[Music] [Music] hello everyone and welcome to 4 days of backpacking and hiking in the Havasupai portion of the Grand Canyon we've just parked up at the trail head and we're heading down the Steep initial portion really nice views here right from the start a lot going on a lot of other hikers helicopters flying by and pack meals going back and forth a lot of activity here near the trail head but my brother L and I are very excited to be here and I've been been looking forward to this hike for the past 2 years and the time has arrived we came from up there we've dropped a lot of elevation quickly coming down these switchbacks and working our way over to this Plateau area this could be our last shade for a bit it's mid April but it's quite hot out already here's some of our first views as we've come down into the sunny section which is looks like a flat Plateau ahead hiking traffic on the trail has lightened up a bit so we're starting in the late morning some of the first hikers are reaching the top now that have left from camp this morning very early but also being that we're leaving kind of late most of the hikers or Backpackers have already headed down for the day so we're among the last and since it's early spring the heat is not too bad yet although this is you can already tell it's quite a warm day but it's tolerable to hike at this time of day I've already got some incredible scenery this is a good angle looking back toward the initial switchbacks in Trail Head trail head's not all the way at the top of the cliffs but it's partway down at the next level kind of in the center there but look at the scenery spreading out here in front of us look at this awesome view of the route ahead we are going to be heading down in this direction down Canyon the trail has leveled out and it's we're falling just gradually downhill just above the wash so we're not in the wash we're just above it there is some nice rock in this Canyon we are now walking directly in the wash but we've been passing by some beautiful red Canyon walls got a little shade as the clouds came in nice cool breeze about a mile and a half into the hike here and just it's been outstanding so far hey I'm L I'm Steve's brother and um so far well the first part's pretty tough but it's flattened out so I think I think we're going to make it here and I'm hoping for some help from some mules on the way back and this your first time ever in Grand Canyon yeah first time in Grand Canyon so pretty excited last 30 minutes or so we've been in a narrow Canyon not a Slot Canyon just a narrow Canyon but shower walls of red on both sides continuing to walk between these Red Canyon walls a lot of variety to the canyon as we wind down [Music] [Music] slowly gradually making our way down the canyon being passed by me every once in a while not seeing a lot of hikers out I guess a lot of them go much earlier in the [Music] morning as you can see right here we passed through quite a few areas like this where there's huge Rockall in the canyon just massive Boulders in the wash [Music] [Music] Canyon has just gotten incredibly beautiful through this stretch high narrow walls lots of greenery trees [Music] just coming out through an area of towering vertical Cliffs look at this truly epic in scale right through here this is actually my third year in a row doing a backpack here in Arizona two years ago I did a 5-day backpack of buck King gin peria Canyon to lease Ferry and then last year I did a 5-day backpack of the Grand Canyon Corridor and then of course this year starting out today a 4-day backpack of hav Supai so really enjoying some great longer backpacks in Arizona every one of them's been awesome we came to a junction back there and turn turned left and entered into an area of a lot of trees and Greenery truly beautiful through here our first view of the water Havasu Creek just a really beautiful area right here look at this ground cover as you can see right here we've reached the outskirts of Supai Village so no filming is allowed while going through the village so I'm going to shut down the camera for a while until we get past the village to the beginning of the campground area we've reached the end of the village and the trail now continues down toward the campground as you can see there's five major waterfalls we're going to be able to check out 50t little Navajo Havasu Mooney and beaver can't wait to see all of these waterfalls as we exit The Village we're hiking right alongside the creek temperatures dropped quite a bit it's cooler out and a lot of lush Greenery some really impressive scenery here as we get into the camping area here is our campsite L's tent and my tent we're all set up here good morning and welcome to day two here at have a Supai last night we got into Camp kind of late just kind of set up the camp ate dinner and went to bed but this morning here on day two I'm starting out with an attempted hike to Beaver Falls in the Confluence behind me you can see Mooney Falls now this is a very challenging climb down to the base of money fall is the most difficult and sketchy part of this whole route so I've got a couple things that will help me I brought a my climbing helmet and some gloves with good grip so Extreme Caution will be in order as I begin heading down here in a few moments here's the view down Canyon and here's where the sketchy part begins right by this caution sign as had to descend through this dark cave right through here [Music] right here you can see the sketchy ladder and ch chain climb that I had to come down I'm here early in the morning so there's not that many people bottleneck coming up and down this what a challenge I'm standing right across the water from the sketchy ladder and chain climb as you can see I had my climbing helmet on I had gloves with good grip and the other thing I have is shoes with water ports for River crossings that I'm going to be doing today but check out the scenery right here this right here is Mooney Falls what a awesome site this is to be at the base of Mooney Falls one more view here before I head down those are the cliffs up above the ladder and chain climbs the beautiful blue pool here at the base of Mooney Falls and Mooney Falls and all its Majesty I am glad that that down climb is over with I've been kind of dreading that for the past two years knowing that I had to make that climb in order to continue down to Beaver Falls and potentially the Confluence so it's done feel like it'll be easier later today when I climb back up it but now I'm going to focus on the scenery between here and Beaver Falls hoping as well for some big horn sheep sightings we will see totally enclosed by this Canyon and these towering Cliffs already my second river crossing it's been quite beautiful this first mile wall to--all Greenery with towering Red Cliffs on each side fully enclosed Canyon and it's only 7:20 in the morning so I'm one of the first hikers headed down to Beaver Falls total Solitude out here check out this scenery looking backup Canyon and then just off here to my left look at this rock formation coming out of the canyon wall it's what I call a sketchy Bridge Crossing total non-stop all inspiring scenery best way I can describe this Trail as you can see right here the trail is get a bit of elevation high above the creek incredible Canyon scenery looking back this sign right here is telling me I got to do another Creek Crossing so I'm going to go ahead and head acrosso this one was a little bit deeper than the last few little bit more challenging sunlight beginning to creep down the canyon walls trying to get into havu Canyon here kind of passing through a natural cactus garden here as I been crossing the creek back and forth climbing some small ladders here and there as you can see right here I've gained some elevation high above the creek on the opposite side as I was earlier and here's a bit of of a steep descent I see by some palms and here we go fun sketchy ladder climb climbed up the ladder now there's some wooden railings and steps and I continues right here look like one last climbing section through here as you can see I made it to Beaver Falls and I got here early so there's hardly any other people around in just a couple hours no doubt there will be lots of people here swimming enjoying the beauty and relaxing for the afternoon but I wanted to get here early and it paid off I got some great footage now I'm going to go ahead and continue on toward the confluence some incredible scenery right here at the junction of havu Canyon and beaver Canyon I made it down to the creek and I frosted a couple times already so the route is not entirely clear or obvious the whole time so I'm just kind of pushing my way down Canyon and finding my way as I go having across a fairly well- moving Creek right here can see the trail on the other side perfect lighting in here this time of day absolutely gorgeous dryfall double dryfall but I especially the one on the right underneath that Boulder wow what scenery through here I wanted to show you my shoes I'm using these are Trail Runners for the river Crossings notice the drainage ports that helps the water to drain out right after Crossing and they dry quicker I'm glad I kept my pants on despite constantly doing creek crossings cuz there is overgrown brush you could scratch up the [Music] legs that big horn chep was super tame didn't mind me being around at all just went about [Music] feeding the sun has reached all the way down into the canyon first time today I'm hiking in the sun it's 9:20 [Music] a.m. wow this is so sweet [Music] nine big horn sheep three of them are [Music] babies truly amazing moment out here with this herd of big horn sheep just across the creek nine sheep including three babies and they don't mind me being here they're just feeding and enjoying their time in the canyon more towering Cliffs high above wow I'm still Blown Away about being able to sit there and watch the family of big horn sheep they're so tame and it's just incredible anyone who knows me knows how much I love big horn sheep primarily because of my connection to Death Valley but yeah the Death Valley sheep would run away the moment they spot me so that was cool I'll never forget that actually time for my next creek crossing right here fairly shallow one beautiful section of Creek here with these rock ledges on the canyon wall [Music] [Music] another big horn on trail [Music] [Music] bye [Music] sheep stunning more epic scenery looking back what a contrast with the green and red making good time I'm about a little over half mile to the Confluence right now and my big horn sheep tally is at 13 passing through a tunnel right here look at all the fish down here just about to walk out to the Confluence right down below you can see the Confluence of Havasu Creek in the colado river I made it look at this view of the Colorado River it's exactly 12:00 it took me 4 and 1/2 hours to get here from the bottom of Mooney Falls so maybe 5 hours total from camp and just really impressed with this area looking out at the Colorado River and seeing that Confluence where havu Creek meets the Colorado River with all the fish swimming Upstream truly incredible spot spot I'm going to head out now and maybe swim on the way back warming [Music] up I left the Confluence a little over an hour ago took a break to swim not doing much filming on the way back cuz I already showed everything but I will stop to get some footage if I see some more big horn sheep [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] the Sheep family just crossed the river baby is so cute w [Music] [Applause] [Music] gorgeous afternoon lighting here on the canyon walls that took me 2 hours 45 minutes to get back from the Confluence to the boundary of Grand Canyon National Park in Havasupai so I'm just about to Beaver Falls just around the corner made quick time even despite taking a break to swim are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] I completed the climb back up a little bit easier for me on the way back but of course put a safety work in here that this climbing is not for everyone definitely a bit of quite a bit of exposure there with the ladders and chains but there was a steady stream of people going back and forth when I tried to come up here just now so I'm going to wrap it up I spent 11 hours hiking down to the Confluence and back now I'm going to head to camp and cook dinner here we are back at camp and we did score a picnic table as happens with most people we got ours for the second night so picnic table for the next two nights you got to do your time you got to have one bad night without a table we put in our time yeah and then you can so we're having our appetizer right now some mashed potatoes looks like they're ready for a taste test not bad for backpacking food yeah I'll take it let me give you a short tour of Camp that's my tent right there W's tent our picnic table which we snagged yesterday but check this out few steps from Camp our view Mooney Falls good morning welcome to day three here at Havasupai yesterday I did about a 16m roundtrip hike to the Confluence and I also got to see the bottom of Mooney Falls as well as Beaver Falls was truly a wonderful hiking day but it was challenging and definitely not for everyone with the ladders and chains that had to be climbed down and then back up later today I've gotten up early at 7:00 in the morning I'm here at the base of havu Falls there's no other people around so it's nice peaceful time to be here get some great footage and enjoy the waterfall all alone for [Music] I waited all the way down to the end it got about this deep on me and really pretty down here the other side of the falls with quite a lengthy stretch of waterfall [Music] good morning welcome to day four here in Havasupai it's 4:30 in the morning gotten up super early to pack up camp and begin backpacking out around 5:00 so it's our day to hike out about 12 mi get back to our vehicle we left camp at 5:30 in the morning to begin getting the long backpack out of here we got back to the Village about 1 hour from Camp to here so we're making good time and no pictures through the village of course how you doing will doing all right so far great we've been hiking for about 3 hours and 20 minutes now we're a little bit over halfway so making good time think we got an extra burst of energy after having some breakfast there at the cafeteria in the tribal Village pretty good food we've reached the top it took us 6 hours and 45 minutes to backpack back from the end of the campground near Mooney falls to the hill Hilltop and that included a 45-minute stop for breakfast at the tribal Village Restaurant so thank you for joining us on this 4-day backpacking Adventure through hav supi my brother LOL and I had a great time here and we appreciate seeing all the beauty and we would like to thank the hav Supai tribe for welcoming us onto their land and having us stay we really appreciate their hospitality and we hope you enjoyed checking out this beautiful place [Music] [Music]