Fantasy Football DEBATE: MUST-HAVE Player or Potential Bust

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:35:35 Category: Sports

Trending searches: kyren williams
what up Ras Ballers welcome back to the program we got another great debate for you this evening some ranking debates with Matty Styles and the winner from last week Jefferson coming in hot taking down Derek in round one we got a few players on the docka here we got a couple wide receivers and a running back we're going to be debating right now on the RAS ball fantasy football [Music] [Applause] show what up everybody good evening and welcome back to the RAS ball fantasy football show I am your host Sky guasco you can find me on X my name that's SK ygu s Co you can find mattye Styles my normal mock drafter coming in hot he got the earned the the well-deserved by week last week Dereck and Jeff fought it out Jeff got the dub moves on to Matty Stafford I'm thinking of like the uh the Mortal Kombat totem pole back in the day you know what I mean you like you win you ladder on your way um to Goro and Matt is the next one in line for Jeff here you can find Jeff jefferson21 and of course styles8 everything Ras ball r a zz b l l NFL subscribe right here on the YouTube channel make sure to subscribe hit that Bell and leave a rate and review plus which of the which side you're on for these players and if we're ranking them too high or too low as we get going those of you on the go can always listen to the podcast as well of course much as I do and I mention that every single show while I'm driving walking the dog doing household chores or just on the go in general I love the podcast here so it's Ras ball podcast anywh listening to your audio all of our content and our exclusive tools available to you for draft season coming up the next couple of weeks available at football. gentlemen only a couple weeks left before NFL actually starts this week next week and next week are the three biggest drafting weekends and weeks in general for the fantasy football season very excited to do that jefff I'm going to let you kick it off here man what is your strategy this evening going up the Juggernaut here Matt you took down last week against Derek how you feeling yeah I'm feeling pretty good Styles will be a worthy opponent tonight so I look forward to his banter and uh we'll see who becomes Victorious Matty Styles usually we come here for the content we stick around for the laughs uh you let both of us know that this is not uh this is not a fun and games episode for you um you've got uh you've got the Pearl Jam bumping in the back and one earpiece you got Ras ball podcast on the other and you're focused on this episode here straightforward you're in the zone man how you feeling yeah I'm feeling good uh What I'm what I'm requesting is that the listeners get a chance to vote on this I know that's not going to happen you're more of a dictator I'm a man of the people yeah I decide who wins but thanks I truly believe that the winner of this taking on you next week says to me that you're going to pick the person you think you can beat yeah but I want no matter what happens this week or next week I think that person that wins next week should be from here on known as the rasal debate final boss oh yeah that's easy and that'll beat me I mean again first of all as the leader of the program here I mean it's really difficult to vote against yourself we you know turn on the news right we know how the games work but also you got to come correct gentlemen and we are going to be having it we had a lot of content last week we had a lot of people chiming in and voting so I do like style suggestion here I will take it into consideration when you're watching the program feel free to jump in here maybe you know hit up a couple notes hit up a couple points and see if your guy will win let's kick it off here first gentlemen we'll let it get going here I'm gonna let Styles you are going to kick it off here as the visitor however with HomeField Advantage does that make sense coming up here Jeff will kick it off and he will defend his case but the first player here I'd like to talk about tonight is some is a player that I love skill-wise hoping Derek Carr can come back around you know I love me some Alvin chimera not a lot of other weapons in New Orleans are we gonna see the final like big time breakout that we expect from Chris olave Matt your time starts now uh no you're not okay Jeff oh sorry with that being said uh I just posted my latest article for wide receiver ranks and olve I dumped him down the list now I didn't necessarily do that because ol is not a good football player so let me get to why he moved down the list uh currently I have a la at wide receiver 21 nine spots below his ECR or ADP of wide receiver 12 right so a nine spot difference you could consider that a almost a full round I would say I would call it a round um olavi is playing for a team support uh Sports the 30 second ranked offensive line that's per fantasy pros bad offensive line means less time for Derek Carr to throw the football dump offs historically in that offense and we can use historically because alavi's been there a few years Derek Carr has been there a few years and the gentleman you just referenced Alvin CA has been there a few years dump offs historically go to Alvin chra and Alvin chra and Alvin chimra as the top three targets um quick passes in a an offense that needs to get rid of the ball quickly are you usually to the slot receiver right the guy closest to the edge or a tight end so you've got Tamm Hill taking targets you've got Bob's best friend Jawan Johnson and if we're to believe what we're seeing Rasheed Shahed could be a guy that takes the top off he could be the guy that's in the slot but either way he's going to be a wide receiver too that olve did not have to fight for targets with last year Derek Carr's regression is clear it's obvious that shoulder in injury coupled with his age will linger more than it will get miraculously better the further he gets away from that age3 season in 2023 Saints did not have that viable wide receiver too alve put what looks like on paper to be a pro bowl year 87 catches 1123 yards five touchdowns he was the overall wide receiver 16 the emergence of rased Shahed especially if you played in Scott Fishbowl drafts means there is a true VI wide receiver too for the Saints I am out on olve no not really I'm not out am I or excuse me am I in on olve as wide receiver 12 no I'm out give me a player like Travis etn Isaiah PCO or DK matf at a slight discount versus reaching for olve at wide receiver 12 that's it ding ding ding ding ding ding Styles coming in hot strong you guys know I love a ppf refer shout out to Pro Football Focus good friends across the pond there I mean across the like industry never mind very excited about that love some o line shout out too and all I heard you say Matt the whole time when you said 32 rank all I heard you say was 165 targets for Alvin chra I kind of blacked out after that I'm sure the rest of what you said was super valid but all I heard was just like my ticks go up for Alvin CRA receptions I love to see that all right Jeff you know the drill let's get it going your time starts now all valid points Mr Styles um however I I'm taking a closer look at M Mr Chris olave from his rookie year to last year uh he increased his targets over over 20 and his numbers have crossed the board year after year have gone up uh receptions yards as well and Target so I think he'll be on his way to potentially that third year breakout with him last year he was sixth in air yard with over 1,800 yards and he had a 24% Target share on his team which was 16th amongst all all wide receivers um kind of digging a little bit deeper in his Target share um he averaged about eight a game and when he did average eight targets a game he averaged nearly 16 points PPR points a game uh which would have put him at wide receiver 15 uh on average points per game scale so I think there's room for him to grow and be a little bit better as long as he sees the eight targets which I don't see why he wouldn't uh to back that up Vegas has a over under of the Saints at seven and a half we digging into the RAS ball tool on the win loss tool alive averaged over 15 Point PPR points in losses which was three more points than uh than victories for the Saints so Saints are going to lose more games so he's gonna have more points you can book on that one right there uh lastly they did change their offensive coordinator uh to Clint kubak uh he was part of the 49ers system so shout out to the 49ers uh I don't if you knew the Styles now Jeff's talking I'll get back no know he's all over the place but yeah I'll call you back there we go they were fourth in passing and second in passing touchdowns despite playing ahead of many games so if they continue with that Trend ol is gonna catch a lot more passes and I think he'll be valued around wide receiver 12 maybe like 13 but I think he's somewhere closer to that than 21 I think you've got him way outside where he should be going at the end of the third where he should be in a midc round uh wide receiver ding D ding ding ding Styles playing a little bit of Defense there I like to see that by the way shout out to anybody that's still truly using a magazine for Fantasy Football you're probably over the age of at least 25 I would guess so uh congratulations to anybody winning games doing it that way well done uh Jeff I'm his rent free rent free as kid say not even paying rent I love to see that uh Jeff great defense there uh sending your point I got to stick with actually I'm not sure yet let's talk about and see what the audience has to say we'll go to the crowd and get it going here we will have the drum roll and gonna have to go with Styles and I'll tell you why in a second but the crowd the biggest reason here is 80P right we're talking about rankings if he's going around 12ish or whatever and we're making a case for him to not be high higher than that but Styles think he's gonna go a lower that makes the most sense Jeff if he came out strong and said something like oh he might be you know top five top eight or whatever I could see that maybe making the call also in that offense I just firmly believe as well that like ol is gonna be a great player I don't know that I want that player where he's being drafted so for those reasons I got to go with Matty Styles in round one well done it is not over yet folks we got another one coming for everyone tuning in right now again the rasb fantasy football show I got Matty Styles and Jefferson with me myself sky guasco and we are getting going here on a Raz ball Rumble next player up here this is a contentious player we know that our captain the leader of the spaceship here at RAS ball for us on the program Bob lamarco big fan big fan of Karen Williams I don't hate him but I haven't been been the big biggest fan over the summer for a number of reasons I've stated in my case in a number of running back articles over the summer but gentlemen it's up to you guys I'm going to let Jeff kick it off with this one here Styles will play a little bit of Defense in the Direction let's kick it off of Kyon Williams the running back for now the py if I feel if I feel Jeff doesn't bring enough can I just plead the fifth and be done and go right to a boat yeah yeah again I mean if you guys want to use politic rules it's fine with me yeah t the season right I mean November's right around the corner so however you want to rig the system or like pay people off to get what you want it doesn't matter to me well I what I heard from you earlier is next week's going to be the GNC be the ow National Convention and nobody's going to beat you yeah I mean next week's pretty much decided but we're focused on this week Matt let's get it going Jeff your time starts now so Karen Williams he is going as rb7 around pick 20 midc round which I think is a very great place for him to go last season he finished as rb2 in points per game uh and then rb7 for total points in 23 uh a little I don't know if your magazine has this though Styles though but he had the highest snapshare of all running backs last season at almost 84% so he's on the field he's not coming off uh and with that being said he was third in rushing yards fourth in Red Zone touches uh and he was third in rushing touchdowns at 15 last season as a rookie mind you uh coming to shaming BAS system so all the numbers on top look great uh when you dig a little deeper in the advanced stats he was eighth in evaded tackles and 10th and duuke R uh meaning you can't bring him down Styles even with your magazine uh he's staying upright and and 23 he's got fresh tires they're going to keep feeding him the rock I know they got Blake horm nice running back out of Michigan but I think he's more for just a backup uh in case uh Williams gets run down but I don't think he's going to U mcvey's Got the history of using the vcal back and when he finds the guy he likes he feeds him the rock I think he has his guy right here as we mentioned already Bob has him at the top 10 and Rudy's projections have him as rb6 beating out his ADP already right there and uh the last point I'll make is that uh I think the Rams might be making one last hard push with Stafford and they're gonna have to rely on Williams and he's proven he did it last year I don't see why he can't do it this year and if he takes that next step in the passing game it could be rb1 this season and lastly the o line is middle of the road but I still think he has opportunity to be the rb1 at the end of the season holy smokes that sounded like a bold prediction Jee I feel like you're jumping a week just just nonchalantly throwing out crazy calls which are Beyond a bold prediction there number one running back out of Karen Williams to your point and I'll give you this he was number two when he was healthy last year behind only the goat CMC so well done same division there I gotta be honest with you styles that was a strong comeback from round one from Jeff there I feel you got to step it up and your time starts now so for starters he can't do his bold prediction now because it's clearly going to be Bob's heart throb bold prediction so strike one uh strike two only somebody that was a punk would not take on Kiren Williams right this was my suggestion I'm like sure I know what I'm talking about I'll fade a dude when everybody else is thinking no you can't fade a dude like that I mean he's a stud he's done it for one year 12 games yeah yeah how many yeah not 16 not 17 12 we'll get to that in a minute I'll start by saying three things about Kiren Williams one taking a stand against a running back that finished as running back seven and overall player 19 not cting quarterbacks is not something a week scared ADP driven analysts will do two paying for one great season is usually the recipe for disaster three draft value versus overpay for prior Seasons I want to draft a person and pay them at their draft position for what they're going to do for me next not Miss Jackson if you're nasty what have you done for me lately based on Pro preseason ranks by fantasy pros the Rams have a bottom half strength of schedule and are in a division in which they could easily finish last their starting quarterback is 123 years old has less than zero mobility and two significant Target Hogs to feat at wide receiver three if you're sold like most of the industry on at in Demarcus Robinson being a solid wide receiver three Kiren is not overly active in the passing game 47 targets 32 receptions equals a 62% completion percentage not the greatest lackluster 206 receiving yards for those 32 receptions and he they just drafted a running back in the third round which means draft Capital says playing time uh Williams is under size 59 194 the addition of Blake corm probably equals a 6535 split versus running all of the tread off of Williams Tires like they did in 23 uh he was healthy most of the season but I'm not going to pay for a career season after one season and expect similar results in that second year Kiron was good if not great last season we've seen this movie before and it's called one hit wonder running backs the sequel tends to flop you will see Kiren end up in the fantasy textbooks alongside pyton Hillis icky woods and Jay AI before you see him mentioned with leanian Tomlinson Marshall Faulk and Sean Alexander for those Reasons I'm passing on Williams at his current ADP and I'm jumping on wide receivers like Marvin Harrison Jr Mike Evans and Nico Collins my goodness ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding that was a strong strong effort Styles I have to I have to uh just throw this out there really quick to shout out Shan Alexander big up the Pacific Northwest of course five touchdowns against the Raiders loved watching that as a non- Raider fan grown up as a kid also I have his jersey uh there was a few other one- hit wonders there that you could have uh potentially noted as as well but the pton Hillis of course getting Madden on accident is one of the best of all time so well done there Jeff strong on your side too and I feel like I'm I'm a bit obligated against my will here to vote for you in this one because you mentioned Bob and Rudy so if you throw out Rudy's rankings and Bob loves the guy and I go against it I unfortunately feel like that's an HR issue and my job might be on the line sellout so I might agree with Matt a little bit more on his take but for safety of my salary and my family I'm going to have to go with with what the politics do I'm going to have to do what's best for myself and I'm gonna have to go with Jefferson for this round who then ties it up against Matty Styles and the crowd approves bro you're you're not even hourly much less salary oh you don't know what dude I'm commission as well brutal like my yeah my Situation's off the hook I I don't I don't discuss my uh my payment scale with my employees although I think that's a habit for people to do in the real by the way you know that uh that South Park meme where the guy's sitting in front of the uh his laptop and he's ve he's just finished being very excited sure I do I think Bob's face should be on that Meme right now God dude Jeff wins for K Williams this is this is a this is a family show we're going to move on ladies and gentlemen here's the deal we got one to one here Styles opens with a strong performance gets round one with Chris olave Jeff battles back sort of wins over the judge that's all you need to worry about in competition he gets number two we're at one to one here gentlemen I always come prepared with a secret extra third player here this is somebody that genuinely I'm kind of up in the air about not a bears guy up until like four months ago you guys know I don't love Caleb Williams however I'm going to give the kid some like fun fancy points because I watch him a lot at USC and he's fun to watch what and I wish the kid the best I just don't think he's going to be better than Jaden Daniels uh in this rookie class but they bring in my boy Keenan Allen I love that romad dun not a not a husky guy but the kids legit and smash the ducks three different times this year which I hate but it's true and then on top of that they s have DJ Moore who's been one of my favorite receivers but underrated and underperforming his entire career so far looking good in the preseason I don't know where to rank this guy I don't know which Bears wide receiver to take so I'm going to go with DJ Moore last week I had had a tiebreaker question it was how many World Series championships have the New York and San Francisco Giants respectively won over their career the answer was eight Jefferson picked nine Derek was way off this week I have another one and I'm I have to go with let's see who was the starting running back for the San Francisco 49ers in the 1994 Super Bowl victory over the then Los an Angeles or Los Los San Diego superchargers Jeff let you go first of course if you Google you lose automatically 1994 starting running back for the San Francisco 49ers Super Bowl winning franchise go for it Ricky Waters Ricky Waters Maddie uh I think he's I don't think it's Ricky Waters and I have another guy in mind but he's the person that came up I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Tom wrathman oh Tommy wrathman a little bit late little bit late Tommy wrathman took him to the promised land in those 80s there with Roger Craig it is Ricky running Waters who was never thought of as a 49er because he wasn't much like Dion that year but they put together the super team got the W and they win over the Chargers there shout out to uh Stan humph and the rest of that crew for putting up a valid effort though all right Gentlemen let's get into it I'm gonna let Jeff go first in this round it is about DJ Moore one more time round three here we go so I am out on DJ Moore uh my friend here in my competition styles him as wide receiver 12 which would be ADP 22 at the end of the second which I think is too high to take him currently he's at wide receiver 20 with ADP of 36 which seems kind of more in line just due to the uncertainty uh with this Bear's receiving core um you know I know walren has the history of getting two receivers in the top 20 15 uh but now this time around the target competition I think is a lot different for DJ Moore uh Keenan Allen is a target hog running out of the slot he's going to see a lot of targets how much I don't know but he's going to take a lot away from DJ Moore and then the rookie on the dynasty side Mr romad Jun I think this guy is way better than advertised I think it's gonna surprise a lot of people um you know some the industry want to compare him to Json and Seattle but I think he's way better than Json and he's also not hurt start the season so I think he's going to be a viable Target for Caleb Williams and then with the quarterback play Caleb looks great but who does he like we really don't know we haven't seen it so um with that being said and with Rudy's projections that wide receiver 27 I'm out man bringing up Rudy again you're putting me on the spot man I I gave you one I feel like I feel like giving you one is is just kind of like an automatic like an attab boy you played the cards you you rigged the system I give you the dub might be overzealous we see what happens Matty Styles you're on the clock right now all right Sky you're uh you're closer to my age than you are Jeffs I'm assuming so you remember just over 26 yeah you remember the old classic Saturday Night Live uh you know where they would do the news right the weekend report yeah um so I'm gonna hit I'm gonna hit Jefferson with something but I'm gonna hit you first with with all due respect right so I can say anything I want now yeah now you're in the clear yeah with all due respect Jeff you ignorant DJ Moore is currently a wide receiver 19 if you look at fantasy pros look at the ECR ADP info I have him at 12 as Jeff stated now wide receiver 12 you got to take that with a grain of salt based on his ADP or ECR you can wait the better part of a full round in a PPR League to draft more so even though I have him at 12 it doesn't necessarily mean draft him at 12 more real in over 72% of his targets ranked 12th in receptions with 96 six in yards with 1364 and seventh in touchdowns with eight that placed him as the 2023 wide receiver six he was drafted significantly lower than that now consider all those numbers which you would happily take in your wide receiver one for sure as your wide receiver two consider the fact that his quarterbacks were a really really bad frustrated uh looking over his shoulder Justin fields and a guy named tyon bent consider the Bears were a run first team with a really bad offensive line and a clear wide receiver two option that was injured right Darnell Mooney didn't play last year he was dinged or he's out the majority of the season so their their number two receiving option was Cole kit khil Herbert was injured in and out Dante Foreman doesn't catch passes Moore was brand new to the offensive system as well I'm of the opinion with this stud rookie quarterback in Chicago plus three deep wide receiving core a decent tight end the Bears should be better than 2023 tastes like bile when I say it but you heard me when I said it the Bears are awful I'll just throw that out there what that means to me is more should be better and I will happily take the 2023 or better numbers as my wide receiver two possibly wide receiver three if he lands where Jeff is stating kind of in the uh the end of the third round then overall ADP of 34 Moore should bring at least a full round of value to the table so I have him at 12 but I think you can get him at 24 Chicago boasts the 18th overall offensive line which isn't great Chicago plays in a division where they have to score to win their defense is middling all of that adds up to more passing and less running DJ Moore will end the season as a top 12 receiver and you can draft him in the top 24 so count me in on that Val I'm taking DJ Moore over Stefon Diggs Chris olav and Jaylen Wadd nice ding ding ding ding ding well done there uh Styles tremendous pun there whether it was intentional or not doesn't matter I hear all puns the middling for the Midway Monsters of Midway franchise well done whether it was done or not it doesn't matter I hear all those great job once you're a dad you immediately just hear every pun all the time love to hear that great job uh once again the record for all the listeners Jeff is not a correct um yeah shout out the Chevy Chase uh you know Dan Rickles uh Dan akroy Bill Murray I mean the let Go's on for a million years Tina Fay one of the ogs as well so big up big up to the OG I'm a Farley guy forever uh rest in peace obviously um man this is tough I'm I'm feeling a bit awkward the last round was kind of like all right I'm I'm gonna throw Jeff a bone this one's this one's leg difficult I agree with Styles quite a bit but I don't think I agree with your points and why you take the stance for him I just don't agree with your stances does that make sense so I uh I just think there's too many miles to feed and I do think the Bears are gonna be much better I think the Packers are still gonna you know kind of run that division outside of the Lions obviously the Vikings had to step back there with JJ mccarth but Sammy D we'll see what happens um lot of points going around here I just don't know if the Bears are going to be one of those and man romad dun is just awesome dude and Keenan Allen is gonna be great while he's healthy um you know and again DeAndre Swift can catch the ball there too and Cole K played really well so I like DJ Moore as a player I just worry about he didn't stand out as much as we thought he was going to as the only guy for a couple years outside the one year in Carolina but now he's got so many miles to feed and compete with talent wise I love the guy I just don't know that he's gonna meet or break his ADP so I would also kind of fade him I'm going to lean once again for the new gu guy and to be honest with you guys most importantly with Styles coming out as strong as he did with the last couple rounds I'm much more confident that I could beat Jeff next week so the winner two to one deciding is Jefferson and the crowd of creers is it so I'm gonna write that into my next [Laughter] notes again folks moral the story is here when you're in charge look out for yourself that's all I have to say uh for the for seriously though um me personally I like Chris olve but I'm fading his ADP I've already faded kirn Williams over the summer and DJ Moore as well a little bit there's some alternative guys here that we'll talk about in the next couple of weeks uh gentlemen we're running late in the program here we're going to get out in less than one minute however I am curious is there any other player no analysis one other guy that you personally are just like really undecided for one way or another on ADP specifically just give me a name if there is any position styles I'll start with you uh Marvin Harrison Jr i j i don't know where he should be drafted uh and you know dererk and I we split a couple of Home League teams one of them we ended up on the turn at at 112 and we are great R&B group yeah thank you we are trying to read every possible thing we can read on the X machine uh on other people's articles to try to determine where what what makes sense at the 112 and the 2-1 one of the big theories that we've run into is and by the way this league is a one running back league three Flex or excuse me uh two flexs three two receiver two Flex maybe three Flex yeah regardless you only have to start one running back one quarterback one tight end nice um and we've got people saying right you gotta wait 22 picks after you pick at the 2-1 so you really have to get your guy because your guy is not coming back so if you if you value I guess Marvin Harrison more than you do Nico Collins overall you have to take Marvin but I'm like well niiko Collins is better well you're probably not going to get either one but the likelihood of you getting Nik Collins or Marvin Harrison is Nico Collins coming back in round three most likely won't happen so I'm I'm just trying to figure out with a guy that we haven't seen outside of college fantastic Hall of Fame pedigree but I've seen two passes completed to him in Camp highlights and everything else I've heard is oh my God you have to draft Kyler Williams or Kyler Murray he's going to be a top five quarterback this year okay but is he gonna stay outside of health is it really that Marvin Harrison Jr is Justin Jefferson Jamar Chase 2.0 or is he just a guy God don't be I I don't know where he belongs and to me it's not that he's polarizing it's just I just don't I don't know I don't know where he belongs and I haven't been able to read enough that says okay if you go at the 2-1 with Marvin Harrison you're going to say that was a fantastic pick I'm ecstatic about it wow nice um great points and I I agree Jefferson I actually debated them a little bit a couple weeks ago Marvin Harrison was one of those you can dial back a couple of episodes here on the RAS ball fantasy football show and hear us debate that a little bit um Matt well done if this was a round uh you would have lost automatically because that was way over 30 seconds je do you happen to have a player that you're confused about on ADP yeah it's Devon aain um everyone says he's the most efficient running back last year but he's not going as that and everyone's say he's gonna be better like how can he be better if you already the most efficient so I worry that he can only regress but everyone is telling you to take him and he's right at that second round and there's other running backs or other receivers that are going right there so it's you know he like the must have running back in the second round everyone says all the other people in the I'm like I just don't see it but everyone is telling me to do it so I feel like I'm missing something but I just don't see it though he's just he's gonna have to be as efficient as he was last season to bring that value back and I just don't see it possibly happening again yeah and I'm glad you mentioned that I think this year and the drafts I've done and the drafts I'm preparing for I think I've got five in the next week and a half I think the absolute worst round for drafting this year is second second is just a wasteland of dudes right you're like I don't I don't know do I need I took a running back in the first round does that mean I have to force this wide receiver Mike Evans or do I reach for Marvin what do I do I think that if I could just say hey I'll take twoth thirds trade my second for a second next year I would be happy to do it it just seems like a really strange second round this year and and if you go back and look at your mock drafts or some of the drafts you've done like rasell or what not whatnot you know if they're all PPR all single quarterback it's just they're they're weird it's to me it's just odd it's a it's a weird strange second round this year and I'm not sure why that is or why I feel that that way yeah fair enough there's a couple tight ends I'm a bit confused as well and of course always quarterbacks also gentlemen always a pleasure never a chore make sure you follow everything Ras ball at rball NFL on X you can of course subscribe right here to the program on YouTube and the podcast as well and all of our content and all of our great riders for free right now football. gentlemen well done Styles valid effort and in another Universe you probably take that down handily but uh as I'm more intimidated by you instead of Jeff currently I will be taking on Jeff next week and another Royal Ras ball Rumble tune in next week and mattye styles and I will be back he will bounce back he's a professional I know it's possible we'll be back on the program on Monday per usual Jeff and I will get it done on Thursday of next week appreciate everybody tuning in enjoy some fake football until we get the real stuff and college football on the way very quickly we're running out of time but I will guess because I'm a sportsman I'm going to go Braves for Jeff on the hat pick and Matt man I'm gonna go way left field here San Diego State University no I would say it's further north and it's also further east okay so CPS no give it to me Air Force my there's no chance no chance I would have guessed that but well done congratulations Jeff am I right or wrong you're wrong I'm wrong Boston Red Sox I love that I had car Carl usty in my brain the whole episode too and I was just like ah ah blew it shouts out tosky of course now with the San Francisco Giants as well love you gentlemen appreciate another episode always wear your hat backwards and I will continue guessing it's my favorite game that we play here on the program until next time folks jefferson21 Styles 08 my name is Sky guasco we'll catch you next time on the RAS ball fantasy football show everyone have a great evening take care of yourself and each other we'll catch you next time we are out here [Applause] [Music]

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