Hungría permite jugar a Israel contra Italia en Budapest en la Liga de Naciones de la UEFA

we want peace we are the jewi uh we don't like War uh fight and shoot we want to live in my uh our country and together I know one of the players of the national team and his friend died in the war uh so it effects on everyone because Israel is small country and we're all together and we all suffer together but we hope that we'll have something to like for to Joy or like things that to be happy about so this is the soccer this is football this match we must must watch L Israel okay the son of my my uh sister um in the 7th of of October is supposed to be in the in Gaza in the same place that the the terrorists came and killed all the soldiers in the base and it replaced two days before the war replaced with his friend the days because it was holiday so a lot of his uh friends died killed in this base in the army

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