Category: Film & Animation
[musique] bonjour cette semaine de rentrée ciné est encore très riche avec tout d'abord ce thriller signé daniel hoteuil c'est le fil et attention c'est surprenant il est avec nous tout de suite puis nous évoquons ensemble cette adaptation cinétordante de silex and the city la série tv et nous assistons... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] hey everyone just got out of beetlejuice beetlejuice here this is my out of theater reaction here for the outlaw nation so here's what i'll tell you i enjoyed being back in the world that tim burton had created for sure in the first original beetle juice but this one isn't quite as magical or... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Intro jurassic world rebirth has released its synopsis and its first movie images beetlejuice beetlejuice is projected to break $100 million its opening weekend barry kyogen has joined the pey blinders movie and six amazing movies are hitting theaters for re-releases this weekend let's get into this... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[cellphone buzzing] [cellphone bloops] - [moans] - [laughter] - when you're all driving carpool and banging your pilates instructors to fill the empty voids in your life, we'll see who gets the last laugh. - [cackling] ♪♪♪ [bicycle bell rings] ♪♪♪ astrid: my mom grew up here. that old house on the hill.... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Ah [aplausos] [música] una pareja casada bárbara y adam maitland decide pasar sus vacaciones en casa la feliz pareja bromea pero se detienen cuando llega jane la prima de bárbara jane le dice con entusiasmo a bárbara que recibió una oferta por su casa bárbara la rechaza sin interés en vender su hogar... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Beetle juice beetle juice beetle juice it's show time the ghost with the most is back and we're getting our first look at michael keaton in the upcoming sequel beetlejuice beetlejuice beetle juice the iconic character looking just as ghastly as the last time we saw him keaton rocking his signature black... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] i am alone i am utterly alone by the time you read this i will be gone having jumped having limited off the winter river bridge so i don't care what it takes you get the deas out of there now like oh wait a minute what are you going to do this scare them i want to make sure it's not some silly... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This is a safe space okay can you describe the film in three words oh my god this is always so hard smelly uh hilarious original poignant beautiful moldy excellent film making Read more
Category: Entertainment
She's lovely and she's so uh her voice has not changed much yeah and her she's she's really i think she's done a beautiful job being consistent with you know the lydia we knew for many many years ago and michael too just looks like he's in heaven he of course didn't have to worry about aging because... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Stop what you're doing do you know these five crazy facts about michael keaton's career all right movie buffs let's dive in fact one did you know michael keaton's real name is michael douglas he changed it to avoid confusion with the other famous michael douglas the fact twoo before becoming an a-list... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Kate blanchet shared a sweet moment with her jibber edith nine before taking to the red carpet at the venice film festival on wednesday the actress a regular at the annual event attended the star papaya gibber premiere for beetle juice beetle juice but not before taking in the festivities with her little... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Beetlejuice beetlejuice releases in a few days and today i'm at the mall so i can go pick up every single one of the characters or at least i'm going to try to get as many of the funko pops as possible they just got them in this morning at my hot topic they opened up at 10:00 it's like about 10:30 i... Read more