Greg Gutfeld LEAKED The Whole Secrets Behind Obama

Published: Sep 13, 2024 Duration: 00:33:25 Category: People & Blogs

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Known for his acerbic wit and sharp political  commentary, Fox News host Greg Gutfeld is no   stranger to controversy. But when he leaked the  whole secrets about former President Barack Obama,   he crossed a line that few were prepared for. As  the details of these revelations began to spread,   it became clear that Gutfeld had stumbled upon  something far more sinister and Obama isn't all   we thought he was. Join us as we navigate the  turbulent aftermath of this political bombshell,   uncovering the full extent of the conspiracy  and the implications for the nation’s future. Before we start let's get to  know who Greg Gutfeld is.   GETTING TO KNOW GREG GUTFELD. If you are a fan of Fox News, Greg  Gutfeld is a name that has been given   a lot of attention. Born in San Mateo,  California, in 1964, Gutfeld began his   professional life by working as a writer  and editor for various magazines. In 1987,   he received his English degree from UC  Berkeley and began his career in publishing. He developed a character that can be described as  being rather contentious while he was the editor   of Men's Health and, later, "Stuff" magazines.  However, Gutfeld first began to attract a lot   of attention in the television industry in  2007. He began hosting the late-night show   "Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld" on Fox News, which  was a mix of political talk show and comedy.   Gutfeld was able to get a spot on "The Five"  in 2011 thanks to the show's niche audience. Because of Gutfeld's wit and wisdom, this  roundtable show has become one of the most   watched on the Fox News Channel. He took  things to the next level and developed   "Gutfeld! in 2021 - a program that has  been disrupting the late-night format by   combining political news and comedy. Who Greg  Gutfeld is as a person? He is unique because   he is not your typical commentator,  as anyone who has watched him knows. Gutfeld expresses his thoughts and opinions  in a distinctive manner, which can, at times,   be amusing while also being insightful.  He enjoys being sarcastic and does not   hesitate to make fun of almost anything,  particularly anything he considers to be   overly pompous or hypocritical. Not everyone will  like Gutfeld's style, but that's the whole point. He has built up a reputation as a rebel—a man who  doesn't mind going against the grain and speaking   out about things that other people might not want  to hear. His commentary is strictly conservative,   and he occasionally takes shots  at liberal media or any culture   he believes to be absurd. He has a large  following of people who appreciate his   political analysis as well as his sense  of humor as a result of this strategy. Naturally, it has also made him a figure who  divides people, with many people believing   that he is too aggressive or disrespectful  of other people's opinions. Therefore,   it is not surprising that Gutfeld has been  the subject of controversy given his style.   On the show "Red Eye," in 2009, he made some  rather impulsive remarks about the Canadian   military's involvement in Afghanistan. This  was one of the most well-known incidents. He made a joke about Canada not participating  in the war, which the Canadian government and   military, which were heavily involved in the  conflict at the time, did not like. In 2014,   when he spoke to the media about Prince's  death, another incident heightened tensions.   Many Prince fans disagreed with Gutfeld's  claim that the media overhyped the singer,   and others thought Gutfeld was rude. Such  instances are fairly typical for Gutfeld;   one of the main factors that contributes to his  personality in the media is his desire to provoke   and speak out loud, even if it causes a scandal.  So what do you think he revealed about Barack   Obama? Before we get to that, let's talk about how  Obama became president and everything in between. RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. In front of the Old State Capitol building in  Springfield, Illinois, on February 10, 2007,   Obama declared his intention to run for president  of the United States. As the location of Abraham   Lincoln's 1858 speech "House Divided," the  choice of the announcement site was viewed   as symbolic. Obama emphasized the need  to swiftly bring an end to the Iraq War,   boost energy independence, and  overhaul the health care system. The Democratic Party's primaries saw the entry  of numerous candidates for the presidency.   After the initial contests, Obama and  Senator Hillary Clinton remained in   a close race throughout the primary  process. Better long-term planning,   superior fundraising, dominant organizing  in caucus states, and better exploitation   of delegate allocation rules all contributed  to Obama's steady rise to the top of pledged   delegates. Obama had garnered enough votes  on June 2, 2008, to secure his nomination. On June 7, Clinton ended her campaign and  endorsed Obama, despite initially being   reluctant to concede. Obama announced his choice  of Delaware Senator Joe Biden as his running mate   for vice president on August 23, 2008. Obama chose  Biden from a pool of candidates that was thought   to include former Governor and Senator Evan Bayh  of Indiana and Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia. Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton spoke at  the Democratic National Convention in Denver,   Colorado, where they pleaded with her supporters  to support Obama's candidacy. Over thirty-eight   million people watched Obama's acceptance  speech across ten networks at Mile High   Stadium's Invesco Field, which was attended  by approximately eighty-four thousand people. Obama's campaign broke many fundraising records  during the primary and general elections,   particularly in terms of the number of small  donations. Since the system's inception in 1976,   Obama was the first major party  presidential candidate to decline   public financing in the general election  on June 19, 2008. John McCain chose Sarah   Palin to be his running mate when he was  nominated as the Republican candidate. In September and October of 2008,  Obama and McCain debated three times   for the presidency. On November 4, Obama  prevailed over McCain with 365 electoral   votes to McCain's 173. McCain received  45.7 percent of the vote, while Obama   received 52.9%. He became president for  the first time as an African-American. In Chicago's Grant Park, Obama addressed hundreds  of thousands of supporters during his victory   speech. He is one of only three senators from  the United States who have relocated immediately.   Warren G. was the other senator to ascend to  the White House. John F. and Harding Kennedy. In a video titled "It Begins with Us," which  he posted on his website on April 4, 2011,   Obama announced his reelection campaign  for 2012 and filed election papers with   the Federal Election Commission. In the  Democratic Party's presidential primaries,   he ran virtually unopposed as the  incumbent president. On April 3, 2012,   he secured the 2,778 convention delegates  required to win the Democratic nomination. Former President Bill Clinton officially nominated  Obama and Joe Biden as Democratic Party candidates   for president and vice president in the general  election at the Democratic National Convention   in Charlotte, North Carolina. Republicans Mitt  Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts,   and Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan were  their primary opponents. Obama received   332 electoral votes on November 6, 2012,  exceeding the 270 required for reelection. Obama became the first Democratic president  since Franklin D. Roosevelt with 51.1% of   the vote. Roosevelt won the popular vote twice  with a majority. Following his reelection, Obama   stated to volunteers and supporters at Chicago's  McCormick Place, "Tonight you voted for action,   not politics as usual." We were chosen by you to  concentrate on your tasks, not ours. Also, in the   next few long periods, I'm anticipating connecting  and working with the heads of the two players.” BECOMING PRESIDENT. On January 20, 2009, Barack Obama was  sworn in as the 44th president. Obama   issued executive orders and presidential  memoranda directing the U.S. military to   develop plans to withdraw troops from Iraq  within his first few days in office. He   instructed Congress to prevent the closure of the  Guantanamo Bay detention facility by preventing   the movement of any Guantanamo detainees and  refusing to appropriate the necessary funds. Obama made presidential records less secretive.  Additionally, he denied President George W. Bush's   reintroduction of President Ronald Reagan's Mexico  City policy, which forbade the federal government   from providing aid to international family  planning organizations that carried out abortions   or provided counseling on the subject. The Lilly  Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, which relaxed the   statute of limitations for equal-pay lawsuits,  was Obama's first bill to be signed into law. He signed the State Children's Health  Insurance Program's reauthorization   five days later to cover an additional four  million uninsured children. In March 2009,   Obama promised to develop "strict guidelines"  for embryonic stem cell research and reversed   a Bush administration policy that  restricted funding for the field. In   the first two years of his presidency, Obama  appointed two women to the Supreme Court. On May 26, 2009, he submitted a nomination for  Associate Justice David Souter to succeed him.   She became the first Hispanic-American Supreme  Court Justice when she was confirmed on August 6,   2009. On May 10, 2010, Obama announced her  candidacy to succeed Associate Justice John   Paul Stevens. She was confirmed on  August 5, 2010, making three women   the first time in American history to sit  on the Supreme Court at the same time. The White House Council on Women and Girls  was established by Executive Order 13506 and   became a part of the Office of Intergovernmental  Affairs on March 11, 2009, with the broad mandate   to advise Obama on issues about the welfare  of American women and girls. Senior Advisor   to the President Valerie Jarrett presided over  the council. In addition, on January 22, 2014,   Obama signed a government memorandum that  established the White House Task Force to   Protect Students from Sexual Exploitation. This  group was given a broad mandate to advise him on   issues about sexual exploitation on college and  university campuses across the United States. Jarrett and Vice President Joe Biden  co-chaired the Task Force. The White   House Council on Women and Girls and the  Office of the Vice President of the United   States both contributed to the formation of the  Task Force, as did Biden's initial draft of the   Violence Against Women Act in 1994. The Priority  Enforcement Program, an immigration enforcement   initiative that George W. Bush had pioneered,  was launched by Obama in July 2009. Bush and the   program for sharing immigration status data and  fingerprinting data through Secure Communities. Obama announced a planned direction shift at NASA,  the United States space agency, in an important   space policy speech in April 2010. Instead of  funding earth science projects, a new rocket type,   research and development for an eventual crewed  mission to Mars, and ongoing missions to the   International Space Station, he put an end  to plans for a return of human spaceflight to   the moon and the Constellation program. Beyond  just taking office are some policies he made. POLICIES MADE BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. Obama did not place a greater emphasis  on race relations than his predecessors   did in his speeches; however, he implemented  stronger policy actions on behalf of African   Americans than any president since  Richard Nixon. There were discussions   about a "postracial America"  following Obama's election. However, racial tensions quickly surfaced,  and many African Americans were outraged   by what they perceived to be increased  racial hostility toward Obama. Obama   gave a speech in which he said, "Trayvon  Martin could have been me 35 years ago"   after George Zimmerman was found not  guilty in the Trayvon Martin case. The shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson,  Missouri, sparked widespread demonstrations and   the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement,  which opposes violence and racial stereotyping of   Black people. Despite Obama's initial reluctance  to directly address racial issues, he began to   openly discuss the difficulties faced by minority  groups by 2014. During Obama's presidency,   the African-American community and law enforcement  received criticism for several incidents. Obama made an unsuccessful attempt to bridge  the gap between civil rights activists and   law enforcement. Obama's remarks on racial  bias in police actions were criticized by   law enforcement officials, and racial justice  activists were critical of his expressions of   empathy for the police. The highest level of  concern that has been recorded in Gallup polls   since 2001 was reported by nearly one-third  of Americans in a March 2016 Gallup poll. The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr.  Act was approved by Obama on October 8,   2009. The Hate Crimes Prevention Act expanded the  federal hate crime law that was in place in the   United States in 1969 to include crimes motivated  by a victim's gender, sexual orientation,   gender identity, or disability. Immigration  Equality applauded his decision to lift the   ban on HIV-infected individuals traveling  to the United States on October 30, 2009. The Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010  was signed by Obama on December 22, 2010,   fulfilling a campaign promise to end the 1993  policy that prevented gay and lesbian people   from serving openly in the United States.  Forces of Arms The policy that prevented   transgender individuals from openly serving in the  military was lifted in 2016 by the Pentagon. Obama   supported the legalization of same-sex marriage  when he ran for the Illinois state senate in 1996. During his Senate run in 2004, he upheld common  associations and homegrown organizations for   same-sex accomplices; however, he went against  same-sex relationships. He stated in 2008,   "I believe marriage is between a man and  a woman," to reaffirm his position. I   don't support gay marriage. Obama became the  first sitting U.S. president to support the   legalization of same-sex marriage on May 9, 2012,  shortly after launching his re-election campaign. He became the first president of the  United States to mention gay rights or   the word "gay" in an inaugural address during  his second speech to the nation on January 21,   2013. In the case of Hollingsworth v. United  States, the Obama administration submitted   briefs in 2013 urging the Supreme Court to  rule in favor of same-sex couples. Perry v.   the United States Windsor. So what information  was discovered about him when he left office? THE LEAK. Leaks have the power to stoke the embers in  any high-profile situation, and this one was   no exception. A set of documents was leaked,  which is something that no organization wants   to happen. These documents contained information  about large-scale organization-wide meetings and   decisions that were never intended for  anyone outside the organization to see. It wasn't just one document that got out, but  rather a collection of files that included emails,   meeting minutes, and even some voice recordings  of conversations. The revelations that were made   were mind-boggling, and each piece  provided a clearer picture of what   was taking place behind the scenes. It  also contained statements made by some   organization officials, which were  made public after they were leaked. These statements could have been very explosive  when taken out of the private setting in which   they were made. The leak was about more than  just what was said within the organization;   it was also about how it was said, which gave a  different picture of the organization than what   was shown to the outside world. Many people  started to wonder about the intentions and   character of the people involved as a result of  the distinction that existed between the two. Leaks of this kind never happen by accident;  there is always a plan behind them. An insider   who had access to the information decided to  become a whistleblower was the source of the   leak. The information that was received  indicated that the source was an insider   working at the organization at a mid-to-high  level who was becoming dissatisfied with the   state of affairs. This individual probably  had a way to get into confidential meetings   and communications, which allowed them  to get the information that was leaked. There is always a lot of controversy surrounding  whistleblowers, and this case was no exception.   At first, the source was kept anonymous to  avoid any criticism. However, as members of   the organization and the general public tried to  figure out who might have been behind the leak   and how it was carried out, their imaginations ran  wild. Others suggested that the whistleblower had   lost faith in the leadership and believed that  speaking out was the only way to effect change. Some speculators suggested that it might have  been an inside job carried out by a resentful   worker or someone with a personal vendetta.  The leak didn't happen all at once; rather,   it happened more in a trickle, with bits of  information being shared with the public on   occasion. The source's methodical approach  suggested that they had a well-thought-out   strategy, possibly to make the story as  popular as possible for as long as possible. It also suggested that the source intended to  leak the information to a journalist or media   outlet to cause the necessary uproar.  However, what exactly was it about the   leaked documents that caused such a stir? The  information was both graphic and explicit. The existence of conflict within the  organization's leadership was one thing that stood   out clearly. According to the emails and meeting  minutes, there were various factions within   the company. Some of them were planning covertly  aggressive actions, while others were calling for   actions that were more ethical and transparent.  This internal conflict had been simmering for   some time before the leak forced it out into  the open and made it impossible to conceal. The leak also made a significant discovery  regarding the strategic considerations for   public relations. The documents demonstrated  a deliberate attempt to influence the public's   perception of the story and the media's  messages. The organization had been   portraying a very different image to the  outside world, and the leak showed that it   wasn't about putting one's best foot forward;  rather, it was about outright propagandism. The most provocative aspect of the leak  was the disclosure of previously unknown   unethical activities. These behaviors included  fraudulent actions, the work of management,   the deliberate misrepresentation of information  to a variety of users, and decisions that were   perceived to be self-serving to the detriment  of the general public and/or customers. Some   leaders were concerned about these issues when  they were brought up in internal meetings,   but the final decisions were made to  move forward regardless of the results. The issue also became connected to the leaked  audio recordings. The personalities behind the   decisions were brought into the public's homes by  listening to the voices of the people involved,   who frequently spoke candidly at  their best. In these recordings,   some leaders seemed to be unconcerned about  the issues brought up by others, while others   seemed to be aware of the dangers and willing  to take them to increase their power or profits. THE DETAILS OF THIS LEAK. Several statements that would be the subject  of public discussion were included in the   leaked information. The scandal of internal  conflict and questionable decision-making   during Barack Obama's presidency was one of  the most significant of all the scandals. The   documents demonstrated that, in contrast  to Obama's speeches, internal political   struggles and disagreements led to some of the  policies, such as health and foreign policy. For instance, memos and emails that came after  the leak suggested that Obama's administration   had some unidentified internal divisions,  particularly regarding the Affordable Care Act   (ACA) and the intervention in Libya. The leaked  information included previously unseen internal   documents and emails from high-ranking officials.  The significance of these documents was not   fully appreciated by the reader, despite  their comprehensiveness and usefulness. For instance, participants in one of the  threads expressed the view that Obama was   less supportive of the Affordable Care Act than  he attempted to portray publicly. However, it is   difficult to determine if Obama had doubts about  the policy or if this reluctance was part of his   strategic plan without additional information.  Obama's private life, specifically his decisions   and associates before becoming president, was the  subject of yet another significant allegation. In official narratives, some of the  leaked information related to other   undesirable individuals whose connections  had either been downplayed or left out.   However, because they were based  on hearsay and unidentified sources   that were difficult to verify and, as a  result, were regarded as less credible,   these claims were more speculative. However,  this level of information came with its price. HOW THIS AFFECTS OBAMA. The information that was leaked could  significantly alter how people perceive   Barack Obama. The reevaluation of Obama's  decision-making was one of the immediate   effects. The documents say that he was more of  a political creature than the revolutionary he   wanted people to think he was. At one point,  he was even more of a political creature. Some of his backers might wonder if he made  too many concessions on contentious issues   or if his government was as well-organized  as it appeared to be. Obama's image as a   goal-oriented and self-assured president  may be diminished as a result of the   revelations about internal divisions. His  leadership's impact would be diminished   if the public got the impression that there  was internal conflict in his administration. Also, even if they are fake, the connections  and associations mentioned in the leak could   hurt his image. Additionally, the  information that was leaked may only   serve to bolster people's already negative  perceptions of Obama. These individuals   might have found the evidence they had long  suspected about his presidency in the leak. On the other hand, supporters of Obama may believe  that the leak was influenced by politics or have   concerns about the way the information was  conveyed because it is partial and may not   be well understood. Several questions arise when  the information that was leaked is compared to the   facts that are already in the public domain  about Obama's presidency and private life. For instance, Obama received a lot  of praise for the ACA's passage,   which was a significant domestic policy  victory. The leaked documents indicate   that there may have been more reversals and  controversies than were apparent at the time,   despite his public endorsement of the healthcare  reform. While this complicates the examination   of the ACA's formation, it does not  necessarily contradict the known facts. The leak adds new information to the  decision-making process regarding the intervention   in Libya, which is relevant to foreign policy.  The cables reveal a great deal of confusion   and discord within the Obama administration,  despite Obama's public declaration that the   intervention was necessary to avoid a humanitarian  catastrophe. This contrasts with the public-seen   more coordinated approach, raising questions about  the intervention decision's risk-benefit ratio. Personal affiliations and power, which  were either concealed or understated,   remain speculative according to the  leaked information. For instance,   the fact that Obama went through a thorough  screening process before being elected and   while he was President does not support the notion  that he was closer to some questionable characters   than people have been led to believe. Based  on the information that is made public about   Obama's life and work, such statements are  still rather hazy and difficult to explain. THE FRENZY THAT CAME WITH THE LEAK. The public's reaction to the leak  was rather immediate and divided.   The response was primarily based on  previous perceptions of Barack Obama,   as is the case with the majority of politically  sensitive leaks. The leak was defended by Obama's   supporters, who claimed that it was either  deceptive or had been altered to portray   Obama negatively. They pointed out that  disagreements and discussions within a   government are normal and do not indicate  that it lacks leadership or is corrupt. The leak became a popular topic on social  media, with hashtags in support of Obama   and hashtags in opposition to Obama. The leak  was used by his critics to say that Obama was   being hypocritical or that he didn't do enough  to keep his campaign promises. As a result,   memes and posts comparing the leaked  information to Obama's statements went viral,   bolstering the belief that Obama's presidency  was much more hazy and less open than depicted. However, many also questioned  the leak's purpose and intent,   particularly its timing. Some people thought  that it was carried out with political intent,   either to undermine Obama or to influence  current political discussions. Others   suggested that one should reconsider their  conclusions and not rely on the data. The mixed public response demonstrated the  politicization of American society and the   challenges of evaluating leaked information  in a polarized society. Politicians and other   public figures' reactions to the leak  varied, depending on their political   views and assumptions regarding Obama's  presidency. The leak was criticized as an   attempt to misrepresent Obama's record  by high-ranking Democrats and friends. They argued that policy deliberations are  always healthy in any government system   and that the leaked documents only provided  a snapshot of the decision-making process.   Even though the leaked documents were  alarming, they did not change the fact   that his administration had accomplished a lot,  according to Obama's proportional response. He   emphasized that internal discussions were a very  important part of having the best information   and that his administration always tried to  make decisions using the best information. Obama also said that the leak was political,  which meant that the people who leaked it   were trying to change history in their  favor. Republicans, on the other hand,   used the leak to attack Obama's presidency. Others  claimed that it added to their previous assertions   regarding his management style and policies.  They cited Obama's internal disputes and policy   discussions as evidence that he was more concerned  with politics than with the welfare of the nation. However, some Republicans voiced their concern,  arguing that the leak investigation should be   given more time before any conclusions  are reached. Greg Gutfeld, who hosts Fox   News and is well-known for his bold  and sometimes even offensive opinions,   jumped at the chance to discuss the leak. Gutfeld discussed the leaked information  on his program in his usual witty and   insightful manner. He stated that  there was a clear attempt to either   overemphasize or minimize the importance of  the information based on political sides,   and he expressed his doubts regarding the  leak and the media coverage of the story. Gutfeld addressed the issue  with a great deal of sarcasm,   stating that some individuals did not at  all believe in the leak, while others used   it to condemn Obama in advance. He stated that  although the leak had raised numerous concerns,   it should not be relied upon to jump to hasty  conclusions. Gutfeld also lashed out at the media,   which he claimed was partial in its reporting of  the leak and selective in its outrage. Gutfeld,   as usual, was funny when making his points and  didn't hesitate to joke about serious subjects. He asserted that such leaks are unavoidable  aspects of the political process and that   internal debates and decisions are considerably  more complex than the public is aware of. This   was Gutfeld at his best, or rather, at the  best he was going to be throughout his show:   he challenged the assumptions his audience  made about the news they were exposed to and   challenged conventional political wisdom. So what  do you think comes next after this controversy? WHAT HAPPENS? The leak quickly grew into a media mania  that dominated the headlines and sparked   a lot of debate. The media also made a  lot of noise about the leaked documents,   which led to more debates. While Obama's  opponents saw it as an opportunity to   denigrate him as an immoral man and a bad leader,  Obama's supporters took their time to defend him. The leak sparked discussions and debates on social  media, revealing that society is divided into two   camps. The leak could bring about new scandals  in Obama's life, which would hurt his story in   the long run. By revealing internal conflicts  and policy disagreements that were not apparent   before this leak, the leaked claims, if true,  alter people's perception of his presidency. The leak could help Greg Gutfeld establish  himself as an outrageous persona,   bolster his standing among fans, and garner more  general attention. It is a characteristic of the   highly polarized political discourse of today and  the significance of leaks in influencing public   opinion. This may contribute to the trend  of handling political issues with limited   information and the influence of the media  to uncover additional shocking revelations. If you enjoyed this video, like and subscribe  and also click the next video shown on your   screen .

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