WWE 2K 24 | 30 Women Superstars Gauntlet Elimination Match | CHELSEA GREEN !!!

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:56:17 Category: Gaming

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[Applause] Chelsea Green is here and uh I think she wants to speak to the [Applause] manager and from Victoria British Columbia Canada Chelsea Green you know I actually heard that Chelsea Green is the kind of person that order a huge salad eat the whole thing and then complain to the manager that something was wrong with it um that's not out of the ordinary it's like wrestling a great match and then learning afterwards that you Byron did commentary on [Applause] [Applause] it let's see if Chelsea gets her way tonight she always does [Applause] the self-proclaimed hell's favorite Harlot and you can see exactly why Gauntlet Eliminator match and there will be no rest for the weary as they're already counting down the time until the next participant enters the ring going to be survival and finish these two competitors are already at a disadvantage uses the edge of the [Applause] knee just brutalizing their opponent with forearms to the side of the face oh Super K looking like Maurice is fired up for this Gauntlet able to interrupt the attack taken down with a chop block and it's scouted big for oh fellas we are looking at a mounted thrashing here all over the place I think rage took over in that moment Nothing But Blind rage she thinks she has it and she's not done yet so resilient kick there's so much to think about in a Gart match how do you think a superstar should approach this it is so important to find a way to stay aggressive stay on the attack because you never know if that'll be your last chance gain the upper hand by any means necessary just provoking her opponent daring her to make the first move oh dear this doesn't look good this Arena can't contain them and if history's any indication nothing Good's about to happen up there either take down skull [Applause] first talk about being Ben super kick facing off at the top of the ramp I don't know what's going to happen but it's going to hurt this Gauntlet just got more interesting with the arrival of Trish Stratus goly that sounded rough spinning kick to the gut oh there's an arm breaker right to the spine close line what's coming next a back suplex SL and here's a cover gets the shoulder up and one impressive to not even allow a two count at this juncture and coming into the G now sha Baer looking to make her Mark big forarm oh that's unnecessary great strength being shown here straight impact on the throw she's fighting back they just punishing their opponent [Applause] now with a series of forearms 110 Street slam strong my goodness perhaps looking for some kind of equalizer here you're looking to cause quick sharp single right take down you could be looking for the single leg Boston crb oh look at this Boston trying to break submission and she does o the forearm connects she's getting something from under the ring there's the Canadian Destroyer wow you have to question what kind of of 10 is by a power bomb with that much force not getting a two count at this point has to be frustrated and the dam and she goes for the P power after the end is in sight and what a throw that was it couldn't have felt good sh realiz that quickly the cover she poers out immediately there just looking for ways to wear out she could P her opponent right here she kicks out with authority after two no celebrations yet gets the shoulder up instantly she shows that she's far from finished can there be frustration mounting in these competitors knowing it's going to take more to win this one GA those feelings seep into your psyche you have to keep your focus oh my gosh what impact no telling what's underneath the ring tonight here P that slam again your OPP and he just saw some serious offense right hand at the right hand this is ugly you can see that each strike drained their opponent's energy round and round we go suplex oh man's neck breaker elbow him an infective pen believeing that one elbow drop piering that was a hell of a maneuver there guys just take a look at the WWE Universe they know there was no better to be than right here right now GG been defeated eliminated from this Gauntlet match a whole waights backstage this is verying over bit of provocation from D down with a face Buster destroy good decision to roll out here was slightly thrown off guard for just a moment there's two no she kicks out really had less than a second to stay alive there out Big Time SL cover from getting dangerously close to our desk that's it I'm out of here back through the air and connecting goes under the ropes to get back inside what up anding covers for the P WS off the pin at two somehow she's still in this match up it's unbelievable placing them right where they want them into the corner in a corner drop kick sleeper slam Maurice fires back drop kick from behind oh man Knox hasard dead to rights Basler shot delivered by T the shiny EV could do it that could have been it right there boom and here comes Eve Torres about to bring the fight to this gunet back elbow blows that one doded right on Q and we just saw of strikes here you can feel the WWE Universe reverberating on a school girl tremendous pin combination she kicked out there but I don't know how much more she can take take down skull first oh man by the hair hair whip double neck breaker you had two necks they would have broken both of them kick to the G by Ripley Follow by time wow Ripley got her can she do it here that could have been it right there fire lights over and over some gouging going on that's unnecessary oh this uhoh going up uh-oh throws her back in from ringside down and and look at this now yes up the submission hole thiss in no change of PA ooh what a nasty kick oh and that holds Maurice back thrown back in under the ropes J basler's got her corner right where she wants her back up F pun to the JW that's one way to break up the move will it and she lets her out of the submission I don't know if it's Mercy or if it's someone who's not done playing with their prey what's it going to take to put this match away a snapman TI and what a knee R rley can kill with a smile and wound with her eyes oh that's going to leave more than just a mark side with the CH kick he got the shoulders down scores the elimination B has gone from this gaunlet match man it's so hectic I don't remember where we are yet loing up the arms from behind and now she delivers her back into the ring Chelsea Green got all of that cover there's two she kicks out with Force this is no time to hesitate you can feel the end coming shers down shoots shows that this is still anybody's match at this point evil to reverse can she do it here and she breaks the count I got to tell you I thought she was done there oh Max slang with some attitude bionic elbow to the crown of the skull close up on the back of the neck the crow is behind T and she knows it oh my God here's her cover could be it [Applause] not for lack of try but Maxine D has been eliminated in thislet match yeah let's still a whole s entrance to go she throws her back in trying to debilitate the capability to stand o she just turned it around sled Hammer right to the gut she's on unsteady legs in the corner needs to recover and they just busted out an impactful maneuver scouted by a Ripley she covers to the pin she doesn't even get a count of one she's not done yet but you have to believe that she's still in all sorts of trouble here brutal [Applause] oh oh my hurling a message to their opponent your G kick nothing fancy there oh the French Kiss I've seen that move before can that finish Kno is it up the cover oh no Kno is just eliminated from theet Plenty of superstars waiting to take their turn lots of match left to go bar o slam R up locking up the arms from behind did Chelsea get enough of it so who's next the one and only ala ready to Make Some Noise oh man Tor set her up glancing there's the heartbreaker now e the cover should she just dug down deep there don't know if she'll be able to do it again cover two and that's it mace's got her time in this Gauntlet match is over I'm so caught up I forgot where the hell we are on the entry list trust me many more battles await perhaps thinking about what to do next here oh just deadlifting their opponent and tossing them aside first the barricade great presence of B by Chelsea Green take down skull first went in doubt try to knock your opponent's block off oh Matt slam with some attitude Torres making clear she has her number nice drop kick she saw it coming oh look at the knees just unloading knees to the body strikes with a kick and a slap to it's on now Zia Lee is entering the gauntlet stops Ripley's attack quick exchange reversing the reversal It's s suplex and that was a well executed attack oh get it get it pop that booty the Tor into the moon love it cover two she gets the shoulder up that is just pure Instinct at this point big forarm a sound Su snap ma right C St she needed that b T into the ring post here's Isa Dawn ready to shake things up in this gaunlet hoisted up incredible power slam oh ouch able to reverse that one face first messing with him really trying to force an error never saw coming R in the AR and Ripley with another burst of major damage to her opponent yeah Ria showing just how dangerous she can still be here she just St down deep there but I don't know if she'll be able to do it again a this is going to be nasty nothing into the sling this Gauntlet just got more interesting with the arrival of Natalia launching uhoh he turns it right around the counter these Superstars are showing no concern for their own wellbe All That Matters to them right now is doing as much damage to one another as possible looks like Candice is locked in on disturbing just try to pound their opponent into the ground R Ripley with the plenty of ways to get created up on the entrance area she's going for it cover kick out it two so so close that could have been H look at this DDT on the foot boot to the gut will stop anyone in their tracks oh going the with the do that finish rley for good two count kick out she still has life she just won't stay down here that's one way to incite your opponent Chelsea Green Looking to remind it could be no look at this a straight to the floor I think there's going to be some second guessing about trying that move again and gets tossed back into the mat will it be think so not for trle has been eliminated in this garet match that was quite the elimination but we are far from the end of the road here oh us a bat like that gets you [Applause] rejected out their opponent up Torres making clear she has her number suplex from behind J it suplex released Big form boom set up in the corner of the Ring Candace just taunting her opponent now solely focused on punishing the leg reminding her who all these people really paid to see Muay Tha clinch applied knees lefts and lights and they one to a gut delivered into the barricade veteran confidence and mind games on display from Natalia snap suplex and it's with the reversal a step up set time and it's a long way down from there what a forarm oh oh my goodness right to the kidneys from behind a that gets reversed on lay carefully play stop to the arm Canadian Destroyer the table started to turn the soal poison pixie can just watching your chances slip away by the second and next up in this gaunlet match we've got car and she slides her back to the mat she's got it got her shoulders down and that's it cace is gone her time in this gartland match is over but you look at our entry pool that starts to sink in just Z got it can she end it drop kick hits the mark escapes and a chop block takes the down look out Exploder suplex kick to the go brilliant countering by both competitors fire could be moments away from being extinguished with a Torres setting her up glancing will overtake ala Torres has her staring at the light the cover call it a KN DA's got from this Gauntlet match conservation is key here as we still have a lot of entrance still waiting El glancing back into the heartbreaker unloading their best shot once more is it up the cover a kick out kick out of two you have to wonder what more does she have left we have reached a whole other level here big maneuver executed perfectly but still was not [Applause] enough oh my dragon screw oh that hurt I love it Carmelo just humiliating her opponent now oh from behind that'll give you some Whiplash next in the gauntlet is Blair Davenport this should come IR Italia wasn't ready now it could be over gets put into the barricade rounding it down opponent look at them go over and over and over again and a slap too cover is it enough oh man can she do it here and away she goes the t is out here here we go this is how you do a gauntlet match one down more to go another one suicide [Applause] dive a spike face first oh get it get it pop that booty now we got roxan Perez jumping into this [Applause] gun Perez telling her opponent to bring it big close line oh no that with the B home run beautiful it's cined in this could be fighting desperately she rolls her way out of the submission and takes control that slam time to run the gauntlet and the bill looks ready taking a swing to the face and these attacks are spelling nothing but trouble carel here the cover oh she kicks out both competitors digging into Wells that didn't even know existed oh God [Applause] face F press carefully placed stomp to the arm oh reverses T oh just been hit by a flying bat without the wings carel with a super kick will me put it away that's it son has been eliminated from thislet match no Challengers left to go this match is an absolute marathon and here she comes Katana chance entering the gauntlet the elbow Katana just looking to humiliate her opponent bang right over the left field bleachers and that was an efficient display of offense with that she's got it got her shoulders down and a strong kick out in one refusing to give up even an inch of ground as this match continues a look at this careful mlam reversal what a counter here we go and for the DD F and Chelsea Green is channeling the energy of This Crowd Oh sto to the belly Welly foot to the midsection short clo line not finish yet another yes two bulldog and there was some force on that move move forearm after forarm vicious attack oh oh God running C kick in the corner nowhere to go the elbow couns out monster set up in the corner Lee feeling a sense of confidence here it's deep and I don't think it's playable coming our away in the G now CR we are witnessing a malicious string of attack this could do it breaks the count what a match right after the neck Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone oh man meeting the barricade that has got to be the one cover there's two she's down down couldn't survive this match still so many competitors left it's hard to even focus on just one elimination here is it enough the cover two carmel's dreams of winning this G Just Came Crashing Down still a long road ahead with many Road Blocks yet to El the oh the elbow connects Zia is looking to deflate her opponent down a neck breaker she's getting back to her feet but is their fight left lift off she misses the mark getting toed by the hurac Rox s pz look this pop locks pz might H cover two and she fights it off somehow she's still in this match up it's unbelievable no way 's getting up now oh man looks like her opponent's not going to need aactor oh swung for the fences one Wicked attack after another Z gets out of the way snap suplex cover two kick out now is not the time to wallow in disbelief pressure must be kept on is it enough the cover she kicks out I don't believe it there was almost all over almost a three cut yeah talk about a close call I don't know if there's more frustration or desperation in the ring now knowing that you've tried to end this and failed there oh my God watch she covers for the PIN broken up and the match continues that's teamwork up the arms from behind prettier you can't take any more of that this must be over cover two there it is z has been beaten in a gaunet there goes one competitor but there's still plenty of time and plenty of obstacles left in this one she's all table up rushian leg sweep shot block oh that might have just broken something toss back into the ring oh what a knee strike so kick the follow away slam oh Baby that came in with some high heat oh using a knee Katana is All Fired Up and a menacing look from Ronda Rousey all the way up for a suplex no no no no we free from chop and a gut Buster nice shoulders down the cat was stopped before how does anyone have this much in them at this point oh saw it coming and got an elbow for their trouble oh man series of elbows looking to create separation she does so whatever's plan here can't be good the she's going for it she gets the shoulder up what does she have to do to put her away I'm asking myself the same question I have no idea face plant just brutalizing her opponent here oh my gosh terminating knee smash into the corner this can't be good here we go with r Morgan next Into The Gauntlet German suplex look at this oh from the she scores big with the counter F press oh that hurt right in the KY Le brought down with a neck breaker put down face first oh sit out slam jaw breaker call the 360 KN face breaker K man put the exclamation on this one two Big Mo No Way Around It Moran has just been eliminated I don't even know the entry at this point but I know we got fights for days left in this one what a shot oh the heel hook strch what are we going to see here oh nicely done seated suplex shop block Brant right to the back of the knee wow into the cover [Applause] oh the for to to go around and around we go I got man what a close line Pingo Precision right on target oh low Tapper oh round and round we go man both knees into the face oh setting them up Canadian Destroyer oh look at the double team here uh-oh double Flap Jack oh my throws her back in from ringside boom head first chance doing a little more showboating than working right now she's got to stay in this one here we go with Indy Hartwell diving head first into this Gauntlet oh oh man ouch good baby did you hear the sound that made oh my God look at this double suplex she's got the shoulders down so long going she couldn't finish the go tonight but we're still in the shallow end of this very deep Gauntlet pool and now we' got Ivy Nile stepping up in this Gauntlet match and that power slam suplex attemp able to go behind though from behind top block Chelsea had that one scouted what where did that Power Bomb come from oh nice it's a goodness that hurt the shoulder a what a Clos line forcefully delivered Bianca belir has her K did Bel Air just close this out there's two that's it it's over he's Tak in this match I don't even know the entry pool at this point but I know we got fights for days left in this one shoulder tackle Jee it's like a be the dead horse oh look at the mount thrashing getting ugly in there out of control what a [Applause] forarm ooh what a forarm club nice into a dragon screw leg with look at this oh great display of strength with the suplex wow elbow and a slap for the exclamation point mouning it down opponent look at them go over and over and over again JC Jane entering this gaunlet match the EST powering up her opponent K the K cover here There She Goes will might Advance still road ahead with many Road Blocks yet to end the ring looking for more damage here this is likely going to have adverse effects on her she's only aggravating her competition at this point oh god that hurt bludgeoning them with that b she covers for the wi who's next the one only mein ready to Make Some Noise she is still in this fight Hur one step ahead of Indy there look at this looking for a scoop slam no slips behind d t gravy did you hear the sound that made my take head clean off her shoulders take down gets them out of danger oh man JY James just toying with her opponent now dropped right in their face oh my God a close line look at this going right after the left arm gentlemen in the interest of self-preservation I may have to excuse myself Saxon you hang tight let this play out oh man a cous attack to the knee Hur unbelievable athleticism oo what a forarm club shoulders down and she tws the pin attempted one giving a mass Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone she's on unsteady legs in the corner needs to recover running bulldog uh-oh jaw breaker call The denn Big Splash a KNE smashing the face she wants to put it into things here what's she waiting for she's looking more focused on gesturing rather than winning more uhoh suicide dive like a heat seeking Missile hit the target right on the mark eat defeat lands the knee a face breaker Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone I'm prettier this one has to be over can she do it here shoulders up for two she just will not give up cover is it enough fights out at two getting that shoulder up now is huge counter and now there's an opening and look at FR CL line locking up the arms from behind there's the ey by Chelsea Green Chelsea Green got all of that and gets tossed back into the mat sh block ot to the back of the debilitating elbow drop sake eyes caving in their face she's got it got her shoulders down will it be and she's able to stop the count early looks like there's some more fight left in her she still fights out in we are this far into the match where is this energy coming from the power of the gut red suplex oh my goodness what a knee strike oh yeah C has really getting fired up rocking up the arms from behind and prettier what an exclamation mark right there firearm after four vicious attack of course that's the unique suplex wrist suplex perfect strong in the knee for more punishment and now she delivers her back into the ring boom Bianca belir taking her claim here as the EST and face first left Jack whip back into the ring just breaking down the opponent oh look at this oh PP handle oh a drop Buster oh quite an effective count these two having an answer for everything face touch bang amazing face Breaker by chance chance conceal it here uhoh no from the isance backstage this is very far from over wild in the corner being carried around with ease and impactful this fight uhoh spash from the second round cover two count that'll be the end of JC Jane in this match that was quite the elimination but are far from the end of the road here she's going for it and away she go chances the showers around and around we go I got lost in the entry pool but believe me this thing's far from over oh boy here it comes will she get her fully locked in oh look at this is she going to tap out oh think of all the pain radiating throughout and for some reason she lets go of the hold could have just been a tease of the potential Agony that's Yet to Come stomping down beautiful gator roll look at this great way to disorient your opponent and here's Charlotte Flair looking as ready as ever for this goet match targeting the throat there belir able to counter oh someone denst man face Buster trying to chop her down with a low kick the power of Bianca Bair KO D will belir close this up try and end it and it's over that's a Pity but there are still five more entr to come in this match this ain't over by any stretch of the imagination who look who's here Beth Phoenix ready to run the table she steers clear that one brought down knee St connects and green absolutely refusing to let fatigue hold her back yeah Green reminding us just how much resilience and fight she really has places her right in the corner M driver wow and the possibility for serious injury just went way up these Superstars are starting to get very imaginative right now you have to think someone's looking at that stage and getting some dark thoughts that's a few times now she's taking a hit up in that region Bianca gets rescinded right back take down driven down face first two Fists Full of hair this can't be legal Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone there's the OD prettier by Chelsea Green I don't care who you are first up top forearm after forearm vicious attack will it I think so yes Cory Jade has just been eliminated from this Gauntlet match plenty of entrance left to go here four in total here we go ready for the giant swing a giant swing oh knee right to the face that knee is a Lethal Weapon caught by the back of the elbow and a carefully measured knee drop oh knee right to the spine oh look at the start of this could be going into the playbook for submission hip tossing no way out of a bad situation Charlotte clearly not thinking much of her opponent right here oh my S flying say good night paying it right back for the reversal dribbling the opponent's looking for a submission Here and Now inflicting the punching her way out and breaks the hole Chelsea Green getting excited what's she going to do sidewalk slam cover there's two she's down out AR couldn't survive this Gauntlet match three Superstars left in this Gauntlet match it could be anyone's game Bianca Bair just goting her opponent shot block without warning winded him up oh and a four AR Rel the back suplex ouch able to side Step It The Confident B are not backing down here Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone there's the eye prettier by Chelsea Green did Chelsea get enough of it Charlotte just running it in now ah shoulder right to the knee she's pumping herself up reaching out for that burst of energy oh what a close line Bianca telling her opponent come get some oh my God cover two no she kicks out she just dug down deep there but I don't know if she'll be able to do it again Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone there's the ey prettier by Chelsea green one more time throwing the heavy artillery two what in the world her perseverance is unreal preserving her opportunity to keep this match alive and you see a flair delivering the chop natural selection did Charlotte just ended shoulders up shoulders up this is the kind of fortitude that stars are made of Bianca is proving she can take on anyone's best shot and Charlotte will have to go back to the drawing board to try and get things back where she wants them up and around til the world slam Beth just adding salt to the wound right now and take down she covers for the pin Bianca is just been eliminated from thislet match and even after this next entrance there's still another Challenger Charlotte able to steer clear [Applause] speed with that elbow was mindblowing boom to the back of the [Applause] neck some mental chest from Beth Phoenix now and all eyes are on Chelsea now from the electric chair position fighting desperately to find a way out and they do Russian leg sweep driven into the barricade oh Swift take down just mounted with punches and not and a stop to the gut too she sent back in under the ropes let's go getting set up for something in the corner boom right to the midsection a Charlotte Flair setting up into a p spring close line cover two count call it night Phenix from this good match insane since the opening bell but REM mat uhoh Dragon sleeper applying this could be it this is excruciating showing the world just how much fight she's gotten [Applause] left just driven into the mat [Applause] face Buster Big forarm A the physicality on display there unbelievable and Charlotte can't find an answer for these attacks Charlotte's got to get it together to avoid [Applause] disaster she's going under the ring now oh strong knee [Applause] connects just driven into the mat intensity and anger boiling over all coming to a head up on the stage as we can only see it's only getting worse by the second Michael [Applause] and Chelsea Green is channeling the energy of This Crowd Oh and a knee to the face this fight has made it way to the entrance way oh man so many things can go wrong now Chelsea Green Looking to remind everyone there's the OD prettier by Chelsea Green so much brutality with that move tonight plenty of ways to get creative up on the entrance area also plenty of ways to get yourself seriously hurt look at this snap suplex momentums with Chelsea now one attack after another from Chelsea Green [Applause] she anticipated that one this Arena can't contain them and if history's any indication nothing Good's about to happen up there [Applause] either and elbow will break that [Applause] up kick to the midsection setting them up there's the Canadian Destroyer wow there are a lot of ways this can go sideways everything on that stage looks like it hurts oh man might as well be in the batting cage now and Charlotte is being controlled here this is where Charlotte will be tested able to get out of the way counter after counter blocked the effort and cut them off with a shot to the gut using the elbow to escape the attack a double KN face Buster these Superstars are showing no concern for their own well-being All That Matters to them right now is doing as much damage to one another as possible clearly she's ready to take a [Applause] swing oh come on this is just brutal facing off to the top of the ramp I don't know what's going to happen but it's going to hurt every successive move is putting their oppent in a dicey [Applause] situation curing the B through the air and [Applause] connecting locking up the arms from behind there's the eye prettier by Chelsea green wow Chelsea got her two count gets the elimination and the win here is your winner chela green and that's it The Gauntlet has been run no complaints here Chelsea Green delivering big time [Applause] great St

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