did you miss us? | VLOG + Older Vids from highschool | The Ole' SCORE & Highschool Crew

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 00:20:36 Category: People & Blogs

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with Gustavo this is this is this is Gustavo from YouTube gang gang gang you know it's been a long time but we back in mall [Laughter] [Music] hey friend Jac we vlogging drink some water we're vlogging last is Waters dang that's a fresh cut though Super Fresh cut hello T boy I'm I'm your grbs man you better show me some respect son you know what I'm saying I'm I'm a old 26 year or almost 26 year old [Music] man happened last it nope o not yet not yet maybe next year I'm just kidding hey maybe no when I'm 50 how long did it take me to get out of my house bro like come on now oh my God it took me like two seconds yeah say that again how long how long did it take me out to get out of my house anding on stuck over here come on man said how long did it take me to get out of my house bro say that how long did it take me to get out of my house bro all right let's go boys pack it up he's inside I'm stressed I'm very stressed this is just like both time but different [Music] in feels nice be back here that is for darn sure hey what up you guys we're walking slow here Gus that guy was trying to hook up with me that guy was trying hook up with dad that doesn't work on on me I ain't letting you go out with you know how sketchy he's a good friend he doesn't let he well I was just like was like oh you should come up to Utah I was just playing it I I was just sitting there wondering what the [ __ ] he was on we were just in the Apple Store and this guy com out was like really uncomfortable like I was going to let that creep flirt with you you know what I'm saying like like they were standing behind me all I should have just lied to him and I should have just lied to him and said yeah she's my girlfriend he was standing behind like he was they were all standing behind me and I was like so uncomfortable the whole entire it's supposed to be 20 this weekend 120 I could reach it like the highs are 118 117 and there's going to be some parts of Arizona and California that we hit 130 that's crazy so we could hit 130 but that's only some part is live R life nobody's coming in the thing when no one when no one loves [Music] us it's okay we don't I don't love you either it's okay it's okay that no one loves us quick question why do girls look at me with such a mean face and like I smile back at them they look at me with like they're like a mean face I'm like huh why that's tough to say yeah it's girls may just don't have opinions of what people look like and they just have weird things to say it's like I'm not looking at them mean I don't understand it you hear mean you would have been like you want to be like this I know right hi guys it's Bri I'm here with Nathan Gus Joanna Jacob Kylie and Grace just here drinking water yep stay in HR I know Gus's shirt is on backwards I was standing here and I was like is his shirt on backwards cuz wait turn your head okay I'm looking that way yeah cuz look it's like it's lower in the back and then it's like higher in the front I was like is his shirt on backwards I don't know how that happen I swear put my dog in the H I looked in the bathroom make sure I was looking good and I was like something right hi guys maybe I feel like I don't have any hands Stars what up people it's your boy it's your boy young guys where all my young guys at young young I'm drinking water for you my boy hey what's good game what up what up what up it's my boy Jacob and we the crew in the mall what mall are we at we're in uh we got to go faction and up the square got and guys for the crew so I don't really know what we're doing me neither we're going to walk around we're going to we're going to get hungry and want something to eat good Jacob wake up we're going to have a good day fellas do you remember when I got hit on in the Apple store by that one dude let's hopefully never makes an appearance again do you remember that that was so funny it wasn't funny in the moment though it was very weird I didn't let that happen I know you were very protective of me MMA St Savage when it comes to helping friends out means just being hey just being protective y get back in the frame buddy am I in 3D you're in 3D damn I guess what they say in the video take two 4 hours later I'm working at the St guys oh wait say say she just we just took her time to buy the whole store all right I got my catat down guys hey hey hey Kim Kardashian huh Kim Kardashian okay hey what's up guys I got the bag I went shopping I got to try my KK makeup and [Music] clothes we know how M amig he finally joined us amig joined kyli so all the stores are basically closing now who the hell is [Music] yelling somebody's yelling there's a whole entire mix of of people yelling and it sound it sounds like a baby having a fit like do it do the thing again so she can see it [Applause] [Music] yeah wish I I had a bag of car [Music] heyy what's up guys what time didn't I'm right there together oh no you get in there I can't even get my foot in [Music] there is that your thr some oh falling CH Chicago Chicago or Mexico go me I'll get I'll go buy a Mexican puppy and bring it home Mexican puppy that's what I call it that's what they call it in Mexico's your chocolates babe Mexican puppy 5 years with my best friend y so happy did you just go back inside has now begin begin begun or yeah begun summer is not I'm not making any sense right now but room it's okay okay Gus it's okay it's 200 [ __ ] freaking deg it's Arizona what do you expect yes it's Arizona what do you hold I want to S to sock I'm falling hey how you doing oh [ __ ] how you how you doing fellas he's doing I'm want the [ __ ] you sh what's wrong with your hair dude like it's like it's like a shito ass what I SP I spiked up my hair to look fresh what's wrong with your hair dude I spiked best I gave it a it's just like really hard some days are good some days are bad but you got to push through it it's our Friday today well it's Thursday it's our half Friday but headphones be jamming yeah and then tomorrow we're going to FaceTime and prom it's official we're going kind of official go well we're just going to be a girl ass friend Ro baby we got real get in the [Music] [Applause] [Music] picture my weakness when did you turn so cold in circles here we go [Music] sry once I get down these stairs you're going to carry me oh [ __ ] like I did I did you have fun tonight oh hell yeah I did we walking we walking in school it's been a good whoa It's been we on our way to class getting oh crap yesterday we're on our way to class would be like walking on campus the crap but oh watch out for the mud I can't take you seriously yeah I know I know I love you too bro can you roll up my sleeve please oh what is that what are those oh my God no are you all right there because oh man my friend got some Spanish my friend got some Spanish words to think about damn I'm sorry I forgot you speak Spanish guys I can't take your seriously don't stop me don't stop stop me P Mas Trum Trump I can't even hit the okay what are what are the places she would like to visit up was that the right one what is something weird that you eat that's a good question something weird I eat crabs Lobster say that again crabs fls Oh I thought you said frbs I was just going to say I know I thought that's what he said too I was like what you C from Starbucks I think we're going to walk around or something cuz yeah when to walk around and go get skinny again after eating all those na nachos yeah so that's all I got that's all I have to say so peace out love you too bro she doesn't hate me she's just saying no I hate you she just say she just say she just saying she just saying that because bro I'm done with [Music] him see we're never told to be like kids bro [Music] a I still got it fing you everyone damn oh my [Music] God woo [Music] man good maybe it's not a good idea but oh God sorry world star go back oh my God hands to my knees hands to my knees hands to my knees hands to my knees this is a worm that looks like [Music] a all right Jak I'm going to take I'm going to take a snooze now in my in my in my [ __ ] my [ __ ] it's so sparkly all right let's again dude is that recording any of my videos I think so happen every time it say error oh error error dang oh yeah other friend's over it huh I don't know guess so he did not come out and I called he just bounces right out of the house do you call that a home run I don't know how are you 40 you didn't even look 40 you look 35 I'm 39 but oh my God hey oh wow okay failed let me false start FSE start false start that was a just cuz the hair was in my way so okay restart all right I call this the SLI man [Music] SL are we like rolling down the hill like tumbling all right let's see how this goes oh my God this is good luck oh you lost your all right I got you too over here go wherever you want [Laughter] got him

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