Five-star S Jonah Williams ANNOUNCES LIVE!

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:30:14 Category: Sports

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[Music] [Music] welcome to the inside Texas football YouTube channel powered by insid I'm Joe Cook got coach Dub with us we are here here to watch a five star commit we'll be committing on the on3 recruits YouTube channel but we're part of the on3 network we get to simoc cast it here so help us out though make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel help us get to 10,000 subscribers uh this is the place to be hey seven days till kickoff we got a few big recruiting decisions this week that we got to take care of though and this is the first coach this could be a big one for Texas uh obviously the Longhorns USC Oregon LSU and Texas A&M are involved and you know you and I have talked plenty uh off air on air about how Texas has always been in the top group never really seemed like there was a point where they where they were at the top but in recent weeks feels like it's changed yeah definitely man you just never knew how this is going to shake out in the end and and then we we talked about this numerous of times just like yo you want to you just want to stay in the race right continue to keep swinging get up the bat and keep swinging you never know how these things will turn and so I feel I feel really good U about the neighbor man I'm glad that Texas you know hung in it and they're one of the top choices uh from that he I picked today thank you to uh obviously everybody who is uh is joining us Mr Scarlet glad to be there uh Jimmy Griffin excited to hear the news from Jonah hoping that he can play both football and baseball for the horns I think that's part of the plan uh before we we really get going and man it looks like they just change the the start time on the video on on three uh for not till 6:45 so we got a little bit more time until that gets going um but that is the plan Jimmy Griffin uh he does want to play football he does want to play baseball um Jim schlagle is a part of this recruitment uh the the Texas baseball organization program is part of this recruitment I think he's a top five Prospect According to some friends we have at five tool um but coach you kind of get this you see this often yeah these kids have dreams to play on the field on the grid iron that is and you know baseball money in the draft is what it is and it's hard to turn down but when you have the want to play football and these days if you're a fivar the desire to uh maybe make a little money get an nil as well you can probably do everything you want to athletically at the college level playing football instead of just slumming it up in the minor leagues yeah definitely and he's made a known time he wants to play football so I think that's a huge key to that and even mentioned last night you know he PL to enroll early but he probably join a baseball team like right away so he have a chance to play baseball still and still be able to kind of double train and go through Spring ball for Texas but man he's just he really wants to play uh football though I like this one uh from our buddy Brett Nelson and and again uh we're going to simal cast the on three recruits channel here on this channel it was scheduled to start at 6:30 uh but looks like they have bumped it back to to 6:45 uh but curious about this one Charlie do you have a comparison for Jonah Williams if you go to his on three page they have a player from Southern Illinois it's someone I'm not familiar with even though he made it to the NFL chin uh I can't remember uh who exactly that is uh but you had a u a player comparison for Jonah Williams who you think um me personally I would go with Isaiah Simmons who played at Clemson when he first got to Clemson he played receiver he was athlete which like Jonah is because Jonah can play both sides of the football and then they moved Isaiah to defense they end up playing safety and they playing a kind of the middle safety SL linebacker or hybrid role to me he he can run like Isa can hit he can cover he can play foot play offense too so for me it would probably be you know Isaiah Simmons I know last night he compared himself to C Hamilton um he his game after so that'd be my pick I would go to Isaiah Simmons yeah and I'm looking at it Jeremy chin H went to Southern Illinois from 2016 look like he was listed at 63212 second round pick of the Panthers in 2020 and on three has it listed he says Jonah Williams size athleo and ball skills remind us of Jeremy chin but Williams is a much more established established excuse me high school Prospect uh than than chin was uh trying to look at this one oh this is a a pretty good question from from Tyler Thomas yall think Jonah Williams will be better than Anthony Hill man we got the the big guns the big question coming in early um that is a a curious question from Tyler Thomas over on Facebook B Anthony Hill already hit some uh freshman All America status uh saw the field plenty um I think Jonah Williams is a Difference Maker but there are gonna be some talented players over at safety you know if he were to choose Texas he's an instant impact guy anywhere uh so if he were to choose Texas that's the caveat to this whole thing I think he's a guy you throw on special teams right away and you're like this dude can block punts block field goals I think that applies to any school I think that uh I think a little it's it's tough to compare just because Anthony Hill saw opportunity right away and took yeah yeah that's tough I like kind of like you mentioned we got great depth at safety so when he does get here you still have you know McDonald you have uh you still have Derek Williams back there you know you got fi came in last class so and he got Jordan Rebel Johnson was also another great DB so he had to find his way onto the field so I don't know if he had the same impact as Anthony Hill did but Jonah's special man he's versal he can be kind of used in multiple spots I can see him on special teams he might get a package on offense so um but being better than Anthony Hill starting out it'd be hard because Anthony kind of had a role coming into and he was a me at the same time so it kind it's kind of different so again uh trying to let everybody know Adam D on thank you for joining he bumped it back to to 645 at least when we simoc cast it here from the the on three recruits YouTube channel U we were expecting it to get going about a minute ago but they're they're taking a little bit longer but get some questions in we're we're having fun discussing uh thank y'all for for joining us and getting involved with this as we await the decision from Jonah Williams we've got our Justin Wells there on the scene I think a lot of recruiting media is there on the scene this one I like this from Victor Santiago who was the main recruiter for Jonah Williams or was it by committee I remember because I talked to Jonah Williams I think it was after when would it have been maybe the summer of 2023 he came to the the Texas pool party whatever it was and Texas was recruiting him as a linebacker and that was a little different every other uh Team Jeff Cho was still at Texas at that point um you know that that was and that was their pitch he said hey we we want you to come to Texas play football we want you to come to Texas play baseball but the pitch from Jeff choke was you know the linebacker coach come on and and play linebacker for us I think they realized that if they wanted to get to the point in this recruitment to where they are a hat on the table Yeah they would need to uh be able to go ahead and and and fulfill what he wanted and and move him to safety so then uh Blake Gideon as he has uh with that position at safety took over a lot of that recruitment but this is a program recruitment it's a five-star recruitment uh Steve sarkeesian was heavily heavily involved uh but Blake Gideon uh took the you know took the Reigns on this as far as recruiting him for position Steve sarkeesian getting involved as a defensive guy or excuse me for a defensive guy um made sure that he let him know how much he was wanted an offensive play calling head coach coming in uh and Mak sure that he let the the defensive prospect know this is who we want and and Coach how important is that to you know you have coaches who have their expertises uh but for an offensive head coach to come in and say look I'm going to prioritize you this dang much uh along with the efforts from Blake Gideon yeah I mean a big festar uh player Prospect like Jonah every in the building is probably gonna touch him and talk to him that's just the way it goes with a guy like that so yeah you got Blake giddon who's a position room coach who's going to talk to him be the main guy but coar like you said coark stepping in that's huge right because the head coach he knows hey he calls offensive plays and Jonah wants to play offense too okay he can actually talk to me about how how how he can use me on the offensive side of the ball so uh I wouldn't be surprised if Jeff Banks Chris Gilbert like everybody talked to Jonah man about we need you here we want you here and he was a program recruitment like all the way but having a head coach come in and you know usually see head coaches come in in December try to close the deal on home visits but coach soccer was involved early on this one like hey we need you so come on yeah I'm glad you you brought up the the offense part because there are some organizations other services and I bet there are some coaching staffs who when they first saw Jonah Williams film they're like this is our this is a receiver or something like that or someone who just you know can can do things with the football in his hands uh and not as a result of an interception and I think Texas has has let him know and in fact I know Texas has let him know hey we're gonna give you opportunities yeah yeah that's always said in recruitments but that was that was a message uh that came from Chris Jackson uh so Chris Jackson has come through uh also been involved in this recruitment but Blake Gideon um has has done a great job Steve sarkeesian the whole program uh but Jackson deserves a little bit of credit as well trying to find uh some some comments to to go through uh but you know uh this is this is a lot of fun we're going to get to see a little bit of the uh the Hat science at play here yeah um gonna try to pull that up we have about I think eight or so minutes until the on through recruits Channel fires it up and we will Simo cast that here while we're waiting got to knock this out real quick we will make it very very very fast make sure you show some love to our friend Andre the lawyer Andre the lawyer has been helping clients throughout the state of Texas he is based in Dallas Texas and his team can help you out if you're in a car wreck 18wheeler accident um or anything uh of the sort wrongful death make sure you call Andre the lawyer his team will be there to help you call 214 44488 eight 214 44488 88 Charlie when you kind of think about what this uh safety room that Jonah Williams could be walking into looks like I I looked I did a little research and some of the the players in there from two years ago and even from the class two years ago not the same as they are now they they brought in uh BJ Allen Larry Turner Gooden uh those guys in the 2022 class those guys are at different places now North and San Jose State respectively but they got great additions in 2023 obviously Derek Williams um was was part of that class and then in 2024 like they have a lot of players and especially if you look to next year with uh the potential addition of Jonah Williams um there are a lot of players at that position that they feel really really strongly with they provide a lot of athleticism and they provide ball skills as well yeah I think it's a very versatile group um you can do a lot of things with those guys right you can probably can play you know everybody knows Texas loves match quarters but you can go play some cover zero with those guys and not have to worry about it they can play Man coverage um and so you can kind of mix a match and they can play either strong or free safety that's what I love about some of these kids you know they're not pigeon hold in one position they vers they can move all around and maybe that's how Texas envisions the recruiting board from going forward like hey find some personal Gods who can do multiple things and so uh looking at the safety room of of the future man just a ton of Versatility ton of athletic guys who can do multiple things uh I mean you think about even at the the end of that cycle I think last year you know Xavier filmy athletic guy galani McDonald someone that they they may have thought was a um Flex piece I guess to say ends up being pretty at home at safety um and someone who I think the program understands is very similar uh to Jonah Williams um and has put them in touch as well um Jonah has the benefit I think of being at home and safety when when on three mentioned that Jeremy chin was a little bit of a comparison they also mentioned Jonah is a little bit more of a well-known Prospect and that obviously is used to or as a result of playing his home position whereas I think galani played quarterback uh at at at wakeo Connelly uh he's also got the benefit of being a you know top five baseball player in the state you know so you've got coaches in two different sports who know about him but there's still some very quality athleticism that both possess and again I think they they have them I believe they have them in touch a little bit to to make sure that they uh they kind of see the vision as well if you're just joining us Justin Wales oh man that always makes me laugh thank for uh for checking in um they they the original time was 6:30 uh we're simoc casting the on three recruits YouTube channel uh that got pushed back to 645 so they'll be getting that going in a little bit we've got almost 4,000 here watching between a bunch of different platforms so thank you all for watching uh if you're watching on YouTube make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel help us get to 10,000 subscribers season's only seven days away there are a bunch of big recruitments that are less than seven days away you're going to want to check that out and make sure you head to we'll have a bunch of different pregame stuff uh we'll have even more recruiting reaction over there so head to inside Texas uh but we are here waiting on on Jonah Williams and Coach what type of um what type of balance do football coaches have to give when they are recruiting a TW sport guy because I know unov has a baseball program because I'm pretty sure that Jim Schlagel was there for a little bit so what type of uh what type of balance do you have to give because hey you know some of these schools who have proud baseball programs USC has more national championships than anybody they've been down for a while A&M played for a national title LSU won a national title Oregon's been a top 16 team so you can't be left behind right if you're not giving baseball pitch but how do you really balance that type of thing if you are a football staff and how do you get in contact with a baseball staff uh about that information yeah I'm sure like uh both head coaches really just work together you know the seasons are don't really in I guess they do at the end of towards football season baseball starts kick up and start off but I think if he's primarily he gonna be football when he's done with football when it comes time to Spring likey we need basball because he has to get his body right for baseball it's a little bit different gonna do a lot of different training that you do in baseball than you do in football so um he Jonah himself really just have to kind of manage his time making sure he's getting football stuff done and then going over there play baseball and doing everything they do because he's going to miss some workouts in the spring so how do they kind of coordinate that do they have somebody that travels on the road and make sure that he's getting the film and learning during the Spring right so that he can come back and compete in practice but also be on the road to play baseball so it's really a tough task it's a tough task on himself as the player um but the coaches I'm sure work that out knowing football is his primary sport um I say that but I think it's you know he loves baseball as well but I think I think for Jonah I think it's really gonna be up to him how much time he wants to put in football getting better because you know in football you really need more time right to be able to go out there and play on Saturdays than you do baseball in my opinion um but they just have to they just have to talk to each other and see how they can only football because football season football season he's gonna be primarily football yeah I I remember I know know before he was let go and uh David Pierce was recruiting obviously Jim schlagle was recruiting Jonah Williams at Texas A&M that carried over here to to Texas and um I I think uh Justin Wales uh has has this pretty accurate um it's the same sentiment we've got if baseball was his favorite sport he would not be in early enrol Le so he could see his MLB draft prospects you know because they play baseball in the spring in Texas obviously uh so this this is a foot recruitment but everybody had uh to check the baseball box and I think you know all the hats on the table have done that absolutely uh but this is it is a factor uh but Jonah loves football I mean I think he understands that and I think a lot of kids start to understand that their path to millions and millions of dollars is on the grid iron uh and not the the the football or excuse me it can be it can be both I mean if you're a special talent like this where you're a top four top five Athlete on in two different sports your path to being a millionaire uh can go in multip different directions so uh it's it's always a different thing last thing we've got about a minute if Texas wins this recruitment we've seen some big-time Aggies come out of galison County including one of the best receivers in in college football the past decade and in the pros yeah Texas what would it mean if Texas were able to go to a very maroon part of the State uh and make sure and win this type of recruitment uh I think it's huge right go into an area footprint where you normally don't get kids and say hey I think it's what been since Casey Hampton days you know that she got a kid from gon to 61 right yeah so um I think it's huge it just says that you know we can kind of go into Parts where primarily kids go elsewhere and we can take kids too and you know we're Texas it shows you who you are at the end of the day we're Texas I know they don't have quite have a sports cup that's not part of the sports C uh deal between the Commissioners but I think recruiting they should add recruiting there because now we're taking kids from areas that A&M usually gets I think it's a huge thing though just kind of open up a a different fo footprint and a pipeline to an area that we normally GNA get kids I think it's huge for the future I love this one I hope you got your passport uh if we go Jonah picks the good guys free beer on me for the next 20 24 hours but you have to get to burkdale Australia to cash in man that's uh that's quite the hike uh but I see we got a few people who are ready to get there so we are waiting on the on three recruits channel uh they are they are carrying this we will simoc cast it live on our channel uh Jonah Williams five star from galston ball set to decide he's considered considering USC Oregon Texas LSU and Texas A&M if he picks Texas our buddy JJ in Australia will provide free beer to uh to everybody uh down in burkdale uh but thank everybody for joining us we've got uh over 5,500 across all platforms who are here watching uh make sure you like this video subscribe to the channel um if you are an offensive head coach coach uh and I'll I may have to to bump into you real quick if it gets going but like how hard do you fight to maybe get this guy on your side of the ball even though he's this talented as a safety um I think we talked about this a few few weeks ago we kind of brought it up but I think that if you feel like you can use him on offense and he wants to play offense and that's part of you know the commitment you're gonna find a way to give him package because he can get out there and flex out and play uh in space and be a receiver so I think you just kind of you know you look at I'm not saying he's Ador Jackson when he first got the USC they promised he' get the ball and they kind of gave him the ball when he got the USC even though he eventually play a corner so you just have to find ways to get in the ball in space and see what he does best and uh I don't know I don't know if they're gonna fight for him but I know they're gonna fight to get him a package and you know put him in a game some kind of where get him involved early um so I think defense is probably gon win this battle between the offens and defensive staff a little trivia question do you know who uh adori Jack or Dory Jackson's coach at USC was hey I know brought sarkees it was see go we have the stream going they got ads running of course so let me make sure I get this properly set up because nobody wants to watch an ad from Big Sporting Goods we have this going in just a second they are Live down in gston and we will take this to galston Texas as on through recruits has this going we will be simoc casting it thank you for joining us looking forward to offering our reaction right after this is done [Music] I gotta say one thing real quick I love watching this guy's film it is it is so much fun to see how he just takes care of everything takes care of the football gets to the end zone uh stops others from getting into the end zone so we will find out and just over 10 seconds where Jonah Williams is headed here we go here we go welcome into the Onre Studios welcome we are live here in Nashville Tennessee take a seat get comfortable because we are here for a major live commitment I'm excited about the big one we got today a top 10 player in the country from the state of Texas will be making his decision right here just a couple minutes away but before we get into it hit subscribe make sure you're locked into the best recruiting channel on all of YouTube all right who we here for today it's Jonah Williams of course it is he's a five-star Prospect the number 10 rated player overall from Galveston Texas and he's got a ton of offers Williams though he's narrowed that list down to just five schools Oregon LSU Texas Texas A&M and USC are the finalists after getting on the road this spring and summer Williams took his visits he's ready to decide I'm excited to host this one what's put on the film all right here you see it Williams is the definition of a two sports star he dominates on the diamond and the grid iron he's a jumbo safety Prospect with size athleticism and playmaking instincts measures in it just over 63206 on three views Williams is a true three-phase playmaker on Friday nights lining up at safe wide receiver and punt returner but on the next level he projects as an elite safety with the ability to make an impact early in his career and that's why it's easy to see why Jonah Williams is so coveted all right let's take a look at these social handles remember Jonah is just about to start his career so give him a follow right now there you see it hit follow there's his social handles all right go out to Galveston Texas Jonah Williams he's there he's looking ready Jonah your big day how you feeling um feeling great feeling great all right we see your top schools Oregon LSU Texas Texas A&M and USC what was it about these schools that made your final cut um just the relationship and the bonds I created on my visits to these schools and that just made my my decision all right well Jonah the floor is yours the time is now say your thank yous and let us know where you're committing to college yes sir thank you I just want to thank God for giving me the blessings each and every day with the ability to play the sports I love I want to give a big thanks to all the coaches who consider me to be a part of their program also thanks to my parents for doing everything they can to help me achieve my dream my dreams and aspirations a huge shout out to all the friends and family that made this event everyone who plays a game of football tries to make their unique imprint on the culture and we can make it in the community that's a powerful force to behold and with that being said the next three to four years I'll be taking my talents too University of Texas Texas for Jonah Williams there it is the number one safety in America he staying home Jonah why why was Texas the best fit for you longor [Music] man there it is Jonah why Texas why was Texas the best fit for you um just a coaching uh coach he makes sure he makes sure my wellbeing is always good he asked me how I'm doing how my family and are doing uh and just the way they they planned it out for me I thought it was a perfect and development there is great so that's why I chose University of Texas have you had a chance to talk to coach Sark yet and tell him that you're committing I have not not all right well I I hope he's here watching SAR sarkeesian just landed a great player so talk to Texas fans when you arrive in Austin what type of player are they getting at a Jonah Williams a player that loves to compete and somebody that won't stop until the job is done all right Jonah congratulations go celebrate with your friends and family a huge day we really appreciate you doing this live with on three today yes sir thank you and there it is Jonah Williams the number one safety in America is off the board he's committed to the Texas Longhorns now the Texas long there we go how about that how about that coach yeah how does this affect how the Longhorns are able to recruit in this class and also just how big of an addition is it that's a huge addition man like anytime you can get a five star player in his caliber man it's always a great day this takes you back to the old days man like this is this is fun man when you can get a five star five star guy to commit but a guy who can get it done on both sides of the ball with this kind of mentality though you know he's not a five star Diva I want to say he's a real football player he's a real ball player who really puts in a lot of hard work to be where be where he's gotten and so you're getting a f star kid on and off the field man he's a great addition to the program because he has great leadership qualities um got his head on straight so mentally EV Val is strong and so man we're just getting a great overall kid this is one of the the biggest pickups I feel like for Texas in this cycle it is going to boost them up the uh recruiting rankings obviously five stars matter in this regard and uh Texas gets another one thank everybody for watching this channel we appreciate y'all joining us and hey we'll see you next time on the inside Texas football YouTube channel powered by [Music]

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