When Jealousy Kills | Law & Order

S07, E16, Turn Around according to the flight plan Burger's plane was supposed to leave for La at 9:00 except it left at 10:15 they say why it was late well maybe the campino machine was busted that was Berger's lawyer the great man just got back from the goldby desert where he was scouting locations for a movie and tonight he's going to Morocco you tell his lawyer he's not going anywhere until he talks to us uh-huh he uh has a meeting with Julia Roberts at 2 Brad Pit at 3 but he canceled his 4:00 with some riter to meet with us at his la I represent Mr Burger's legal interests along with Mr middleman and Miss schelter uh Mrs Sans and palnik are his agents and Miss Canton handles his relations with the media Mr Berger is deeply saddened by Heidi Ellison's tragic death he considered her a friend and a colleague and a woman of great Talent Mr Burger was she a close friend they had a pragmatic relationship which in their business is considered a friendship Mr Burger is eager to help in any way that he can to bring the guilty parties to Justice oh we appreciate that uh we just have a few simple questions for him before we get to that Mr Burger doesn't want news of this meeting leaking to the media well we hadn't planned on telling anybody of course but if it is going to be leaked Mr Burger would like Liz Smith to get first crack at it her number's at the top of the page what's this it's a suggested press release of course feel free to put it in your own vernacular Mr Burger your plane left MacArthur Airport an hour and a quarter late could you tell us why Mr Burger was waiting for a passenger and who was the passenger Eddie Newman the story is Newman called him a around 8:30 to hitch a ride to the West Coast they're friends they shared Architects I don't know what that means out there what else did Burger say he took a pill and fell asleep right after takeoff who else was on the plane well Burger's personal assistant did out everything her boss said there was also his executive producer and the guy who does the merchandising on his movies we haven't talked to them say the word we go search warrant for Newman's car and his apartment we leave one te uncrossed on that warrant application and Neil Gordon will shove it down our throats hey Newman lied about his Alibi he was in the same area the murder weapon was found what are we missing a motive find somebody who'll say he hated her guts well Newman ped around with Steven Berger people are afraid to talk what about Evan Grant Heidi Ellison must have told him something about her ex-husband ask him but don't let him know we're considering another suspect if we're wrong about Newman I don't want to give Grant an alternate theory of the crime I'm not going to D you with a lot of Miss Ross Evan and I are realistic about our chances with a jury you put a serious offer on the table we'll give it a good hard look I'm not here to negotiate a plea what happened to your other lawyer money's all gone my friends in La stopped returning my calls he's the only one I can afford he tells me I should take a deal Miss Ross I'm innocent so why are we having this meeting your client might help himself by answering a few questions about Eddie Newman why is he a suspect too Mr Grant your cooperation will mean something down the line on the last day you were with Heidi did she talk about Newman yeah he called her on her cell phone when she was at the gym what did they talk about I didn't hear she took her phone into her private dressing room she didn't say anything when she got back but I could tell she was upset was she often upset after talking with her husband yeah sometimes from what she told me he was a piece of work what specifically did she tell you well she said that all the time they were married he wanted to control her movie directors are like that you know they bang their leading ladies for the control was he ever violent with her she said that when they were married she had him arrested for assault he got nuts because he thought she was cheating on him when was this she never filed a complaint so I never arrested him then why did you voucher his personal belongings your sergeant found a voucher in the precinct's file for Newman's gold watch two rings in his wallet just just took him in you put him in the holding cell and then you let him go did his watch find its way onto your wrist I resent that I resent being lied to you tell me what happened detective Miller I am walking this over to IAB look I showed a little compassion Newman and Ellison went a couple of rounds in their living room she had a bloody nose and a cut on her lip she wanted him arrested I took him in why didn't he stay arrested because he was very contrite very ashamed so while he was in the tank I talked to his wife you convinced her to drop her complaint she came to that on on her own without her as a witness there's no case and you know it so I let Newman go what did you get out of it a couple of autographs he appreciated my mediation work it didn't take we think he might have killed her the guy who detailed his C did a great job you find his number let me know as soon as we book him for destroying evidence he's all yours I said great not perfect I found a dozen strands of beige silk caught on the gas pedal from clothing possible they were stained with a negative blood it's Heidi's blood type and there were three blood specks of the same type found on the lining of the trunk I doubt Gordon could give us any grief over probable cause good swear out an arrest War Newman's still in La finishing his movie facts on the warrant tell Brisco and Curtis to pack their bags welcome back yeah we're just here for takeout now you guys have him in custody right not quite he checked himself into the Judith Harvey Senator he's in rehab let's go in and pull him out yeah it's not that simple there's a medical angle hey I know the word rehab is like a religion out here but he can't just check himself into a drug treatment center in the sanctuary Jerry these are the New York detectives lny Brisco Ray Curtis Jerry Weiss Deputy district attorney for LA County you know Mr Gordon and Dr dval this is sherik he's local counsel for Mr Newman well uh drinks are on me as soon as Mr Newman's in our custody Mr Newman is in the second day of a drug treatment program I've proposed then Mr Weiss has tentatively agreed that he complete the program and then surrender himself to the police you agreed uh I agreed to consider it well he better be cured by 8:00 cuz that's when the plane leaves it's a 10-day program hey we're not going to get into a slows speed chase with the guy Mr Weiss unless you uh look forward to running into some problems when you looking for somebody on our turf you better execute that arrest warrant today this is abusive I'm calling Garcetti this man is sick it'll set back his recovery by months he can recover at Rikers Eddie Eddie these detectives are here to take you back to New York don't worry everything's going to be fine they're arresting you Edy just don't say a word be with you the hway can he stand up sure stand up want to do the honors give us some room please Edward Newman you're under arrest for the murder of Heidi Ellison Newman is filing notice of a rid of habus Corpus you're contesting the extradition yes your honor on the grounds that the arrest warrant issued by the state of New York is defective defective how your honor your honor I respectfully suggest this isn't the Forum to litigate this matter get the problem we tossed out his Alibi we got her blood in his car now maybe this judge thinks Smoking Gun is a famous Indian chief this judge is an idiot he took the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution and tossed it into Santa Monica Bay maybe you should take up golf if it'll help I'll send for my clubs does anybody want to grab a bite not me I'm book for dinner quick turn up the sound we're going to prove that the arrest warrant for my client is produced from evidence planted in his car planted by who Mr Gordon we'll get into that in the hearing now Wendy Jess of course will be contacting the New York County District attorne off what a little bull who had access to the car I'll call and see if we can get on the red ey what was detective Miller doing here looks like he had a car in here in connection with the robbery this is a photo copy what happened to the original my supervisor took it said somebody subpoena it that robbery case wasn't even yours Miller you had no business being in that garage I can go any damn place on city property I want to listen we find your prince on Newman's car you'll be going to Rikers I got got a subpoena and I got a ticket to La hey that's where I'm going hey Miller if you got something on your chest you want to get rid of Now's the Time to do it I didn't plant nothing now if you guys excuse me I got to go buy some Sunan lo 21:53 : S11, E17, Ego you damn it's heavy it's probably all the Mercury give me hand here hurry up so what's the story Girl Meets Bridge girl meets bullet then girl meets River I love a happy ending any idea how long ago it's hard to say with the bloating and decomposition three maybe 4 weeks you didn't find any ID floating around did you n just the clothes she went in with looks like somebody did a number on her face something more likely and when was the last time you had contact with your sister the day she disapp appeared Karen was in Manhattan on a work assignment we spoke on the phone I didn't realize it would be the last time I'd hear a voice when you say uh work assignment you mean uh for the Attorney General's office right any idea what she was working on she didn't talk about her job much she took it seriously though what time was it when you spoke to her maybe 5 5:30 did she say where she was she was on her cell phone I thought maybe we could have a an early dinner but Karen said it would have to be another time she was heading to catch the Amtrak back to Albany you know I told all this to the state troopers when they were here this is just routine Mr Hall did Karen have any friends in Manhattan somebody who might have changed her mind about going home she'd only been to the city maybe once or twice she didn't know anyone here outside of work and you reported her missing the following Monday she was supposed to go Furniture shopping with Nancy and Reinbeck but she never showed up who else did you talk to during your investigation hey we did our damn job did you canvas the damn area did you talk to the regular damn commuters somebody on the train must have remembered seeing her did you talk to the conductors the other vendors hey we talked to everybody okay The Turk was the only one who saw her and that didn't tell you something look I tell you something it stays off the Record all cop you man fact is Jim and I had our own doubts doubts about what about the direction the case was being steered by the AG's office what direction was that my personal opinion and I don't have any evidence to support this it's all right I hear you they GL oned the train snatch theory for the wrong reasons the right reasons would be let's just say I don't think the AG wanted to face the possibility that Karen Hall's killer might be some guy from one of their own case files well naturally we considered the the possibility was work related it's the first thing we thought of but we could uncover any hard evidence to support the theory with all due respect Mr Conroy how hard did you consider it well we pulled our case files We examined every possibility but uh all the evidence pointed back to Al we're going to need to go over all of her files everything she was working on at the time some of those cases are still pending we're not going to compromise any of my investigations are we Lieutenant we can count on our discretion she was so busy with work know we tried but it was always one thing or another even if she had a boyfriend she wouldn't have told me the age difference it was more like a father daughter thing with us Karen was seeing someone did she mention her name she told you that she didn't want people to know we're people did she tell you who she was seeing no but he was married Karen was going with a married guy she told you that she said it was over and she never mentioned a name she wouldn't say anything about him she didn't want people at work to find out why didn't you tell all this to the Troopers when she disappeared I did I told the investigators but I didn't know who it was and Karen said it'd been over for a while so you're thinking it may be a romance gun sour one of the sisters thinks it might have been an office thing did you call Albany and ask around yeah no luck seems the lady was tight lipped so we pulled all of her personal credit card receipts going back a year Hotel restaurant charges from all over the city last 10 months busy girl up until a month before she disappeared right about the time sis says the romance cool 1 2 3 4 five visits to caverna you know it yeah it's a quiet little place over on 21st and 10th I see senorina Hall used to come here with her gentleman friend but uh not So Much Anymore you wouldn't happen to remember this gentleman friend's name oh sure sure first rule of restaurant business never forget the name it's um Alfredo no aruro uh Alexandro no Alec see Alec conoy Alec Cony he and the senoro always the dece in the corner very private very romantic very nice off the Record okay the record then Karen and I had been involved past tense I broke it off end of star I assume you can tell us where you were the night she disappeared we already know it wasn't in Albany I wouldn't have taken it on faith either I was with someone else not your wife my wife and I weren't together at the time I had my own place now if that offends your Longhorn self-righteous sense of right and wrong then so be it what offends us is withholding information from an investigation if I go public with my relationship with Karen I jeopardize cases maybe even my career I wasn't about to do that not when I had an alibi Mrs Conroy indicated that the three of you discussed her husband's affair with Karen Hall in a therapy session with you and that in fact it was you who recommended that they immediately separate Dean Conroy wasn't my patient we can at least verify the accuracy of her statement I suppose if she's already told you as much I don't see the harm in that she also revealed the substance of that therapy session and that she left it with serious concerns about the safety of Karen hall now we're treading on thinner eyes here counselors that information arises directly out of my diagnosis of Mr Conroy and when another woman turns up missing what then doctor my obligation is to my patient I warned Miss Hall you warned her I put it all in the letter there's nothing more I could do what letter doctor you say you got this copy from Conroy shrink the original hasn't turned up yet Conroy probably took care of that in the initial investigation it is my belief that Mr Conroy constitutes an immediate real danger to you that'd be Karen Hall and possibly others Conor psychiatrist sent a similar letter to Alice mner and you say his wife was in some of these sessions she used the therapist's office as a safe haven to break it off with them and this other woman Conroy supposed Alibi what's her safe haven we have her under 24-hour surveillance which is how we discovered that marner's late husband kept a 26ft Grady White in the Boat Basin and she held on to it well it's a nice item to have I mean if you need to dispose of a body you didn't meet Alex Conroy at the boat that night did you I don't understand oh you went to the boat all right but you met him at his apartment didn't you no I did not you met him at at the apartment that he had rented for the two of you only you weren't invited and when you showed up to see your lover of 12 Years in the arms of this young girl what are you trying to do your late husband owned a 22 caliber handgun did he not Mrs martyr Alec you're the one who killed that woman that night aren't you no the wife posed no threat but this one she did this young sensuous woman objection overruled you killed her and then you asked ala Conroy the man you love the man you trust to help you in fact you counted on the 12 years of control that you had had over control I had yeah and it worked because rather than turn you in rather than fulfill his obligations as a prosecutor he took pity on you didn't he helped you get rid of Miss Hall's body that never happened never your boat Mrs Marner your boat your gun your jealousy please read the highlighted portion in the third full paragraph on page two in the light of this m Hall I believe that Mr Conroy should be considered an immediate and very real physical threat what was the basis for your opinion Mr Conroy suffers from CDR control domination response in Lay terms he needs to feel that everything in his life especially the people in his life are under his control domination specifically just look at the women in his life devoted wife widowed mistress aspiring employee all of them share a vulnerability to him a dependence when Mr conoy realized he could no longer control Miss Hall you can see how her Defiance could be perceived by him as jeopardizing more than just their relationship did he say he was going to kill Miss Hall he said he want wanted to and I believed him nothing further you've got your plea McCoy you'll have to allocute oh is that really necessary for months Karen Hall's family has been plagued by questions of how and why we're not leaving this room until your client answers them it's okay you know this may come as a big surprise to all of you but I loved Karen killing someone's a pretty sick way of saying I love you when I first met Karen she was just another local girl in cheap shoes she didn't know the first thing about being a professional about talking like one or like dressing like one or like thinking like one I was the one who taught her that and then you betrayed her no that was her choice not mine I was willing to give up my wife and my children for her she just couldn't appreciate the sacrifice so then so then I called her late that afternoon and told her I had some new information about the case she was reluctant about coming over to the apartment but I told her it' just be a few minutes I could tell in a voice she didn't want to come but she did loyalty to the job Miss carmichel I told her that too where'd you get the gun Alice's a few weeks before what happened after Miss Hall got there at first we talked about work I wanted her to think everything was going to be okay but then I brought up the relationship and Karen said she was uncomfortable with the subject that it was over she started putting on her coat I told her to sit down she said I couldn't tell her what to do anymore so I reached for her and she pulled away and she said that the thought of her being touched by me again made her sick that's when she saw the gun she gave me this look like she knew she'd gone too far why not just let her walk away I couldn't Karen should have known I could never do that now she does [Music] [Music]

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