UFC Vegas 96 REACTION, Wang Cong 'KO', & TUF Finale | TCMMA Podcast Ep. 796

broadcasting live from an undisclosed location this is the TC MMA podcast with your host criss cross [Laughter] whoa Dana White Privilege let's go baby let's go let's go let's go let's go baby Dana White Privilege privilege privilege what's happening this your boy Chris Car checking in this is the community MMA aka the TC MMA podcast so last night UFC Vegas 96 caner vers Baro ended up being a great uh main event we didn't get a finish it went to decision Kyle Baro uh pretty much dominated especially down the stretch and he gets to win he's going to be potentially a top five top six guy and you know there wasn't much drama there as far as getting the Finish but there was a lot of drama up and down this card I didn't expect it I did not expect it almost wasn't looking forward to this thing last night my Florida State seminal fell yesterday so of course I'm I'm in a state of uh depression I guess you would say for a few hours like I don't want to watch any sports but then all of a sudden you know you kick this thing off you get a big finish then you get a bunch of decisions in a row uh but then you have a bunch of finishes in a row so it ended up being a solid night at the end of the day I did not expect that I thought it was going to be like a lackluster night uh but there were some big finishes The Ultimate Fighter finale uh went down last night in two fights and you know all in all a good night but listen the judges are off the chain once again these judges do these judges it's like you have split decisions where it's like 29 28 2928 for one guy then the other judges 30 to 27 there was one fight where uh clearly the guy didn't win three rounds and they gave him three rounds I mean so you just had all this craziness going on I think at one point there were two or three split decisions in a row um and you remember the previous week at UFC 305 the judge ended up getting removed so there's all types of crazy stuff uh going on but we had a great night last night there were several fights we predicted right almost had a perfect night I told y'all baby you know I tried to tell y'all stick with me sometimes people get mad because they're like first of all these are just a preview in in my opinion of the fight so don't ever you know if you put money on something don't come back and blame me later okay but if you are take a look at the whole card not just one fight people put you know put money on one fight and then come back and say you were dead wrong but then at the end of the night I'm like 11 and three you know we do have some bad weeks too but for the most part we have some solid uh nights back to back to back to back losing record is few and far between at least as of right now so you got to do your own homework as well I'm just here to provide you with a preview but listen let me stop hollering about that let's get into what went down last night and I want to start with Wang Kong who was making her UFC debut yes she's fighting Victoria Leonardo who seems to get koed every week or every fight uh but still you got to come in and make something happen and this is how it went down last night in her UFC debut it's clear already that uh Wayne Kong has power just not connecting a lot of lead leg kicks I like it and utilizing the jab a lot she comes with a nice Left Right combination backs up with a jab now lands a right takes one though first 45 seconds gone what a leg kick there so she's got all the skills it's only five and0 right and already a must-win against it oh a big right hand by Wang and that's it Oo we ooh we okay yeah so Wayne Kong is as good as we thought oh my goodness see and you don't see that a lot in the women's fighting I mean you see it from time to time but that power yeah is going to be a problem other flyweights that's for sure and you got to worry about everything lead leg kicks all types of leg kicks combinations Jabs powerful right hand submission ability yeah she she got her yeah she got her so big win already for Wang Kong one and0 in the UFC just like that in about a minute six and overall women's flyweight division UFC Vegas 96 yeah so she's going to be a problem I mean she came out and and just dominated that fight very quickly and when you do that you know you make a name for yourself and then she's upset with the UFC because she's in the first fight of the night you know which shows you she understands what's going on like the first fight of the night is not where you want to be on a Fight Night car but it's her debut you know you got to come in and do something and she did and now uh you know you know she'll get a bigger fight the best part is she took the judges out of this thing these judges dog these judges you know you don't want the judges to come back and uh stingy at the end you got to go ahead and just come in and get a finish and that's what she did so credit Wayne Kong we're going to see her again please believe it but she looked good in uh the UFC debut now in another one that I was highly interested in Edmund shabazian first Gerald Mard it did not look good for meard early on uh but listen my man came through in the end just like I told y'all he would Shan's got him backed up into defense and Gerald gets out of it boy he looks tired and he's just slowing down man I'm surprised I expected more from him oh a big right big left okay Gerald okay now a nice knee to the body by Edmond two times and a big right oh my goodness it's amazing Gerald sh's holding on here 115 left in round two now he jumps in for the taked down he gets it he's going to get on top look out okay yes sir this is not where you want to be against Gerald mirar oh he's got the Dion oh baby oh baby oh baby oh baby yes sir oh yes sir yeah he tapped let's go Mir sh I told y'all baby yeah there's a little doubt there but I told y'all and meard was down and out in this round was definitely going to lose this round at one point it was 43 to6 in significant strikes by Edmund and Gerald goes right to the bench man right to the stool he sits down yeah he's tired and we're only two rounds in here but what a finish by Gerald meart on the ground once he gets on top he's just a tough individual to deal with you know you can't be on your back or on the ground with Gerald mirar both guys sitting down they look exhausted and we didn't even get through the second round but nonetheless Gerald Mard gets the win here middleweight division man check out this record 37 and 17 big win for him UFC Vegas 96 yeah so Gerald mirart was the man last night I told y'all baby you know sometimes y people weighing in in the comments talking about you don't know what you're talking about Edmond shabazian is going to is going to dominate meart no way I told y'all I told y'all I told y'all baby tried to tell y'all and I really track these guys that Hamza chamaya have beat right Gerald meart 17 seconds and then after Hamza beats him he goes for one in the next five and it still shows you in fights like last night and I get it shabbaz Zan's not like one of the Premier guys in the division but it's still a UFC fighter a tough fight so you just think oh me's not that good Hamza beat him in 17 seconds no the guy still wins a lot more fights than he loses the guy's been in the Octagon for 54 roughly 54 55 fights and ham I shut him down in 17 seconds so then I follow these guys to see is it true what people are saying no they're not that good they're washed up no no no mir's still winning man he's still winning and you notice in that fight hamai did not attempt to go to the ground of course it was early but that you know he he knows his opponent and he's like okay this guy's got a good ground game so I'm just going to you know go after him on the feet and finish it that way and that and that's what you got to do if your Hamza but Gerald mirar is a guy I like man and respect and he looked good last night make no mistake about it now as we continue you had Neil Magny versus the undefeated Michael Morales check this out Neil magy trying to get off the map but he can't Michael Morales in firm control on top now and everything changed after that elbow is all Neil magu with control time on the taked down Morales worked his way back up now he's on the feet mag's on his back nice leg kick and Morales is not going to let him up oh he pounds away now uh-oh Neil magnus's covering up look at his full Mount oh my goodness Neil Magnus just trying to hold on 40 seconds left in round one now Neil Magny is going to roll don't roll to your stomach oh my goodness yeah Neil magne is in a world of trouble right now oh he spins to his stomach that's not good Morales has the back here 25 seconds left and look at this he's covering up and Morales is pounding away and that's it the ref steps in with 21 seconds left in round one and Michael Morales moves to 17 and0 and this guy is a serious problem in the welterweight Division and now you're looking at like six or seven guys in this division that are all capable uh of winning the title at any given time chasing Bal Muhammad certainly impressive because Neil man is one of those guys it's lanky he's going to get into your body he's going to take you down he's going to you know try to take your back things of that nature and he was doing that and Morales worked his way out of it all of a sudden a spinning elbow changed everything and in the final 45 seconds to a minute after that elbow it just changed everything and Morales ends up getting the Finish over a top 12 guy number 12 Neil Magny so big win for him 17 and0 welterweight division UFC Vegas 96 yeah so the bottom line is what you need to take from this is that Michael Morales is undefeated has a lot of wins and he's going to be a problem in the welterweight division for a long time and so were other guys like shavat Rak manov you still got all the old heads like kby and Usman still up there Leon bws the champ so it's just this division is is ridiculous as far as I'm concerned I'm I've always liked the welterweight division especially when Hamza was in there but he's just too big now so but still this division it's either one or two right now in all the UFC please believe it now you also had some other uh big fights last night uh for the Ultimate Fighter finale and the first one was KH offley versus myON Santos and I knew this was going to be an interesting fight didn't know which way to go but we went with myON Santos did it pay off let's see nice defense by Santos and lands a flying knee on the way in four minutes left round two and he's beginning to pick up the pace I mean over the first six minutes of the fight he's just getting better and better clearly establishing dominance in the octagon and he lands another jab blocks a leg kick and it's amazing how much bigger he looks at featherweight and his opponent con offley and he just does a good job of keeping him off the jab oh big right by Santos and he finishes offley who came in and landed a right oh my goodness and offley is done myON Santos is running around the Octagon he's about to cry because he just won The Ultimate Fighter featherweight final it started with eight and we got one guy left and that's Myron Santos and had a chance to watch some of the episodes but not all but you can clearly see on the way up that he was going to be dominant and had an opportunity to win this thing kofy looked good too in the first two fights but myON Santos is on a different level this guy's now 15 and one and we've seen guys go to the ultimate fighter and become a champ like a Kamar Usman and others a lot of others now we got Myron Santos Brazilian 15 and one featherweight champ of The Ultimate Fighter here at UFC Vegas 96 yeah and you got to like the fact that the guy that won The Ultimate Fighter is 15-1 so that's a nice Prospect uh coming into the UFC and with Contender Series going on right now you know you're going to see 35 to 45 new fighters in the UFC by the time October is done and Myron Santos is going to be one uh to keep an eye on please believe it but congratulations to him for winning The Ultimate Fighter now there was another match that was highly intriguing you had Robert Valentin versus Ryan loer we went with Ryan loer but make no mistake we recognize how good Robert Valentin is too and I expect that you know both of them to be in the UFC regardless of how this fight goes but this is how it went down after a great round one this is I believe round two wow now Ryan loers got the crucifix got both the left arm and right arm tied up and utilize an elbow now Robert Valentine trying to do anything he can to roll out of this but it's a tough position and loer just pounding away with the elbow left elbow Mark Smith looking at it here and Valentin is wiggling he's trying to do anything he can to roll out of this but loader's not going to let him of course his Corner saying keep him there absolutely and he continues to pound away with the elbow marks Smith saying you got to do something Ryan ler continues to hold position Valentine cannot roll out of it he's just taking elbow after elbow Mark Smith is looking at it and it's getting close here simply because he's just taking it oh my goodness come on loader finish this thing baby finish this thing yes yes the dog pays off baby Ryan loader gets the win as the dog to win the middleweight title In The Ultimate Fighter and man he is pumped up and definitely in trouble almost submitted in round one and he closes the door on Robert valenton so impressive win by Ryan loer he's going to move to 9 and one and he'll get the UFC contract here at UFC Vegas 96 and I like both Pro myON Santos 15-1 Ryan loader 9-1 so you got two guys that are welld deserving of winning The Ultimate Fighter and Ryan loader took on a very tough Robert Valentin but that crucifix position when you got both arms tied up and you can't even defend yourself is is game over absolutely game over and Robert Valentin had to take it and it wasn't even like big big shots but it just continued and the fact you can't get out of that and defend yourself the ref has no choice but to stop it and Ryan loader gets the win now as far as last night check this out we're in mid-season form now well late season really you know as we get to the end of August but we go nine and two last night wayang Kong wins kavalan wins borchev wins Zach re wins so now all of the sudden we're 4 and0 and you're thinking okay a perfect night potential but then uh Denise bazuko loses so there goes the perfect night and you know it's 2928 the other way and then one judge gave bazuka 30 to 27 it's just ridiculous but then we're back into win column mear wins Morales wins Santos wins loader wins and it looks like oh G bazuka is going to be the reason we don't have a perfect night but then Angela Hill fell that was our second loss and then Kyle baralo who we had winning gets the win and suddenly we're 17- 12 in the main event after starting 4 and seven on the year so we're 13 and5 over the last 18 we'll take it 215 and 138 overall so things are looking good right now uh as we begin the final push uh in the last four months of the year September through December when things are really starting to heat up we like the record and uh you know we'll take it man we will absolutely take it that's the way it went down last night now let's jump into uh the Q&A a lot of good comments you had R RS Spen RS pen something like that said good prediction on Wayne Kong yeah that was an easy one though I mean if she would have lost that fight i' would have been surprised wayang Kong uh looked really good in her UFC debut and there's going to be a lot of people talking about her but she's going to need a big fight over the course of the next two or three to really make a name for herself but it started off well problem is her opponent gets koed every week at Al or Ali make something like that bro shut the heck up you told us uh to bet on Hill first of all I never say bet on any you know I'm not a big fan of of betting I don't bet in five years I think I put money on one or two fights but this is a a thing again when someone takes one fight and puts all their marbles into that one fight and I try to tell you look at the overall record 9-2 last night okay so we lost Angela Hill it's going to happen and it was a decision and she outstruck Tabit to Richi but REI had more takedowns and control time more head strik so she deserves to get the win but listen it was a close fight you know uh we got 7:30 saying she didn't win the last fight it was a draw and it should have went this way talking about grass over shevchenko yeah I misread that in the prediction the last fight was actually a draw and many people believe shevchenko won that fight so of course now you get the trilogy and you know the sky's the limit for Valentina shevchenko I think she's got the capability of winning this thing and getting the title back and then we may see a fourth fight because now you know chevchenko wins they're one one and one against each other it's basically even so Grasso has a case uh that if she loses his fight she gets a rematch so we'll have to see how it plays out though but that's going to be a great Co co-main event in the sphere speaking of Wang Kong another ways in says that she looked amazing very excited for her future yeah no doubt no doubt about it but Peter says if we are being fair though five of Leonardo's last losses are all by KO or TKO she is just a can they keep around to be crushed Big Ups to Kong but not surprised yeah and you know the first your UFC debut they're going to give you a softball especially if they believe uh that you're the future they're going to protect you early on and give you fights they know that you can win even though she's barking like she wants bigger fights but they're going to bring her along slowly as they should you know as they should Andre monzo said hope it hits bro talking about Denise bazooka and it didn't it did not hit it was not good uh at giovan Higgins something like that says I think Medina will do well tonight of course he didn't especially after learned some techniques in Thailand and Mexico he had a trainer before he is a veterinarian who uh though himself or taught himself how to fight he finally got his knee injury uh done he will be able to fight better tonight yeah I mean and Medina didn't fight bad but Zachary ree is just too good right now just too good amazing Asian says no chance for uh FAS borchev to beat James yont but he did he ended up getting the win you got New York original saying the Angela Hill tabat the richichi fight is very very tough fight to prict but I see quite a lot of people are backing Angela Hill and that's because she's well-liked I mean she's well-liked so you got to go uh with Angela Hill especially in a close fight and she always fights well and it looks like when in the numbers that she might get the decision but she's lost a lot of close fights in fights where she outstruck the opponent and and it's very tough to fall that way but that's the way it went down uh for Angela Hill last night so all in all a good night of fighting um you can't ever say you didn't expect it to be a great night because that's the way the UFC is just when you think it's going to be a boring night or not I mean I like the main event with the caner and baralo but it ended up being a great great night in terms of finishes The Ultimate Fighter you had backtack finishes we you know you get the ultimate fighter you want to see a finish you want The Ultimate Fighter to be a guy that gets a finish and in both fights we got that so it ended up being a great night make no mistake about it but listen that'll do we're going to be back uh very soon with the contender series week three prediction so stay tuned for that but for now this your boy Chris Cross hope you have a great day and God bless as always peace

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