2024 FCS Football Season - What we're looking forward to #collegefootball #fcsfootball

um since we're like almost halfway through I'm going to take a pause and I just had a good a a thought if SEC and Big 10 decide to split from the NCAA and create their own Super League do you think that everybody else should just drop into FCS and I I actually thought so but I mean you can also argue you know like there's a lot of programs that just you know put through a lot of effort to move up um I'm not sure if they're going to like that but who knows like I I think in the end like they're better together so I'm probably in the minority opinion that yes they [Music] should hello hello hello and welcome to this early morning recording of up Dog Sports Talk on Father's Day week joining me today I'm Matt Miller I don't know if I said that my coffee really hasn't hit in yet uh joining me today is Justin McGovern what's going on Justin what's up everybody um excited to jump in today talk about some FCS football uh you know obviously with the transfer portal and stuff some things are still kind of settling out so we're not quite ready to do a full-on preview but we want to go ahead and give you um some f FCS versus FCS matchups to look forward to as well as what are those upset alerts which FCS teams are going to really be a danger to FBS teams and then finally we decided you know if you don't have an FCS team maybe you need to look at some cool logos to figure out which one you want to root for yeah and uh FCS is very underappreciated it's it's more of an authentic style college football with true playoff yeah and obviously as we continue to see more and more drama um it's becoming a this is where drama sorry um this is it's becoming a parent this is where the real college football is getting played and it's potentially moving forward the only place where the real college football is being played yeah um not tiered anything like that there's a few teams that a few years ago we would been awesome to see an FBS but now we're becoming huge FCS fans and we have actually chosen our team for the for not this upcoming season but the following season but we'll get to that a little later Justin start the slides all right so jumping in here our top 10 FCS non-conference matchups of this year um leading off right away here is the South Dakota State Jack rbit it's taking on the Incarnate Word Cardinals um you know South Dakota State doesn't really need much introduction I think most people know that they pretty much just rolled through everybody on their way to the FCS Championship last year um Incarnate Word also had a really good team they only lost one game the whole entire year but it was unfortunately the most critical game to win their conference they did not win the conference and as a result because they were deemed to not have a strong non um strength of schedule they missed apps playoffs all together because of one loss so what did they do they went out to schedule a lot tougher there's no tougher matchup to scheduled in this one also incarnate words quarterback is a somewhat familiar name to some people Zack kada um he was the former quarterback at Texas A&M um mostly struggled in his year at quarterback there but randomly went off in beating Alabama so maybe he has some of that magic here too yeah I mean like what was he a four-star recruit or something like that yeah he kind of fell I mean to to fall to FCS after being like a a semi High uh recruited quarterback it's kind of slap in the face but at the same time like this is where you get to Showcase these skills because South Dakota State actually has quite a few nationally televised games and right I believe I believe that might be one of them so this is a a chance for him to Showcase what he can do yeah and in Incarnate Word it's also been a place that's been very good to offenses and offens of coaches um lately they've turned out coaches to be head coaches FBS um North Texas's head coach came from Incarnate Word now he has stop as Washington State's offensive coordinator in between um and then also GJ Kenny from at Texas State right now who's killing at Texas State he came from Incarnate Word um and also at the quarterback position they had um you know they had lindsy Scott who won their the FCS version of the Heisman basically just to keep in shorter terms um and also the quarterback before that was cam Ward who is now with the Miami Hurricanes yeah so they pump out some Talent um but you know who else pumps out some Talent South Dakota state they're just a Powerhouse the uh Alma moer of Adam veter and um they them and North Dakota State just seem to be the cream of the crop of the FCS and like the Alabama in the Ohio States it just seems like it's them to and then a gap in Talent after that now there that Gap is starting to close a little bit but uh it should be a good game yeah and actually it's kind of funny because you know I mean you said Alabama Ohio St this is probably more Alabama and Georgia just because they're in the same conference um but yeah uh and by the way they're starting quarterback Returns the guy has won two championships already and he's coming for a third and this is gonna be a big game on that road um he Le yeah mentioning the road to the championship the AL great de versus the Idaho vandals this matchup is pretty familiar because last year in the quarterfinals of the FCS playoffs they played each other in the exact same location in the Kibby Dome and the Albany great Dans came out with a massive upset Ido has a chance to avenge that right now kby Dome might be the best venue in FCS by the way well I might be inclined to disagree in a little bit but we'll we'll get to that um but the Great Danes I mean like they're chasing a championship again so it'll be it'll be a fun game to watch although um Idaho not quite as uh bad as they were in uh FBS they were pretty terrible in FBS they had their struggles I think I think the Big Sky kind of fits them a little bit better um although like I I feel like also them being at the FCS level kind of gave everyone that that turn with the kiby Dome where they're like you know what we miss the Kibby doome now like we actually appreciate what this venue is um I I kind of wish we had seen that happened while Idaho was at the FBS level um and also this this game's gonna kind of shape like what these two teams look like because you know they were awesome last year but I they both got hit kind of hard by the transfer portal but then they also kind of utiliz the transfer portal bring people in too so they're kind of changing a little bit they'll I'm very curious to see what they both end up looking like afterwards yeah um the next matchup we have is Norfolk State Spartans versus the Florida A&M Rattlers now we didn't put the Florida A&M Rattlers in our uh logo uh section for later on but I do have to admit they have a pretty cool logo so we may have dropped the ball agreed um but Chad oo Cino is a big fan of the Florida A&M Rattlers and his tweets pop up quite often about them so I get to follow along without actually intending to follow along yeah and this is actually a pretty huge game um the Mak swack challenge um this game is week zero ABC prime time so that alone is like a huge reason to tune in we've been without football for so long and then we get to see these two programs battled it out um this is going to be a huge HBCU game to kind of determine if what what does Florida A&M look like after their head coach Willie Simmons left um he did an incredible job there by the way because you know back in 20 I think it was 2021 or 2022 their team was about to quit because of the administration and at the last moment he managed to gather together to play and they actually were somewhat competitive in their opener against North Carolina and just have risen since then um to the point where they just absolutely dominated the swag last year on their way to a celebration Bowl victory um but yeah now he's gone what does that team look like without him um and on the other side Norfolk State kind of rising a little bit um you know are they going to be able to step up and contend with North Carolina Central and Howard in the me this year we're going to find out with how they play in this game yeah going to be a good good matchup uh but another good matchup an underappreciated matchup is Youngtown State penguins at Villanova yeah so this is another um playoff rematch in the FCS playoffs last year Villanova um took down Youngstown State in the playoffs to move on um Villanova would eventually lose to South Dakota state after being actually somewhat competitive with South Dakota state in just the craziest wins you've ever seen during a game um now Villanova gets another shot at it uh the ca is kind of battling for legitimacy a little bit um you know they continue to add a lot of teams a lot of people don't see them because their games are on Flow Sports which nobody has um so this is a huge opport for them to get a victory over a Missouri Valley Conference Team um and really Villanova if they can win this one um their path really clears to potentially go undefeated to the FCS playoffs um since we're like almost halfway through I'm going to take a pause and I just had a good a a thought if SEC and Big 10 decide to split from the NC AA and create their own Super League do you think that everybody else should just drop into FCS I I have actually I I only mentioned this once in a heated moment because I was kind of mad about what the SC SEC and Big 10 are doing um and I I actually thought so but I mean you can also argue you know like there's a lot of programs that just you know put through a lot of eff e to move up um I'm not sure if they're going to like that but who knows like I I think in the end like they're better together so I'm probably in the minority opinion that yes they should I don't think a lot of people would agree with that opinion I think if they end up doing that then like there should be tiered uh playoffs like how there's tiered um like March Madness tournaments I think there should be tiered playoffs and give some incentive to the teams that like like all these teams a lot of these teams probably wouldn't make it if like Oklahoma well I guess Oklahoma's in the SEC now but like um you know like Duke and North Carolina and Virginia Tech and a lot of other schools if they end up um playing in FCS I feel like there needs to be like a supplemental um playoff to like reward these teams for doing good but I'd be curious to see what it would look like honestly I would like it to keep the FCS um format because the idea that like you know one year like if if Virginia Tech had to go to Montana in the middle of the that would be would be and the funny thing is like that does happen and nobody complains about it it's it's actually pretty amazing like yeah this is what a playoff format could look like if people would stop complaining um you know most notably in the SEC and Big 10 because they just they they apparently think they deserve whatever anyways back to this because you know we don't have the SEC in Big 10 trying to ruin things here for the most part and this is probably our favorite rivalry oh sorry I read that wrong it's not it's not Montana State but this is this is probably one of our favorite matchup is the Missouri State Bears at the Montana Grizz so um this one honestly ends up on the list out of biasness um the reason why we are biased is because this is our game my game announcement here uh we'll have boots on the ground because I am officially going to this game um so this is going to be my week one early season game this year usually because of you know trying to set up like a trip schedule around whatever game we go to my wife and I um you know it's got to go around her schedule so usually it's going to be an early season game in a different location other than around Ohio or the one weekend we go to Colorado so I was very torn it ended up being being between going on a trip to Montana and seeing this game or going down to the southwest and seeing New Mexico versus Montana state which we'll get to later um but yeah I'm excited to have landed on this game as for the matchup itself it's going to be interesting to see you know has Montana figured out the quarterback situation after their quarterback transfer to mcne State um and obviously we know their defense is going to be good they have a very good defense um Junior Bergen is an electric returner um it's gonna be fun to see him Missouri state is I'm not sure what to expect from him because you know this is kind of a situation where team sort of Tanks a season pretty much yeah because they're probably getting ready to red shirt a lot of their best players to have them ready for the FBS level next year yeah um also is this the uh August 31st game yep so I uh we were looking at doing an up dog trip the three of us but my daughter and Chad's daughter start preschool the following week um so yeah it it just turned out that it it wasn't that possible to go um so Justin enjoy the game I secretly hate you a little bit for being able to go um but yeah it'll be an electric game uh I was looking forward to that matchup but one of these days I'm gonna have to get out to Montana again and see see one of the games but moving on we have the Ferman paladins at the William and Mary tribe yeah so this one's going to be very interesting um Ferman was very good last year they were undefeated for a large part of the season they seem set to have a two seed which would mean that everyone you know would had to come to them um in the playoffs then the very last week they absolutely blow it against the one in9 wford team and lost so Ferman drops to like I think like a seven seed and eventually ends up having to go to Montana keep mind furman's in South Carolina if you don't know that um so southern team has to go all the way up to Montana in the middle of the winter um I think the high temperatures for that game were in the single digits very cold um and Ferman was actually pretty competitive but now they lose a lot of key players from that team what do they look like on the other side William and Mary they had they were expected to be really good they were the ca favorites last year um started out 4-0 and then had some injuries and just they just collapsed just collapsed so badly um so now this year it's kind of you know is William and Mary able to get back up to that level again um and that's kind of what we're gonna see here is Ferman gonna remain where they were can William and Mary get back to what they were I don't think so uh manistic at all yeah it's pessimism month um just kidding moving on to UC Davis Aggies at the southern Utah Thunderbirds yeah so I'm very excited about this one um Southern Utah is a program on the rise despite the fact that the NCA hit them with very silly violations um called them for tampering we're apparently focusing on them even know you know the SEC and Big 10 are very blatantly tampering um but anyways that that aside Southern Utah is still on the rise can they contend for the UAC championship in the playoff bid this year um we'll find out on this game as they take on UC Davis from the Big Sky a huge home opportunity against the Big Sky um you know a lot of times that's hard a harder game to get so that's gonna be a big one for them UC Davis their head coach Dan Hawkins retired so now what does their new era look like um moving on to quite possibly the best logo in FCS and oh I'm pretty sure we dropped the ball on this one too the Portland State Vikings at the Chattanooga mock denoa um by the way that Portland State logo you're thinking of I think the old one I don't think they're using it really they changed it that's so D I'm not um I know this is this is where like programs keep trying to like they they keep thinking that people want like a simpler thing when and they're sacrificing identity for it but um I mean Portland State's new logo is not bad I just you know their old one which I did drop the ball and adding their old one in there just a spoiler just just keep in mind that we kept that in there um mentioning old logos that we like though Chattanooga is one of them um yeah this is a huge socon versus Big Sky matchup um yet again um it's very tough for a socon team to get a Big Sky Team at home so this is a critical opportunity for Chattanooga they finally broke a long playoff list streak last year by making the playoffs even though they really had to sweat it out because um you know they they dropped the late season game to Western Carolina they shouldn't have um then with their playoff hopes on the line they had to go with a freshman quarterback to play Alabama so you know that that was never going to be a winning situation they just had to hope that after taking that beating that you know the playoff committee would still consider them um you know worthy of the playoff spot they were they did make the playoffs so now this year looking to build upon that um make the playoff yet again this is a critical game for that meanwhile Portland State um they have a little bit of hope this year they could potentially make a huge step in the right direction um going on the road to winning this game would be huge for them in order to do that um is isn't Chattanooga the team that Alabama decides to try to play every single year I feel like they they play each other so frequently like like to the point where it's like almost a rivalry But like everyone knows that Alabama's gonna destroy them so like maybe Chattanooga is like making out with millions and millions of dollars but like I don't know if I would want sacrifice like getting absolutely embarrassed on the field for millions of dollars like well I mean you know there's a place for it this does help fund their athletic department it is a huge payday for them but the timing of it is just all wrong like you know for one like while other conferences are big playing bigger competitive competitive games the SEC teams are playing games like this and on the flip side teams like Chattanooga are having to take a beating like this right before their biggest games of the year the playoffs like yeah the the timing of these games just makes no sense like get this game you know done early in the year um you know that way we're not you know having Chad take rough HPS hits right before the playoffs and you know so that we're seeing competitive games at the end of the year I would almost rather see Chattanooga play Tennessee actually you that's season opener that's a season opener this year that's funny um spoiler alert unfortunately that one just not show our FCS over FBS upset alerts no but moving on the New Hampshire Wildcats at the Holy Cross Crusaders Justin is this the Holy Cross in South Bend across the street from Notre Dame it is not this is the holy cross in New England um a New England special here in fact um Holy Cross has been awesome these last two years they they um yeah they've made the playoffs and everything um but now their head coach Bob Chesney left for James Madison so what does this team look like without him New Hampshire is also expected to be a CAA Contender um to make the FCS playoffs so what do the wild cats look like this is gonna be a critical game um you know in terms of the playoff at Large picture yeah and um I know nothing about either of these teams um but I would I would I would really like to go to a random game like this yeah well also like you know um and I wanted to make sure I included a New England game on here because I feel like it's a region that you know it has a huge population but doesn't pay enough attention to college football um and they in UMass yeah but like it these programs could be so much better if they got more invested in it now obviously I know you know there's a lot of people that went to the ivy league and the the ivy league teams I didn't really include in here because like they kind of you know they're kind of weird they do their own thing a little bit like they play Maybe One non-conference game a year they start later than everyone um and they don't compete in the playoffs as well so they're even though they're in FCS they're kind of A League of Their Own um but you know obviously I know there's a big part of that but like still like you know like New Hampshire Maine um all these programs like they could be really really good if these huge populations got behind them this is just an area that's so that so UND serves um college football yeah I wonder what the credentials would have to be as a YouTuber to get a media pass to these games like if we got big enough we could just start getting media passes and then just like reporting from the sidelines like that would be dope yeah I mean that's a dream one day um yeah and that that's the dream of this program at some point um yeah help us make money we want to quit our day jobs Justin I know you don't want to crunch numbers all day and I'm done talking to people in public so I oh wait just to talk to people in on the screen instead pretty much yeah but get to talk to you or I get to interview players like that would be dope yeah uh moving on from our dreams and back to our uh back to the topic at hand the North Dakota State Bison at the ETSU books yeah so this is another rare um this time Missouri Valley team going on the road to a socon team um this this one this one may not end up being competitive but I really like this game because I mean this is a huge deal that ETS that East Tennessee State got the North Dakota State Bison to come all the way to Johnsonville Tennessee uh Johnson City Tennessee what am I doing am shout out to Johnson City Toyota I just bought my truck from them I'm gonna be rooting for ETSU in this game simply because of that uh yeah um I'm going to be roing for East Tennessee State too I really like what they got um don't get me wrong we we we're big fans of North Dakota State we're big I'm literally wearing a North Dakota State hat right now oh yeah um but yeah yeah I like East East Tennessee State as well um they have an extremely underrated Stadium as well like it it it's actually pretty cool um you know they started football kind of recently wait hold on going back did you say Johnsonville yeah yeah I was like BRS like what am I it's too early to think about BRS man but it's summer it's summer uh like since his father's day weekend I actually just got a bunch of uh Grill accessories for my Blackstone shout out Blackstone not paid Pro like we're not getting paid by them I will just out of pocket uh root for them but um but yeah I just got a bunch of Grill accessories and I'm super excited about it very nice yeah um it seems food is what gets the free shout outs on here yeah food or like food accessories or accessories of the food accessories but yeah um it is a huge deal that Tennessee state is hosting this game I'm happy for them um but obviously it's going to be very a very tough matchup um this is the first time that North D state has gone to the Southeast region in over a decade at least so that's pretty cool yeah well that completes our FCS non-conference top 10 matchups next are FCS over FBS upset alerts which game number one we have the Montana State Bobcats at the New Mexico Lobos this this was the other game under my consideration for an early season game um this is the debut for Bronco menal and the New Mexico Lobos so getting some momentum early in the year is critical but man they faced a tough Montana State team their quarterback Tommy B bellot bellot man I cannot speak this morning um he is back he can and this is this is the best running offense in FCS um they averaged nearly seven yards per run last year so and by the way New Mexico is not a great run stopping team last year now they're going to look a lot different because they lost a lot of guys and brought in a lot of guys in the portal um but yeah their run defense is going to be tested early in off the Year this is a hard-hitting this is a hard-hitting run offense like they're gonna they're going to get after you yeah uh moving on we have a localized matchup of Sacramento State Hornets at the San Jose State Spartans um by the way uh year coaches in year one is a very much a theme here I don't know why but a lot of teams were starting new with a brand new head coach ended up scheduling games against very tough FCS teams um this is another case here Ken neam matalo um is back in head coaching it State and boy does he have a tough test here Sacramento state has been a huge problem for FBS teams recently um last year they beat Stanford on The Late touchdown and the year before that they absolutely demolish Colorado State I think they won that game like 41-1 um dang so needless to say San J state is in danger here and and by the way Sacramento States quarterback Kaden Bennett is is back so their offense is going to be just as dangerous as ever and moving on to not Jacksonville State Jackson State tigers at UL Monroe warhawks yeah so this is a little combination of both here both that Yu Monroe is positioned to be pretty bad potentially um they could be really tearing down to the suds and starting over here um they're near last not only that they also lost the moniker of just the the University of Louisiana well that was a huge loss some time ago but I mean it was kind of funny because they kept arguing it and then Louisiana just kind of aggressively kept doing it until eventually they just gave up like they just they just they literally just took it like that that's all did it was kind of funny that pretty funny but yeah y Monroe also new head coach um and really yeah just near dead last and returning production they're a completely different team this year a lot of freshman like they signed they signed nearly like a 40 person Freshman Class um and but they did bring in a transfer a really fun transfer Matt General booty yeah yeah um needless to say though he's going to have his if he gets the starting job it's going to be a tough test for him because Jackson State's gonna be pretty good um you know last year was kind of a bit of a reset after Deion Sanders left um now this year kind of building back up Jackson State's gonna be a contender for the swack and they're gonna be a very tough match up for Yol Monroe early on yeah uh next up we have the team with quite possibly the coolest field in all of college football at any level the Eastern Washington Eagles unfortunately the game's not played there but they do travel to Nevada to take on the wolf pack yeah so I don't know why but Nevada's been glutton for punishment lately um they keep scheduling these really tough FCS teams um two years ago Nevada lost an offensive shootout the Incarnate Word um and then last year Nevada got absolutely demolished by Idaho and then they turned around to play another tough FCS opponent this year Eastern Washington um really disappointed last year they actually only went four and seven but they bring back a lot of um you know a very senior heavy group um so this group is going to be ready to go on a revenge tour here I think Eastern Washington's ready to return to big Sky contention again and also very much ready to take take down Nevada who's starting over with a new head coach and moving on to the next matchup on our list the Lafayette Leopards at the Buffalo don't auto correct them to bills Bulls I I've had that actually happen before um quite often almost every time I text about the Buffalo Bulls to you it always corrects the bills because we talk about the bills so often right and I don't know why but Buffalo appears to always try to take on a tough Patriot League team and it has not worked for them um two years ago they lost a Holy Cross last year they lost to forom and now this year they're taking on Lafayette who is expected to contend for the Patriot League um Buffalo starting over with a new head coach also um yes the top five FBS teams on this list all have a new head coach um this is a dangerous dangerous situation here for Buffalo yeah moving on to the University of Tennessee Martin Skyhawks at the newly FBS program kenesa State owls yeah so I really don't know what to expect out of Kena State because you know they they kind of Tanked last year Red Shed most of the team but if they're not all ready to be completely competitive this is gonna be a tough game because UT Martin is not a complete pushover of a team um they're expected to be an FCS playoff Contender expected to be one of the top contenders in the Ohio Valley Conference and maybe break through and finally win that conference because they have gotten extremely unlucky where they've lost High Breakers backtack years including two years ago where they lost on a literal coin flip yes Matt they actually did flip a coin to determine the conference winner uh moving on to the best team in the FCS facing the best team in the FBS just kidding um North Dakota State Bison Tak on Dion Sanders and the Colorado Buffalo that'll be a fun game to watch is it nationally televised nationally televised the opening Thursday that is going to be electric um I am excited to see what the Buffalo can do this year but like I said we always root for the Bison um we we want the bison and um the jack rabbits to jump up to FBS assuming that uh the Super League doesn't take place but this would be the ultimate test for the Bison to uh show that they're competitive at the next level and Travis Hunter and the Sanders kids um it's gonna be a fun matchup yeah so um you know I feel like a lot of podcasters are very anti Colorado we are pro Colorado because we have a really good friend that works there um so we're we're serving this game up here on this list as a warning um is anyone in Colorado that potentially sees this game please take this game seriously this is a dangerous team that's coming into Boulder um when I saw this on the schedule I did ask our buddy I was like why why is this game on here I mean I'm glad it is it's great TV that it is um and by the way this is going to be huge huge exposure for North Dakota state they're GNA be more eyes on them than ever and they boy do they have an opportunity to really really set their names apart like they could they could end up making a lot of fans on that opening Thursday um but it'll be interesting because North Coast State does have a new head coach um but obviously he's someone who has been with the program before so you would expect things to continuous normal there yeah next up the forom Rams at the Bowling Green State University Falcons yeah so um nice that was actually a pretty good falcon Screech especially thanks I've had enough coffee to do it yeah so this is another one of our favorite teams on the warning spot here this is not a cakewalk opener green um this is a forom team that has terrorized the Mac the last two years as I mentioned earlier they beat Buffalo last year the year before that against an Ohio team that would go on to the MAC Championship forom put up 52 points on that Ohio defense um they end up losing 59 to 52 but forom still gave them a tough game forom has an awesome offense and yeah Bowling Green defense better be ready they have some new start on that side too so it's going to be really interesting and next up and I know it's pronounced Arkansas but our favorite way to say it is AR Kansas so the central aranas bears at the Aransas State redwolves yeah I had to give it up because um you know I think two years ago Aransas and Kansas played each other in both football and basketball and Arkansas won both so so I was like okay fine it sells I guess Arkansas's proper way to say it um but yeah Arkansas state is actually expected to be pretty solid this year um they can compete for the Sun Belt West but this is not an easy opponent they play um Central Arkansas is expected to be a contender for the UAC their quarterback is back so much of their offens is returning they are they could potentially be one of the top teams in FCS potentially even top five so this is this is a dangerous opponent that Butch Jones in Arkansas State bring into Jonesboro by the way I kind of like the instate stuff that arkans the state of Arkansas is doing this year I mean Arkansas State playing Central Arkansas I actually think Arkansas St and Arkansas play each other soon and then also Arkansas plays Arkansas Pine Bluff so a state that hasn't prioritize inate matchs is finally doing that and finally the South Dakota State jack rabbits at the Oklahoma State Cowboys th this is legitimately a really good game and I'm kind of disappointed this one did not end up on TV I really don't know how like I think everyone was expecting it to it then didn't it really should have like what why why is this not on TV of the the I mean remove we moove the LA labels and I mean this is just you know of all col football this is actually a legitimate top 25 matchup potentially if South Dakota state is even close to what they were last the last two years which I think they will be this this is a really good game like Oklahoma state is not a you know like I mean there's a lot of questions with a lot of the different FBS teams that we've gone over on this list Oklahoma State's not one of them they returned like 20s something starters they're in the top five like returning starters this year they experienced team olle Gordon this is just a you know we're just displaying just how good the South Dakota State team is that puts this game up here yeah um by the way oi Gordon for Heisman yeah although his Heisman hopes definitely would take a hit if they were to lose this game oh 100% he could have 4 yards rushing and he wouldn't win the Heisman if they lost how Wild would that be if Oklahoma State lost this game and then turned around and won the Big 12 big the playoff that would be hilarious it would be amazing it would be like our new era edition of like the year that Virginia Tech lost to James Madison went on to win the ACC yeah um that concludes our top 10 FCS over FBS upsets now a little fun here at the end you know there's definitely different logos um you know logos are a huge part of branding and these programs we think they've got it down pretty good here is our top four we're okay jumping into this one I know a guy who's from Arizona and when he went back to see family I asked him to find like a $5 uh Northern Arizona Lumberjacks hat um and he couldn't find it cheap it's super expensive at uh the stores out there when he went um but that is an awesome logo we are also UTV fans did he look did he look at the right place because I stumbled into a northern Arizona hat um I think we had to stop at Walmart um last year on our trip and you know we we were we were on our way up through Arizona to St George Utah we stopped in flagstat um and we we had to get something from Walmart I can't what we had to get but we stopped we end up stopping the Walmart like initially off the highway in Flagstaff is also right down the street from the walk up St Sky Dome and I go in there and then I found a really awesome hat and it was cheap yeah I don't I don't know where he looked but he was also on a family vacation so I wasn't going to like yeah bust those chops for not finding me a hat like it's not that big big of a deal if he does he probably went into like some sports shop looking for the hat and instead of like TJ Maxx or Walmart or something but we are big utrgv fans and we know they don't start till 2025 but we are super excited for their program and how can you not like that logo I mean come on look at it uh yeah I mean that's just amazing and then probably the ultimate logo in all of colge sport WS the Mississippi Valley State Delta Devils yeah I mean you look at these top two logos up at the top here um you know these programs haven't exactly had the most success but it's definitely not because of branding I mean these are just two of the best logos in football alog together like look at what they do like Arkansas Pine Bluff there like you know having the AP in the in the main of the lion with just the most amazing like roaring lion possible and then this be they better not never get rid of that like keep logo forever yeah the top two never get rid of your logos keep your logos for the like until the dawn of time or the end of time because those are the two coolest in sports and if you change them nobody will like you I mean literally like I mean reality all four on this list never ever change it I mean You' you've done it you've hit the I mean the you've done your J I think I think Pine bluff's logo is the best simply be because they hide the school in the main u a PB like that's just like whoever came up with that needs to be creating logos for every school that has a just Arc uh um a rock or akan yeah they need to do aran's logo they need to do Vander Boo's logo they need to go around the country as a contractor to create logos for schools and get paid royalties on that logo yeah I mean I think Arkansas Pine Bluff has used this logo for some time so I hope they know what they've landed on here I hope they know they've landed on pure gold like it's Perfection you literally I mean yeah I know you you have to rock with the same logo forever but you've done it I mean you've done the job you've hit the nail on the head with this logo um and yeah I mean that's it you you've done incredible work and same for Mississippi Valley State and really I mean even Northern Arizona like you know a running Lumberjack with the Axe in Hand is perfect and then also like you even subtly through the mountain in the a there like yeah it's just amazing like I think the one on the list that could change and still like find a way to get cooler is a Vos because the other three I don't think you can get cooler than those three but the vios you could find a you could really find a way to make that even better but like right now it's like the perfect logo for like definitely St out it's it's probably one of the cooler like fresh program logos right right and I mean I think they have a lot they can do just because their color scheme is really awesome um but this logo is fantastic I don't know what this one's their main logo but I think the V I think the V at the end for the vicos like how how they did the valley to the vicos logo I think that's their main logo but like if they change that to their secondary logo and then have like come up with some insane hire the guy that did the Arkansas Pine Bluff to create a Vero I don't know what a viero is I would have to Google that um I know they're taking over a soccer a former soccer stadium so that'll be cool but if they come up I'm assuming it's some sort of like cowboy or like like a bad cowboy outla Cowboys yeah some sort of Outlaw or something yeah like that they could do a lot with that but as it stands right now a go a ghost looking horse with some mean guy with an orange face probably some hidden mean there but we're not going to dive deep into that one um he uh I mean keep that logo for a little bit mhm and and look at the lasso like he's ready to he's ready the lasso he's ready the last The Lumberjack next to him there yeah so these are our top four uh moving on Justin for our next four here yeah so main has a really cool logo I I've always liked the black bear um the only thing I could I mean the only thing I could see differently is maybe doing a whole entire bear but yeah I mean it'll also be kind of tougher to put your your team name there I kind of like when you put the team name as well but yeah they they hit pretty good here um It's actually kind of funny because Maine is the only New Balance branded team in all of college sports um and actually I happen to stumble upon having a like I think it's like an official team issue New Balance Polo of Maine hell yeah for their football team so um I wore that I think I wore that golfing the other day um but yeah it was a lot of it's pretty cool yeah it's it's hard to beat that I mean like there's so many Bears logos out there I mean look at Morgan State um look at Montana State look at or Montana look at we just got a good races there now you just try to root it all yeah but look at Montana look at Morgan State look at Missouri State look at Maine like they're all bears but they're all unique um and that's what makes Maine like near the top of the list because they're they're one of the few teams that can actually keep Maine like their school in beded in the logo right yeah and I mean you jump to Morgan State but they're they they have a good one too like you know they kind of maintain more of like a brown bear picture um really fit brown bear brown bear what do you see oh my it's a fun Morgan State if Morgan State ever faces like a a team like the Cardinals I am singing that because the next one in line is a red bird looking at me and um if if you have toddlers you'll know that book very well but Morgan State it my only knock on the logo is it looks like it already missed me like that's that's my only knock but I mean if second one ready to go like you know maybe maybe it's a bit of a misdirection like hey I'm getting you here but guess what I got that psychop paa ready to go and I'm gonna get you there yeah um by the way in general like I mean you could almost fill this whole list just with HBCU HBCU do a really good job of logos oh yeah 100% uh MCN State though um is that mcne state yep that's mcne State yeah um that is probably one of the best bucking bronco logos that I've ever seen oh yeah yeah for sure like I the bucking bronco for sure had to be on here um they got an upgraded M over a certain Other M that exists in college sports um yeah yeah I like that logo a lot and then moving on to South Dakota State I mean the jack rabbit just look look how perfect that logo is I mean they got the whole name in there and everything it they got the whole name they have you could see that the jack rabbit has speed by the way it's running it's angry look at that normally if you had a bunny as a logo I would say okay well like this isn't Easter move on to a better logo but they did it they found a way to make that cool right I mean yeah just an amazing job I mean seriously again you got to give give it to these programs and whoever designed their logos for just the job they have done um we had two more to round out our top 10 here um Utah Tech might have the coolest bison looking logo I've seen ever right and and really I mean this is pretty new like they had a rename their program and stuff um and you know they went with Utah Tech and they actually did a pretty good job of The Branding here using this bison logo and and even the script like the the font that they used for Utah Tech is even like you can tell it's modernized but it looks pretty cool also like they could go yeah a lot of different directions with this and I think they nailed it right yeah they they nailed it for sure um huge fan of their logo and then finally another HBCU Alabama State probably one uh outside of uh Mississippi Valley State probably the next best logo in HBCU well I mean Arkansas Pine Bluff don't forget them as well oh yeah well yeah but like uh I think they played for the championship one year or they got a nationally televised game and they had a slightly different logo back then and I thought that logo was better but still look how mean that horn it is oh yeah you're about to get stung dude yeah 100% by the way I got stung on on the knuckle of my middle toe when I was walking through my yard and uh it hurt so bad I haven't been stung by a bee since I was a little kid so like that it I forgot how bad it hurt oh my that's brutal man yeah um so anyways uh to wrap this up we have also four of our favorite logos to bring back because they used to exist and now they have used at all or not use as prominently so um Montana has kind of gone to the more simple logo which actually you can see on the shirt I'm currently wearing but I mean the walking or the script Grizz the script Grizz is pretty cool we could have included that in the last section but like you're the Grizzlies that Grizzly logo is like perfect yeah I I think Montana hit a peak here I mean they still have cool logos the other ones but I mean this this grizzly just was all time I can I always remember seeing this growing up and thinking about how cool uh the Montana Grizzlies were because I mean this logo is just amazing yeah uh the Chattanooga MOX that by far is the best logo they could have chosen and I I don't know what their logo is now but I know it's not that and it can't be as cool as that yeah I mean it it it it's really not much of a logo it's just a a gold c um so that's why probably why you don't remember it but man I know the the letters are not logos guys they're not um unless unless it's like the Bearcats where it's like the the C with the line and the Paw yeah but I mean we're talking about teams that just did letters pretty much and by the way by the way when we we start getting to FBS ones at some point this summer we were to come down hard on some of these teams we're GNA start going on the offensive against these logos and obviously we already called out akan and Vanderbilt earlier um but back to this though like please bring this back Chattanooga this logo is just so amazing like you've got a bird driving a train how did you come up with this and I mean it's just so perfect how do you move on from that like yeah there's no way to possibly follow that up either like look how awesome it is plus like going along with that logo you could have like every first down the train like you could put a train in your stadium and then every time you score a touchdown or get a first down you could be like chattan like right you could have like a whole whole thing with it the possibilities are endless and I mean like you know maybe you could simplify a little bit like I I think they've kind of tried to go more with just calling themselves Chattanooga you know obviously you can see the little University Tennessee at Chattanooga there I think they kind of want to be more Chattanooga now but you can easily take that out and just keep the Chattanooga MOX branding there yeah or you'll just simply simply just stick with a bird in the train and that e uh ETSU logo man that buck is so mean for real like look at that can you imagine walking into the stadium and seeing that on the turf and then going gez that's cool yeah yeah I mean that is just um I I I think they kind of use this in some way still but not as prominently as they used to they need to they TSU yeah kind of the ETSU but then they all they also have a newer Buck that's kind of updated um it's kind of side facing it it's still pretty good but it's not it's not as intimidating as this one that guy looks like he's going to rip your heart out and that you better be ready for a tough matchup like maybe they went away from it because quite possibly their program started to dip but that needs to be the their logo and they should never change from it ever never change guys um the next one is now keep in mind this this last program here they still have a pretty cool logo now they just kind of simplified it but man it's hard to match the angry bear with that claw like that from Northern Colorado yeah speaking of another bear program Bears have really hit the funny thing is like we oh yeah by the way we also decide not to include Delaware or um Missouri State in this because they're kind of transitioning to FBS um Missouri State also has a cool bear logo so I I obviously there's a lot you could do with having a bear um as your moniker but but yeah this is like they like this logo like even if you just take the Northern Colorado out of it and have that bear be your logo you could cut it in half and have two separate logos off of that you could like on the pants and on the Jersey sleeves you could have like bare claw marks yeah like that freaking that angry Claw is common for you yeah like it that would be so cool like that these team we need to be representatives for teams like ask us if you need to change your logo and we will tell you straight up yes or no these four should never have changed their logo but I will say the Montana you did good with the Grizz I like I will say that but you need to bring back that bear I I like in really like I mean Chad NOOA is probably the only one who changed your logo and didn't bring his like you know they just stuck with a letter which is kind of disappointing um you know e East Tennessee State I like their other Buccaneer logo still is just not you know what this one was Northern Colorado went to just a bare face and it's still really good but man that angry claw was just so intense yeah um do we that's it right we don't have any more logos yep is that the show did we end the show that's the that's the show well you guys if you've made it this far um have listened to us ramble on about quite a bit my cat is sleeping over here and my other cat is sleeping over there uh we have put them to sleep but uh if you're still uh following along with us uh give us a shout out on um like tell us how we're doing uh whatever platform you use uh follow us on Twitter Instagram threads Facebook all of them are at updog Sports Talk it really work I forgot I thought threads was the thing yeah I did too we uh we're not doing too bad on there but Instagram makes it easy that when I post something on Instagram I can post it on both threads and Facebook so I don't really have to do a ton of work there um but yeah uh subscribe to our channel uh click the little bell um and yeah uh Chad wasn't able to join us today it was a really early morning um and this is like the only day he doesn't have to get up super early so don't blame him there um Happy Father's Day all the dads out there and um yeah see you guys have a good one everyone

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