fair enough okay we are going to go and get ourselves into the qualif oh is it going to rain oh my God it's going to rain it's going to rain 10 minutes guys look look look look look look look look look look we are in qualifying and it's going to rain in 10 minutes in the meantime oh warm warm welcome to the Creator series 19 order F1 content creators versus us before we do anything we are going to put on the setup right there we are going to go and put the minimum amount of fuel and we are going to go and flip in sand it for the start 5 minutes guys 5 minutes I'm going to put uh how much six kilos so we can do two laps right six kilos so we can do or seven kilos I want to at least go through the que uh the que uh two guys uh top 15 goes through so we need to make sure we go out right away right here right now and we go and absolutely send it actually I need to double check the setup I don't want all right we got the right setup guys we got the right setup okay let's go out and track right here let's go and send it big time let's do two left if we have to and let's go straight away I'm not going to put the intermediates right now uh normally there's an intermediate p position in q1 but I'm not going to risk it I want to go through to Q2 um so yeah let's see of course we're doing a full qualifying right there and then we're doing a 100% race as well it's going to be absolutely epic let's see what we can do boom are the particles on or off they are off they're off I I've decided to just keep them off I think for uh for all the races all right here we go then fire dragons as well as Jacobs John GTR than to follow as well what's up come in oh L is on AI mode that's not great oh he said bro what a sweat Lord man why the flip are they all using AI mode and the flipping good luck man raising qualifying to war of their tires okay never mind it was just him pausing the game okay never mind I'll take that back I'll take that back the real Dell thank you so much as well for the 13mon res up that is very kind of you what's up yeah I swear man that's the best way to warm up the tires being in AI mode but I just I don't know I don't like I don't like it's too sweaty man all right let's get ourselves started right here with the first lap lades and J this is going to be a banker man I haven't done a single lap yet all right come on now here we go then all right that's good that's good that's good come on come on all right now Save Somebody battery right that's us down into p16 now all right let's go down to 10% okay we need to keep going oh my goodness p7 oh that's not great that's no great guys for the first lap I'm going to do a cool down lap and I'm going to do another lap I think weather report weather report rain is imminent rain is iment anytime now guys definitely seem like the fastest tire at the moment anytime now I mean that literally was my fav lap at this track as well no time to get flipping ready or whatever oh my goodness uh foron take the followers the real door thank you so much for the for the resub and the good luck I appreciate it all right come on now let's do a chill left let's keep the tires cool let's do another lap straightway come on now let's save more let's save more battery this time here we go here we go then another lap okay we've only got one lap of fuel remaining oh I wasn't great we're expecting come [Music] on once again we run out of Fu man on the last flipping straight come on keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up keep it up one and a half 10's up again I mean I guess P10 right there guys it looks like a P10 I think it's going to rain again though I think it or again I mean it's not rained yet guys the rain was imminent bro weather report weather report okay seem like the best tire for now all right we need to get out of the way as well because there's a couple of people behind of us oh looking up yeah I'm having TR troubles oh here we go let's rain all let's rais in I have no more fuel bro I need to get back into the pits bro oh please get me back into the pits we're still P10 I don't think anybody can improve from us here there's no way oh my goodness what do you reckon guys are we getting in the way of something uh I think we might get in the way of of this one here all right let's get on the inside oh he's he's actually pushing oh he's P20 no P20 oh my God he's going to be out is he either he does an insane lap or he's out let's get out of the way there's a Red Bull going from all over the place all right let's pit guys let's pit boook this lap boook this lap here we go then into the pits we go where did NOA go was he P20 or what let getu absolute Legend how you doing w w w yippers coming in with a TW month resub at tier one thank you so much gippers and a warm welcome in for two months as well now Legend now I think we're already going to see who's going to be out guys I think we're already going to see who's going to be out we did two laps right there we made sure that because we knew the rain was coming so that was very smart of us but we only improved off one and a half T but I need to save more battery uh for the next laps the battery is really going down quickly here so I need to I need to save the battery for the final final straight really deal has retired let's see who is it at the top we are 710 behind at the moment over in P1 wow bro this crazy jeez 7 T away uh sector one is quick but didn't feel quick there it was not a great sector one sector 2 is three1 slower and sector three is two t slower so we're not great in sector 3 uh we are pretty decent compared to p15 right it's 510 of a gap and then who is out already guaranteed here oh my God guaranteed out to 97 b68 Mr deal G wats and Jack socials oh my goodness that's insane Midwife ruler compan with a TW month resub as well what do we never do we never go out in q1 boom thank you so much MWI rer and a warm welcome in as well to the subscription family once again Legend absolute Legend had a huge toe ah he did okay fair enough but GB is out GB is out Tom 97 is out they're all out bro it's done now I'm retire or is it going to dry up still let's do it let's do some 360 practice might as well is it going to dry up no no no no guys the track is great for slicks come out the pits great wait but um is everybody retiring then I guess or are we going to wait 8 minutes yeah I'm going to reti I don't trust everyone know what is this inter's practice from razin who wait wait did do wait did anybody do inter a so do you do have a pointb or not qualified on TR uh yeah GB Tom 97's very proud about being at the back this time so if you could disqualify that'd be great yes yeah baby hello hey Tom Tom 97 how do you feel about St p19 s bags boom thank for the follow as well G John GT3 John there you go as well as ala what's up welcome in good to have you here well GB is the fastest La Point obviously um intermediate po position in the first six minutes if you do a lap on the oh my God he's actually done it he's actually done it how many people are still in guys did everybody like retire already or should we go out on track on the on the intermediates cuz I feel like not everyone is going to actually retire let me go let me go out on on the intermediates guys let me let me put a little bit of fuel on the car we'll put 10 kilos which means we have enough and then we're going to do a couple of laps boom intermed let's go let's just do a couple up I know for a fact they're not going to retire right and then we're just going to retire and we're going to watch them drive on the track that's the worst all right let's go it's qualifying and we had a dry couple of laps we had two dry laps at the start but we could could not fit in any more laps after that and a couple of people got CAU out with that one oh my goodness that was oh my God I almost popped my wheel off right there is it a wet race I don't think so what what what are you planning to do to get your I'm trying to figure out but come on then illegal block me illegal block who in front of you whoever of you right now block block on hey I'm I'm not going to risk anything here stay the flip away me teammate teammate deliberately block me yeah sure that's going to end well is it going to rain in the race please tell me it's not yes uh I think it will at some point it's get there's just no need oh [Laughter] [Music] hey why the flip are you in my chat bro get the flip going why you flip why the flip are you here I'm having an intimate moment come on we are out on track at the moment ladies and gents and we are just going to do a couple of laps everybody else is uh not doing anything I think but uh I'm not going to wait and watch them I'm just going to drive you know let's do some practice guys let's do some practice let's put the medium and let's do a couple of laps there's no way you're taking a pool right now B oh my God he probably is he probably flipping is lovely absolutely lovely all right let's see we are yeah look how much oh my God together a bro who the flip took out the breake marker board oh no that's going to be gone for the race for the that was tough what the flip dude that's the worst one that's the 100 met break marer board after the DRS Zone man turn four yeah yeah 10 oh my God that's the worst there's no breakings marker or whatever there anymore now and suddenly razin won the race these rainbow snake mer take take out some more for me qualify bro but I'll take I'll take over the RS yeah sure do man I just that's the worst one on the whole track to take out hey that's your fault Tom I wanted you to block me and you didn't you ran away so yeah I guess it's uh it's karma karma lie not lie we should doing Sprint race right now why why would you Sprint race over full qual yes yes GB come on although I have enjoyed watching you drift should I drift more yes wait are we going to have more rain wait wait if we have more rain I should probably not use these tires what what the flip am I doing bro no no don't worry it's not going to rain anymore it's fine you you use you use the ties all right all right somebody make me to make me to Jingle what I what if you SE it and you me it if you SE it you know you have to beautiful beautiful that was no great your drifting is not worthy of the soundtrack no I don't think so why can't everyone just retire you know why that's going to be one Spanish mother sucker or French or whatever yeah yeah we start we started this is the one chance to recover the time lost and we're not retiring true I mean I'm happy to retire if everybody else retires retire bro no but no but no I'm not going to be that no I've decided to not be that guy who retires I always do that and then everybody else doesn't and I'm sit there I'm just sit there watching Ben retire and then Tom will retire I'll retire if you mother suckers retire and they'll retire if you retire you wall I hope you put it in a wall can you just that wall yeah what do you reckon guys should we retire I guess we should be a good guy and retire [Music] now let me know in the chat but I mean there's one minute remaining I guess all right let's just do it guys let's just do it let's retire all right have it your way have it flipping your way oh well enjoy not doing Q2 wait what you retired of the little one oh okay yeah n guys what was the what were the if I get a penalty for that guys what were the weather segments for the race I couldn't see that it was it was glitch reversed dry to wet yeah it could be dry to W the start is dry to dry and dry to wet one or the other well but but is that the is wet only the second segment is that it we we don't know we have to then it's like 90% And then later it says rain but it's like 5% it's almost like reversed okay so it's going to end dry then by the sound of it potentially interesting you guys got your wet setups on yeah I've got my wet what did I say what did I see I I was thinking about that about 10 minutes ago when I went when I got the tires wrong I was like I could have just gone for the flipping Portuguese people are driving still bro I should have just kept driving oh my goodness I'm not going to retire anymore in the future oh uh n boom ly boom thank you for the follow as well what's up we make it through to Q2 though that is the most important thing uh and that means we are going to go and um see if we can go through the Q3 if it stays like this we would be through the Q3 so that's nice we're going to have a couple people to beat though which is not going to be easy it's not going to be easy but it was a very close fight from P5 all the way to P 10 really us we were we were at the back end of that one uh so I think we're going to be quite even with a lot of them so yeah fingers cross we can do a good lap in Q2 as well that we'll be able to put us in a better position because the first few laps were not amazing guys we need to watch out a little bit as well with with the curbs the curbs are treacherous bro it's crazy it's actually crazy but a war welcome in if you're joining in right now the Creator series uh qualifying session right here uh we're about to go and get ourselves started with a race uh but first two more qualifying sessions uh the the bottom five got eliminated that means uh we are no longer going to see anything from Tom 97 GB 68 Jacko shs Mr Dale G wats um but now the next five will get eliminated and if we stay like this we're going to be through but first we have to do a good lap in Q let's see boom what do you reckon guys where are we going to be in Q2 what position let me know in the chat let's see if you guys are going to get it right I'm think I'm thinking uh P let's say p7 I'll be happy with that and then for Q3 will'll be uh top five and then overtake everyone boting position sham Shaboom come on but yeah we we have we have really not extracted the maximum Pace out of this so that's nice right that is nice at least all right we're looking up a little bit here as well I feel like we can go down on uh on the break by a little bit wait is it wet right now oh my God it's only going to get worse wait it's only going to get worse guys it's the rain is only going to get worse how much fuel 8 kilos 8 kilos intermediate tires oh wait boom let's go let's go let's go we're going to go um uh we're going to go intermediates because I think the intermediates are still quicker than the wet guys I think the intermediat are still quicker than the wet so this is going to be crucial to go on the intermediates now because a lot of people are going to go and and choose for the for the wets it's going to be really really important there we go we're going to be in front of this guy I think a lot of people are are going on the west so that's going to be very very good for us come on now let's go baby I'm going to keep it in medium for the whole lap as well we might be able to do back toback hold laps that might be good the lower you are on the on the ERS deploy the better it will be with the uh with the amount of um traction that you have so that's quite nice even none might be even better to be honest but I'm not entirely sure come on now let's do it La straightway then as quick as possible it'll be crucial guys it will be crucial hzds than for the follow as well what's up welcome in let's go baby hiig golden let's start our lap right [Music] here let's go let's go let's do this come on now here we go who the flip is that behind of us bro how is he so [Music] quick 13.5 I'll take it I think I think I I don't think a lot of people will be able to go quicker anymore now I think the track is just getting wetter and wetter [Music] guys okay I'm going to I'm going to save I'm going to save some battery guys so the rain easing off a bit but the track is still careful I don't think we can go quicker than this anymore guys look how much weather it is now all right one more [Music] left we've only got two laps of fuel left why is he so close to me [Music] bro why the flip is he starting a lap so close to me bro why that's so dumb that's so dumb he was doing a lap before that as well oh we were a little bit quicker on that one a little bit quicker on that one we'll do one more lap guys I'll get out of the way of curb as well that was so dumb bro I was on my lap I was chilling I was focused yeah I have to get out of the way there I don't think it was a perfect space to get out of the way really but hope it wasn't too bad he wanted slip stream yeah but yeah I guess fair that was he was way too close all right let's do another one let's do another one ladies and gents here we go then plus one this is good this is [Music] good oh no [Music] [Music] that's good that's good that's good 71 boom purple lost the sector ladies and gents okay now we're going to go into the pits oh B2 what is p fastest lap overall fastest lap overall F at the I could go quicker than this still2 17.2 that's six t quicker than us weather report weather report okay you're doing well out there keep it up we're looking about 10 more minutes of rain 10 minutes question is will it get better or not for now full wet seem to be the F this tire oh hell no bro oh hell no you had slipstream okay fair I guess he had slip him on us maybe I don't know oh la la welome if for joining in right now to the qualifying session we put a decent lap in but now we got to do it again I think for the final one I think it's going to get better now it looks like it's a little bit better the the the conditions I don't have fuel anymore so we're going to have to go back into the pits we got two to 3% of where we're going to just switch in between of the first set and the second set I'm not going to use a new set anymore guys I I have new inters but I want to have those in for the race because obviously we're going to have rain in the race as well that's that's what they're saying at least right so I don't want to use all the in for the qualifying so let's see let's see let's see K Ary as well as cut line b as well as DSL Brett boom thank you for the follow as well well if you enjoying yourself right now make sure you hit that follow Button as well you do not want to miss out whatsoever on any of the future shos and so far we're doing a decent job3 at the moment we're getting ourselves into the Zone slowly but surely will you get to the end of the race or will you disconnect before then [Laughter] oh you playing with fire I'll probably still beat you when I do disconnect or or will he spin under the safety car you need a disconnect to be me that's a Tom special the safety guard comes out bro sweating he's like no no way oh my rear is so loose what's going on Daddy BS in front of him I need to regain some respect the safy guard he start shivering I clearly haven't beaten any of you bad enough I got wind L by by a whole lap is the is the rain getting better by the way 10 minutes left of this rain then we think it's yeah it's it's getting better it's getting better it's ready for s la la wait is it going to be slicks soon sck it it'll be slicks at 2 minutes time no way n there's no way there's no way it's going to be slick in this in this hey you're supposed to be my teammate bro what is it what you got to do Tom you got to wait you got wait you got to wait in the garage until 1:16 and then you can go out and drive yeah exactly yeah yeah I know what Rob's eating for breakfast but he's cooking the grid right now he was rid man he's having the same he's been given the same juice you were given in austri qualifying mate maybe he's been given gilon setup uh big fat testosterone sandwich best in the current all right guys what do we reckon should we go out on trck right now but then with um a little bit uh more fuel let's probably do six kilos of fuel then we go do two laps what do you reckon what do you reckon or do we do [Music] seven let's do six 15th in the speed trap 38.0 kmph let's go baby let do don't go out you're fine guys the Trek is getting drier I swear our lap that we have right now is not going to be enough to go through the Q3 I'm telling you now literally the TR is getting drer and drer it's getting quicker and quicker the LA that we have right now is not going to be enough to go through the Q3 I'm using you TI there we go there we go I told you question is did I time it correctly guys I think I did I think I did to have uh chances for two laps there's a good Gap as well that we have right now H la la t oh thank for the follow as well what's up welc come in come on baby yeah it's way way drier ETA on this rain clearing up is about 10 minutes so just keep your concentration out there you're doing well way drier let's get some heat in the tires let's get some heat in the tires little bit of space all right we got enough time to do two laps here we go then ladies and gents consecutive laps by the way come on [Music] if we don't get into 10 we're not going to progress to the shootout give it your best shot come [Music] on here we go then [Music] B4 no over yet [Music] [Music] 1 second up here we go then Over The Line the puto W 15.2 the put C P5 it's been quicker and quicker and quicker with all the seconds that have gone ever P6 at the moment oh couple people going quicker now but it seems like we are going to be through to Q three oh my goodness look how much quicker it was every single lebra it really started uh it really started getting quicker to track with the the rain getting lighter and lighter we are through I mean infatic is still on he's not on a lap he's he's going back into the pits I think but the ones are out is raisin onstop rope no way Skyy noera and curbs the timing was was was crucial guys the timing was crucial this was insane that was insane the timing was literally insane hopefully it's going to be driver Q3 because uh I feel like in the driver a little bit quicker than in the r and in the rain but let's see Rob didn't go out yeah because everyone said to me right oh we're going to be through easily no it's insane isn't it uh Disney as well as raise demon wrecked boom thank you for the follow as well what's up went on W possible that was very fun going out with more fuel and doing laps and Laps and Laps and just seeing the time stumbling every single lap and having pressure fun yeah it was good two H laps said that was perfect timing like 10 seconds R SC fair that was a good session man that's was fun to watch the the the weird thing is though the one with the most base unsto R did not even go through my guy stayed in the pits yeah he he must have timed it horribly but yeah dang that was insane going it be dry now please be wet please be it's going to be dry it's dry it it dries up as the session goes on it's still a bit damp at the moment oh yeah nobody's going to do laps now we're all waiting that's what you think my guy's going to get P1 with the in let's go oh yeah this is the true win ball this is the Away Ladies and G it's um it's Q3 time we keep our streak guys can we get some W's in the chat for this we keep our streak this season the new season of f124 of every single race going through the Q3 I have not been knocked out a single time in qualifying I am the most consistent qualifier can you imagine no I can't but uh well you better imagine it because it's the truth we have gone through every single Q3 session all right you know for a fact you start watching the sh you're like okay when are we going to get to Q3 not if okay well now it's going to be important because um it's going to be dry soon right it's going to be dry soon as you can see the inter are wait is it what the flip how the flip of the sofs already wait wait wait wait why are the softs already quicker guys it's still raining oh my God it's dry it's literally dry bro everybody on in right now should we do a l on in as well guys on the on the used set of inters we're not going to use that one anyway anymore right like this one the 8% burn down one I guess we can do it let me know in the chat did we do it we have four sets off that one still should we do a lap on the inters just one and then we go back in no why not we we're just wasting time otherwise otherwise we're staying into the pits guys screwed we're doing it I'm going to go out on TR otherwise we're just waiting in the pits to for it to dry out anyway we need a dry TR and it's not completely dry yet so let's go out on track on the intermediate and let's uh send it big time because uh well that's send it big time let's at least be out on track because we're not going to use these tires anymore anyway and I want a dry track cuz right now it's still not entirely dry guys so it's not it's not perfect we're just going to have to make sure that we don't bend it in the wall okay don't bend in the wall anybody on the right no a couple people behind of us is Vince on the on the sofs o El is on the sofs wait is it dry already guys is it dry enough weather report weather report conditions look stable at the moment no rain currently expected look like the best tire for in still the best tires for now guys so that means there's no point in go in using the soft CF there's no point it's still wet like look look we're way quicker than L that's no point all right we did the we did the right thing guys we did the right thing I'm not going to do a lap anyway on the in right now I'm just going to I'm just going to do a little bit of driving look he's literally doing a left right now El we're so much quicker look at this he's wasting his tires right now we are doing so well that was the best decision we made I'm not even going to try and do a qualifying lap either I'm just going to stay behind L right he's wasting a soft set right now oh wow it's really slippery apparently uh ton thank you for the follow as well what's up wel come in I could do another lap or should we go into the pits what do you reckon guys what do you reckon oh it's I think it's I think it's actually getting dry let's go in pits box this lap box this lap we need a win let's see let's do our best let's go into the pits and let's put the soft tires on oh there we go literally I am so happy we didn't do a lap on the sofs I'm so happy we didn't do a lap on the the softs it's going to be soft tired now I'm going to stay in the pit for a little bit actually no we're going to go out and track right now on the on the on the use softs and I'm going to use the uh the softs that we haven't used yet for the for the final lap uh the new one that we get in Q3 for absolutely free right so we do one on on the use sofs because this is going to be a lap that already has like there's a little bit of water on the track still we don't want to use our new tires and then we do a crazy lap at the end on new tires completely try okay so um let's um let's go to the tries at the moment yeah they're still getting quicker so let's put the 6% wear on right so we have already used those let's put six kilos in the car um and let's go out on trk then we have enough time to go back in wait do we have enough time to go back in 6 minutes one two three go back in yeah just about just about just about just B just about we need to quick it though we need to be quick guys we need to be quick I should have put 5 kilos to go straight back into the pits but it's okay we'll do that for the final lap guys we'll do that for the final lap um we're going to go on the old sofs first and then we're going to go on the new sof so we have two laps on the sofs guys let's go let's do this it PIR job first La 11.7 it's still wet guys as you can see there's only really going to be one or two left for everybody we're going to make it two laps we're going to be smart with this one let's go the timing has been immaculate so far in the Creator Series in the qualifying right there we've been so good on the timing guys this is going to be perfect actually I think uh p is going to be all right in timing as well actually he's just done his lap on the softs but we are going to be doing the lap on a better track basically cuz the track is only going to get better from here it's still very very slippery guys here we go lap mode Let's go first lap a very deep [Music] dang jeez all right save some battery [Music] I'm going to abort boook this lap box this lap okay we didn't time it right guys we did not time it correctly but it's okay otherwise we would have been across the line 2 minute 10 and then we would not have been able to go into the into the pits again and go back out so we have to go into the pits it's okay though these were the used tire this is why I use the used tires cuz that was a very fine margin and this is this is this is fine because we literally only use one set of ss now and now we're going to use the Q3 set which is going to be gone anyway so we're literally cooking and uh well we're only going to have one lap but that's okay that is okay but at least we now have plenty of time oh man what a qualifying session guys look like this I kind of like the qualifying sessions they're they're quite crazy now with this weather books for hearts we don't even have hards guys in the qualifying we only have softs and mediums uh Elite ice boom thank you for the follow as well what's up welcome in as long as you do not B it fingers crossed fingers crossed all right here we go Q3 three tired set let's put the minimum amount of fuel let's put 5 kilos and then let's wait a little bit let's go out around how long is it lap 1 minute 10 let's go out around 2 minutes because we want the maximum track Evolution it's still getting drier so we want the maximum track Evolution we want to go out 2 minutes so that is and there are two minutes remaining right now okay here we go then ladies and gents out on TR we're just barely going to have enough time to start the LA it's going to be a close one durti s but we will have the best track compared to everyone back is everyone else going out right now as well oh it's only one as the Martin in the pits it's El I think he's going to be the yeah he's going to be the last one over the line it should completely dry now right I think it's I think it's almost completely dry we have a little bit of time to be honest 1 minute and 15 seconds so let's not go crazy quick right here yeah we have the best track exactly guys we have the best track all right here we go then let's do our La L and chance that's the last one over the line [Music] come on [Music] [Music] come on oh no so close [Music] 8,000 L goes quicker but ladies and gentlemen we qualify B three oh that was a good lap that was a good lap hey fair play to l clipp and demolish that lap but we got B3 oh that was a good lap and literally I told you I told you the timing is immaculate oh Stein in the meantime coming in with the eight Monon resub right as we went in the third one thank you so much time I really appreciate the the resub right there man thank you so much Legend oh hey what good qualifying man it's not bad huh that whole thing was so fun SC was Bing as well jeez what is this yeah I'm a qualify match though I will see you in 15th Place La twice come the end of the this race domination could both hands it was all about the timing right there being the track placement yeah the track was still getting quicker as we went out for the last uh for the last lap mhm there's no formation lap oh yes oh yeah all right remember ladies and gents no formation lap now it's all about the strategy we're going to have rain at the [Laughter] end we're going to have rain in the end I go do slip him in the pull La he did oh dang fair enough should we [Music] do I want to start on the SS then go mediums go a little bit longer then go to the sofs I really want to start the softs guys and then probably mediums and then hopefully we can take those tires until the rain right I think that will be good in terms of the fuel though what will the fuel be like are we going to burn a lot of fuel right there let's see let's see let's see let's see what are they saying oh they're not saying anything guys right now we're five laps Overfield should we put less 73.5 2.5 over the thing is are there going to be safety card probably not I want to go 2.5 laps over that's a lot I know but I don't want to I don't want to save fuel guys 73.5 is going to be okay let's do 2.5 let's do 2.5 let's see let's see let's see all right then we're going to get started ladies and gents with the Brazilian Grand Prix B3 we qualify H always safety car yeah rather be safe than sorry not going to lie oh here we go come on baby all right let's stay close now we got a medium behind of us oh he's using everything he's using all the battery bro we can now use DRS DRS now available all right let's stay close now let's utilize the DRS I might want to go for a move on Scot here come on pretty decent guys I want to do a big undercut as well [Music] battery charge is high let's use that overtake button a bit more oh he's using everything [Music] purple I don't know if he's going to he's he's going to try and defend everywhere bro look he's using everything all right now we save a little bit of the battery guys Scot's too slow all right let's save a bit of the battery Ben is using dop [Music] try to stay with them they might make a mistake and we can still regain the position of course he does that [Music] Ben is going to cause us to lose L rate just impatient man so impatient but it's okay let's close in a little bit here L and [Music] chance okay so we're leading up team by everybody's still close but the Gap that we had to the car behind is gone now guys that's really unfortunate because we had a big gap and this that that's what Ben cost if he didn't go for there he just stayed behind we could have driven away this is what I said guys Brazil is going to be a strategic game you have to work together to drive away from everybody else not like that I mean it was clean it was clean it was it was good it was good battle all right we go guys oh the guy behind is pretty quick as well Ricky Recon Rapido all right I'm going to save some battery guys I'm going to save some battery he's focused on LR yeah but he's racing a race he's not racing against only LR bro [Music] oh spicy butling I like it I like like [Music] [Music] it I didn't really want to go for move there to be honest I want to make them scared let's push them into into into mistakes guys let's put them under [Music] pressure you're wasting your soaps not that's fine guys we just need to be in this front back we don't have to drive away we can't drive away any anyway anymore we're going to do a big undercut as long as we stick in this fight it should be okay Ben and El are not going to drive away anytime soon anyway SC is a bit slow oh what am I doing oh that was dumb okay Vince oh la la that wasn't a great move [Music] oh my goodness we're getting eaten up bro all right chill out let's chill out let's chill out guys oh my goodness that was a bad move I mean it was a I wanted to break late I break too late it was going to be a good move but I break way too late guys I break way too late but then we had no more battery H la la that's okay chill back guys we're going to be okay we're got a big undercut incoming soon Gustavo as well as bring the Horizon thank you for the follow as well what's up come in let's not push like crazy now let's just let him go we're still on the in the lead pack guys oh my goodness I need to save back some battery guys oh what is the sof Z jeez they're going down quickly they are going down quickly all right let's stay close now let's stay close to this entire pack it's going to be literally a slipstream train until the end that's what I said this is why I really didn't like Brazil you just cannot overtake unless people make mistakes and we were the one we were the one making mistakes bro oh man I go for one move I make a mistake it's just so boring man f124 in the slip stream you just have to stay there you can't risk going for any moves you go for one move you go to deep boom you drop five positions it's just so boring that's why I wanted Baku or any other track but it's okay let's uh let's come back with a big undercut uh C thank you for the follow as well what's up welcome in I feel like I'm lacking a little bit of straight line speed here I'm not entirely sure but let's see undercut n man it's too way too early guys way too early to 97 is on the mediums I'm not going to battle him like crazy either I don't know if the hearts are going to be a good Tire around here the mediums look amazing guys so I really want to be on the mediums I'm not going to go Hearts no I'm not doing it that's the worst decision we could make right now nobody is on Hearts the only ones we can see working really well is the ones on the mediums I'm struggling right now on the on the softs man jeez Tom's going to go for the move on the main straight I'm not going to defend it that would be dumb there he goes we let by there he is and he's going to close in a little bit to the C in front as well everyone is still on the DRS most importantly aain team behind I'm thinking soft medium medium guys second not even soft medium soft because the SS are horrible they really are oh no no we're already battling there oh yeah we've lost the front pack this is what I was fearing guys they're battling too hard and now we lost the front pack I need to pit soon Pit Stop information Pit Stop information right we have two stops left in this strategy two more STS planned got 11 laps your window opens o fear battling we had a good battle with bince earlier that was pretty decent it was very close we a littleit t tap but it was very good battle it's just so hard in this game to not not touch man it's it's insane I should have probably gone on mediums yeah I thought the sauce would go longer uh Pit Stop information You' got two stops remaining now two stops remaining in this strategy you've got 10 laps until you P window 10 laps that would be a big undercut if we do that anytime soon if we pit anytime soon it would be a big undercut guys they're battling too much there oh this is horrible whoever is there fighting with the Scott needs to get by ah he's not doing it Scott is costing us this race single-handedly single-handedly I know he likes being in that high position but this is the worst thing he can do right now cuz without a safety car will never going to catch back up to the front pack if they are going to keep battling like this if they're going to keep battling I'm already going to pit I'm going to do a crazy undercut cuz this is not great yeah Scott is really costing us this this race is he secretly albo he secretly Ser PR the Mexican miniator of Def fense bro this is horrible uhoh mince might be losing this oh he going to battle it nice move good job oh penalty in front Oh my Jesus Jesus Oh Vince got a really good view of that one oh my goodness holy what the flip was that oh that was pretty crazy man look Scott's losing a lot of lot of pace right now he's doing an undercut it's very early if I'm losing this back of mediums I'm pitting as well 1.1 I think I need to be on medians for the most of this race guys the SS are really really bad looking up everywhere oh yellow flag somebody spawn safety car no not quite I'm pitting Guys box this lap box this lap stopping this lap we are pitting this lap and this lap only fingers crossed Vince is going to go with us mediums not hards here we go yes Vince is coming Yes W Vince what a legend all right let's work together now Vince no more battling like we did at the start Vince will be our companion for the entirety of this race okay go go go W Vince yes and is on the mediums as well let's go oh man we're going to be so good here have to stop once now One Stop left oh and Scott oh no Scot no he's going to battle us cuz he doesn't know what it is like to swap the DRS oh dang it [Music] all right let's get the RS let's do a huge undercut and let's work together with Vincent's Scott work together with Vince and Scott that's the most important thing guys oh we're losing a little bit of fuel okay keep an eye on that Gap ahead please 2.4 [Music] seconds come on baby how you doing W Hell Blazer coming with the twitch per for the very first time Legend thank you so much and more welcome in I'm not particularly quick around here guys ah Scott's using all the battery to stay in front oh guys Scott is really really really really going to cost us this race man good job that was the fastest lap of the race so far he doesn't know what it's like to to help each other he's just wanting to defend he wants to have a fun race but oh I have to stay behind overtake him then all right yeah but the thing is he's defending us where where Ben and El are helping each other he's defending us which is really annoying so like I have to use extra of the battery to overtake him he's letting you through next lap oh nice okay then we can help each other back and forth back and forth he's got good Pace at least you might experience some in the wake of the car ahead and try to get past as soon as possible there we are boom now he needs to get by again yes this is what we do telling he's doing a good job I'm locking up everywhere bro why am I looking up everywhere all right I'm doing it on the on the next tra people are pitting LR pitting for hearts how the flip did he come out in front bro he's going to have cool tires [Music] oh we got the RS okay that's good now we chill guys okay so we're leading our team mate by 7.8 seconds El is probably going to be rapid on that uh oh Ron came out behind of us guys we barely have any uh anywhere too big undercut not bad at all guys what did I tell you not over yet now we just need to stay here no crazy battling just stay here L tires are going to warm up soon though all now we chill oh he's going to go for the move well let him do it let him do it try to stay with him they might make a mistake and we could still regain the position it's fine as long as we stick with L I'm happy Scott's going to hold up L here let watch this he's going to overtake him yeah I knew he really likes to go for moves bro he's burning a lot of battery though in the meantime all about the battery [Music] yeah let's let's save these tires a bit guys El struggling all those hard bro we've got a lot ofare that's why that's what I said guys hards look really really bad I don't think we should go on them later I think we should just go on the mediums again later on genuinely the hearts look really bad they don't look great I might want to overtake El here should we get by thing is though every time I use battery L flipping uses battery it's so annoying man it's just you cannot get I can't get past every like it's insane just every single time they just use the battery and they and they defend I can't get close enough to even go for an [Music] overtake and and then when I do I go for move boom I have to break too late and I look up this is not the Tom we know the Tom we know can out break everybody come on at the moment we're in the fight for the win guys or the the provisional win because um those who are keeping it going are on uh no stop yet they're going super super long they're going to come back later [Music] on well R forc and going for move on Scot Oh my Jesus bro I'm here Broski almost shed us [Music] man these mediums are so good man yeah they have to use the softs and hards we already gotten rid of our softs the hars are not great the softs are not great obviously lr's um tiar is not going to be insanely high on that hard he might even go to the end or he might even go until the rain weather report weather report no rain expected no rain expected for the time being definitely seem like the fastest tire at the moment let's do a double overtake let's get El as well oh he's defending [Music] bro oh you got a warning there bro every single time I want to go for a move the guy in front of me doesn't commit and I can't go for a flipping move oh I should have just followed him but I couldn't because he was too slow man I mean fair play to him I guess but [Music] Jesus this battling is losing so much time El is really struggling it's good content yeah for now but in a bit we're not going to be with the lead pack anymore [Music] all right let's stay here for now need a good exit for the main straight yeah but still every time I do I I use the battery and then they use as well I just get like I don't know like what either I'm getting outplayed here or I'm just getting super unlucky every single time that I do go for a move uh stvr for the follow as well what's up wel in I mean right now I'm I'm good for the moment I'm happy we c el because we need to be in his back he was fighting for the win but I feel like those guys at the front with Tom oh wow yeah there you go and we're losing more time be smarter guys please oh you almost got me off there Jesus I need to I need to watch out for Squad because he he almost cut me off twice now I was going to commit there but then I saw he was going to be too close right Scot's using let's see nothing again we're going to be behind of Tom 97 and team Mar when they come out on the on the track again for the pit stop bro at this rate with all of them battling H should we just get involved with the battles and just could it or should we try and go for the win here because I really feel like we can win we can win if we don't battle like what they're doing right now yes the boat well it's either one of two guys cuz we need to be smart about this it's not only about getting the track position a lot of people think yo you need to get the track position get P P6 right there no it's all about the the the slipstream game especially around this track with two Longs zones because there's still people out on track on used tires they are helping each other which means they're basically not they're mitigating the Gap that we are now gaining because we're on new tires by helping each other all right it's time to get paed here we [Music] go let's not let Squad by again because we need to help El and ourselves and SC to be honest let's stay behind and let's then do a a smart swapping on the main straights as we shoot I should not have gone this high on the fuel I mean I didn't know how much fuel uh fuel usage there was in this uh in this track but still you're like 17 18 seconds behind of P1 that could have been 12 if they didn't fight that much that could have been 12 and then we would have been busting but now it's going to be tough at the end I'm going to try and get L and then he can get me back on the next trade don't battle me out right he's battling me all right swap me swap me swap me there we go all right now we drive away bro let's go whether he wants to go for me here I don't know there we go let's be smart guys there you go this is what we need to do right now this and now we recharge on this lap and we re overtake him and then we do the same and I know you all want to see battles this is a little bit of a battle but it's mostly a battle versus The Front Runners [Music] here we [Music] go why is z already so quick on the straight bro my guy is insane on the straight man I want to stay in front this time oh never mind he's going to go fory oh why bro let me be in Fr oh why we Bing oh a they don't have brace today man what is this L is using it his St why doesn't he want to win or what oh somebody retired somebody retired is that going to be a safety [Music] car is that going to be a safety car I mean if El is using maybe we should just stay behind he's in the pit so no safety car okay all right I'll stay behind for the moment as long as Scott's not going to go for a move oh watch out guys oh they're battling behind guys why is everybody battling oh my God bro oh why yeah it's a pit Lane retirement oh no we need to watch out now that was going to be a close one he he literally pulled off outside of the pit right here his AI he almost shed into L that AI all right we got rickon behind of us now I'm still very quick let's see what we can do a warm welcome in the meantime for joining in right here to the Creator series we are already pitted we've already pitted we've going to a little bit um early for a big undercut I might do an extra pit stop not going to lie I don't mind doing an extra pit stop okay so I like doing extrait stop 4.9 seconds the rain's coming at some point no no not not sure if we can get to the end to the rain with these tires but let's see weather report weather report noat of R for the time being not yet the rain is not coming yet but there will be rain at the end guys catching the leader fast yeah fingers crossed bro these mediums feel amazing I should have been on the medium well actually h i don't mind the strategy that we're on right now guys just do not go onto any other tire than the medium for the next 10 that is the main aim guys medium is the way to go make of the over button and see what you can do oh Skyy gets out of the way oh he tries to get the RS nah bro don't don't do me like this oh he's in the [Music] pits and we're back out in front all right El can go for a move here go for it bro let's be smart back in for back and forth oh la la a war walking in though lap 32 out of 71 we're in the fight for the win right here guys after pitting very very early but if they didn't fight at the start of the stint and they would do whatever we are doing right now it would be so we would have been like 8 seconds behind of them now instead of 12 oh there we go there they go they're all bitting guys they're all bitting Yow flag we let Ron go at some point if he wants to go for a move all right here he goes here he goes let him go let him go he's on the heart guys he wants to fight with okay he wants to fight with Eli that's okay let him do it or let them help each other and they'll stay behind that's fine B 10 seconds oh my goodness oh that's horrible for him they come out way behind us as well and in the traffic oh wow okay come on keep it up guys keep it up keep it up they're way they're all the way there in the flipping traffic they're on brand new tires now though but I've got pretty decent tired as well I think oh wow our tires are really good I'm just going to try to stay behind these guys now weather report weather report oh somebody's in the wall I think wait did somebody go straight oh no somebody retired bit stop in all right we'll be doing one more stop today one St left in this strategy your window opens in 15 laps time I can go a long time with this sezo needs to hold them up as much as possible [Music] now I'm chilling guys I just want to be in this spec right there cozy as long as scull doesn't overtake me Vince doesn't overtake me we're busing guys we're chilling just don't battle me please just stay here I know it's boring but this is not any race right here I know it's a sh oh my goodness of a moment I know for a fact if I make one tiny mistake Scot's going to be all over me I'm we're going to lose Rick rickon I don't want that to happen I don't want that to happen it's not worth it to make that mistake until let's SC ruin our race he's done it already two times this race obviously it's racing right but it's not very smart race IQ Addis Gillan one set it it's a whole different way of thinking and I don't want to sound like some kind of flipping uh philosopher okay but Justin Bieber once said it the famous philosopher Never Say Never okay yeah he said it Never Say Never all right let's chill back relx let's let them do the the the crazy uh pushing right here I think El thinks he has a lot of pace I guess he has a bit of pace as well they must have no tie wear at all all right let's stay with let's stay close safety C would be Mega not yet guys not yet not yet not yet let's utilize the tires a bit more welcome to the family Dean coming in with a 27 month re up at tier one you absolute Legend thank you so much DIN gura and a warm welcome back in if you're joining in right now we are in the midst of the race a couple of people behind of us have pitted just now oh we avoided the we we avoided the warning right there let's go we we're still on zero warnings guys I'm I'm chilling in this race flipping chilling this is really good getting a little bit more tie wear now I can feel it uh the Pastor John take of twitch Prime as well what's up welcome in all right we're staying out until then we're staying out until the rain guys I we need to oh I hope this is going to be before they close in because they're going to close in they're going to close in and they're going to be really really really aggressive with the overtakes I know for a fact Ben's going to hit me Ben is 100% going to hit me when he overtakes us I mean he's going to be on new tire so but when he closes in he's going to hit me I'm telling you now I'm telling you now he's going to hit me I'm going to be annoyed this is literally going to happen this is the this is the forecast all right weather report so we're expecting rain in about 10 to 15 minutes okay dry 10 to 15 I think it's going to be rather 15 minutes guys it'll be a bit longer oh we're going to have to try and see whether we uh whether this will pan out our way but I think if if we didn't have those battles there at the start of this stint we would have been fine but now they're going to be a bit close for us yeah they're closing in rapidly guys they're only a few seconds behind now over and burn off some of this energy come on boys push all right I think they're going to try and swap a little bit more often as well now RI Andi looks like it at least use a bit of the of the B oh there a oh because Sao is holding them up very nicely there's a bit of a gap now between a couple of the drivers there might have even been a little bit of a of a of a thingy happening there yellow flag is that somebody else who is uh retired what that be a safety car probably not ooh Beau a moment there jeez think SC at the same one there I think SC at the same moment there bro that was close you don't want the safety car now nah I mean we're all going to pit anyway now but if if we have a safety car every one's spitting literally everyone green flag oh yellow flags something's happening oh no that was that was uh that was them what I'm the ra I don't know he doesn't seem like he's in the fights anymore guys oh Ron is rapid guys I need to start pushing a bit more let stay close to these guys [Music] all right I'm pretty quick now W bit of a rear instability there yeah yeah they're pushing to try and keep Ben and Tom at Bay weather report okay expect to yeah it's going to be a long time I think Ben and Tom will overtake usely fast at the Ben and Tom will probably overtake us when they close in in the meantime Vince has overtaken scull fair enough okay [Music] hey I'm liking this spot I'm in right now guys who's that still out on track well I think that's curbs trying to stay out until the rain on in the Williams I think that's curs in the William okay we need to watch out then we need to watch out a little bit here that could be a mastermind move from him o El might be going for a move there oh no it's not curbs it's Jack socials okay let's try and overtake there we go slain on the in front spitting moment wow okay why is he doing that it's going to rain soon guys to 97 2.6 behind he's coming both B and Tom are coming interesting weather report weather report we think we might see some rain about 15 minutes okay D seem like the best tire for now oh I've dropped Vince that's not great I think I kind of need vins in my in my DRS guys otherwise Tom's going to pass him easily come on Vince push ah I think I think we have to we have to give it to them guys tomman ban did a good strategy right here they're going to be in Fr until the or when the when the rain hits us come on Vince I'm not going to use the battery come on come on I think he's got it guys I think he's got it I'm helping Vince right now right and you're thinking H why you helping Vince because helping Vince helps me because if Vince has my DRS Tom won't be able to overtake him that easily come on Vince stay in my DRS stay in my step stream hold them back hold them back ra losing patience in what it is strategy what's why does he have patience oh this battle happening vinc and Tom battling I'm not going to battle that guys there's no way my guys on new Hearts I ain't battling that or should I what do you reckon guys should we battle that yes or no he's on brand new tires man weather report rain is for just over what's the point battling that oh he's bosin fast at the I'll let Ben go as well I don't want to get hit again I don't want to get hit again there you go all right go on Ben weren't going to have a choice I'm going to had a choice with Ben but it's not it's not worth the risk man my guys on new tires what's the point now we're going to push down now we going to stay closeing away soon so that we at least have DRS on El when they overtake him all right we need to utilize everything right now here we go guys but hell's happening man that 10sec penalty for Ben is going to be horrible oh 3 seconds for Tom oh wow yellow flag he got pushed into a warning I think okay in oh my God we only got 16 people remaining guys flag okay we need to watch out now they're going to do crazy battles at the moment we have zero warnings bro we're busting back in third place yeah exactly guys we're keeping it very very very very very cautious there we go they're going to go l y this is crazy if you think you can get past make use of the overtake button and see what you can do this is going to end in tears oh no vins no don't do it Roski no it soon as you do not lose the RS there's no reason to P exactly we're passing guys we are really busing LR is fighting b as hard as he can Ron is quick I don't I don't want to overtake him we just need to make a good call in terms of the weather weather report 5 minutes until rainf five minutes okay seem like the best tire for now and if Ben and El have a moment which they're going to do now and we're in for a good fight let's go guys I'm keeping up with the pace of el and Ron bro [Music] [Applause] all right I think they're going to push all out now to stick with the guards in front I think they're going to do that un stop R going for the overtake on Vin so there's a couple of drivers that have done the undercut or overcut second that are now closing into us one of them is on stop rope [Music] let's stick with these guys welcome to the family what's getu absolute Legend how you doing w w w all right I'm going to let onstop R by this lap or wise I'm going to lose Ricky and LR I don't want that buster Guido thank you so much for the two month re up at tier one my guy here he comes go for it bro Nowa closing it as well approaching the pit window you're going to be on if we battle now it's only going to have negative consequences for our own race we need to stick with this pack and I think Ben and Tom are driving away with it right now yeah they have better they have way better tires fair enough Ben going to win nah he has 10 seconds penalty unless there a safed car if there no safety car b not winning unless Tom messes it up and if the rain stays up if the rain doesn't come for long he might have a chance but remember to play around with I'm going to let NOA bu no point fighting him either [Music] wait who's that bitting Ron pitting what the flip what the flip is he pitting it's going to rain soon weather report the rain's a few lap out it's be careful D definitely seem like the fastest tire at the moment set intermediates confirming that we fitting intermediate tires it's coming ladies and gents and we are ready for it oh they're quick right now I need to stick with them this is going to be [Music] tough come on there's a large group of slower cars just ahead if you want a pit we're close to a window box coming in this nope I ain't bitting bro I ain't pitting there's no flipping way I'm not bitting no we're waiting until the rain we are waiting until the rain oh my God I told you it was going to be such a boring race guys just a slip stream flipping fast man and yes I could have gone for moves myself well you saw what happen I go for one move I lose three positions bro that's how it works in this game at the moment unless you're on a different [Music] strategy come on Tom this lap keep an eye on your to the speed Li line as you approach we need to stay close to these guys [Music] come on he battle hard oh yes I still have the RS oh this has been a fight and a half guys oh or at least I'm fighting with myself but still on these older tires look how much time Vince has lost because he just doesn't have the DRS this is the most important part of the race sticking with these guys to give ourselves a chance towards the end of the race when there is rain coming up we were very quick in the rain we qualified P3 even but that was not in the rain it was in the dry the adaptation from our side is pretty pretty decent being able to adapt manit yeah they're on new tires guys we we are not that's the difference it's a big difference as you can see they made the best strategy but at the same time El and me could have been way further in front if it wasn't for the battling that happened at the start of this ST which is unfortunate oh this Stu out is quick man he might try to drop me here [Music] bro the mediums are so good I swear [Music] we need the rain ASAP I'm having a tough time guys LR tires are better he's going to drop me soon I think it's going to be this lap we're going to be on our own oh please oh no come on rain oh it's raining oh we're close battles behind sezo Clos in on Vin oh sazos made the overtake I don't think we should go for inters yet Guys these mediums are still better [Music] okay be mindful of the conditions the track's getting wetter recommend you stay out for now though we'll be much slower if we move on to this early oh he's pitting already that's early man one more lap [Music] guys keep [Music] pushing it's still very [Music] quick I might go this lap weather report okay the forecast suggest this rain's going to keep getting stronger for at least the next 15 minutes okay Dy seem like the best tire for now you can undercut wet tires this happened already in the first race in Spain guys box this lap box this lap confirmed we receive you at the end of this lap here we go in baby let's do it it was getting very very slippery during this lap they're going to slow down watch this this is going to be tough though on the first lap guys this is going to be tough okay M that's it go go go this is going to be tough okay safety car deploy oh safy car there's no way ASAT there is no flipping way re for Dangerous dri right as we're in the flipping pit Lane bro I need to be in front of ngua no bird mylander mother sucker what you doing over the saf are you serious are you flipping serious man no over to because of flipping safety guard came out of the pit Lane oh my goodness I swear bro guys we're just we just don't have luck today first of all they start battling in our pack second of all oh we chose the wrong tires first of all for the for the start but that's my fault that's not just luck and I'll flip it the safety guard comes out right as we are in the pit the rain's going to keep getting heavier for the next 15 minutes at least H and now we have older tires I can pit [Music] again let's get close to the delta welcome welcome welcome Tom box we need to push now push push push wait am I still in the same POS I'm still in the same position oh fair enough we now have tie wear as well it's okay it is what it is guys it is what it is oh we're going to have so much fuel in the car as well now guys this is going to be crazy oh and Ben comes out in P4 and he doesn't even have a flipping penalty because there's a glitch in the game right now that if you go and um have a 10-second penalty you pit the 5-second penalty or the 10-second penalty becomes a 5-second penalty it's a glitch I don't he got very lucky here but fair play he had 10 seconds but he waited in the pits 5 seconds for sure you serve full 10 that's no way there's no way there a glitch in the game right now guys it's fixed how the flip is he in front of us then I wasn't that far behind I was only 5 seconds behind of him how is that possible safety car yeah but I I also Pro I don't know all right doesn't matter let's see uh 93 Kieran Boom coming with the 37 B up the Delta but he should have got to the Delta straight away as well oh I got held behind the safety car you're right yeah yeah you're right you're right you're right I got held I got held guys yeah you're right okay no fair fair play fair play fair play I got held that he still comes out4 is insane fair play fair play fair play uh F thank for the follow as well so Tobias Tony boom thank you for the follow as well yeah we got very unlucky there first of all the safety car comes out as we are in the pit so we lose some time second of all the safety car is in the pit Lane and I can't overtake him because the pit Lane is too flipping uh narrow you got no penalties yeah yeah we don't have any warnings guys so we should be okay I need to burn a little bit of fuel but I don't want to I don't want to heat the engine too much oh saf is left the saf car is in this lap when the field accelerates remember there's no Tak what the flip are they doing bro drom thank you so much for the eight month re at twitch Prime as well my guy exclamation [Music] mark go disabled by the stewards will be offline wait for further [Music] updates keep pushing Adam Galaxy thank you so much for the up as well my guy Legend crash use your overtake button more it's time to utilize some of this energy come on come on guys big crash there in Fr this is going to be tough to overtake anybody somebody needs to make a mistake o b not quick do we have the pace it looks like it come on Seth stick with me bro it's just impossible to get close I'm using everything but then I can't even go for the move bro 2 months is like thank you so much for the 21 months my guy it's like how many three babies two babies very close a little bit more than two [Music] babies I I can't get close bro every time we get close boom better exit boom go on every everyone is literally same pace and now I've used all my batteries so I don't have a lot left to defend or attack later on so it's just dumb use a little bit then stay close you are too used to driving against the Ai No guys no I'm not this is literally look no one can overtake they're all staying in a flipping Line This is just how the game is if there's anybody who can drive against other people it's me you seen that on f123 and before it's realistic yeah but what's the point guys what's the point in even racing if we could call overtake anyway and we're still happy that we're on the right tires at the moment last year on f123 Amazing racing at at Brazil in the wet and the dry on this year's game though it just does doesn't promote racing whatsoever it's just really really boring we're going to make it interesting though I'm pushing hard o la oh they're quick now I think behind of us actually sezo is not really able to to stay close okay you're catching the car ahead but remember we need to get to the end of the race on these tires we're going to stay on the in guys even if some people are going to go on the wets I'm going to stay on the in because the in are the quickest tires you saw them in the qualifying as well when it said we had to go on the wets the in were quicker so that's how it that's how it works wets are not quicker than inter in this game I found it out the hard way the in are quicker even in wet [Music] conditions oh there's some battering in front guys o all right we are going to try to close in even more I'm in a good Rhythm right now I'm starting to get pretty good [Music] Pace but they are using everything on the straight holy jesel is that hold LA to erss no no no guys medium is the best because you get less uh less traction loss honestly non mode is the best but you're too slow on the [Music] Straits LV King as well as TX thank you for the follow as well what's up the rain's getting worse be very careful all right rain's getting worse I'm struggling now stay close to these guys keep pushing bro how are they quicker than me on the straight I'm using all my battery this is crazy oh look what the gap look what a gap we have to the card behind I can't keep up with these guys o oh we seem to be losing a lot of uh speed on the on the exits guys I'm going full crazy mode I can't go quicker than this this is the pace eight laps to go you're increasing the gap on the car behind by 5 t a lap oh weather report okay don't tell me anything down lovely that's exactly what I want to know oh my God bro I can't go quicker bro this is the pace we have guys they're like a 10 quicker per lap I feel like I have a I have a Le older tires as [Music] well I'm literally Stuck in the Middle bro the guy behind me is slower but the guy in front of me is quicker no let me close in mother suckers [Music] please it's the fuel probably I don't know what else what everybody else has with the fuel but I am a bit over fuel it's really annoying because uh I think that would have G us us a lot more Pace but yeah look [Music] 2.1 we're on our own now nobody in front of us to give us slipstream a why bro we've only flipping been in a flipping train this race this has been so boring all right let's try 100 differential then let's try it I so sorry to all of you for is horrible race it's been so boring I hope hopefully it was still enjoyable to watch but there hasn't been a single overtake 2.4 I'm trying 100% maybe that will help us a little bit it looks like we're just getting slower though basically what what 100% does it it it allows your car to turn less making the car more stable but in turn you have a little bit less response uh responsivity responsiveness yeah I don't think it's making us quicker guys Gabby Maru as well as Lucas thank you for the follow as well what's up welcome in yeah I'm getting slower I need to go back keep battling guys oh my God I'm ripping all of a sudden all of a sudden I'm ripping 2.3 battles battles battles let's get involved it's not over till it's over what do we never do ladies and gents what do we never do we never and then you finish the sentence three laps to go and we're closing in a little bit keep battling [Music] [Music] we're closing bro how were we 2 seconds quicker than the car behind in like one left [Music] it's not over till it's over we don't give up that's the first warning we have two left [Music] a why you keep why you hitting me on the Jesus he hit me on the flipping breaking Zone there oh Jesus what were those last couple of laps my goodness we go over the line to get a P4 I'm sorry for the hits with L but I feel like it was a little bit of both sides he hit me I hit him I couldn't break break on time I got hit all over the place there well I told you guys this is not a lot of battles but if they battle we get close with a P5 in the end Tom 97 gets P1 bro I was sweating so much I wasn't I literally wasn't um wasn't uh wasn't blinking bro oh Jesus Ben gets P3 who is P2 luckily we get involved in a couple of battles at least but uh it is B4 at the very end ladies and gents oh crazy that was insane we try I I I could have maybe got P3 there but uh yeah that would have been that that would have been uh very very tough oh that battle between Ben and El was spicy as well bro they were literally hit tapping each other sideways the entire time that was crazy I guess a was a bit annoyed there so he tried to get back on me on the right hand side but yeah that was close that was close oh well it's a good result but nevertheless that that was a flipping boring race I'm not going to lie guys that was boring uh I really hope we will get to do some fun tracks as well because I said before this race already Brazil is just just a slipstream fast man it's you can't do anything here unless you a different strategy I guess Ben's race and Tom 97's race was pretty fun but our race was just trying to stay in a DRS I mean I could have tried to overtake the entire time but that would have been a negative impact to our race so yeah I guess yeah it depends a bit what you want but we uh go from P3 on the grid to P4 I guess P3 we were a little bit up on where we were supposed to be but um yeah not bad not bad we end up in a good position and even though uh we start the season of really really bad we uh we actually end up in a good position guys I I thought the race was over when we were on the SS there at the start and we were kind of dropping back dropping back dropping back but uh yeah Tom Tom 97 was just on a different level bro jeez thank you bro that was spicy wasn't it Well Done Tom Tom where the where did you come from then yeah where the flip did you come from bro me yeah it was just like Ben was being really patient be behind um Oh you mean at the end there yeah yeah they were Bing I didn't have just came out of nowhere just managed to get ELR and then you were like yeah mate I'm I ain't falling behind now yeah that was uh I lost like three seconds or whatever and then I was super lucky because they uh they started battling that was an insane ending there at the front Jesus Tom was chilling but everyone else was it was sick to watch it was like proper proper scrap what happened between um yeah cuz out of nowhere I just saw neuera and El like really close to me and Tom overtook them did they crash into each other that was a bit of scrapping everywhere yeah yeah there was definitely like bits of like like wheel touching but oh wow can we just agree that we will never do Brazil on this game ever again yes thank you the worst TR I swear I mean hey shout out to the fans okay but what the flip fans that was the worst track you could ever vote on bro I told you guys at the start all right of this week I said yo this track is going to be a slip stream Fest it was literally a slip stream Fest oh my good M the the the track was so bad that I chose to do backu last night anyway for for content and it was so much better I wish back well next fan vote Grand Prix you know what to vote on well we're not we know what's not in there Qatar Brazil yes oh yeah anyway good stuff especially at the end was uh was insane that was really spicy I'm sorry if I gave you a little squeeze there Tom no it was okay I think uh no at the end was I think it was okay at the end definitely wasn't intentional no every was every literally bro I saw you and rap going literally sideways at some point both of you I think you hit each other like you know the F right end there there was a little bit of a b sideways into next yeah he was sideway he was sideways coming onto that straight before and I like I literally had to lift if I didn't lift I was going to get shoved off it it was crazy hn glad that's over yeah ladies and gents that is it for the Creator series uh let me know on a scale of 1 to 10 how much did you enjoy the race I mean obviously it wasn't my greatest kind of show you know I always like to do fun racing but it's just very tough like this game is is is good right I like it but it's just like the racing is very tough you can't really make the difference when everyone is super close and in f123 you could make a bit more of a difference you know uh the only difference you can make is when somebody makes a mistake you just send it and and and and hit them and make the move so yeah it's tough it's tough but at least I hope I I made a good show right here uh let's go to the big screen let's end it off in sty 3 to one Her Go