you are locked on Astros postcast part of locked on Sports Houston on the locked on podcast Network your team [Music] everyday did you guys have fun well guess what I didn't have fun because the Astros went out there and absolutely stunk H up tonight as Justin Verlander set things up for a big old fat stinker for the Astros tonight as he gave up a whopping eight runs across three Innings the Astros bats tried to do a little bit of something of course throughout the baseball game but a sour end to what was a very good series overall because you got a win of a series Victory against a playoff team in the National League but not a fun night tonight for the Houston Astros hello and welcome to the locked on Astros postcast here tonight thanks for um sticking it out and wanting to come hang out after the Astros got beat down I appreciate you guys that are here tonight if you're new to the Channel please hit the Subscribe button that way you get notified of everything we do we're capping off our very busy weekend on this channel we've had four shows across the last two days so that's a that's a good thing of course because well you know that means the AST Le that means we've got a lot of games going on in the city of Houston that's exactly what we did again today so let's talk unfortunately as we start this thing off real quick before we do that I want to remind you guys tonight's show is brought to you by FanDuel now through September 22nd all FanDuel customers can bet $5 and get a three-week free trial of NFL Sunday Ticket from YouTube and YouTube TV visit to get started Justin berlander I know that they've said a lot of the things that you would that you're going to say to protect your franchise icon he is a franchise icon he's got two World Series trophies he's got couple sa Youngs here toss a no hitter he's probably the greatest inseason trade that this franchise ever made I shouldn't say that they've made some other great trades Alvarez yordon was a inseason trade bagle was an season trade like for the Sprint that it was at that time it's about as good as it gets um you know I think that they've like I said they've said a lot of the the things that are nice for him that are going to protect him a little bit when it comes to oh it's like his spring training starts oh he's still building up which is you know can all be accurate I get that but it's also not telling the whole story at this point he wasn't unbelievable before he got hurt this year he had some starts that were good but he wasn't crisp all the time and just fantastic you know here's the facts 41y old pitcher that will be 42 during spring training next year he's not going to be here I've I've gone so back and forth my roller coaster of emotions for him it it definitely exist because you know I I do for me want to see him end up finishing his career with the Astros but like at some point you have to start acknowledging what is happening in front of you and what's happening in front of you is he's losing it he he's becoming you know I put it right there on the screen it says the Justin Lander issue only reason I didn't put problems because the word problems too long and I run out of space for that box but it's a problem the man is three and six with a 5.3 ER this season he's not made a lot of starts I get that but three and six with a 530 ER and 14 starts I'm telling you right now it looks like a freaking miracle that the options is not going to vest for next year and I'm not going to play the you know the the trade was the trade sucks they could have avoided all this by just paying him money and not giving up prospects it's going to turn out when we look back on it the second time that they traded for him was a bad trade he helped in the postseason last year he was actually good in the postseason last year but I mean you gave up your two top PR prospects two your top prospects overall which I just pulled it up Clifford has had a just atrocious year in the minor leagues in terms of hitting for anything he struck out 152 times and he's hitting 226 across single a and double A Drew Gilbert has oh God he's had a miserable Year too he's been hurt it looks like he only played 48 games 188 eight home runs so I mean look they're prospects for season and I get that like you know they're not playing Big League Baseball there's no guarantee that those guys ever hit still can still doesn't mean that it was it was a good trade I hate it I hate that this could possibly be How It Ends because when you look back on it you kind of wish that you could just make 2022 the end for him because 2022 went out with a World Series and and another S Young Award this isn't the guy that I love watching this isn't the guy that you love watching I just as simple as that we all know that the guy that we all love to watch is you know going out there and striking him out left and right and getting guys to look foolish at time and there's just not any of that contact is hard the contact is loud you can see I mean he was trying his hardest to put everything is you know everything behind everything that he's got he was really working there it was the Grand Slam to paven Smith in that inning he's throwing 96 miles an hour and you could tell that he's that's he's given it all he can he's empty in the tank there I I've said it a lot now recently they do not need Justin Verlander to be ace Justin Verlander to win in the postseason they really don't even honestly probably need him I can't it's a little unfair to like completely write him off if you don't need him but right now in a short series The Wild Card round where they're probably going to end up playing or the ALDS which is shorter as well if they get to an ALDS after playing the Wild Card run they're probably going to need them they're probably going to have to give them a start and the leash should be extremely short you could say that that's malpractice you know setting yourself up for a disaster there if you did go out there and start him and I get that I get that mindset or watching the end of a Hall of Fame run here in Houston Astros tonight by the way fall to uh or go back to four and a half game lead in the American League West because the Mariners whooped up on the Cardinals earlier today the Astros success in the postseason is going to come down to the rotation of fber Valdez Hunter Brown you say Kikuchi renel [Music] Blanco they're going back to the six-man rotation here uh because they're after tomorrow's day off they're going to start another stretch of what 16 days in a row of playing baseball games you know it's just [Music] um it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out down the stretch he could have some good starts I'm sure I mean realistically he's gonna go one two three four five he's probably not gonna pitch till Sunday again against the Angels one two three four five then Saturday against the Ang he's gonna pitch maybe two starts straight against the Angels that's going to help and then he could start in the Cleveland series he's always pitch well in Cleveland he got three starts left to prove that we should feel differently about him but I just don't know if what we've seen out of Justin Verlander what is going to change this quickly if he could go back to spring training next year he's going like I've always said the the greats like him that have had the careers that they've had when they're late in they're 40s they're still GNA find starts where they go out there and just go off you know it happens it always happens I think Randy think of Randy Johnson pitching for the for the Giants I know he had some starts in there maybe even was 300th win when he's with the Giants where like he was just dominant um that's going to happen for Verlander occasionally it's just not going to be the norm and maybe that's okay I would just like to watch a baseball game with him and not sit here and have to do the whole oh God how are they going to get through this thing tonight and it's also a little bit sad to me and you know I get he's going to come back out next year probably and play again it hits that stage of a of a big league career where you're you're holding on and playing for numbers he's not getting the 300 wins that that that went out the door when he had Tommy John you know but they [Music] um they really it gets a little bit sad I should say that if you hit that spot of a of a career where you start to see the decline in front of your eyes and the player holds on and to an extent he is holding on sometimes it's good to know when to walk away and if he reaches the end of the season it's more of this maybe it's time to walk away we'll see not a fun night I would have loved to have a positive show tonight because we had such a positive show earlier today with the lock on Texans postcast but that did not happen let's talk about some of the uh guys in the lineup tonight uh let's talk about what they did overall in this series I guess try to bring a little positivity back because they did take a they did win a series this weekend they just you know stinks when you lose the final one we'll do that here just a brief second on the locked on Astros postcast you have been hearing a lot about FanDuel that's right FanDuel America's number one sports book well we have something a little different for you now now through September 22nd all FanDuel customers can bet $5 and get a three-week free trial of NFL Sunday Ticket from YouTube TV and YouTube then with a YouTube TV Bas plan you'll be able to watch every regular season Sunday Sunday afternoon out of Market game all you need is a Google account and a current uh form of payment and you can cancel anytime if that's not enough FanDuel has something special for our listeners this weekend be sure to check out FanDuel profit boost in the app and use it for fanduels double your winnings for all Sunday September 8th pregame moneyline bets profit boost will be uh live starting Friday the 6th go view your account now to learn about your Boost just visit to download America's number one Sportsbook locked on Astros postcast Sunday night Edition thanks for uh joining us a sour end to a series that the Astros won overall taking two out of three against the Arizona Diamondbacks but they just could not get over the hump in this one and bring it back at all because they got put into a big old massive hole thanks to Justin Verlander um if you're looking for this show and its podcast form by the way I always like to remind you that you can find it anywhere that you get your podcast go and search for locked on Astros it's always free and when you go search for that you will get this show and the locked on Astro show Brett and Eric doing that show Daily throughout the week they do a great job make sure you go sub uh subscribe to their YouTube channel and then of course if you're new here we're on the climb to 2,000 people 2,000 subscribers is happening you guys uh can pour on in here and help us out get to that 2,000 mark But the uh we're on the Move we're less than 80 to go now you guys have been hitting the button today uh this channel as I like to remind you not just the Astros we also have the Texans the Rockets the cougs the Rockets will be back what next month so we got cougs football going on right now we've got the Texans they started the regular season today with uh a victory and well that was very good if so if you want to go back and watch that postcast it is available to you on this channel next starting next weekend when the Texans play the Chicago Bears Sunday Night Football we'll get the flip of this weekend we had the Texans early today Astros late next weekend we'll get Astros early Texans late I think yeah that's right um Sunday Night Football next Sunday Wade Smith will join me our very first locked on Texans postcast with Wade he'll be with us every single week on those shows for the rest of the season looking forward to doing those with him would like to look forward to something positive from the Astros tonight but unfortunately did not happen uh they get smacked around a little bit 12 to 5 12 to six excuse me can't short them a run 77 and 66 now on the season of the Astros uh the guys in the lineup you know there's not a lot to write home about Altuve had a couple of hits tonight but struck out there with the bases loaded um you know you don't need that um he slammed his helmet down and everything not happy about it bregman hits a home run Tucker just one hit on the night reach base another time with the AR or with the uh walk the guy I think that stands out that I wanted to give a little bit of love to again in a sour into to what was a overall good series um I say overall good it's not an overall good series when you get smacked around in the last one but the overall result was fine that you took two out of three um Chaz McCormick pounded out three hits tonight three singles and I think there's one important factor what we've seen out of Chaz in the last couple of days he has found his way to not only getting some hits but getting those hits by pulling the baseball a little bit and really turning on some fast balls from right-handed pitching I think it that's that's important is he going to play for them every day no but like the Outfield is still s in such flux you know can Kyle Tucker play The Outfield we're apparently going to see at some point this week hopefully he does um you know if he goes out there and and he they realize that he can't necessarily handle it on an everyday basis then you're going to be back in this position where you need outfielders they've had Ben gaml come in uh he's done very well for this team so far since he's become an astro um they've had the likes of Jason Hayward in the mix he's obviously not been anything that's incredible to this point he might be one of those guys you just kind of forget played here later on down the years but it is what it is um but if Chaz can hit some lefties occasionally and if Chaz can do a little bit of that that'd be you know a really nice positive for this baseball team team I would love to see that continue to happen uh for the Astros you know if if it can then great if not not the end of the world let's just again hope for that to be there there some sort of positive you know thought tonight I think it was that that Chaz pulled off a three hit night and you feel good about that so wanted to again give him a little bit of love for what he did and hope that there can be a you know a Snowball Effect some good swings recently some big moments for him uh big moments from the standpoint of this guy's had just an absolutely atrocious season and he needs anything that's positive and he's had some of those in a recent game so happy for Chaz in those moments let's go ahead and take a look at the week ahead for the Astros they have those pesky Oakland Athletics Coming to Town the not last place Oakland Athletics I know that you guys are really not keeping up with what Oakland's got going on but the non last place Oakland Athletics uh we'll take a look at that and uh what it's going to mean for the Astros how they got to bounce back from this to really go out there and do their thing over the next few days when Oakland comes to town starting on Tuesday we'll do all that next as we start to wrap up the locked on Astros postcast passion drive and patience for for for winning championships is also what keeps your ride or die alive eBay Motors is everything you need to maintain your vehicle and level it up to Peak Performance superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you're into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million parts for your number one ride or die you'll always find exactly what you're looking for and with eBay guaranteed fit your ride your part is guaranteed to fit your ride every time or your money back because of eBay 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to get a little bit crazy uh strap in folks hope you're ready for it we'll see uh how the Astros if they're ready for it over these next few days as well because it's going to kick off this stretch by the way let just run through the teams that they'll face in this they go out Oakland for three then they head out west for three in LA or I shouldn't say la three in Anaheim against the Angels three in San Diego against the Padres that is a road trip I would have absolutely loved to make uh then they'll come back home for their final home stand of the Year angels for four and then the Mariners for three before they get their last day off Thursday the 26th before they head to Cleveland what could be an important series but the way that the Astros are you know just kind of up and down with it recently might not be I don't I don't know I mean the Astros are what currently there are four games behind they're four games behind the Guardians for the second best division record um division winner record they able to pull that off they could get the buy through the F this team really needs I think of all the teams the Astros have had and really since they've started this like this team could benefit from it more than any of the other ones um so hopefully that they can hopefully they can go through this stretch of games where again Oakland the Angels San Diego will be tough because they're playing for something then Seattle's going to come in they're still going to be you know probably within five games I'd imagine and that series could really push them maybe back into it or end it we'll see what happens there but Oakland the next three days is the thing you got to watch for um by the way for this channel we will for sure have a show Tuesday night Wednesday night there is I will say Tuesday night will probably start not exactly after the game ends I would say give me 20 minutes I would think um for that one I'm just planning ahead and then Thursday Day game 110 my schedule is it's not going to be conducive that day unfort Ely for a Day game uh show so we will more than likely I'm not going to say for sure but I would say more likely than not we will not have a show for Thursday's Day game we'll be here all weekend though when they're playing um out there in Anaheim late night after dark additions for those pitching matchups for this series Spencer Eric Getty need to bounce back in a big way uh or Tuesday night he's going to get the ball for the Astros up against a Aldo beo for the uh A's you don't know who he is he's got a 5 and3 record this year with the 341 arag Getti 7 and 12 with the 482 ra came back down a little bit because they knocked some of those runs off the other day because they changed a uh a play to a error on Jeremy Peña and it not made him unearned runs uh Hunter Brown will get the ball Tuesday 11 and S 341 up against JP Sears he's 11 and 10 with a 434 and then Thursday's Day game from man what a that is a day game special fber Valdez pitching the Day game that game will be two hours if that happens I'm definitely not GNA be able to do the show uh fber 14- six 297 up against Joey Estus who is six- seven with a 446 erra like I said we'll be here with you for guaranteeing you the first two games of this series the Day game on Thursday I'll keep you updated I will keep you updated I'll post on the Community page here on the uh Channel let you guys know for sure but I would imagine that I will not be able to do that show on Thursday I hope you guys have a great rest of your Sunday night thank you for stopping by don't forget to hit the Subscribe button we'll talk to you Tuesday night after Astros and A's right here on the locked on Astros postcast