Oasis is getting the band back together + Headlines

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:21:06 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] a listener [Music] production hello Sasha Barby Gat with you welcome to the briefing I'm sure you've been in a bar or a nightclub or a supermarket somewhere and this has come out of the speakers in absolutely massive music news nol and Liam Gallagher the two brothers behind the seminal British band Oasis have announced they'll head out on a massive tour and it'll be the first time they'll appear together since 2009 n quit the band just before they were due to take the stage in Paris after a massive backstage fight and the brothers have waged war against each other ever since but now they're hitting the road together again it's completely shocking I think it's the day no Rock fan thought was ever going to come I'm happy for their mom imagine being their mom for like the last last 15 years they've just been fighting on in social media and interviews why everyone is going mad for the Oasis reunion is coming up in the second half of this episode first though let's get into the headlines with anet L it is Wednesday the 28th of [Music] August good day everyone hey Sasha a hostage has been freed in Gaza more than 325 days after his capture on October 7 but there are conflicting reports about how he was able to be reunited with his family so the IDF claims it freed Kad farahan Al caldi in what it calls a complex operation in the southern Gaza Strip and it didn't provide any further details but there have since been reports in Israeli media that the 52y old escaped from the tunnel he was being held in and he was able to find IDF troops meanwhile Hamas says that it released him yeah look either way top Israeli officials are heralding this release as something positive prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu told aladi that quote the whole nation of Israel is excited by his rescue and there was this video um that was released of several members of his family running in the hospital to be reunited with him have a listen yeah I've seen that video um it's incredibly heartwarming there are several members and they're just bolting to to see him to see that he's okay um yeah it's it's incredibly I never thought footsteps hurried footsteps would be um so touching yeah you can imagine it's nearly been a year like you look at the days 325 like we're 40 days off a full year since since October 7 and that man has been away from his family all that time and look interestingly this is only the eighth hostage that Israel claims to have freed after months of bombardments in Gaza and the killing of more than 40,000 Palestinians uh now that includes more than 120 journalists Gaza has become the deadliest place on Earth to be a media worker uh also worth noting ceasefire talks are set to continue in kir we haven't had an update in about 24 hours on how they're progressing so still waiting to see what happens there in a major speech today the greens leader will propose a so-called Robin Hood tax aimed at slugging Australia's biggest companies and pumping the cash into easing the cost of living Adam B wants to introduce the tax on excessive profits which would see a 40% tariff on companies with a turnover of more than $100 million so that had impact organizations like Woolworths koh's the big four Banks Telstra and ample costings suggests the policy could make $65 billion in its first four years look Sasha it sounds like a really lovely idea and I reckon it's one that most Aussies who are either not billionaires or not running companies that make multi-million dollars in profits would agree in principle sounds fair and it's important to remember that the greens took the same or a similar approach to the last election but this time around the minor party has updated its costings and it's also identified new companies is that it's going to Target with the tax uh labor and Coalition are pretty unlikely to vote in support of this uh but the greens are hoping to hold the balance of power in Parliament and they think the parties could be swayed somewhat um if the policy is popular among voters who obviously just want things to be cheaper we know what it's like to go to one of the big supermarkets and fill your trolley and and be like what the hell did I just spend on $300 and then see the enormous profits that they a report um and of course a lot of this will be determined at the federal election in May in terms of just how much power the greens will hold and it's interesting because the greens have been increasing their share of the vote for the last couple of federal elections with young voters really turning they don't identify with labor they don't identify with the Coalition so they're moving towards the greens in bigger numbers so it will be interesting to see if we see that Trend continue I think the greens have been boyed by this new kind of level of support that they're getting as uh you know younger voters come of age turn 18 and they can have their say um one thing I did like that b wanted to do because I have gotten on my Soap Box on this so many times is he wants to use the money to expand Medicare to include Dental yes now this is just a personal Vendetta of mine why on Earth are our teeth not covered by Medicare the horrible things that can happen to your teeth if they're not looked after properly and Dentistry is so expensive my husband got a $166,000 bill that we spent years paying off yeah so um I just wanted to add that in cuz I feel very very passionately about including Dental on Medicare I feel passionately about good teeth so I'm with you there this is an interesting one Sasha because Mark Zuckerberg has claimed that the US government pressured meta to censor posts about Co on Facebook and Instagram at the height of the pandemic so Zuckerberg says senior White House officials in Joe Biden's Administration wanted to limit content and that included humor and satire about the pandemic so during Co meta added you probably remember misinformation alerts on post it's judged to be false information about the pandemic it also deleted posts criticizing vaccines that suggested the virus was developed in a Chinese lab um meta said more than 20 million posts were removed from Facebook and Instagram and that's just between the beginning of the pandemic and the summer of 2021 The Meta founder says he regrets now not being more outspoken and some of the choices the company made wouldn't be made today uh with the benefit of hindsight uh it's always 2020 isn't it uh so he made these comments uh to the head of the US House of Representatives Judiciary Committee in a letter now uh this committee is controlled by Republicans and it called Zuckerberg's admissions a big win for free speech so it's giving very Elon Musk Vibes I wonder if Zach's been watching on seeing how Elon Musk has been getting involved in Poli and maybe he's like huh well maybe I can have some big Power uh and sway people to vote for whoever he hasn't actually endorsed Trump but this is all very like because remember like some of the stuff that was going around on social media at that time was really really shocking and just completely false information and of course it's a government's responsibility to say hey we need to make sure people are calm people aren't losing their heads over these absolutely false claims about this virus I know but I I totally get that but I think that's potentially overreach when even satire and humor totally is um and some people's concerns about the vaccines ended up being founded these aren't people saying never get a vaccine and you're going to turn into a 5G Tower if you take it but just people going hey maybe we exercise caution hey I don't know if it should be used on children um it also makes me think in five or 10 years time what else social media Outlets are going to come out and say hey we did that wrong hey Shadow bands are wrong and there's an update on the debate between Trump and Harris which is set to happen on the 10th of September which is my birthday so what a wonderful birthday present to see what will no doubt be let's just say at least entertaining if not an outright train wreck so Trump has posted to a social media platform truth social that he has reached an agreement with the radical left democrats for a debate with comrade Cala Harris it will be broadcast live on ABC fake news by far the nastiest and most unfair newscaster in the business so he's definitely going into this like professionally wanting a fair debate and we reported yesterday about the dispute between the two parties about microphones either being muted or on during the debate and kamala's campaign wanted mics on Trump wanted the agreement he had with Biden upheld that is to have mics muted when the other person is speaking Trump said in his post the debate will be governed by the same rules as his last debate with Joe Biden so it does look like Mike's will in fact be muted and this will be their first debate since uh carala Harris launched her presidential campaign I agree what a great birthday present to sit and watch that it's it's always entertaining I mean it's going to be hilarious yeah I like sitting over here in Australia and watching the ship fight that is US politics and thanks so much for being here for the headlines next up it's our Deep dive into the oasis reunion and why people care so [Music] much me and him are like telepathic you know what I mean I know my brother better than anybody else when both come together greatness and the best British group is oasis Man Band Oasis have received three nominations this year truly wonderful Oasis the unpredictable lead singer walked out on his brother and band at Heath Road Noel announced he's quitting the band because he can't work a day longer with his brother Liam hell hell hey Bion here two brothers behind one of the biggest rock bands of all time are going back out on the road Oasis the news that we've been waiting years and years for of them getting back together Liam and have been staunch enemies for well over a decade but they have secretly been back in touch so rumors about Oasis getting back together well that that would be good it' be amazing Liam Gallagher formed Oasis in 1991 and soon asked his big brother NL to join they launched internationally with the Hit album definitely maybe but it was 1995's what's the story Morning Glory that made them International superstars with the hits like wonder wall and Don't Look Back in [Music] Anger the problem is these two have famously been Waring with each other ever since no I think we're both the problem and the problem is that he thinks he's not the problem they last performed together at a show in England way back in 2009 just before they were due to take the stage in Paris later that year the brothers had this massive argument backstage and null quit the band on the spot and they've been arguing publicly and presumably privately ever since but yesterday evening our time they officially confirmed they are returning to the stage am music Insider said this is the reunion that no one thought would ever happen they've announced shows at Wembley Stadium Cardiff Manchester Edinburgh and Dublin with hopes they could extend the tour to the likes of Australia Cameron Adams is listeners music features writer Cameron thanks so much for joining us on the briefing given the animosity between these two brothers for so long are you surprised by this announcement it's completely shocking I think it's the day no Rock fan thought was ever going to come I'm happy for their mom imagine being their mom for like the last 15 years they've just been fighting on in social media and interviews mind you they spent the entire band fighting as well but yeah she must be happy and I yeah this is something no one thought would happen like there's just been such bad blood for so long that everyone was like I mean I think people be wanting to see them actually on stage to believe it's real but seems real right now is it possible that we could have just another repeat of 2009 and they just blow it up in the middle of the tour anyway I think that's the joy of Oasis like you never know what's going to happen everything's so safe with rock music now bands are so beige and boring that that's why people like Oasis that sort of danger I remember seeing them multiple times thinking is this are they going to finish this show or is this going to happen is it going to be a fight so that's the kind of the thrill I think but surely it's been too long and there's too much money involved for them to back up but it's still it's like a year away that's a long time for them to play nice yeah that's true can you explain why they've hated each other so much over these past years not really um it's just this sort of like brotherly Feud and usually when you have rock bands fighting they're not they're not related so you can you know it's just a strange Dynamic there's been bands like the bgs used to fight um The Kinks or British band from the 6s they two brothers hate each other's guts not sure I think there's this weird thing where they kind of love each other but had each other and then then there's also this Dynamic where no writes the songs and Liam sings them but no isn't a great front R but Li is and Liam's not a great songwriter so they actually need each other and it's just been this pushpull Dynamic the whole time that made the band great but also broke the band up so they've done solo careers which haven't been as successful as Oasis I mean they've been big but not that level of big um and I think o has SP at the right time they kind of had it sort of fizzled out a bit people don't remember the last few records but there was like five albums that were like yeah they're okay but those first two are so good and that's what kept them sort of EX the new generations found them through these two records like the wonder wall and Don't Look Back in Anger live forever these classic songs we've got how many one two three four five big stadium shows what are we excited about that's a lot that's um like I yeah the promoters OB ly I thought they do bigger venues I I thought you do less shows when they played nworth they played to 125,000 people a night over two nights they could easily do bigger venues than doing when when B 990,000 people so there'll be more shows with lots of dates between there but yeah it's just a matter of keeping them together for as long as possible but I'm sure there's a sweet paycheck at the end of this which will make everyone kind of happy there's a lot of people listening who might might say well I remember wonder wall I remember all those songs but are they going to be as current or as relevant now all these years on do you think that this tour could be of the scale of a Taylor Swift or a Beyonce or something like that or is it just not going to be that way this time oh I think this is Rock music's eras St for sure like there's been no rock bands since aasis really like I mean there's Coldplay but the different there's no big sort of dangerous rock band and these are the people who've grown up hearing those stories who want to see this band Li Gallagher does a lot of a was of songs his live show and I've been to those shows and it's like it's like like of LD Oasis it's like it's the guy who sings it but it's not quite the guy who R him is not there but it's still amazing and people are loving it they they're just anthemic songs people want to sing out loud and they kind of work they were built to be played in big venues to big people so it's going to be incredible I think there' be people who who just always wanted to see aasis this is like a bucket list moment for them the video that we've just seen released doesn't seem to have any other band members in it can we expect this just to be the brothers on stage it seems that way um I me I guess that's all you need it's bit like ACDC like you as long as there's a couple of Originals there I mean they're the two everyone wants to see I mean that's the the magic that the two brothers it would be nice to have the originals it' be nice for them to get a Payday as well um but n it seems like it's a n's band NS band has a mem who play scissors instrument is literally a pair of scissors so it's very different to I just kind of like you know meat and potatoes Rock but I mean I think we just need L them on a stage together that's that's the that's the attraction how big do we think that this tour could be it's going to be massive the fact has taken us long to happen I think has just created this huge Buzz Liam played nworth himself last year solo to 100,000 people so when they played nworth in 90 sex they did two shows but they was 2.5 million people wanted tickets and wow that was back then I feel like they're bigger than they were like they've kind of the people for first time around will want to go people who weren't there will want to go so it's going to be massive and there's no there's nothing it won't make register in America but in Europe and hopefully here people will be very excited people famously have had a lot of trouble getting tickets to big shows and had to spend a lot of money to do it do you expect that that's going to be the experience for Australians this time absolutely yes it's going to be meltdown um a lot of Boomers online trying to get really angry about not getting tickets yeah it's going to be it's going to be Mayhem like absolute Mayhem hopefully it makes it to Australia at the minute obviously just you know the UK and European dates uh I did speak to a source in ticket World here who said they're waiting to see whether they stay together long enough to get them here but I'm sure the offers there it would make sense to get them here sort of our summer next year uh but yeah it's it feels like a house of cards but that's the excitement about it as well yeah as a person who has sources in the industry in that way what would it take for a tour like that to make it over here a lot of money um yeah I could see that being like a maybe like a one-off Australian show they tow it here for the first time in ' 97 and it was an absolute Mayhem that was this was the full cocaine era they were just absolute post success just a hot mess they were quite open saying it was one of the worst tours I ever did um Liam got arrested on the plane they got banned from the airline Liam headbutted a British Backpacker in Brisbane total mess they did redeem themselves later they went a couple times and they were great but um there's definitely I mean a lot of British people live here it would be very easy to fill up a very large venue with Oasis but yeah I can't imagine this it's just it's just be a guaranteed one of those like Taylor Swift it'll be guaranteed seller and in the market where things aren't selling Oasis would sell have you ever been to a concert that big Glen B pretty big how was it uh wild yeah like it's the whole communal experience and and there's certain bands like that and certain songs like that which you want to see with a lot of people like they work if no's doing an acoustic show or whatever but you want to see a whole field of people singing wonder wall or Don't Look Back in Anger what do you think you'll look forward to the most out of this tour look I just want to see it happen I want to see the two brothers I mean everyone be like are they going to hug is it what what's going to happen here um can they keep it together before can Liam stop tweeting about his brother before maybe he needs to sign an NDA or like just log off for a while because he's he has actually wanted this to happen Li's been driving this he never wanted the band to split up no was the one that's been not not doing this and it's took his toys and threw out of the pram it's kind of his it's his band in a way so yeah that's just this Dynamic again which is fascinating to watch whether I mean they've signed up they've signed the contracts they've posed together in a photo for the first time in 15 years so it looks like it's going to happen but um I just want to see it actually happen well we all want to see it actually happen Cameron thanks so much for joining us on the briefing my pleasure Cameron Adams there thanks for listening to this episode of The Briefing that's it for now before you go though we'd love it if you could share this episode with someone you think might enjoy it if you want to keep up with our other content you can also check us out on Instagram at the briefing podcast and on Tik Tok and on YouTube just search listener Newsroom we'll be back in your feed with another episode this afternoon from 3: I'm Ben on seit catch you next time listener

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