Real Madrid vs Real Betis 2-0 - All Goals & Highlights - 2024

Published: Aug 31, 2024 Duration: 00:08:50 Category: People & Blogs

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the most gifted player when when he's got P Val and goalkeeping this is a problem for betties tries to get in front of goalkeeper Ruiz Silva I want to run some numbers this leag hero it's a high bar in space garval just went to sleep and nearly a own goal but the final touch I think came off there's Abdi he's gone behind Havey [Applause] moments good to see rodri getting a run Ru Bal still it's the corner of alde is staying to his word pel mbapp great defending been two or three different formations for Real Madrid so far back in by perro advertent touch from shuami that's a ball that could have a bit of Joy today especially if Carvajal was bombing forward but Val VTO Ro knows well HRI what he's first to be Athletic Club Killian mbappe valard with a switch for Vinnie [Applause] rodri's an option found by Rodrigo and across comes Natan does well doing well for 50 minutes has been great for bet valde a player that just love being here as well delivered by Rodrigo good header good save second attempt it a mil now good block had to be as well by pero big chance though Real Madrid want the corner referee initially indicating he had to watch that Ru Silva because that was up and coming down in the first three games certainly for mbappe not today Betty valde with the deflection wasn't too bad for ruy Silva could have been a lot worse rodri threading the needle for kilan mbapp two seasons ago he was a goal scorer he was off the ball incident there and dor Ru Bal Rodrigo after the mistake vny Jor shot blocked FY valtion big chance here for Pablo fornal vital Touch of to the heel outstanding from Diego urti now to the other end bet in by sabali good and your question was he stays on 82 degrees in the Spanish Capital offensively keeping a good shape ball and a BET's free kick and the longer this goes off a good yeah but come on now here's Rodrigo now another good block by Diego urti he's been outstanding this time it was mbappe his block what have you saos they were certainly on paper but they've started well tonight they're saved from Real Madrid second corner it was cleared hello right behind the Wingers and they're trying to exploit that from rodri good giving it off to Vinnie Jr but the ball back wow it was a bad good one face Rodrigo [Applause] Carvajal are we going clumsy or a little stop ruining the Nar I'm just saying easily away from Rodrigo then forgets to take the ball with him and was the the body block and the F so before the game Luis Garcia went for a draw Craig went for a right to the feet of Carvajal good ball oh well well well we will never ever know if sabali hadn't got a touch there what would come here as an a away team pero fou by Rodi this might be the last chance of the first half still not properly cleared Rodrigo side fans on this near side thought it was in are all still waiting for kilan map's first await the whistle of alberola roas to get the second half underway that is stadio with balber as an ins right slick might be an option to get it back here and isal rodri [Applause] Rodrigo onos it can appeal all they want it'll be check but it's unlikely to be given deflection mbappe flags up probably wouldn't have been for the first one Vinnie Jr against sabali just kicking it against arms Now by Rodrigo too close to Ru Silva little bit of speculation about him last season would he stay instead it's Rodrigo and it's Carval but it's but Eder mil is quick I love that because Abdi and Ru Bal in the middle and why not you're not beating Tio yeah as Abdi side netting now we've seen this good delivery comfortable header but I think that was the first touch by VTO Rock and Dav Fran Garcia rodri to be alert there wasn't a good ball in but mbapp again not B ver mbappe the wait is over kmbappe is now amongst the La Liga goal SCS they want more they might get more down goes Vinnie offside I think there's a I think the contact is right there for one mbapp La Liga goal he now has two and like buies you wait a while for one and within the space of a few minutes two come along it's 2-0 it's two for mbapp and Real Madrid lead real betties at the Santiago barnab [Music] ch ch

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