Geena Davis, Alfre Woodard & Bill Pullman Among 6 Cast In Duffer Brothers’ The Boroughs
Published: Sep 04, 2024
Duration: 00:02:43
Category: People & Blogs
Trending searches: geena davis
what up your here while we wait to hear any um updates of the final season of stranger things looks like The Duffer Brothers has a new TV project uh in the pipeline which is a supernatural mystery series tied the Bros uh according to deadline they've of course um uned a really cool cast for the series uh the show which is created by Jeffrey Edis and will Matthews has added six to its cast they include the likes of Alf Lena of course Dr Octopus from Spider-Man 2 and no way home Gina Davis from Delo Louise Fame Alfred Woodard from Clemy uh Dennis O'Hare from American Horror Story Fame Clark Peters who was also in Netflix's defi blood and Bill pman from the center and obviously independent uh the the BR um is set in a seemly pictures of retirement cir where a group of unlikely heroes must band together to stop an otherwi Dr other worldly dread from stealing the one thing they don't have is time some have equated to the series as stranger things with an oder cast or stranger things set in a retirement community ATT tracks given The Duffer Brothers creations of the series now as for the show Malona will play Sam uh d uh Gina Davis will play uh Renee Woodard will play uh Judy O'Hare will play Willie um Clark Pierce will play uh art and PMA will play Jack uh oh and top it off other actors who has also joined um it was also reported that uh B Taylor um has come Bo to exec produce not join the cast so my bad um not bad here I mean apolina is always amazing you know whether it's in Spider-Man whether it's um in the instigators I mean he's always who doesn't love afro Molina right afro wter is always great Bill palman J Davis I adore you know I just rewatched demo Louise last night unpopular pinent my that's actually my favorite Really Scott film I don't care what anyone says uh I mean danios soare is always great got some really cool cast members on board here so I don't know sign me with this one could be really cool anyway let me let you guys what are you thoughts on U on these cast members of this upcoming Netflix series called the Bros do you like the sound of it do you like the um actors evolve you know are you a fan of Duffer Brothers work on stranger things and are you looking forward to see other projects that they could do outside of strange things drop comments below don't forget to like subscribe hit that Bell for notification this is s