️‍🔥 FPL GW 3 TEAM SELECTION | -4 TAKEN! TRANSFERS MADE! Fantasy Premier League Tips 2024/25

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:14:46 Category: Sports

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Intro what's going on my name is Ryan welcome to another video from better FPL the place where we help you get better at FPL as always if you enjoy the content hit that like button and subscribe to the channel if you haven't subscribed already let's take a quick look back at how I went in game week 2 it's going to be a quick look because it wasn't a very good game we we only finished on 64 GW 2 Results points a very disappointing week purely because my Midfield has not returned any any attacking returns so far this season we've seen the likes of sacka son Palmer even guys like Dogo jota return we had Emil Smith row who was quite popular return this week but unfortunately my Midfield is filled with guys like Inu Bruno Fernandez odard and E Bruno Fernandez I think has summed up my start to the season across the season so far he's had an xgi per 90 of 1.09 so he should have had an attacking return every single game that he's played so far but he's blanked in both games and he came off in the 78th minute against Brighton he's now dropped to 8.4 odard quite disappointing he doesn't have the underlying stats that Bruno does but an exg of 0.86 against Aston Villa was pretty good with no attacking returns as a similar he had a goal disallowed in game week one gameweek two he's hit the crossbar he had quite a few good chances against West Ham but no returns and then Inu someone who's dropped in price and he has left my team already Inu has absolutely stunk to start the season and he was on the bench for that game against wolves it looks like he's going to start against svette so he's someone who definitely needs to leave the team if he hasn't left your team already so I think the start of the season it's been a terrible kind of Midfield start for me my defense have been great Robinson with the seven points Trent with the six Pedro porro with six a clean sheet for Spurs last week my defense was great but it's been in Midfield that I've been losing ground because I don't have the likes of sacka jotta Smith row uh these players who have returned points and my Midfield just haven't come through for any returns yet there are players like Bruno who have got some good underlying stats and I'm happy to be patient with those guys but it's the players like in kunu who is not regularly starting doesn't have good underlying stats looks like their placing that team is in Jeopardy and those are the players that I think they issues than we need to deal with Harland if you triple captained him congratulations it was a great week to Triple Captain him I have some regret I think if I triple Captain Harland I would have ended up on a Green Arrow and it would have saved what was a fairly miserable game week in the end so game we 2 wasn't very good but I've made quite a few transfers and we need to talk about those so let's look at the team for gameweek three all right starting off in goals GW 3 Team it's Dean Henderson it's been an underwhelming start for Crystal Palace and for Dean Henderson to start the season Crystal Palace have had quite a few shots conceded in the box they've had the second most shots conceded in the Box in the Premier League so far if they conceding shots like that in that volume in that area of the pitch it's not going to spell good news for Dean Henderson he hasn't had too many save points either I think he picked that one save point in game week one but Henderson's been a nightmare to start the season if I was on a wild card I would definitely transfer him out but as a free transfer for a goalkeeper I don't like making those moves I'm just going to keep hold of him and hope that he can get some safe points against Chelsea in gameweek three the rest of the defense I have made a move you'll notice that EZ H has come into the team he's got a really good run of fixtures we'll take a look at the Aston Villa fixtures in just a minute Trent Alexander Arnold and Gabrielle there the defense has been good to start the season there's one question about whether I should start Robinson away to ipss switch that's a really good fixture and he's probably got a little bit more attacking upside than cona so it's really out of those two as to which one I play but I am leaning more towards ezri cona plays for a better defense Aston Villa even though they haven't kept a clean sheet to start the season I think Aston Villa are a better defense than Fulham so I'm Le towards playing coner over Robinson but it's very close and I think Robinson's been a really good player to start the season with at 4.5 now Pedro porro has left the team which is disappointing he started the season well Pedro parro but Spurs have Newcastle and Arsenal in the next two I don't think I was going to be playing him in any of those games if I had parro in this team for example instead of cona I'd probably play Robinson over porro and therefore porro is on the bench week after he's got Arsenal again I don't think I'd be playing porro and he's 5.5 mil and the downgrade from porro to coner has allowed me to do some other significant upgrades in the team which we'll take a look at in a minute so porro has left but I'm looking to bring him back in on a gameweek six wild card in Midfield quite a few um new faces here so I had two free transfers and I have taken a minus four I've made three transfers it doesn't feel great taking a minus 4 but I'll speak to you about my rationale behind it it's it's not just buying good players and selling bad players but there's also a price value team value element to it as well so uh the the three transfers that I've made Pedro per to cona I haven't gained any money on any of those players uh but I have sold in kungu to Morgan Rogers and I sold in kungu before he dropped in price so that's 0.1 Rogers looks like he's going up to 5.1 so that's a 0.2 saving from just that one transfer I've also sold odard and it looks like he's about to go down tonight so odard that's another 0.1 so 0.3 overall it looks like Palmer will go up at some point this week so that's 0.4 overall in team value gained by making these transfers and across the season I think that team value will pay dividends when it comes to free hits when it comes to wild cards because I think I'll be able to afford a much better team uh with a better team value I saw last season again I started fairly slowly last season but but I was able to resurrect and resurrect the season and finish quite well um I noticed last season that if you get off to a bad start it's not just points behind that you leave or points that you leave on the table and the points that you're lagging behind but it's also team value because if your players don't start off scoring points their value is going to drop and the players who are scoring points their value will increase and therefore you find yourself not just 10 15 20 points behind the field but 0.5 to almost 0.6 0.7 million behind mind the rest of the field who have the players who are rising in price so yes it's not been great in terms of points and I have taken a minus four I don't normally take hits I think I took two hits in all of last season and most of the time they were in double game weeks with the ability to roll up to five free transfers this season I think hits will be even more rare but for me I am chasing that team value Bruno Fernandez has dropped in price but I'm happy to hold on to him and I think he'll do well in the next couple of weeks we might even see his price rise back up to 8. 5 and E potentially goes down but the fixtures are pretty decent for Crystal Palace and again I think he's been unlucky like Bruno Fernandez so I'm not too concerned about their price drops but in kungu odard two players that I definitely will sell in the next few weeks their price has dropped and so I'm happy to sell them because I was going to sell them anyway and buy players who are rising in price Rogers Palmer come in Palmer's probably going to get the captain's arban at home to Crystal Palace this week and then up front we've got Chris Wood Harland and then isach Chris Wood's probably going to have his last game in the team this week against wolves at home we saw how bad wolves were defending against Chelsea in game week two I'm very excited for that fixture looks like n Forest missed out on Eddie intia but they are trying to sign a forward from the Dutch league and that could spell a potential issue for Chris Wood and his minutes but I don't see that being a factor for gameweek three I'm expecting Chris Wood to start again against wolves at home in gameweek 3 and Nan Forest have started the season well so those are the transfers that I've made I think I am leaning more towards a Palmer Captain there is a small temptation to Wild Card I don't think I will just because I I don't think that we know enough yet to wild card and set our teams up for the next six or seven game weeks one regret I do have is that I kind of wish that I started the season with more uh more risky kind of picks looking at jotter for example it looked like he was going to start the season I probably should have gambled on that targeted the early season fixtures chased those points and and kind of booked in a wild card around gam Weck four or gwick five or Gan Weck six even anyway because the reality is we're always going to play an early wild card or I'm probably likely to play an early wild card so it would have been better to Target those early fixtures but that's okay it's a lesson learned and the team looks really good now for the next few weeks Aston Villa about to go on a good run of fixtures for example Palmer he can be a really good Captain option for me the weeks that I potentially don't own Salah the plan was to get Salah in but we'll have to to re-evaluate that over the next couple of weeks I think I can still get salar in but it won't be until game week 5 so I think I'll hold out until around game week 5 but this is the team let's talk about the decision that I've made and let's have a look at the transfers I'm planning for the next couple of game weeks here's my team on fantasy football Salah in! Haaland out? Hub they still have a 50% off deal running at the moment so if you want to get yourself a membership to Fantasy Football Hub you can have a look at the Wild Card suggested team the AI has suggested a really really good Wild card team hit the link in the description below you get 50% off that deal is ending soon so hit that link in the description if you want to get yourself a fantasy football Hub membership it helps support my channel as well so I really would appreciate that this is my team for gamew 3 it's got a 92% game Wick rating uh it's got the captaincy on Harland but I am going back and forth on Harland and Palmer at the moment Palmer of course has that home fixture but I just don't have the faith in Palmer and Chelsea that I do in Harland and City so we'll see what comes of that decision closer to deadline but you can see the team looks pretty good this week but there's a few issues cropping up so chriswood he's got Liverpool and Brighton uh in game week four and game week 5 so his days are numbered not just for fixtures but also because of the fact that he might be out of that team soon he might be dropped to the bench with the new signing that they've got coming in and Taio aanii is returning to Fitness so he's a potential issue for the team and of course I don't have Salah if we look at salah's fixtures he's got man united this week forest and Bournemouth in four and five so salah's arguably the best captain in game week four five even game week six against wolves away from home so Sal is definitely someone that I have my eye on and I'm thinking that I might even sell Harland to fund Salah harland's got brenford at home in G week four that's a good fixture brenford have frustrated City though in recent seasons but brenford at home is a good fixture but then he's got Arsenal at home Newcastle away and I'm probably going to Wild Card in game week six or seven and I can get Harland back into the team then so I think my plan over the next couple of weeks is still to downgrade Harland and to bring Salah into the team but I've also got to deal with Chris Wood so there are three potential transfers that I need to make and only two game weeks to do it in so potentially there's another hit coming or I need to just make my peace with Chris Wood being on the bench so this is the team for gwick 3 we go across to gwick 4 I've got one free transfer 0.5 in the bank so that hasn't adjusted for the price changes but 0.5 in the bank Chris Woods got Liverpool away from home con's got Everton at home so I could just play coner over Chris Wood now this is a very good week to get Xiao Pedro in so xia Pedro in gameweek four has got IP switch at home he's definitely a player that I would like to get into the team I could just do Chris Wood to xia Pedro but then that forces me into a minus four in gweek five if I'm going to get Salah into the team I just don't know if that's what I want to do so let's say I forget about Xiao Pedro great fixture against ipswitch at home but game week four I could roll this team out unless I think Chris Wood might get something at anfield but I very much doubt that so I rolled this team out in game week four Gabrielle's got Tottenham away but the rest of the team looks fine to me and in game week five this is the week where Harland has Arsenal at home so I could downgrade Harland and use that money to get Salah into the team the issue though is if I wanted to go Harland to Watkins which is I think a good move because he's got wolves and ipswitch it doesn't give me enough money to upgrade Winks to Salah it only gives me 11 million in the bank so I'm 1.5 milon short of Harland to Watkins Winks to Salah which is probably what I want to do I don't want to sell e he's got Manchester United I don't want to sell Bruno Rogers or even Cole Palmer so what I might have to do potentially is downgrade Harland to Old mate Xiao Pedro who has in game week 5 notingham Forest at home so get Xiao Pedro in and then I can sell Winks for Salah and Salah comes into the into the team I've got two million in the bank so Salah comes into the team and then I can bench Gabrielle who's playing Man City and I play a 352 that week and Salah becomes my captain so that's one potential way to get Salah into the team game week four I roll my transfer and then game Weck five it's Highland to Pedro Winks to Salah the other option is I go Chris Wood to Pedro Harland to Watkins and see if that gives me enough money to get Harry Winks up to Mo Sal I might just be short but we'll see what happens with the various price changes over the next few weeks so those are my transfer plans Salah is someone that I want to get into the team and I think I will have to downgrade Harland in order to make that happen but I've got the wild card in the back pocket for game week six where I can bring Harland back so it's not all doomsday selling Harland with no potential way to get him back into the team that's my plans let me know what your transfer plans are for gameweek 3 let me know if you've hit that wild card button if you've already made your transfers there have been lots of transfers flying around with so many price changes hit that like button and subscribe to the channel we'll be back on Friday for another episode of the better FPL show so make sure you stay tuned for that take care and I'll see you in the next video

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