Category: News & Politics
If there is one time of year to break out the bug spray it's labor day weekend this is the prime time the last week of august and the first week of september when west nile usually peaks nationally said dr aaron staples a mosquito expert and medical epidemiologist at the centers for disease control... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Two people have new jersey after contracting west nile virus marking the fourth and fifth in the us this year from the mosquito born disease the state's health department disclosed the in a statement friday little is known about the victims beyond that they've been identified as older adults one lived... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[musica] [musica] che è deus e conosco vive e reina Read more
Category: News & Politics
Tommy robinson is a open blatant zionist supported scumbug he is on the zionist payroll there's not some kind of conspiracy theory he saying there's someone even behind tommy robinson 100% everything that tommy instigated on these specific rights at the very least have been orchestrated supported funded... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm going to invite you to attend one of donald trump's rallies cuz it's a really interesting thing to watch he will talk about windmills cause cancer and what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom first one me respond is to the rallies she... Read more
Category: Entertainment
If you're watching this video that means that at 2:00 in the morning which is about 50 minutes from now you need to spring your clock forward or else anything you're supposed to wake up for on sunday morning you are going to be late for tomorrow is one of the two worst days of the year called daylight... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Frau göringer sie werden wahrscheinlich im nächsten landtag in thüringen und sachsen überhaupt nicht mehr dabei sein weil die meisten wähler sie überhaupt nicht wählen weil ihre katastrophale politik genau das dazu dazu beigetragen wir sehen ja in in den weiteren auch in den umfragen die die steigen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The raw commission into defense suicide report was handed down yesterday and there have been accusations the code of silence and military values of the australian defense force have directly and indirectly elevated the suicide risk for current and former service men and women so vicki do you think our... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Die hochwasserlage bleibt auch am neujahrstag in vielen teilen niedersachsens angespannt die stadt oldenburg hat am montag entlang der sandkugerstraße eine mobile deichanlage zum schutz vor dem weiterhin drohenden hochwasser aufbauen lassen die deichanlage ist rund 2 km lang und soll das überschwemmungsgebiet... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Katie holmes pays tribute to dawson's creek coaster obi ando after his death such a kind man endo's sister announced his death in a facebook post on august 31st obie died at the age of 51 his sister in kem and deo announced in a facebook post on saturday august 31st her post included a photo of the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Der slowakische ministerpräsident robert fizzo hat es deutlich ausgesprochen der westen ist blind für die echten nazis in der ukraine hierzande querbeet durch den politischen mainstream ob spd grüne oder linke überallör antifaschismus kampf gegen rechts die afd das sind doch faschisten sar wagen nicht... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I was at a detroit red wings game we're both from detroit and ran in there we go what's up hockey town and um yeah we ran into each other and then we started talking and i was like oh my goodness how did i miss this sparkly creature and um she was chewing gum and i said do you have another piece of... Read more