🔴LIVE - Isolated Tornado Risk in Michigan - Live Storm Chasing

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 03:10:56 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: tornado warning michigan
[Music] s for welcome in everybody hello hello hello great to have yall on [Music] board just getting this party started closing in on lington Michigan currently under a special Marine warning for 50 60 MPH hour wind gust 3/4 in hail no water spout expected however we'll see as things progress here and as we close in on lington how things [Music] go what up Max welcome in I'm back in business back on the saddle then like disappeared from social media for nearly a month everything just you know sometimes everything just collapses around you but we're back we're back in business and also 60% props of a severe thunderstorm watch Being issued for Western lower Michigan into Northern Illinois oh and as I say that I just looked there we already do have a severe thunderstorm watch I don't even know when they issued that I haven't been paying attention uh for Southwest ill Andor or southeast Wisconsin boy we're struggling today southeast Wisconsin and uh Northern Illinois does include portions of Lake Michigan expires in 3 hours and 45 minutes primary threats scatter damaging wind G miles hour large hay fents up to an inch and a half in D so there we go that's the uh current severe thunderstorm watch I'm up here closing in on lington and hoping I can make it to the lake before the storms move on Shore because I'd love to get some footage of them over the lake we see if we can make that happen great to see everybody if you haven't already smash that like button like you've never smashed it before share the live stream around we're fired up today zero the storm chasing dog AO fired up come on zero say what up to YouTube there she is everybody it's been it's been a while everyone smash that like button for zero so yeah I'm excited local Chase here in Michigan a few hours away from the [Music] house so yeah here we go traffic everywhere though it's busy it's busy out here at least it's not the weekend uh these are the storms that we're monitoring right now and here in less than a mile we're about to head West towards Elton and get on these things may have to jump up towards Manesty not quite sure looks like we may miss the arrival of them as they move over the lake Inland but that's okay still uh 30 Mi out from lington it is what it is I guess we can really do about it at this point we might make it out there in time don't know need to top off with gas who [Music] and if you guys notice the hood is a little different and that is because well if you follow me on Facebook probably saw my live stream last night while I've been away did some uh major changes to the car I racker coated the entire vehicle last time I left the trim alone and left the hood alone so we could accumulate Hill Dan and my curiosity got the best of me over time I was like I just like to see the entire thing waper coated so I put almost a gallon and a half coating on the hood alone it is heavy heavy heavy where I used to like when I check the oil before I coated it I used to have to apply pressure to shut the hood now I can just let it go from about 6 in up and it it slamed shut so we added a crap ton of weight to this vehicle but I'm really impressed with the looks of it thank you YouTube members and team zero subscribers over on Facebook for keeping our Wheels rolling subscribers and memberships we're the backbone of our operation keeping zero the storm chasing dog and I on the road providing you with these live streams so if you're interested in becoming a member smash that subscribe button and thank you to the existing members we do have should be a fun day again isolated tornado risk 2% issued by the storm protection Center so it's beautiful out here it's kind of like chasing it Dix the alley almost trees trees trees but I like it that way presents a challenge yeah if uh this long line of traffic like this if this continues for the next 30 mil we'll never make it to the lake before the storms move Inland which would kind of be a bummer oh boy that is a train of cars I got to throw uh starlink on too here we go hey Allan welcome in [Music] we're doing good how have you all been doing drop a comment let me know where you're following from today it is hot here 91° is what the car shows and I believe [Music] it alen we are closing in on lington Michigan which is Far Western Michigan Right Along Lake Michigan again so that is our Target right now stuck behind a long line of slow traffic but what's new what's new here on the channel when are we not stuck behind a long line of slow traffic so I think the plan is is we'll mess with the storms up here by lington we'll check them out but I'm most interested in storms still over um over Eastern Wisconsin right now those have my attention um because I feel like as they move across the lake and it gets a little later in the day maybe those will be the true Target storms later on this afternoon um kind know once they get over towards the Grand Rapids area so what we'll probably just dropping South think you guys for a second there but anyways so yeah we're going to intercept these storms up here by lington and then uh the storms that really have my attention are the ones over southeast Wisconsin right now once those approach the Grand Rapids area later this afternoon I really think those are probably going to be the target storms to go after um but for now we'll kind of play around with these right up here and go from there what do you think zero she don't know I don't know either drop a comment guys is going to [Music] happen man halfway to 100 likes already you guys are killing it you must have missed me or something [Music] 24 miles from lington we may make it there in time it's going to be close that's these people gone 10 under the speed limits really not helping and we've not had a passing Lane in ages so ah it's that van up there holding everyone up [Music] this is actually pretty frustrating here's our storms [Music] so I think my plan my the preliminary plan here is to just work these storms and then as these move Inland if they don't look good we'll just kind of keep dropping South and catch these as they move across Lake Michigan hey Tim welcome in from Jackson Michigan I've been there I've been through there a few times 22 mi from lington it wasn't for that fan going really slow in front of us all up here we could maybe get a glimpse of those storms over the lake and get some cool shots [Music] [Music] hey Bobby welcome in from Arkansas Miss Dixie allei ready for Dixie allei season it's time back down there miss all the good Waffle House the hospitality miss it all miss the thrill of chasing in dixie2 see we got quite a few folks tuning in from Michigan oh yeah absolutely we will be covering winter storms like a boss hey Janna yeah if if you subscribe to the team zero insiders group on Facebook you should once you hit that subscribe button you should be automatically accepted into the group pretty much like right away I don't have to like approve it or anything it's kind of all in the algorithm so as we're trying to to get to Lake Michigan before these storms move Inland this van is holding up about eight people doing like 10 under the speed limit so frustrating back here chewing my off so we actually just got a uh special weather statement for for lington let's see what it says uh 40 mph winds maybe there'll be some cool structure I do definitely think though you know we'll catch these since they're closest to us and then we'll probably let these go cuz there's a bit of a there's a bit of a cloud layer up here that's been hanging out all morning further south though has been mostly clear all day so these that are further back to the West after we toy around with these a bit we'll just end up heading down here and getting these those will probably be our more subst naal storms if I had to guess oh I see somebody just became a new member let me see if I can scroll up here so welcome to ef1 thank you for joining the membership Hub also thanks to those that send in those super chats they are greatly appreciated keep smashing that like button yeah just like chasing in Dixie Alley going to definitely be using the Drone today you guys are new to the Channel smash that subscribe button we do do this Geck fulltime you'll never miss a live storm Chase with us all so 14 miles from lington and it is a race against the clock here pretty much we're we we're still stuck behind this van up ahead and I'm sure I'm not the only one aggravated at this point there's about seven cars in front of me probably also aggravated with the van that is impeding a long line of traffic there's folks behind me as well but uh just went severe to the north of us from honor down towards Manesty what is okay yeah he's just L just driving down the shoulder over here um but yeah so severe warning just to the north of us not super interested in it though I think we're fine where we are just heading straight west try to get a view at these things as they're over the lake but I don't know if it's going to happen up [Music] yeah Matt you always join in right when right when popits the [Music] fan you always join right when somebody's committing a traffic infraction it's hilarious I don't know if you uh heard Matt but there's a van in front of us all here that is been doing consistently 10 to 15 under the posted speed limit for about the last 17 miles which is going to make us miss the view of the storms rolling Inland off of Lake Michigan he is solely responsible for us missing that view we're going to have to get a look at them as they're already Overland so shout out to the van here on US 10 that is impeding about a mile of traffic there is a line of people behind me as well and nobody can pass because this is a really busy two-lane highway so I think a lot of people are getting really aggravated here like my mess message to the world would be if you're going to ined traffic and like you know you're you know you're probably making 25 cars behind you mad just pull over and and let everybody pass so you can drive slow and everybody else can get along about their days you know like just food for thought so let's say our Target storm is 5 mil offshore we're 10 mi from lington yeah good luck see the greatness here may may just be structureless too yeah I definitely want this storm so like we're just going to play with these for fun this is the stuff I want down towards Muskegan maybe in between like Hart and Muskegan like whiteall you guys remember quite a few winter storms here last winter I know quite well um so now we're chasing summertime storms I love it The Best of Both Worlds out here in western Michigan but yeah those storms further to the Southwest right now definitely have my eye more than these but we're here so we're going to check them out unfortunately going to miss these as they move Inland but we'll try to get South unless these for whatever reason just go nuts as they move on Shore which I don't think they will again because of the clouds that have been hanging out here all [Music] morning but as you guys can as you guys can we approach the [Music] lake looks uh looks scary on radar and there's the van there's the van right there everybody that has been impeding traffic for like the last oh I don't know 15 almost 20 miles now but uh yeah so we're we're in Amber Amber Michigan right now it's the last town before you get to lington so far looks very scary off to the West [Music] [Music] Yes Man great PSA as many of you know I drive a retired cop car and I deal with what I know my good friend Matt deals with which is when you're behind somebody on a two lane now this van totally unrelated cuz there were like seven cars in front of us however I run in I run into it all the time where somebody thinks like I'm actually a cop and they will do 10 under the post speed limit all the way it's like come on you know like like you can do the speed limit like like I almost feel like like if I was a cop and you were doing 10 under the post speed limit in front of me like look that would like I would focus on you more like what's up with you so here we go look at this and then look and then check this out everybody has to pass them in the right lane somebody needs to go back to driving school I feel like but look at these clouds very nice oh yeah here we go live storm chasing activated now about to drive under a nice little cell here too H oh buddy let's see what happens you fir it up back there zero you fired up back there [Music] [Music] getting our first few uh sprinkles here on the windshield oh man feels good to be back chasing you guys just about into lington 6 and2 miles to Lake Michigan [Music] f probably going to drop South that's disgusting boy wind is just cooking [Music] here yeah I'm going to I'm going to drop South on 31 [Music] yeah definitely need to get South here some strong outlow hair's ripping around even in here [Music] Storm's got a little bit of uh little bit of oom to it [Music] [Music] all right South on 31 now going drop a few miles south anyways some tree lims across the road kind of a radar hole [Music] here oh wow trees are ripping wow poor visibility here some really strong guts actually trying to blow us off the road a little bit well that was fun now that we're out of that I can actually read what our severe thunderstorm watch says I'll show you guys the Box real quick if you can see that yellow box that is now our new severe thunderstorm watch does include Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids all the way up here to lington primary threat scatter damaging wind gusts to 70 mph isolated large hail events up to an inch and a half possible and a tornado or two possible guys and again in our new severe thunderstorm watch they do outline that a tornado or two is possible today so here we go that was a nice little sample storm that we just got into some Gusty winds I'd say some of those may have been exceeding 50 m uh an hour uh now going to drop South to where I don't quite know yet this is my new Target storm though for sure a little further south would really like to get on that one just north of Muskegan so we're going to get down there and in position and certainly catch that over the lake get get visual on that one also need to get some gas and they just warned the storm that we're leaving too severe thunderstorm warning on it for C out to Luther Baldwin Free Soil Michigan heree for thunderstorm War Now 60 mph wind G I've got White Hall punched in I've got whiteall punched in right now uh that's our new Target town for that storm that's over uh in the middle of Lake Michigan right now so 30 minutes to whiteall and uh we'll basically wait for it there and intercept that one once it crosses the lake all right we are out out of that one so yeah this this is our Target storm guys right here while we're dropping to whiteall and we'll certainly be able to catch it it's uh far enough out there so some pretty scenes there pretty stable though another reason why we we're dropping South for those of you that missed zero the storm chasing dog when we fired the stream up there she is sleeping away through smash that like button for zero and there's me with dirty hands from raptor coating this car yeah if anybody sees my hands today and wers why they're like this it's because of what we did to the car a couple days ago got a left Ling camper there's a lot of those out here so they have extended the Marine warning down to Point Southwest of mosan Michigan and again our Target is whiteall for this semi-isolated storm out in the middle of the lake so let's see what it is uh 40 knots on the Marine warning yeah pretty gross and stable Skies here defin we need to get away from this take a look at our surface Ops real quick yeah a little further south it's a few degrees warmer that's what we want [Music] [Music] see a buoy just west of lington uh reported a 45 mph gust that's accurate I estimated about 50 what we drove through so and also thanks to those hit into those super chats they're greatly appreciated we also got a few new members today you guys are awesome and if you want to support the chase in real time you can also donate to us over on PayPal I know some prefer doing that because PayPal doesn't take a percentage of my money like YouTube yes thanks to all of our supporters out there keeping team zero on the road yeah man I'll be right there I a somewhat ominous sky in front of us as we approach whiteall Michigan the untrained eye this could look a little concerning but I promise you guys it's stable grungy air nothing to worry about here uh I've never been a fan of that cloud formation often referred to as the whales mouth just kind of gross looking but still neat on we go down towards White Hall and when we do get to whiteall going to need to get some gas we're almost running running low here got about 70 M to mty but we will have enough time to kind of mess around there get some gas maybe some McDonald's and then get on our storm hopefully we get some unique structure as it moves Inland off of Lake Michigan but we'll see it's an unique structure [Music] if you guys haven't already smash that like button we are closing in on 200 likes w 12 miles from whiteall e okay good there is a gas station and our exit Storm's currently about 25 nautical miles offshore so yeah a little time to get gas and then position along the coastline to watch it make its approach you guys haven't already dropped a comment let us know where you're following from where's all my Michigan peeps at hey we got m in the St got quite a bit of lightning on it too really the only one with a lot of lightning that's got to be a good sign [Music] so now I'm just going to punch in where I think is going to be the best spot to catch this thing right along the lake which is probably to be Somewhere Over [Music] Here Boy there's kind of a channel called White Lake it's like right the way that [Music] sucks shoot yeah we're going to give this a shot Storm's actually looking pretty dang good on approach getting off in a mile [Music] yeah not too bad [Music] so we actually covered some winter storms here you guys remember if you were watching me back in the winter we actually sat in that Culver's parking lot for a while and uh drink my coffee reminiscent on old times here all right grab some gas here maybe you know those are like really old bumps so I think I'm just going to go to this shell down here don't feel like messing with that [Music] [Music] there we go looks a little less busy too [Music] all right be right back with you [Music] guys for [Music] [Music] in for [Music] [Music] for e [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I may want to skirt just a little North want to be in the best possible spot the road Network's a bit difficult here too to try to get a Direction shot um to Lake Michigan so I'm just going to swing over for a second storms 12 miles offshore okay I think I've got something figured out here we'll give it a shot so for those just tuning in we just topped off with gas in whiteall and now we've got a route to Lake Michigan to try to get eyes on this storm over the lake before it moves Inland got a lot of lightning on it so it could be a pretty sight once we get out there 9 miles to the [Music] lake took forever it took forever at that gas station um there is somebody tried to scan their rewards water for like 3 minutes the struggles of storm chasing here we go guys what do you think zero is this storm going to give us something or is the whole day trash Zero's just just staring off into the abyss back there like I don't know [Music] [Music] pretty pretty little town here in whiteall I like it what do you think okay yeah we just went severe okay our storm now severe you guys it does include whiteall down to mosan Fremont Ashland you're in the severe warning 60 mph wind gust attached to it let's see what we can get maybe maybe it can get a little wild along the lake that would be pretty freaking cool try to ride this thing out with a great view of Lake Michigan [Music] [Music] so anytime that we're trying to get somewhere I've noticed this as my career of storm chasing progresses that anytime we need to get somewhere we either get a red light or get stuck behind somebody slow and it messes the whole thing up it never fails take it Apple map suggests that we take the slowest route possible oh well got to take what you dealt out here is it it isn't all buckets of roses out here folks [Music] [Music] for [Music] here we go here we go guys going to run right into this thing oh [Music] yeah all these trees out here is just like chasing at Dixie Alley it's why you don't see many Chasers Chase regions like this most want the open planes but not team zero team zero will literally go anywhere [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yeah didn't make it to the lake again oh well structure is pretty much already Inland as well let's just run back east then [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we had to abandon ship race back to the east we weren't able to get to the uh Lake in time and now we're being chased so time to get East I've got Grant Michigan punched in right now we'll just try to stay ahead of it for a little bit and hang with this storm and see what it can do as it counters better instability Inland of Lake Michigan a little ways maybe 30 miles or so I don't know which way I'm going here I think this is I don't know the service sucks here cell service absolutely sucks and it's like oh I wonder why cuz we're surrounded by trees yeah wait it is like dark underneath these trees wow yeah just like dicks the alley pretty much kind that ominous feeling being underneath a canopy of trees with a severe thunderstorm warning barreling down on you [Music] ch [Music] [Music] we're still in White Hall guys [Music] here we go Storm's catching us it is catching us pretty much right on the Ford Edge of it right on the edge I kind of want to ride it out in whiteall just to see how intense the winds really are like they're starting to pick up right now tops of the trees are getting blown around pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yeah here we go getting a little Gusty coming back into town [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well whether we want to or not we're riding this thing out in whiteall oh look it's already blowing signs over construction sighing down in the road oh yeah yeah nice little traffic jam here not sure what the deal is getting slammed right now Zero's just taking a nap she doesn't even care she's like n no not intense enough for me she just wants the hailstones honestly those of you that have been watching for a while know that zero absolutely loves hail like legitimately I'm not even making it up thank you guys those of you that have sent in super chats super chats help keep team zero on the road also welcome new YouTube members and you can also donate to the chase in real time over on PayPal I know a lot of you prefer that because you and I both know that PayPal doesn't take a percentage of my money like YouTube does [Music] we are in White Hall getting rocked here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] boy wind is just kind of ripping through here that little uh balloon thing on the car wash is that completely bent over so time to get the heck out of whiteall we're going to stay on Colby Street for like 14 miles and uh blast over towards Grant stay ahead of this storm try to get the Drone up definitely got to get the Drone up on this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the storm actually looks quite [Music] impress very impressive storm we're underneath here pretty strong strong winds making it down to the surface as well and now we're just trying to race it East so we can get back out ahead of it and observe its structure but uh it's definitely matured I like it I like it a lot if you guys haven't already smash that like button and uh drop a comment do you think we're going to see a tornado today or not so far things have been behaving themselves [Music] yeah I've been chasing for a little over 5 years um um I've always prioritized Facebook is my main Channel though we have a little uh actually we're just about to hit 60,000 followers on Facebook YouTube's always been hit or miss with me but I love YouTube Love the community over here it's where I do host my live streams but post uh daily content over on Facebook usually [Music] it's kind of been a non non-stop drawing for us over here at Team zero I chose the rout of growing my audience on my own so yeah it's it's been it's been a fun ride the last few years I've always kind of been to do-it-yourself guys so it's taken me a little longer to grow some of my channels but that [Music] is okay with me makes me feel way better the end of the day knowing that I've done it myself without the help of thing [Music] [Music] so so we're last knees towards ashy Michigan now guys he's trying to get out of this precept [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you know I just got to thinking you know what stand by everybody [Music] [Music] by the way guys we're about to hit 10,800 subscribers if you haven't already smash that subscribe button [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] k [Music] is [Music] all right tough to get out of this precept these things are moving quick today [Music] okay there we go so yeah guys I forgot to activate monetization for this live stream you got to be kidding me so I just activated if you guys were wondering why you couldn't send super chats that would probably now yeah I had monetization turned off cuz I have to go in and manually select it on each time well I guess when I went live this time I I totally forgot to activate it so my bad guys now you can send those super chats dang it that also means I I haven't had any ads distributed this entire time big bummer oh well it's activated [Music] now so this is the mess that we're trying to get away from and it's not proving to to work too well we are caught up in the soup here totally caught up in the soup [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right there's still heading over towards ashin proving to be near impossible to get out of this suit [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody's driving I mean this thing's moving East uh east Southeast at like 59 62 63 mph we're only doing 44 so it makes it difficult I kind of had a feeling today would go this way it is [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah the storms are moving faster than we're able to drive and they look like trash typical day of chasing in Michigan honestly it you know whenever Michigan performs is when I'm not here here if I'm here and I'm chasing in [Music] Michigan usually stands up to be [Music] in [Music] what is going [Music] [Music] [Music] now what do we got going on looks like a tree down in the road possibly does appear that [Music] way yep see if uh let me try to help him out real [Music] quick you have some help real quick got it he got it he got it he's a strong man he said nope I'm good all right B [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] gosh this thing is just moving so fast we may never catch it I'm trying to get to Greenville I'm 42 miles from Greenville it's just this thing is racing moving east Southeast of 52 knots 65 mph pretty much it's like w good luck this a struggle to just keep up with it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah closing in on 300 likes you guys if you haven't ready smash that like [Music] button some new development happening Southwest of us too new one Southwest of Grand Rapids one near Douglas e that's probably what we're going to end [Music] all right this is tough tough Chase thank you everybody for sticking it out with us [Music] come for [Music] yeah yeah we've like fallen behind this at this point and this just moving so fast [Music] we're about 40 miles north of Grand Rapids we're just east of Ashland [Music] [Music] jeez that's toasty [Music] 1004 yeah here we go we got us we stuck behind the slow one again oh thank you he's turning h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now before I losted you guys there I was just saying how aggravating it is that these storms are moving so quick it's our first storm Chase back in like a month and then when the storms aren't even cooperating with us and just distressful annoying how it goes [Music] [Music] [Music] 30 miles from Greenville jeez yeah it's going to be really impossible to kind of keep up with these things the only possible [Music] solution um let me get turned here yeah the only possible solution to stay with these things is drops the ones that are forming to the south of this broken complex that's the only way we just keep uh blasting towards Greenville eventually get down towards Iona and go from there very frustrating day so far yeah before sh yeah definitely mention some good names there Mr cop guys there Freddy excellent chaser [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I completely agree with her [Music] is [Music] yeah Michigan is a beautiful state really is beautiful Farmland the west coast is you know absolutely gorgeous up north just is beautiful even like Central Mid Michigan all the Farmland very picturesque and clean H tornado warning where I'm about 30 minutes north of my house here you guys go Lynwood Bay City Midland hope picking you're under a tornado warning you have got to be kidding me [Music] so as I'm Way Out West guys Way Out West about two away from the house tornado warning just popped off about 30 minutes north of where I live that's just fantastic it makes an unhappy stormchaser even more unhappy can't win them all though we just got to keep chasing our storms and hope that maybe one of them will you know do something fun for us [Music] [Music] huh that sucks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know Michigan roads honestly aren't like as terrible as like they kind of are made out to be like don't give me like a lot of them are ra interstates or that in every state but a lot of these like two-lane you know highways are really actually in pretty good shape and there is a lot of pment here in Michigan [Music] Branch down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] new scale discussion look at this guy on a little moped [Music] here oh this tough you see English if I can speak so yeah anyways we just got a new Mass scale discussion issued for this complex of storms racing east across the state and uh we'll get the details on that it's so new that there's no text got to give it just a second [Music] okay Storm's over get TI here okay guys so the summary on our new MD or mesle scale discussion is storms over Central lower Michigan continue to pose a threat for severe winds wind with Gusty wind potential spreading East over the next several hours given the strongly some severe potential will likely spread Eastward through the afternoon with locally strong severe gusts sheer remains weak but element is possible along the outflow with some degree of forward propagation expected also AED down trft potential recipal water values and steepening the level laps R in [Music] [Music] the yeah well I can't even catch up to these storms and the tornado warning for it's just total aggravation [Music] today yes bace City wait [Music] what just trying to catch up with these storms for the time being [Music] yeah not behind the storms it's 70° behind the [Music] line yeah so I don't know probably I mean in the next I'd say new one came out you're thunderstorm you're you're under the severe thunderstorm watch that's big limb down there um you're under the severe thunderstorm watch yeah that tree limbs everywhere here all right well I will keep blasting East this has not been fun uh cuz they're moving at 60 M an hour [Music] [Laughter] all this is ridiculous there traffic everywhere it's a never never ending line in traffic honestly Dave I I am on board with that I'm on board with that goal one of these years we'll be able to get across [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all these things are just racing abely racing 14 miles from green or 12 miles from Green now just going to have to get out towards St John's North at laning I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for hanging out with us everybody smash that Thumbs Up Button we just tuning in it's been a stressful day today storms are racing across the state it's nearly impossible to keep up with them this is a high traffic area the entire State's High Traffic really I don't think there is a true middle of nowhere Michigan unless you're up in the up [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my legs are St starting to cramp up I've been sitting too long [Music] [Music] [Music] for for all these things are moving so fast we may never catch them guys [Music] and going through towns like this definitely doesn't [Music] help for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I kind of live for the cracked windshields honestly our goal here at Team zero is to just obliterate the vehicle whenever encounter a hail [Music] storm this is our yeah Paul I saw your comment like right when I said that yep oh yeah we may just never catch these storms not at this rate they have outrun us completely [Music] [Music] so how is everybody doing today while we just try to get East as fast as we can [Music] oh look at that I should have brought my flipping chainsaw dang it if I had my chainsaw I would have totally stopped right there and helped saw that thing out of the sidewalk sidewalk I'm not even kidding I was going to do it too I was going to grab it this morning and I was like [Music] n least that would have been some excitement we could have helped them get that out of the sidewalk bummer note to self never leaves the chainsa home never [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah these storms are just moving too quick every little town like that that we go through it puts us behind e even further than we already are feel like this is just going to be a long sad drive back to the house you guys we tried I'm still clinging onto a little bit of like false hope like oh maybe there's a chance I can catch these things I just don't think it's happening I would need like a long desolate Highway in Texas if I wanted to catch these things basically yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] sh [Music] take I think right now all we can do is get to St John's and then get to Lancing so St John's Lancing and then if we can get to Lancing in time maybe we can get some of these tail Enders as they push East I have my doubts that's the only that's our only hope left [Music] up [Music] [Music] and if you guys haven't already smash that subscribe subscribers hit uh 10.8 K like an hour ago so oh no here we go everybody's coming to a stop here yep that means we're [Music] done a long line of brake lights this can be good dang somebody just locked up the brakes look that white car almost ran into the back of that semi e e e yeah well this definitely just put us out for the [Music] day whatever is going on up here [Music] [Music] I've got a new plan I'm going to just drop straight South here down to the interstate well I've got to go south and then West a little bit but I am getting the heck off of this road right now [Music] little bit of a tree down right there quite a bit of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] quite a bit of tree damage around here I should have brought my chainsaw [Music] behind the minivan today has just been one massive failure you guys that's okay it happens one of these years we'll have a good storm Chase [Music] test out the new Raptor coating heck yeah totally just let that brush the side of the [Music] car we'll test it out here too we'll just run into this one that minivan's probably like what the heck is this guy doing that's why everybody should just coat their cars in Raptor coating cuz then you'd never get a [Music] scratch I really do wonder what's going on [Music] in running into I really do want trees oh look at this what I should have brought my chainsaw you've got to be kidding me so [Music] okay we're going to borrow the uh this abandoned houses we're we're have a work around here this is our only Road I'm borrowing it cuz this place is like totally abandoned wouldn't have done that didn't look completely abandoned don't stress it [Music] YouTube I would I had my chainsaw we would have sat there for like an hour and chopped that entire tree trust me [Music] always an adventure here [Music] Lin's down right there boy this are got it pretty good [Music] [Music] y the cracks on the windshield was from previous third windshield of the year so I can't even remember how many we've been through I think it's three doing better than last look at the size of this jeez completely uprooted right there H dang they got it good right here so pretty significant wind damage [Music] so we're just south of Sheridan Michigan and wow do they have some I'd say fairly significant straight line wind damage there are trees all over the place here's another one right here and up here just window zero no need to worry at this one down so if you can't keep up with the storm go behind and observe all the damage in its way wonder if there's another one up here all kinds of LM yep another one [Music] yep should have brought my chainsaw I'm regretting [Music] that definitely regretting the decision to bring my chainsaw I always hates I always hate to just like drive past trees that I could like easily take care of and help the never chainsaw home again even if it's just a local Chase not doing it not doing it so yeah guys trying to get down to landc right now we have completely fell behind our storms it's been a pretty disastrous Chase see the volunteer fire departments up here or fire department whatever it is try volunteer another tree down in the road [Music] definitely volunteer fire department heck yeah [Music] [Music] is look e [Music] [Music] yep there no way we can catch these storms now to see there's any tree damage over that and flushing and I'm way out here way behind these things no way we can keep up and I'm starving so you know what that means guys I'm about to find fast food get food and shut this down cuz yeah try it all I can to catch these things it's just not happening yeah definitely starving I haven't ate since like 8:00 this morning so it's time for food been a lot of driving today the whole line severe warn I mean you have basically a continuous severe thunderstorm warning all the way from the tippy top grandstone City up in the thumb region severe thunderstorm warnings from that point extending all the way down to the Indiana border Illinois Indiana border I mean so yeah Indiana not illino whatever I on so yeah for basically Dalton Michigan all the way up to the tippy top of the thumb is severe thunderstorm BN the entire line Flint you're in that big straight line wind event here one that we cannot catch up to [Music] [Music] boy there's this damage everywhere here getting close to fall colors I'm sure it's already starting up north in the up getting close here a lot of the colors you're seeing now um I was reading like a week ago that that's a heat stress but I definitely do think we're in the very early stages of that fall coloration coming into effect here in Michigan it's crazy it feels like it was like just a few months ago that I was photographing fall colors around the state and we're at it again but honestly I'm ready for summer to end through weather's been a bit D lately today was a good example of dle ready for the fall season ready for winter coverage ready for a nice just switch up of things change of GE ready to see what next spring has in store for us as well here's zero the storm chasing dog you guys can uh say hi to zero one last time before I end this live stream I just cannot catch these Storms Come here zero come here zero what do you think what do you think just like get me out of here let's go get food so yeah that's my plan guys we're going to go get food here in Iona and then and uh yeah basically just follow these things back to the house there is no catching up with them guys it's I I it's been fun first live stream back in in a while definitely won't complain about that you guys are [Music] awesome no complaints there thanks on team zero Chase whenever that might and uh be on the lookout for regular Facebook post again I will be posting daily just needed a nice reset so we we're back everybody nice little warm-up Chase I guess you could call it good way to blow the cobwebs out now we await The Fall season so yeah thank you everybody here comes the yans yeah I definitely need food good thing is is food is right around the corner another little like mini bike look at that see you guys soon have a good one hopefully hopefully we have a bit of an active fall season I really do it's time to hit the road again all right everybody thank you we'll see you on the next one take care adios e

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