Top 11 Tactics To Beat Every Padel Player

Intro. hello welcome everybody today we are at Peakz utrecht and we're going to make a video in how you   can beat everybody because we have 11 tactics  that will help you to win every single match   on the padel court so how you play against tennis  players how you play against blockers how you play   against people that are really good in overheads  from hard to do to easy to do what you have to do   so number one is super easy to do and it's very  important so could be a controversial list but uh   I think it will be nice and today we are here with  Martijn and Martijn is playing for five years he   would be a level to apply all the tactics with so  uh no pressure but uh we're going to start right [Music] now and we have sales on I like it you like it good tactic number 11 volley the overhead so  this is not easy to do you need to make sure   High lob volley. that you're playing a high up so it's 10 m here  so maybe not the best to use this tactic in indoor   locations but if Martijn has the sun in his eyes  if it's windy this is a great option so outdoor   as well because in outdoor clubs you have more  wind than in indoor clubs so use this in outdoor   facilities because this is amazing if Martijn  gets the high ball he probably has to look up   and this is the moment where I can go to the  net so his partner should tell him s is going   so he can either destroy me or play soft in the  center or to the fence you can do everything but   this works really well if somebody has very  good overheads but struggles with high lops   so the higher the Lob the faster the ball comes  down the more difficult it becomes to play a good shot yes he played in the net I won the point there there multiple solutions for  matin and one of the best ones is soft   in the center so if you see somebody  coming closer than net just play soft   in the middle line because if I need to  half volley the ball from here it's always complicated exactly so this is  going to hurt me a lot also an   option is to just destroy the  net player you know what to do oh exactly so I need to make sure that I Lob  high enough if my Lob is high enough this will   become more difficult to do for the Net players  tactic number 10 is soft on the feet volley lob so what   Volley lob. I'm going to do now is I'm going to place soft  on the feet of my his contact point is lower   than the net and then I'm going to play the ball  over him so if I play soft on his feet he has to   go closer to the net so that that means there is  more space behind him you use this tactic against   good Smashers because if somebody's very good in  the smash if I Lop High Martijn has a lot of time   to do a very good smash so if you play against  very tall opponents or when you're indoors and   the roof is very low then you cannot do  the normal l so then you do the volley Lob so the good thing about this tactic is that  you don't get destroyed by somebody's bajada because the ball is probably lower so if I do  a very high Lob the ball has a lot of rebound   and it's very easy for the player to bajada that  shot so if somebody has a very good bajada this is   a great option it's also a good option to play  the ball in the corner because the ball will die there tactic number nine High Lob stay so now  you're going to play the high Lob on purpose so  High lob stay. you will get the ball so if I play very high to  Martijn and he's playing on the left side it is so   complicated to for him to keep the ball low if you  play straight we will show that so he's forced to   play to me so if I want the ball I can play high  to my time so he plays to me if we want my partner   to get the ball we play high to the player on  the right so they play to the right sided player   so this works well if one of you is better  than the other or it works well because it   is very difficult for the net player to  to do something with that high overhead shot Bing so you see now that if you place the  ball straight the ball comes up a lot so if I   am not playing really well I play high to the  player in front of me so they play to me and   it's very easy for me to defend because the  ball comes up against the glass uh this also   works well if somebody doesn't have like a Bandeja but more of like a flat shot the closer I am to   the fence I would play more towards the fence the  closer I am to the middle the more difficult that   angle becomes so high in the middle is also an  option because it's very complicated to drop a   fast ball because the higher lob the faster the  ball the more complicated my timing is so this   tactic works great if you play Outdoors tactic  number eight and this works well because you   you some people they don't know that you play  paddle together but paddle you play together   you play doubles so where should you position  your partner if you play a very good vibora this   is the tactic good vibora partner gets close so if  I play on the left side I play a very good vibora but   I want my partner sometimes if the is an amazing  shot I want them to put their on the net to play   por quatro por tres or whatever or good Drop shots  because you can win points if your vibora is very very good oh so if my partner is playing a very good  vibora and I'm staying at the second post there's too much space in front of me so you  can see now that Martijn wins the point easily   he can take over the he plays soft on  my feet I'm gone this mostly occurs if I am   watching my partner so the ball comes high and  I'm going with my partner backwards but if my   partner is going to play the vibora or the bandeja  I can just stay here I don't need to to go back   so this is likely to happen if you watch your  partner and if you move with your partner if   your partner is going to play the bandeja stay and  go at least to the first post so first post if   the ball is amazing yeah you just put it on the  net tactic number seven is short and angles this   Short and Angles. is a tactic that you should use when the court  is very very slow so if you play deep when the   cord is slow the ball comes up against the glass  so you actually want to play shorter so if the   court is fast ball straight is also complicated  and this is not really the case when the cord is   slow so if the court is slow it will be better  to play more against the fence and to make angles yes so if the court is  slow I can always play to Defence so the ball doesn't even have  to reach the glass you just need to   make your opponent move a lot and  if it's an overhead we do this so I played the first vibora very deep  behind the line Martijn could easily   defended the shot the second  time I played the overhead the   ball bounced before the line and it  was way more complicated to defend use the fence because if the court is slow  the fence always works so angles is the   fence the side wall short is before the uh line  tactic number six anti block so how do you play   Anti Block. against players that are very good in blocking  every single ball well we're going to create the   Magic Triangle and when we build up the point  we start part outside the triangle what are you   talking about s oh let me show you so if you are  a good blocker it is very easy if the ball comes   inside the orange cones because you can block  everything so if you're going to play against   somebody that's very good in blocking you need to  either play to the fence to the middle or maybe a   drop shot so this is how we're going to play after  you play the Amazing shot to the center you you   can play in the Triangle because the opponent  has to move back also if you play deep this   blocking person does not really care because  they can block from a volley or half volley so it   would be even better to play a little bit softer  the middle or the fence or the drop shot so this   is very comfortable for Martijn he can he can just  stay there and he's even able to use the glass yes so I'm not going to hurt him because he can  block well and he can defend well so I need to   play outside the cones so this also works  well against people that are very good in   defending the corner with the glass because  if they are in the corner they know exactly   how to defend the glass yeah so now I can put  pressure on is more tough to defend the corner oh nice if Martijn is very good in blocking my  vibora maybe I need to change my decision with the overheads yes so now he's forced to use the glass  way more complicated or I could play to defense n tactic number five keep your cross so if your  opponents are very like the same kind of level   Keep your cross. it would be good to start cross because if you  start cross you can hurt them more than straight   so if I play on the left I just play more to the  player on the left because if I play more to the   player in front of me I cannot hurt him that  that much so I prefer to start cross courts   and then find out if you can find a weakness in  somebody's game because how somebody warms up is   not always the same as in the actual match so  this is great to start the match with to start   cross and take it from there also if you're  defending let's say I'm at the Net a play on   the right side for Martijn one of the best options  is to play on my back end here because I cannot   play in the corner so much so if this is your  basic shot it helps a lot if Martijn is playing   on the left side playing to my forehand here  is one of the best options because it's hard   for me to make the corner so I'm going to  show that I have my forehand volley here but   I cannot hurt him that much I can actually  hurt my time more if I play with my back end yeah I can make the cord a lot bigger I can let  him run way more I did not play so fast I just   used the right angles Quatro is attack the left  why would you attack to the left side because   Attack the left. if you play more to the defender on the left  side your partner can help and interfere with   a forehand which we will show you this is the best  tactic to avoid getting into the fridge so if you   play on the left side and you are in the fridge  you're not getting the ball it is most likely   that your partner is playing cross courts if your  partner plays cross courts I cannot do that much   because if my partner on right side is playing  cross I need to defend my fence I cannot go much   to the center so this is a tactic if your one  of you is worse than the other or one of you is   better than the other depends how you say it or if  one opponent is better than the other one or just   the best paddle tactic play more to the player  on the left side because the left player can do more that's a my forehand oh so you see I cannot hurt Sas that much  because I need to poach with my backhand so   this is a very very big difference if you have a  lefty and a right-handed player you can do both   so you can also play more straight if  they play more to you so let's say I'm   defending I want to play more I want to  play more with the player in front of me   so let's say Martijn is playing on the right  side his partner is better than him then he   should play his forehand to the back end of  the left player because then I will switch   or I play straight to Martijn which is easier  to Def defend so is a little bit not the same   kind of tactic but you have to understand  that playing straight sometimes is a better option yes especially if my is going to play  high on my back end I need to switch but   if I am in this position and I switch my  partner has a very big gap to that side so   this is what you could do to force somebody  to change direction tactic number three slow   play which is not easy to do because for  many players it's very difficult to slow   Slow play. down the ball so just a quick technique tip  if you want to slow down make your back swing   smaller but not your follow through many  people start from here and then they stop   this is not how you play Slow playing slow  is better if your record is closer to you and   then you go forwards why should you play the slow  play tactic if you play against very good tennis   players they like it when you play very fast so  they actually play better if you play fast so   you should play slow so what you should do they  should go fishing when they're close to the net   so that means the ball should be lower than the  net or it's higher than them I also explain this   as instead of playing against your opponent you're  playing with your opponent let them run a lot so   if Martin is now very close to the net I play high  if they if he's further away from net I play very   slow but I'm not going to accelerate so this  is how you should play if somebody likes speed yeah so now time played fast  I played faster to him so if   you're defending if you accelerate  it becomes harder for you and easier   for the net player so what happens if  he play slow and mixes it up with the Lop ah yeah so if you say congrat ulations if  you say well if I play Slow they do it out of   the court with the por quatro if they are that  close you play the Lob if they're further you play down it is impossible for me to accelerate the  ball if my contact point is lower than the net   so it becomes super easy for the defender to  defend this ball so either your opponent is   at the second post to play on his feet or is at  the first post you just play the lob and if you   know how to play like this this is the easiest  thing to do because everything else becomes so   easy oh tactic number two play in the middle play  in the open space for me this is fundamentals the   Middle. one of the easiest tactics in paddle the best  best best way for a lot of Padel players volley   in the center and especially volley in front  of the white line because then the ball will   be lower and your opponent cannot take that  before the the the glass it's impossible so   playing from the wi line play in the middle in  the middle glass and then play the open space   so if Martijn is going to get that ball I play in  the open space that's it just keep doing that if   your volley is good enough your opponent is not  able to play the Lob if you play your volley   deep behind the line then it's easy for them  to play the lop and then then you are getting lobed oh yeah I will get lobbed if I  play also on the fourth glass so for   me this is too easy to defend it's the  worst play the worst place to play the   ball because he always gets it back so  this is too easy yeah oh getting lobed yeah I also getting loved because my ball   is bouncing behind the line  so this is the key to this tactic that's it ladies and gentlemen so easy  tactic number one which is by far the best   Number one. tactic that I use that helped me won so many  matches and that is playing the Lop over the   left shoulder of the player on the right side  if you play against two right-handed players   this is by far the best ever way to make it  so easy for yourself and also your opponents   are forced to play the bandeja vibora which is a  more difficult shot than the smash for most   players so you force them to think it is just  so good it also helps because if they play if   they have a high back end you can go to the net  and poach the ball if they move around there is   a lot of space because they need to move so  much also the player on the left has to move   so far out if I play cross courts in the open  space I can win the point from the back of the court this is exactly what we want this is great because now Martin has to move  so much he has to run back every single time   so if I play this semi high up he's running  so much and it's very easy for the Defenders   they don't have to run everything happens  by itself please let me know what you think   is the most important tip that you got  from this video or a tactic that we did   not mention that works really really well  also don't forget to subscribe don't forget   to like because we're closing into 50,000  subscribers that would be nice so thank you   everybody for watching and I see you in  the next episode hasto CIA adios [Music]

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