Category: Film & Animation
It's the cops it's dad same thing hello so how is he are you still thinking about harming yourself oh it's protocol bro no laces no belts he he he's he's good yeah pardon the mess i i wasn't expecting guess wasn't expecting anything mom and dad somebody come get you they want us to drive your car back... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] victory can only be obtained if we work as a team d16 yellow 127 wait are we playing transformers yeah this guy's literally got a cannon for an [music] arm a come on you call yourself a prime no no no wait you can't do that there can't be two megatron exactly there can only be one come on calvin... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] let's have a look shely guilty is [music] charged you want it's intense this one's from my [music] heart hey i love a good game sequence ready p my mom grew up here that old house in the hell wait the ghost house ghosts aren't real make gable people believe that kind of crap e who beetle juice... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Tu sais c'est une mutation c'est un phénomène récent complexe évacu monsieur on va s'en occuper non mais les g pe'est que tu veux ça sert à rien de les enfermerend à vivre ensemble pas peur c'est ta mère [musique] ça va qu'est-ce qu'il a et c'est quoi la suite tu m'attaches à un lit comme elle qu'est-ce... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Cidade de deus não pode dar mole é preciso saber a hora de atirar e a hora de baixar a arma na favela é uma luta diária quando uma pessoa luta todo mundo luta junto os últimos 20 e poucos anos eu saí da favela mas a favela não saiu de mim calma calma calma impressa avisa pr geral grande busc de volta... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Welcome to the oil [music] [music] business oil and gas industry makes $3 billion a day in pure profit and it's only getting bigger but before any of that money is made you got to secure the land and manage the people that's my job first part is pretty simple it's the second part that can get you killed... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
On espère à peu près tous la même chose la vie soit belle et tranquille avoir une famille heureuse des amis sur qui compter cergy aussi pas crevé par des combes et berges pourra pas être des vôtres qu'un message à lui faire passer pourquoi t'es facteurs tu vas crever la gueule ouverte comme un con que... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Seen some weird bl i ain't see no blood at home i don't know what is happening to me this is power i'm told he's the source of power we shut him down we get our city back in exchange for wealth and power the devil mal buia has sent a lieutenant to earth to recruit men this this is the b they took my... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Nos últimos 20 e poucos anos eu saí da favela mas a favela não saiu de mim calma gente calma calmaa avisa pr geral que o grande buscapé tá de volta hein já te falei temp na buscapé wilson ah não mete essa busc buc e de lá para cá o bicho pegou no rio de [aplausos] janeiro como é que você me solta aí... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey guys check this out wait for it he is much more impressive than the hedgehog i f previously dude i'm standing right here you're colorful bunch we don't want to fight you actually sonic i would like to fight w my turn can we just talk about this he's too powerful sonic i can't believe i'm saying... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] l'entrée du personnel se fait par l'office plus loin j'ai mis une annonce pour recruter un employé de maison trop la classe on dirait un british je suis un british oh ça va pas être simple qui sait ce qu'il nous [musique] apportera je cherchais de réseau et moi je fais de la broderie avec... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] two years ago the name arthur fleck had gotham like a hurricane you want me to call you arthur or the joker take me back to that night on stage what changed well i'll tell you what's changed i'm not alone anymore you can do anything you want don't you think it's a little too much a little much... Read more