I couldn't even talk about it like I said the balancing is is really interesting like I feel like the last stage was a lot more difficult but maybe it's because of the level UPS or maybe Vegeta is really doing such a great job I don't know but we're done Act five and does that mean no X6 okay all right okay I think we're approaching the boss right now the last couple units are spawning okay god statue right this is this is the big one oh it also tells that we killed all of them I think nice question is what does it do like wait 14k oh my God you have a lot of HP um now question if I can kill you honestly that might be the only thing wait I can't what am I supposed to do I have th4 out of four what am I supposed to do do I have to do something manually no right okay I don't get what isse to do oh no I might not be able to beat need it because it's not losing any HP but that's unfortunate but I don't get what I have to do stone statue but I can't by way I think selling doesn't work like it literally doesn't work okay can I play oh my God I can play something here right here oh my God I really oh my God that's crazy yeah okay then I did something wrong that's for sure damn it how much do you have 1K uh okay yeah then I'm losing this one then I have to reattempt it okay I guess the thing is it doesn't make sense to put them at the entrance because he will walk the entire way now but uh we can only damage him if those statues are down so it would basically need time till this is done yeah okay okay understood something to learn definitely I like that it's not that easy honestly I like oh okay the thing we're getting from Jin Wu is the notice that the statues are alive but when do they start to get marked so I can attack them also I learned something I misre that minus 20% so attacking faster as it seems if the only unit in Rangers is uh Vegeta I thought I have to combine them but I don't I have to let him alone makes sense because Vegeta never needs help with anything that is that makes so much more sense oh my god oh they start getting marked hey let's go let's go let's go so I can start attacking them boom uh Hey boom what else only those two okay H sh is approaching yes more okay uh this one let's go and this one okay check now four of them are being attacked now I can spend all the rest on they're doing whatever and put them here oh never mind I'm actually out of units right 4 four 4 four 3 four okay so I can place one here I don't get it I mean oh there 82 okay it's almost dead one out of four almost all statues dead What's Happening Here It Is Dead awesome woo let's go now I can go and sell all of these one two three uh and four and have another 3K to place them back on the on track zip okay yeah this time I can already see he's only passed like half pass through but like or halfway through but he has no chance to survive okay yeah we did it right this time awesome I like this dungeon design really do damn we beat it entirely the only thing that's left is uh infinite and something that is called uh Paragon this is nothing we can do uh so yeah we cleared all we cleared all stages uh do we get okay it's the same rewards all right uh so we clear all stages what we can do now though is oh leader boards nice uh what we can do now do now though is to beat nightmare as well and of course I'm going to do that at least I'm going to try oh we also have Legend stages what is that what is the what is the what is the legend stage it gives a de clear reward okay nice I'm not sure oh recommended level 20 plus okay never never mind what is the recommend recommended level for nightmare one just one okay cool hey I mean I take it that's double the gem reward okay let me see if I if I can be need uh Nightmare and I guess from there we mainly going to you farm farm uh gems oh what is that strong enemies this modifier turns reg into strength enemies giving them more Health gives exay of protection against attacks explode by what has been chosen what I I wasn't even allowed to Le game oh come on yes I don't know what it's going to be um but yeah I will see if I can do that but they have 70 does that already mean they strengthened I have no idea but I'm still waiting for my unit to be able to be placed now okay let's go can you kill them yes okay then let's see if we can beat that oh Vegeta just got stunned so I think it's the explosion thingy right oh yeah it is okay okay wave 15 Vegeta basically yeah not uh not any danger just spamming my Vegeta is more than enough to do that and I play some of them at the start for I don't know what but hey works well and I guess I'm going to keep grinding the nightmare stages oh this time I can choose uh multiple and death yeah okay that that's fine that should be doable yeah I'll reg grind some nightmares and then we're going to see us again okay I'm once more back and I just cleared the entire um the entire namk thing also on Nightmare and last point of this video yeah our first video I mean where recording for like 2 and 1 half hours and I'm playing for four so we're going to do a last pull oh whoops I forgot our music because Shinu is in the banner again as the main character and I uh went to try to get him so let's see if we can manage to do that okay first pull his ass then next one I don't know if we can even uh skip that but hey however uh thir one is also as not enough inventory space okay as always okay I don't know if that's pool number four or five hey we get a legendary but from a Pity however we still got one come on give me lucky oh Grim wow again I actually don't know who that is but it looks cool that's for sure okay okay next one is also not doing so well and we keep pushing keep pushing boys but I think I'm coming close to like the end where getting diamonds is more um problematic but hey let's keep pushing that's what we want oh more legendaries two actually in one pull damn I wish they would have a use maybe they do got to ask my friends after oh Goku dark or or MVP okay and let's keep going hey more legendaries that's exactly what we want I mean High units are always good right are they I am not exactly sure I'm just pulling my banner here then it's called a talented with level 17 damn they're grinding hard I just made it to 10 oh but to be fair I just started today like 2 hours ago it's not that difficult to get I guess okay and that's it we got one more pain I have enough pain in my life I don't know why I'm pulling him uh maybe collection no nothing okay then I'd say this is it assuming that we don't get oh we get some crystals but not enough I mean I actually have a bit more time uh as it just started like the banner just started but yeah either I'm going to make it and pull more so I can I like to get more so I can pull more or that's going to be the end for now let me check what pain does actually view uh toggle info oh I actually can't see his passives I guess okay then I would just equip him there we go uh equip yes now I have four characters so that is it that's the first video [Music] on anime van anime Vanguard Vanguard what what is it called enemy vanguards the first video on enemy vanguards I hope you guys enjoyed it uh I'm not sure if there's going to be more codes soon but hey I hope so so far the game seems to be decent and I hope you like that as well if yes then I might make more videos on it until then have a wonderful day see you next time bye-bye okay little bonus uh I made it like I have never almost 2K it's Sly really only almost 2K okay but hey it's enough to to keep pulling a little bit so let's see if we can get something interesting probably not though but we'll see come on I me in worst case I can start infinite that won't take so long then I can do the last p as well okay six oh more paint I mean paint is doing relatively well honestly but eh I really only need oh Goku dark uh or Goku black I really only need 10 more damn that sucks do I get anything pass oh only the gold damn it damn it damn it damn it I'm actually missing dude missing 10 a oh I got another s let's go who whoop oh not enough inventory space come on come on one more boom give me something nice in the last 10 we have okay okay oh we actually in the last pool in the last pool we got someone it's not the person we want of course but uh hey we got someone damn let's go let's go let's go okay now I'm done have a wonderful day hope to see you next time bye-bye okay

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Category: Gaming

Hello guys welcome to my youtube channel today in this video you will get all new working codes for anime vanguards make sure you like and subscribe for more codes let's go and enter codes to enter codes you need to click on codes on right side then just enter all the codes that i will give you make... Read more

✅6 NUEVOS CÓDIGOS de 🔥ANIME VANGUARDS 🔥 Roblox 2024 🔥 Códigos de Vanguardias de Anime 🔥 EMiLiOR thumbnail
✅6 NUEVOS CÓDIGOS de 🔥ANIME VANGUARDS 🔥 Roblox 2024 🔥 Códigos de Vanguardias de Anime 🔥 EMiLiOR

Category: Gaming

Suscríbete al [música] canal te suscribas te dicho bienvenidos chicos a anime vanguards vamos a hacer el tutorial chicos tenemos un juego nuevo un juego que no hemido todavía al canal un juego que está siendo muy muy muy jugado eh ahora mismo hay casi 200.000 personas activas me voy a decir que voy... Read more

✅6 NEW WORKING CODES for 🔥ANIME VANGUARDS 🔥 Roblox 2024🔥  Codes for Roblox TV thumbnail
✅6 NEW WORKING CODES for 🔥ANIME VANGUARDS 🔥 Roblox 2024🔥 Codes for Roblox TV

Category: Gaming

Hello code hunters today we're in anime vanguards welcome to codes for roblox tv the best roblox codes channel in the world and the fastest like and subscribe if you like roblox codes thank you like like like to redeem the codes we have to click here write the codes that i am going to tell you in this... Read more


Category: Gaming

Hello what welcome back to my youtube channel game new in this video you will be getting all working codes for enemy when god so don't skip any part of the video and don't skip any part of the video to watch this video completely like this video share this video and comment this video if you need more... Read more


Category: Gaming

Hey you yeah you watching this video right now you want to win some robloxx for yourself that's right i give away robloxx every single day you want to enter my roblo giveaways just like the video comment username and join the group and you'll be entered good luck what's up guys this is alo here back... Read more


Category: Gaming

[music] cuz we on the to fl oh we feeling so high don't be afraid of falling falling cuz you know we going fly cuz we be on a top fl oh we feeling so high don't be afraid of falling falling cuz you know we going to fly cuz we be on a [music] [music] t everything feel so high for you know f cuz we be... Read more


Category: Gaming

Salve família vocês estão bom no vídeo de hoje eu trouxe cinco novos códigos aí que foram lançado mas antes deixa muito like se inscreve no canal ativa o sininho das notificações para não perder nenhum vídeo e nenhuma live do canal e bora para os códigos foram cinco códigos a maioria vai est conseguindo... Read more


Category: Gaming

So hello guys welcome back to all of you our official youtube channel skyler blog today in this video i'm going to give you some new working promo code of enemy when god's game so before starting this video i request subscribe my youtube channel and also like this video share this channel link with... Read more


Category: Gaming

Eu fico imaginando uma loja online no discord onde eu posso comprar minhas game ps itens robux com os preços mais baixos do mundo preço onde nem se compara nenhuma tua loja e lógico tem que ter a entrega segura e com o melhor atendimento possível ah mas eu acho que isso nem é g ei calma aí pizão você... Read more