Royce Freeman suffers groin injury, what will the Cowboys plan to do with him upon a return?

Published: Aug 12, 2024 Duration: 00:00:47 Category: Film & Animation

Trending searches: royce freeman
the third guy I don't know if he made an impression on you guys or uh have you noticed anything about Freeman well I think he made a big impression on coaches even coach McCarthy was saying the other day how great it's been having him on this roster but also how he was also going to be a big contributor to even special teams so you know it's unfortunate that he's missing these practices and hopefully this injury isn't something that's more long lasting I think that there's a lot of use for Royce Freeman he's a bigger body for this running back position and they might be able to utilize him as far as you know even Red Zone something like that is what I'm kind of envisioning for him Nate I I I you know Mick sometime you know this old dude gets stuck

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