Australia Is Banning Kids From Social Media

apparently Australia is going to be banning kids from social media took them long enough especially in Australia man those kids do not need to be on Australian social media them people are weird so I'm going to watch asmin gold watch Australia to ban children social media don't know who the video is from but asmin gold Australia is going to ban children from using social media really let's take a look at this Australia is to ban children from using social media the legislation will impose and enforce a minimum age to use platforms like Facebook and Instagram by what about YouTube because there's some stuff going on in the YouTube comments right now with some uh uh underage material can I even say that being advertised and slung around on in the YouTube comments and that's crazy by the end of the year although the exact age hasn't yet been revealed the government is Consulting on settling it between the ages of 4 and 16 here's prime minister Anthony alanazi explaining his reasoning I think to say kids off their devices and onto the footy fields and the swimming pools and the tennis courts uh we want them to have real experiences with real people no no that is the wrong that is the wrong way to go about it man that is not why you want kids off of social media you want kids off social media because it's rotting their brains it's not because you want them to go do more things it's because the things that is on if social media was was nothing but good stuff then it would be fine but there it's nothing but bad stuff and well there's a little bit of good stuff but it's mostly bad stuff because we know that social media is causing social harm this is a Scourge we know that there is uh mental health consequences uh for what uh many of uh the young people it's crazy I hear that social media has got kids all kinds of [ __ ] up uh it does like cuz whenever I was in school like we had social media but like it wasn't really that much of a thing cuz like we had like Myspace and like Facebook and [ __ ] like that but it was mostly games for kids like they had games and stuff that you would play and you'd play games with your friends and it got ridiculous they tried to Market it too heavy and then old people got into it and ruined it but I don't know why but like yeah thank God yeah it wasn't that big of a big of a deal I remember my earbook I had my yearbook and it had this thing called lunch money that you could earn from playing games and you could send stickers to friends and stuff and it was just fun stuff yeah it wasn't life I yeah I don't know what it's like now because like you know back then like you couldn't get on social media on the at school right like you couldn't look at it at school you couldn't do anything like that at school like you had to wait till you got home and everything so it's terrible now yeah and this guy's [ __ ] out now we Ain even children I mean I'm going to be honest like I think I have a great relationship with social media I and to be honest the the social media websites kind of suck back then and they also weren't on phones as much some people did have them on their phones but it was the website on the phone do uh I treat it like entertainment I think that if you treat social media like entertainment then you can begin to actually enjoy it in a healthy way and you might spend too much time looking at it sure but like the moment that you become emotionally invested is I think the moment that you start falling off the cliff you know now have had to deal with uh The Bullying that can occur online uh the access to material uh which causes social harm yep well course Sydney Phil merer tell me more what we heard there from the Australian prime minister Anthony albanesi he doesn't want an Australian child's best friend to be a device he wants them out on the football field or I mean getting people to go outside is important definitely uh but it it's hard to really like stop people from doing that on so like social media people just going to play video games right instead so or they're going to watch movies watch TV they'll do something else if they want to be lazy they're already lazy like as soon as want to go outside that's fine I think also like in general like my opinion is that the age should be the age of consent so like whatever the age of consent is that should be the age that you have to be in order to use social media uh what wherever like if it's 16 18 17 like I think like around is like [ __ ] 12 or 9 maybe make an exception for that still can't have social media that early but overall that's basically just make it 18 just make it 18 if you're out of high school fine sure unless you're under 18 yet so yeah dropouts don't get social media 15 Sweden yeah I'm not sure but either way um I I think that's really where I would look at it from and you must be required to have a high school diploma in order to use social media I wouldn't go there playing netball on a court so what his government is proposing that before the next election which is due before May of next year he wants to bring in new legislation that would set a minimum age for children to access social media he hasn't said uh how young an Australian would have to be or how old they would have to be in order to uh up an account hey people in small towns use Facebook because everybody it's it's a really good way to interact only with the people in your town because you can curate your friends list and people aren't just following you it's likely to be somewhere between 14 and 16 years of age the prime minister is favoring the upper level in that age range but many unanswered questions remain how would this be enforced we know that facial recog well you don't necessarily need to have like a hard level of enforcement it's just that if somebody is advertising themselves to be underage then you should ban them and also it will it is a method of reduction like guaranteed that there's less kids on social media if you get banned if you say that you're a kid on social media like it's it's obvious that that's what would happen so it it's not like it it's not like it's going to get rid of it the only thing that can get rid of this problem is good parenting at the end of the day like that's the only thing that you're really going to be able to do because even if you made it to where you needed to have ID verification kids would just use their parents who didn't use their social media accounts and then just pretend to be their parents so there'd always be a way that you could get around it and there's always a way that like kids can find to like get drugs or drink alcohol or something like that right just lie Etc right so like the only real solution like if I had a kid would I allow my kid to have social media um I think it depends on a kid like I don't know if I'd really I like you know let's say they're 15 right would I allow them to have social media I think I would say yes but it really depends on who the kid is because like not just that and who the kids are around him it doesn't just have anything to do with with your kid because you could have just fine kid kids fine on social media and then your friend or your kid's friend sends them an Isis video and completely ruins his brain it's not like the kid's going to be a blank slate right like for example like some kids like some things some things what if it's a girl well I I think like basically the best solution is for a parent to teach and bolster that individual like their their child's ability to understand what they're dealing with I don't think that Sheltering them and protecting them from social media is the best solution but I think it's the best systematic solution if that makes sense so like if I was able to like raise a kid and be like yes people are going to talk to you this way you're going to see weird [ __ ] online you know what I would do if uh my kid had a had a boyfriend or a girlfriend they were they're not allowed to text no no messages not because I don't want it to be secret I don't care if it's in secret talk over the phone though so you can actually have some you can actually hear each other's voice and hear the emotion in the voice and it's not just like oh I'm just I'm playing a game and I'm just texting her because I'm trying to maintain a relationship and it is what it is welcome to the real world like I don't think that there's like a bad like I don't think that's bad I feel like that's how to prepare because again like a parent's responsibility in a lot of cases is preparing their kid to become an adult right the parents responsibility is protecting the kid sure but in that way of protecting them is teaching them how to protect themselves so in a perfect world I would probably let my kids have social media at a certain point right not at five uh but at a certain point I would but um I I would make sure that I was paying attention and uh you know they were learning what's going on you know it's a net negative on Mental Health um I think that it is I think there's a lot of things that are net negatives on Mental Health but you should allow people to engage in so like for example like fast food or like uh you know junk food or like going to McDonald's I think that allowing people to engage in things that are bad for them can help them learn that those things are bad for them and in cases where you can allow a kid it's like you know don't touch the oven uh you know it's hot and then you know it's like yeah why can't I put my hand on it well touch it and find out oh my God you're going to remember that one so yeah it's like if you can teach a kid by allowing a kid to make the mistake themselves that's the best that's the best solution right yeah but there are certain things that you could see online that I would argue is worse than burning your hand on a stove because there are images that will NE that they will never leave your brain I've seen some things that I wish that I'd never seen and every once in a while I think about them they pop into my brain people dying uh things happening to Children yeah internet is a dark scary place right because like yeah don't shelter them it's the same like alcohol and drugs like every kid is going to have the opportunity to drink alcohol or do drugs before they graduate high school basically every single kid and maybe I'm in a weird place uh like here in Austin Texas but here like in Middle School people were drinking and doing drugs right so like and the parents aren't doing that right what I'm saying is that like that didn't [ __ ] me up because I didn't like doing it and my parents rais me to not be like that and that's just how I am and so I think it's easy to say that you can just oh ban social media and like that that is I think what you should do but the true only real solution is good parenting and hopefully you guys can understand the difference between those two things right like the best real solution and the best systematic solution yeah and age verification software will be tried in this country ahead of any specifics relating to this legislation so essentially Anthony albanesi the Prime Minister wants to clamp down on young people's use of social media because he says that parents are worried sick about what their experiences might be well then do something about it man don't just leave it up to the government to fix all your problems don't let your kid on social media it's not that hard your kid's going to kick and scream you shouldn't have let it get to that point man and at the moment that there is already I I do think that there is a passing of responsibility to these social media companies parents are doing and I think that it's unfair if your kid is going on social media websites that's probably the last thing that you need to be worried about that your kids's doing like I don't know about you guys but like whenever we were in middle school we were going on on all kinds of like weird porn sites and stuff like this in middle school so like you really think Facebook is corrosive like come on like let's be honest I was on Chan when I was like 14 15 years old that was like over a decade ago that was 15 years ago uh so it it's like and I guarantee you kids are doing that now absolutely because like what do you think like oh they're they're different like oh wow like now they're not come on supposed to be an age limit imposed by people like Facebook and Instagram who want users to be I think at least 13 years old but the question is going to be part the reason why they want users to be 13 this is very important I don't want anybody to think that this is something that's being done in the best interest of the public it's something that is being done because of a law in the United States it is the law that you cannot have somebody under 13 on a social media platform I forgot what the acronym is for what the law is but uh yes so it's not like they actually care it's that they are legally required to care around enforce personal Liberty and freedom I guess Children online protection well this debate is ongoing not in Australia but as you say right around the world um how much um time on advice is good and what should young people be consuming now people who are concerned about Australia's rush to impose a minimum age say that essentially it would deprive um Australian Children of the benefits of social media for many young people they happily use social media as a way to connect with their friends to be educated and informed and what are some and and again I know people say what benefits a as a kid that use social media like I grew up on social media even like even though I'm older I was still on social media as soon as I could I learn stuff all the time on social media I would argue that the reason that I'm so good at Tech is because of social media and YouTube and stuff like that but I had relatively good parents well grandparents my grandpa was a programmer he kind of knew his way around the internet and what what to do and what not to do when I was a kid he got me a computer when I was a kid but he didn't connect it to the internet I didn't actually have social media until I was like 13 14 and as soon as I got that I wasn't on social media anymore I was on there to talk to my girlfriend at the time but I was using the internet for these degenerate de depraved things that I was looking at and doing it's not social media it's the whole internet just just be better parents just mind what your kids are watching mind their attitude about it could be I feel like social media was cool I liked it I thought it was fun yeah yeah I wouldn't want to have it taken away from me yeah so like that that's the way I feel yeah I I feel like kids shouldn't be on social media under the age of 18 but it also shouldn't be illegal critics of the Prime Minister want is not this Sledgehammer approach to imposing a minimum age but more work to be done to make the internet more appropriate and accessible for children so [ __ ] that [ __ ] that yeah OPP change because some people can't be good parents true absolutely [ __ ] not yeah don't restrict us all because a few bad actors except that's what they want because then they can lock down and curate everything that goes into it then they can push their ads and their information just because you can't take take care of your kid I don't want to have to watch my language and not post certain things like everybody has to censor themselves because you can't take care of your kid won't happen [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you we we'll go somewhere else we ain't going to have it you absolutely not it is a massive debate in this country and the government is promising to bring in new laws by the end of the year what we need in a going to make everything better Phil Mercer there for us well there it is uh I'm glad to see that I think that the age should be the age of consent uh that way you don't have people that are being prayed on by adult uh adult men I think this is obviously very common uh spawn camping right and uh this is what happens and so whatever the age of consent is that should be what the minimum required age is and uh yeah I disagree age consent it depends on the country right I mean obviously I think all children should be on social media but parents should not let their children be on social media different countries even different states here in the US have different ages of consent but like the point is that that's that's my barometer so yeah just another excuse for censorship well I don't think that you should censor anything on the internet right uh it's not that you should censor it it's just that certain people shouldn't be on it uh that's all so yeah and uh depends on where you are oh god oh yeah um if it's such a rampant problem clearly there aren't enough safeguards in place it makes sense to censor all until it's rectified too many people will be impacted while we get it right um I don't think that it is a rampant problem I think that the only real rampant problem is people with bad parents who are unable to instill morals and ideals in them that allow them to be uh bolstered for the problems in life uh I I don't the idea that we need to censor everything because some parents are bad is outrageous to me it's such an it's such an insane thing to think in my opinion yeah I would absolutely not not want to do that should there should be internet kids like YouTube kids yeah yeah I think that like having applications like YouTube kids is totally fine and I'm completely okay with that yeah the the what that person said is correct I think that there should be a so what we use they call the clear web I think and there's like the the dark web the Deep Web the clear web and then there should be another level above that that's like for kids only internet for K kids that's curated by I don't know the people who are high in education but it shouldn't be a requirement it should just be an option that was interesting video I hate Australia Australia sucks it seems like a dystopian nightmare over there all the animals can kill you and you have no way to defend yourself against them L for Australia [Music]

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