[Music] let's see what he could do up first in his semi-final matchup number 13. Joey yellow it's out of here into the visitors [Applause] three in a row foreign [Applause] Jesus Joey that's the Home Run is fifth in the round [Applause] boom there's another one there's number seven just one minute remaining that's number four in a row [Applause] no 440s this time bro On Cue give me another one [Applause] that's gotta be it all right [Applause] he ends around with a total of 14. Ain't No Half to hope that's enough to advance now hit it the Challenger in this semi-final match-up number 27 Willie a dovet yeah ball eliminate him you can do it it's doable stop hitting gumballs oh my god dude turn on the ball over that that's when you're talking about an idiot there it is his third home run hook it [Applause] there you go oh that's a monster home run s his third consecutive home run [Applause] s just one minute remaining [Applause] damn it though stop it there you got any in the bed dude you're such an idiot eight seconds left BP pitchers off throw it down the middle no outside [Applause] [Music] his third in a row gotta hit them all right get a chance to get Joey yellow and then you dick [Applause] [Music]