Palestine Joins BRICS - Zim Bonds - Oasis Tour - Comfort Zones - Kim Goguen Advice - World Fires

hi everybody Welcome to today's episode we've got a few things to throw at you today hopefully make you think and I hope you all don't think that I've lost my mind but maybe I have who knows a bit of that if you haven't done any of them please do very welcome to have your support and today we're going to start off with global financial news [Music] I still think it's funny sorry Palestine announces it's going to apply to join bricks is is that like possible have I lost the pl paltin been designated as a specific country now and I I don't know they keep on about having a two-state solution if pal Palestine is an official country they've got us State salute am I missing the plot I'll scratch me head over that I have no time to look it up some of you might be thinking yeah he has lost he has lost his mind Breakin Bitcoin mining company declares bankruptcy that's a bit weird isn't it the people who are mining your Bitcoin uh who created basically have gone bankrupt I don't know how that could happen I can't find any reasons for it but again haven't had a lot of time because of other things that have been going on uh I don't know maybe you can let me know I don't know uh news Guru I feel like I'm picking on original marxy I like him he's a genuine guy I think he's got himself in a situation where even he's realizing that things that he thought were going to happen maybe aren't going to happen so here's I think this was yesterday's report there a sliding scale on Zim bons I've been told no there's no sliding scale I'm hearing they're worth the same no matter how many you have that's what I've heard from day one I know a lot of people hear differently just not what I'm hearing from any Source from any Source we're going to be talking about sauce later not uh tomato ketchup sauce or whatever Source you've got in your country proper Source in my opinion but he's been talking about his sources and his contacts in the banking World which he has got and they're all telling him things they all get excited oh it's going to happen next week it's going to happen this but I'm haven't seing him for a while and I've started looking at him again and he's getting a bit despondent cuz I don't think it's actually going to happen as they think and I hope it does I've actually got some zimb bons I've got some dong I've got some Dina I've got some some xrp back from the days when I thought this was all going to happen so hoping it does happen so I'm not totally negative about it I actually want it to happen sorry I'm turning to uh RFK just a second right we're back a professional would edit that out but I'm not going to so we've also hearing from Trump and his son about you know decentralized finance and defi crypto so I thought I'd have a quick look what it's about and I found a really short video there's some long ones out there guys you you don't know how much time goes into setting these little things up but let's have a quick look what they say have you ever wondered what def crypto is and how it can help build wealth well let's Dive Right in defi short for decentralized finance is a revolutionary system that eliminates the need for middlemen in financial transactions it's built on the backbone of blockchain Technology the same digital Ledger that powers cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and ethereum this autonomous transparent and secure system is redefining the way we think about Finance now that you know what defi crypto is you might be asking how does it work defi crypto operates on a technology known as smart contracts imagine a vending machine you put in a coin make a selection and the Machine automatically dispenses your chosen item that's pretty much how smart contracts work these are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code no need for a lawyer or a notary just a digital handshake that seals the deal this automation speeds up transactions and cuts down costs now where are these contracts stored on a blockchain a digital Ledger that's secure and transparent so every transaction is there for all to see ensuring Trust and accountability smart contracts are the backbone of defi crypto but how can they help you build wealth Building Wealth with defi crypto is a matter of investing and earning interest this process is analogous to a traditional savings account but with an exciting twist defi projects offer the opportunity to earn interest over time often at rates significantly higher than what we're accustomed to with conventional Banks plus there's the potential for Price appreciation of your invested crypto assets which could further boost your earnings however let's not forget that like all Investments defi crypto carries risk it's crucial to conduct thorough research and fully understand the project you're investing in defi crypto with its innovative technology and potential for high returns is reshaping the financial landscape are you ready to be a part of it no that's totally put me off I mean they said transparent and secure and then a few uh seconds later said secure and transparent I mean I was looking for this but you might miss it if you're just watching it uh you know it's uh we we've heard of things that are safe and effective and you know secure and transparent the same thing to me it works by a digital handshake so it's digital currency you better be on that system yeah they got trust and accountability in there you know all alarm Bells going off in most of us I can assure and it says often at higher rates so they obviously can't guarantee higher rates and then they got the word risk in there quickly covered by a big red rewards uh piece of the jigsaw and then uh the potential for higher returns so it's just like money we've got now what why why is it better the only thing I can see that's different about it is it's all digital and they can trct every single thing that you do on it which which is mainly so they can take their taxes and their cut out of it quite easily without you see them pressing a button they can do it remotely uh and that's the thing Trump's pushing no still not convinced uh Thailand are doing a digital wallet handout that sounds good doesn't it all that money going out and it's aimed at U mainly the sort of vulnerable groups which are basically poor people uh who probably haven't even got a bank account they need them all signed up quick they how dare they have cash and money that we don't know about let's get them onto the digital system so they're giving them quite a bit of money I I was going to work out how much that was in sort of our countries but I got time uh and all of a sudden they're going to get include 30 million additional people going onto the blockchain system who didn't exist on the sort of uh banking system before and uh if that works they'll roll it out to other places guarantee it so they're sucking everybody in into their plan guys people are falling for it and nobody's doing anything about it okay world news Iran when I first saw that I thought oh something about World War II they're going to attack attack Israel now the nurses are on strike because they're not getting paid our table is empty is what they're chanting I could put the video on but it's in Iranian so now won't bother uh so we got on one side the country are going to start this World War III and attack Israel uh and then they're not paying their nurses Guys these stories they keep hearing about countries governments are being starved of money you know you see things like that think hang on they can't start the war the nurses aren't getting paid what's going on they they're running out of money somewhere or they're not getting any money uh which is encouraging for me I don't want the nurses to starve but I don't want world war three start either and uh you know us police I mean I I just picked two sort of random police Commissioners I think they call them over we've got them over here now as well you know lovely looking people aren't they they're not deep State sto deep State Stooges at all and then you see what some of the police are brazenly doing hey bro what's that what what that you just do in here what's what word I got I got you on camera bro I got your camera we're all good hey bro you just do that in here yeah yeah not even bothered he'll throw it in there he's not even bothered he was caught on camera cuz you know it's his word against it sounded like someone of a dark skinned Community you know what I mean and policeman no let's let's come back to that let's come back to that in UK news who cares Oasis you've probably heard of them wherever you are worldwide band from uh Manchester uh in the fine UK they've got together and the story is that uh cuz no the older one has had A2 million divorce he needs the money he don't need the money right they're being told to do it's it's another distraction to distract from all the new taxes that our wonderful new labor government are coming in and these guys will do whatever they're told we got pictorial evidence that they've been signed up to the satanic Mason Masonic side of it for a long time you know what I mean having your picture taken with Jimmy Sable you know what I mean that was like 20 years ago so they've been signed up for it they've been told to get together to be a new story and they' probably got uh evidence on video that they've done something they shouldn't have done in the past they've got to do as they're told good little boys who are all facing up as being the rebels and against the system they are the system so who cares this it I I follow UK soccer football and it's even appearing on the the notice boards for the like local team things always is are getting back together it's all a big play and we're not falling for it right where are we going I've got to hold myself back from my rants today now comfort zone right let's let's move into something that you know this is the main Crux of today's video I want to lead you into it now we all like our conf Fort zones you know what I mean it's safe you're comfortable and all that uh I when I started sort of getting into shall I do a channel it was like it took me a long time to get into the fear Zone by setting it up cuz I'm putting my stupid face on there I'm making it at home on my own you know with my uh microphone from a local supermarket and the laptop I've been using I think this is about six years old laptop you know what I mean and I was a bit worried about putting my stupid face out there and saying things with hardly any script I mean that's one A4 sheet is all I've got telling me what the next slide is basically so everything I say is sort of off the cff so yeah it was I wasn't very confident you know I always found excuses not to do it should have done it maybe a couple of years ago but I would have been Bandy long time since so we'll see now I'm into the learning I've overcome my fear now I'm okay with it I'm in the Learning Zone now I'm still trying to get a new skill finding new ways of doing it you know just tweaking things how it looks and that type of thing looking harder to find things maybe you haven't seen yeah and then maybe we'll eventually get into the growth zone I'm I'm not there yet uh but maybe we'll get there and you know that's a nice thing that you feel like yeah okay I've done that I'm still here not nothing two but I've had one troll so far uh who's disappeared and uh you know everything's going okay so my fears were unfounded and I think we've got to get to the stage as a world now uh where we've got to stop our fear holding us back because there's things happening and if we don't start stepping up uh other people are going to step in to do things we don't want to do and I just found this video as a little bit of inspiration Maybe the reason why I wake up at 5:00 a.m. and I run every morning isn't because I'm a marathon runner or because I'm some kind of triathlete it's because I hate running man and I hate getting up early even more so I'm starting to Day by building a non-negotiable standard for myself which I've come to realize is the only way we can ever grow and improve when people say no one's coming to save you they're not talking about how no one's coming to help you reach your goals they're talking about how no one's coming to save you from yourself because without standards man we always lose direction and we always fall back to our lowest automatic systems binging procrastinating clinging to comfort and theing worst one of all dude lacking the desire to change because it's just too difficult and discomfort is so distasteful these days so when I'm out here in the morning it's not about mileage it's not about Pace not really it's about creating a rhythm and creating a standard and a certainty and a world of uncertainty for how I want to see myself throughout the day and now I have this new energy that I'll bring to everything else I do knowing that I said yes to getting just a little bit better today and know I think we've got to start bringing a bit of new energy to get us out of this nightmare that we're in and it's probably going to get a bit worse before it can be fixed but who's going to come and fix it for us so we're going to just sit back and hope somebody comes and fix it for us now there are people trying to help but they need us to come on board and I'm coming on that in a second I mean we're all we're all like them that's nice isn't it the middle stuff you know what I mean getting by we don't want to get depre what if I fail we everybody in the whole world feels like that and we've got all this stuff around the outside that we could possibly go for and we know it's there so I'm I I know that there are some of the outside things waiting but they've got to be bought in at the right time and unfortunately now is not the right time so what brings you comfort he money obviously the first thing you ever think of money makes you comfortable I mean you do see people with a lot of money sort of depressed not happppy but that's life isn't it but I think all of us having a bit more money would be nice uh family I mean M bring me Comfort they drive me mad sometimes like it does with all of us but you know it's I love being around my family I love seeing the kids and you know relations it's nice friends yeah I mean friends or you know we call mates in this country I don't know what you call that sort of thing they're sort of not deep friends but they're acquaintances you you know you see them you have fun with them uh I always remember being a school once and the teacher says uh the difference between a friend and a mate is if you fall over a friend will rush over and help you up if you fall over a mate will stand there taking pictures and laugh at you and I think that's probably right that's probably right does your job bring your comfort I mean if your job bringing you money then it probably brings you a degree of comfort but are you comfortable going out 5 days a week and maybe earning money for people who got lots of money and they're not doing the work you are but they're facilitating it so they're getting paid for it I mean we need people like that but is your job in your comfort zone does religion give you comfort I mean people do like their organized religion I was there I was I was bought up you know Catholic Italian family so you know we we had to go to church and all that and you know it's sort of nice the community side of it you can all get in I didn't like the fact we had to read the same prayers out every Sunday morning of think you know it's not really no I used to be a bit jealous like the Evangelist type people who got the speakers there you know and some of them had especially the sort of black community to churches where they've got music and gospel and it's oh man I wish I wish I'd had some of that when I was younger you know what I mean but organized religion I mean it it's going to be ended soon anyway as that we're going to go back to I think a more sort of pure belief in uh God creator Source whatever you want to call it I think that's going to be something that's going to change a lot of things your house being in your home I love being at home I'm quite a home bu I'm quite happy with my own company actually watch a bit TV make some of these you know what I mean do a bit of work occasionally keep in touch with people you know watch the football so yeah house house is a comfort zone your actual environment I don't mean like the environment I mean the environment that you're in you know what I mean I'm I'm on a nice sort of quiety State here you know I'm uh I'm I'm getting on a bit but I'm I'm one of the young ones you know what I mean there's a lot of [ __ ] people here you know just Potter about quietly going about their Day always say hello you know it's a nice little place to live so my environment I'm happy with that but some of you I mean just being able is your comfort just being able to pay the bills I mean that's a big thing these days especially with the cost of living going up as well that is quite a big thing and people want less maybe some of you don't want Millions billions you know if I ever come into that sort of money my family be sorted I'd look after them before me you know I'm a cheap date you know it's like I don't need a lot of money uh so you know being able to pay bills is a nice comfortable situation to be in as well being able to vote does that bring you comfort and I'll save that one to the end I night especially if you're in the UK say I'm in boting a waste of time you just end up with the same you know uh I could have shown you stuff from like this morning's newspaper where our prime minister say there's going to be a lot of pain in their next budget that they're going to do shortly uh the October budget he's he's already lining us up to take more taxes and money out of us we'll see what happens with that and the future does the future bring you comfort I don't think anybody is feeling happy about the future at the moment so are we going to let them do it to us or are we going to do something about it and what are we going to do now Kim Goan is in my view after four years of watching her and being if you've seen my videos before you know I'm like very critical I'm trying to decode everything I can't actually decode here I did have a a few months where I was thinking hang on a minute I'm not sure sure about all this cuz I'm not I know I was born up Catholic but I wouldn't call myself a religious person and Kim's coming from source and she says it could be you know you could refer to it as God and all that it turn me off for a while but now I get it what she's saying and she's on about the Consciousness the consciousness of all of us being Source can hear us we're all one consciousness and I think there's something to that uh and let's I'm I'm going I've clipped three short videos out of I think it was over an hour uh video she put out yesterday but let's have a look at part one even if we don't have a deep State what are we going to do and I've touched on this a number of different times and I'm going to explain it in more detail now to you because we're getting to that point where I'm not so sure they're going to be around and if they're not around whether they are or they are not we need to find a way to survive because their leadership isn't holding up anymore even if we were going in the wrong direction even if we were Dr Evil even if we wanted the world to explode we're still going in the wrong direction so what I mean by that is Humanity we get angry a lot we get angry at the things they do uh we scroll through or is there going to be a hurricane is are we all going to die tomorrow you know are we going to have all these issues you know look now it's this pox and that pox and here there are pox pox and but yet we're not doing anything you know we go through we get angry and we're not doing anything so let's just say they stop spraying us let's just say because that's something new theyve started again which stopped for a long time um which Pro which is going to prove my point today but for us we need to be more prepared than we are and everybody will say well I'll get prepared when you know we're all flush and we have plenty of money and we have nothing to worry about and all of that and that's great but throwing money having run several businesses myself I can tell you right now that you can throw money at a bad business and that's not going to make the business good and the same thing works for the entire world you know what is going to happen when we are the government and I don't mean we're going to have white houses and you know you're going to see yourself tomorrow on you know TV and doing White House Press briefings and in whatever color your house is wherever you are in the world what I mean by that is what are we going to do when we are quote unquote semi self-governing and how many people in this world don't watch YouTube they don't watch our news they don't watch anybody else's alternative Media news what are we going to do now right now we recognize the fact there is a lot of things in the world that are not good and we give a lot of energy whether we want to or not to those things that are not good and I'm going to point out something before we show this clip because this is important you know there's a saying amongst different religions that God helps people that help themselves and we're going to take that to another level and help you to really truly understand what that means because you're right we're all running on Source energy right now and we're all running on Source Essence we're all running you know we have an organic Soul it's not being replicated it's not in multiple dark timelines we're starting to see those memories of other times and other places dis at um no matter how hard the Deep State tries and I'll explain to even them why that's not going to work but we need to put the effort into what source is trying to do for us right now and not the effort into all the things that are bad or wrong I made a comment on the news um I think it was a last week sometime and I made mention of the fact that we are spending way too much time complaining or listening to other people complaining constantly about all the things that are going going wrong or could go wrong well the Deep State counts on it they count on the fact that if they put this information into mainstream media and other places that that you are going to make it happen you are going to whether you know it or not subconsciously consciously you are calling Source at that moment in time and you are saying Source we'd like to have that and you're expecting God Source or whatever you call it to save you but he's like but you're asking me for this you're spending a lot of my energy on manifesting this situation and I keep telling you you don't know how powerful you are you know as human beings we want the world to be a different place if you're watching this you want the world to be a different place and it doesn't mean you're going to be the next Bill Gates of the correct type of computer system or something but you have a lot more power than you think you do to manifest the outcome for all of humanity you know what if I told you that you 100 people just select 100 insert 100 people here or you're watching YouTube videos and you can see that there's been 10,000 views on this YouTube video and it's all about monkey pox or it's all about the Deep States doing this or it's all about we're going to get locked down again or whatever it is that means 10,000 people are responsible for bringing this into our reality scary isn't it it is you know I get a lot of people and it's hard guys trust me I know it's hard it's hard to live in a world where you feel like you are out of control meaning you have no control of the outcome of your life of your paycheck of your money of your currency um of you know where you live what you do you have no control about whether or not you can travel you could show up at the airport with a perfectly good passport having never done anything in your life and they can tell you you can't board that plane you feel like you have no control but you have so much more control you just have to believe and what I mean by that is I'm not telling you a fairy tale here like well you just click your heels three times and everything's going to be great and that's not what I mean by that is I mean you have to believe in yourself that's the first thing am I really having this conversation with Source am I really having this conversation with god you know and then the other thing too is trying to control the outcome meaning you believe that if you had more money your world would change you could build that business you want to build you could could farm that land you wanted to farm you could buy that farm that you want to farm or whatever it is you want to do in life I could make those widgets but in reality you're saying that this is the only way this is going to happen that is what you're telling the universe and that's what you're telling source that this is the way and if it doesn't happen the way you want it to happen then you give up you stop you stop dreaming you stop trying to figure out a solution to your problems because you have set the bar of where the way you want it to happen maybe you have a brilliant idea for a widget let's just say whatever that is it's going to change the industry of bananas I mean it doesn't matter what it is and the way people get their bananas and how bananas grow on you know trees and all of these types of things it's not actually a tree but kind of sort I have a banana tree but anyway uh the point is is that by you trying to control how it happens you actually stop your Source from doing what source needs to do you feel you you in your mind and I have had this too you and your mind have your own idea of freedom and we've talked about this on the news before you have your own idea set plan of what that means for you but why don't you try figuring out what that means for Source what that means for God however you say it because you know the things that you need in your life say you know you don't have enough food for your kids or something like that on any given day and you're constantly living in Doom like you know I can't do this and you know what is this gonna I need money well I understand you don't live in the woods and you don't eat nuts and berries off trees and those kind of things but is money the solution here that's a good question isn't it cuz that's a lot of thing you know everybody's talking about the quantum Financial system the reevaluation going to make us all billionaire I was there a couple of years back I was in on that I've got all my uh currency in funded squirreled away I've got some uh digital wallet with my xrp and some XL as well in it not a huge amount but I thought you know cover the bases just in case but it's not going to answer everything and if we're all suddenly all given like millions of pounds and you know all our uh cqu V trust is all paid off and we've got all this money all the bad guys are still in place they've got their systems to just take it off us and control us still so we got to get rid of them first before we can put a new system in place and what new system is that nobody's talking about it and that's why I think Kim's got a blooming good point there that we've all been thinking in the wrong sort of areas and now as a group we'd all need to get together and connect our Consciousness and I'm going to give a shout out to Simon parks's group uh connecting Consciousness cuz he was on the board with that isn't it and he's also done some with a group uh some group prayer things where he's got them all together and pray at the same time to God's Source whoever it is and that's going to be quite powerful but we need more people on board doing that sort of thing but we also need to tweak our own personal consciences even seeing that yesterday I've tweaked mine so I'm thinking slightly different ways now because what if that's true I mean these These are sort of good people who've been saying this that's a bit deep isn't it but Echo totally I've heard of him yeah I think he might be on the ball with that cuz we're Awakening but I think we're Awakening in the wrong direction because we're being led by people like Trump down his digital currency route we're not 100% against him and if I was American i' pro at the moment I'd still be voting for him but as for changing the world to what we want it to be he might have a role in it but I don't think it's going to be him it's going to be us as one Consciousness and people talk about it I was trying to find a good video about it but it's too like new age and all that for me I don't like it the Christ Consciousness people think Jesus coming back is like Jesus man well I think it means like the consciousness of Jesus which is caring and love and kindness and all that that's what they mean is going to come back and hopefully we can spread that between us and see if it works we're trying everything else and nothing's happening so we've got a wish list haven't we based on the last four years get rid of the governments I've seen that a lot and I believe in that as well but what are you going to put in its place other people who want to run the government no uh sorry I've got my screen set up so I can't actually read what that says let's just slide that across yeah get rid of the police yeah but it was going to protect us if we could get the police to come back onto our side I'd be a huge supporter of the police but we need need to change the police from what they are now now which is basically doing the government's Dirty Work see see what I said about learning before I've learned that you don't do that get rid of local government that's my thing at the moment cuz uh I've stopped paying them they don't like it trying to get me but they can't uh that's the first thing I do is going and get rid of them and I'm doing what I can at the moment I'm not funding them I'm hoping that going to try and take me to court so we can use a c case and publicly uh take them down basically so I'm I'm going to go with that get rid of big farmer what you going to replace it with I mean they do produce some useful medication so if you want to get rid of them what are you going to do about I don't know insulin something like that I don't know something that's useful to people and helping them lives you got to have a plan get rid of the huge corporations you know Black Rock Vanguard Monsanto all those type of people yeah we don't want them do we but they're running everything they're making everything if we just get rid of them it's just going to take a whole load of things that we like having like light food you know water what we going to do what's the plan nobody's talking about this plan this is the Consciousness we need to get our heads into get rid of the poison food I mean we get rid of the huge corporations you're getting rid of the poison food but if we get rid of all the poison food have we got enough food to feed people are people going to starve I don't know I actually don't know get rid of the education system that's a big thing isn't it we know it's like Indo IND ination from day one till you know if they go to university college and all that it's all about Indo indoctrination and getting them to kids to go and sit on in desks with you know five days a week to do stuff they don't want to do uh is getting them ready for a life of work and paying taxes and doing what you're told so but we want the kids educated how are we going to change from what we got now to what we want it to be some thought and application needs to go into that get rid of immigrants yes please that might happen anyway to be honest but that is a big thing but how we going to do it most of them they know how to play the game they've got rid of their passports you know they're they're in the English Channel somewhere when they come to us uh so you don't where you're going to deport them to we're try to send them to Rwanda it's not working cuz of Human Rights and all that it's like what we haven't got a system we're moaning about all of those but we haven't got a system to fix our system is get rid of it but then we got nothing to go in its place so that's what we need to think about so how are we going to be saved the white hats and this military we've got where are they the only time we see the military is when they flying the chemtrail planes above us they're mostly mil military doing that they're doing as they're told so who are these white hats that we've heard about for four years who were coming to save the day they're doing a very good job so far are they djt is 45 stroke 47 going to be the one who's going to save the world from that he might help a bit but in practicality the things that he's doing are not going to save us it's going to put us all in a digital prison is Jesus going to come down on a cloud the hope he does I would like to see it uh but Jesus the man don't know aliens that man I so much want to see real aliens come on there I hope when they do it's not going to be this blue beam fake thing you know what I mean I want to see some real Al ions come down here uh and if they want to fight they can have one you know what I mean I think we've reached the point now haven't we bring it on but it'd be nice if some good aliens came and so we going to rely on that and are we going to leave it all to Kim to sort out on our own got a small team arounder are we going to leave her to sort it out all the around she's been in the background stopping people getting money stopping the governments getting money preventing Wars uh she talk I can't remember if the video she talks about the health system she's done some work on that as well so she's doing all this in the background to set the scene for us to save ourselves that is my opinion some of you might disagree with me but that's what I think so the Great Awakening is definitely underway in a load of different areas I'm seeing some great things from people even some family members that are now put things on Facebook wow you didn't say that three four years ago you know what I mean they're getting a bit more Brazen about it now and it's quite funny the governor said they're going to lock up anybody who said and it's making people say it more maybe that's a British mentality we we are a bit like that but let's have a look at what Kim is telling us it's time to step up all right you know it's keeping you guys busy you know thank God you know we're upset about the fact that you keep starting Wars or can't control the media and you kind of look like fools at this point but the scarier part for us what are we going to do with all the power plants what are we going to do with the water supply that's a government thing what are we going to do with the food supply you can't go to your local Walmart Big Box grocery store insert name here and buy tomatoes in abundance year round oh no so we've got a space root syst system that's in agreement with you you know we can't expect big farmer to go down and people not to die true I don't like the way they do things either I don't like you know they control the FDA the FDA controls the world CDC controls the world it's not just an American thing so don't even think for one second it actually is it's Federal it belongs to the and Fred fed you know um so when we put these things into perspective we don't even you know they're required to put labels on the stuff like we're required to put labels on our stuff when we make stuff um especially a consumable item and you know that kind of thing so but they are not required to put all the stuff on their labels we don't even know what we're eating guys I mean yeah there's all those things we can't pronounce on there if you eat that stuff but you don't even know you don't even know it says chicken and water when you buy organic chicken at the grocery store you don't even know what's in there you don't you know we don't and we we do but we don't but we need to figure out a way to get it we need we need some you know I mean there's we're not going to stop people from all over the world eating meat I know the vegetarians and the vegans and the animal lovers are out there they're going to hate me for saying that but I'm just telling you you're not going to stand up on a Podium and tell nine billion people that they're never going to eat meat ever again you will never talk to another human and you're not going to stand up there and make them feel guilty about eating meat either and that's going to make them change their mind so if you think that that's the way to go it's not going to happen you have to meet Society where it's at right now and until we come up with something different and something better in a different way that's healthier better option you know this is where we're at you know but we need to figure out a way to do something about it if the Deep State goes down and it's wobbling on its knees right now it really really is it's not just governments guys it's every single system that exists every major trucking company in the world is owned by them every major Mining Company in the world is owned by them heck we're going to have diabetics all over the planet dropping dead because they don't have insulin where are they going to get insulin do we have a replacement for insulin has it been tested does anybody know where they can get it then before you know it so people stop dying you know unlike this little video clip we played at the beginning I'm not willing to sit in the dark for two years until we get nutrino boxes delivered everywhere that function you know are you willing to sit in the dark for 2 years heck you people in you know places in the world where there's Brown out meaning they shut the power off for a few hours a day or overnight and it's uncomfortable but that power still comes on every morning you're willing to live like that forever you know you know how many people died over a century ago of gas poisoning when they put gas lamps in homes you know of a fixation and whatnot I mean come on we we can't go back we don't we can't even get gas what are you going to do collect a bunch of bacteria and have it poop and you know excrete gas in your in in a little pot in your backyard so that you can run your propane off grid you say you are you're not off grid you're still using propane you know you're still getting water from somewhere you know theyve poisoned all our rivers lakes and Water Supplies you know even uh there was a comment that was made to be by somebody from Africa when we were having this conversation about Lake Victoria and um the runoff that's coming from their Monsanto you know weed prevention and all that kind of stuff that they're forced to use in their country has basically going straight into that fresh water which is no longer fresh Lake and people are being poisoned and they're dying of cancer because they're consuming it we have a lot to do and a lot to to think about you know I'm pushing this Marketplace issue because it's not really about me it's actually for you and I'm hoping that you step up and you make the soap and distribute it you know we have the internet we're cool there you know the Deep State thinks they're going to take out the internet and do all these ebs's and IBS or whatever bowel syndrome they have today that's never going to work out because Omega systems not programmed to like alert people of things you know you know all that wonderful white hat ja la la la these guys spurt out you know sorry that system is the base root for your entire existence of the organization that you belong to you can insert the Jesuits here you can insert even and I'm not saying all those people are bad intentions but you think you're going to take over the fed that's where you were two years ago you're and a half ago and and now you control the financial system then you try to take over Alpha now you're trying to make omega take over Alpha and it's not designed to do that it's not designed to exist without its partner now you want to go into another timeline you don't know if it's positive negative or neutral and bring that back but it's still not going to function the way they want it to function therefore every system that was built with them as the receiver of the order to make a Monsanto they did not create Monsanto there's 990,000 videos that will tell you Bill Gates is involved and all these people are involved and the president of the United States at the time was involved in creating Monsanto whatever it is right you know putting forward these vaccines you know during warp speed and all this and and and it's going to tell you they're going to tell you that this is the source of all your problems no your source of all your problems and I'm sorry to say this is complacency you are complacent you you are just letting it happen we let it happen but it's gone too far we lived in their world in the overlord world you know I'm going to say as bad as it is now probably for 16,000 years believe it or not from when you look at it from far away you know and you're looking at it at from a big picture standpoint take a minute and look at it from a big picture standpoint due to the inability of the deep state to accept the fact that they never controled the world that system is never going to function the way that you want it to function even though they've woken up their whole life every day and gotten everything they've ever wanted handed to them on a silver platter there was still somebody controlling your world and it's was no different for us so we've we're making it possible so that that control mechanism isn't there anymore but that means we have to be responsible for yourselves and I'm not going to stand there at the table with you people and have you tell me we're just going to live in the dark and we need to focus on what we need to focus on I'm not I'm not going to do that and if that means that you know you know how to run a Transformer and should the Deep State shut off our Transformers and shut off the grid that you know how to turn that thing back on until we can get an alternative energy source out there I'm not willing to let millions of people die around the world because there is no insulin because farmer went out of business they don't care it'd be their happy day but I'm not willing to let that happen and I hope you're not too wow see I thought I was awake she's made me become even more awake and I'm glad of it so me starting up my channel is doing a tiny little bit me taking on the local council with no fear because I've researched it and I understand it uh I'm I'm doing my tiny little bit bre that's not enough I want to find a way of doing more so what sort of what we got to offer here I mean I don't know how to turn on the grid the Transformers and all that I'm not an engineering type so but probably there's people out there people listening to this who've got higher skills than me in low of areas right it wouldn't be much to be higher than me but you know what are you actually willing to do and willing to step up and do if we can take out some people who we don't want doing it but keep the people on the ground who don't sometimes they don't understand they're working for the bad guys it's a job they need the money if someone comes in and runs it properly and is doing it for the good of humanity it'll make them people feel better as well ideas on how to do it now I don't this seems like I'm trying to push Kim's sort of site right I mean there is a p I am on the paid thing so it's only well it's £9 a month so it's about $11 a month where I I like to see a videos when they come out you cannot pay and see them like two or three days later you know what I mean but you also get access to uh the chat in there where you can actually leave messages for Kim and give ideas and at the moment she's totally open to ideas and what you're willing to do so looking for skills looking for ideas but if you're a creative sort come on there's loads of things you can do to get involved and I I think having some creative minds in there is going to be a huge boost as well so it's not like oh I can't be a managing director of electricity company you know neither do I want to be uh but there might be other things we can all contribute and I can guarantee someone will come up with ideas that'll simplify everything and just make it work someone with experience someone with the creative mind get them together and we'll come up with something that can actually work and then put it out into the collective consciousness so we're all aware of it see where I'm coming from with this now this is the final this is Kim part three but you'd be surprised what you can do and this is how the Deep state has always functioned you know the problem is is that they functioned by giving 10% to governments and government leaders and that's their retirement and golden parachutes and and all these crazy things plus millions and millions more for those operatives that run each head of state and you know when you've had un endless supplies of Fiat money you know now you don't know what you're doing you're thinking oh well if I can get the endless supplies this is what the Deep State saying if I can get the endless supply of Fiat money and get control of it Oh you mean it's came from here oh out with the FED Oh you mean it came from the order of the Dragon out with the order of the Dragon Oh you mean it came from the alpha system oh I got to get me that that I got to take you know can't do that okay got the light people you know got those people got you know now well now we're going to make omega do what we want it to do because we get everything we want you know rest of us that are watching this probably haven't had that privilege in that right now have we I don't think any of us have had an unlimited treasury card where you could buy everything from small children to be a pedophile with to a yacht in a Visa no we didn't have that card no no didn't have that card but anyway what are you going to do without your Spotify what are you going to do without your music what are you going to do without you know I mean think about all the things that you're about to lose you know should all they go under all their companies are going to go under if the stock market crashes then Spotify Stock's going to crash and you know heck you won't have you know any Spotify so you're gonna have to get your music somewhere else anybody remember how to work a regular radio you know is there ready someone to actually play music music on the regular radio yeah because by the way you won't have any data because Verizon T-Mobile and orange and all those networks around the world that you so love and hate at the same time won't be there either so again we are taking over this you know repeat like that video we are taking over this the town of San Francisco on behalf of the people of San Francisco yeah and the little Overlord guy goes hey you're going to need us we don't want to need them do we do we want to need them I don't I don't know how you feel about it but we go back to what's going to go in the place of all this how much can we Salvage who's going to do it how it's going to work what we're going to do with the ones we get rid of some big decisions to be made isn't there so I thought I'd share that with you some to think about let's see what happens next right I'll keep coming back to this and to be honest if a choice for me I mean forget Pol politics is finished I did a video about that last time politics has ended okay uh so at the moment who would you put your effort and Consciousness behind for what happens next Kim or Donald Trump just some to think about is it now fires Canary Islands is on fire British Columbia is on fire not all of it their little planes trying to put them out good luck with that Montana has got forest fires so I was going through the boards and all these fires suddenly appeared all together on different thing what's going on nobody's pulling this together and then I found this I'm just showing you the map of current well last 24 hours fires and it's put out by NASA so I'm just kind of like what is going on apparently these are all fires and I don't know I mean I looked up Africa and this you know here we got complete I mean it's like all on fire and apparently in Madagascar there what they do is light their land on fire to manage it for the farmers I I'm not even going to look up why cuz you know what at this point I that's just stupid to me but hey if that's what they do they do but I'm like why isn't this being reported if this is I don't know wildfires but I might not be wildfires I don't know but look at that it's solid red how how do you manage that really that's managing land I mean whatever and do we hear about any of this I mean they're all over and our eastern coast not Coast but half the United States I I don't know what what is going on I that's that's all I'm saying what is going on is it fires are we missing something there why would they light all them areas up in red can't be like a climate thing just in like little pockets of areas or can it I don't know I don't know but I saw all them videos about fires and then I saw that and I thought are they hiding something from us you know burning the world down while we're looking the other way looking at Oasis rejoining for instance and uh electric scooters I mean they've been a big thing and they you can hire them all around town but the batteries to replace them are very very expensive it's cheaper might as well just get a new one so they've got these scooter graveyards turning up all around the world look at this [Music] and uh in my old version of the channel uh I was showing like wi turbine graveyards as well which are obviously huge as well so they're just dumping all this stuff and then it's all done on environment Banner it's pathetic now talking about politics ending this is my last video of the day probably glad to hear uh liberals don't like the truth we can guarantee that the new Consciousness will not involve too many liberals unless they come over to the other side because you can only join a a positive connected Consciousness if you're positive and you understand what's going on but I like this video of this young lady dear Democrats I am a lesbian who left the left 5 years ago and have never looked back and honestly I am very curious on how people haven't seen through you just yet how you were so obsessed with diversity yet don't like it when anyone in your group thinks differently about how you claim to be a party of the people yet constantly are dividing Us by sex gender race ethnicity gender sexual orientation and there is more infighting than ever before you're literally building a wall to protect yourselves around the DNC Arena yet call us the American citizens racist if we want to do so around our own country what about all insane gaslighting about how the economy is great that the Border isn't open and that black people are too stupid to know how to get an ID so they can vote how you was so excited about a potential first black woman president yet can't even Define what a woman is how you see Dei as a good thing yet get upset when we call someone a Dei High and to those listening to this who are thinking about taking that same leap that I did I ask you this is the current Democratic party or the current leftists or progressivism is that serving you well love an ex Democrat now moderate right-leaning lesbian see now she'd come up with some ideas for our new Consciousness idea where the person in that picture can you imagine what they would come up with so we're moving luckily the world's moving towards more right thinking rightwing thinking I should say uh but not right-wing terrorists not yet not yet that might be an option right I'm going to leave it for today thanks for watching this far I'll catch up with you in the next one

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