1000 FT Wave vs Titanic!

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:25:28 Category: Gaming

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oops I drove the Titanic into an ocean of lava my bad hello everybody I'm kyli K and welcome to floating sandbox the world's greatest boat destroying simulator we're taking a tropical cruise that is going to end in disaster now this is not the first time that I've played this game before and boy you have a lot of ways to ruin a beautiful Cru we can simply just take off the whole back section of of this here boat you don't need that anymore all the people that were over there well they're now experiencing a submarine trip how exciting for them I was just doing them a favor things are not looking so hot for the main cabin either you can see the chamber slowly filling up with water oh yeah I hear a lot of glass breaking which is kind of sad fying can we turn the wait wait we better turn the pumps on so we can pump some of the water out look wait no I think it's too far I I I don't think it's going to help also I don't think we have engines because we cut off the whole you know bit of the ship that actually has the propellers you're probably going to need those I don't know they seem to be holding up that's the horn is it doesn't even work oh there it goes all right that sounds like the Horn of complete and utter Panic well looks like things are not getting better let's just chop off another little bit you know maybe that'll help level out the boat you know if you if you remove all this dead weight maybe that's that's how you save this this ship oh it's it's being it's Holding On by just like a thread I don't even know what that that is right there but that was actually holding that whole section of the boat to the rest of it oh boy I don't think it helped I don't think we have assisted in allowing this thing to float better we definitely assisted in allowing it to sink better I wonder like how does this work wait no that didn't help thought maybe oh wait okay this is definitely not helping but maybe you can Propel it back to safety that didn't work turns out putting explosions on the back end of a cruise ship that is sinking into the ocean doesn't help it get out of the sinking go figure listen I'm not an engineer but I'm not entirely surprised that that didn't work how we doing folks are we are we hanging in there maybe we can no we're just taking chunks off of it I mean ironically it is kind of slowing down the sinking of the ship but it oh I got to I got to get you like reoriented oh no I don't even know what that meant I think that just means we're done for you see the captain he's he's standing on the very tip he's just like there he goes Carnival Glory not actually a submarine all right let's put her out of her misery oh wow oh gosh it's yeah I mean I'm still not really putting her out of her misery I'm kind of kind of almost like a cat playing with its prey it's kind of messed up to the bottom of the ocean it's lovely down there and we're back but here's one of the coolest things about this game that we haven't really explored there are like a bajillion chips and there's some pretty weird ones that we can play around with what is this the Nantucket you're adorable you're an adorable clumsy little boat I don't even know how to describe you what is this thing what are all these weird wires let's blow it up how do we do that I don't know we got options we could just slice it do a little crosssection no not built to uh to be chopped in half apparently I guess the whole bottom section is used for floating weird uh that thing didn't last very long I'm like a I'm like a samurai sorry Nantucket they have actual submarines can you like tell the submarine to to submerge itself well it's kind of it's kind of doing it on its own there's no controls normally there's controls down here to to control the ships guess you can't control a submarine it does what it wants inject pressure what happens if you inject pressure into a submarine it doesn't seem like anything happens honestly what about waves how about waves against a submarine do they affect it I mean right now they probably would cuz the thing's floating on the on the surface it's not really doing its whole you know submarine thing yeah get bigger waves come on I mean we can trigger a Tsunami Tsunami versus submarine Let's Do It Go something tells me the submarine's going to be okay can you speed up time here it comes it's not that much bigger than the waves that we created can you make a tsunami bigger I think we tried this before I don't think I could tsunamis are weird man prepare for impact I don't think it's going to do anything I think submarine's totally fine it's like nothing even happened it's oh did you feel something did you guys feel something no all right I mean they got like a little a little bump but very ineffective against submarines all right good to know what is swirl counter swirl oh no oh no can you do a full front flip and survive that doesn't seem good oh my gosh everybody inside of this submarine is now just uncontrollably vomiting oh there goes the propeller oh no oh it's filling up uh-oh uh-oh we got some breakage that doesn't seem good how about just like a little poke can we do like a little poke just a little one uhoh it doesn't take a lot for that submarine to start filling up you'd think that they would have like a lot of systems in place to you know prevent water from essentially filling the whole thing up but it seems seems like you can actually see it there's like little gaps between certain sections but it seems like just about everything is connected So eventually this one little hole is going to allow enough water to fill the whole thing and it's not going to be pretty I mean we are definitely sinking just going down but hey that's what submarines do right is that how a submarine control rolls its like buoyancy does it have chambers that it can fill with water and then remove water from is that how it goes up and down or is it something else does it have to do with like pressure or I I don't know maybe they did this on purpose definitely didn't do that on purpose I don't think snapping the submarine into two separate pieces was part of the original design what about the Goodyear blimp what what is this I used to see this thing all the time we would pass it a lot I grew up in Southern California so I would see where it's parked oh gosh it's going to crash into the water are you okay I haven't even done anything dude you're just you're just going into the water what happens if we poke a little hole we going to start deflating no I think it's okay oh it oh it's slowing down why is it going so fast I mean I don't even have the look I can I can turn the engine on and that makes it go backwards what okay that's confusing but I get you turn on the cabin light there you go now everybody can see their imminent deaths I guess who needs that cabin it's it's it's holding the whole thing down oh no oh gosh oh no didn't I was I was kind of planning on that to be a a cleaner cut Heat hit him with a heat blast oh no oh no yeah that thing Cooks real fast that fire is going to spread really fast isn't it cuz I mean it's it's probably some kind of like plastic material I don't know polyester I don't even know what is a blimp made out of either way this blimp is uh is definitely not going to be blimping too much longer let's start some more fires shall we I wonder why it's standing up like that is it because I have the the engine going good thing I have the cabin lights on this is crazy you can see all the little particle bits blowing away maybe not such a good year beep beep you've got to be kidding me it's the battle bus balloon ignition oh no okay well that's my bad electric Spark [Music] oh that's pretty cool it turned the the headlights off they don't work anymore take that battle bus I showed you Laser cannon I'm just going to cut the top half of the battle bus off with the power of highly concentrated heat Rays someone in the comments remind me what laser stands for I know it's an acronym I just don't remember what it is there you go beautiful wait it's still holding on something's still holding on get out of here just cook all that up there I like that the the bottom half of the battle bus is actually kind of well I take that back it was kind of a boat goodbye battle bus the end of fortnite just an excavator I have a hard time believing that an excavator would float how would it handle this not so well that's not shocking so in addition to discovering that there's like a billion different vehicles in this game that you can destroy in an assortment of ways uh I've also learned about the simulation settings and you can really get crazy with this stuff so you can actually change the texture of the water and one of the option options is lava my gosh so you're telling me that I can hit the Titanic with a wave of lava even better you can hit the Titanic with the lava tsunami what is a rogue wave what is that is that just a smaller tsunami I did it is this this really that's a rogue wave how embarrassing okay I mean I have to try I have to hit it with the with the lava tsunami but I think there are also settings within here like the tools like look at this we can change the blast radius of weapons blast Force Blast heat what is this am bomb implosion strength atomic bomb is that what that is the destroy radius of the hammer tool the blast tool we can change the radius of that the laser we can make that stronger I'm going Max settings on everything it's a terrible idea and then in water and ocean there are so many metrics in here that I don't understand at all water Ingress what is that rotting yeah of course you need to increase the rod accelerator with an eight I don't know what's happening anymore but we're waiting for a a lava tsunami oh my gosh holy cow this is incredible it it looks so much more intimidating it's just this oozing creeping blob of liquid hot magma it is kind of funny though that it it's depicting the damage as blue oh no gosh oh that I mean that was instant death uh quite destructive quite destructive indeed can you change the temperature oh dude you have to right you have to oh yeah it I mean it just melted the Titanic which makes sense I mean it is in an ocean of lava oh my gosh it really is melting that is insane looking so every time I reload the ship it's just going to instantly melt into a ball of unrecognizable molten metal and plastic and glass that's kind of cool let's lower the temperature what happens if you make it super oh you wait what is this 273 K Kelvin I don't know what that means what happens if the water's really cold nothing boat's fine so there's so many things here that I do not understand the depth of the water you can adjust so if I if I do that all right that's terrifying it's just a black abyss cool very cool do you think that changes like the power of a tsunami that's that's really what I'm looking for it's like how do you make a tsunami bigger is there oh displace water wave oh wait no these are just rates these don't actually change the strength but if I adjust the height oh no oh oh oh oh I don't even know what's happening oh we can't handle that hold on it's instant death but but bear with me here I mean there are some crazy things we can do with this okay so hear me out if I adjust the width I can make the waves taller but not as like aggressive I guess well no this is this is that's crazy what if I make it really wide I guess it'll just move like the whole ocean will just bob up and down by a lot the speed a look at that that is that's not good here let's let's reload no chance you don't stand a chance man all right slow that down slow that down okay so we can also mess around with displacement and I don't fully understand what that means but if I crank up the displacement what does that do it doesn't seem like it did anything to be honest what happens if I throw a tsunami on top of the already broken physics that we've created can a tsunami even well well that I mean is is pretty intimidate the only thing is is that it's really just riding on top of the massive waves now what if I oh yeah okay so if I adjust the width of the Waves the tsunami kind of Builds on top of the peak of the already massive waves that's ridiculous let's get even more ridiculous water and ocean what I don't know what any of these things mean if I increase the density of the water surely something terrible will happen friction drag adjust let's set that to nothing I don't know pressure drag adjust nothing impact Force adjust Crank that up obviously Hydro static pressure adjust oh that yeah you want that at one temperature we don't worry about that The Rock in has to be at a million no the rotting has to be super low I don't know I hear very bad noises though wa let's let's reload the ship and just see oh my is that the rot is that what just happened there no it's something else I think you know what that might be is the density because basically what is bobbing up and down right now is just solid concrete waves of death just molten lava that is as hard as steel you know in case the molten lava wasn't enough there is a version of the Titanic check this out that is indestructible unbreakable how unbreakable I've broken what was Unbreakable congratulations to me not so unbreakable after all how about front view of the Titanic that's kind of cool that changes the whole perspective I love that oh no oh this is this is awesome I still don't know what water ingresses but let's speed it up fluid craziness what does that even mean I mean obviously the bumpiness of the ocean floor I guess that could have impact on like how the waves respawn to stuff but didn't we make the the actual like depth of the ocean like a bajillion where did I do that okay is that better yeah yeah that's better now we can actually see the ocean floor it's definitely not having much impact on the actual waves this is terrifying I have created an absolute boat decimation machine let's make it even worse yeah where are all the fish the fish seem just fine wait can I make giant fish there's a size multiplier all right make them really fast really fast giant fish oh my gosh they're jumping out of the water and they can actually get back in the water that's insane cuz they're basically swimming through steel how many fish did I add to the okay well that's a lot of fish storms I don't know let's just crank all this stuff up oh no all right I cranked up a ton of this stuff we have storms make storms happen more often tsunamis are happening more often I don't think there's anything other than all of these fish that could survive this situation let's play around with our wave machine wave maker I think part of the problem here I can't really make waves and I think that's because of the density and like the weight of the ocean I've made it too dense what happens if you make it less dense change all this stuff what happens if I load a ship give them the Titanic at night there's no chance not to mention you're being just bombarded by giant fish I mean these are massive fish this shark is almost the size of the Titanic all right revert to defaults wow this is the way things are supposed to be huh who would have thought okay so I returned everything to default uh does that also take our yeah it does all right well we're going to fix this yeah much better hit him with a little impact bomb how's this work you have to you have to like hit it with something how about electricity oh okay is pretty effective blast we we've maximized blast so let's see oh my God that is crazy Hoy all right hit him with an antimatter bomb does this one just go off or do I have to hit it zapping it oh no oh it okay y there goes it yeah it's doing its thing oh it's doing its thing okay yeah remember the Titanic me either what Titanic the laser wow wow cuz remember I used to have to kind of hold it for a few seconds on the spot to to cook it not anymore timer bomb here it goes yeah I mean that's pretty good about the Wind Maker going Crank that up do you think you can use this to affect the waves I mean it's pushing the whole ship which is insane it's not really impacting the waves I mean it is creating little ripples but not really Titanic's holding up pretty good is there an iceberg test test cuz I feel like this boat's going to need it so this is an interesting uh little thing um I changed the density of the ocean to zero and I guess it kind of makes sense that a boat would sink cuz it's basically [Laughter] air it's in an ocean of air okay we can can we float again did I fix it I just wanted to see yeah see that allows me to actually make massive massive waves wow that's a big wave and if you take a wave and if you go down and then pull water up in front of the lower section you can probably make it even bigger yeah yeah that I mean Titanics definitely had better days but I got to say hitting the Titanic with a giant wave of literal lava is probably one of my favorite things I've ever done in this video game oh yeah and not to mention the lava is 273 Kelvin so there's that too that is amazing oh that's so cool

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