Uncle Matt's Bedtime Story - Monday, November 13, 2023

Published: Nov 12, 2023 Duration: 00:05:51 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: matt landers
[Music] [Music] it's time once again for Uncle Matt's bedtime [Music] story hello everybody it's Uncle Matt and I'm here to read you another bedtime story and today's bedtime story we're going to read on world kindness day world kindness day question for you do you consider yourself kind do you know what kindness is is it when someone offers to do you something you don't expect maybe that's opening the door for you maybe that's buying you a meal or a special treat like an ice cream cone those are pretty kind things to do and uh this book we're going to read is called the power of one every act of kindness counts That's right The Power of One by Trudy lewig and Mike kurat and uh this story was copyright in think it's back here copyright in 20120 are you ready here we go sometimes one can feel like a small and lonely number but don't let this little number fool you one is a lot bigger and more powerful than you think one after all is the starting point for change one good listener can make even the smallest voice heard one shy smile can lead to a friendship one caring friends can open the door for several more one sincere apology can help heal big and little hurts one warm hug can lift our spirits up when we're feeling down one thoughtful idea can bring a community together one handful of seeds can Sprout into a garden one harvested Garden can make a bountiful feast acts and words of kindness do count and it all starts with one the end oh all starts with one the kindness of one the power of one every act of kindness counts think about that when you are given an opportunity or maybe a choice of being kind to someone do you act on it do you be kind or do you just kind of shrug it off and walk away and think it's not important you can make a difference too the power of one well that's all the time we have for Uncle Matt's bedtime story I hope you enjoyed that story and I'll see you next time bye for [Music] now

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