The roster is set. What are your thoughts Packers fans? Plus, Brewers are back in action.
Published: Aug 27, 2024
Duration: 02:57:58
Category: Entertainment
Trending searches: packers roster
e e e e e what up everybody good morning and happy Wednesday making a turn already on this week of ours August 28th big big thanks for tuning in wherever however you may be tuning in from and uh big thanks to to listening where or however you're you're listening to us whether it's on the radio dials 105.1 FM 790 a.m also available online sportalk 1051 comom you got the uh the app Sports Talk app download that take it on the go smart devices smart speakers and of course the video stream up and rolling on Facebook and YouTube here this morning got a big game plan what do we got on that game plan well the initial roster is sets for the uh for the pack for the green and gold anything kind of surprise you what jumped out to you shocked you disappointed you whatever the case may be but uh as we know mentioned it before we were off the air yesterday Anders Carlson did not make the team Greg Joseph did make the team uh we will see whether that sticks whether that holds uh maybe the Packers going to be looking at some of the other kickers potentially release could they uh potentially be working on a working on a trade uh out there that remains to be seen but right now Joseph is the the kicker on this Packers roster so got that and then AJ Dylan on injured reserve not designated to return not designated to return which potentially could mean his Packers career is over with um had to sneeze there quick sorry about that uh but we're going to talk a little bit about AJ Dylan and potentially I mean we talked to Dr crow about it last week with his finger injury we talked about you know not to spread uh any you know info out there that's not confirmed or anything like that but the fact that you know he had another Stinger injury something that uh uh ended his season last year or affected the end of the season last year for for him and now he's not able to even play at all this year you kind of have to wonder is there more going on with with AJ Dylan and his neck injury right now now we haven't heard if it's he's done career-wise there's been some talk about there maybe an injury settlement so another team could you know he could be released and maybe another team would would pick him up but I think the fact that we know Green Bay has been very cautious with with injuries too right we we've seen it we've we've heard about it it's I mean it's been a thing for for a long time out there but it sucks okay I'll just come out say it sucks first of all he's he's my kid's favorite player so I mean we just got him in AJ D and bobblehead on on Saturday for crying out loud but I mean you know from from a career perspective it it sucks that we may not see 28 suit up again in that uh in that green and gold with that g on that helmet the mayor of D County I mean a guy a player that I think a lot of Packers fans gravitated towards was a big fan favorite sure his play suffered or you know wasn't that great the last couple years after his second year kind of setting the bar fairly high up there absolutely totally get that but can also still say it sucks it stinks for for AJ Dylan now I don't know again if his career is done with but man I was really looking forward to seeing AJ Dylan out there this year and a potentially maybe altered different type of role for him within this offense so but talk about that coming up here in just a little bit what else stood out to you on uh on the roster all right give me your take hit me up with a text 715 8301 912 on that shoe doctor's Bullpen line what stood out to you so we got that coming up here uh and then today we'll know from players who were claimed on weight favors and and and such so that should be in a few hours uh for sure at the at the end of this hour and such so but um yeah uh okay we'll we'll get to that coming up here in just a second also Brewers back in Action last night speaking of injuries uh Christian Yelich Christian Yelich was back with the team uh talked a little bit with the with the media uh beforehand and I know Christian Yelich has been a guy too that some fans have speculated oh boy is his career done with uh but he said before the game quote I think everybody sees back surgery and they think oh that's the end of your career but in my mind that couldn't be any further from the truth I think that it's going to help me tremendously I think I'll feel a lot better than I have in the last few years in that sense it's cool it's a really nice thing the only thing that's really not great about this is the timing aspect of this and not being able to finish the season to take part in what is hopefully another postseason run that's unfortunate because it's a really fun team to be a part of so that that was from Christian Yelich before the game yesterday so Brewers though scoreboard wise they fell to the Giants in game one of their series five to4 uh Willie Adamas hitting another home run in the bottom of the six to take the lead for the crew but Brewers not able to hold on top of seventh another error from will Damas on the defensive side too but Brewers just not able to hold on not able to to attack on a couple runs later on the game and ended up falling last night in a five to Four game PS getting charged uh with the loss last night Tobias Meyers uh no decision for him five innings three hits three earn runs four KS didn't give up a couple of dingers to the Brewers so we're talking about Logan web and you know he's been eating up some Innings lately for the uh for the Giants and such but the Brewers uh able to knock him out after five he gave up four in runs did uh uh did walk Three too and he also gave up a couple dingers including one to again Jackson Cheerio Jackson Cheerio and Jackson Cheerio is home run so first of all American Family field they got that new scoreboard out there apparently uh I was reading a little bit this morning from cost between 12 to4 million to install um Jackson cheo's uh uh home run he his longest home run was that two-run shot that uh sailed about 449 feet according to stat cast and it actually knocked out a section of the the LED scoreboard that was uh installed you could if you look it up on the internet you could see like a big old black box on there and such but yeah Jackson Cheerio I guess literally leaving his Mark if you will Blake Perkins again another uh another run saving home run saving Rob in center field there I mean that dude I think what's up to four he's had this year of Robin Hol runs over the by the by the uh by the warning track over the fence there and such so a fantastic defensive player makes it look so easy for for everybody else out there but uh Brewers will be back at it tonight to try to even up this series with the with the Giants first pitch again same time 710 710 for the uh for the crew Brewers nine games up on the Cubs now for first place in the NL Central but uh we got Freddy Peralta on the mound tonight for the crew looking for his seventh win Harrison's going to be on the mound for the Giants we'll talk some baseball we'll talk some Brewers uh coming up a little bit later on here as well we got some business of sports to get to we'll talk about that coming up just past 8 o'clock here this morning so we'll uh we'll hit that up uh we'll throw some more College Football chat in here as we get closer to to the Badgers kicking off their season coming up this Friday night so we'll talk some more college football uh coming at you too to so let's get things rolling here this morning let's uh kick it off with a little G with a with a little uh lead off excuse me talking some Packers your first reaction your first thoughts on the initial 53 man roster the initial 53 man roster anything surprise you anything stand out to you uh anything you would have done differently um or maybe you're like nope this is exactly what I picked this is exactly what I would have done outside of AJ Dylan and maybe Anders there was a couple other decisions moves made that that surprised me a little bit and I it's different to it I got to keep I'm I'm one of those two I got to keep reminding myself of this that you know it changed over the last couple years where you can promote somebody from the practice squad day before to to play a game now there's a Max of that believe it's just three times and then you got to add up to to your active roster so there's a little strategy involved uh with that no doubt about it but at the same time you're also you know if that's you're thinking like okay we could put this guy on waivers and maybe keep this other guy but we'll bring him back on practice squad who we we'll play him on game days and such and then maybe there's an injury and then we could promote him to the active roster still a risk that nobody else would go out there and claim him but you know couple guys that that were cut kayn Kane rookie seventh rounder Anthony Johnson Jr I thought had a good game on on Saturday too so there was a couple surprise moves uh from the pack and then the Packers keeping 10 10 offensive linemen so let's uh let's break it down shall we we'll take our first break and then the lead off coming up we'll uh talk a little Packers to take a look at this roster then we got some Brewers chat lined up uh for you as well stick around we're just getting things rolling here on this Wednesday morning quick break we'll be back in just a couple minutes e e e e e e e e e e e doesn't one of those Taco omelets from VFW Post 305 sound absolutely amazing right now on this Wednesday morning it sure does so if you are maybe trying to think what what should I grab for breakfast here this morning go check out VFW Post 305 on 1300 Star Avenue all right Taco omelette it's amazing big thanks again G man for a couple weeks ago for dropping one of those off uh speaking of VFW Post 305 two coming up uh so parents if you're listening with with the kiddos maybe you've gotten back or into card collecting with your kiddos or maybe the kiddos are are big into card collecting uh these days but uh September 8th at the VFW Post 305 are good friends from the card collecting Club they have their second annual sports cards kickoff four kids 10: a to 2 PM so put that on your calendars don't have to worry about a pack game that day over there too so uh free event for the kids goodie bags at the door free sports card breaks contests to win number Jersey autographed cards so much more also silent auction uh and a bunch of cards in and sports memorabilia so Brian and the card collecting Club do a fantastic job with that and with the kid and such so again September 8th at our good friends at the VFW Post 305 the second annual sports cards kickoff for kids all right let's get things uh rolling here this morning shall we uh let's do uh let's do uh let's do some uh what is that kind got some spam stuff out there so but uh nonetheless let's do some uh Packers talk here to lead things off this morning the initial roster is set right the initial roster is set for the Packers we use the word initial because it still could change before they take on the Eagles on September 6 but uh the Packers as we know uh have elected to right now keep Greg Joseph as their kicker over Anders Carlson we'll see if that's something that uh holds true I still have my doubts on it but I don't know what what goody and and the rest of the Packers brass is thinking over there at 1265 Lombardi Avenue maybe they know something more than well they probably do know more something than than a lot of us out there but Anders gone after just one year um also AJ Dylan he ain't playing this year for for the Packers placed on injured reserve does not have the designation to return so either he's done or maybe there's a buyout an injury buyout where he could potentially uh go to another team if he's healthy enough I'm concerned about it we talked with Dr crow about it last week if you missed that conversation you can check it out in another episode of the man cave podcast but you gotta Wonder now is there's some neck issues going on over there second Stinger remember last season it's what kind of affected uh the end of the his regular season last year I I don't want to spread any maybe false info or anything like that but fact that you're already done for the year that does not bode well that does not bode well so Jordan love Malik Willis that trade becoming official pending physical those are your quarterbacks your running backs Josh Jacobs Marshon Lloyd and Emanuel Wilson so Marshon lyd not placed on the injured reserve maybe potentially could later on who knows but but right now not receivers Romeo Christian Jaden Davian Malik Keith Bo Melton so the receivers that the Packers ended their season with last year are the ones that they're going to begin with this year Grant deos not making the initial 53 man roster Tay also uh cut from the team tight ends just three Luke Musgrave Tucker craft Ben Sims Tyler Davis also placed on injured reserve uh offensive lineman Packers electing to keep 10 of them Elton Jenkins Josh Meyers Rasheed Walker Zack Tom sha Ryan Jordan Morgan Andre Diller Jacob Monk and then the Packers did elect to keep Kadeem tord and Travis Glover releasing Royce Newman Caleb Jones uh amongst others and I think it's fair to say when we go to to the defensive ends because of his game that we saw on Saturday Aaron Mosby won himself a job he made the initial 53 man roster Preston Smith ran Gary Lucas vaness Kingsley Enoch bar Breton Cox Jr and Aaron Mosby I think it's fair to say he won himself a job for what uh the performance he had on Saturday defensive tackles was pretty much uh it was pretty much cut and dry Kenny Clark TJ slate Devonte white Carl Brooks Kobe wooden they did Place Jonathan Ford who got hurt on Saturday on injured reserve but he gets the uh the designated to return status for him linebackers again it was kind of what we all thought there Quay Walker Isaiah McDuffy Eric Wilson Eden Cooper Tyron Hopper Christian uh Christian Welch was released but you got to wonder maybe he could Packers hopefully thinking they I'm assuming they're hoping that he can get back on the uh on the practice squad there five corn so they did just go with the five corner Jer Eric Stokes Kean Carrington but electing to go with the veteran Cory Balentine over kayn King again I got to imagine the Packers kin King they're they're wanting kin King on the uh uh on the practice squad safeties Xavier mckin Javon Bullard Evan Williams oladapo rookie but the Packers electing to keep Zayn Anderson over Anthony Johnson Jr and Anthony Johnson Jr I thought had a solid Camp I thought he had a solid game on Saturday this though this move tells me there was special teams in involved in that decision keeping Zayn over Anthony Johnson Jr on the initial 53 man roster that's that's what what kind of stands out to me and then of course Greg Joseph Daniel whan and Matt orzac so that is again your your initial 53 player roster for the Packers what stood out to you what decisions what moves do you uh maybe not agree with that sort of stuff um I I I'll say it again the the two moves that kind of surprised me that they didn't make the roster was kin King uh I thought kin King earned a job I mean he was getting reps at at the at the nickel at the corner slot with with the second defense at times in practice High Praise from Matt lefour made plays again on Saturday so I was surprised they did not keep kayin King they I think they feel like they can clear him through waivers and and get him on the practice squad and such that's a risk in my opinion and it might work out for Green Bay it might but it just takes one team to blame him on waivers and then you don't have the guy so I hope we haven't seen the L of kin King because I think there's something there with the kid I think we you know let's get him back on this on this ball Club I would love to see it I want kin King back because I think that kid has a lot of talents that we can mold in this thing so I hope we get to see number 34 back in Green Bay at that practice squad uh and and I'll say same thing about Anthony Johnson Jr I like Anthony Johnson Jr I liked him last year I think he's taken some steps this year and year two um I understand you know maybe keeping Zayn Anderson for special teams purposes over there so I hope Green Bay is able to bring back Anthony Johnson Jr as part of that practice squad too so I just those were the two moves I think surprised me the most because outside of the yers and AJ Dylan ones there but I thought for sure kin King was was going to be making this roster but again you know you look at Corey played a lot of snaps last year with with the starting defense because of injuries right got a lot of experience there so I understand Green Bay you know wanting to to keep him they they resigned him to bring him back it's guy who logged a lot of snaps with this ball Club but I got to Imagine Green Bay is really hoping they can bring back anony Johnson Jr and kayin King to uh to this roster you know couple other things that I guess stood out to me the 10 offensive lineman um deciding to keep those 10 instead of maybe thinking let's try to get somebody you know back on the practice squad there I mean I'm not surprised with who was released I think Royce Newman the time was just maybe for some fans that it was a little too late you know probably would have won in release last year and such Caleb Jones I think you know massive tackle couple years ago they were excited about his potential and maybe just didn't develop into the the type of tackle the type of player that they were hoping for at this point in time so I'm not surprised by any of the players they released I think I'm just surprised they did go ahead and keep 10 and I think you know kind of looking at the guys they kept it Kad tord Travis Glover were probably the two that got those last two spots so instead of trying to figure out who got it they're they're keeping the youngster guys over there and and maybe they weren't comfortable with the fact of putting one of those guys out there on waivers and having another team claim them because remember too there's going to be some strategy with some of these teams here you're going to keep your 53 you know guys make that initial 53 but then after a couple days like after today if the Packers are awarded a waiver claim on somebody they're going to have to make another roster so if they've put a claim in on somebody or or a couple players and they're awarded those guys well you're going to have to release a couple guys after that so I don't want to give the impression that this is the final 53 because let's let's give it a day or or two here too but and maybe one of those guys that could be that that odd man out if the Packers are awarded somebody body on waivers that's not a kicker could be one of those backend offensive linemen receivers I don't think there's a big surprise I think they would love to have Grant back on the on the practice squad you know he did a lot of good stuff in the preseason obviously that first game stood out but I think you know bull Melton coming back from that game against the Browns that first game with a couple drops and knowing what he did last year voted well for him Malik Heath having a solid game I think that just kind of solidified that and you know Grant hopefully we'll be back on the on the practice squad there Marshon Lloyd him not getting the the injured reserve uh designation I think kind of tells us a little bit that maybe he's close that the hamstring injury um wasn't too serious and and I would imagine that he's going to be uh you know practicing and such at some point soon because they just kept those three running backs they they elected not to you know keep um Maryweather or or McCary and again I think Maryweather is a prime practice squad candidate over there but Emanuel Wilson of course I think the more we you know after the the Lloyd injury and then AJ Dylan going through that Stinger I think it was I think it was pretty much a fora conclusion that Emanuel Wilson was going to make this team so not a big surprise over there and you know again Anders getting released after second year I I I still feel like there's going to be a different kicker other than Greg Joseph think he's on the roster right now whether the Packers put a waiver claymon on another kicker or make a trade I feel like eventually that's going to happen that's just my gut that's just my gut right now and again the AJ Dylan situation it sucks a fan favorite he's my kid's favorite player I was excited to see potentially a do roll for him within this offense the Dude slimmed down didn't lose any weight just actually gained more muscle and less fat so I mean he was even there he looks quicker I was excited are we gonna have like an agback roll kind of with AJ Dylan this year add a little bit more you know versatility or different element to within this offense so it sucks it sucks that AJ Dylan's season's over with before it even started and potentially his Packers career the mayor of dor County I mean for crying out loud this was you can say what you want about the last couple years performance- wise yeah they W up to that level that we all thought and and he thought and a team thought after having a solid a very good second year it's like all right year three here we go all didn't really get up there year four here we go no so yeah definitely it was a little disappointing production wise numbers wise but other than that I mean AJ Dylan was easily a fan favorite and from all accounts a guy that everybody on that team especially the coaches I mean Matt lefl was just raving about him uh heading into this camp and throughout camp and such before that injury obviously a very good friend of Jordan loves too so it stinks stinks that we're not going to see 28 out there on the field and I was just I I I really believe if he would have stayed healthy if he could have been healthy that could have been a different element within this offense I mean we were seeing it in practice with him and Jacobs lined up in the back field at the same time stinks but one thing I want to point out and again this is just my opinion but yesterday we saw Bri gad's release two guys that were entering their second years two draft picks that were entering their second years Sean Clifford and Anders Carlson I think at times gy has been labeled as a a a a first of all yes he is a Ted Topson disciple but I think he has at times been unfairly labeled that he does everything just like like Ted Thompson like I think it's fair to say and I think it's accurate to say Ted to at times would hold on to his draft picks maybe a little too long you know guys that he drafted if it wasn't working out maybe he held on to him just a little bit too long because that was his draft pick so they got the benefit of the doubt and I think that at times goody has been unfairly compared to that and you know you could look at a guy like a royce Newman be like well look what it was Royce Newman yeah that's a great example and I want argue with that but I look at what some of the moves he made yesterday where Sean Clifford was a mid- round pick gone Anders Carlson heading into a second year was a pick gone to me what that kind of told me though too and I get it it's a backup quarterback and it kicker a little bit more important right now Green Bay ain't messing around they they ain't messing around they're not screwing around and I think they've kind of set this this uh level that you either perform at a high level or you're out and we could look at the last couple years too and there's examples of goody show so shown that okay you're draft piic but after a year after a couple years if you haven't shown us something that there's Improvement there or there's something there that you could play at a higher level you're out JK Scott out after what a year or two so there's plenty in fact more examples of goody not holding on to his draft picks if if they're not playing well after a year after a couple years that they don't necessarily get the benefit of it out after a couple years first year yeah I think in the first year you want to see these guys have a chance you use your draft picks on them you want to see them in their first year but after that you don't start to see that Improvement you don't start to see them you know performing at a high level you're out next man up and I think part of that is too that they really believe and rightfully so we all believe it too a lot of us believe it a lot of national people believe it this is a team with Super Bowl goals Super Bowl aspirations Super Bowl Talent they're in a tough division they they know what's at stake so it's not like we're going to make everybody happy you know we're you know we're just we're going to keep the guys that we drafted and such and and roll with that it's the top 53 we talk about Matt Le say the top the five best will play on the offensive line right the five best to play and I think when you look at some of the moves that that goody has has made it's the five it's the 53 best it's the 53 best it's the it's the players that they believe that will put them in a position to succeed if you're not playing at that level we're going to move on from you we're going to bring in somebody else that we think is better or can play at a better level or maybe that they have a higher ceiling the Malik Willis move over there if this was Ted Thompson running this thing and I'm not trying to to to degrade Ted Thompson or or anything like that because the guy made a lot of really good decisions some questionable decisions no doubt about it but I think it's fair to say there was at times where I was like okay maybe a little bit more benefited doubt towards towards draft picks maybe holding on to him a little bit too long or a year too long it was interesting you know because that veterans it'd be like he was a guy that would move on from a veteran a year too early instead of a year late but draft picks if you if you were a draft pick maybe it was a year too late instead of a year too early not messing around with this team though and you know it's it's disappointing because I think Sean Clifford and I know we we bring it up and I've brought it up you know there was fans last year that wanted Sean Clifford Starting Games over Jordan love and I think that's because we saw some stuff last year from from Clifford like ooh okay guys's got some arm little bit of Gunslinger mentality right because a lot of times when we get backup quarterbacks or rookie quarterbacks may be a little passive they don't want to be a big risk taker trying to make a good impression didn't really get that from Clifford is like okay throws interception he's back out there let's go and I think that that resonated with a lot of Packers fans and there's some stuff to like so it's disappointing to not see a year two jump it's disappointing to not see Improvement was there a little bit of regression all right your thoughts hit us up on uh with a quick text on that shoe doctor's Bullpen line 715 8301 912 quick break we'll be back with more to finish up the first hour back with your comments too after these quick words e e e e e e e e e e e hunting season is approaching so if you're not ready for the upcoming hunting season you better start to think about it because it's coming up quick baby whether it's for some fall turkey hunting or maybe some waterfall or maybe you're just kind of eyeing up the November deer season you want to make sure you go ahead and visit our good friends at tillen gun Tien gun Sean and Hunter will help you get for your hunting season if you got a certain uh certain firearm maybe you're looking for they'll help you find that at the best price they fantastic customer service over there and if you haven't checked out the shop seriously it's like a sweet man cave in there too I don't know who decorated that whether it was shot or Hunter but they did a a fantastic job over there too so but uh you can also visit their website tiing super easy uh to navigate and and order from over there too I've done that uh with with Hudsons and such so but uh again if you uh guys start to get you know if you haven't been thinking about uh hunting season and such and I know some of the temperatures especially the last couple days hasn't really been you know getting you probably in in the hunting mood but it is coming up calendar tells us that so again you can visit tilling or check them out 12427 9th Avenue chiple Falls let's go through a few messages uh from you shall we Gman a little bit earlier said DK Brewers fine Crew win tonight the pack made the right play uh for the green and gold to win and the pack are on track to win the division this year go pack go uh seom says serious uh question seriously oh seriously question Joseph yeah maybe moving on from Carlson is needed but Minnesota didn't want Joseph in a dome why would we think he'll be okay at Lambo in December wait until we meet a 55 Yard in January at Lambo and Joseph barely gets it to the goal line kickers don't matter until the game is on the line and they can't boom one uh we've got uh Jones this is from Jeremy Jones being cut with surprise to me they put three years into him for uh for nothing so I'm not sure Clifford's stint in the Dallas playoff game left a lot to be desired Sean Clifford uh I'm not quite sure where where that text is referring to there but yeah uh back to to Jones Caleb Jones there I mean have you ever seen that guy in person I mean that dude is a beast that is a mammoth and and yeah they invested a lot of time in him you know a couple years worth but maybe they they just thought he kind of reached his Peak that uh he reached the Max and wasn't good enough to to make the roster I'm not quite sure but yeah that that'd be a surprise probably for for some people out there dude was huge I remember walking by him a couple years ago at training camp I mean he just Tower over everybody else out there too so keep your thoughts coming all right hit me up with h with the text on that shoe doctor's Bullpen line 715 8301 912 we'll uh we'll get definitely get back to some more uh Packers chats I'll keep post if anything does happen to pop up uh in terms of you know anything else with the roster I feel like we're going to know more this afternoon in terms of maybe some waivers and that but I think I would feel better and you can somebody could tell me if if I'm off on this but I think with the kicking situation I think I'd feel a lot better if they make a trade for somebody now I don't know who you know I don't know who they could go out there and and acquire realistic trade I mean it's not like the Ravens are going to give up Justin t right of course I think we would all love Justin Tucker kicking at Lambo field you know see talked about the the length of course we would love Justin Tucker or somebody like that or or whoever so realistic trade I'm not quite sure who would be out there and I know like the Patriots wave their kicker and such but I I if we did like a receiver defer I might defer that Joseph is going to finish the season off as the kicker for the Packers maybe I mean maybe he begins the season but C bomb says do you uh do you think they bring Carlson back on the practice squad maybe I thought it was kind of telling though from Ryan wood who who covers the Packers yesterday when he tweet when the news broke that that uh that Anders had been had been Rel least let me bring up the the Tweet here quick because he mentioned you know in in the locker room that uh that uh Andre kind of knew that maybe his time was was over with in in Green Bay let me uh yeah it says here uh have to wonder what happens if not for pushing that 32 y wide right just know coming back from that Anders Carlson seemed to know in the locker room after that that so I don't know if that would factor into it you know but I guess I wouldn't be opposed to it I wouldn't be opposed to it maybe they thought that Anders would have the the most if they wanted to keep both of them for for this year maybe they thought Anders would be the guy that's most likely to clear waivers over a veteran like like Joseph maybe possibly but you know definitely going to be something to watch throughout this whole season right I don't care who's kicking if it's one of these two if it's one of these two guys out there I think a lot of us are going to be holding our breasts and maybe praying to Vince Lombardi and the football guys up there that uh you know the wind is just right and the distance is just right maybe we need a little angels in the in the lambo field on the football field to help with uh some of those balls but I don't know so all right we'll get back to uh to some of that green and gold chat coming up here in just a little bit so we'll get to some Brewers talk coming up next hour Christian yich speaking to the media before uh the game talking about his his back procedure and the Outlook of his career so we'll hit that up Brewers back at it for game two of their series with the Giants Brewers falling last night five to four Willie and Jackson with home runs Blake Perkins with another highlight gem catch Robin a home run uh from from him but will another defensive error for for him too Brewers now just nine games up way I'm saying this just nine games up over the Cubs so we'll talk a little uh baseball coming up in the next hour too plus we'll get back to more your text about the uh the Packers roster from uh yesterday we'll finish up with morgs good morning morgs how's it going Casper good how are you I say kickers get no respect huh what do you think if I'm going to put you in each Sports Arena well we'll go the no we'll go four biggies we'll go football baseball basketball and golf okay and we're going to go preferred and last position player that you want to be so you were suiting up on the football field yeah we're gonna say preferred position and the last position you'd want to play preferred now like like everybody wants to be quarterback you know like you know those are the obvious but you personally if you're going to suit up and go best and worst book in those you're Jersey up you got the green and gold on you're playing your dream job you're on the sidelines the crowd's going wild what are you running and out in if you get to first pick where you want to play I think I'd want to be a wide out although somebody told me one time perspective that they would almost want to be like the punter because you get you get a few million dollars if you're good well and you're not there full-time on the field taking the hits but it's they they thought too like you can walk down the street nobody would recognize you so I guess that kind of factors in if you don't want the attention but see I think there are some players that prefer the opposite side where you want to walk down the street and everybody knows who you are and those are you know obviously QB wide receivers those big time roles the thing is with a punter I don't want to be the holder on field goals or kicks like that too much pressure or just no yeah I mean one little slip and it ruins the whole operation okay so I don't want to be the Tony Romo from a few years ago where you know he drops a snap and then they lose the clearly not because it was a few years ago and you're still hanging out well I mean they still run that highlight out there so low light yeah so first I do not want to be a kicker okay so kicker's last yeah so kickers get no respect that's the that's what everyone always says but what's your first then wide receiver I'd like to play a little wide out do a little Sterling sharp style action I don't want to play Corner because I'd get burned and embarrassed so see my dad's full on dline he played it that way in in high school and college and he's he's always safety I wouldn't mind safety even uh now like when we go and watch the Packers games and stuff he always has a soft spot for the dline he always likes to watch that that lineup grind because you know that's also kind of a lower status unless you played and you really know what it feels like to be out there that's not the glory is right you know but that's where the work is yeah grave digging and whatnot basketball I'd be a power forward I don't want to be a center why not because you're the guy that's probably on the post or getting Dunked On from some athletic shooting guard or something like that so so you don't want to be made look bad as somebody that's going over you power forward you could just kind of sit on the Block maybe shoot some jump shots and all that sort of stuff so yeah okay baseball baseball um I'd want to be because I think so much of the positions that you would prefer to play whether or not that's your skill set but whatever you prefer to play it's such a personality thing too and you can kind of tell that when you watch games and people that are right so what would you pick for baseball I'd probably say rightfield I mean obviously I'd love to play shortstop but I don't have that range so so you're being realistic you would be dream position shortstop yeah okay I do not want to be either uh probably a pitcher too much pressure yeah uh you got I thought about catcher I wouldn't mind that I think now because I mean the communication's so much different where I mean calling pitches and all that sort of stuff I wouldn't mind that one pitcher it's like you're guaranteed you're gonna have to have an elbow injury and surgery and set out a year and and and all that that takes a bigger toll on the body than I realized when I yeah that's that's rough on the arm golf would be like I mean I would if we if I actually had people watch me in Fairways were lined up I'd kill somebody so he says exactly okay thanks morgs any one in two more to go we'll be back e e e e e e e e e e e e e second hour on this Wednesday morning making a turn already on this week the week before Labor Day weekends big thanks for tuning in wherever however you may be tuning in from hey speaking of a Labor Day weekend if uh you're going to be doing some camping or maybe doing a little bit of a uh trip right especially maybe if School hasn't started yet if your Kido starting next week and such and you're doing a last second trip there make sure you go and H get your supplies from Mike's Star Market in oakla if you got firing up the grills maybe for some backyard barbecuing on this Labor Day weekend go check out their lineups of different flavor BRS or maybe some steaks or some burgers or whatever the case may be uh goes are our good friends at Mike's Star Market also too for the pops we uh picked up some uh freeze-dried uh puppy treats over there too for the dogs our dog loves it uh freeze dry liver yeah good sounds good for the dogs though so but uh yeah we got a load up for some we loaded up heading over to Green Bay Saturday with some snack sticks and such over there too so makes perfect road trip snacks uh we're going to get back Football Talk coming up a little bit later on but uh let me know what your thoughts are on the uh the initial 53 man player roster uh you can hit us up with a text on that uh on that texting line uh or hit us up on social media so we'll get back to talk we got some baseball talk coming up here Brewers back at it last nights uh but Falling to the to the Giants Brewers uh had the lead in the bottom of six thanks to a two-run shot from Willie Damas but giving it right back Willie Damas another defensive error from him last night the top of the seventh and the Giants were able to hold on to Victory to get the five to four Victory Brewers up nine over the Cubs for first place in the division you had Blake Perkins with another web gem I catch Robin a home run last night Jackson Cheerio it's a good thing they gave him a big contract because well on his home run he took out a piece of the new scoreboard over there he could see the big old black Square over there but uh Jackson Cheerio adding another uh home run to his uh already impressive rookie season taking a look at the race to the finish here AL Central is definitely getting a a little bit more interesting now you got Cleveland and Kansas City both tied up Kansas City taking advantage of this series against the Cleveland Guardians and they have won their last three so they are now tied up 75 and 58 twins they've dropped their last couple games against the Braves here they're just two and a half back though from first place Seattle three and a half back from Houston in the AL West that battle between New York and Baltimore still type Baltimore just one game back and you compare it to some of the races in the National League here Philadelphia is up six games over Atlanta Milwaukee nine games over the Cubs Dodgers uh up three over the Diamondbacks and the San Diego Padres but when we look at the American League uh things are definitely getting really interesting and pretty darn tight over there it it seems like Luke that we at least have a good idea of who the of who the Wild Card teams are are going to be because or the playoff teams are going to be because when you look at the Wild Card chase you know Minnesota's holding on that final wild card spot and and Boston's just four back although the Tigers now are eight and2 in their the last 10 and they've won five in a row and they're now five and a half back but there's a little bit of a distance between the two so it seems like we have a decent picture of who the playoff teams are going to be there's just a lot of uncertainty who's going to win the divisions right now yeah especially I mean the Kansas City's run here has been remarkable I figured they were going to tail off once they started to play higher quality opponents because they hadn't had as much of that success early in the season and thus far that's not happened now there's still more season to go and and when you play Cleveland that's perfect because every every Cleveland loss automatically is a Kansas City win by definition um and that AL East race a constant tradeoff there um Houston settled back down to earth a little bit but yeah I think we know who everyone is going to be you're you're you're right the I mean Minnesota do not look good of late I I I mean it would help that they would actually have their big three playing at the same time but that will never ever ever happen because you know injury rules gosh but and there's been some stupid play on that team too some bad errors and such of late so they they've been they've been pretty cool L L um but no one's grabbing it like Detroit I think is too far back they're five and a half back and that could be overcome it's possible doubtful though um so yeah it really is the division titles and it's like I still think Cleveland holds on in the central ultimately I think Kansas City is going to have too much schedule issues down the road Houston's going to win the West Seattle offense is that that that's not going to lead to them coming back on on a way more talented Astros team but that American League East race boy that could come down to almost the the last game of the season we've been talking a lot obviously in the last few months about managers of the year and and and that and and for the national league I think you know it's it's Pat M for the longest time we thought maybe it was going to be Steven vot from Cleveland do you think though it's going to be whoever wins the AL Central between Kansas City and Cleveland going to be manager of the year or is it still Steph vote regardless I I don't think it's vote um I still I'm still thinking of course it is I'm looking up something here our Apple the the Apple 2E with the green screen over here goes uh super slow so I can't even get my information here but the the Royals manager I think Scott I mean I I think I saw what was he the betting odds favorite fairly recently to win quatraro or quatero sorry um see now here's where where I would make the the stevenh vote argument you don't have a Bobby Wood Jr on Cleveland that is extremely valuable to the success of that team there's a there's a lot spread out I mean know of course Jose Romer step Quan Etc but they don't have a a potential long-term MVP someone who could win it this year probably won't I think Aon judge is going to end up taking it I'd hope so short of sort of well and then see then it comes back to the big Market versus small Market debate like yeah Aaron judge could get it but you're playing for the Yankees come on I I will say this and I understand that and I've used that argument before but what he's doing and what otani's doing too is we know Tani might be the 5050 you know I get that I like okay that's pretty special and then Aaron judge is doing to it it's like okay I get it so I mean it's well and also that the the big Market argument about Judge and playing for a team like the Yankees that have like the best resources in baseball well I don't think that holds as much water this year given that when Aaron judge is not playing or outside of Aaron judge that's a mediocre team I think he actually is that valuable to the Yankees of of all teams um so you could so to to turn that back over to manager of the year I think vote has had to work with less say a little bit I mean there was a fair amount of talent there because I mean under Fran Kona the Guardians are pretty good last year and pretty good with a lot of okay Talent some good talent portrero oddly with a with one of the least resourceful teams in baseball has a Superstar that's doing so so so much um so that might take a little bit away from him of course the the argument for quo will be once again hey you brought the Royals to a division championship it's the same thing it's the small Market not really big Market thing because Cleveland's not a big Market um uh but if I were to vote I would vote vote but vote for vote pretty much um but I would understand if quatero gets there's there's a lot more to the team also than Bobby Wood Jr it's not it's it's not quite as black and white as oh if he's out of the game The Royals are on Pace to be worse than the white socks not like that right yeah it's definitely uh I I think it's gotten closer though right I mean just from two months ago in that race still in my opinion wide open I think Pat Murphy is the clear-cut leader in the National League so I I don't know who else is getting it to be honest because hey though those second I knew you were going to bring this up at some point so they are two and a half games closer than a week ago on this pace just saying nothing's going to happen because they're not going to catch the Brewers but who like could you make a case for Mike schil I think maybe considering that you know last year what bub black was over there uh and then you know they didn't live up to those expectations and I think yeah you you could make a case for that but at the same time look at their roster compared to the guys on the Brewers too right you know I think you have to use that factor the argument or the the discussion you were just having about you know rosters that look at the padr they're supposed to be pretty they're supposed to be better than the Brewers right and they're they're getting their guys back more and more coming back more and more coming back so that that is a very talented um it's a very talented team so it schil is really more managing versus I guess coaching if that makes any sense so yeah I mean right now I I Murphy is a runaway favorite and I honestly the one way I think Murphy loses it is if the Brewers I'm goingon to go there the Brewers have to collapse and Craig Council has to do an incredible job stewarding the Cubs to a division title in that circumstance and even then I think maybe the Brewers would or sorry Murphy still probably would hold on because of the totality of the season but you'd have to have something to that degree like wow council with another incredible move plus all the Council of the Cubs stuff that people still remember that might be enough but the odds of that are like 1% right so well I mean there you go the we take a look at the playoff odds 98.7% for the Brewers getting in so basically it is a 1% odds that that that would happen Murphy's got this yeah yeah uh I I think so too so uh let's take a quick break and then we'll get back we'll talk about the Brewers and uh we'll throw some twins conversation and there two twins dropping the last couple games against uh against the Braves here Brewers dropping their first game of this three- game series against the Giants as we start to wrap up uh the final week of August and look ahead to the final month of the regular season so quick break and we'll get back to some more baseball talk coming up after these quick words e e e e e e e e e next Friday next Friday we're going to be uh posted up at uh at high ve doing the show from there hopefully the weather's nice so we can be outside for our little tailgate show out there to kick off the the Green Bay football season later on that night as Green Bay will be taking on the Eagles of Philadelphia but uh we've got some sweet stuff uh we're working on some sweet stuff with with hi VE for that day so here you go Luke you might want to drop by for some breakfast because uh they're going to have some stuff out there including some sandwiches breakfast nachos potentially uh quesadillas breakfast quesadillas I know you're a Foody man I am so you might have to stop by even though it might be a little green and gold on there that's okay I'll eat you know uh also 30% off uh sports shop you got some man cave light specials over there too a bunch of other specials uh I know you're you got a sweet tooth of course Packer 12in cookie over there so you might have okay yeah you'll eat it so uh also some giveaways uh that's that's going to be going on uh as well so I mean a bunch of different stuff I'm looking at this whole list here it' probably take up 10 minutes to go through everything on here so easiest thing to do is to make sure you stop by 68 and 9A next Friday uh for our show and uh and check out some of the deals at hi and uh just drive by too and give a little beef for a little go pack go out there so not gonna do that well I mean we're not playing your team so I I know oh that's that is true that is true yeah so you don't like the Eagles right yeah you know they did get pretty annoying they like okay well thanks for reminding me why I don't like the eagles their fan base is the one that that still rips on the skull Chan I'm like why get over it you beat us why are you still like come on at least you know what Packers fans don't don't get that there's a word I'd like to say but I'm not sure if it's acceptable to say in the radio they're not that way I'll put it very vanilla all right okay so thank you for reminding me go pack go beat the Eagles I will say one thing about to to not rehash it that you guys shouldn't have done and I think you know what you shouldn't have done I think I remember but remind me don't mess with the Rocky statue yep bad idea don't mess with the Rocky statue I will even say that to to pack don't mess with the Rocky statue in Philly it doesn't bode well when you do stuff like that thankfully the game this one is not in Philadelphia so it reduces the chance of a dorky Packers Fan like hey check it out was it that year though that like opposing teams were doing that and it just it it was like a guaranteed loss it was it was some weird thing like that oh I don't remember that but wow there was just like I think it was even like that leading up to that Super Bowl didn't a patriot put a p Patriots fan put a jersey on Rocky or something like that we know what happened I I'd have to double check that but there was some weird things like oh yeah somebody messed with the Rocky statue again you lost guaranteed so I would like to think we've collectively learned as an NFL fandom Society to not mess with Philadelphia fans they tend to be the they are going to react the worst I mean not not everyone I'm not broad brushing literally every Philadelphia Eagles fan of course the vast majority are totally fine but they have a greater proportion of people that are going to have just like the most annoying potential dangerous reaction compared to I think any other fan base right can you think of another one that's going to be worse than that give me a couple minutes on worse than an Eagles fan base I know we got some Philly fans so I don't want to all them in there like the ones who act poorly there's a greater proportion of them because again every fan base are there really poor poorly acting Jacksonville Jaguars van I guess there's a I think there's also you got to factor in do they even have a legit rival as like a Packer Viking rival rivalry so you factor that in like you just can't stand that um also I feel like your team has to have some sort of success right you know what I mean like you have to have won some things for them to be all that because for the longest time people didn't like Patriots fans did you know Patriots fan no you probably didn't because they just won a lot and you were annoyed by it right so and the the handful of people that I know who are Patriots fans were like just like normal or they're they have like roots in the in New England and they're like yeah I'm a Patriots fan okay they they didn't act jerky about it then again like I said Eagles fans have known aren't jerky either like pretty much none have been like I said the the the percentage that's going to be that way is really small and it's usually filled by fueled by alcohol in a stadium or because you get behind your keyboard and you can do an anonymous thing on Twitter keyboard totally a lot do we still call it keyboard Warriors even yeah I heard that the other day so I know like that but should we still call it because it's like now it should be like phone I mean you don't really have a keyboard on your phone you do tou screen Warriors you're tapping your key you're tapping your screen keyboard so it's yeah touchscreen Warriors I yeah it does that doesn't have quite the same keyboards I feel like you're going off to the Wayside now I remember what it was cool when your phone had a fullon legit keyboard on there oh go blackberries and palm pilots and all that like the Cherry phones or whatever chocolate phones whatever bust out the pen on your phone too oh I remember when yeah I remember when those came out I got a lot of crap from my buddies about oh you got a pen with your phone so I was like I thought it was cool but apparently I wasn't so no nope nope not at all all right uh back to some uh baseball talk uh coming up here so the Brewers back at it tonight yeah Freddy Peralta on the mound going up again against and and I was kind of saying this too with the Giants I mean they're you know what four five back from wild card spot this is a huge series for the Giants to try to make that final push uh to get back into a wild card conversation here uh with with the Brewers and such too but got Freddy Peralta on the mound uh tonight for the Brewers so first pitch seven-10 Brewers are going to be going up against a left-handed pitcher tonight so we know what that means that's always kind of been a narrative surrounding the uh ing this this team and going up against left-handed uh pitching so we'll see if they can continue to uh push against that narrative but Harrison's on the mound for the Giants seven and5 with a 4.0 erra so far this season uh before the game yesterday though too Christian Yelich uh was back and he talked a little bit with the media beforehand because he kind of I don't know if this was on purpose but you know a lot of speculation out there when you hear back injuries back back surgeries there's a question about your your career the future of your career he said quote I think everybody sees back surgery and they think oh that's the end of your career uh but in my mind that couldn't be any further from the truth I think that it's going to help me tremendously I think I'll feel a lot better than I have the last few years in that sense it's cool it's a really nice thing the only thing that's really not great about this is the timing aspect of this and not being able to finish the season to take part in what is hopefully another postseason run that's unfortunate because it's a really fun team to be a part of how concerned should Brewers fans still be about Christian yelich's longevity with this team do you like some scrolling through ESPN's was actually the AP stories of the ESPN map the AP story on Yelich the thing that jumped out to me 32 the age yeah like H gosh I forgot he's that old say 32 now I'm at that point my age when you say 32 is old so it's like yeah you know yeah you that thing you sort of cross over those certain age points you're like wow so my equivalent in sports would be oh this guy then eventually you get to the point you're like like right now I'm I'm in George Blanda territory which George Bland felt like he was 80 years old when he was playing he looked like he was 80 years old he's my age when he was in his latter days in the NFL um let's also remember though I haven't heard this stat as much of late I don't know this if this has changed maybe analytics has kind of weeded out the players but remember how the offensive baseball Cliff was right around age 31 I think it's kind of a magic number well he's at the cliff he's technically over the cliff in an age sense now in a performance sense that matched not at all with how he performed this year um I I think Brewers fans should be very thankful that the national league has the designated hitter option because otherwise I yeah this would this would be a problem contract going forward if he had to play a position um you're not going to be able to get much for him unless you're going to an American League team if you're gonna under those circumstances that's not a factor anymore so i' it it's not great but it could be worse if this were five years ago 10 years ago for sure that's a good point about the ntion because I think that almost goes back to I almost I'm getting flashbacks of the end of the Ryan Bron era where it was like oh too bad the national league or like when there was talks about trading Ryan braa would he go to a team that had the DH remember those conversations a few years ago and so it's just given me flashbacks of of that whole Ryan braa conversation over there and I and I agree with you I think you're right it's I think it's a good thing for the for the Brewers right now that they have that DH option because you've got some young outfielders you want to get playing that's maybe the one benefit of this whole and I I don't want to come off saying they're better without Christian H because I mean the dude was have was an All-Star this year and he was having a fantastic season so I'm not saying they're better off but if there's one positive in this I think we're seeing the emergence of Jackson Cheerio right I mean he's having a for me surpassing his expectations for his rookie year he's getting more comfortable out there I think I think he's comfortable in that field and that's his spot which happens to be Christian yelich's uh you know Garrett Mitchell's kind of getting some time Center and right field you got sth freed mostly over there at right field you're getting an extended look with your young outfielders you're getting a better look and and seeing what you have with these guys instead of kind of that little bit an unknown factor yet so that's probably the biggest benefit of this other than the fact that they're still winning without Christian yell too you're not forced to delay the future um which is that and I'm I'm picturing that Outfield right now when I was sitting in that game earlier this month and there it was right below me was freck little further on was Mitchell a little further on was Chio young players Galore down on that field um they played that game fine now granted Myers was making sure not a lot of balls got anywhere close to them but that's good experience in a in a defensive sense in a chemistry sense um which you wouldn't have if Yelich had to I mean if if it ever had gotten to that point of like oh gosh well he's got to take one of these spots right there and again that gosh I remember all the back and forth of where is Braun G to play over here and he's he sucking up space and energy over this the counter to this would be we'd be getting pretty close to hm you think next year the Brewers might want to trade him to the Mariners CU they need some offense we totally would be hearing that and it's it's off the radar right now um they're going to have more luxury even with a really huge contract but he's probably going to have more injuries going on the road take it take it from a fan of a team that has injury-prone players Galore yeah that's it's G to be a thing it sucks the players hate it because I think in most cases they're not doing anything to exacerbate these injuries unless I think the closest you could say to a player that puts themselves in a position maybe but I don't know enough about the human body to say and someone like a Dr Crow someone would be able to tell better but I wonder if someone gets their muscles so firm so tight that they set themselves up to snap them like I think there was a case that Royce Lewis might have done just that like he got his body in such great shape that oh no wonder you you hold a hamstring or something like that like he has to actually back off a little bit on that again I could be totally wrong but I heard a little bit of that or read a little bit of that speculation I've instantly got that image of that guy that spends so much work in the weight room all upper body and then he's like twigs for legs yep something like that where you're throwing your body off in some capacity because you you've built yourself up so strongly I'm not 100% sure that that is the case with Royce Lewis but I don't think that's the case with Christian Yelich at all it it may just be it to again to use the the area analogy it may be more of a Byron buckton sort of situation where the body he just happened to be blessed with the body I'm not saying this sarcastically that also happens to be a little bit more prone to athletic injuries it it just it happens and it sucks but that's what you got to deal with and that's what it's going to be but the upside is like in buxton's case when you do have him and you will have him for a while it's going to be really good when he's around so it's up to the rest of the team to put or the to perform well it's up to management to get other players around so you're not dependent on Christian Yelich for the next few years yeah uh okay so again the Brewers they're going to be going up against Kyle Harrison tonight he's coming off of a win against the white socks back in the 19th six Innings uh one earn run if we're kind of taking a look at what he has done uh in the month of August one And1 with a 5.59 ER a lot of that goes back to his uh game against Cincinnati on the third where he gave up four home runs in that game uh he gave up a couple runs against Atlanta on August 13th the other two games Washington White Soxs no earned runs uh July in four games he's pretty darn solid two- one in four games started with a 2.66 ER but again the other uh pitcher on this one is Freddy Peralta who I think Brewers fans are still waiting to to see him take that next step and we quite we haven't really seen it and I think I mean we at that point now it's like okay we've seen enough of a sample size so far with Freddy Peralta we kind of know what to expect from him or should we expect more still I think you I mean they or's a little bit of both yeah that's that's the right answer you you know he's capable of doing more um but he is who is this season I I mean I guess he could get hotter at this point but you're really man you're really hoping to manage your way through the through the games MH um he could be way way way way way way way way worse um but he's if you're hoping for a repeat of a few years ago when it was the he was an Allstar yeah the Peralta Burns Woodruff trium of of really excellent historically excellent pitching and I I don't know that that going to necessarily happen again I mean he was was he the biggest surprise of that season and i' say that knowing that Corbin Burns at that point had been not that long removed from potentially being a complete bust I think it that's fair to say just to refresh people's minds because if you remember going into spring training and at the end he kind of like won the fifth job in that rotation you know he was in a fight for a starting uh starting pitching spot with that in that spring training and he and he got that fifth spot and then he just kind of used that momentum in the regular season made the All-Star team ironically he made the All-Star team though because Brandon woodriff couldn't play in that one I think it was because he made a start so it wasn't you know wasn't able to get enough rest and then open up a spot for his teammate Freddy Peralta but you can make the argument that he deserved an allar spot to to begin with so I think it's fair to say that because we didn't really know what to expect was he going to be a bullpen guy uh or was he going to be a starter and he won that fist spot right at the end and took off that season so that's not what we should always expect from Freddy Peralta by the way uh and maybe you've said this before but seemed like um that Corbin Burns trade is looking better and better for the Brewers given that Corbin burns' strikeout rate year by year by year keeps going down down down down down o mm I I hear a lot of Orioles talk on the B B tonight podcast because their producer is a diard Orioles fan so that constantly comes up that was me mentioned the other day like yeah you know Burns he's he's been trending downward for a while like of course me living up here in Wisconsin like oh oh really okay I mean I'm sure I could just look it up on baseball reference you get the answer anytime I want but a reminder that uh maybe uh Matt Arnold knew what he was doing not not that we were thinking he didn't when he made the trade um it seemed like more of a well we're kind of surrendering the season kind of move when it happened but in retrospect uh I think that's that's the right move to go I is it is it possible though too I think and I think it's one of those we'll we'll know in the next couple years like just easily be a win-win for both teams right like like if Baltimore wins the World Series this year that's a win for them right but in a couple years if Joy Ortiz and DL Hall workout it's a win-win right that's the usual rule of sports period if you're position ultimately is followed by a championship you have succeeded I mean unless there's some way you can say it's very much in spite of like I've been thinking that with the wolves like if somehow they win the NBA title in the next couple years the Rudy go bear trade was a success just think of what I just said there given that that was derided as maybe one of the worst trades in professional sports history but that's a possibility same here for for both of those um I mean I guess if Burns got injured on the Orioles went on to win could you really say then that's yeah that's that's another element to that so but you could say that about any player too I mean then we're getting into Ying Theory territory here and that's like 3D chess almost can we can we almost change it to maybe like the Ronald aunia Theory too remember when they want I mean they didn't have BB yeah it kind of was well hey but then you look at this year too so well hang on yeah see look what's happening right now Ronald auna Jr's out and now granted the Braves have actually also been playing pretty terribly since then but if you look at the past few games okay well let's look for a larger sample size right two good games against a poorly playing twins team right right now anyway so uh all right I tell you what let's take a quick break here we'll finish up the second hour uh coming up in the next hour we got a little business of sports uh I want to talk a little bit about about the the NFL uh approving now kind of we'll do our best in terms of the world of business to to explain this but the uh the owners approving the equity 10% up to an 10% Equity ownership on with that I'm sure you heard about that oh yeah uh the private Equity uh stuff over there in fact Andrew Brandt's apparently on news Nation talking about it right now so uh this is super up his alley oh yeah absolutely so uh that'll be coming up in our business of sports uh next hour but going to take a quick break and we'll finish up this first hour maybe come on once in a while this touchcreen works so here so but uh we'll take a quick break and be back after these quick words e e e e e e e e e is it time for you to maybe update some of the floor ing in your home space or maybe maybe in your office at work or something like that well if it is look no further than Wisconsin's Premier flooring store Carpet City Flooring Center right here in oakair from uh all the top styles uh in carpet to luxury vinyl planks like rigid Max flooring over there Carpet City Flooring Center has all the Styles and options you could hope for in the flooring game all at the best price too because if you happen to find a better deal elsewhere they will match or beat the competition but what set sets Carpet City Flooring Center apart from the from the rest is the customer service the the family like feel every time you stop in and uh work with the entire team at carp City Flooring Center so if you're in need of updating your flooring game go give a visit to our good friends at Carpet City Flooring Center in O Clair we got about 10 minutes to a little less than 10 minutes uh to the top of the hour here so uh for your for your Vikes were there any surprise Cuts yesterday for for your team or not not really I mean wangm being cut given how great he was on returns a couple years ago I guess a little bit this I forgot that Dwayne McBride found his way back remember year plus ago we're like whoever gets him because it was thought to be like the steel and then he got cut y made his way back and got cut again um I haven't seen all who made practice squads too so there was a little bit of filtering as I'm seeing the list like well yeah but some of these guys are not and we'll know this after because the waivers you know right teams get to CL put claims and we'll find that out in a few hours so so I'm a little hesitant to write some you some eulogies on these players because we might find ourselves in week five going wow they're back um Lis seen is the headline yeah I was just gonna bring bring that one up so which you that we saw coming for a very like years almost that which he was drafted two years ago but his I mean being a healthy scratch for a fair amount of the 2023 season was a bad sign um but he was recovering from a one of the worst injuries you're GNA find on a football field that that's going to really inhibit your ability to Be an Effective defensive back in in at a level of High Caliber like the like you get at the NFL that that sucks for him and you have other players that got better than him and yeah that's going to go down as one of the not the worst but one of the worst Vikings draft picks um was reminded this and you hate saying that too because you do wonder how much is affected by that injury which I think is a lot that's the thing like a lot of it is I you never know that because you see how so many players are drafted so high we've talked about this before you don't put too much stock in in the draft because half those players are going to turn into not a whole heck of a lot within a handful of years um you just saw it west of the west of the Border but that injury I'm sure had a big impact on that to the point where you had to he couldn't even be traded he was waved um not the worst pick I was reminded this morning of Demetrius Underwood do you remember Demetrius Underwood that I do yeah yeah that that I mean that got weird um I know and we we laugh about it now but at the time you're like what the bleep is going on here that was a strange strange circumstance um but here yeah it just it was really unfortunate and it happens in football it happens in sports bad injury luck happens and it really happened to scen and that's probably what what took down the uh the ceiling on his uh his career so it sucks but that's that's how it goes in the NFL yep absolutely any Shockers on the Packers end um I was was there was a couple that surprised me a little bit here kayn King getting caught uh I think surprised me I think they're hoping that he's going to be back on the practice squad Anthony Johnson Jr uh was a little bit of a surprise for for me too that they picked zaye Anderson over him but I think that's more of a special teams uh type of play over there uh it stinks about the AJ Dylan one because now you have to wonder career-wise uh for for for him and I know we talked to Dr crow about it was it last week or the week before about that too and you just your mind starts to wonder and you start to wonder are we going to see him on any field at all um the fact I I I'm still I don't think we've settled on the kicker situation yet Anders out Greg Joseph right now in I was looking at other kickers who were cut to see if there could be any waiver claims on any of these guys uh I will just say from the ones that I saw that were released yesterday not a whole lot the only option would potentially maybe be and this was a guy who was actually c a few days Riley Patterson uh started off with the Lions back in 2021 played in Jacksonville in 2022 uh he was 85.7% then back to Detroit where he played 13 games 88.2% Cleveland for a game last year I was reading too there is not a big difference but there's a slight difference of his numbers indoors and Outdoors which I think you have to factor in for for Lambo his numbers are better indoors which I'm sure if I think if you did a sample size and compared to a lot of kickers probably a lot of kickers are like that uh but he struggled a little bit in preseason with Washington that's who he was with and uh they ended up cutting him so I mean that honestly is like the only legit guy that I see that has been cut in the last few days otherwise you're talking about guys that maybe have only played a handful of games or not even any games uh at this point so and the thing is we could say trade for one but who you trading for you know what I mean like I I I couldn't a realistic trade you're not getting Justin Tucker you know you're not getting Justin Tucker unless you're gonna be willing to give up a really high draft pick for a kicker yeah uh and I don't even know if that's still gon to be enough to to do that so I I couldn't even tell you who they should trade for because I don't know what's a realistic thing at this point also do you unless he makes the practice squad do you have to come up with a new um Lindsay pipkins Memorial uh Player of the Year given that uh King is that that was tough man this I mean you look at some of those backend guys it was hard to make the roster apparently this year you know and this is one thing I said it a little bit earlier I know gudy kind of gets labeled as the uh as a as a Ted Thompson disciple full-on Ted Thompson disciple which yes technically he is but I will say this I think he's proven too that the one thing he is not like Ted Thompson he does not hold hold on to draft picks just because of the benefit of the doubt that they were his draft picks I mean Sean Clifford gone and he was a fifth round pick entering his second year Andre Carlson another draft pick gone before even playing his second season there's other examples of that too I mean he did it with JK Scott maybe the moral there is don't draft Specialists um but he's done it with other players over there too I to me that also tells me like they uh they have the and I think a lot it is the expectations for this team Super Bowl goals aspirations you know they they got a lot of talent I think it also sends a message you're not performing you're out of here and we're going to bring in somebody who can perform at a better level or higher level yeah and I think if you're a Packers fan that should almost give you a sense of comfort because I feel like for the longest time it was like oh yeah Ted's not getting rid of any draft picks I'm not trying to BU Ted or or or anything like that but you was like okay if you drafted by Ted you were probably making the team chances are you were probably making the team right and I think if now you look at this like man they're letting guys go before they hit their second year there should be a level kind of like you know that they're trying to put the best 53 out there yeah the the absolute best roster together well the point is to win the Super Bowl right it's the best way to do it how you have to assess your 53 man roster how close did you come on your roster oh man I think I was like 48 not bad um obviously the the quarterback one when you trade for somebody that threw you off yeah I got all the running backs except AJ Dylan uh I did have him keeping Tyler Davis I didn't do any of the injured reserve ones over there otherwise I got that I got the defensive alignment except for Aaron Mosby and I think that was I mean he had a game Saturday defens tackle got it all right inside linebackers all right Corners got four of the five safeties four of the five so pretty good pretty solid I don't think we're done I don't think we're done and again that's why we keep saying initial because if the Packers did put or the Vikings did put a waiver claim on somebody and they're awarded that player well they got to release somebody who made the team that's the sucky part isn't it you've made the team no you haven't especially those bottom roster guys like hey congrats man you made the team you know you're feeling good next day yeah Sor you're cutan maybe they go to the practice squad automatically but quote unquote automatically but yeah it's just like hey I made the team and then nope sorry we already replaced you so but that's the biz yep two in one more to go business of sports coming up next e e e e e e e e final hour kicking off on this Wednesday the final Wednesday of the month of August appreciate you tuning in coming up uh we get back to some more baseball talk Brewers first pitch tonight 710 you can catch it on the radio dials here 105.1 FM and 790 a.m. uh so we've got Freddy Peralta on the mount Brewers trying to uh get get at least a series splits wi their first game of this three games I shouldn't say series split because it's three games there but trying to put is in a position to maybe win the series uh coming up tomorrow before they hit the road for a quick three games against Cincinnati then they're back at home at the beginning of next week against the Cardinals of St Louis as we start off that final month of the regular season already uh actually this Sunday uh when it's September 1st so we'll get back some more uh baseball talk coming up here as well uh we'll keep posted if anything happens to come down the uh the news wire for for football inside but uh probably we'll know more this afternoon after the waiver claims are processed and uh and uh you know who's picked up if the Packers put a waiver claim on anybody or anything like that if you're wondering too why there's some people who are already signed to the practice squad remember uh veterans with at least four years of service don't have to go through the waivers they can like sign up right away wherever so you're seeing some people like well you know Sterling Shephard's going to the bucks or Tim Patrick's going to the to to L there's certain veterans with four years experience they don't have to go through the waiver uh wire process there so let's uh let's do some business of sports this hour uh the business of sports talking some NFL private private Equity private Equity so I think we might have talked about this a while ago when it was first kind of floated uh out there but to give you a little bit of background the NFL owners yesterday voted in favor of private Equity Investments um so I'm gonna we're going to do our best to kind of like I'll do the Michael Scott office reference explain it to us like we're five years old here okay uh so at a special League meeting yesterday was actually Minnesota Egan Minnesota Believe It or Not ah home of the uh Vikings literally their home suburb uh the owners vote in favor of allowing select private Equity firms to buy up to a 10 perate 10% stake of a team each fund will be able to do deals with up to six teams uh the vote passed with support of 31 of 32 franchise owners any guess on who voted against it really quick unless you know it Mike Brown it was Mike Brown he's always the one how did you I'm surprised you picked Mike Brown like what what made you think that anybody that's the Bengals owner over there Brown seems to be the the closest to a contrarian owner um not not just to be contrarian but he's like no we shouldn't do this well you wonder why the Bengals have been one of the Lesser franchises for a long I know better of late but historically not that well like they never invested in practice facilities and all that stuff too right I mean it was like oh boy then they then they go to the Super Bowl it's like dang now I got to do stuff stun of US ah why do we have to do that yeah that's not surprising at all yeah uh so the initial approved firms in case anybody's wondering because I I'll be honest I don't know anything I I've never heard of these people AR Aries management uh six Street partners and artos partners in addition to uh consort consor conservatorium nicknamed The Avengers that includes Dynasty Equity Blackstone Carla group CVC Capital partners and ludus a platform funded by investor in former NFL running back Curtis Martin my favorite Martin I've heard of of a good number of those when Sports business stuff comes up and sometimes in just general like broader financial news those are big names yeah there's there's a lot of money involved there uh so it was back in July that Roger gell uh it said that the league had seen a tremendous uh interest from private equity uh the league did create a committee uh to look at the possibility it sounds like Clark hunt was one of those leaders from from Kansas City and such the NFL is the last major sports League to allow private Equity investment and is still treading lightly on the issue by allowing only a select group to participate the NBA Major League Baseball the NHL and soccer all allow private Equity ownership of up to 30% uh Roger gell told C BC back in July that he believes the 10% is a a compliment due to the existing ownership structure and that the percentage could be raised at some point in the future so why is this newsworthy why is this why is this uh a thing it's because team franchise values are going up right Luke and and if a team is on the market to be sold not a lot of people can afford well let's use Washington as an example $ 6.05 billion dollar you know to to to just straight up buy that uh the franchise that's what the franchise sold to an ownership group that included Josh Harris and 20 other investors uh Harris said in June that the process quote created a little bit of a a wakeup call uh at the NFL unless you're one of the wealthiest 50 people in the world writing A5 billion do Equity check is pretty hard for anyone uh so this now will give teams who are considering new or renovated stadiums access to a uh Capital pool they haven't had access to in the past said Clark hunt so prices going up for franchises prices going up for stadiums well that means lower pool of people potentially investors and buyers this is a way to hopefully alleviate that a little bit right that that was part of the deal with the commander purchase too that they had to take on like all these multiple investors that that didn't have the the strongest wherewithal like what the NFL would have preferred but they were so detered the NFL was so determined to get rid of SNY they're like well we're just going to allow this anyway it's it's not it's not bad but even if it doesn't hit our ideals we have to do this that was a sign pretty clearly there's not enough money to go around you're right so if if if someone does want to sell what are you going to do right you're you're stuck I would I mean you'd like to think a lot of these owners would be like well my valuation is so big why would I want to sell well if you do actually want the billions okay there's got to be something else or otherwise you can't what if what if some owner got in a really difficult financial situation for whatever reason something else like a personal thing or and now he's gonna lose half of his money because of like a marriage or divorce thing those sorts of things happen so what do you do well this is the club so they're going to be thinking about each other in that regard so the the other part in this too because I think we heard this a lot when it was Washington was up for sale but I mean the whole Jeff Bezos thing like Daner was it he didn't want Jeff Bezos to buy the team or something like like they didn't want he didn't want him involved in that yeah but like okay if you're not gonna do this then you're kind of slim pickies on who can buy it right I mean you might just be left with Jeff Bezos to buy your team right that's and I wonder if they if the NFL is also thinking if we have another undesirable owner situation as much as they do look out for each other so it's I mean it's a minor miracle that they were able to push out Snyder um but let's say well let's just use the two that right now are the most problematic and I don't think either is to the point I mean we could say what we think as fans but to the point where the owners will want to kick him out Bidwell and teer if they're like we really kind of don't want you to be own ERS anymore um but then they start having demands like yeah well I'm not going to sell to this one I'm not going to sell and we know that they're not going to the owners aren't going to go so far as to force a sale for those guys compared to what Snyder was doing [Music] um then then those the a rogue owner a a a problem owner could be like hey I can't sell anyone I guess I have to keep the team oh darn right um and I know you guys aren't going to set the precedent of kicking out somebody so haha I'm in the club nothing you can do about it well yeah they just did do something about it right yeah yeah that that's the way you get around that and and again if anyone is like yeah well what Bidwell did was terrible whatever I mean owners have their Definition of morals we would I think most of us fans would prefer anyone with sketchy ethics would would be gone anyway mhm but we know how the owner Club works so they found I think I don't that's not the primary reason the primary reason is to sell you need people that can buy in a broad sense but this will also help in case someone pulls a Dan Snider and goes n well this person doesn't fit this person doesn't fit and well okay now the NFL called The Bluff on that so like the the example like this wouldn't happen anytime soon but let's say it all of a sudden the Dallas Cowboys are up for sale well they're the highest ranked value franchise in the NFL that as of uh last August 2023 this was a year ago10 billion who's going to write a check for10 billion to buy the Cowboys and my new of course n billion is still going to be I mean even with 100 million of private Equity money which I mean it's a lot but and that was last year uh that value might have gone up in a year right but but also that's still that's still a lot of money anyway but it it that might make just enough of a difference that they can find a few people I mean no one's going to come up with I mean I guess maybe Jeff Basil's good but you're not going to get too many billion folks but it's better than 10 if Jerry Jones ever did want to sell it does increase that possibility I feel like the Cowboys would be one of those franchises if for some reason Jerry Jones said you know what I'm not handing this team down to my family which I think we all assume is just going to be a Jones run Organization for a long time right right but let's just say he's like all of a sudden today he's like nope I'm gonna sell it I feel like the Cowboys would be a franchise that you know these rich billionaires who had no interest in owning a team the Cowboys would be one where be like yeah I'd be interested in buying that one you know it's because it's more than just a football team right and you know that the value is likely going to continue to grow I don't know at what point the values quote unquote Peak or at least level off um I I I don't know if you'd if you heard the Bill Simmons podcast with Chuck Kerman uh it's like three weeks ago now or so they did one of those let's like look at the future sort of things um it was actually a really fascinating pod and of again it's opinionated so they could be wrong about some stuff but cluster had an interesting theory that this could be 20 to 40 years down the road but at a certain certain point advertising dollars are really going to start to fall in professional sports as the the ad money like the the the TV media deals continue to get bigger and bigger and bigger so the networks have to spend more and more money and advertisers have to spend more and more money to spend to play to put commercials on these platforms streaming broadcast which probably still will be around more so than cable at a certain point don't advertisers go you know we can get more bang for the buck not spending gobs of millions of dollars on this it's better to just go back to a traditional ad campaign doing other stuff besides Sports and that guts a whole lot of a lot of these models and the NFL is going to be in the best shape at least we think so because it's the the dominant Sports form but if the media deals start going down advertising starts going down then necessarily the franchise valuations are I don't know if they're going to suddenly go back to a hundred million cowboy valuation I don't think that's ever going to happen in our lifetime maybe not in our kids lifetime but at some point it's going to peek out like I don't know we're we're gonna have like a $50 billion doll Cowboys valuation I don't think I mean if any team could could go high it's Dallas maybe the Lakers depending on who they've got I think the maybe the Yankees maybe I've heard the Dodgers could actually become one of those guys way up at the top but no I don't think the cou are going to sell anyway so it's kind of a moot point what about just I'm trying to cover all the teams would the Lakers be the NBA one or was that to steal the Knicks you think um or Boston Celtics because it wasn't there like oh they might be selling to the Celtics yes with gr grck is uh putting them up for sale so um that's going to bring in a lot of money see the Knicks are the oh man that team has been so poorly run for so long long that that that is way undershot the value of that team how many times we we talked about it on this show of like oh Nicks are they have to have the Knicks involved because that's just the way well I understand why that sentiment is there New York basketball Madison Square Garden all of that but it's kind of been put on pause since the 90s and even before then it you have to go way further back the Nick's way outrage their success but if they were successful maybe two3 as much as the Celtics or Lakers they'd be number one just they're they they don't have that history the Lakers have great history the Celtics have great history uh the Knicks don't yeah so that's that valuation could be really high I would the the Lakers I think it is a little dependent on who they have and I know Los Angeles is a Lakers town but what if they went through like 10 years of nobody nobody we haven't really I mean we saw some of that like prec Kobe post magic a little post Kobe pre LeBron but we haven't seen like a decade of oh gosh um who what yeah there was like that gap of magic until Shaq got there a few years later yeah and then obviously Shaq and Kobe kind of together hand in hand over there too but yeah H you think about it wasn't because I was thinking I'm like man it had have been longer than four years but you think about magic what retired 92 9192 the first time Shaq broke my heart went over there 96 so a few years yeah it's not long though like where the Knicks will have long long stretches of ineptitude I mean the Celtics I think of that some longer is ones but I emphasize is they don't really have like 15 years of wow they're kind of an also ran um but but I the Knicks could be a whole lot bigger not to the level of a Dallas CYS I'm looking at Forbes uh Fran because I think everybody's heard about the Forbes franchise values right um so this is from from last year yeah uh the world's 50 most valuable sports teams 2023 I wonder what they're going to do this was uh September so maybe we're getting a new one coming up here I would imagine yeah probably Lakers are not the highest NBA value team Boston is not the highest valued NBA team the Knicks are not the highest uh Team it's the Warriors number three not surprised number three overall so um in that same podcast they were doing like their like again the most value broadly valuable franchises they mentioned the Warriors and the 49ers as well Nicks are actually uh number nine so they're the second highest NBA team right now uh behind the Lakers ahead of the Celtics no behind the the Warriors oh it's right War wow again the potential there and I'm I'm sure the Knicks success of the past few years is helping a lot gosh if they went a championship Lakers are the third highest NBA team um I'm scrolling through because it's like all the world so you got a lot of soccer teams in this thing right yep um man I'm going down here there's a drop off I'm at okay finally the Bulls show up at number 39 yep I'm not surprised then Boston at 43 I was struggling in mentally like okay who'd be next who'd be next and thing is that that after Steph Curry leaves the Warriors yeah not that they're going to suddenly become a nobody they're not going to return to the depths of super inept 90s a era Warriors gosh we forget about how bad the PJ carisimo era oh my my gosh it's if if anyone who's young and is like hey Warriors there have always been great no they haven't they were like right up there with uh trying to think who's like the most inept teams right now um think think of the most inep teams ever if you're if you're listening to this show right now you're like in your mid to mid 20s or so and all you know is the Warriors and Steph and being one of the dominant teams uh Ponder like the current Carolina Panthers but then multiply that by like a couple decades yeah that was the Warriors they sucked they were bad no and now wow Steph Curry so so changed that franchise being where they're at in the Bay Area there's a lot of money involved fairly new Arena right I I think they'll be okay even post Curry yeah maybe not quite to that valuation but they're going to be up there for a while absolutely but yeah there's definitely I mean throw soccer into this equation I can't does soccer have private Equity do you know off top yes they do okay yeah the the whole Sports washing thing okay oh that's very much a thing um like how Newcastle United over in the Premier League is BAS is owned by the Saudis okay um I saw Andrew Brandt tweeted like because someone asked like so how long till this chips away to the point where one of these PFS oh the PF yeah that okay now by P say private Equity the PF is a Saudi one that we've been hearing about how long until one of those types of organizations takes over said it's going to be decades you're talking for the NFL right right okay so don't if anyone's worried about just to use that one example of are the Saudis going to take over the Panthers no and maybe not in our lifetimes that no to to wrap it up with this thing here too because we hear a lot of former players say they want to run a franchise right they want to own a franchise and when we talk about it in terms of the NFL who are the two names that you always hear about maybe potentially being owners Tom Brady and pton Manning right does this potentially help them maybe accomplish that yes absolutely you don't need as much money to take over a team um and isn't that good then for the NFL if you can get a Tom Brady or pton Manning to own a team yes it is because that's more public that that's good publicity you always want good publicity I I there's there's potential bad publicity depending on where I mean okay look most of these private Equity firms you were just mentioning they're not connected to a foreign government or a particular entity that has as questionable you know moral ethics or something like that most most are not some are most are not so in most cases we're barely going to notice anything I mean that's the case with most of the other private equity investments in other in other teams across America you you don't really hear about much to them because they're usually something like a black rock or something like that it's a regular firm um yeah if you had something that has built up its own set of controversy like the Saudi pif that's bad publicity but in most cases there's going to be good publicity because you have more people that can get involved that are like a Brady or or a Manning heck you got that with magic with Washington MH I mean that I think that's generally a plus even if you wouldn't immediately associate Magic Johnson with Washington commanders football but he's part of it I think that helps yeah yeah interesting all right that's your uh business of sports for this uh Wednesday morning let's take a quick break regroup throw some baseball talk throw some football talk in here as we start to wrap things up will back in just a few minutes e e e e e e e e e e looking for your first home maybe a new home or maybe with the hunting season coming up here maybe you're kind of interested in having your own hunting Lane to to go to that way you don't have to you know rent or get a land lease or go on public land all the time well hey check out Woods and Water reality for all of your real estate listings whether it is if you're looking for that new home or your first home or maybe just uh your getaway to put somewhere to put a camper on a little parcel of land or you maybe you're looking for that hunting parcel woodsandwater dcom check out all the listings over there Woods and Water reality your real estate store uh as we approach the final months of this Major League Baseball season we uh talked a little bit about you know the the races in the for for postseason Division and such if you had to pick one of the current division leaders right now who's the one that won't finish as a Division champion if you one right now so how do we do the Central right now because it's a tie so how about the central you just pick who you think is g to win okay because you still think it's Cleveland right yes okay so I could technically say I don't think the Royals but so let's take the AL Central out of this then since they're tied okay of all the other division leaders who is the one that you think is most likely if you had to pick one and it could be like very very least likely unlikely to happen who's the one that you would pick that you think won't finish it and maybe avoid the Al's too because that's close to yeah take those two out of it and then avoid a silver down to Silver down to two uh at that point but so Phillies Brewers Dodgers and Houston this is really tough I will say Philadelphia really I don't feel great about any of those like I think all four of those are winning because the Dodgers are getting more Talent back and they're more talented than than the D than the diamond backx or Padres Brewers have way too big of a lead to where I where I would consider them to be likely to suddenly collapse I see Seattle turning this around what no I I know they're close but gosh what no um I so I'm kind of defaulting to Philadelphia underperforming they have they've had a tougher schedule second half of the season and they have not played as well uh and maybe Atlanta figures out something and they go on a run and suddenly they close that up it's a pretty it's still a pretty big gap at this point of the year six games however much it is is that's tough to overcome I I think it was it last week uh no was over the weekend I heard this uh listening to the to the Brew game on on the way back from Green Bay this kind of puts it maybe into perspective it kind of shocked me since the All-Star break Phillies were the worst record yep they have not been that great no I mean granted Atlanta's also not been that great but I could see I like I I can already give you a hint of picks and predicts for later on today I think the Braves will continue to be hot I don't know I mean I I know they've dealt with so many injuries but they've been replenishing some other reinforcements I I think the Phillies are the most likely one to not finish in first and that being said I think they will finish in first yeah H I'm so tempted to pick the Dodgers just because of how hot the Diamondbacks and the Padres are kind of making that push I'm so tempted to do that that yeah um if I had to pick one I'm going to go Houston as being the least likely I and I'm like you I'm not confident but if I have to pick one I'm gonna pick I'm gonna pick it doesn't help again for Seattle being so decrepit on offense that doesn't seem like a team that's suddenly going to chase down the Astros unless like five of their players get injured and then I mean that point well you could say that any team if they have like five key players that's different presuming everyone is at either full strength or expected strength based on who is currently injured no I I don't see that happening Houston might actually be might I could I actually say the Astros are a safer bet than the Brewers over the Cubs and again we're talking maybe tth of a percentage I think I'm saying that because of the Cubs level of talent that we're kind of waiting for them to be good and we're five months into the season are you is it going to happen and does that suddenly finally happen and that the lack of Yelich hits the Brewers at the wrong time and we have a miracle September come but again that's a nine game deficit to overcome in a month we're just saying six is practically impossible nine and we haven't seen any indication that that the Cubs are ready to go hot and the Brewers are ready to go cold this would have to start now and I feel like too and I don't know how much we can B but remember Brewers are the only team two that have not lost four in a row all season long so it's not like they have gone on these slumps you know what I mean MH like I know it's kind of a you know well you're basing off that but I mean I think there is something to that too there's a little bit to that like this isn't a team that we have seen go on Long slumps yes they've probably you know lost 311 then lost a couple more after that but we're not talking about long losing streaks with this Brewers team yeah that's not who they are that's not that's not the way that they're built this year so it would be against the form of the team as we've come to understand them and by now we can safely say that about every team we understand who Bill parcel here but you are who you are right now um and they're not a team that's going to lose they're not going to go like 10 and 20 to close out the season while the Cubs go 20 and 10 practically it could yes it can happen but it's very doubtful that both of those things are going to happen regardless of looking at the schedule there there have to be fundamental changes there it's more that I I really distrust the Mariner's ability to overcome a three game lead than even the Cubs on a nine game but both are like 3.4% chances yeah um and then you factor in the whole Seattle W The Fighter the manager they using you know that sort of like motivation sort of thing there too but right um I don't feel good about any of those I is it so little receiver defur a little bit little receiver uh of the current leaders right now I know we got a tie AL Central so let's take them out but AL East slightly with the Yankees receive it for all the division leaders will win the division by the end of next month all the current division leaders will win the division by next month I will receive on that yeah I think so too I yeah and as close as some of these races have been there's also been a good amount of stability they've been waiting for the Dodgers to be overcome been I mean we I guess we were waiting for Seattle to be overcome and they had a big lead this I can't remember the stat exactly but it's put it this way it's it's pretty rare for the Mariners to blow as big of a lead as they had but then again that big lead came way earlier in the season this wasn't like a a September blowing of a 10 game uh no I think all of them and I might even say the y I would pick the Yankees yes yeah yeah so uh all right tell you what should we do some picks and predicts coming up here yes just checking to make sure I didn't see miss anything football related so H yeah I don't think we're gonna see anything until maybe this afternoon so but uh okay let's uh take a quick break we'll start to wrap up things here this morning with some picks and predicts here got some baseball games to to go go for so and then h no we got college football tomorrow so we'll have to save that for tomorrow so all right quick break we'll be back in just a couple minutes to wrap up things here this morning e e e e e e e e e e e time for some picks in predicts brought to you by the Elbow Room in oair reminder next uh Friday if you don't have a particular streaming device and you want to watch the game Elbow Room will have it up over there including drink specials over there too to watch a little Green Bay football next Friday so or if you're just looking for a spot to catch any of the games whether it's baseball or such head on over to the Elbow Room and located right next to the banberry place in oir uh reminder too you can start to make your pro football picks on our Pro Football Weekly pick them challenge at our website if you want to start making them now you just have to go to sports. 1051 click on the fan cave and uh scroll down to the bottom there and you'll see it there they do have all the weeks up so if you want to start making them right now so you don't forget make sure you go and uh do that now or wait a little bit next week when game's officially kick week from tomorrow man right yeah week from tomorrow wait for the waiver wire to be finished yeah right yeah yeah so all right let's uh do some baseball picks here uh we had start the other day we had some good series going on this week some really good ones although Kansas City has been making it one-sided right now with with Cleveland so I'll say they get the coming right now Royals get the sweep oo Michael Waka on the mile for that's a that's G to be a day game there too I I'm going to go Cleveland they avoid to sweep so okay Houston at Philadelphia World Series rematch um Philly blanked them last night five to nothing I'll say Philadelphia gets another Victory I'm gonna go Houston tonight just because we need the Brewers to catch them so uh let's go with h how about Toronto at Boston Boston needing to get some wins here um no I'll go with the Blue Jays I'll go with the Blue Jays two in this one does Minnesota pick up a win against Chris S and the Braves tonight no Okay saw that match up I'm like uhuh so and again I'm confident in this so you know what's gonna happen TNS will somehow get the win yep uh yeah I'm G to go Atlanta on this one too Padres at the Cardinals oh boy oh boy oh boy hey so what's up with the St Louis fans like not showing up anymore fair weather I'm just kid I thought they were better than they're not used to a bad team it doesn't really happen there um I'm going to go San Diego I will go with the Padres as well how about um let's go with Excuse me uh Baltimore Dodgers oh boy Baltimore got the three to2 win last nights and here's Walker bu um I think I'll take the Dodgers I'm gonna go Dodgers uh tonight too Mets Arizona another good one met picked up an eight to3 win last night I'll take Diamondbacks baseball for this one I'll go with the Diamondbacks too and then uh Brewers Giants Freddy Peralta Kyle Harris I can't see the Brewers getting swept those things do happen every so often you like what I not that the Giants are bad but you think the Brewers should not be swept at home I'll take the Brewers I'll go Brewers and it's going to be wrong but I feel like Freddy pal is gonna have a good night I think he's kind of do so I I will I will go with that one so okay all right those are your picks and predicts by the way will the white socks get set the record at the rate they're going they're going to have to like a couple days ago they'd have to go like 12 and 19 the rest of the season to avoid the Mets Infamous well they they're so they'd have to win 12 of 19 to avoid it or they have to go 12 and 19 right so they'd have to win 12 games 12 out of like 20 oh they have to go 12 and 19 okay yeah uh going to get 12 wins no no they they they're not going to get it maybe they need to win nine I I GNA have to do my math on this but uh no I'm I'm not confident in that either yeah NOP hey they played two today rain out last night uh who who do they got oh there they got Texas I've seen the video right now from last night uh we bit rainy down in Chicago last night hey they're not the cheapest ticket in town according to my schedule either for uh for for baseball what so you know in ESPN you go to the schedule they have tickets tickets as low as whatever whatever uhuh we're just I know this is very generic and very basic the cheapest ticket you kind of made fun of them already for just $2 you could go to the Padres and Cardinals game wow just two bucks Cardinals fans checking out on the season bucks and I open it up oh yeah first base Terrace uh right field Pavilion left field Pavilion Row one two bucks guess was always next year that's Vivid wow yeah that's a little bit of a surprise I mean they're not moving on to the NFL that's for sure in St Louis nope it's one of the few cities where like n actually we're we're good um wow that is that is kind of surprising I'm just kind of seeing where if I wanted to sit a little bit closer oh okay so if I want to sit like first Baseline 19 bucks what time is that game uh that game is tonight you could go down there and watch a for two bucks granted the gasoline would be way way way way way way way way way more expensive than that but hey get down there $2 to watch Cardinals and Padre's most expensive game shouldn't be a big surprise Baltimore Dodgers 85 85 but then there's a drop the next closest or most expensive game met at the Diamondbacks 20 bucks interesting yeah lot of fives lot of fives on this one by the way I was looking through the wild schedule to see hm are there any decent ticket NOP no they're still super expensive actually like the the one the the two games that I found like the cheapest dish tickets against Columbus at the very beginning of the Season you'd think would be more but it's probably because it's Columbus and they're one of the only teams that's never even made they've never made a Conference Finals or yeah or overall semi-finals however you want to look they've never done that in their history and election night oh I was like oh my gosh prices are oh that's why yeah I'm sure there are a lot of people for what assorted reasons are like do we want to watch a hockey game what it's all going on but hey if if you really don't care about politics at all that might end up being a good time to go check out a wild game yeah absolutely so they didn't announce the Utah team yet have there the uh the name yeah that's not going to be till like next summer probably it's you're going to be so they're just going to be called Utah Hockey Club this year they're going all Washington football team Utah Hockey Club it's official they got the jerseys they got The Branding all yeah I see the logo now very uh very creative guys I rooll well that's kind of the point like they don't want to get married to something and then change it so they kind of have to be again as I understand it those are going to be the colors but but the logo the name is all going to be different I'm good with the colors little Carolina blue in there it's different like they're just not another team that has light blue and black so got that yeah so I'm okay with that I'm still curious if they go with um what were the options again that you were like oh boy you'd have to become a fan oh the yeti yes Utah Yeti I yeah I will change my allegiance I'm sorry but I would it's a little too alliterative for my taste you to literate what you say was it um oh gosh what what did I what did I just say whatever I just said where it it it flows a little too cleanly got Utah Yeti like okay see I'd rather have it make sense like Utah Yeti instead of like okay I'm sorry but the does Los Angeles have any likes no and that's that was from back in the era when you could move around and KCK your name and people didn't really care about it and now I mean if that happened today now Min the state of Minnesota would have to take ownership of of this like well it's like Utah Jazz back to New Orleans that's the that's the craziest one of all but now we have the Arizona Coyotes that the the franchise has officially been suspended it may never return what what are we doing here is it that precious I mean I know they are coyotes fans and I don't want to make fun of them because they are legit fans but come on the team moved we know what happened I hope against all hope that if they do become the yetis we have Yeti I think it's going to be whatever plural though is yetis right is it I think it is just Yeti is it just Yeti a pack of Yeti pack of a family of Yeti I don't know anyways what I was goingon to say is I hope against all hope we have a Yeti call like we have a wolf call for some games or a panther growl or whatever we have a Yeti call for for some of those for like when there's a goal scored or something like that that would be good fully embrace the big foot calls though there apparently also Yeti Pearl can be with or without the S okay it sounds better with with with the S well now okay now I'm seeing plural and now I'm to all sorts of Facebook comments and Reddit and like okay so wait what there's people that take this serious oh yes like no it's not like okay you're probably the same people who probably should be going to a hockey game on elections he never know but I I just I hope we can you should have a Bigfoot calling contest and record it that' be pretty I don't the I like that get her done Brian Smith who's who you know now they own the Jazz and now they're owning the Utah Hockey Club seem to be doing a pretty good job with like PR public engagement all of that I would suspect if that's the name that is chosen probably going to do something along those lines got to get some uh sound effects of uh clubbing a tree taking a piece of wood and hitting a tree because that's how B bigfoots communicate get that on there too so I mean you could do that with the hockey sticks hit in the ice same same sound effect I think so oh yeah I definitely would change allegiances 100% so but I got away another year so this is the final year for the Kraken they gota win they gota win to St in the cup gota win the Stanley Cup a pretty tall order there hey you never know yeah so then you switch over to Utah and then Seattle wins it next year and Utah ends up being the worst team in the in the league then what I if I'm anything I am a dedicated fan is obvious I stick with my teams especially in hockey well but but it's not necessarily a length but it's I stand by them through thick and thin just not name changes hey speaking of people that haven't been sticking through thick and thin which former Packer that's been cut would you most like to see return to the Green Bay Packers um there's some interesting names here Adrien Amos cut yeah Rudy Ford cut Big Bob tanion cut cut um I mean he's already made the NFC North thing I mean he like Detroit practice squad for a hot minute there obviously Chicago last year Green Bay and then Minnesota for a hot minute too so he's done through for the NFC north um who are some other ones out there off top of your head do you know ecmia St Brown want to take another round there no we're good at wide outs Rudy Ford Rudy Ford no we're good with safeties now Chris Burns Orin Burks Orin Burks got cut yep oh he got a lot of playing time with 49ers last year two years cut by The Eagles um Jah deua uh Summers no Shamar Jean Charles Shar Je Charles Jack Hein Tim Bole hey Jack Hein uh trash can full of dirt y who Tim Bo Yeah Tim Bole the laser laser boil yeah yep so he got cut who if you had to choose one to bring back to the Packers who would it be you have to choose one so you have to choose one there's no running backs on that list um oh look at that times out L Nichols L Nichols actually yes L Nichols give him a shot I don't think he got a fair shot he got hurt and we didn't get to see that so there you go yes the W all right DPA danet they're up next have a fantastic rest of your Wednesday we'll do this again tomorrow morning just past 6 talk to you then