Ole Miss Football Season Opener: What to Expect vs. Furman | David Eckert on Ole Miss Football
Published: Aug 28, 2024
Duration: 00:21:26
Category: Sports
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Intro you are locked on Old Miss your daily podcast on the Old Miss Rebels part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for making the locked Ole Miss vs. Penn State Game on podcast your first listen every day we're free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube We're part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day hello I'm step Willis from the locked onas podcast he is David akard from The claran Ledger and David it is finally here I talked to you before played Penn State and pretty much ever since that Penn State de game om fans have been trying to will this game to get here um it is finally going to be played this Saturday I almost guarantee there's going to be football played this Saturday uh so what do you think that means for the Miss fan base the Miss football team the the just a 30,000 foot view of this game yeah um it's it feels a little bit like a ribbon cutting ceremony you know because there's just there's so much excitement for what this team can be this year um I don't know I listen it's very welcome to me because I'm just I'm at the point where I'm just tired of talking about what might be you know um respectfully I if I have to hear another player talk about how close this team is I'm going to you know I'm I'm going to commit some bodily harm here like I just you know it's it's I'm ready to watch some football so um but yeah no it's it's gonna be fun um I don't know how competitive it's gonna be but you know um and and really to be honest I I don't know how much of an indication of what this team is going to be that we can really get from this game um you know because if if they win by 70 it's it's hard to extrapolate that and and say that they're awesome really the only way that you have a takeaway from this is if they don't play well um you know but well I don't think you can Ole Miss Football Analysis take results other than the W that's the only that's the only thing you can take from it but I do think you can when you're looking at whether or not miss can do things further down the road if there are red flags there's ways that you can check that out for instance if a running back growes seven carries for 59 yards how did that 59 yards happen right was it a situation that he ran six times for five yards and then busted a 54 yard run that's a problem because an FCS defense is going to burst but it's about if it's about 10 yards per pop that's a good sign that's something you're doing what you're supposed to do so I think if you go into this game looking at how this is done judge this on the Look test you know if Miss wins the game which they should they're favored by 42 and a half points on FanDuel um it's going to be fine move on to the next game but I do think it's imperative for ol Miss to at least not have red flags after this first game especially after their Kinder gentler fall Camp yeah I I I would agree with that um you you know and look fans are reactionary so if fans don't see what they're expecting to see about this team and and we've been telling them how awesome that it is you know um there might be some grumbling so uh I I do think anytime you make a first impression it's important to to have it be a good one so um you know and and that that goes for the players too right like um it doesn't do them any good confidence wise to beat Ferman by 14 and dog fight that's you know you're chewing your nails to the fourth quarter right so um it's not a big game but it's still an important game for many reasons I think ideally if Lane Kiffin's Strategy Against FCS Opponent Lane kein will never admit to this because he would just never admit to wanting a bll and all this stuff like that against an FCS opponent but om Miss probably wants to run the ball they talked about running the football they just want to impose their will get up by 30 points get these starters out of the game and then let the backups determine whether or not it's going to be a blowout yeah yeah that's the recipe I I think a pretty standard recipe for um most of these games right uh get these guys off their feet minimize wear and tear and look you can probably extrapolate that out and say you know they'd love to do that for the next three weeks may maybe not Wake Forest but probably the the two home games against G5 schools for sure um so uh yeah you know the the entire offseason has been structured around minimizing hits minimizing wear and tear so to whatever extent you can do that against the the Lesser teams on your schedule I think kein will want to for sure you know um changing the subject just a little bit this is the debut for a lot of these B Hood transfer portal players there was no spring game there has not been much access at all so this is going to be the first impression of a lot of people even Austin Simmons who has been at Miss for 18 months this could be the fan base's first opportunity to see him and I do think that first impression kind of goes a little bit uh in this situation uh but my question to you is if Miss goes chalk this year just chalk let's say 10- two the games they're favored in in the season they do that and with Miss having over half their roster through the transfer portal did Lane kein change the way the rosters are built in college football it's tough for me to say yes to Revenue Sharing Impact on College Rosters that because I think you've got something looming um with the revenue sharing that's going to drastically impact how you build rosters um right because we don't know um at this point whether in addition to the 20 to 22 million that all the schools are going to be playing paying these guys through Revenue sharing are you going to be able to use your Collective you know to to to further compensate these guys are collectives going to continue to be these difference makers um when it comes to building a roster we don't we don't know um so I think uh maybe for next year but when when you're talking about the long term um to me there's just a big cloud with that change and you know the the successful programs um you know from 2025 onward which is when this is projected to happen are going to be the ones who um you know who who adapt to the change the best so kein proved really Adept at doing that as asness fans have have found out but yeah I don't know I don't know if it's going to be a model and if it is I think it'll be a short-lived one just because of the changes that are coming yeah it should be quite interesting and real quick before we get out of here om Miss just released a press release today that they have sold out every sec home game this year um so that means that hey game time tickets that's the only way you're going to be able to get in the stadium possibly um but the non-conference games have you heard anything about the non-conference games like where is Ferman trending because they didn't have many tickets left that I heard like the biggest Gap was the Ferman Gap and there was only like 3,000 tickets left like a month ago Secondary Ticket Market with Furman yeah I'm not sure I did do a story about the secondary ticket Market um with Ferman and there's some pretty affordable tickets there as you would expect for f for Ferman um I yeah I I honestly I don't I don't know what their ticket sales um are like for the non-conference games but I I you know obviously that's a that's a big achievement for them with the SEC games um because look this is a place where you know whether it's a comfortable discussion or not you know Lane kein has had to to fight to get butts and seats and it's in his financial best interest to do that by the way because he has season ticket bonuses but um you know he he wants that atmosphere so uh if you can if that's being provided he doesn't have to fight for that at a Podium weekly um you know I think that's something that he'll appreciate and obviously good environments help you win football games against good teams thanks again for making the locked onus podcast your first listen every day hey when we come back we are going to turn the page to the Ferman paladins Yes you heard that correctly we're going to talk about that in a little bit but first I do want to let you know that game time is your place to get Old Miss tickets with killer last minute deals all in prices fuse from receipt and the lowest price guarantee game time takes the guest work out of buying tickets you know there's not a bad seat in VA hingo Stadium we all know that but game time makes it to where you can see what the view is from every single seat in the stadium they have the lowest price guarantee event cancellation protection job loss protection you know they just take the guesswork out of buying Miss tickets and with this being the most anticipated season in Miss football history I might be able to help you out with tickets as well so download the game time app create an account and use code locked on college for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem code l o c k d o n c o l l e g for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed listen grab a 5H Hour Energy shots and you can stay alert to watch all your favorite games this Saturday or on Sunday if you stayed up late to see that intense overtime game you can take a 5H Hour Energy Shot in the morning so you can kind of start your day 5 hour energy is the brand hardworking people like you have trusted for over 20 years to give them the alert energized feeling they need to get through a busy hectic day you always know where to find Five Hour Energy shots right right at the cash register at nearly every convenience drug and grocery store Nationwide stock up on money-saving multipacks to make up you never run out of these delicious energizing 5H Hour Energy shots if you go to 5our energy.com that is the number five do uh hour energy.com and get some 5H Hour Energy product today you can use my promo code locked on CFB all one word to receive 20% off this is only valid until September 30th it's only on one order and cannot be used with other promotions the code is not good on a subscription orders go to 5our energy.com today are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day and you have to turn down the volume with all of that shouting make the switch to lock on sports today it's a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you each and every single day to bring you the biggest stories without all that screaming lockon sports today brings you can't miss analysis opinion news all streaming 24/7 on YouTube or the free Amazon Fire TV channels out part of the lockon podcast Network your team every day you know David one cool thing that lockon is doing this year is we just started a new Fast Channel 247 streaming Channel that's on college sports and after the games on Saturday and onto Sunday they're going to be doing the reaction shows that the individual hosts do after the ball games so can you can you imagine if they broadcasted the reaction show from well the Florida state seals after that game in week zero this thing has a chance to be gold man yeah oh yeah oh yeah I I might have to go watch those honestly yeah I didn't I I did not I did I did not get my feel you know any I I was on the message boards I was reading the takes you know um but yeah um I more is always welcome when it comes to people just losing their minds so yes it's it gotten to the point where over my this is I'm getting ready to start year three um at locked on and I I've changed the reaction show it started out with postcast you know just because that's a name that PE it's a postcast but now I just go with instant overreaction oh yeah yeah yeah people love to overreact love it yeah so we got our pregame show and our postgame show live streaming and we're gonna be doing a round table show on Sunday live streaming that'll be the more reserved reaction of what's going on so yeah I'm going to um milk this pretty well anyway what are your thoughts on the fr paladins give me a breakdown um my Furman Paladins thoughts are that the Paladin is a middleaged knight middle AES Knight yes from yeah not middle-aged his hair is not his their hair might be graying Stephen I don't know um but um who is very chivalrous um and is associated with the uh the French monarch Char Charlamagne so um yeah as far as the football team Stephen um I I'm doing my my study on Thursday however um you know just listening to the old missg guys talk about him um something that was interesting uh that Trey Harris said is um they feel like there's a little bit of an experience defensively um for for them to exploit um so obviously that's something uh wor noting on um you know uh talking to them about their offense they're going to have a different quarterback than they did last year when they made that playoff run um they got rated pretty good um by the FBS schools which I don't know I just don't like to see that it gives doesn't give me the right feeling but um so they lost the defensive back to Colorado defensive line of Georgia Tech their quarterback Jacksonville State uh defensive back two lane and their Long Snapper Stephen to vanderbild um van vandy's taking everybody yeah you know um so uh yeah they're gonna have to replace some some Talent so we'll see man I don't know I mean it's it's an FCS School respectable program still still one that only this should just run over if they play well so yeah um I have Joe Deon coming on the show tomorrow talking about this and I actually already recorded it so I knew about the quarterback already I knew that their defensive line by FCS standards is pretty good so I think one of the things that I thought happened with Lane kein and Jackson Dart talking about running the football Miss is trying to make it to where this game means a little bit more they can they can get a little bit more out of it and running the ball when they know you're going to run the ball that makes it a little bit more difficult so I I think I think that happens because if we're going to be real about it they lost their entire secondary and it's like Trey Harris said is very peac Mill yeah and if Miss won it to they could score 100 points in this game throwing the football probably yeah you know um but yeah that it looks I'm looking at the uh the the All Conference team from 2023 it looks like they had a second team kicker so we might see some good kicking um yeah keep your eye out for Ian Williams um but yeah you mentioned Luke Clark uh defensive end is a guy to watch out for um but yeah I mean from what Miss is saying about them they're using the kind of like standard stuff that you say about a team that you're way better than like really well coached very disciplined you know um the type of compliments that don't actually mean anything because they don't mean it um but yeah they're it's fod it's FCS fod that's just what it is I I I just honestly feel bad for Michael bori that's true yeah I genuinely feel bad for bori yeah I saw he was on he was on Twitter um someone had posted uh like a like a tweet inviting people to share how they're hating the paladins this week and bori was in the mention saying I'm so upset reading all this yeah and you know what I respect boury and his dad and all that for being a firman fan especially in the state with Clemson and South Carolina yeah which is not a very big state I all the respect in the world of being a Ferman fan 100% yeah look that that's awesome genuinely like um you know I don't know I I grew up I never rooted for just like the best team that I had access to that's never how I consumed Sports so I always think it's you you sh should support the team that's close to you and you know that you have a connection to instead of just saying hey uh you know Clems and just want a Natty I'm going to go buy some cleansing gear I think that sucks personally so um well listen back Loyalty in Sports Fandom in the 80s I was a Saints fan I was a Saints fan the bags right so when in in 2009 I think it was when the Saints won the Super Bowl and everybody became Saints fans I was beyond annoyed because I remember when Kenny staer was a quarterback of the Saints yeah yeah in you've I mean you earned it right um you know I I like I used to sit down with my dad and watch like the 73 win New York Mets play 150 times a season you know so that's that that was my introduction to sports and I'm still waiting for the payoff on that one but uh so I I I I feel I I I feel with people who grew up rooting for teams that aren't any good I guess is what I'm trying to say can you imagine what White Sox fans are going through right now God oh my God yeah I mean 30 31 in 100 yeah and they couldn't even trade their trade chip the crochet the the really good arm they couldn't even trade him because he said he wanted an extension to pitch the postseason like you can't even do you can't even do being a bad baseball team right you know it's I do I do appreciate it my tigers are 500 right now 500 ball at the end of August oh yeah that's for a Tigers fan that's that's a good place to be right now yeah yeah they're playing really well right now too yeah yeah all all the young guys yeah they they got something going on anyway before I let you go what do you think is a successful weekend for R miss this weekend uh nobody getting hurt very simple don't get hurt win the game don't get hurt yeah nobody gets hurt and I and I would say the starters get out of the game at some point in time in the beginning of the fourth quarter I'm not even going to say in the third quarter but just by the beginning of the fourth quarter you kind of get the starters out just to get that wear and tear off the body yep totally with you all right thanks again for making the lock onas podcast your first listen every day we're free and available wherever you get your podcast including YouTube We're part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day David eard from the Clarion Ledger what have you got going on this week leading up to game day yeah um so we're gonna drop some predictions um as always I've got a big um I've been working for a long time on a Kaden prorn feature that I'm doing um so that should drop at some point this week um and you know standard you know football stuff right preview um all that good stuff so uh yeah it's it's football season so the grind the grind is underway David eert 98 on Twitter or X or whatever you want to call it um check him out there following is excellent stuff for all the latest Miss news um he's he's worth the follow and basically just Sports takes as a whole appreciate you Stephen subjecting the people to my bad takes is is is interesting but I I appreciate it as always all right David I appreciate it Bud we'll talk to you later sounds good we'll see you