Published: Aug 24, 2024
Duration: 00:12:16
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: dustborn
the one thing I like about dustborne is that it came out on the same day as black withth Wukong uh and it was it was a it made it easy for a contrasting story to be told uh you know a story that they didn't necessarily want to be told but it's a it's a good story to tell nonetheless Concord kind of is in the same thing too but it came out after the fact whereas Dorn literally came out on the same day so it was it was an interesting contrasting story uh between the two because these journalists these developers all the mainstream people uh for the most part aside from the ones fighting against the stuff they all have the same [ __ ] story which is if you want your game to be able to reach the largest audience possible if you want to uh uh I guess you know have a successful project then you have to have diversity in the game diversity is the way that you're going to be able to get the largest potential audience because you can reach the most people that's the that's the narrative that they told you that's the narrative they've been selling for I don't know how many years now [Music] well dustborne coming out at the same time black myth Wukong came out is a very easy way to say that that is complete utter [ __ ] uh because you can't even lie and say well you know um black myth Wukong is established IP and Dorn's new well no they're both new like they're both brand new games just hitting the scene they they're both new so they don't have a history or anything like that the only thing driving either game is the interest in said game because they're both new uh but unfortunately for dustborne blackm Wukong is far far far superior obviously I didn't realize that Quantic dream made dustborne what if you had watched my videos you would know this well so well the reason that Mak the reason that's a big deal though is because Quantic dream uh came under five so back in 2019 I believe game announced called Star Wars eclipse and it was the internet went crazy with hash blackout star warss Eclipse because it was being made by Quantic dream and Quantic dream CEO went on record like like openly said we don't make games for fat the word I don't want to S on hypnos channel that will openly say on my own uh so I wonder if this is a course correction because I think this is their first game since the announcement of Star Wars Eclipse well look at this m real quick this this meme is great Socrates made another one I [ __ ] love this keep them coming soes keep them coming that is gold I thought that Dorne is made by Red Thread games and published by Quantic dreams that's what I thought yeah yeah it was published by I think they're subsidiary of quan AR they I don't know if they're it's just being pimped Center on quty dreams website right now so well everyone involved in the making of Dorn should not be working in gaming ever they should all be it's the new porn that's just like what the song Say smash do you still want to play this together because I have second thoughts no I do I really this game all right we'll do it I want to see how far I can get into it like I said I I reached out it melted savy's brain don't do it I stop playing it maybe if we do it like like we said and we drink the whole way through I just want to point out the only way she could play through it was what being stoned oh geez I don't suggest that we have some alcohol at hand when I'll drink my way through it yeah drink every time something annoys you yeah was minutes that whenever there's a controversy surrounding a game that isn't politically charged or politically divisive notice how the sales go up but when there's controversy around a game that is politically divisive and it's like obviously unknown the sales never go up dust born flint lock or any of that [ __ ] it it's just further proof that you [ __ ] are not the majority I don't know where you get this from you you you tried to cancel Hog's Legacy it flopped I mean no no no the the cancelling flop not the game flop what else did they try to uh cancel it was uh Stellar blade it how how many did it sell I believe there's new numbers it sold a lot sold a lot it sold a lot and then you try to cancel this game 2 point how many million concurrent players on Steam alone at the end of the day you I think you guys should just wave the white flag and just have a conversation hey [ __ ] try to cancel my game come on come only people playing this game are shills or people looking for something to make fun of because I prime example totally right a random twitch ethought chilling for this game she says as a 90s gamer kid who grew up reading comic books and adventurous soul with a wild imagination dustborne really moved me all the way from the stunning art to the comic Vibes and apocalyptic story it was a nerdy throwback to the '90s they made me lose a track of time and enjoyed every moment of it thank you Red Thread games for creating such a unique game that reminds us the best simple things we had growing up in the 9s let's see what she says about here's what here's what it actually reminds us of know it reminds us of Hi-Fi rush but [ __ ] bad like it's got a similar comic book style and color palette but high-fi Rush was good I bet she has uh color hair and tats all over her body there you go I bet you she hasn't shadeed between her legs in about three years well let's see let's see guys the art is so [ __ ] cool I love the art in this game it's mad just play Life Is Strange hipnotized by it paig got the of Music hold on hold on some riveting gameplay right now what what is happening right now bro stop stop Disney Star Wars you have a better chance faking an orgasm like what the [ __ ] it's like watching someone reacting to the acolyte like oh lightsaber this is it's like it's like watching that dude I don't know if you guys ever seen this that dude who reacts to um the the Madden game when when they open up packs and they're open up the [ __ ] packs gambling you know gambling and he's like oh my God I just pulled this trash ass 71 overall player like oh my God I just like that's what it looks like right now that's what this is bro the fake smile the the eyes the the eyes are in pain you could tell it's like they're just in pain eyes are insane God man let's play hold on I want to see I want to seeus can fix her no I'm they them I love that they use pronouns by the way sure you do sure you do you ruined your body with Pat this is the action let's go private what the hell y I love that jacket get the [ __ ] out of here I need this jacket in my life oh God bro I'm telling you right now I I know I've said this I can't be a show bro I just can't I can't there's no way tag you know what this reminds me of this my my kids watch really stupid YouTube videos with over-the-top people like this sounds like one of those annoying videos they watch this Creator this this content creator looks like if Melanie Mack fully embraced wokeness folks Man play the goddamn sound man I'm sick of you and [ __ ] godamn it that [ __ ] joke sounded like it was going to go somewhere and you [ __ ] it up well get used to it you piece of [ __ ] black at wearing bastard thank God you play the sound for that as well I I have to mention the Hat otherwise right now over over over again I hate being I hate being alive I hate breathing I hate being alive I wish I could afford free by the way look at that y remember do y'all remember that epic run of funny ass racist jok Ryan used to have yeah he used them all up he didn't take his time and now he's out of materials crazy can't find new material hold on there's more to this clip let me just finish this oh no we got to get through the F whoa there's an arcade machine I've never seen no [ __ ] way no way oh you guys remember the game we play Growing Up game I could someone who's never played a video game no one gets excited about no you know what that is that's someone who's played like an Atari game and then was in like a underground shelter for 40 years and didn't see technology and then saw this game and then like Blown Away by it I think that would be that know other people have done sorry I'm sorry you got to hit the sound on that one I thought that was really G sowh you gotta hit you got to hit JT with the policing people's comedy you stupid bastard I'm just saying y'all be start of the joke it's like it's like a car that takes off at the finish line and it looks like it's about to hit like 60 in 0.6 seconds or something and it breaks down at the end what happened like what the [ __ ] happened you started out so so hot and the [ __ ] car broke down I just want you to we got to get a police uniform for a trash cuz he's like comedy policing us over here there we go back let's talk about this though with when it comes to dustborne so a lot of people on that thread that I had uh because my hypnotic news things are going viral now which is great the um a lot of people don't realize that this game is governmentally funded even even to a small extent it still is this game got 150,000 um funded you know completed everything uh it's interesting you know and and it goes to show that they want call us the grifter man but all these consultancy groups and all these Dei projects are just taking money from the government and running with it that's not their only F which by the way is our money this is taxpayer money they're taking grants from the banks they're charging interest rates and the they're pumping liquidity into the market causing inflation we all pay for this the game is basically indoctrination for uh antifa so it's beautiful payp own wallet it's fantastic thank you what the government wants people to to be indoctrinated with sure uh Hypno did you see I shared it in the um streamyard chat the dust borne has a physical Edition that comes with a uh collector box game case a map of the American Republic two postcards a 32-page prologue to the story of dustborne and a sheet of stickers and we can't get physical games of games that we actually want why actually was came with a protest sign like a black Wild oh my God look at this Dorne Deluxe retail Edition get your hands on the physical version telling you I'm gonna say right now you can take over but I would almost say buy this if you're someone who wants to make money off of game in the future because this is probably going to be super limited and people gonna look back at it and be like oh man I should have bought that piece of [ __ ] game I'm not gonna lie I kind of want it some of the most most expensive games sold uh you know old games are games that nobody wanted when it was out [Music]